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The Lorelei German-English translation by Orlaith Connolly

works were banned during the Third Reich. However, Die Loreley was so popular that it overcame eradication and lived on, however written by an “unknown author”. ENGLISH The Lorelei

translated by Orlaith Connolly


I do not know, what should it mean that I am so forlorn? From my mind I cannot keep, This fairytale of yore.

The air is cool and as it grows dark, The Rhine silently ebbs its course. Yet the cliff’s summit sparkles In the last of the evening light.

Up yonder perches a maiden So exquisite and sublime Golden jewels all a-glisten, Attending her golden locks.

She grooms her hair with a comb of gold Singing a song all the while of astounding, spellbinding melody

By which the skipper in his small ship Is seized with savage woe, He no longer looks upon her rocky reef, But direct into the heavens.

In the end, I believe the waves gobble up both sailor and his barge By virtue of violence of song Of the enchanting Lorelei.

ITALIAN Inferno (canto V), 51-141

Dante Alghieri

In the second circle of Hell, Dante and Virgile meet Franc- esca, who was murdered by her husband after he caught her in an extramarital affair with his brother. Their audac-

18 [...] “Maestro, chi son quelle genti che l’aura nera sì gastiga?”.

“La prima di color di cui novelle tu vuo’ saper”, mi disse quelli allotta, “fu imperadrice di molte favelle.

A vizio di lussuria fu sì rotta, che libito fé licito in sua legge, per tòrre il biasmo in che era condotta.

Ell’è Semiramìs, di cui si legge che succedette a Nino e fu sua sposa: tenne la terra che ’l Soldan corregge.

L’altra è colei che s’ancise amorosa, e ruppe fede al cener di Sicheo; poi è Cleopatràs lussurïosa.

Elena vedi, per cui tanto reo tempo si volse, e vedi ’l grande Achille, che con amore al fine combatteo.

Vedi Parìs, Tristano”; e più di mille ombre mostrommi e nominommi a dito, ch’amor di nostra vita dipartille.

Poscia ch’io ebbi ’l mio dottore udito nomar le donne antiche e ’ cavalieri, pietà mi giunse, e fui quasi smarrito.

I’ cominciai: “Poeta, volontieri parlerei a quei due che ’nsieme vanno, e paion sì al vento esser leggeri”.

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