We were thrilled with the wonderful turnout for this event. Our girls in attendance ranged from current Sixth Form girls to those who left over 10 years ago and who are now embarking on their chosen careers. Our guests enjoyed sharing stories and insights from their time at Trinity, to their universities and current employment. It was fantastic to see our alumnae networking with current Sixth Form girls, offering careers advice and discussing their professions.
“It’s undoubtedly true that having girls at Trinity has made an enormous difference. It’s made us a much better school”
We were fortunate to have in our presence teachers who many girls remembered Sara Ward, Sue Highmore, Ceri Morgan, Rebecca Petty and Antonia Geldeard. We also introduced our guests to three parents who have been instrumental with the organisation of the event, and currently have successful careers in Digital Comms (Fiona Pearson), Executive Coach and champion for equality diversity and women’s rights (Marcie Buxton) and Accountancy (Angela Farquharson).
The evening kicked off with a welcome glass of Prosecco or soft drink as we commenced our networking reception. Thereafter a panel discussion chaired by Donna Lewis (Alumni Relations Manager) with former students Jess O’Sullivan, Katey Fisher, Eleanor Lewis, and Deesha Ganguli who answered questions on topics ranging from tackling the patriarchy, to their visions for gender equality in the workplace and the importance of a mentor.