At the Class of 2010 10-Year Reunion
In the first half of the year, we were most fortunate to proceed with the Year Level Reunion program, not only for those scheduled in 2021 but those postponed in 2020. We introduced a different format to the evenings with a stand‑up cocktail event (for the one, five, 10, 20, and 30‑year reunions), giving those in attendance more opportunity to connect with others. We are grateful to everyone who was able to attend. We are especially appreciative of staff member Rohan Brown who came to each reunion and kindly provided archival memorabilia and updates.
At the Class of 2011 10-Year Reunion
2010 10‑Year Reunion
2011 10‑Year Reunion
The 10‑Year Reunion for the Class of 2010, a 2020 casualty of COVID‑19, was finally held in April. The timing was perfect, allowing some attendees to travel from interstate. Thank you to all present, especially those who came from afar. On the night, we were joined by approximately 70 of the Class of 2010 and current and former staff. Our special thanks go to Simon Le Plastrier, Head of the Senior School and Deputy Headmaster in 2010. Simon shared some special memories with us. Thanks also to Rohan Barmanray, 2010 School Captain, who travelled from Sydney and provided a thoughtful reflection.
The Class of 2011 gathered for their 10‑Year Reunion at the end of April. Just over 60 OTGs and staff were in attendance – many thanks to those who travelled to Kew for this event. Ed Plant, 2011 School Captain, who had travelled from Darwin, spoke to the group. Current staff members, Blake Meadows, John Cavanagh and Rohan Brown, shared their reflections and wise words. Our thanks also go to Simon Le Plastrier and then Headmaster Rick Tudor for joining us on the night.