CATEGORY 2: CAMPUS, ALUMNI, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Recommendation 1: Engage an external consultant to support the Division of Student Life in adopting and implementing promising practices with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In addition, the consultant project should collaborate with the division to examine ways to build upon appropriate existing practices that should be sustained as well as to revise or eliminate practices that are no longer effective. Rationale: The Division of Student Life is home to numerous student-facing services and types of support. These include including Academic Support, Accommodated Testing Center, Writing Center, Quantitative Reasoning and Skills Center, Chapel | Spiritual Life, Counseling Services, Health Services, Dean of Students Office, Residential Life, Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Student Involvement. The diversity of student needs and specific feedback from University stakeholders warrant a formative review. This would identify best practices and provide a path forward that enhances experiences for the entire student community and the Division of Student Life staff. This review will, additionally, enable the Division of Student Life to enter into a restorative process. The result would be the illumination and processing of appropriate strategies to assist its ongoing development to creatively refine the ways it engages Trinity’s diverse student population. Stakeholders: President, Vice Presidents, Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni Recommended Actions
Performance Indicators
Responsible Parties
Identify a relevant external consultant to design a formative review of the Division of Student Life.
Third-party consultants are identified and contracted to design and complete the review.
President; Vice President for Student Life, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Engage all Division of Student Life staff in a collaborative review with the goal of producing a restorative action plan.
A review and action plan are completed that identify areas of strength that should be continued or enhanced, opportunities for growth, and strategies, policies or procedures to be revised.
Vice President for Student Life, Student Life Leadership Team
Broadly share outcomes of the action plan/consultant project on an ongoing basis.
Identify and incorporate appropriate ways to share the action plan with all university constituents.
Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Communication, Vice President for Student Life, Student Life Leadership Team