Treffpunkt.Bau Media Pack 2023

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Treffpunkt TRADE MAGAZINE MEDIA PACK 2023 Ausgabe 05 – 06 / 2022 Mit Sonderteil: KNOW-HOW AM BAU LIVE DABEI Hydrema: Erlebnistage in Weimar –30-mal Action im April SONDERTEIL Know-how am Bau: Branchenüberblick und Neuheiten auf 76 Seiten MESSEREPORT Besucherstarker Neustart: RecyclingAKTIV & TiefbauLIVE in Karlsruhe Treffpunkt FACHZEITSCHRIFT SENNEBOGEN Abbruchunternehmen erhält Zuwachs KNOW-HOW AM BAU Die besten Seiten der Baubranche Neuheiten, Dienstleistungen

Target group: Treffpunkt.Bau provides decision-makers of the construction machinery industry with valuable knowledge. With a huge variety of topics each issue reports on relevant events and informs objectively and comprehensively about new products and innovations. Treffpunkt. Bau considers itself as an information chain from the OEM industry, over construction machinery manufacturers to dealers and contractors, who represent the retail costumer as main target group.

Topics: 9 issues per year cover the entire thematic universe of the construction machinery industry: from classic topics like machinery and components, over service-oriented topics like maintenance and finance, to pioneering topics like digitization and new technologies. Main topics in the magazine are earthmoving and civil engineering machinery. Further topics include e.g. road construction equipment, cranes and hoisting technology, construction utility vehicles, demolition, recycling, crushing, sieving and formwork. Some issues focus on selected special topics.

Multimedia: In addition Treffpunkt.Bau makes use of digital channels: e-paper, app, newsletter, social media and the daily updated website reach online-oriented target groups. Also, within the e-paper, ads get enriched with videos to give readers a better idea of the advertised products.

'Live dabei': The Treffpunkt.Bau-Team is always on the go and researches exciting topics directly on site. Exclusive reports as well as trade fair and event reviews are the hallmark of Treffpunkt.Bau and underline the excellent content quality.

Knickgelenkte Dumper ergänzen das Angebot

Sperrdifferentia- le vorn und hinten sowie ein Längsdifferential, das sich manuell sperren lässt.

Hervorragende Wendigkeit und Stabilität Die Dumper haben ein kompaktes Fahrwerks- design für bessere Manövrierbarkeit, mit

CX130E, CX160E,CX180E,CX210E,CX240E,CX250E, CX300E mit Einsatzgewichten von 13 bis 30 Tonnen. Die neuen Raupenbagger zeichnen sich besonders durch die erstmalige Integration neuer FPT Industrial (FPT)-Motoren der Stufe V, ein überarbeitetes Kabinendesign mit optimiertem Bedienkomfort, eine effizientere Hydrauliksteuerung mit verbesserten Betriebsarten, überarbeitete Maschinenkomponenten, einen neuen Unterwagen sowie ein neues, umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot aus. Im Ergebnis sollen Kunden von einer präziseren Feinsteuerung, höherer Zuverlässigkeit, mehr Bedienkomfort, höherer Effizienz und Produktivität sowie niedrigen Gesamtbetriebskosten (TCO) profitieren. Im Gespräch mit Vladimir Knezevic, CNH Industrial Business Director DACH, Lutz Holthaus, Case Construction Equipment PR Consultant DACH, Lea Jambon, CNH Industrial Marketing Manager DACH, und Lars Midderhoff, Case Produktmanagement, erfuhr die Redaktion des Treffpunkt.Bau mehr zu den neuen Raupenbaggern, den Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Entwicklung und den Zukunftsplänen des Unternehmens.

Die neue E-Serie bietet zahlreiche neue Ausstattungsmerkmale, die Kunden durch ihr Zusammenspiel eine sehr gute Einsatzverfügbarkeit,ProduktivitätundRentabilitätgarantieren sollen. Welche Änderungen werden Anwender Ihrer Meinung nach sofort bemerken? Lars Midderhoff: Am Offensichtlichsten sind wahrscheinlich die Änderungen in der Kabine, die den Fahrerkomfort betreffen. Die Kabine verfügt über zahlreiche neue Funktionen, die

schrägem Rahmen hinten und einem Diffe- rential vorn, das für eine kürzere vordere Rah- mensektion in das ZF-Getriebe integriert ist. Das führt zum laut Hersteller kleinsten Wen- deradius im Markt und herausragender Stabi- lität. Die selbstnivellierende hydropneumati- sche Federung an der Vorderachse unterstützt komfortables Fahren zusätzlich und sorgt für maximale Lenkbarkeit bei schwierigen Boden- bedingungen. Der Drehkranz ist vor dem Gelenkpunkt des Fahrwerks angeordnet, was durch gleichmäßi- ge Gewichtsverteilung auf den Vorderrädern für mehr Stabilität und Traktion in jeder Fahr- situation führt. Dank gleichmäßiger Gewichts- verteilung kann der Fahrer die Sperrdifferentia- le bei einem Sperrwert von nur 45° einsetzen

das Fahrerlebnis insgesamt verbessern. Eine komfortablere Einstiegshöhe, ein brandneuer 10-Zoll-LCD-Monitor mit fünf konfigurierbaren Tasten, eine neue Anordnung der Bedienelemente, eine gefederte Steuerkonsole und größere Ablagefächer. Auch die Neigung der Fahrpedale wurde angepasst und verbessert. Die Leistung der Klimaautomatik wurde zudem durch ein Kühlsystem-Upgrade und eine optimale Positionierung der Belüftungsdüsen verbessert. Der optionale Case Maximum View Monitor ermöglicht durch die Integration von drei Kameras eine verbesserte Sicht auf die Maschine. Auch das Hydrauliksystem CIHS, das bereits aus der vorherigen Generation bekannt ist, verfügt nun über vier neue Betriebsarten mit zusätzlichen anpassbaren Hydraulikeinstellungen, um die Durchflussmengen für Stiel, Ausleger- oder Schwenkbewegungen anzupassen. Der Super Power (SP)-Modus sorgt für maximale Produktivität, der Power (P)-Modus bietet bei Bedarf einen zusätzlichen Leistungsschub und der Lifting (L)-Modus optimiert Hubeinsätze. Zusammen mit den neuen FPTMotoren ermöglicht der Eco-Modus (E) bei einigen Modellen deutliche Kraftstoffeinsparungen von bis zu 17 %.

Der Pressemitteilung haben wir entnommen, dass die 13- bis 18-Tonnen-Modelle der neuen E-Serie mit dem 4,5-Liter-Motor N45 aus der NEF-Baureihe ausgestattet sind, während der N67 aus derselben Motorenfamilie die 21- bis 30-Tonnen-Modelle mit 6,7 Litern Hubraum antreibt. Wie ist es technisch möglich, mehr Leistung mit einem geringeren Kraftstoffverbrauch zu vereinbaren? Lars Midderhoff: Das war zugegebenerma-

„Betrachtet man das Gesamtbild, dann verliefen die letzten zwei Jahre trotz zahlreicher Hürden sehr gut. Natürlich waren auch wir von Lieferengpässen betroffen. Dennoch haben wir es geschafft, unsere Maschinen in einem akzeptablen Zeitrahmen auszuliefern.“

Lars Midderhoff, Case Produktmanagement

und so selbst beim Lenken den Antrieb beider Vorderräder beibehalten.

Geschaffen für schwieriges Gelände Die beiden Hinterachsen arbeiten mit einem Tandem-Bogie-Design, einem einzigen Zen- traldifferential und Doppel-Innenzahnrad- antrieb auf jeder Seite des Dumpers. Diese Tandem-Untersetzungsgetriebe drehen ins- gesamt um fast 40°, sodass durch maximale Schwingung der Hinterachsen in schwierigem Gelände guter Bodenkontakt gehalten werden kann. Das einzelne Zentraldifferential erhöht die Bodenfreiheit unter dem Dumper. Der HA30A und der HA45A sind serienmä- ßig mit einem vollhydraulischen Retarder in Kombination mit einer elektronischen Motor-

ßen eine Gratwanderung, denn die neuen Motoren-Abgasstufen sind im ersten Moment eher restriktiv. Case hat hier eine Lösung ohne Abgasrückführung (AGR) entwickelt, die eine höhere Effizienz bei der Kraftstoffverbrennung gewährleistet. In Verbindung mit der selektiven katalytischen Reduktion (SCR) am Filter sowie der AdBlue-Einspritzung bietet die ESerie ein sehr hohes Einsparungspotential bei den Gesamtbetriebskosten (TCO). Die neue E-Serie ist darüber hinaus mit HI-eSCR2 ausgestattet, einer Nachbehandlungslösung von FPT, die über die gesamte Lebensdauer völlig wartungsfrei ist. Auch eine mechanische Reinigung oder ein Austausch sind während des gesamten Lebenszyklus nicht erforderlich.

Durch die Verdoppelung der Wartungsintervalle auf bis zu 1.000 Stunden für Motoröl, Kraftstofffilter und Ölfilter konnte Case zudem die Wartungsfreundlichkeit deutlich verbessern. Außerdem können alle Modelle der E-Serie mit regulären oder alternativen Kraftstoffen betrieben werden, z. B. mit dem zunehmend beliebteren HVO (hydriertes Pflanzenöl). In Zeiten steigender Energie- und Kraftstoffpreise könnte das ein wichtiger Wettbewerbsvorteil sein.

Wie ist Case bei der Entwicklung der Raupenbaggermodelle vorgegangen und wie lange hat die Entwicklung in etwa gedauert? Lars Midderhoff: Die Entwicklung der neuen Modelle hat etwa drei bis vier Jahre gedauert. Wir standen vor der Herausforderung, ein Produkt zu optimieren, das eigentlich schon sehr gut war. Wir haben diesen Zeitraum benötigt, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Geräte auch so zuverlässig und haltbar sind, wie es unsere Kunden von uns gewohnt sind und erwarten. Bei der Entwicklung der neuen Raupenbagger war es uns besonders wichtig, auf Kundenwünsche einzugehen. Deswegen haben wir beispielsweise die Kabine in den Fokus unserer Überlegungen gerückt. Geräumige, voll verstellbare ergonomische Sitze, eine optimierte

.2022 TREFFPuNKT BAu ERdBEw gu g HYUNDAI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT EUROPE Der Hersteller ergänzt seine rasch expandierende Reihe schwerer Bau- und Erdbaumaschinen um zwei Modelle knickgelenkter Muldenkipper. Die Dumper HA30A und HA45A mit Nennnutzlasten von 28 beziehungsweise 41 passen ideal zu Hyundais größeren Raupenbaggern und Rad-
yundai Construction Equipment steigt
zwei Modellen
den Markt
lenkte Dumper ein, bei
für knickge-
denen bewährtes, in- novatives Design und Technologie für hohe Produktivität und überlegene Mobilität vor Ort sorgen. Der HA30A und der HA45A sind auf die Marktsegmente der 30 und 45-t-Klas- sen ausgerichtet und nach dem Konzept eines permanenten Sechsradantriebs gebaut; sie verfügen für maximalen Antrieb und Traktion in schwierigem Gelände über
// ERDBEWEGUNG sieben. separieren. Hyundai bringt zwei knickgelenkte Muldenkipper mit 28 bzw. 41 auf den Markt. Quelle: Hyundai Construction Equipment Europe
Media Brand
Ausgabe 05 – 06 / 2022 Mit Sonderteil: KNOW-HOW AM BAU LIVE DABEI Hydrema: Erlebnistage in Weimar –30-mal Action im April SONDERTEIL Know-how am Bau: Branchenüberblick und Neuheiten auf 76 Seiten MESSEREPORT Besucherstarker Neustart: RecyclingAKTIV & TiefbauLIVE in Karlsruhe Treffpunkt FACHZEITSCHRIFT SENNEBOGEN Abbruchunternehmen erhält Zuwachs KNOW-HOW AM BAU Die besten Seiten der Baubranche Schnellfinder stungen E-Paper // LIVE DABEI CASE Anfang März gab Case die Markteinführung seiner neuen CX Raupenbagger der E-Serie bekannt. Die E-Serie, so heißt es in einem Statement des Herstellers, ist das Ergebnis einer 180-jährigen Innovationsgeschichte – schließlich wurde das Unternehmen 1842 gegründet. Wenn es die äußeren Umstände zulassen, wird Case die neuen Raupenbaggermodelle im Rahmen einer europaweiten Roadshow Mitte des Jahres 2022 vorstellen. Neue Raupenbagger: „Case never stops“ Die E-Serie von Case zeichnet sich durch hohe Leistungen, Effizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit aus. Anfang März gab der Hersteller nun die Markteinführung der neuen CX Raupenbagger der E-Serie bekannt. Der 22,3 Tonnen schwere CX210E bietet 120,4 kW bei 1.800 min- Quelle: Case 17 live dabei april.2022 T EFF UNKT a Durch den neuen 10-Zoll-LCD-Monitor wird das Sichtfeld des Fahrers erweitert. Das Kamerabild wurde durch ein neues Objektiv verbessert. Die Konsole ist mit dem Sitz verbunden und die Position der Bedienhebel wurde optimiert, sodass die Maschine noch einfacher manövriert werden kann. Ein vergrößerter Einstiegs- und Fußraum sorgt für noch mehr Komfort. Eine bessere Außensicht bietet zudem die neue Scheibenwaschanlage. Die E-Serie umfasst die Modelle


1 Title: Treffpunkt.Bau


2 Brief description: Treffpunkt.Bau is a trade journal for decision makers of the construction machinery industry. We inform construction specialists about current occasions and events. Technical contributions from the fields of construction machinery manufacturing, unique technical features and the introduction of new construction machinery as well as bylined features and the work of associations complement the range of topics.

3 Target group: Main construction trades 70 %, merchants of construction machinery 15 %, construction machinery manufacturers 15 %

4 Publication: 9 issues per year

5 Format: DIN A4 format 210 × 297 mm

6 Years of publication: 10th year

7 Purchase price: Germany: 35,– € as annual subscription 9 issues (included shipping, VAT 7 % not included) Europe: 45,– € as annual subscription 9 issues (shipping included)

8 Organ: –9 Memberships: IVW affiliated

10 Company: MZ Mediaverlag GmbH

Härtnagel 2, D-87439 Kempten Phone +49 831 / 697 30 51–0 Fax +49 831 / 697 30 51–50 E-m ail Website

11 Publishers: Manfred Zwick DDI–20

Bernd Mair DDI–10

12 Ad sales: Franz Nieberle DDI–60

David Kern DDI–70

Dieter Arl DDI–80

13 Desk: Gloria Schaffarczyk DDI–90

Peter Hebbeker DDI–85

Michael Schulte DDI–30

14 Counselling: Rainer Oschütz DDI–0

15 Layout: Stephan Lindemann DDI–75

16 Scope analysis: 10 issues, July 2021 – July 2022

Entire scope

1.386 pages = 100,0 %

Editorial content 972 pages = 69,1 %

Advertising content 415 pages = 30,9 %

Bound inserts = 3

Loose inserts = 18

17 Analysis of editorial content: 972 pages = 100,0 %

Bylined features 5 pages = 0,5 %

'Live-Dabei' reports and reviews 155 pages = 14,9 %

Construction machinery 206 pages = 20,6 %

Attachments and accessory equipment 152 pages = 16,0 %

Trucks, HGVs and trailers 124 pages = 13,3 %

Personal protective equipment 72 pages = 7,6 %

Formwork and scaffolding 85 pages = 8,9 %

OEM, engines, hydraulics and components 75 pages = 7,9 %

Newspoint/ announcements/Management 98 pages = 10,3 %

Media Brand


Publication schedule & topics

Issue Dates Topics Trade fairs

RD: 08.02.2023

February ED: 17.01.23 AD: 20.01.23

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

24. – 27. January 2023

51. VDBUM-Seminar, Willingen

26. – 29. January 2023 Baumag, Luzern

08. – 10. February 2023

RD : 10.03.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

Deutsche Asphalttage, Berchtesgaden 03. March 2023


March ED: 15.02.23 AD: 17.02.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• Formwork, scaffolding, concrete technology and precast concrete parts

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, loaders cranes

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Reviews: VDBUM Seminar, Deutsche Asphalttage, BetonTage

14. – 18. March 2023 CONEXPO, Las Vegas

23. – 25. March 2023 BeBoSa, Willingen 29. – 30. March 2023 SOLIDS, Dortmund 31. March – 02. April 2023 FORST live, Offenburg

RD : 14.04.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

25. – 27. April 2023 LogiMat, Stuttgart

April ED: 23.03.23 AD: 27.03.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• (AT, crawler, telescopic and rotating tower) cranes, elevators, rope machines, lifting and working platforms

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, loaders cranes

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Key issue for: TiefbauLIVE/RecyclingAKTIV

Reviews: Fachtagung Abbruch, Conexpo

27. – 29. April 2023

TiefbauLIVE / RecyclingAKTIV, Karlsruhe

SPECIAL Attachments and accessory equipment

2 3


Publication schedule & topics

Issue Dates Topics Trade fairs

RD : 12.06.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

May / June

ED: 15.05.23 AD: 19.05.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• (AT, crawler, telescopic and rotating tower) cranes, elevators, rope machines, lifting and working platforms

• Formwork, scaffolding, concrete technology and precast concrete parts

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Diamand cutting technology, (hand-guided) tools and small machines

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Key issue for: Demopark, BetonTage Reviews: LogiMat, TiefbauLive/RecyclingAktiv

24. – 25. May 2023

WorkSafe, Dortmund

18. – 20. June 2023

Demopark, Eisenach-Kindel

20. – 22. June 2023

BetonTage, Neu-Ulm

SPECIAL Know How am Bau

RD : 17.07.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction


July ED: 19.06.23 AD: 26.06.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Winter service vehicles, -accessories and -components

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Key issue for: Steinexpo Reviews: Demopark, BetonTage

Formwork, scaffolding, concrete technology and precast concrete parts

5/6 KNOW-HOW AM BAU Die besten Seiten der Baubranche Schnellfinder für Neuheiten, Produkte und Dienstleistungen Zum Heraustrennen  „Know-how am Bau“ schafft Überblick im Zeitraffertempo. Entdecken Sie Angebote, die baren Mehrwert bieten und Ihnen Wettbewerbsvorteile sichern. Neu mit noch mehr Mehrwert: Das E-Paper von Know-how am Bau ist angereichert mit spannenden Produktvideos. Kurz draufklicken und begeistern lassen. Sie möchten Ihr Know-how teilen? Los geht’s! Einfach den Sonderteil heraustrennen und an Ihre Mitarbeiter und Kollegen weitergeben. Mit einem Griff den Markt in der Hand: die schlauen„Blauen Seiten“ von Treffpunkt.Bau
Double issue


Publication schedule & topics

Issue Dates Topics Trade fairs

8/9 Double issue

RD : 05.09.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

23. – 26. August 2023 Steinexpo, Homberg / Nieder-Ofleiden

August / September ED: 11.08.23 AD: 18.08.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• (AT, crawler, telescopic and rotating tower) cranes, elevators, rope machines, lifting and working platforms

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Diamand cutting technology, (hand-guided) tools and small machines

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Key issue for: NordBau, Platformers Days

06. – 10. September 2023

NordBau, Neumünster 08. – 09. September 2023

Platformers Days, Karlsruhe 21. – 24. September 2023 NUFAM, Karlsruhe

SPECIAL Personal protective equipment and construction site (safety) equipment

RD : 09.10.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

24. – 27. October 2023 A+A, Düsseldorf

October ED: 15.09.23 AD: 21.09.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• (AT, crawler, telescopic and rotating tower) cranes, elevators, rope machines, lifting and working platforms

• Formwork, scaffolding, concrete technology and precast concrete parts

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Diamand cutting technology, (hand-guided) tools and small machines

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law

Key issue for: A+A

Reviews: Steinexpo, NordBau, Platformers Days




Publication schedule & topics

Issue Dates Topics Trade fairs

RD : 10.11.2023

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

12. – 18. November 2023 Agritechnica, Hannover

November ED: 16.10.23 AD: 20.10.23


RD : 18.12.2023

December 2023 / ED: 24.11.23

January 2024 AD: 01.12.23

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• Diamand cutting technology, (hand-guided) tools and small machines

• Winter service vehicles, -accessories and -components

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law Review: A+A

SPECIAL Engines, drives, hydraulics & other components

• Earth moving machinery, excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers

• Extraction, crushing, sieving, processing, demolition, dismantling and recycling

• Highway and road construction, tunnel and bridge construction

• Sewer and pipeline construction, civil engineering, trenchless construction

• Landscape contracting, compact machinery, accessory equipment, municipal machines

• (AT, crawler, telescopic and rotating tower) cranes, elevators, rope machines, lifting and working platforms

• Formwork, scaffolding, concrete technology and precast concrete parts

• Construction site (safety) equipment, work clothing, personal protective equipment

• Trucks, HGVs, low-loaders, trailers, vans and load restraint, truck mounted, superstructure and loaders cranes

• Maintenance and care

• OEM, engines, drives, hydraulics, axles, tires, filters, components

• Diamand cutting technology, (hand-guided) tools and small machines

• Management, digitization, financing, insurances and law Review: Agritechnica

Double issue


Basic prices (1 mm × 1 column):

1 b/w 2,83 € 4C 3,30 €


1/8 page

1 column 2 columns 4 columns

1/4 page 1 column 2 columns 4 columns

42,5 × 130 port. 90 × 65 land. 185 × 32 land.

42,5 × 265 port. 90 × 130 port. 185 × 65 land.

55 × 146 port. 100 × 81 land. 210 × 48 land. 370,– 450,–

55 × 297 port. 100 × 146 port. 210 × 81 land. 735,– 900,–

1/3 page 2 columns 4 columns 90 × 180 port. 185 × 90 land. 100 × 196 port. 210 × 106 land.

1.020,– 1.230,–

1/2 page 2 columns 4 columns 90 × 265 port. 185 × 130 land. 100 × 297 port. 210 × 146 land. 1.500,– 1.805,–

2/3 page 3 columns 4 columns 137,5 × 235 port. 185 × 175 land. 150 × 251 port. 210 × 191 land.

2.130,– 2.405,–

3/4 page 3 columns 4 columns 137,5 × 265 port. 185 × 200 port. 150 × 297 port. 210 × 216 port. 2.450,– 2.710,–

1/1 page 4 columns 185 × 265 210 × 297 2.990,– 3.610,–2/1 pages 8 columns 2 × 185 × 265 2 × 210 × 297 5.980,– 7.220,–

Pricelist No. 6, effective from January 1st 2023

Number of columns Ads in print space width × height (mm) Bled-off advertisements plus 3 mm trim on each side Prices b/w 4c
P Pricelist



Formats and technical specifications

Advertisement sizes in the print space (blue font: bled-off advertising sizes plus 3 mm trim on all sides )

1/8 page 1 column w × h: 42,5 × 130 mm w × h: 52,5 × 146 mm

1/8 page 2 columns w × h: 90 × 65 mm w × h: 100 × 81 mm

1/8 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 32 mm w × h: 210 × 48 mm

1/4 page 1 column w × h: 42,5 × 265 mm w × h: 52,5 × 297 mm

1/4 page 2 columns w × h: 90 × 130 mm w × h: 100 × 146 mm

1/4 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 65 mm w × h: 210 × 81 mm

1/3 page 2 columns w × h: 90 × 180 mm w × h: 100 × 196 mm

1/3 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 90 mm w × h: 210 × 106 mm

1/2 page 2 columns w × h: 90 × 265 mm w × h: 100 × 297 mm

1/2 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 130 mm w × h: 210 × 146 mm

2/3 page 3 columns Special format Juniorpage w × h: 137,5 × 235 mm w × h: 147,5 × 251 mm

2/3 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 175 mm w × h: 210 × 191 mm

3/4 page 3 columns

w × h: 137,5 × 265 mm w × h: 147,5 × 297 mm

3/4 page 4 columns w × h: 185 × 200 mm w × h: 210 × 216 mm

1/1 page w × h: 185 × 265 mm w × h: 210 × 297 mm

left page right page

2/1 pages: w × h: 2 × 198 × 265 mm per page 2/1 pages: w × h: 2 × 210 × 297 mm

Only for panorama pages: The trim in the center is 5 mm on each page, if the motif is overlapping



1 Magazine format: 210 mm width × 297 mm height, DIN A4 uncut: 216 mm width and 303 mm height

Print space: 185 mm width × 265 mm height

Number of columns: 4 columns à 42,5 mm

Advertisement columns: 1 column 42,5 mm, 2 columns 90 mm, 3 columns 137,5 mm, 4 columns 185 mm

2 Printing and binding: Sheet offset, adhesive binding, templates in 300 dpi resolution, printed in Euroskala (CMYK) colors.

3 Data transmission: via E-Mail to or external upload via e. g.

For further details: +49 831 / 6 97 30 51–75

4 Data formats: We recommend PDF/X-3 documents. Open data like InDesign, Quark XPress etc. are to be avoided. The file must be printable, all fonts used must be embedded, halftone images require a resolution of 300 dpi, bitmaps at least 600 dpi. The publisher assumes no liability for submitted texts or orders by telephone. The change or production of corresponding printing documents on behalf of the customer takes place at a charge.

Formats and technical specifications

5 Colours: CMYK colors according to ISO 12647-2 (PSO), special colors are possible upon request. For conversion and control of the color space (ICC-Color Management) refer to the standard offset profiles of the ECI.

6 Proof: Color-binding proof according to "Media Standard Print" (bvdm). Digitally created test prints must contain the FOGRA media wedge to check the color accuracy (available for a fee from www. Proofs must have an official print control strip.

7 Data storage: Data is archived, unchanged repetitions are therefore possible. However, no data guarantee is given.

8 Warranty: If incomplete or deviating data (texts, colors, images) is delivered, the publisher assumes no liability for the print result. The publisher can invoice incorrect exposures due to incomplete or faulty files, incorrect settings or incomplete information. This also applies to additional typesetting or repro work as well as the creation of faulty proofs.

9 Contact details: Stephan Lindemann, Fulfillment: +49 831 / 697 30 51–75



2 Surcharges:


Cover page (205 × 210 mm, plus 3 mm) 5.200,– €

Placement: Cover pages 2 and 3 3.830,– €

Cover page 4 4.150,– €

Colour surcharge: No surcharge for Euroskala colors, Prices for HKS, Pantone colors or coatings upon request.

Format surcharge: For bled-off motives 10 % surcharge on the basic price.

Trim 3 mm on all sides.

Placementsurcharge: 10 % surcharge on side- or theme-based placement

3 Discounts:

By purchase within one year of insertions (starts with publishing of the first advertisement):

Unit discount: Bulk discount: 3 ads 6 % 2 pages 6 % 6 ads 12 % 4 pages 12 % 9 ads 20 % 6 pages 20 %

4 Employment-/occasional- & online ads: Employment market, business relationships, second hand market and auctions

Advertisements in b/w per mm and no. of columns 2,60 €

Advertisements in 4C per mm and no. of columns 3,15 €

5 Special advertising:

5a Bound inserts up to 170 g / m² 2 pages 2.990,– € 4 pages 5.985,– € 6 pages 8.980,– € 8 pages 11.970,– €

Bound inserts get a discount. Multi-leaf binders must be folded, but delivered untrimmed. Technichal details on page 12.

5b Inserts

loosely inserted, maximum size 200 mm × 290 mm

Price per thousand up to 25 g 225,– € per further 5 g per thousand 10,– € Technichal details on page 13.

5c Affixed postcards

Price per thousand 105,– € plus the respective postage. No discount available. Price and availabilty on request.

5d Eye-catcher: Printed on both sides, glued to the collar of the cover page, cutting die possible. Price and availabilty upon request.

6 Counselling and booking:

Bernd Mair, Manfred Zwick, Franz Nieberle, David Kern, Dieter Arl, Michael Schulte  Phone: +49 831 / 697 30 51–0

7 Terms of payment and bank account: Bank account IBAN: upon request

BIC-/SWIFT Code: upon request Tax number: 127/132/90325

VAT-Reg-No.: DE 296 721 431

11 MEDIA PACK 2023
P Pricelist


Bound inserts: Before accepting and confirming the order, a binding sample, if necessary a dummy sample with information on size and weight, must be submitted.

Bound inserts must be designed in such a way, that they are recognizable as advertising, cannot be confused with the editorial section and are only allowed to advertise the sales program of an advertiser. Bound inserts that are printed on a material other than paper can only be accepted with the prior consent of the German Post office.

Formats: untrimmed in mm width × height

1 sheet (= 2 pages) 216 × 303

2 sheet (= 4 pages) 432 × 303

3 sheet (= 6 pages) 620 × 303

4 sheet (= 8 pages) = 2 × 2 Blatt

Required delivery quantities: 8.550 copies, Upon request: number of additional copies regarding trade fairs, special events and double issues.

Bound inserts: formats and specifications

Specifications: Inserts have to be delivered untrimmed and multiple-page inserts have to be folded. The front page of the insert has to be marked. Inserts must be designed in such a way that there‘s no need for further editing and modifications. Further difficulties and additional folding and glueing work will be invoiced separately.

In case of multi-page inserts, the bounding staple must be closed to the collar, therefore in the insertion direction. In all other cases, a hardship supplement can be invoiced.

Shipping address: upon request

Delivery annotation: Treffpunkt.Bau, Issue No. xx, Delivery quantities 8.550, Shipping: free shipping Upon request: number of additional copies regarding trade fairs, special events and double issues




Loose inserts: Before the order is accepted and confirmed, a binding sample, if necessary a dummy with size and weight specifications has to be submitted. Inserts must be designed in such a way, that they are recognizable as advertisements and can not be confused with the editorial part. They may only be advertising for the sales program of the advertising company. The placement of an insert depends on the technical possibilities.

Insert notification: A notification regarding the insert will be included into the magazine for free.

Required quantities: 8.550 copies

Upon request: number of additional copies regarding trade fairs, special events and double issues

Delivery date: At the latest two days after the advertising deadline

Format: Maximum 200 mm width × 290 mm height

Loose inserts: formats and specifications

Shipping address for inserts: Holzmann Druck GmbH & Co. KG Gewerbestraße 2 86825 Bad Wörishofen

Delivery annotation: For Treffpunkt.Bau, Issue No.: xx / 23

Shipping: Free shipping

Specifications: Inserts will be inserted loose. They must consist of one piece and be designed in such a way that there is no need for further editing and modifications. Difficulties regarding the further processing and additional work (e. g. folding work) will be invoiced separately. Inserts, printed on a material other than paper, can only be accepted upon presentation of a binding example for the purpose of processing and shipping. If the insert consists of several sheets, it must be closed to the collar, therefore in the insertion direction.

13 MEDIA PACK 2023


1 Circulation auditing: IVW affiliated

Note from the publisher: 2023 the circulation per issue will be 8.500 issues. Number of additional copies regarding trade fairs and double issues upon request.

Circulation and analysis

2 Circulation-Analysis: Copies per issue according to IVW auditing (Effective from 2nd quarter 2022)

Total circulation 8.500

Acutally spread issues (tvA) 8.450 of those into other European countries 134 Free copies 6.954 132 displayed 150 no. of displaying places 1 Subscriptions 1.496 2 from members 1.038 Archive copies 50

3 Circulation by postal code: Postal code (ZIP) in % copies

Proportion of actually spread copies

ZIP 0 6 409 ZIP 1 9 748 ZIP 2 9 748 ZIP 3 9 748 ZIP 4 10 832 ZIP 5 10 832 ZIP 6 11 915 ZIP 7 14 1.164 ZIP 8 13 1.081 ZIP 9 9 748

Actually spread copies within Germany 100 8.316





Summary of the survey method

1. Method: Recipients-structure-analysis based on the analysis of records

2. Entirety of actually spread circulation in Germany

3. Period of data analysis: 2nd quarter of 2022

4. Analysis carried out by: Publisher

Note: The publisher uses a range of 35,600 manually selected addresses. In every year of publishing those readers receive a copy of Treffpunkt.Bau actually matching their industry, specialty, trade and breakdown. Personally addressed to decision-makers, each issue is shipped compliant to the topics within the magazine.

Proportion of actual spread copies

2nd quarter of 2022

Industries in % copies

Earthmoving machinery, civil engineering and road construction 29 2.481

Construction machinery rental and leasing 17 1.412 Quarries, extraction an recycling 18 1.567 Landscape contracting 11 914 Building construction 8 664 Contracting authority 4 332 Construction machinery manufacturers/ Industry 13 1.080 Total 100 8.450

15 MEDIA PACK 2023


We multiply the reach of your advertising

Abbruchunternehmen erhält

von rund 16,5 m ist der Einsatz wie geschaffen für den 830 Abbruch von Sennebogen, der je nach Anbaugerät mit einer Reichhöhe von bis zu 19 m glänzt. Der kompakte Abbruchbagger ist spezialisiert auf den selektiven Rückbau von Gebäudebestandteilen, indem er unter anderem problemlos Massen an Bewährungsstahl extrahiert und bei der Zerkleinerung sowie Vorsortierung des Betonbruchs unterstützt. Letzteres stellt ein wesentliches Merkmal dieser Baustelle dar: Rund 70 % des Betonbruchs sollen vor Ort zerkleinert und beim Neubau anstelle von Kies und Sand wiederverwertet werden, um die energieintensive Neugewinnung der Ressourcen zu vermeiden und die Umwelt zu schonen.

alteten Infrastruktur nach sich zieht, sind allesamt Faktoren für eine gute Auftragslage der Abbruchunternehmen. So rüstet sich auch die Ferraro Group mit Sitz in Neunkirchen im Saarland für zukünfti-

„Wir haben einfach auf die richtige Branche gesetzt. Nach rund 35 bis 40 Jahren ist der Rückbau von Industrieanlagen oder gewerblich genutzten Gebäuden in der Regel wirtschaftlicher als die aufwendige Sanierung, und folglich geht uns die Arbeit nie aus.“

Giuseppe Ferraro, Geschäftsführer Ferraro Group

ge Spezialeinsätze im Abbruch: „Um den vielfältigen Ansprüchen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden, entwickeln wir situationsgerecht Abbruch- und Entsorgungskonzepte für ausgediente Bauwerke, ob Windkraftanlagen, Wohnhäuser oder Industriegebäude. Deswegen suchten wir nach zuverlässiger Technologie, die uns zukünftig bei unseren herausfordernden Einsätzen unterstützt“, erläutert Abbruchunternehmer Giuseppe Ferraro, der mit seinem Vater und Firmengründer Cav. Damiano Ferraro das Unternehmen als Ge-

schäftsführer leitet, über die Hintergründe der Großinvestition in Sennebogen Equipment.

Kraftakt für den 830 Abbruchbagger: Premiere auf Deggendorfer Baustelle Im niederbayerischen Deggendorf erlebt aktuell einer der fünf Abbruchbagger 830 E seine Feuertaufe: Ferraro ist dort am Abriss von mehreren, in die Jahre gekommenen Schulgebäuden beteiligt. Das Mega-Projekt dauert mit dem Rückbau und Wiederaufbau des Schulzentrums bereits seit 2015 an. Mit einer Gebäudehöhe

Interactive e-paper: Enriched with video links and active web links, the Treffpunkt.Bau e-paper creates significant added value for readers and advertisers. Inserts are also included in the e-paper.

Die komplexe Struktur der Gebäude sowie die Vielzahl an verbauten Materialien erfordern eine kraftvolle sowie multifunktionale Maschine wie den 830 Abbruch, der dank leistungsfähiger Hydraulik problemlos Stahlbeton-Scheren und weitere Anbaugeräte antreibt. Besonders seine Standfestigkeit durch die bis auf 4,5 m teleskopierbaren Raupenlaufwerke, seine Reichweite und gleichzeitig hohe Traglast im gesamten 360° Arbeitsbereich erweisen sich als unverzichtbar auf der Deggendorfer Baustelle: Denn statisch bedingt müssen gewisse Wände zunächst stehenbleiben, die Maschine jedoch im Inneren des Gebäudes Stahlbetondecken oder Bewehrungsstahl herausziehen und quer zum Unterwagen verladen ein enormer Kraftakt. 6300 HD Demolition: der Seilbagger Auch der einzigartige 300 t HD Seilbagger eröffnet Ferraro nun ganz neue Möglichkeiten. Mit dem extra für den Abbruchexperten auf den Einsatz in großer Höhe konzipierten 6300 HD kann eine Abbruch-Kugel auch noch bei 80 m Höhe betrieben werden. Dem Rückbau von Hochhäusern mit über 50 m Höhe steht zukünftig nichts mehr im Weg, denn wenn Longfront-Maschinen an ihre Grenzen kommen, ist das feinfühlige Gespür der Abbruchexperten an der Kugel gefragt: klassisch und effizient. Und beim Verheben schwerer Bauteile im Kranbetrieb können die Abbruchexperten zudem auf die enorme Traglast des 6300 HD von 300 t zählen. Gefragt nach dem italienischen Erfolgsrezept seines Unternehmens schmunzelt Ge schäftsführer Giuseppe Ferraro und meint:„Wir haben einfach auf die richtige Branche gesetzt. Nach rund 35 bis 40 Jahren ist der Rückbau von Industrieanlagen oder gewerblich genutzten Gebäuden in der Regel wirtschaftlicher als die aufwendige Sanierung, und folglich geht uns die Arbeit nie aus. Mit unserem Maschinenpark sind wir außerdem in der Lage, europaweit zu agieren. Und dabei haben wir immer die Kos ten im Blick: Entsprechend investieren wir re gelmäßig in moderne Maschinen, um noch effizienter und sparsamer zu arbeiten!“

Website: Readers can find the latest news, an article and magazine archive, as well as additional advertising space on the Treffpunkt.Bau website.

Facebook: With complementary videos and posts on our Facebook page, we are always expanding our reach and are constantly attracting new readers.

Newsletter: Our newsletter keeps readers up to date with new issues and up-to-the-minute topics.

8 juli.2022 TREFFPuNKT BAu titelstory titelstory SENNEBOGEN Motiviert blickt das Neunkirchner Unternehmen Ferraro Group in die Zukunft: Als eines der führenden Abbruchunternehmen, gerankt auf Platz 12 in Europa, investierten die Saarländer 2021 weiter kräftig in ihr eigenes Wachstum. Mit fünf Sennebogen Abbruchbaggern 830 E sowie dem 6300 HD Demolition, dem weltgrößten Seilbagger im Abbruch, stockt das Unternehmen den Fuhrpark auf, um die Herausforderungen der Abbruchbranche noch effizienter zu meistern.
Mit der um 30° neigbaren Kabine ist ein ganz neues Ergonomie-Level erreicht: Zurückgelehnt in den Sitz hat der Fahrer sein Anbaugerät bequem im Blick und arbeitet besonders sicher. Wenn ein Lächeln
mehr sagt als 1000 Worte: der stolze Maschinenbediener Salvatore Gambino.
Wenig verfügbarer Raum, keine Neuerschließungen und eine dennoch boomende Baubranche. Die noch dazu anhaltend positive Gesamtkonjunktur sowie die Energiewende, die den Bedarf an Erneuerung der ver-
Tonnen Traglast bietet der Seilbagger 6300 HD von Sennebogen.

The website is search-engine optimized and is actively advertised on various second-hand machinery web portals. The website layout is compatible with various browsers and it is optimized for mobile devices such as smartphones. Also, the non-static structure of the website enables us to offer customized advertising spaces. For further information please call: +49 831 / 6 97 30 51– 0

Skyscraper Format width × height in px Prices in € per calender month
200 × 400 360,–200 × 600 535,–200 × 800 680,–Leaderboard or content banner
Online advertising on
Format width × height in px Prices in € per calender month 940 × 100 380,–
Leaderboard 940 × 100
scraper 200×600
Digital advertising


General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions for advertisements, special forms of advertising, bound and loose inserts, digital and online advertising

§ Validity, Exclusivity

For the acceptance and publication of all advertising orders as well as follow-up orders, the present General Terms and Conditions as well as the current price list of MZ Mediaverlag GmbH at the time of the conclusion of the contract apply, the provisions of which form an essential part of the contract. The validity of any general terms and conditions of the client is excluded if they do not match these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions also apply accordingly to insert bookings. These are generally only accepted by the publisher after a sample has been submitted and checked, which must be available to the publisher one week before the editorial deadline.

§ Offer, Conclusion of contract

Orders for advertising material can be placed in person, by telephone, in writing, by fax, by e-mail or via the Internet. The publisher is not liable for transmission errors. A contract as a booking is only concluded with a written order confirmation from the publisher. For this purpose, the customer is recommended to check the order confirmation immediately and to confirm a countersignature or an order to the publisher. The price list of MZ Mediaverlag GmbH valid at the time the order is placed applies.

The publisher is entitled to refuse orders, including individual requests as part of an overall contract, at its best discretion. This applies in particular if their content violates laws or official regulations or was objected to by the German press or advertising council in a complaint procedure, the publication of which is unreasonable for the publisher because of the content, the origin or the technical form or because of the format or presentation for the reader give the impression of an editorial contribution or contain third-party advertisements or dangerous advertising content. The publisher will notify the rejection immediately after gaining knowledge of the content concerned.

§ Processing of contracts

Orders must be processed within one year of the conclusion of the contract, starting with the first placement (publication) of the advertising material in the year of insertion. The client shall provide the publisher with all of the content, information, data, files and other materials ("templates") required for the advertising material in full, error-free and virus-free and in accordance with the contractual agreements. If templates are sent to the publisher digitally (e.g. by CD, e-mail or external upload services / FTP), they are only to be transmitted in closed file formats, i.e. with files that the publisher cannot change in terms of content. The publisher is not liable for incorrect publication of advertising messages that are transmitted with open files (this applies in particular to: Corel Draw, Word, Publisher, Open Office versions or QuarkXPress, Freehand saved files). Files that belong together are to be sent or saved by the client in a common directory (folder). In the case of digitally transmitted print templates for color advertisements, the client has the option and recommendation of a color proof or a proof or. Delivery of the measurement protocol as additional security. If this does not happen, the customer has no claims for compensation due to possible color deviations. The client is responsible for ensuring that the files transmitted are free of computer viruses, Torjans or malware of any kind. The publisher can delete files with computer viruses without the client being able to derive any claims from this. The publisher also reserves the right to claim compensation if the computer viruses cause further damage to the publisher. The publisher will immediately request replacements for visibly unsuitable or damaged templates. Templates are only sent back to the client on special request, otherwise they become the property of the publisher. The obligation to keep all documents sent ends three months after the respective order has been published. The client bears the costs for the production of the templates ordered by the client or changes to originally agreed versions for which the client is responsible. Proofs will only be delivered upon express request. The client is responsible for the correctness of the returned print. If the print is not returned to the publisher in due time, the approval of the advertising material is deemed to have been granted. Upon request, the publisher will deliver a copy of the advertising material with the invoice. If a voucher can no longer be obtained, a certificate from the publisher about the publication and distribution of the advertising material will replace it. The presentation and labeling of editorially designed advertising material must be agreed with the publisher in General Terms and Conditions for advertisements, special forms of advertising,

bound and loose inserts, digital and online advertising General Terms and Conditions good time before publication. Text part advertisements must differ from the editorial part by their basic font. The publisher is entitled to clearly add advertising material that cannot be recognized as such as advertising, for example with the word “advertisement”. The advertising deadlines and publication dates shown in the price list are non-binding for the publisher.

The publisher is free to adapt these to the production process at short notice. Orders can only be canceled in good time, at the latest by the advertising deadline, and in writing, by fax or email. If the advertisement has already been printed, the client must pay for the advertisement or the form of advertising. Otherwise, the publisher can demand reimbursement of the costs incurred up to the termination in accordance with the statutory provisions.

The client is responsible for the content and the legal admissibility of the advertising material. He releases the publisher from all claims by third parties due to the publication of the advertising material, including reasonable legal defense costs. The publisher is not obliged to check whether an advertising medium affects the rights of third parties. If the publisher is judged, e.g. Obliged to print a counter-statement or a correction due to the advertising material placed, the client must pay for this publication in accordance with the current price list of MZ Mediaverlag.

Advertising agencies or companies that act accordingly are obliged to adhere to the publisher's price list in their offers, contracts and invoices to the advertisers. The agency commission granted by the publisher is calculated from the net customer price, i.e. after deducting discounts, bonuses and discounts for defects. The commission is only due when placing orders from third parties. It is only remunerated to advertising agencies recognized by the publisher, provided that the order is placed directly by the advertising agency, it is responsible for procuring the finished and print-ready printing material and that a business registration as an advertising agency is available. The publisher is free to refuse orders from advertising agencies if there are doubts about the professional activity of the agency or the creditworthiness of the advertising agency. Orders by advertising agencies are placed in their name and on their account. If advertising agencies place orders, the contract is therefore concluded with the advertising agency in case of doubt. If an advertiser is to become a client, this must be agreed separately with the name of the advertiser. The publisher is entitled to request proof of mandate from the advertising agency

§ Prices, Terms of payment, Price reduction

The price for the publication of an advertising material is based on the price list valid at the time the order is placed. The publisher can set prices that differ from the price list for editorially designed advertising material, bound inserts, special publications and collectives, as well as advertising material that is ordered after the advertising deadline. Price changes for orders placed are effective for entrepreneurs if they are announced by the publisher at least one month before the advertising material is published. In the event of a price increase, the client has the right to withdraw. The right of withdrawal must be exercised in writing within 50 days of receiving notification of the price increase. The discounts specified in the price list are only granted to the client and only for the advertising material placed within one year ("insertion year"). Repeat discounts only apply within one year of insertion. The period begins with the placement of the first advertising order, unless otherwise agreed.

If the order is expanded, there is a right to a retroactive discount, provided that the basic order was eligible for a discount. The claim expires if it is not asserted no later than two calendar months after the end of the insertion year. If an order does not reach the foreseen order volume, regardless of the reason, the publisher can invoice the excess price discount granted retrospectively. Order invoices are to be paid within the period from receipt of the invoice, as shown in the price list, unless otherwise agreed. Reminder and collection costs resulting from default in payment are borne by the client. In the event of default in payment, the publisher can postpone further execution of an ongoing order until payment has been made and demand advance payment. If there are justified doubts about the solvency of the client, the publisher is entitled to make the appearance of further advertising orders deviating from an agreed payment term dependent on an advance payment and the set lement of outstanding invoice amounts, even during the term of an overall contract. Incorrect invoices can be corrected by the publisher within six months of the invoice being issued. All prices are exclusive of VAT on the day of invoicing. For orders from abroad that are not subject to VAT, the invoice




will be issued without VAT. The publisher is entitled to recalculate the value added tax if the tax authorities affirm the tax liability of the advertising order. From a reduction in circulation, a right to a price reduction can be derived in the case of a contract for several advertising media if the average circulation specified in the price list or in another way or - if a circulation is not mentioned - the average sold in the overall average of the advertising year beginning with the first placement (if there are none sold, the average TVA actually distributed) circulation of the previous calendar year is not reached. A reduction in circulation is only a defect that is justified in terms of a price reduction if the circulation falls below a minimum of 19%. In addition, claims for price reductions are excluded in the case of contracts if the publisher has given the customer sufficient notice of the reduction in circulation so that the customer could withdraw from the contract before the publication of the advertising material. Such reduction claims by business people as clients expire 14 months after publication of the advertising material.

§ Warranty for faults, defects and deficiencies

No guarantee is given for the inclusion of advertising material in certain issues or on certain pages. If the client does not observe the recommendations of the publisher for the creation and transmission of templates, he is not entitled to any claims for incorrect publication. This also applies if he does not observe other provisions of these terms and conditions or the price list. Complaints must be made by the client in the event of obvious defects at the latest within two weeks or 10 working days after receipt of the invoice. The client must report a defect that is not obvious no later than one year after the publication of the relevant issue. In the event of incorrect reproduction of the advertising material - despite the timely delivery of flawless templates and timely complaint - the client can request supplementary performance, but only to the extent that the purpose of the advertising material was impaired. The right to subsequent performance is excluded if this is associated with disproportionate costs for the publisher. If the publisher allows a reasonable deadline set for it to elapse, if it refuses supplementary performance, if supplementary performance is unreasonable for the client or if it fails, the client has the right to withdraw from the contract or claim a reduction in payment to the extent that the purpose of the Advertising material was impaired. Withdrawal is excluded in the case of insignificant defects. Warranty claims by merchants expire 14 months after publication of the advertising material. If defects in the templates are not immediately recognizable, but only during processing, the client must bear any additional costs or losses incurred during production. If there are no obvious defects in the templates, the client has no claims in the case of defective publications. The same applies to errors in repeated advertisements if the client does not point out the error in good time before the next advertisement is published. For material provided by the client (bound inserts, inserts or products with samples, etc.) the publisher does not guarantee the correctness of the quantities or qualities indicated as being delivered.

§ Liability

Claims for damages by the client against the publisher, regardless of the reason, are excluded, in particular claims due to delay, breach of contractual obligations or third-party industrial property rights, as well as tort. This does not apply if the publisher, its representatives or vicarious agents act with intent or gross negligence or if they breach a contractual obligation with slight negligence that is essential for achieving the purpose of the contract, or if the claims for damages arise from a guarantee of quality. If the publisher is basically liable, the claim for damages is limited to the foreseeable damage. This limitation of liability does not apply if the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent action on the part of the publisher, its representatives or vicarious agents or is justified under the Product Liability Actor results from injury to life, body or health. As far as the liability of the publisher is excluded, this also applies to the personal liability of its employees, representatives, organs and vicarious agents. All claims for damages against the publisher become statute-barred twelve months after the point in time at which the customer became aware of the circumstances giving rise to the claim or should have become aware of them. In the event of force majeure and industrial action for which the publisher is not responsible, the publisher shall be released from its obligation to fulfill the order. There are therefore no claims for damages.

General terms and


§ Duty of mitigation

No warning without previous contact. Should he wish to assert claims of any kind in copyright, competition or trademark law matters, he should contact the publisher immediately. The publisher promises a binding remedy after contacting us by telephone, so that there is no risk of repetition. Any cost note of a lawyer's warning without prior contact would be rejected due to non-compliance with the obligation to reduce damage. In this sense, unnecessary or unjustified warnings and follow-up measures will be answered with a negative declaratory action.

§ Granting of rights

The client guarantees MZ Mediaverlag GmbH that he has all rights necessary for the placement, publication and distribution of the advertising material. He grants the publisher the copyright, ancillary copyright and other rights required for the appropriate use of the advertising material in the respective advertising media. In particular, the rights required in each case for reproduction, distribution, transmission, broadcasting, editing, making available to the public, setting in a database, taking from a database and keeping them available for retrieval, in terms of time, space and content to the extent necessary for the execution of the order. The aforementioned rights are granted without any local restrictions in all cases and authorize placement using all known technical processes and all known forms of advertising media.

§ Storage of client data

As part of the business relationship, the publisher saves the client's data using electronic data processing in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. As far as legally permissible, the publisher is entitled to forward gross advertising sales and similarly relevant data of the client at product level for publication to companies that are involved in the collection and analysis of this information. This data is aggregated there and communicated to the market in anonymised form.

§ Place of fulfilment, Place of jurisdiction

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention and to the exclusion of conflict of laws. The place of performance is the headquarters of the publishing house in Kempten (Allgäu). The place of jurisdiction for lawsuits against merchants, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law is the headquarters of MZ Mediaverlag GmbH Kempten (Allgäu).

19 MEDIA PACK 2023
TRADE MAGAZINE 20 MEDIA PACK 2023 Treffpunkt [  20  ] Your topics are our strong point. TREFFPUNKT.BAU is also available on: MZ Mediaverlag GmbH Härtnagel 2 . 87439 Kempten Telefon +49 (0)8 31 / 6 97 30 51– 0 Telefax +49 (0)8 31 / 6 97 30 51– 50 E-mail Gloria Schaffarczyk Editor Bernd Mair CEO Franz Nieberle Sales Manfred Zwick CEO Rainer Oschütz Strategy & Counselling Mirja Mikschl Executive assistant
Hebbeker Editor David Kern Sales Dieter Arl Sales Stephan Lindemann Layout
Schulte Editor

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