CATEGORY 3: RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Recommendation 1: Increase the number of BIPOC and other underrepresented student populations at Trinity so that overall numbers look more like Texas and the United States in its demographics Rationale: Trinity University prides itself on seeking to enroll a diverse class of bright, energetic, and engaged students that will take advantage of our expert faculty, beautiful campus, first-rate resources and opportunities, and a community focused on their undergraduate educational experience. A more diverse student body will strengthen the Trinity community, challenge stereotyped preconceptions, encourage critical thinking, and assist students in learning to communicate effectively with all people. The benefits of diversity in education, especially higher education, stretch far and wide — affecting students’ academic and social experiences, as well as having a direct impact on their future. The positive effects of diversity enable students to work with people from varied backgrounds, experiences, religions, gender identities, disabilities, socioeconomic status and other forms of difference while challenging the views they are accustomed to. This leads to greater awareness, understanding, and acceptance of differing beliefs and customs (Kerby, 2012; Ajinkya, 2012; Gurin, P., Dey, E., Hurtado, S. (2002). By achieving these types of admission targets, Trinity elevates its accountability for the creation of a more diverse community of learners that resembles the state of Texas and the United States. To implement notable and sustained change, Trinity will build upon and introduce promising practices from the higher education recruitment field. Stakeholders: Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, Board of Trustees Recommended Actions
Performance Indicators
Responsible Person
Develop and expand pipeline programs that help elementary- and secondaryschool students of color and other underrepresented populations in San Antonio and surrounding schools systems to get on the path to attend Trinity.
Identify target high schools and track number of students that apply and are accepted into Trinity as a first-year student or transfer student
Vice President for Enrollment Management, Dean of Admissions, Strategic Vice President for Communications and Marketing
Proactively targeting and recruiting from high schools that have large students of color populations; hire current students of color to do some of the recruitment work. Include more alumni of color as volunteers in the recruitment process.
Evidence of success using targeted data sets for high schools with high indicators (3%) of students of color who meet the qualifications to apply to Trinity University.
Vice President for Enrollment Management, Dean of Admissions, Strategic Vice President for Communications and Marketing, Director of Student Diversity, Equity and Inclusion