Recommendation 2: Engage all students in ongoing and robust professional development and education around all issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the duration of their time at the university. Rationale: The Trinity student experience is composed of formal and informal experiences inside and outside the classroom, in the San Antonio and surrounding communities, and even globally in instances of study abroad and experiential learning opportunities. It is the institution’s responsibility across these experiences to assist students in the development of how to engage with diverse peoples in diverse settings and empower them for life with multicultural competence skill sets. In order to fulfill this commitment, professional development experiences must be meaningful, transformative, and ongoing across a student’s journey at the institution. A model that utilizes faculty, staff, alumni, administrators, and Board of Trustees as facilitators will empower students to become champions for diversity, equity, and inclusion through their embedded experiences in the Trinity community. Stakeholders: Students, faculty, staff, alumni, Board of Trustees Recommended Actions
Performance Indicators
Responsible Parties
Identify a group of individuals who can be engaged in a role for shaping these efforts; representatives should range from the Executive Leadership Team to faculty, staff, alumni and Board of Trustee members who will collaborate with the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
An appropriate committee will collaborate with the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to develop and engage others in the development of a university-wide strategic plan for diversity
President, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Executive Leadership Team, Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion, TSEC leadership
Charge the committee in identifying concepts that can be taught and addressed over several years and in alignment with the science of learning and other relevant, pedagogical tools.
Concepts and learning outcomes are identified and shared with relevant stakeholders for feedback and possible modification.
President, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Executive Leadership Team, Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion, TSEC leadership
Develop workshop curriculum and a “train of the trainer” professional development model that can be delivered by committee members to groups of students over time.
An implementation plan, including curriculum, will be developed by the initial committee to five years by addressing a core group of selected concepts annually
President, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Executive Leadership Team, Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion, TSEC leadership
The implementation plan, participation, and assessment of
The committee will meet regularly to review participation, successes
President, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and