Thunder Roads NorCal - October 2016

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OVER THE STATE Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 1


For Bikers

THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 Orangevale, CA 95662 Office: 530.368.6579 or 530.305.7992 Fax: 530-831-4758 Email: Website:

Northern California State Editors / Owners

Stan & Terry Hill

On The Cover:

On the cover: (L) Jeff Keith, lead singer of Tesla and (R) Ryan Fleenor of Higher Purpose Events. 6th Annual Ride For Reason starts at Folsom Harley-Davidson on October 15th. Layout and Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Magazine Contributors Billie Wilson/Billie The Kid Photography Rich “Foot” & Jennifer “Sunshine” Elkins Forrest Coss / Randy Wenslawski Rae Lynn Flippo Barry Mendenhall Dan & Nad Rogers My Two Cents Al Cagle / Tech Tips Two Gunners Custom Iron/ Thunder Road Biker Church Pastor Johnny/ 916-521-5706 Ride Destination Chuck & Cindy Loseth NorCal Sales Representatives/Magazine Contributors Russell “Raz” Holder (916) 425-2377 Charles Gliebe (209) 598-2023 Dan Griffin (209) 403-8170 National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580 (for information regarding Thunder Roads Northern California, please use contact information at top of column ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF ITS CONTENT MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY AND IS NOT TO BE HELD LIABLE FOR ERRORS BEYOND THE COST OF THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE ERROR, SLANDER OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL, FAILURE TO PRODUCE ANY ISSUE AS SCHEDULED DUE TO REASONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, ANY AND ALL SUITS FOR LIABLE, PLAGIARISM, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A PERSON’S NAME OR PHOTOGRAPH. OPINIONS AND CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS AND AUTHORS ARE THEIR OWN, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE POLICY OF THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE OR THUNDER PUBLISHING. PUBLISHER DOES NOT PROMOTE THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS.

editor’s letter


all, we love this time of the year when the dog days of summer are coming to an end and the crisp morning air is signaling that a change of season is upon us. Soon the leaves will be changing and the rainy season will once again return to Northern California. It is an exciting time of year because like you - we are over the wildfires and 100+ degree temperatures day after day this summer. Not only is it a much more comfortable time of year to ride for you and your bike, the scenery takes on a new look with the sun rising lower in the sky and fall colors greeting you at every turn. Now is the best time of year to plan a NorCal road trip! Yes - the cool mornings and evenings might require you to bring along that old leather jacket, but who does not like to pull that jacket on after it has been locked away in your closet all summer? Yea - yea I know that some of you wear it year round for protection, but they are just too bloody hot for me during the summer. I opt for a more comfortable ride without the distraction of discomfort and dehydration from over dressing and affecting my concentration during my ride. This is not a suggestion – it’s just how I do it. Another cool thing about NorCal weather is that the coast seems to have its best weather during this time of year with less foggy days and more bright sun, making this a perfect time to ride Hwy 1 or to the Lost Coast. And while you’re at it make a reservation at Inn of the Lost Coast in Shelter Cove (a veteran biker owned business) This place has great rooms and amenities including spectacular ocean views from every room. There are tons of local events going on so make sure that you check out our upcoming CALENDAR OF EVENTS in the back of this issue so you do not miss something important. And for up- to-date goings on come and join us on FACEBOOK at Thunder Roads Northern California give us a LIKE. SHARE our page with your friends - and watch for upcoming swag contest and giveaways along with up to the moment information on what is coming up in NorCal. Rock Hard – RIDE FREE – Ride Often Stan & Terry Hill

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L ETT E R T O E DI T OR Hey Stan n Terry I want to thank you for all your hard work putting together fantastic articles, easy reading with great pics. I’m so friken happy Terry that you stopped me last year at some event at Sac Harley and handed me one of your magazines. So many changes in my life since I’ve had my 92 yr mom move in with us, that even if I can do grocery shopping on my ride - I do. My rides have really been at a minimum these past months while I’m having bonus days with my mom. But without rambling on because of Thunder Roads you let me see the fun, the rides, the scenery, great road trips! You always let us know what’s ahead and what’s happening. I don’t have to search through hundreds of pages and ads to figure out what or where we can go at the last minute for a few hours. Prime example - the FXRs drags that were on Saturday. Took a quick minute to stop by and say hi to you while you were working your booth too! But all I did was grab my Thunder Roads and took me two minutes to know our game plan because of the great article/pics that was written. Keep up the fun stories, pics and tips you always share. Pamm Kumpf



RIDE PRIDE: Executive Choppers



Dear Pamm Thank you so much for taking the time to share your words of encouragement to us. It is so very much appreciated by Stan and myself. Not to mention, we are glad to hear that you enjoy reading the magazine and the tidbits that we can offer to our biker community.


Ride Pride: Stacy’s Garage Shop Bike......................................... 6 Tech Tips.................................................................................... 10 Ride The California Delta........................................................... 18 Ride Destination: Sturgis – Part 2.............................................. 20 Motorcycle 101........................................................................... 24 Midnight Mass 2016................................................................... 26 Riderz Ink................................................................................... 29 2017 HD Milwaukee Eight.......................................................... 32 Freedom Riders Nomads Day of the Hog.................................. 36 Centerfold Calendar................................................................... 38 Biker Band Revue: The Jackson Stone Band............................ 45 Island Thunder MC Luau............................................................ 46 HK Cycles ‘Brats & Bikes’ Bike Night......................................... 48 Wishes on Wheels...................................................................... 52 Skeleton Crew MC Independence Party.................................... 55 Product Spotlight: Sunjack Solar Charger.................................. 56 Joker’s Wild................................................................................ 57 Thunder Road Church................................................................ 59 2 Wheel Boot Camp: Core Strength........................................... 60 My Two Cents............................................................................. 61 Biker Friendly Directory.............................................................. 62 Marketplace................................................................................ 64 Events........................................................................................ 69


GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THUNDER ROADS Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30 To: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662 Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992

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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 6


hose of you that have been going to any of the local motorcycle shows, you’ll immediately recognize Stacy McCleary’s award winning style. As a matter of fact, it was at just one of these shows in Manteca that we struck up a conversation about the bikes that he has built and we decided that it was about time to share one with all of you. Now it’s my opinion that any of the best bike shops out there would be proud to be able to build and show a bike like this. I was even more impressed after I learned that Stacy builds his bike in a small garage shop at his house – literally in Stacy’s Garage! Now it becomes all that more impressive! Stacy’s passion for cars and bikes both is very obvious so we chose to use his 1957 Chevy shop car as the backdrop for this shoot. As I looked closer at this motorcycle - the fine details became more apparent especially as I dug further into how he locates parts for his builds. Stacy shared that he actually finds a lot of parts or things he needs at swap meets, pretty extraordinary! So here is how this little dream came together. Article and photos by Stan Hill

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BIKE: 2012 Special Construction ASSEMBLY: Stacy McCleary TIME: 1 Year FRAME: V-TWIN Wishbone 30 degree rake with many other alterations FORKS: 39 MM Sportster ENGINE: 2009 Panhead BUILDER: Motor Factory DISPLACMENT: 80 Inch IGNITION: Electron CASES: STD BEADS: STD dual plug CARB: S&S Super E AIRCLEANER: Velocity Stack PIPES: Custom by Stacy McCleary TRANSMISSION: Softtail 5 speed PRIMARY: 2” Open Belt BARS: Biltwell HAND CONTROLS: Stacy McCleary GRIPS: 1960’S Harley-Davidson FENDERS: Stacy McCleary HEADLIGHT: Swap meet TAILLIGHT: Model A FRONT PEGS: Dirt Bike GAS TANK: Paughco / Stacy McCleary OIL TANK: Paughco / Stacy McCleary SEAT: Stacy McCleary SISSY BAR: Stacy McCleary WHEELS: FRONT: 21” X 2” Tire – Avon Speedmaster REAR: 16” X 3.5” Tire – Firestone BRAKES: Jaybrake PAINT: Outlaw Paint (Jeremiah) COLOR: Black with Silver Flake Flames GRAPHICS: Corbett Graphics (Denise) Merry: Please BLUR license plates – Thank you!

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 9

Tech Tips Handlebar Riser Bushings


f your handlebars are starting to flop around a bit, it might be time to replace the riser bushings. The risers are installed in the upper triple tree (bracket) and the bushings provide an isolation component to reduce vibration. Anything that can reduce vibes on a v-twin is a good thing. They are generally made of rubber or polyurethane, the latter more commonly used in heavy duty applications such as ape hangers. The taller the bars, the more leverage is being applied to the risers. This month we will use a 2001 FLHTC to illustrate the install. First thing to check are the riser bolts. Before you go through all the trouble to change out the bushings, make sure it’s not something simple like loose bolts. If the clamps are loose the bars will slip, if the risers are loose (or bushings worn) the bars will rock back and forth. If the riser bolts are tight, or take a torque and the bars still move back and forth, proceed as follows…….

Don’t forget the ground wire on the left side. The eyelet goes between the upper bushing cover and the riser.

The right side will use a thin flat washer in the same position in order to maintain a level mount.

As always, follow all of the steps in strict accordance with your factory service manual. Remove the outer fairing, the inner fairing cap (requires ignition switch removal), and the stereo. This will give you access to the handlebar risers. If you do one side at a time - you won’t have to find a place to hang the bars and the rest of the gear. Unless you are doing a bar swap this saves a lot of time. Remove the riser mounting bolt along with the washers. Doing this step first gives you a means of holding the riser in place. Next unbolt the two allen head bolts on the upper clamp. You can now remove the old bushings.

This one was long over-due! Install the new bushings using a light coating of silicone spray to ease the press fit.

Change out the other side and re-assemble in the reverse order! On a final note, use permanent strength (red) thread locker on the riser mounting bolts and medium strength (blue) on the upper clamp bolts.

Questions and comments can be sent to e-mail:, or call 530-263-8071. Additional information can be found See us on Facebook

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 10

EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 11


GRUDGE RACES August 20 (Sacramento): The stage was set for every motorcycle loving person to come celebrate everything FXR related. The Harley-Davidson FXR has long been touted as the best handling motorcycle ever built by the Motor Company. With the popularity of riders coming off of street bikes and onto H-D’s, it only makes sense that this particular model had a resurgence in popularity in the last few years. This was the 4th annual event, but it was the first year that it went from an underground status to becoming a regular organized event at the Sacramento Raceway. This was the first go-a-round at this location and the turnout was quite big with people coming from all over California and as far as the east coast to be a part of this exciting event. If you missed out this year - let me say that if you like to be entertained, this day was full of that with more stuff going on than you could see. Jason Pullen along with his crew of stunt riders had a huge parking lot area to thrill the crowds with their insane motorcycle riding skills giving all the spectators a big thrill. The parking lot was also filled with all kinds of industry vendors including TRM NorCal! Throughout the day, we could hear bikes over at the track revving their motors to the limit indicating that a ‘grudge

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 12

race’ was under way! Big crowds surrounded the pit area and in the grand stands where you could almost feel the ground shake as the big twins lined up to do battle. The crowd witnessed some really fast bikes ripping down the track during the day with one in particular from event sponsor - John Jessup, owner of Dream Rides in Stockton with his newly rebuilt FXR. Not only did this ‘dream ride’ look really cool, but we were im-

pressed because Jessup’s bike was clocking some very fast times out on the track as well! (Stay tuned for this bike in an upcoming RIDE PRIDE feature). Music was rocking from the stage all day as a big turnout of FXR’s and Dyna’s lined up for the bike show. Another event sponsor Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios was appointed head judge with a sizeable task of judging all of these bikes in the show. It had to be a tough choice for every category. Accompanied by

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Sharon Murphy of Drag Specialties was Bassani Pipes who also came in to lend their support to this event. In fact, Darryl Bassani was there in person handing out some very cool products as prizes for the bike show winners. He also made a heartfelt speech and a generous donation to help with medical bills to event organizer, Dana Levine who had been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. Down but not out, Dana toughed it out in a golf cart all day to make sure everyone knew where they should be and was having a great time. TRM NorCal was thrilled to support and be a part of an event of this nature that are so hard to come by in Nor Cal. It felt like going back to the simplicity of our two-wheeled beginnings of having a blast riding and racing our motorcycles and hanging out with like minded people. We believe that this event will just get bigger and better from here on out - so stay tuned for the next event! Article and photos by Stan Hill. Additional photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios, Billie The Kid Photography and Forrest Coss Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 14



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EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 17

Ride The California Delta with Thunder Roads® NorCal Thunder Roads NorCal will be sharing this map of the California Delta for the next six months as a quick reference ride guide for our readers that take a road trip along the sheer beauty of the California Delta and on some of the best small country back roads in the north state. We have teamed up with biker friendly businesses along the delta to make it easy to find a great place to drop your kickstand for some refreshments, a great meal and possibly some live music. Please make sure you let these businesses know that Thunder Roads NorCal sent you in their direction! The California Delta has long been a favorite riding area for its history and fantastic scenery. It’s an ideal getaway ride for valley folk when the heat hits triple digits during the summertime - the Delta is always much cooler hence the phrase “a cool delta breeze”. Oh....what a relief it is when that delta breeze blows in to cool us all down in the valley area! The delta is also perfect for bay area folks looking to escape the hustle and bustle of riding in the city. Next time you are figuring out your upcoming weekend day ride – remember to bring along the map to keep you on the road to some fantastic Delta food, fun and adventure!

For more information Chuck Gliebe (209) 598-2023 / Office: (530) 368-6579 / thunderroadsnorcal@ Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 18

17641 Sherman Island East Levee Road Rio Vista, CA 94571

(916) 777-4646 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 19

Buffalo Bill Reservoir




t isn’t far from Deadwood to Sturgis, so we were pulling in to our Sturgis digs before we knew it. If you want to stay indoors during the rally, it can be expensive. Renting a house and splitting the cost between three or four people is one way to keep things fairly reasonable. That’s what we did. A nice four-bedroom house just south of I90 worked out great. We were glad we didn’t dilly-dally much longer in Deadwood for it wasn’t too long after we got settled that a huge thunderstorm rolled in. Since we weren’t out in it, we really enjoyed sitting on the porch watching the lightning and hearing the booming thunder that followed. A perfect first night in Sturgis. Since our time in Sturgis was limited, we couldn’t see everything, so we decided to visit the Crazy Horse Monument and Mount Rushmore. The morning ride through Vanocker

Canyon was quite impressive. The Pactola Reservoir is a real nice place for a butt break. There is so much to see at these two places. You can spend most of the day at the museums and various shops. I had wanted to check out what remained of the Full Throttle Saloon, we rode out Hwy 34 to the old Full Throttle property. Wow! What a sight! The whole place is virtually gone. Pretty much all that is left are burnt out and rusted metal structures. Sad! Like a Phoenix rising though, the Full Throttle has come back to life, only up the road apiece. But another iconic Sturgis landmark had to fall. The Broken Spoke Saloon out on Hwy 79 is the new site of the Full Throttle. The campground has been re-named for rally founder Pappy Hoel with 600 acres to work with Michael and Angie Ballard along with partner Jesse James Dupree.

Crazy Horse In Work Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 20

Full Throttle Damage

New Full Throttle Going Up Burnt Out Bikes

Willie Nelson at The Buffalo Chip Back in town, we lunched at the Branding Iron (the old Easyriders.) Afterwards, it was outside to watch our home boys, the Fryed Brothers do their thing. Harry, Warren and the guys put on a good show, as always. The entertainment did not stop there. That evening we rode out to the Buffalo Chip to see Willie Nelson. He’s still going pretty good after all these years. We wished we could have stayed longer, but it was time to start heading back. We had a great time though and we’ll always remember the 76th Sturgis rally. Good times with good friends. Our adventures weren’t quite over yet though. Still lots to experience on our trip West. Everything packed and secured, we rolled onto I90 West and our goal for the day, Cody, WY. Wyoming is such a nice state to ride through. Very picturesque, especially from Buffalo through Bighorn National Forest.

Dam Wall

We made our way to the Irma Hotel for dinner. A landmark in Cody, Buffalo Bill built this hotel in 1902 and named it after his daughter. Appetites satisfied, and since it was across the street, Bobby G wanted to show us a unique little shop called Dug Up Gun. Glad he did. The artifacts here are various historic firearms that had mostly been buried for decades, even centuries. The Irma was again our host for breakfast the next morning. This would be a fine travelling day as we would Irma In Cody WY continued...

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Artifacts at Dug Up Gun Cody WY Nice Backdrop Indian Dance

Limber Pine Craters of the Moon

Inferno Dome Trail

be riding through Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons on our way to spending the night in Idaho Falls, Id. A fabulous scenic route. Motoring west on Hwy14, we soon pulled over at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir. Definitely worth the stop. The mountains rising from the lake, the gorge, the dam – nice! Continuing west, stopped at a rest area after entering Yellowstone, as the weather was looking a little ominous. Sure enough, before we could even get our rain gear on, we were hit with rain and hail. Taking cover, we waited it out. Couldn’t complain. The first road rain of the trip. A light sprinkle was with us the rest of the way through Yellowstone. It cleared up just as we passed the Grand Tetons. From there we finished off our day with a scenic ride though the Targhee National Forest to Idaho Falls and one more close brush with death thanks to crazy Idaho drivers. We may have to bypass this state in the future.

place. You do, at times, think you are on a strange planet. Wicked looking trees, lava flows, weird canyons. If you’re in the area, you should certainly check it out. Well, folks, after another fine dinner at the Star Hotel the night before, it was time to hit the road for our final destination; home. We make our way to Verdi, Nevada where we would share our last meal with our friends at Mel’s and say our goodbyes. After lunch we hopped back on the freeway and waved good-bye to Bob, Bettye and Kenny at Highway 20 as they make their way to Grass Valley for the night. A fine almost two-week journey was over. We’re thinking it won’t be the last. Article and photos contributed by Chuck and Cindy Loseth

Starting to smell home now, we got out a little early the next morning for our trip to Elko, Nevada, and our last stop for the day. Bettye had mentioned, if it wasn’t too far out of the way, maybe we could check out the Craters of the Moon National Monument? Kenny was game and so were we, so that’s the direction we took. Good choice! It is an amazing

Grand Tetons Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 22

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ast time we took a look at the 1950’s and the “birth” of the biker lifestyle. The changes in American culture and society continued to rapidly evolve in the 1960’s as well. Harley-Davidson continues branching out during this time, introducing a scooter to their line of rides, as well as the introduction of the Sprint model. In 1962, Harley purchased 60 percent of the stock in the Tomahawk Boat Manufacturing Company and by 1963 the factory is fully operational as a H-D facility. By entering the boat manufacturing game, Harley soon realizes the relevance of fiberglass in motorcycle production and shortly thereafter begins production of its own components. In 1964, the three wheeled Servi-Car becomes the very first Harley-Davidson motorcycle to receive an electric starter. In 1965 the Electra-Glide replaces the Duo-Glide and is updated with an electric starter. The Electra-Glide is the first FL available with electric start, and the Sportster line followed soon after. Now don’t get me wrong, kick starting a bike is cool as hell, but if you’re at all like me (lacking in the excess muscle department) then the concept of electric start is consummate. 1966 brought about the birth of the Shovelhead in the Harley family, and the beloved Panhead was replaced on the Electra-Glide models. 1969 brought about the start of the darkest days in Harley history for die-hard lovers of the brand…the merger with American Machine and Foundry, longtime producer of leisure products. On that note, I’m going to pull a “June Cleaver” and change the subject in an attempt to divert attention from Harley’s adaptation. During the 1960’s Floyd Clymer Imports continued using the Indian name on import bikes that were essentially motorcycles fitted with Royal Einfield Interceptor 750 cc parallel-twin engines. British manufacturers including Triumph, BSA, and Norton continued producing bikes and remained dominant in some markets until the rise of Japanese manu-

facturers in the late 1960s. Of these Japanese manufacturers, Honda led the way. By 1969 the Honda name was big in the world of motorcycle racing, and they had also introduced the first mass market bike to come with a disc brake. So now that we are up to speed on the framework of the 60’s, we can get to the focus of this installment. The egocentric, inherently dramatic, attention whore of the motorcycle family….the chopper. In the 1960’s chop shops and custom builders started springing up everywhere. As custom shops multiplied, so did the number and the diversity of bikes. The original chopper movement was taken to extremes when builders started chopping down and lowering the frames and stretching the rakes. Some shops even built custom exhaust pipes for their patrons. Now, I know we are all about motorcycle safety, but safety wasn’t necessarily the top priority while creating a custom chopper. Choppers are all about style, beauty, getting noticed…a bit diva-ish, if you will. Heavy rake angles sacrificed low-speed handling and cornering ability, but damn you looked good tearing up the asphalt. And let’s face it; by this time in motorcycle history, there was a big enough contingent of people modifying motorcycles that the chopper “style” had begun to take hold. A certain set of modifications became somewhat of a standard…narrow tires on 19”-21” wheels, forward mount foot pegs replaced floorboards, headlights and tanks were often replaced with smaller versions, and last but certainly not least…chrome. Lots of chrome…you’ve gotta have bling for your metal prom queen. One motorcycle modification that began at this time and has stuck around since in one form or another came about due to the passing of a law that required a “retention fixture” for passengers. So a vertical back rest was constructed and added to the rear of bikes… the Sissy Bar is born. And in true chopper fashion, many were custom made to be elaborate and often taller than the rider’s head.

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Now we can’t forget paint…the 60’s brought about a surge in candy colored paint, metal flaking, and multi-colored patterns. A look that I like to refer to as the “tilt-a whirl” paint job…if you have ever been to a small county fair it will make sense. The chopper truly allowed for the ultimate freedom for both builders and artists. And the 1960’s gave us some of the most memorable and most recognized names in motorcycle history…let’s take a look at a few. Probably the most recognized name in chopper history is Arlen Ness. Ness’s bikes were characterized by having low frames and highly raked springer front ends. Many of his bikes also retained the rear shocks to provide a more forgiving ride than the typical hardtail chopper. Ness started out of his garage in 1967, on a bike he bought with prize money from a bowling tournament. He entered his first bike in a show and won first place…this started his career in customs. He worked nights out of his garage in San Leandro, California until he had built up a customer base big enough to allow for him to complete customs as his primary job function. ..and the rest (as they say) is history. The biker world is damn happy you know how to bowl, Mr. Ness. In 1967 Denver Mullins and Mondo Porras opened Denver’s Choppers in San Bernardino, California and soon became famous for building “long bikes”….Denver Choppers. Denver’s Choppers was the first company to manufacture long down tube stretch frames, which came to be known as the Swedish style. This company was instrumental in starting the aftermarket industry that flourishes today with custom parts including frames and springer front ends. Mondo has

been dubbed “The Godfather of Choppers” by his peers…quite an honor when your peers consist of motorcycle icons. Finally, we cannot discuss choppers without the mention of Ron Finch. Finch opened Finch Custom Cycles in 1965 in a small building in Pontiac, Michigan. Finch designed, built, and painted amazing one-off motorcycles in his own incredibly unique and extreme style. In addition, Finch created metal sculptures that resisted any aesthetic classification….the guy may or may not have been a touch off his rocker, but what the hell, his twisted mind made some bad ass metal. Not content with just re-creating metal, he also is highly regarded for his experimentations with paint processes. His first nationally known custom was a 1966 BSA which he named “Kaleidocycle”, which provoked Ed “Big Daddy” Roth to headline Ron as “Michigan’s Motorcycle Madman”. The 1960’s brought lot of changes to the motorcycle world…not that any of these crazy modifications could have possibly been thought up in a pharmaceutically induced delirium, but it sure would make things a little easier to comprehend if they had been. Regardless of where the ideas came from, I’m damn glad they transpired from concepts into the entity that is the chopper. The 60’s made for a captivating installment in motorcycle history. Next time we will look at the 70’s, and what kind of changes the motorcycle lifestyle and industry faced. Articles and photos contributed by Melanie Schwarte of Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa

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MIDNIGHT MASS July 30 (Woodland): Let me tell you, the day did not start as planned. The short drive to the Yolo County Fairgrounds in Woodland in my 63 Cadillac was preceded by a small engine fire, followed by a yell of “Help Me”, and a garden hose of just the right length with water coming out just the right end. Yes the Caddy caught fire, not that bad though, just enough to scare the whiz out of me.

2 0 1 6

Good friends and a couple of hours later, the Caddy was back on the road to Midnight Mass where I would meet up with my lovely models, Stephanie Ely and Cassandra Rucker. Now, let me be specific, Midnight Mass is not a place of prayer (except for me as I prayed all the way there and all the way back) but a place where the Rockabilly world of Northern CA comes together for music, food, beautiful pin-up girls, hot guys, cute kids, and old cars/motorcycles in every variety. The Sacramento Poor Boys CC, for the 13th year, put on one hell of a show. The music included The Rev Tones, the White Barons, and many many more. And then there is the ever-crowd-pleasing Pin-Up Contest. There were food trucks of all kinds, including Drewskis. But my favorite of all, was an appearance from Wild Bill and his rolling Metropolitan Weiner Roaster. Now that was a site! Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 26

The vehicles, naturally, offered something for everyone. There were Lowriders, Pickups, Customs, Gassers, Hot Rods, Rat Rods, and some I had no clue what the heck they were….. The motorcycles, all pre 1972, where also just as amazing, though far out numbered by the cars. And now my point, I would love to see MORE bikes at this show! Bring ‘em out! This show is an amazing good time. Just put a little hair grease in your crazy helmet hair and you’re golden! And, on a side note, if you’re concerned about the heat, the show gates open at noon and vehicles can arrive and enter the show all the way up to 9pm. The show runs until Midnight, hence the name Midnight Mass…. See ya next year, right? Article and photos contributed by Rae Lynn Flippo

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Post 108 Legion Riders

American Legion Riders Meeting the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm 11401 American Legion Dr. Sutter Creek Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 28

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‘game changer’ is what came to mind after a test ride of the new 2017 Street Glide from Harley-Davidson of Folsom. I was eager to see for myself what the first new motor in 15 years - the Milwaukee Eight was like with this all new engine and drive train. So when Matt Guidera from Folsom Harley-Davidson hooked me up with this bike to demo I jumped at the opportunity to share it with all of you.

Right away, you will notice the different appearance of the 107ci engine with oil cooled cylinders and four valve per cylinder head not only giving the engine a stylish look but it greatly increases the intake and exhaust flow capacity. Another thing I noticed upon start up was the mechanical sound and idle vibration that

I was accustom to hearing with the Twin Cam was gone with only a pleasant exhaust tone that was still all HarleyDavidson left, I suspect that the counterbalanced flywheel has something to do with that and is a big improvement. Come to find out the whole thing has been changed with nothing the same as its Twin Cam predecessor. Once I kicked it into 1st gear that big clunking sound was gone and it was just a smooth shift; as the ride went on the same smooth quiet feel through all the gears remained even when downshifting - it was noticeably smoother. The moment that I really knew that things had changed with this engine is when I hit 2nd gear and twisted the throttle on this 107ci beast. The acceleration was instant as I felt like the bike just wanted to leap forward and get up to speed quickly - thanks to that sizable increase in torque and horsepower. Make sure you are hang-

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ing on because this is defiantly not like any other stock Harley-Davidson you have ever ridden. I was able to take the bike through regular city streets where it maneuvered through traffic with ease then out onto a 2 lane highway where I could get a feel as it handled twisties like a champ - this is where the all new suspension really shined. HarleyDavidson has changed the rear shock system to be adjustable with no more worries about the air suspension losing air over time. Once they are set for your preference, it will stay that way until you decide to change it.

Article and photos by Stan and Terri Hil


Up front they have replaced the fork cartridges with a much higher performance set up and it feels rock solid in the turns even for this big bike. Next it was out onto the freeway to see how she felt at a higher speed. I would say that this motorcycle is a runner as it easily got up to speed as I merged onto the freeway and effortlessly rolled up to 85mph before I could back off

the throttle and cruise. The entire bike just feels and sounds rock solid. If you get an opportunity to demo one of these bikes, I would highly recommend that you do so, I am confident that you will be just as impressed as I was! Make sure to bring your wallet too because you are going to want one.

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EVENT EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 35

Freedom Riders Nomads Day of the Hog

August 6 (Nice): Just last year thousands of people were evacuated and many lost their homes to the Valley Fire and the Freedom Riders Nomads pulled the motorcycle world together to help people get back on their feet. With all this in the past, the Freedom Riders Nomads were looking forward to having another run to benefit Lake County. Raising just over $1400 for the Upper Lake Elementary and Middle School PTO with almost 200 bikes and 300 people at the Day of the Hog Run. It was a beautiful day starting out at the Robinson Rancheria in Nice with everyone meeting in the parking with sign ups between 9am and noon, it got nothing but better. Patrick Ritchie lead the pack and we rolled out at 12:15 and heading through the sloughs of Nice and down to the Loch Lomond Roadhouse where we were treated with some off the hook appetizers. After a 30 min stop, we were off to Maynard’s Sports Bar in Lower Lake for some refreshments for another 30 minute stop with one more stop to go before heading back to the clubhouse. With the last stop being at The Brick in Kelseyville and 10 miles from our final destination we were all in good spirits. Once we arrived at the clubhouse, the hog was ready and food was being served. Everyone was having a great time with live music and some great raffle prizes as well as some hidden surprises. Patrick wants to make sure we give a special shout out to Robinsons Rancheria and Loch Lomond Roadhouse for

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all the help and support they gave to this cause. Article and photos contributed by Randy Wenslawski

Vintage F Cabooses in a Private Park Setting on the Shore of Clear Lake Full Breakfast Daily Private Pier & Boat Launch In-Room Jacuzzi Tubs Check Out our Easy Rider Room! Bike-Friendly - Great For Groups! 2870 Lakeshore Blvd. Nice, CA 95464 (707) B-R-Guest (707) 274-8378 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 37




115 WOODMERE ROAD - FOLSOM CA - 916.608.9922



Bike provided by Jim Willoughby and Executive Choppers / Model: Angela “HellOnWheels”

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his particular chopper built by Bill Holland of Executive Choppers in Roseville ( has been on the TRM NorCal RIDE PRIDE radar for quite some time. It caught my eye the very first time I saw it. We were excited at the opportunity to show this stretched out piece of art after the bikes owner, Jim Willoughby owner of JW’s Archangel Tattoo in Citrus Heights and Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios ( got together for a photo shoot. It all took place inside Bill Holland’s Executive Choppers rustic shop on a rainy day. Although Bill is world famous for building the Harman-Holland front end that you can see on this bike, he is also a master fabricator and can just about build anything that somebody can dream up. Bill has provided front ends to bike builders all over including Paul Teutul Sr of Orange County Choppers who has one on his personal ride. So next time you have an idea for a build or even just a part that you need for an existing bike, he has the creativity and talent to pull it off and make your ride into something very special. So for this chopper Bill and Jim collaborated together to turn this idea into a reality so here is what they did. Article by Stan Hill. Photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios / Model: Angela “HellOnWheels”

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continued... continued...


BIKE: 2009 Special Construction FABRICATION: Bill Holland Executive Choppers ENGINE: 2009 110 ci Rev Tech PIPES: Custom Bill Holland TRANSMISSION: 2009 5 speed FRAME: Santee Softail RAKE: 42 Degrees STRETCH: 4 inches FORKS: 14 over Harman-Holland Internally Sprung Girder BUILDER: Bill Holland HANDELBAR CONTROLS: Performance Machine MIRRORS: Performance Machine GRIPS: Performance Machine FENDERS: Front modified Fat Katz Rear Molded to frame TAILLIGHT: Custom led in strut Executive Choppers FRONT FOOT PEGS: Accutronix GAS TANK: Jesse James OIL TANK: Custom Chrome SEAT: Bill Holland WHHELS: front 21” 60 spoke rear 18” 60 spoke BRAKES: HHI PAINT: James Dean’s Rebel Design COLOR: Copper and Black

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BIKER BAND REVUE: The Jackson Stone Band


he best kept secret in Sacramento is David Verno Jr and The Jackson Stone Band. At the early age of 15, Verno was sharing the stage with the band members of Elvin Bishop, Canned Heat and the Tommy Crank Band and yet he could also be seen on stage at the Ponderosa Bar in Santa Rosa sitting in with Harry Fryed of The Fryed Brothers Band. David began recording his own original songs in a southern rock genre in a small 8 track recording studio called The Alley, behind Discount Music owned by Sam Desmond in Vallejo, where a lot of 80’s rock bands were rehearsing, right along with Jackson Stone Band. This recording gained him the interest of record producer J.D. Wolfe of Santa Clara, who signed David and began recording David’s first album at Bay View Studios in Richmond where Metallica and The Doobie Brothers were also recording at the time. His first album was released on A & M Records sending the first release of Jackson Stone Band up the charts with an international acclaim. In the early 2000’s Jackson Stone Band began touring. JSB played the Redwood Run finding their place among the biker community. Playing throughout California and Nevada at biker rallies, runs, and events like Street Vibrations, The Cat House Run, Rip City Riders and they soon became a favorite at Konocti Harbor Resort where they shared the stage with Hank Williams Jr. and various other national acts like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Charlie Daniels, Kid Rock, Doobie Brothers, Steve Miller, Rascal Flatts, Marshall Tucker Band, just to name a few. The band was also recognized by SF radio station – The Bone as ‘Best of the Bay’ artist two years in a row where they performed with Skynyrd, Pat Travers, Laidlaw and other artists. However, in 2010 David Verno Jr. was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was also 300 lbs overweight. Doctors told David if he didn’t make some drastic life changes that he was going to die. David decided to take the following year off from the road to deal with his health issues which involved major surgery that saved his life. The Jackson Stone Band was put on hold during his recovery. David Verno Jr. visited long time friend Harry Fryed and the Fryed Brothers Band in Cotati where Harry invited David to join the Fryed Brothers Band for their 2014 Tour that relocated David to the Sacramento area. David and his lady Trudy like to ride every chance they get on their 2003 Silver Anniversary Ultra Classic Harley-Davidson. In 2015 the original Jackson Stone Band members are David Verno Jr. (lead guitar and vocals) Jeffray Davis (drums), Brian West (keyboards) with new band member Steve Romine (bass) remerging…each one coming from all over the country to Northern California (Sacramento) to begin recording their soon to be released album of hard-driving originals. Check out The Jackson Stone Band’s current two singles that are available online at iTunes called ‘Wild Hearted’ and ‘Who Baby’. For more information on booking the Jackson Stone Band go to and LIKE their FACEBOOK page at Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studio Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 45

ISLAND THUNDER MC 8th Anniversary Luau June 25 (Newark): More and more events are happening at Swiss Park in Newark. Not only for their many shaded picnic tables and room for vendor booths and jump houses, but also the 2 kitchens available for your food prep and service, stage for the band and playground for the kids. So when Island Thunder had their Hawaiian Luau it was a perfect fit. President of the Oakland chapter Robroots was present and National President of Island Thunder was also there with a few hundred other family members, friends and partyers. The mood was enhanced by the lively band followed by the DJ playing popular dancing hits. The announcers Shaka and Panget kept the party moving along and announced the raffle winners throughout the party. Add in the “Kaulana Na Pua” dance troupe dancing to Hawaiian/Tahitian drums with colorful and beautiful dancers in all kinds of age groups celebrating the family culture of the Hawaiian people this was definitely on the Do Not Miss List! True to their Mission Statement they proved that Family is First above all. Dan was happy to find out that the awe-

some Island style barbecue was prepared and served by Island Thunder’s Catering ( which is available to serve you up when needed. The meal was excellent and filling. I loved the hot dripping barbecue and Dan loved the full plate that satisfied. It was awesome to check out their bicycle contest. The winner walked away with a cool prize. The family that rides together stays together. The bicycle riding is serious business

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When getting lost is just what you need...

that keeps the family active. Everyone is included furthering their commitment to family. I had a vision of Dan riding one of those bicycles and getting his overalls stuck in the bike chain. He better stick to his Road King.

18 Oceanfront Rooms

Security for the event was a father/son team, Fernando Sr and Jr. Also pinstriper Rich Luna ( had his active booth on display showing his awesome talent with a steady hand pinstriping a hog effortlessly. Vendor booths “Damsel in Defense”, “Gourmet Jerky”, “Bay Area Vets” and Kavaone were among others.

Jacuzzi Suites In-room Fireplaces Sauna Rooms Available High Speed WiFi

Riders from all over rode in to enjoy the fabulous food and music including Island Thunder, Skeleton Crew, She Devils, Brethryn, West Coast, Azorean Brothers, Polynesian Warriors, Saints n Sinners, Hellbent, Bahala Na Riders, Iron Creed, Kanaka Hekili, Mestizos, Crazy Apes, Nomads, Red Nation, UTOL and more. I loved the event as others did as well. I’m definitely coming back. Every year. Article and photos contributed by Nad and Dan

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HK CYCLES ‘BRATS & BIKES’ BIKE NIGHT (Livermore) Photos contributed by Dan Rogers

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2nd Annual

Carter speaks before charity ride


Motorcycle Charity Ride August 14 (Folsom): The 2nd Annual Wishes on Wheels Motorcycle Charity Ride started on a beautiful warm day at Folsom Harley Davidson with hundreds of bikers in attendance. It was two years ago that Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort organizers took the reins of the area’s largest fundraiser for Northeastern California and Northern Nevada’s Make-

A wish comes true

Jackson Rancheria Casino Rich Hoffman and Emily Tirapelle with Arleen and Alex

Standing ovation

Arleen and Folsom HD’s Matt Guidera with Make-A-Wish family

Arleen and Alex Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 52

DJ Charlie Thomas and The Eagle Promotion Team

Delaney sings our national anthem

A-Wish Foundation ( formerly known as the Walt Gray Ride. Wishes on Wheels is near and dear to us to have the opportunity to mingle with Make-A-Wish families a bonus that our large biker network would be helping to make “Wishes” become a reality. Before we jumped on our rides, Michele Flynn of Make-A-

Wish introduced 18 year old Carter who was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect as an infant. He shared his life story as well as his wish to include his family in his wish. Another wish child, Delaney was in the crowd and we learned that she was diagnosed at a young age with a life threatening heart condition. Her wish was to have a complete bedroom makecontinued…

After Dark Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 53

over. We also had the pleasure to have Delaney sing our national anthem on the day of the ride. She then announced to “start your engines” as signal for the Miwuk tribal leaders to lead the way for 38 miles scenic ride to Amador County’s Jackson Rancheria Casino and Resort. Upon our arrival, riders took refuge from the triple digit temperature inside the casino for cold beverages, lunch and to listen to the band - After Dark playing on stage. It was then that we were introduced to another wish child – Alex. The audience viewed a touching video of this strong young lady who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma which resulted in her leg being amputated at the knee. Like most young girls, Alex loves everything that involves horses and her wish was to have a horse of her very own. Her horse Kiowa was a Make-A-Wish reality for Alex. It was at the end of the video and the after the lights came on in the Grand Oak Ballroom, Alex was overwhelmed with emotion when she received a standing ovation from the audience after witnessing her personal struggle and perseverance. Alex along with Make- A-Wish spokesperson Arleen Planas assisted Rich Hoffman of Jackson Rancheria Casino with the raffle give-

away. It was a rewarding day for the Make-A-Wish recipients, Jackson Rancheria Casino and Resort, Folsom Harley-Davidson and Make-A-Wish organizers with this year’s headcount doubling from the previous year. Congratulations! Article and photos by Terri and Stan Hill

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INDEPENDENCE PARTY July 3 (Fremont): As if the Hollister Rally wasn’t enough, our ride back into town wasn’t straight home. Not when there was a continuation of the party going on at the Skeleton Crew MC Independence Party with topless bartenders included! The MC Prez “Grandpa” for 16 years now (who is also a great grandpa) greeted us at the door and we handed over a contribution for the barbecue $15 each. Partyers came from all over to swing with the lively music and eat awesome barbecue of bacon and hamburgers and hot dogs cooked up by prospects who gladly gave it their all. Raffle tickets promised a cool prize of a motorcycle lift among other cool stuff. The pool table working at full speed with our friend Saints and Sinners “Willy” who proved quite skilled and was winning game after game when he ran up against Trish who took over the lead. Trish had a cast on her leg and I was having fun teasing Willy about him getting his ass whooped by a one legged woman. Willy wants a rematch when her cast comes off! It was fun watching those 2 battle it out. On the other side, darts were whizzing by, reminded me of an ex-wife who knew how to throw them pretty good just not at a dart board. I was the target usually and I never really knew why… but that’s one of the reasons why she is an ex! Not only was the main bar busy but the back patio buzzed with its own music and cocktails. They were serving up a tasty

homemade punch that would knock you out if you weren’t paying attention. That’s where the bacon was sizzling and I almost snuck a piece off the grill but had a flash back of getting slapped upside the head, I just can’t remember which wife it was. The fun continued with belly shots and laughter. What a great party! We didn’t want the evening to end but really enjoyed the beautiful ride home. Article contributed by Dan & Nad

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product spotlight

Sunjack Solar Charger (My New Best Friend)


pending three weeks on a motor at my ancient age is simply put-- one of the finest things I can think to do with my time. And, unfortunately as I ride almost always singlely and solo, there are those left behind whom quite often and loudly voice their concerns regarding my safety and well being. However, despite this grousing from the spouse of almost 5 decades, and those who have been spawned and members of subsequent marriages into our family—I don’t listen to them because I’m ME and I rule my world and I will not “go gentle into that goodnight”. I’m a BIKER with 54 years of riding in the saddle and will always be that guy. Okay, so my testosterone credential verified… I do call home when I can to let everyone know that I’m alive and unskinned-up during my ride. I’m not a ‘hotel rider’. I sleep where I get tired- be it on the side of the road, in a field, behind a grain silo or under a shady tree in the woods-- however I find the end of the day-that’s where I lay down. The downside being that there is no place to charge my smart phone along the way as I travel or stop to rest; without an inconvenience of locating a free electrical plug and spending valuable daylight travel time waiting for the phone to “bing” when the battery tops out. Hence the title proclaiming my “new best friend”—SunJack ( At 1.75 pounds, the folded dimensions of the SunJack are only 9”x 6.5”x 1.75” and the tiny size of the folded 4 panels of the SunJack solar charger does not reflect the actual power and usefulness of this road buddy. Technically speaking, this is a 14 watt high efficiency mono-crystalline solar collector that gathers sun energy and transfers a maximum output of voltage/current at 5 watts and 1.5 amps though one or both of the USB ports by a 2 amp fast charge cable to the 8,000 Amp-hour fast charge lithium-polymer battery or directly to your phone…or both. Sounds kind of like that lightning fast ‘liability disclaimer’ at the end of commercials on radio…right? Yep. So, here is the blue-collar lowdown-This solar charger folds out to 9” by 31”. It comes with two small carabineers to clip it to anything you wish to while you gather the sun and charge your phone, tablet, camera, jambox or any USB devise. During my riding days, I opened the charging displays across the luggage strapped to my bike and charged everything I needed while I rode across the country to Sturgis. My totally dead smart phone recharged completely from the solar panels in 1 hour and 45 minutes …slightly longer than advertised, but the day I actually stopped to check on the charge time for this field test it was

slightly hazy for sure, and far less than “full sun”. At home, my wall charger does the job in roughly the same time, and I’m not having the time of my life riding while charging it there…so you’ve got that! I even arrived at the end of each day with the fully charged Qualcomm quick charge battery, which was an excellent backup for my electrical needs during those days when the sun did not cooperate with my riding schedule. 5 hours direct sunlight would charge the battery fully, and this provided enough energy to recharge the smart phone 4 times or my tablet once. The battery also has a built-in flashlight that activates by holding the ‘on’ button for a couple of seconds and is very bright and long lasting far past what is needed to set up any camp and read a chapter of your book under the stars. This battery can also be charged by using a standard plug-in wall charger if you wish. The SunJack Solar Charger is weather and bump resistant and at $139 - it is economically priced for a charger of this usefulness and quality. This is not the first solar charging system I have field tested over the years…but it is by far the best in function and usefulness of the group. It is amazing to me how this technology has made such advancements in efficiency and durability in so few years. This unit one quarter the size and weight of previous solar chargers on the market is now able to satisfy a massively larger power demand, faster, with more durability and at an economical price…SunJack Solar Chargers is that one. I now have no excuse not to make that phone call home at the end of each ride…and it’s cutting into my snort of whiskey and cigar time when I stop for the day… well, okay then… Article contributed by Frank Medicine Wolf Springer “Think a good Thought”

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On the farm lived a chicken and a horse, both of whom loved to playt ogether. One day the two were playing, when the horse fell into a bog and began to sink. Scared for his life, the horse whinnied for the chicken to go get the farmer for help! Off the chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, he searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, for he had gone to town with the only tractor. Running around, the chicken spied the farmer’s new Harley. Finding the keys in the ignition, the chicken sped off with a length of rope hoping he still had time to save his friend’s life. Back at the bog, the horse was surprised, but happy, to see the chicken arrive on the shiny Harley, and he managed to get a hold of the loop of rope the chicken tossed to him. After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer’s bike, the chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the powerful bike, rescued the horse! Happy and proud, the chicken rode the Harley back to the farmhouse, and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned. The friendship between the two animals was cemented: Best Buddies, Best Pals....For Life! A few weeks later, the chicken fell into a mud pit, and soon, he too, began to sink and cried out to the horse to save his life! The horse thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large puddle. Looking underneath, he told the chicken to grab his hangy-down thang and he would then lift him out of the pit. The chicken got a good grip, and the horse pulled him up and out, saving his life. The moral of the story? (yep, you betcha, there IS a moral!) “When You’re Hung Like A Horse, You Don’t Need A Harley To Pick Up Chicks.”

A redneck was stopped by a game warden in middle Tennessee recently with two ice chests full of fish. He was leaving a secluded lake well known for its fishing. The Game Warden asked the man, ‘Do you have a license to catch those fish?’ ‘Naw, sir’, replied the redneck. ‘I ain’t got none of them there licenses. You gotta’ understand, these here are my pet fish.’ ‘Pet fish?’ ‘Yeah. Every night, I take these here fish down to the lake and let ‘em swim ‘round for a while. Then, when I whistle, they jump right back into these here ice chests and I take ‘em on home.’ ‘That’s a bunch of b.s.! Fish can’t do that.’ The redneck looked at the warden for a moment and then said, ‘It’s the truth Mr. Government Man. I’ll show ya, it truly works.’ ‘O.K.’, said the warden. This I’ve got to see!’ The redneck poured the fish into the lake and stood and waited. After several minutes, the warden says, ‘Well?’ ‘Well, what?,’ says the redneck. The warden says, ‘When are you going to whistle them back?’ ‘Whistle who back?’ ‘The FISH,’! yelled the warden! ‘What fish?,’ replied the redneck, “I thought we were just beholdin’ the beauty of the lake.”

A biker who has been out on the road for three weeks stops into a brothel outside Vegas. He walks straight up to the Madam, drops down $500 and says, “I want your ugliest woman you got in here and a bologna sandwich!!” The Madam is astonished. “But sir, for that kind of money you could have one of the finest ladies here and a three-course meal.” Biker replies, “Listen sweetheart, I ain’t horny, I’m HOMESICK.”

A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.”

I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a Cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait. Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket. Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. His eyes rolled back, he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog. A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same damn snake with two frogs in his mouth!

One day Z-Man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. “Tie me up,” she purred, “and you can do anything you want.” So, he tied her up and went for a long ride on his Harley.

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 57

• Certified H-D Tech on Staff • Certified Metric Tech on Staff • Performance Motor Work • Insurance Work • Extended Warranty

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Motorcycles Sales • Service • Trades • Buy Bikes • Consignments Buyer-Assist • Appraisals • Parts • Accessories Financing • Insurance • Warranties 1416 Sonoma Blvd • Vallejo CA 94590 707.647.RIDE (7433) •

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 58


et us get one thing straight; I love this country and I am very proud to be an American! As we have seen these past couple of years and into the present time, there are those out there that find it pleasing to desecrate our Nation’s flag and what it stands for. Now, I am not going to get into a political debate or argue about the “rights” that are given to every individual that calls themselves an American. But, the great thing we can do as individuals that still believe this is the greatest country on the planet, is share a testimony, a story, or a family heritage that qualifies us to have ample knowledge of the subject, or that we know personally “How It Feels” to not feel part of, discriminated against, or have a feeling of separation. You see for me, Pastor Johnny Lujan; I have experienced some of those same feelings. My paternal grandmother was from the Navajo Nation of Eastern Arizona. My paternal grandfather was from Mexico, and my paternal great-grandfather was from Chili. My mother’s heritage is Welsh and Irish, who migrated here many years ago. I directly experienced interracial ridicule; people pointing at us in the mall or moving out of a grocery line my father happened to be standing in. I endured snide remarks, jokes, stares, and criticism from many different walks of life and at different times in my life. Even though we were dealing with varying cultures in our family, we never once disrespected the flag of the United States or what it stood for. My grandmother, although born on a Navajo reservation, was very proud of our/her flag as her brothers served and fought in WWII. Her son served and fought bravely in Vietnam and was able to make it home safe, but suffered from many residual pains we are all just now learning about. She also had 2 grandsons that served in the US Navy for a combined 9 years. My grandfather, although born in Mexico, was ever so grateful to this great nation for the opportunity to become a US citizen, get a good paying job, and through very hard work became a top-performing salesman, which gave him the opportunity to purchase many properties and make a good living for his family. They “taught” and engrained in us, respect for our flag and for our country. They never once disgraced, dishonored, or disrespected the flag of our/their great nation. “God shed his grace on thee.” We have to realize that most of the time when we see blatant acts of disrespect or public humiliation of our Nation’s flag or way of life; it is by those who feel lost, lonely, scared, intimidated, or who are just trying to get some attention. Most do it not really knowing why, but it brings so much

attention to themselves that they get a rush by thinking they are exercising their freedom, when in actuality, they are just being selfish, self-centered, and egotistical. The following is taken from one of my favorite Great Big Book that really put things into perspective for me when I was searching for a new way of life, as the old self-centered lifestyle I was living was just that; selfish and self-centered: “Selfishness - self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles. Driven by a hundred forms of fear, selfdelusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly without provocation, but we invariably find that at some time in the past we have made decisions based on self which later placed us in a position to be hurt.” What I am expressing is to not get caught up in the fact there are those who want to destroy our heritage and way of life. Instead, we should feel sorry for them, and pray that someday they have the opportunity to overcome their selfcenteredness and selfish egotistical ways. The effort that we are all putting into this subject could be used for so much more good to help Unite these “United States” the way we were intended to live and continue to build. Together Everyone Achieves More. See You At Thunder Road. “God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her, through the night with the light from above.“ Philippians 2:3 – Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. “Never Ride Alone” Pastor Johnny Lujan

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 59

2 Wheel Boot Camp:



he dream of owning a motorcycle became a reality when I walked into the local Harley Dealership and put my deposit on a beautiful 2016 Sportster FortyEight. The reality suddenly set in as I threw my leg over the motorcycle seat and maneuvered the bike upright. My 5’3 small-frame struggled to upright the 550lb bike. Utilizing my core strength and leg muscles, I successfully brought the bike upright, only to feel the bike to start to lean in the opposite direction. My core strength quickly activated to upright the bike once again and realization set-in that I will need to continue building strength to keep this bike stable. Thankfully, I have had the advantage of strength from competing in Spartan races but in honesty, the majority of females I have inspired to ride are looking for answers to how to successfully ride a motorcycle safely. As an Exercise Physiologist, I evaluated from head to toe, all key components on training for any obstacle that may approach with a long ride. To begin the process of riding, I completed two motor cycle safety academies which brought to my attention, the key muscles involved in riding. I learned the basics of riding but that was just the surface of riding scenarios. As a woman, I wanted to be confident in picking up my motorcycle if I were ever to drop the bike. A salesman at a Harley dealership suggested that if I were to drop the bike, that there will always be a man to be around to pick up the bike. Well, I know the reality that a man won’t always be around and if I am riding long trips on my own, now’s the time to understand the physical strength required for the ride. To begin to understand how to best prepare for the ride (solo or with a group), the individual rider needs to observe the muscles activated to balance the bike. The bike should do most of the work for you, if the rider recognizes the bike’s balance point. However, there will be times when the rider can become exhausted, dehydrated or distracted and that is when the core and leg muscles are activated as lifesavers. From the neck to the feet, all muscles are engaged in an action that will initially wipe the rider out following a lengthy ride. Suggestively, riders should start out with small rides until they build up their strength to match the ride. The following are key physical training tips on how to be best prepared for the ride of choice. Dependent on the length of the ride, various amounts of energy are required, which results in the muscles absorbing calories to equal the length of the ride. In addition to calories

needed for riding the bike, calories are also being burned as the body prepares against weather elements, e.g. heat, wind or cold. Therefore, at the minimum thirty-minutes of cardio, e.g. walking, jogging, swimming on a daily basis will help keep the body utilizing energy in the most efficient manner. A recommendation of carrying snacks with the bike allows for the rider to resupply the calories lost. The resupply of energy from snacks incorporating a balance of protein, carbs and fat will keep the rider well sustained to complete their ride. To prevent dehydration and disorientation, water or Gatorade will keep the rider comfortable and focused. In addition to the importance of cardio, strength is also necessary for the ride. An easy strength routine to follow is to start with the muscle groups from head to feet. Up to three sets of 15 repetitions, every other day of each muscle group will help achieve the goals of riding confidently. To begin the routine, the neck is often a neglected group for training muscles. Full-faced helmets are heavy and the head is required to swivel through twisty turns and switching lanes. Head twists from side to side while wearing a helmet (or to modify without the helmet) will increase range of motion for the safety of the rider. Bicep curls and triceps dips will assist with the arm muscles required to maintain almost a 90-degree angle when riding. Finger and wrist curls with a small dumbbell or tennis ball will assist with continuously maintaining throttle and applying the clutch and front brake. The core muscles involve the abs and the back muscle groups. The strengthening of these muscles can be achieved through multiple different core exercise, e.g. crunches and bridging. The strength of these muscles are the key to balancing the bike. The leg muscles are the largest muscle groups in the body. The quads and hamstrings can be strengthened by lunges or squats but for a modified version, utilizing resistance bands while seated in a chair can achieve similar results. Finally, the ankles need to be strengthened in order to shift the bike and applying pressure to the rear brake. These muscles can be achieved by toe raises and ankle rotations. Hopefully, the focus of this strength routine will assist future riders with the awareness of preparing for their dream ride. Additionally, the strength routine will provide confidence to solo riders to help maneuver through obstacles that come across their path. So future riders, enjoy the ride and enjoy being a healthier version of yourselves. Article contributed by Emily O’Shaughnessy, MS RCEP

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Careful now! Don’t get screwed I’m gonna be serious in this month’s article because this is a story I hear so often and if I can help someone with their bike or protect them from getting screwed then I will have done my good deed for the day. We went to the FXR’s of California show at the Sacramento Raceway and had a blast. Diane and I set up a booth, threw back a few beers and we displayed the Straight Shooter live laser measuring system on a Dyna to show everyone what we do at our motorcycle shop in Rancho Cordova.

shown proof the frame wasn’t bent. They totaled my bike without knowing for sure if the frame was bent! They just put it on the estimate and it added another $4,500 to the bill. I practically begged them not to total my bike because I have so much money into it and I’ll never get it back. I still owe over $5,800 on the credit card I used to spruce up the bike. I got a 2016 Road Glide now, but after that last fiasco I’m keeping it stock.”

I can’t believe how many people said they have a wobble they can’t get rid of and how many people are riding around with a bent frame because they didn’t want the insurance company to total their bike by changing the frame. Everyone we spoke to was impressed with the Straight Shooter and a lot of people said they want to bring their bikes in to get rid of the wobble or straighten the frame.

I explained to him that there is a law in California that states you have the right to take your motorcycle to the repair shop of your choice. If you’re not satisfied with the estimate because you think you’re gonna take it in the shorts because of a “bent frame” you have the right to ask for proof the frame is bent. In fact, insist on it! Don’t accept the answer “I’ve been doing this for a long time. I can tell if a frame is bent just by looking at it.” Bullshit! I’ve measured and/or repaired way too many motorcycle frames to believe that.

I had a guy tell me he had a 2015 Road Glide and had over $6,000 into the motor, exhaust, wheels and paint. Then, some lady turned left in front of him and hit him. He said he seen it coming and managed to avoid the head-on collision but clipped her car. He broke his wrist, and bent his front end. He said “All in all, the bike didn’t look that bad, what hurt more than my wrist was the amount of money the insurance company wanted to give for my bike.” I could tell by the anger in his voice this was a painful subject for him.

Tell the insurance company to show you proof the frame is bent, and if the frame is bent, it’s your bike and it’s up to you if you want the frame repaired! It’s always best to know your rights and options when it comes to having your motorcycle repaired. Protecting and arming yourself with knowledge is a good thing. If you have any questions or concerns about an insurance claim repair process or frame repair options feel free to contact me and I’ll do what can to help you. That’s my two cents.

He said “I wish I would have known about your shop before so you could have measured my bike and

Al Cagle

Rack and Pull Industries

Motorcycle Collision Center Specializing in Harley-Davidson Frame Repair 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite F. Rancho Cordova, Calif. 95742 916-899-1188 Laser Measuring & Frame Repair Equipment For the Professional Motorcycle Technician Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 61

Automotive Rick’s Automotive Biker Owned & Operated 3725 Pine Street Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 632-8230 Bars/Restaurants Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub 4430 Pleasant Valley Road Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 644-4301 EASTSIDE Public House 1760 E. Main Street Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-9805 Elkhorn Saloon 18398 Old River Road W. Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-BARR (2277) The Florence Bar & Grill 37249 Niles Blvd Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 792-5522 Granzella’s Inc. 451 6th Street Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-5583 Johnny’s Bar & Grill Breakfast, Lunch, Cocktails and Karaoke 526 San Benito Street Hollister, CA 95023 831-637-3683 Kenny’s Bar & Grill 721 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 662-3634

Mom & Pop’s Saloon “Where fun people go, to have more fun!” 205 3rd Street San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (831) 623-2393 The Omelet House 700 East Victor Road Lodi, CA (209) 365-7011 The Omelet House 3455 Cherokee Road Stockton, CA (209) 941-2750 Road Trip Bar & Grill 24989 State Hwy 16 Capay, CA 95607 530-796-3777 Scooters Café 11975 Highway 70 Jarbo Gap, CA 95965 (530) 534-HOGG (4644) Spancky’s Bar 8201 Old Redwood Hwy Cotati, CA, USA 94931 707-664-0169 Casinos Jackson Rancheria Casino & Resort 12222 New York Ranch Road Jackson, CA 95642 (800) 822-WINN Heating & Air Conditioning

A&M Heating and Air Conditioning www. AMHeatingandAirConditioning. com 7625 Sunrise Blvd – Ste 208 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 747-5654

Insurance CycleInsure Agency 4201 Sunrise Blvd – Suite B Fair Oaks, CA 95628 800-800-0965 / 916-200-1000 Farmers Insurance / M Harris Lic #0790644 158 Maple St Livermore, CA 94550-3232 (925) 606-8387 mmontalvo4@farmersagent. com Harleymann Motorcycle Insurance Agency 9477 Greenback Lane – Ste 507 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 355-0500 Jim Wall Insurance Agency Kelly Weber – Owner/Agent 6045 Hazel Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 Email: (916) 989-1915 Lodging & Resorts Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast Resort 2870 Lakeshore Blvd Nice, CA 95464 (707)274-8378 Inn of the Lost Coast 205 Wave Drive Shelter Cove, CA 95589 707-986-7521 Motorcycle Attorneys Kirbys Law California’s Motorcycle Lawyers 24/7 (800) 699-9097 Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers 1010 Hurley Way – Ste 410 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 565-0590

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 62

Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys (800) 800-4-BIKERS Schapiro & Leventhal The Motorcycle Attorneys Call us 24/7 for a FREE Consulation (877) 835-7800 Motorcycle Detailing San Jose Hogwash Motorcycle Detailing P.O. Box 24273 San Jose, CA 95154 (408) 641-1940 Powder Coating Performance Powder Coating & Sandblasting 6326 Main Avenue #4 Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 987-1942 Real Estate Randy Mack Lic#01252462 / Heidi Faulkner Lic#01227446 Artisan Sotheby’s International Realty Serving the Wine Country and Sonoma County Sebastopol, Healdsburg, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Forestville (707) 696-6272 Notary Sharon Holder Sharon Holder Notary Public (916) 425-2377 Sales / Service / Accessories

Bagger Design 2112 Drive In Way Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 852-1554 Billy’s Motorcycle Shop 3233 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-3023

Bliss Electronics 4224 Fowler Lane – Ste 101 Diamond Springs, CA 95619 (530) 642-9326 California Custom Trailers 10381 E. Stockton Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-2310 C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin 12015 Shale Ridge Auburn, CA 95602 530-885-5556 Clinton’s Custom Cycle 555 G Street Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-0954 Custom Design Studios 56 Hamilton Drive – Suite A Novato, CA 94949 (415) 382-6662 Dudley Perkins Co 333 Corey Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 650-737-5467 Executive Choppers 2115 March Road Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 780-6508 Folsom Harley-Davidson 115 Woodmere Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 608-9922 Hatt’s Motorcycles P.O. Box 608 Forest Knolls, CA 94933 (415) 488-1441 HK Cycles 196 Airway Blvd Livermore, CA 94551 (925) 443-1269

Hollister Powersports

411 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 630-5200

Mid Cal Cycles 2510 Evergreen Avenue – Ste E W. Sacramento, CA 95691 916-373-1745

Horse Power by Gerolamy 4046 Wayside Lane – Ste J Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 638-9008 / (916) 485-8288

Nickell’s Customs 2429 S. Stockton Street – Ste 4 Lodi, CA 95240 (209) 323-0090

Humboldt Performance Cycle 1341 Evergreen Road #1 Redway, CA 95560 (707) 923-7103

Omega Motorcycle 660 Harbor Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-2206

Iron Steed Harley-Davidson 100 Auto Center Drive Vacaville, CA, USA 95687 707-455-7000

Penngrove Motorcycle Company 9585 Main Street Penngrove, CA 94951 (707) 793-7993

James Dean’s Rebel Design 9556 Antelope Oaks Court Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 773=REBL(7325) John Jessup’s DREAM RIDES 2275 N. Wilson Way Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 467-4669 J&S Surplus Eagle Iron & Leather Hwy 1 & North Struve Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 831-724-0588 Lane Splitter HarleyDavidson 1551 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 998-1464 The Leatherworks, Inc. 188 Frank West Circle #C Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 983-9200

Rack and Pull Industries (916) 899-1188 Ride-On-Motorcycles 1416 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 647-RIDE(7433) Seatworks Custom Motorcycle Seats (916) 729-1012 Sindicate Cycles 1010 N. Idaho Street San Mateo, CA 94401 (650) 863-3911 Sinister Wheel (209) 664-0207 Sonoma County Harley-Davidson 7601 Redwood Drive Cotati, CA 94931 (707) 793-9180 Tomson Leather 6225 Pleasant Valley Road El Dorado, CA 95623 (530) 622-1505

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 63

Two Gunners Custom Iron 21183 State Hwy 20 Penn Valley, CA 95946 530-263-8071 V Dawg Cycles 5630 Roseville Rd – Suite C Sacramento, CA 95842 (916) 338-3710 VICTORY of Citrus Heights

7601 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 725-8158 WindVest Motorcycle Products 16840 Joleen Way Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 377-7323 Tattoos Tattoo Betty’s 125 Peek Street – Ste C Jackson, CA 95642 (209) 223-3534 Wild Bill Tattoo 115 Lincoln Street Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-9090



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Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 68

Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events online at OCTOBER

LIVE FREE California Motorcycle Culture SACRAMENTO Presented by California Automobile Museum – 2200 Front Street. Exhibit thru February 19, 2017. Hours 10am-5pm / 3rd Thursdays until 8pm. Closed Tuesday. For more information: (916) 442-6802 / OCTOBER 1-2 Grand Opening Party GEORGETOWN Presented by Georgetown Hotel & Saloon – 6260 Main Street. UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Live Music, BBQ, Drink Specials, Party on the Patio, Corn Hole Tournament. For more information: (530) 333-4428 OCTOBER 1 C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin Customer Appreciation Day!! AUBURN Presented by C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin – 12015 Shale Ridge Lane. 12-4pm Live Music Featuring THE FRYED BROTHERS BAND!! ~Vendors ~BBQ Available ~Raffles Join us as we celebrate our appreciation for ALL of our customers!! For more information: SEE AD ON PAGE 49 OCTOBER 1 Biketoberfest 2016 SACRAMENTO Presented by Hells Angels Sacramento. Located at Our Clubhouse – 3405 9th Avenue. 7pm - ? $20/Advance $30/At The Door. Music by The Fryed Brothers. See any Sacramento Hells Angel for tickets.

OCTOBER 1 11th Annual Chilly Billy Fun Run COTATI Presented by Rip City Riders MC. Sign in at Sonoma County Harley-Davidson - 7601 Redwood Dr. 8-10:30am $25 Donation Ride ends at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds and Event Center in Petaluma. Live music, BBQ lunch between 11:30-3:30 pm, vendors, raffle prizes including a 2016 Harley-Davidson Street Bob. For more information: OCTOBER 1 20th Annual Black Widows Poker Run SACRAMENTO Presented by Black Widows Inc. VFW Post 67 2784 Stockton Blvd. Registration 8am to 10:30am/ Run Ends 7pm. $30 mail or online pre registration by 921/16 $40 day of. Ride Donation to include Dinner, Tshirt, Poker Hand and entry for Grand prize! Ride, Drive, Float, Walk, Run, Crawl. Everyone and all Bikes welcome. Final Stop Peters Steak House to include Prime Rib or Chicken Dinner and Grand Prize, High Low Hand, 50/50,Raffle Prizes and Live music by the Buzz Tones! To benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children of Northern California. For more information: Jamey Ray (916) 649-2240 / / (mail Reg can be printed @ website signup page) OCTOBER 1 Gold Country Run GRASS VALLEY Presented by American Legion Riders Chapter 130 / Sons of the American Legion Post 130 Located at Veterans Hall - 255 South Auburn Street. Registration 8:30am - 10:30 am, Single $20 - $30. $3 breakfast donation. 12 noon to 2:30pm Tri Tip dinner included. 3pm 50/50 drawing hand carved biker bear winner announced. Lots of drawing prizes and High hand wins $100. Live Auction at 3pm donated 1978 Sportster, winner takes it. All proceeds are for our Veterans. For more information: / Rick Arens (530) 277-4271

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 69

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OCTOBER 1 CTA featuring former Chicago bandmates Danny Seraphine & Bill Champlin JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 7pm / $25. Danny Seraphine co-founded the supergroup Chicago in 1967 and was their drummer and songwriter until 1990. Grammy winner Bill Champlin was the lead vocalist and keyboardist for the group from 1981 until 2009. In April 2016, Danny and the band Chicago were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Will Call opens at 5pm, Doors open at 6pm and the show begins at 7pm. Beer, food, and wine will be available for purchase. For more information: (800) 822-9466 / OCTOBER 1 Swap Meet / Recycled Iron LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. If you’re interested in selling your stuff, reserve your spot today! $10 non-refundable fee. Setup starts at 7:30am – 8:30am. Gate opens at 9am. Free breakfast and lunch (while supplies last). For more information: Denise at 209-955-8503 / OCTOBER 1 United Motorcycle Clubs of Alameda County Toy Drive OAKLAND Presented by United Motorcycle Clubs of Alameda County. Located at Oakland Harley Davidson -151 Hegenberger Rd. 11am – 3pm / $15 Donation + Unwrapped Toy. Music, food, drinks and desert included with donation! For more information: OCTOBER 8 Mendocino County HOG Poker Run UKIAH Presented by MC HOG Chapter and Gunninks HarleyDavidson - 2600 North State St. 9am-4pm. $25 Starts and ends at Gunninks Harley Davidson. Save money and pre register by Sept. 1st for only $20 and guarantee your size tee shirt! There will be fun entertainment, music, games, and lots of Raffles! Don’t miss out! Join us for the fun and beautiful ride through Mendocino County! Proceeds will benefit Mendocino County Cancer Resource Center. For more information:

OCTOBER 8 Fryed Brothers Band at Swabbies On The River SACRAMENTO Presented by Fryed Brothers Band. 3pm to 7pm Cost: $10.00. Join the Fryed Brothers for an afternoon of great music, food & drinks with plenty of shade, seating and motorcycle parking! For more information: barbfryed@ OCTOBER 8 Annual Nonperishable Food Drive (CANCELLED) AUBURN Presented by Sons of California MC Gold Country. Located at Pistol Pete’s Brew & Cue - 140 Harrison Avenue. 11am to 5pm Donation $15 per person / $20 per couple or $10 Per person with a donation of nonperishable food items. Live music by Savannah Blue. Raffle prizes 50-50 raffle and more ! Special raffle 50 inch flat screen HD TV! A ride biker party rain or shine! All are welcome! Accepting donations of food and clothing. For more information: Sparky (530)651-3994 OCTOBER 8 Fallen Brothers Poker Run MARTINEZ Presented by Saints MC Martinez - Locates at 605 Marina Vista. 10am $20 Entry Donation. In remembrance of our fallen brothers and sisters CO CO County back roads ride, 50/50, Raffle, BBQ Tri Tip Lunch, Remington 870 Shot gun Grand Prize, Live music. Come enjoy the day and support the kids of our Vicentes-Briones High School Scholarship Fund! For more information: OCTOBER 8 6th Annual Gold Country Benefit Ride & BBQ PENRYN Presented by Gold Country Harley Riders. Registration at Valencia Club - 2162 Taylor Rd. Registration 9am-10am. Kickstands up at 10am. BBQ lunch at 1pm. $20 Single / $35 Two Up includes BBQ and Pin for 1st 100 riders. Open to All Bikes! Activities include Cowboy Fast Draw ($5 a round) sponsored by Cowboy Fast Draw Assoc., Chapter Challenge, Raffles, 50/50, $150/High & $75/Low Hands, Live Music. Proceeds go to Local Toy Runs and charities. Vendors wanted. For more information: Roy Sunahara (916) 390-0205 / / www.

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Remember Remember to to check check for for MORE MORE events events submitted submittedAFTER AFTER print print deadline deadline at at OCTOBER 8 Fall Bingo Run VACAVILLE Presented by A.B.A.T.E. Local 17 of California. Starts at Str8 Shooter Bar and Grill – 1072 E. Monte Vista Avenue. 9am $5 donation per playing card. First game at 10:00. Pay out at each stop. If you join on the day of the run you will receive 1 card at each stop. For more information: Glenn (707) 624-6310 OCTOBER 8 4th Annual West Sacramento Christmas Basket Toy Run SACRAMENTO Presented by Tommy King and Friends. Meet at Sacramento Harley Davidson at 9am. Enjoy free coffee and pastries. Depart at 10am. Bring an unwrapped Toy and or Clothing, Jackets, shoes and socks, canned food etc. for all ages... Cash donations accepted. Live music, breakfast and lunch Specials at Swabbies. Photos with Santa, 50/50, Raffle, free tickets to the FRYED BROTHERS show immediately following and much more! For more information: FaceBook at West Sacramento Christmas Basket Toy Run. Non-Profit Charity Tax ID #680273220 PO Box 1236 W. Sac. Ca. 95605-1236. Tell em Tommy sent Cha! OCTOBER 14-16 Big Bike Weekend REDDING Presented by Big Bike Weekend. Located at Win River Resort & Casino - 2100 Redding Rancheria Road. Fri Noon-8, Sat 10a-8p, Sun 10a-2p/$15-60. Start time: Noon Friday, 9a on Saturday & Sunday Friday’s Night features police escorted Remembrance Ride, followed by an optional dinner & dance Saturday’s Ride for a Cause Poker Run is a chance to win $10,000 Sunday’s featured event is a Bike Show Competition Prices vary from $15$60. Vendors, webcasting during event, entertainment, RV parking/hook-ups and a great resort. Raffle prizes and door prizes including the Amazon Alexa. Supports: One SAFE Place. For more information: www.BigBikeWeekend. com / (530) 276-5802

OCTOBER 14 Jeff Keith’s Ride For Reason Pre-Registration Party CITRUS HEIGHTS Presented by Higher Purpose Events. Located at Alley Katz – 7942 Arcadia. 7pm-10pm $5 Donation Covers Admission. Music by Dave Gorman & Sammy Karlin of Fallrise. For more information: (916) 827-1743 / www. SEE AD ON BACKCOVER OCTOBER 15 Jeff Keith’s Ride For Reason FOLSOM Presented by Higher Purpose Events – Starts at Folsom Harley-Davidson – 115 Woodmere Rd. Pre-Register $25 online. 9am-11am. Tickets include: Ride with Jeff Keith of Tesla. Ride ends at Western Gateway Park in Penn Valley from 1pm-5pm. Live Music from Jeff Keith’s All Star Band, Raffle Prizes, Vendors, Food and Drink. All proceeds benefit local foster kids. For more information: Vendors (530) 368-6579 / / (916) 827-1743 SEE AD ON INSIDE FRONT COVER OCTOBER 15 ABATE Cheeseburger Run GRASS VALLEY Presented by ABATE Local 52. Located at 19729 Cerrito Rd. 12pm / $5 Come join us for a cheeseburger and support ABATE. We are your state level motorcycle rights organization! Burgers, beans, and chips. Your favorite refreshments at the bar. Prize drawings too! For more information: OCTOBER 15 Clambake SAN JOSE Presented by Lane Splitter Harley-Davidson – 1551 Parkmoor Ave. 12pm. For more information: (408) 9981464 / SEE AD ON PAGE 35 OCTOBER 15 Pink Party / Garage Party LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Free Pink Label seminars For more information:

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OCTOBER 15 7th Annual Save the Big Twins VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley Davidson. 9am- 10am $30 Registration Fee includes a run pin and meal ticket (pre-register by September 18th your donation will also include a commemorative event shirt!) We will have games, raffles, awards and delicious food provided by Road Trip Bar & Grill! Get excited, wear your pink and come out to support The Big Twins and have a great day! Benefiting the Solano Midnight Sun Foundation. For more information: SEE AD ON PAGE 17 OCTOBER 15 4th Annual Lords of Iron High Roller Run SANTA ROSA Presented by Lords of Iron MC. Start at Final Edition Bar – 412 Larkfield Ctr. 9am-11:30am $25 Donation. BBQ ribs & chicken with all the trimmings, 50/50, raffle, tons of prizes. RAIN OR SHINE Proceeds to Greenacre Homes and Schools (Sebastopol) OCTOBER 15 4th Annual Sierra Foothill Harvest Brew-fest JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 2pm to 5pm / $25 in advance / $30 at the door. Craft Beer lovers and aficionados are invited to the Grand Oak Ballroom to enjoy beer tasting, artisan food pairings and live entertainment are all included! Tickets also include a complimentary commemorative beer tasting glass and $10 Free Slot Play or Match Play. Must be 21 to attend. Proceeds from this event will benefit Second Generation, a non-profit organization that believes it is the responsibility of our generation to support, reward and aide the hard work of our Agricultural communities’ children. For more information: VIP and Elite Players can purchase their discounted tickets at the Casino Cashier’s Cage for only $10. Designated Driver tickets are only $10 and include music and food. SEE AD ON PAGE 51

OCTOBER 21 Ladies Garage VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley Davidson. 5:30pm-8:30pm FREE. Ladies Night is a Harley Davidson event geared towards women! We want to introduce you to the amazing life of Harley! We will have our a Jump Start set up so you can try out riding for yourself! We will be here to answer any questions you have about our bikes, motor clothes and services we provide. There will be food, drinks, games and give aways. Come shop, learn about bikes and have a great time! For more information: events@ironsteedhd. com SEE AD ON PAGE 17 OCTOBER 22 Annual Halloween Ride FRESNO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Fresno - 4345 W Shaw Ave. 6pm- 9:30pm. For more information: OCTOBER 23 Buried Bones Tombstone Tour 4 Poker Run & Party FOLSOM Presented by 41 Live! Registration at Dolan’s Bar – 199 Blue Ravine Rd. 10am-12pm. $20 Rider / $30 Couples. 90 mile Sierra foothills backcountry ride. All bikes & riders welcome! Food, drink specials, music, games & vendors! 2pm – Post-ride party at El Dorado Saloon on Green Valley Rd in El Dorado Hills. Benefitting local historic graveyards. For more information: Bob (916) 704-5769 SEE AD ON PAGE 5 OCTOBER 29 Jimmie Vaughan Concert JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 7pm / $35 Welcomes blues & ballads artist Jimmie Vaughan to the Grand Oak Ballroom stage. In 1974, Vaughan met and started the Fabulous Thunderbirds with vocalist and harmonica player Kim Wilson. The T-Birds stayed with the group through their 1986 release of Tuff Enough until he joined his kid brother, Stevie Ray, on the Family Style album, which was a huge hit after its release in 1990. Will Call opens at 5pm, Doors open at 6pm and the show begins at 7pm. Beer, food, and wine will be available for purchase. For more information: (800) 822-9466 /

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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at OCTOBER 29 Harley-Ween LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest H-D. 9am – 6pm. Break out that ol’ Halloween costume of yours, pile the kids in the car and celebrate Harley-Ween! Special cartoon appearances for the kids!!! We will be offering Trick or Treating and will have a costume contest. Free lunch from 11:00am – 2:00pm, while supplies last! OCTOBER 29 15th Annual Graveyard Run FOLSOM Presented by Resurrection MC. Sign in at Folsom Harley - Woodmere Rd. 9am to11am. $20 single / $30 couple. Great food, 50/50 raffle and great ride through sierra foothills. Ride pins first 50 riders. For more information: Shady (530) 748-5030 OCTOBER 29 TOP HATTERS 20th Annual Halloween Party HOLLISTER Presented by TOP HATTERS of Hollister. Located at 843 San Benito Street - Suite E. 6am to 2am. $10/person. Live Music, Door Prizes, Food, Prizes for Costumes, Prizes for 21. For more information: tophatterssideshow@earthlink. net OCTOBER 30 30th Annual Great Pumpkin Run S. SAN FRANCISCO Presented by Dudley Perkins Co – 333 Corey Way. 9am $7 with RSVP / $10 Day of. Coffee and doughnuts. 10am Ride leaves to Occidental. For more information: (650) 737-5467 / SEE AD ON PAGE 23 OCTOBER 31 Truck or Treat LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. 12pm -3pm. Happy Halloween! Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson. Costume contest. Special character appearances. Bring the little ones down for fun! Trick or treating in each department


LIVE FREE California Motorcycle Culture SACRAMENTO Presented by California Automobile Museum – 2200 Front Street. Exhibit thru February 19, 2017. Hours 10am-5pm / 3rd Thursdays until 8pm. Closed Tuesday. For more information: (916) 442-6802 /

NOVEMBER 5-6 Heroes BBQ & Demo Event HOLLISTER Presented by Hollister Powersports – 411 San Felipe Rd. 10am -4pm. Free BBQ. Everyone welcome! For more information: (831) 630-5200 / SEE AD ON PAGE 23 NOVEMBER 5 San Francisco Fire Department 10th Annual Johnny “V” Memorial Toy Run SAN FRANCISCO Presented by Barbary Coast Chapter- Wind and Fire MC. Registration at 2225 Jerrold Street. 10am11:30am. $25.00 Donation, passenger $5.00 more and an unwrapped toy. A ride along the beautiful San Francisco waterfront through fisherman’s wharf and past AT&T Park. We then arrive at the Bay View Boat Club for a delicious BBQ lunch, live music, water show by the San Francisco Fireboat, Raffle, Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle. For more information: NOVEMBER 5 BFMC11 Annual Food and Toy Drive OROVILLE Presented by BFMC Chapter 11. Stage at Oro Dam Auto Ctr - 1250 Oro Dam Blvd. 10am- 2pm. Bring 2 unwrapped gifts and food bank items. Free coffee, donuts and BS. KSU at noon for an escorted parade with Santa and the Boozefighters to The Lords Gym at 2120 Bird St, for free food, music and a family style street carnival. All gifts and food to be distributed the benefactor - The Fathers House Church in Oroville. For more information: NOVEMBER 6 NorCal Cycle Swap SACRAMENTO Located at West Wind Drive-In 9619 Oates Drive. Swap with 100 vendors, all makes and models of bike parts. 8:30 am, 5 bucks. For more information: www. SEE AD ON PAGE 33 NOVEMBER 6 27th Annual Woodland Roadrunners Toy Run WOODLAND Presented by Woodland Roadrunners. Located at Les Schwab - 65 Main Street. 9am – Bring a new unwrapped toy. 27 years of doing the toy run for the Marine Corps League in Woodland. The Roadrunners are proud to do this event for such a worthy cause. Coffee, donuts and door prizes plus cash awards for oldest rider, youngest rider,most distance rider to event. Toys stay in Yolo County. For more information:

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NOVEMBER 12 20th Annual Can Food Drive STOCKTON Presented by Sons of California MC San Joaquin Valley Chapter. Located at Amblers Club - 2000 N Amblers Lane. 12pm-4pm. Please bring non perishable food items for entry. All motorcycles and cars welcome, fun for families, bounce house for the kids. Music & food. Rain or Shine. Benefitting Saint Marys Interfaith Community Services. For more information: NOVEMBER 12 Veterans Day Party SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Located at 3412 Auburn Blvd. 3pm - 1am / No Cover Charge Celebrating our Veterans in and out of the MSMC family as well as our Community. There will be good music, great food, cold drinks, and easy women. Come help us pay tribute to the men and women who have served OUR Great country. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Ghost (209) 418-5014.

NOVEMBER 27 17th Annual Hatt’s San Quentin Toy Run SAN RAFAEL Presented by Hatt’s Motorcycles. Pier 15 Restaurant – 15 Harbor Avenue. RAIN OR SHINE 9am-11am $20 / Bring Unwrapped Toy or Gift Card. Food, drinks, live music and raffle. All bikes and cars are welcome – please come join the fun! Run benefits children of inmates of San Quentin. Sponsors needed! For more information: Bret Hatt (415) 488-1441


LIVE FREE California Motorcycle Culture SACRAMENTO Presented by California Automobile Museum – 2200 Front Street. Exhibit thru February 19, 2017. Hours 10am-5pm / 3rd Thursdays until 8pm. Closed Tuesday. For more information: (916) 442-6802 / DECEMBER 3 Good Santa LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. 11am – 2pm. First 25 photos FREE taken by the Photographic Art Studio.

DECEMBER 4 Emmaus House Motorcycle Run & Holiday NOVEMBER 13 Extravaganza 12th Annual Laytonville Toy Run HOLLISTER LAYTONVILLE Presented by Hollister Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Presented by Boomer’s Saloon – 45020 N. Hwy 101. Ministry. Registration at Indian Motorcycle - 411 San Felipe 1-5pm. Bring unwrapped toy. RAIN OR SHINE! Live Road. 9:30am KSU 1:30pm. Single Rider: $10 / 2up: $15. music, cold drinks, $6 Tri tip Buffet, 2016 Toy Run Pin and Everyone Is Welcome To Attend Enjoy A Bike Run & Door much more. Proceeds from this event benefit the North Prizes Included, Vendors. Rain or Shine. All Proceeds Pole Toy Express. For more information: (707) 984-6534 / Benefit the Emmaus House. For more information: SEE AD ON PAGE 64 Jason Hopkins (831) 297-2899 / / NOVEMBER 27 DECEMBER 10 24th Annual Willits Toy Run Bad Santa WILLITS LATHROP Presented by Willits Wild Bunch & Willits Rotary. Evergreen Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Shopping Center -1700 S. Main St. One Unwrapped Toy. 11am – 2pm. First 25 photos FREE taken by the Photographic Art Meet & Greet 11:00am - Pack ride leaves at 12 noon Studio. escorted through town by the Little Lake Valley FD. Party starts at 12:30 - Little Lake Grange - 291 School St. Live Music by II Big, many raffle items, live auction and fantastic free lunch. For more information: Pops (707) 489-3313.

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EVERY TUESDAY FOLSOM United We Stand BIKE NIGHT Presented by Mark’s Sports Bar & Grill – 303 Iron Point Rd. 7:30pm-12:00am. Live Free Ride Free! Bike Nights! Drink specials, Food specials, DJ, Possible raffles as we progress, along with special guests. For more information: 2nd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH (May-October) OROVILLE WANDERERS BIKE & CAR NIGHT Presented by Wanderers M/C. Located at Feather Falls Casino – 3 Alverda Drive. 5pm to 8pm. Music, prizes and trophies. Contact Mike B (530) 534-5125 / (530) 990-5125 EVERY THURSDAY RANCHO CORDOVA BIKER CHURCH NIGHT Presented by Thunder Road Biker Church - 11257 Coloma Road #B8 7pm-8pm EVERY THURSDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Open House Thursdays – 3412 Auburn Blvd. 5pm-9pm / Free. Come Join the MSMC as we BBQ and have a good time. Enjoy the relaxed environment, cold drinks, and great food as you watch football or simply network with others throughout our community. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Beast (209) 781-6111. 1st THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH (May-October) AUBURN BIKE NIGHT 2016 Presented by C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin. 5pm8pm. Join us for some great Music, showing off your bike, raffle prizes and more! BBQ available! All Motorcycles are welcome!

1st THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH LIVERMORE BIKE NIGHT Presented by Livermore Harley-Davidson – 7576 Southfront Rd. 5pm-8pm Free event where riders of all makes and models as well as non-riders gather to show off their bikes, meet friends, make new friends, enjoy some food, and have some fun. ALL RIDERS ARE WELCOME! And all models, such as cruisers, sportbikes, nakeds, sport tourers, streetfighters, dual sports, vintage – you name it, it’s welcome! No motorcycle? No problem. Even if you don’t ride, bike nights are fun to attend. All you need is an interest in motorcycles. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH VALLEY SPRINGS BIKE NIGHT Located at El Torero Mexican Restaurant – 2869 Hwy 12. 7pm-9pm. FREE – Everyone welcome! Door prizes. Family friendly For more information: Mike (209) 786-2217 / Gordo (209) 772-8995 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH ARCATA BIKE NIGHT Presented by M.O.B. of Humboldt Everett’s Club on the Plaza at 784 9th Street. The fun starts at 6pm. All motorcycles welcome. Free food, 50/50 raffle, pack ride. / 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH GRASS VALLEY THROWBACKS THURSDAY Located at Pacos Tacos – 550 Mill Street. 5pm-8pm. A monthly ride-in for vintage choppers and show-and-go customs. This family friendly event features killer grub and live music by the Rockabilly Love Cats! Better yet: No fees, no attitudes, just plain old low-brow fun on two wheels. Tell your friends, and we’ll see your ugly mug on Thursday night! For more information: Troop (530) 451-6646 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH WOODLAND BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE Meeting at VFW Hall – 345 W. Kentucky Avenue. 7pm Meetings are open to the public. (530) 848-2090 with any questions. 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH

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FAIRFIELD OPEN HOUSE Presented by Dirty Whites Club House – 748 N. Texas St 8pm - ? Come have a blast! Contact Joe 707-694-5251 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH LODI BIKE NIGHT Presented by The Water Hole along with The Red Iron Riders. 246 N. Cluff Ave. 6:30pm Cost depending on the menu $10-$18. A great NO DRAMA social event to get to know others that share the passion of the bike. Outdoor private patio area, pool tables, Shuffleboard, Music, big screen TVs for game nights and more. All bikes welcome, and those without bikes welcome too. For more information: (209) 6047149 / (209) 327-8283 EVERY SATURDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Open to the Biker Community – 3412 Auburn Blvd on Saturday nights / No Cover Charge. Come Join the MSMC and biker community where we enjoy fast bikes, cold drinks, and good food. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 2172508 / Beast (209) 781-6111.

1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE PANCAKES & SAUSAGE Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Out riding? Hungry? Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson and enjoy free pancakes & sausage while supplies last. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit. 2nd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE HOG DOGS & ROOTBEER FLOATS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2 pm. Ride on over to Harley-Davidson of Sacramento to enjoy root beer floats and hot dogs while supplies last. Are you looking to ride and have fun? Ask us how you may join Sacramento HOG. 2nd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE HAMBURGERS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest HarleyDavidson and enjoy free hamburgers while supplies last! All donations will benefit a local nonprofit

1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH HISTORIC COLFAX PANCAKE BREAKFAST Presented Grand Fathers MC No Cal – Clubhouse 301 S. Railroad Street – 8:30am – 11am. Start your day out with the Grand Fathers MC!

3rd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE NACHOS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2 pm. Ride on over to enjoy free nachos while supplies last. All donations will benefit the Gold Country Riders.

1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE CHILI DOGS Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2pm. Ride on over to Harley-Davidson of Sacramento and enjoy free chili dogs while supplies last. All donations will benefit Alpha K-9.

3rd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE HOT DOGS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Out riding? Hungry? Enjoy free hot dogs while supplies last at Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit.

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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at in December) 5th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE LUNCH Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2 pm. All proceeds benefit a local nonprofit (not in December) 5th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE LUNCH Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. 11am-2 pm. All proceeds benefit a local non profit

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Reference: BF (Biker Friendly Directory) / MP (Marketplace)

A&M Heating and Air Conditioning.....................................................58 Alameda Wooden Trailers..................................................................37 Al The Wops.......................................................................................19 American Legion Ambulance..............................................................28 Auburn Extreme Powersports............................................................44 Bagger Design....................................................................................23 Battle Born Harley-Davidson............................................... Back Cover Bikers Inner Circle............................................................................ MP Billy’s Motorcycle Shop.......................................................................29 Bliss Electronics.................................................................................65 Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub...........................................................28 Boomer’s Saloon................................................................................50 Brigance Roadhouse..........................................................................29 C&E Auburn Indian &V-Twin...............................................................49 California Automobile Museum...........................................................25 California Custom Trailer & Motorsports............................................17 Citrus Heights Victory.........................................................................30 Clinton’s Custom Cycle......................................................................58 Custom Design Studios......................................................................50 CycleInsure Agency............................................................................34 Dolan’s Bar.........................................................................................34 Double D Steak..................................................................................16 Dudley Perkins Co..............................................................................23 Eagle Iron and Leather.........................................................................4 Eastside Public House...................................................................... BF Elkhorn Saloon...................................................................................49 Executive Choppers...........................................................................44 E-Z Brake......................................................................................... MP Fairing Plus........................................................................................50 Farmer’s Insurance............................................................................54 Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast................................................37 Folsom Harley-Davidson.................................. Inside Front Cover/CAL Freeport Bar & Grill............................................................................18 Giusti’s Place......................................................................................18 Granzella’s..........................................................................................28 Harleymann Insurance Agency..........................................................33 Hatt’s Motorcycles..............................................................................58 HK Cycles...........................................................................................49 Heidi’s Outrigger Marina & Saloon.....................................................19 Hollister Powersports.........................................................................11 Hood Supply Co.................................................................................19 Horse Power By Gerolamy.................................................................58 Humboldt Performance Cycle............................................................44 Husick’s BBQ Proper & Taphouse......................................................19 Inn of the Lost Coast..........................................................................47 Iron Steed H-D...................................................................................17 Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort.....................................................51 James Dean Rebel Design.................................................................50

Jim Wall Insurance Agency................................................................58 John Jessup’s Dream Rides...............................................................34 Johnny’s Bar & Grill........................................................................... BF Kenny’s Bar&Grill...............................................................................27 Kirby Law..............................................................................................1 Lane Splitter Harley-Davidson............................................................35 Mack-Faulkner Real Estate............................................................... BF Maney Motorsports.............................................................................50 Mid Cal Cycles.....................................................................................4 Miller Built Performance Cycles.........................................................29 Mom & Pop’s Saloon......................................................................... BF MotorcycleRow...................................................................................29 Nickell’s Customs...............................................................................30 NorCal Cycle Swap Meet...................................................................33 Omega Motorcycles...........................................................................16 Omlete House......................................................................................4 Penngrove Motorcycle Company.......................................................30 Performance Powercoating..................................................................4 Peter’s Steakhouse............................................................................19 Rack and Pull Industries.....................................................................61 Rick’s Automotive...............................................................................64 Ride-On Motorcycles..........................................................................58 Road Dog Cycle.................................................................................34 Road Trip Bar & Grill..........................................................................16 Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers.................................................... MP Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys......................................................68 Rusty Porthole Bar & Grill..................................................................19 San Jose Hogwash............................................................................29 Schapiro & Leventhal...........................................................................4 SeatWorks..........................................................................................50 Sindicate Cycles.................................................................................30 Sinister Wheel....................................................................................31 Smoking Pig BBQ...............................................................................23 Sonoma County HD................................................................ EVENTS Spancky’s Bar.................................................................................... BF T3 Design Studios............................................................................ MP Tattoo Betty’s......................................................................................29 The Florence Bar & Grill.....................................................................50 The Jackson Stone Band...................................................................44 The Junction Bar & Grill.....................................................................44 The Leatherworks...............................................................................16 Thunder Road Biker Church...............................................................59 Two Gunner Custom Iron...................................................................10 V Dawg Cycles...................................................................................30 Wild Bill Tattoo....................................................................................29 WindVest............................................................................................58 Wimpy’s Marina..................................................................................19

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index of advertisers

TRM NorCal is not responsible for errors or omissions and events are subject to change without notice


4th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE HAMBURGERS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2 pm Did you know military and first responders may learn to ride free with Sacramento Harley-Davidson’s riding academy? Come and enjoy free hamburgers & $1 beer and ask us how you can learn free. Enjoy free hamburgers while supplies last. Please drink responsibly. The hamburgers are free, however all donations will benefit the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 500 (not in December) 4th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE NACHOS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest HarleyDavidson to enjoy free nachos while supplies last! (not

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