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For Bikers
THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 Orangevale, CA 95662 Office: 530.368.6579 or 530.305.7992 Fax: 530-831-4758 Email: thunderroadsnorcal@yahoo.com Website: www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
Northern California State Editors / Owners
Stan & Terry Hill
On The Cover:
Renegade Rendezvous in Dixon on Sept 10 Layout and Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Magazine Contributors Billie Wilson/Billie The Kid Photography Rich “Foot” & Jennifer “Sunshine” Elkins Forrest Coss / bikervisionphotos@yahoo.com Randy Wenslawski Rae Lynn Flippo Barry Mendenhall Dan & Nad Rogers My Two Cents Al Cagle / al@rackandpull.com Tech Tips Two Gunners Custom Iron/craig@twogunnerscustomiron.com Thunder Road Biker Church Pastor Johnny/Johnny@thunderroadchurch.com 916-521-5706 Ride Destination Chuck & Cindy Loseth NorCal Sales Representatives/Magazine Contributors Russell “Raz” Holder (916) 425-2377 russellholder@earthlink.net Charles Gliebe (209) 598-2023 charlesgliebe@comcast.net Dan Griffin (209) 403-8170 acdmf1@yahoo.com National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580 thunderroadsfounders@yahoo.com www.thunderroadsmagazine.com (for information regarding Thunder Roads Northern California, please use contact information at top of column ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF ITS CONTENT MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY AND IS NOT TO BE HELD LIABLE FOR ERRORS BEYOND THE COST OF THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE ERROR, SLANDER OF ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL, FAILURE TO PRODUCE ANY ISSUE AS SCHEDULED DUE TO REASONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, ANY AND ALL SUITS FOR LIABLE, PLAGIARISM, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A PERSON’S NAME OR PHOTOGRAPH. OPINIONS AND CLAIMS MADE BY ADVERTISERS AND AUTHORS ARE THEIR OWN, AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE POLICY OF THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE OR THUNDER PUBLISHING. PUBLISHER DOES NOT PROMOTE THE ABUSE OF ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS.
editor’s letter
eptember is an exciting time of year! It’s time to swing by your favorite dealership to see the new 2017 models that rolled onto their showroom floor. Be prepared and keep in mind that that is usually how you get fired up and buy a new bike. Actually it is a great time of year to make that purchase because in my opinion the best riding of the year is up ahead during the fall in NorCal. The days are not quite as hot as it was in the summer and the leaves on our trees are beginning to turn colors. The days are begging for a road trip so why not get some riding in with a brand new bike. But if you decide to stay with your tried and true iron horse then make sure to get it serviced. There are several events on the calendar that will require some added mileage like Renegade Rendezvous on September 10th, M.I.A. P.O.W Weekend Motorcycle Rally in Oroville on the 17th, Santa Rosa Mile on Sept 24th-25th and last but not least, it’s time to let good times roll in Reno for Street Vibrations Fall Rally during Sept 21st-25th. More events can be found in our CALENDAR OF EVENTS section located at the back of this issue. Now that’s all for fun but we would also want to remember another significant date. September 11th. We must not let ourselves allow the passing of time to blur our memories or forget just how heartbroken and pissed off we all were on that day. It was one of those moments were the nation came together for a brief moment to grieve for lost friends, families and fellow Americans. I will never forget that feeling of shock that I felt as the pictures came across the morning news as I was getting ready to go to work. I also can remember how folks that I met through that day had a distant look in their eyes and were having difficulty concentrating as this attack was front and center on all of our minds. As time wore on and the wars started, our oldest son was feeling a sense of duty; he left college and enlisted with the Marines and was followed shortly after by our youngest son. Like many of you who have or had loved ones serving, it was and still is life changing for them as well as their families. Here we are 15 years later and it seems as the lessons that we learned the hard way and all that was lost on that day have been forgotten by many…and that is a shame. Time will heal the wounds left by this tragedy, but WE MUST NEVER FORGET! Rock Hard – Ride FREE – Ride Often Stan and Terry
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 2
GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THUNDER ROADS Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30 To: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662 Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992
RIDE DESTINATION: Crescent City Where The Redwoods Meet The Sea
NAME____________________________________________________________ STREET OR P.O. BOX_______________________________________________
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Tech Tips.................................................................................... 10 Freedom Rides 8th Annual Anniversary Ride............................. 14
Make check payable to Thunder Roads Of Northern California
Ladies in Leather........................................................................ 16 Ride The California Delta........................................................... 18 Ride Destination: Sturgis – Part 1.............................................. 26 Motorcycle 101........................................................................... 24 5th Annual Bikes Boats & Bikinis................................................ 26 Riders Ink................................................................................... 29 6th Annual 111 Mile Motorcycle Ride.......................................... 30 2nd Annual Kanaka Hekili MC Hawaiin Luau............................. 32 Camp Komratto 9....................................................................... 36 Center Calendar......................................................................... 38 Ride Pride: Loco 66.................................................................... 40
What’s new with Fairing Plus? FMOTOS.COM 916-709-8831
Product Review: Indian 21” Front Wheel Conversion................ 45 Clinton’s Custom Cycle 5th Annual Ride To Walk Poker Run.... 50 Joker’s Wild................................................................................ 55 Thunder Road Church................................................................ 57 My Two Cents............................................................................. 59 Biker Friendly Directory.............................................................. 60 Marketplace................................................................................ 62 Events........................................................................................ 69 Thank You to Our Sponsors....................................................... 77
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 4
t the Sacramento Easyriders Show in January, TRM NorCal had the pleasure of meeting Norman the owner of this month’s RIDE PRIDE feature. His bike was definitely getting its fair share of attention from bike tour attendees coming in at the main entrance. It was strategically positioned in front of the bike builders, John Shope’s booth – Dirty Bird Concepts. At one point, Norman came by our booth and asked if we would be interested in featuring his Road King sometime and I said “hell yes!” Now the bike had been spending most of the time in Arizona while Norman was hard at work so it took a while to get access to it for a shoot> We finally managed to coordinate our schedules to meet up in Reno. One thing lead to another and we ended up shooting this bike and another one that will blow your socks off that we will bring to you in the future. Now all of that gold on this bike is not only super flashy but it does have significance. It just so happens that Norman also co-owns a gold mine in Northern California and as an avid motorcycle rider it just made sense to combine his passion for motorcycles and
gold as the theme for this build. What a spectacular job! This bike has won the 2015 Bagger Show in Sturgis and several other awards along the way! It is easy to see why. As we were going to print, we heard that Norman’s ride was once again winning in Sturgis. This time 1st Place in the Bagger category as well as Best of Show at the Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show! Congratulations to Norman and John Shope of Dirty Bird Concepts on this outstanding bike build and thanks a bunch for sharing it with all of us. Article and photos by Stan Hill
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Tech Tips The Wobble
A guy comes in the shop and says his bike has a pretty bad wobble, but only above 80 mph, and only when he takes his hands off the handlebars. Sure, there are a number of responses that came to mind. Some might be considered a bit unprofessional. I don’t remember my exact words but I know there was mention of the manufacturers’ reason for installing handlebars! That said; let’s look at a few things to check that may cause handling issues. This isn’t all inclusive, but we can go over a few of the common culprits that either by themselves or combined with other issues can give you trouble.
Check steering head bearings. This is listed in HD’s service check list. Earlier service literature only states to inspect the adjustment and lubricate. Later model books advise you to check the adjustment and lubricate, or disassemble, inspect, and lubricate. This depends on the bike. Bikes with necks that are open to the frame structure have no grease fitting (pumping grease into these would be futile as the grease would only work its way into the frame). As such, the only way to lubricate these bearings is to completely tear down the steering head assembly.
In addition to spokes, faulty wheel bearings can give you trouble. In addition to the requisite service interval, a great time to check both of these is during a tire change. You have the wheel off the bike and access is convenient. The 2000 and later sealed bearing can be inspected by feel. Roll them and they should feel smooth. Worn sealed bearings will have a rough, bumpy feel. 1999 and earlier roller bearings will have to be removed, cleaned, and inspected. Swing arms should be looked at too. Swing arm bearings/bushings can wear out. Cracked swing arms are not unheard of either. Take a close look at the entire assembly. Other handling problems can be induced by loose/broken motor mounts, broken rear shocks, and even a cracked frame. Last and definitely not least are underinflated tires. I would guess better than half of the bikes on the road are riding on underinflated tires. Remember that pressures in bike tires fluctuate much more than automotive tires due to their much smaller volume. Consequently, they lose air faster as well. Check them frequently! This covers most of the common causes of handling issues. Routine maintenance will prevent most of these problems from catching you off guard. Also, don’t forget the handlebars are there by design!
This will be listed at the 20,000 or 30,000 mile service interval. Checking the adjustment is done by the fall-away check. If the bearings are too loose or too tight, handling issues can surface. Worn out bearings can affect handling and most likely make them difficult or impossible to adjust. Wheel spokes are another common problem. Harley service literature has the spoke check at every 10,000 miles. Loose spokes will almost always cause a wobble. These are especially problematic with the smooth profile spoked wheels.
Questions and comments can be sent to e-mail: craig@twogunnerscustomiron.com, or call 530-263-8071. Additional information can be found www.twogunnerscustomiron.com. See us on Facebook
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Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 11
CHiPS E r i k E s t ra d a Grand Marshal Police on Parade Thursday @ 6 PM
To sign up online go to www.roadshowsreno.com Call: 775-329-7469 Fax: 775-329-1364 Email: admin@roadshowsreno.com PO Box 2994, Reno, NV 89505 Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 12
The All-Female Zeppelin Powerhouse Friday and Saturday 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Monte Perlin’s Globe-o-Death Circus Circus 1-800-648-5010 Eldorado 1-800-879-8879 Harrah’s 1-800-427-7247 Sands Regency 1-866-386-7829 Silver Legacy 1-800-687-8733 Peppermill 1-866-821-9996 Montbleu 1-800-BE-LUCKY
Rebecca Abbitt Miss Street Vibrations 2015
International Bikini Team
Bill O’Reilly
Dennis Miller
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 13
Freedom Rides 8th Annual Anniversary Ride
May 14 (Lincoln): Off Highway 65 is the town of Lincoln where pretty much every store that Lincoln has to offer is on Main Street. It’s also where you will find Freedom Rides Trike Conversions. For the past 8 years, Mario and his team have been converting 2 wheelers into trikes. A rapidly growing business catering to old bikers refusing to let aches and age take them out of the fast lane as well as anyone else that want to take to the highway in a three wheel motorcycle. From custom to stock - they get the job done. For the past 8 years, Freedom Rides express their thanks to the many customers they have serviced throughout the year, with a ride through the hills of Lincoln and a taco spread waiting back at the shop. Trikes from as far as 200 miles came to celebrate with Freedom Rides. After the expected trikes had arrived there was a time of back slapping and just plain good old fashion hospitality extended to the trikers by the Freedom Rides team. Out in the shop area Freedom Rides conversion mechanic Dan was on hand to show off his latest project. The Christian Motorcyclist Association was on hand to offer their services for anyone in need. The weather was perfect as Mario led the triker procession through the beautiful surrounding Lincoln area. Tacos and hotdogs, along with live music awaited the trikers when they returned to the Freedom Rides shop. Each triker was entered in a drawing. After a little food and fellowship Freedom Rides Team member Omar called out the winning tickets. Trike cleaning care packages and a helmet were given to the lucky triker with the winning ticket.
The triker community is growing in leaps and bounds, with Freedom Rides being largely responsible for the conversions in the NorCal area. If you’re thinking about adding another wheel to your 2 wheeler or looking to buy one off their show room floor give Freedom Rides a call. They will be happy to help you make the conversion catered to your specific needs. See ya next year Freedom Rides! Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 14
Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 15
Ren It all started at the age of 7 when I rode a Honda 50 motorcycle for the first time. My neighbors raced dirt bikes on the weekends and they would let us ride on the trails behind my house in Auburn. Riding the dirt bike gave me the feeling of being free and independent, something I craved as a kid that has stuck with me. When I was fifteen years old, I rode a moped and got pulled over and only given a warning, but for what? There were no laws on riding one of those back then, kind of like it is now. In my early 20’s, I was skydiving and packing parachutes for 5 years. Packing a chute makes or breaks a dive, even with your life. The pressure was immense but it gave me inner peace and a new found strength. I rode a Ninja 600 and it was a fast ride and a lot of fun. I knew it wasn’t the type of bike for me since I had a hard time touching the ground at stops due to my height challenge. In October of 2013, I got my motorcycle endorsement and purchased a Honda Shadow 1100 and I absolutely fell in love with it. When I first encountered the Sisters of Scota Women’s
Motorcycle Club I was working as a bartender and one of the members came in. We were having a nice conversation and she asked me if I’d like to join them after work. It was that day that I saw the strength, independence and confidence that I wanted and thanks to my Sisters I have found all that in myself. My future is with the Sisters and someday I hope to inspire another woman to see the strength within her. May the wind always be in our faces. Wings Up Sisters!
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 16
EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 17
Ride The California Delta with Thunder Roads® NorCal Thunder Roads NorCal will be sharing this map of the California Delta for the next six months as a quick reference ride guide for our readers that take a road trip along the sheer beauty of the California Delta and on some of the best small country back roads in the north state. We have teamed up with biker friendly businesses along the delta to make it easy to find a great place to drop your kickstand for some refreshments, a great meal and possibly some live music. Please make sure you let these businesses know that Thunder Roads NorCal sent you in their direction! The California Delta has long been a favorite riding area for its history and fantastic scenery. It’s an ideal getaway ride for valley folk when the heat hits triple digits during the summertime - the Delta is always much cooler hence the phrase “a cool delta breeze”. Oh....what a relief it is when that delta breeze blows in to cool us all down in the valley area! The delta is also perfect for bay area folks looking to escape the hustle and bustle of riding in the city. Next time you are figuring out your upcoming weekend day ride – remember to bring along the map to keep you on the road to some fantastic Delta food, fun and adventure!
For more information Chuck Gliebe (209) 598-2023 / Office: (530) 368-6579 / thunderroadsnorcal@ yahoo.com Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 18
17641 Sherman Island East Levee Road Rio Vista, CA 94571
(916) 777-4646 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 19
Downtown Deadwood SD
ast year Cindy kind of took one for the team when it came to our Sturgis plans. Our granddaughter was due about then and she didn’t want to chance an early delivery, so she hung out at the homestead while I hit the road. As it turned out, I still made it back in time for her arrival. Yeah! So we made plans again this year to make up for last year. As it turned out, some friends from up Garberville way also wanted to go, so instead of travelling alone, we would be accompanied by Bobby G, his better half, Bettye and their friend, Kenny. Some of you know Bobby G and Bettye from their radio shows on KMUD in Humboldt County. Stan and Terri wanted to join us, but just had too many magazine commitments to get away. Maybe next year? So we put our heads together and worked out an itinerary. We decided, since it wasn’t that much out of the way, that they would come down to our place first and we would leave from there the next day. We had a small get together the night before where Stan, Terri and Forrest joined us and we were up and off early the next morning. After a scenic ride over the Sierras on I80 and a casual cruise through the high desert in Nevada, we pulled into Elko for the night. Oh, by the way, earlier in the day, when we Big Horn and Friends
stopped for lunch in Lovelock, I had the best enchiladas ever at a small place called La Casita. We were all impressed with our lunch, but the enchiladas in that red chili sauce were the bomb! The culinary delights didn’t end there that day. Elko is home to the Star Hotel. Not really a hotel anymore, but a restaurant/lounge. It’s a family-style eatery featuring traditional Basque recipes. Great steaks, lamb chops, and more. Bring an appetite, for the dishes keep coming. Back on I80 the next morning we made a quick stop at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Looks like the speed trials are back on after being cancelled the last two years, mostly due to weather related track conditions. Rock Springs, WY was our goal for the day and other than some wind, a pretty uneventful cruise. One recommendation we would have for all you travelers would be that, when it’s time for lunch and if one is near we recommend that you hit up the TA truck stops. The Country Pride restaurants are very good especially the soup and salad bar. When we pulled in to Evanston, WY for gas and a butt break, Bobby G mentioned that his rear brake was feeling a little mushy. Since the reservoir cap was loose, we figured they needed to be bled, so we took it easy and made it the rest of the way into Rock Springs. Our plans for the Independence Rock WY
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 20
Flaming Gorge Bridge UT
Green River South UT
Elko NV
next day were to make a little side trip down to the Flaming Gorge Dam and the Red Canyon Overlook. Bobby G told us to go ahead and that he would ride back to Flaming Gorge HD in Green River to have his brakes looked at. Since it was a Monday, the service department was closed. Yikes! But that didn’t stop Flaming Gorge HD (www.flaminggorgehd.com) from helping out a brother rider. They called Nick, one of their mechanics, and asked him if he would come in and check out the bike. He said “sure!” He bled the brakes, changed the oil and ran diagnostics and Bobby G was back on the road. Good man, Nick! In the meantime, we were enjoying a beautiful ride down SR 191 to the dam with Kenny. A wide valley with a well paved undulating road. Some great sweeping turns just add to the experience. Once at the dam, we checked out the visitor center and then headed up to the overlook. SR 191 ends at SR 44, where you hang a right and then another at Red Canyon Road. continued... Kenny and us
Ready To Roll CA Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 21
Butt Break
Fall Motorcycle Rally
View Down to Bridge WY
Supporting America’s Heroes
Sponsored by:
SEPT. 21-25
Wed. to Sat. 9am to 6pm | Sun. 9am to 4pm 2187 Market Street, Reno Road Rider of Reno, Street Rider of Reno, and Throttle Girl are teaming up to bring you the biggest, baddest Fall Rally ever! This year we are honoring those who serve by giving all of us a chance to honor our American heroes. Come by and take advantage of all the special sales, vendor product booths, food, bike wash, and more!
The view from the Red Canyon Visitor Center was incredible. We were 1700 feet above the Green River as it cuts its way through the gorge. We’re going to look into renting a boat next year and cruising the river. Boating up into those canyon walls sound like fun to me. After soaking it all in, we made our way back to the hotel, where we met up with Bobby G and Bettye and continued on our way to the next stop: Casper, WY. We checked in kind of late after a stop to check out Independence Rock. In the nineteenth century, this was considered the halfway point of the 2000-mile trek from the Missouri River to the West Coast. Most of the emigrants and their wagon trains would arrive here around the 4th of July and would celebrate Independence Day. We were pretty excited in the morning knowing that we had a nice ride coming up and that we would finish the day in Sturgis. YEAH!! Taking the back country route, we traveled up I25 for a bit, then cutting off on SR 259 to the town of Midwest. From there it was up through Wright and on to Newcastle. Even though we could only view it from the highway, the coal mining operation off SR 450 was impressive. Hundreds of rail cars were lined up in rows, filled with coal, ready to roll out across the country. To my surprise, Wyoming is the largest provider of coal in the US. Almost four times the output of West Virginia. Wow!
Road Rider of Reno Street Rider of Reno roadriderofreno.com 775.337.2011
Throttle Girl
streetriderofreno.com throttlegirl.net 775.337.2055 info@throttlegirl.net
After our putt through the expansive Thunder Basin National Grasslands, we hopped on SR85 at Newcastle and motored our way to the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway. This final leg was definitely the highlight of the day. Soon we pulled into that fine little town of Deadwood. Lunch was had at Maverick’s Steaks and Cocktails located in the Gold Dust Casino. Definitely a good choice. Sturgis was calling our names, so we fired up bikes and headed east. …To be continued Article and photos contributed by Chuck and Cindy Loseth
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 22
M–Sat 9am-6pm
Sacramento, CA 95826
Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 23
Following the Second Great War, things in the motorcycle world were changing faster than Katy Perry’s hair color. Across the pond, the BSA group purchased Triumph in 1951 and quickly became the world’s largest motorcycle producer. The German NSU was the largest manufacturer from 1955 to 1959, only to be beat out of first place by Honda in 1960. Norton had its own developments, with the manufacturing of the twin cylinder Dominator with a featherbed frame – lightweight and strong this café racer was the ride of choice by numerous world champion racers. Back home in the states, Indian ceased all operations and production in 1950. Five years later, Brockhouse Engineering purchased the rights to the Indian Motorcycle name and sold imported Royal Enfield models branded as Indian models until 1960. While others struggled, HarleyDavidson kept on keepin’ on and in 1952 released the side valve K model. This model featured an integrated engine and transmission to compete with sportier motorcycles coming out of Great Britain. In 1957 Harley delegated the K model the “Sportster”…it boasted a 55 cubic inch overhead valve engine, and within 1 year of its debut had become known as the first of the “superbikes”. The following year Harley introduced the first hydraulic rear brake and new rear suspension on Big Twin models, and the all new DuoGlide. Post war background aside…what were our Veterans doing now that the war was over and they were back on American soil? Well they did what any one would do when out of sorts…they found a replacement for the camaraderie they had found during the war. That replacement came
in the form of motorcycle riders grouped loosely into organized clubs…unbeknownst to them; these veterans had just changed history in the United States. The “biker” came into being, a new social institution had been forever introduced into American society…and we thank you for that. Last month I mentioned the overwhelming amount of surplus bikes that remained after the war…cheap and plentiful, people started snatching them up. Now, these groups that were gathering together (bikers, if you will) must have had some time on their hands, because they weren’t content with just changing social history once…Oh no my friends...these guys wanted far more. Now, having ridden European bikes during the war, they realized that Harley-Davidson made some dependable machines, but they just couldn’t compete speed wise with what they had ridden during the war. So, naturally, they took these surplus bikes home and decided to modify them. These bikes were stripped down…ammunition racks, windshields, and scabbards discarded. Fenders were shortened or in some cases removed. Some left the paint alone, some chose to alter the standard olive green. What resulted in the end was the start of a new era, one that would change the world of motorcycles for generations to come. And so history was made again…probably in some dude’s garage…the bobber is born. While the bobber will reign for most of the decade, there is yet another change on the horizon…the bobber’s flashy cousin…the chopper comes to visit near the end of the fifties. You may be asking, what exactly is a bobber? Is it the
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 24
same as a chopper? Well, the answer is No…while a chopper could indeed also be a bobber; they are not one in the same. Webster’s time is upon us…A bobber is defined as a stripped, stock motorcycle with a “bobbed” or shortened fender and only essential motorcycle parts remaining. It is minimalistic and has had as much weight shed as possible to increase speed and performance. On the other end of the spectrum lies the chopper…The chopper has also had non-essential items removed, but it has a major difference… the frame is not stock, it has been “chopped” and modified from its original factory state and the rake of the front fork has also been modified in order to move the front tire further from the bike.
envelope and creating bigger and better choppers in the future? Of course not…I’ve never met a biker who would back down from a challenge, and this was no different.
I affectionately referred to the chopper as the “flashy cousin” of the bobber….but let’s be honest here. The Chopper is more like an attention whore, and being in the limelight seems only fitting for such a diva. Choppers are unique, they are individualistic, and they deserve their own article. The chopper era took the Unites States by storm, and produced some pretty amazing names in the biker world. So, although I have been told that I shouldn’t encourage egocentrism…I am going to give in, just this once and spend next month looking at all that is chopper, Now while the bobber maintained its minimalistic and the extremes the chopper culture went to in the 1960’s. approach and focus on function and speed, the chopper Articles and photos contributed by Melanie Schwarte of presents riders with the option of being fast, as well as eye Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa catching. When building choppers first became a “thing” most people didn’t really know exactly what they were doing. Bikers would gather in garages and/or shops, enlisting the help of friends in order to modify their frames and lighten their bikes. Gas tanks, headlights, and blinkers were made smaller. Some bikers removed their batteries and replaced them with magnetos to further reduce weight. Standard front tires were replaced with narrower tires, and handlebars were modified to be taller to compensate for the rake of the front fork (ape hangers). Bikers noticed immediately how much different it was to ride a motorcycle with these modifications, but did that stop anyone from pushing the
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BIKES BOATS & BIKINIS July 30 (Stockton): A typical blue sky warm California day which made hanging out on the delta at Wind Mill Cove the place to be. The Too Much Fun Club was holding their 5th annual party on the Delta. We’ve had this one on our radar for a few years now thinking that it sounded like a good time; so when all the stars aligned this year - we took advantage of the opportunity and headed out to meet our friends in the Too Much Fun Club to experience this event for ourselves. We rolled in just a little after noon and the party was in full swing with lots of bikes and boats full of people already there. Some had been there from the night before and were still moving kind of slow - if you know what I mean? We were given a quick tour and some introductions along with a much appreciated ice cold beer before we wandered up to the stage to get a close up look at the band. The first of three bands on the day was Burn River Burn and they were doing just that keeping the party atmosphere alive and well with some hard charging rock and roll. It was right about then an ultra light plane came buzzing over the party equipped with pontoons to allow it to land in the river below. House boats, ski boats and wave runners were rolling out of the Windmill Cove Marina on a regular basis taking the opportunity to get a little adrenalin rush or just to cool down close to the water. The setting at Windmill Cove is a perfect venue for this event and today there was a gentle delta breeze coming off the water to keep us all from getting too hot. Next up was a band called Devil Came to California and these guys were really good. Shortly after finishing this event, they were on their way to Sturgis to play on the Main Street stage on Main Street for the rally. While the band was playing, I was introduced to Troy Glen and Tammy who had come all the way from Queensland, they were having a great time seeing California and were not going to miss this party before they also made their way to the Sturgis Rally. Now there is “Bikini” in the name of this event, right? Up next was the highly anticipated bikini contest sponsored by Modesto’s Bottoms Up Espresso as a number of little hotties walked onto the stage! Terri and I were guest judges that determined which young lady received the loudest cheers from the audience’s participation. You would think that would make our jobs easier but that was not the case as the girls showed off their best moves and the crowd went wild for all of them. It was Morgan who was in town to visiting her mom all the way from Montana who took the top spot with Alicia from Sacramento as a very close runner up. We had to go back and forth with the crowd several times to make our decision. Great job to all the girls that participated! Oh I almost forgot Morgan from Montana got herself a cool $250 from Bottoms Up Espresso for her efforts - not bad! After that the guys did the 50/50
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raffle that Lori from New York was the lucky winner and now she has a little more spending cash to enjoy her stay in California. The last band of the day was Cross Cut with a Too Much Fun Club member on the drums. These guys kicked ass too and kept the good times rolling. As the day had turned into evening the party showed no signs of slowing down but Terri and I had to shove off down the road. (Note to self: Bring our tent for next year). Thank you so much to the Too Much Fun Club for inviting us out to spend the day with all of you it truly was a really fun day and we are already looking forward to the next time we get to spend a day at Bikes Boats and Bikini’s. Article and photos by Stan and Terri Hill
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Post 108 Legion Riders
American Legion Riders Meeting the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm 11401 American Legion Dr. Sutter Creek Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 28
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6th Annual 111 Mile Motorcycle Ride July 23 (Auburn): Once again C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin is out there sponsoring and doing what they do best by getting involved with the needs of others like The Forgotten Soldier Program (www. theforgottensoldierprogram.org) Donna Arz the founder of FSP realized the brave men and women who served for our country were not getting the help they needed. Many of our heroes return with emotional, physical and spiritual injuries that can last a lifetime. In 2005 FSP opened it’s doors to help the Veterans and their family members to provide comprehensive transitional therapies without charge. In the past 10 years, FSP has helped over 22,000 veterans and their family members. C&E along with
Les Schwab Tires, Longhorn Meat Company, Grocery Outlet, Auburn Toyota, Auburn Honda and Auburn Alehouse sponsored the ride. The temperature was very high and was going to be hotter as the day wore on but biker moral was even higher as they poured into C&E. Bikers of all shapes and sizes registered for the 111 mile ride through scenic Auburn. Riders got their 1st poker card at C&E and were able to buy ride pins, tee shirts and raffle tickets while they waited to ride. Complimentary bottled water was made available to each rider. Did I say there was a lot of motorcycles? Oh yea…lots of em’. They stood 2-3 and sometimes 4 deep wrapping around the C&E building and running out into the field across the street.
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EVENT Shortly before the ride began everyone attending observed the National Anthem. Directed by volunteers, groups of riders began leaving, to begin the 111-mile poker run. Smoke and Iron MC was set up outside the Chevron/76 station on Marysville Road with the 2nd poker card. After topping off their gas tanks the riders continued on Marysville Road to Hwy 49 South. HOG members at Peterson’s Corner laid out the 3rd hand. Off Hwy 174 the riders stopped at the Red Frog for the 4th card with the 111 Mile ride ending at Auburn’s Armed Forces Pavilion and Community Garden on Lincoln Way. Volunteers for the Forgotten Soldier Program were there to greet the happy but hot and hungry bikers as they rode in. Tri-tip BBQ and all the fixing’s was served by Longhorn Meat Company, while the band Flat Busted played for the crowd. After the bikers bellies were filled - the raffle and 50/50 along with the high/low hand awards were presented. A big shout out for all the sponsors and volunteers that made the 6th Annual 111 Mile Motorcycle Ride a huge success. But most of all thank you to the hundreds of bikers that came to support our Veterans and their families. Again…Thank You. Article and photos ontributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios.
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2nd Annual Kanaka Hekili MC Hawaiian Luau
Hama Tee and McGyver
Monterey PreRide Group
TRM NorCal Owners with Tee
Odin with his mom Mary (L) and friend Bobbi (R)
Monterey PreRide Luncheon
Monterey PreRide
Clubs in attendance
July 22-23 (Newark): The guys from Kanaka Hekili MC Oakland Chapter invited TRM NorCal to join them the day before their big luau for pack ride to Monterey for a great lunch at Islands Restaurant. It was a beautiful day to ride and a pleasure to meet all the guys that were on the ride from various chapters too. We only knew a couple of them when we arrived, but by lunchtime we felt like old friends. By the next day more chapters arrived from all over. We met members that had come from chapters in Oahu, Maui, Arizona, Alaska, Las Vegas, Seattle, San Diego along with our more local ones from Oakland and Santa Clara. Several other area clubs and friends of Kanaka Hekili attended the luau at Swiss Park for the festivities. The event was held to raise money and awareness for Muscular Dystrophy and was attended by 18 year old, Odin who was granted his wish through
the Make a Wish Foundation to go on vacation in Oahu. It was on his vacation, he met up and had lunch with Kanaka Hekili MC’s founder Mr. B who is also the National President. It’s plain to see that these guys are a force for good from the top and throughout the club. The Kanaka Hekili MC are another outstanding example of how the motorcycle community comes together and can change lives in a positive way. During the luau, guests were treated to vendors along with some traditional Hawaiian dance and of course a Hawaiian style feast with the help of Fremont’s Larry’s Smokin’ Barbeque. This event was a really good time and we were very appreciative to be invited for the ride and the luau. Thanks again Kanaka Hekili MC – don’t forget to add us to the guest list for next year...and especially if the venue is in Oahu or Maui! ~Aloha
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Kanaka Hekili MC
Muscle and Willy
Killah Jimbo Mr B and Chad
Swiss Park
Article content and photos contributed by Dan and Nad with additional photos by Stan & Terri Hill
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EVENT EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 35
CAMP KOMRATTO 9 July 8-10 (Loch Lomand): What can I say? They did it yet again. When I was asked if I wanted to go to Camp KomRatto (www.campkomratto.com) I didn’t hesitate to say yes, knowing it would be a good time. I wasn’t disappointed at all, go figure! Set in the hills of Lake County at the Big Pines Campground on Cobb Mountain. I was greeted with familiar faces and lots of hugs. I was in good company with good friends and family, not to mention new friends that were made over the weekend. Warm days and cool nights made for perfect camping weather. The night bonfire was just perfect. It was the best turn out yet, with 680 people in attendance. There were a dozen vendors for your spending needs. I’m always happy with a plate full of yummy food that doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg. The bands rocked the house and of course the Moonshine Bandits brought the house down. There were bike games to be played and won, a pole dancing contest as well as the ever popular wet t-shirt contest. Raffle prizes were announced throughout the weekend. Most importantly two much loved men were honored and their memory celebrated in one of the most honorable ways. Dave Komro loved sports and it was a big part of his life, Larry Ratto was an amazing guitar player. They were best friends. It is only fitting that a part of their
legacy is to include a scholarship in each of their names as a result of the money that was raised from the love of coming together to celebrate these amazing men. The Komratto Foundation has already been at work to help out where they can, the Cal Ripkin 8U team received a donation to help them get to the little league world series. Camp KomRatto 10 is promising to be off the hook, if you haven’t been there save room for it in your calendar. It will be epic! I’m already looking forward to next year! Photos and article contributed by Kentucky Red. Additional photos contributed by Forrest Coss
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115 WOODMERE ROAD - FOLSOM CA - 916.608.9922
Bike provided by Sindicate Cycles in San Mateo / Model: Julee of Carbon Girls Promotions / Email: info@carbongirlspromo.com
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San Mateo’s Sindicate Cycles has been working hard and building a reputation for being a stand up honest shop in the bay area. A motorcycle shop where you will get a fair price and along with it - the talent to get the job done right. Owner MP Watts is the kind of guy that will put the needs of his customers first. Good to know since we all know that good customer service is hard to come by these days. TRM NorCal first laid eyes on this bike during a visit to the shop where at the time it was under construction and on the lift. We were immediately impressed by this little bobber with its basic stripped down appearance combined with elegant lines. I kept imagining what it might be like ripping through the city on this little beast. Rumor has it that this light little motorcycle gets up and goes in a hurry. I’d be surprised if it weighed more than four hundred pounds - so I can only imagine that the stroked 89” will peel your checks back when you twist the throttle! We were thrilled to see the finished project...and could not wait to share it! Article and photos by Stan Hill / Model: Julee of Carbon Girls Promotions / info@carbongirlspromo.com CONTINUED...
continued... Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 41
BIKE: 2006 Special Construction ASSEMBLY: Sindicate Cycles BIKE OWNER: Eddie Portillo ENGINE: 1991 Stroked 89” EVO Bianci Motors IGNITION: Power Arc BALANCING: Dark Horse CASES: Harley Davidson CARB: Mikuni 45 AIRCLEANER: Teardrop PIPES: Paughco TRANSMISION: 1991 5 SPEED PRIMARY: Primo Open Belt FRAME: Paughco Rigid with a 30 degree rake GAS TANK: King Sporty BARS: Flanders (chopped and re-bent) HAND CONTROLS: Harley-Davidson Low Brow GRIPS: Biltwell REAR FENDER: 2005 DYNA Chopped HEADLIGHT: Harley-Davidson TAIL LIGHT: Low Brow FORKS: Paughco Springer FRONT PEGS: 2005 DYNA / custom left side SEAT: Corbin WHEEL FRONT: PM 21X21/2 TIRE- Dunlop MH90-21 WHEEL REAR: PM 18” TIRE- Dunlop 160-60-18 BRAKES: Performance Machine PAINT: Dustin Lazcari COLOR: House of Color custom Silver and Grey PINSTRIPING: Noel Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 42
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Indian 21” Front Wheel Conversion FENDER RISER INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Step 1
From Caliper Cover, Remove Bottom Corner Bolt first using a 10 mm Wrench, and then remove the 2 Chrome Nuts using 13mm Socket, and set the Covers aside
Step 2
Remove the 2 caliper bolts from both sides using 17mm Socket
Step 3
Remove calipers from the rotors and strap them to the side
Northern California’s very own Sinister Wheels of Turlock California have once again opened another door to wheel customization. TRM NorCal recently spoke to Sinister Wheel about their newly designed front brackets that will make it possible to add a stylish 21” Sinister Wheel to your Indian Motorcycle and it can be done without altering that iconic Indian Motorcycle front fender. Sinister has developed an easy install proprietary 3 bracket system that that will raise the front fender up to accommodate a bigger wheel. Once installed, your bikes fender will look the same as it did straight from the factory with only a small 1” polished or powder-coated portion of the bracket visible. Indian Motorcycles already turn heads out on the open road and now you’ll have more custom wheel options available with Sinister Wheels to really dress up your ride without losing that traditional Indian look. This bracket works on all Indian models except the Scout which does not have the big wrap around fender. Ask for it at your local Indian dealer or order straight from Sinister Wheels at (209) 664-0207. Article by Stan Hill
Step 4
2 People required One person hold the fender the other remove the 3 fender bolts using 6mm Allen from both sides
Step 5
2 People required, one person raise the fender other person using stock bolt, install all 6 fender risers with factory hardware snug by hand, and then tighten them all down to factory specs
Step 6
Fender Raised, Remove the Factory Wheel and Install the New 21” Wheel to factory Specs
Step 7
Bolt the Caliper back on with Supplied New Hardware using 8 mm Allen and tighten to Factory Specs
Step 8
Install Flat Brackets using 1/8 Allen Tool
Step 9
Install the Caliper Covers, First install the bottom corner factory bolt, then using new bolts (supplied) attach cover to the flat brackets
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 45
When getting lost is just what you need...
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Sauna Rooms Available High Speed WiFi
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innofthelostcoast.com Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 46
SBK Motul FIM Superbike World Championship US ROUND Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (Monterey) July 8-10 Photos contributed by Richard Gray
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Oceanfront view
Where The Redwoods Meet The Sea
s we said our “ride safe and see ya laters” to our Sturgis bound friends, we made plans for a mini getaway in our own NorCal backyard as way to celebrate our sixth year anniversary as owner-editors of THUNDER ROADS MAGAGZINE NorCal. We chose a destination to escape the triple digit temps in the Sacramento valley for a 7 hour ride (approximately 400 miles) north to Crescent City. Crescent City is located in the upper northwestern part of California and about 20 miles south of the Oregon border.
Fern Canyon view from top
us a tad bit early as they were prepping to open for the day – now THAT’S what we call a biker friendly establishment!
Once we hit Hwy 101, we headed north towards Del Norte County where I found an oceanfront motel that didn’t break the bank. Crescent Beach Motel (www. crescentbeachmotel.com) was an ideal find, we couldn’t get enough of listening to the Crescent City’s foghorn, seagulls and surf. As you know we are always traveling for the magazine and stay at various destinations in Northern CA. Most of the time, we are usually on a tight schedule and don’t have the luxury of waking without an alarm or enjoying the comforts of our accommodations. Let me just say what a treat it was to wake up to the sound of waves on the beach from our room. And for the first time in a long time, we enjoyed leisurely breakfasts at The Good Harvest Cafe and The Apple Peddler. It was here that we mapped out our itinerary for the day for a Huell Howser adventure as seen on the California’s Golden Park episode in 2003. We jumped on our Roadmaster and headed south for 39 miles to Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park turning right onto Davison Road just outside of Orick. We made our way to our destination - Fern Canyon to see for ourselves and to quote the late great “oh boy, look at this!” Huell
Up and out early, we headed up I5 to Granzella’s for breakfast before making our way west on Hwy 299. It was a Friday morning and we encountered several delays due to road construction. We were beginning to get parched so we planned our next stop for the Rock Slide Bar in Hawkins Bar. It comes up pretty quickly after the small town of Burnt Ranch - so keep an eye out for it (it is in the same location as the old Simon LeGree’s Roadhouse). The Rock Slide Bar makes for a perfect place for that much needed butt break on this stretch of highway. Jennifer, the new owner is currently making some serious upgrades that will include a kitchen for hungry bikers travelling on Hwy 299. Lucky for us, managers Marcy and Steve were kind enough to serve
Sunset walk Thunder Roads Magazine Northern California 48 ®
Fern Canyon pano Fern
One of Californias Golden Parks
Rock Slide Bar’s Marcy and Steve and Stan
Howser who described Fern Canyon as being “the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen”. We agree with Huell – the view is well worth the adventure! This canyon was a part of the Steven Spielberg’s 1997 Jurassic Park: The Lost World sequel. And we’re not kidding about the adventure part! Keep in mind to get to the park, we rode 6 miles on a dusty, twisty dirt road, paid the state park day use fee ($8), rode 3 more miles through a couple of small streams along Gold Bluffs Beach to get here! (Note to self for the next time: Plan adventures like this during the midweek to avoid a busy weekend tourist crowd. It was so busy it reminded me of waiting in line for a ride at Disneyland).
Gray Creek on Hwy 299
“Del Norter Porter” and “Peckers Knob Pilsner”. They also offer a discount for veterans, so we picked a growler for our next trip to the area. Later that evening, we had a delicious seafood dinner watching the seals bask in the harbor at another local favorite - The Chart Room Restaurant (www. ccchartroom.com). We had a great time in the area and enjoyed ourselves taking a long walks on the beach in front of the motel and catching the beautiful sunsets. Crescent City is one place we will definitely make a return visit and we highly recommend you check it out too! Article and photos by Terri and Stan Hill
Back on Hwy 101, another thing you’ll notice are the numerous Elk Crossing caution signs (insert sign) in the area, so I was on full passenger alert looking for a possible elk herd off in a distance field like the one near Laytonville. As I was preparing myself for disappointment that it might not be in the cards to see any elk during our stay - we literally came around a corner to come eye to eye with this big boy (insert photo) standing on the shoulder near the highway looking like he was ready to rumble! What a sight! Stan and I had a great time checking out Crescent City meanwhile the Del Norte county fair was happening. We stumbled upon the local brewery Port o’ Pints Brewing Co (check out their Facebook page) where we hung out with the locals and taste testing their craft beer specialties like
Crescent City oceanfront motel
Del Norte County Line
View along the Redwood Hwy 101
Elk Crossing
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Face to face with the real deal
Clinton’s Custom Cycle 5th Annual Ride To Walk Poker Run
July 16 (Lincoln): The biker community has always had a soft spot in their hearts for events that benefit children, the elderly, humanity abuse and even animals. Regardless if they are a 1%er, motorcycle group/MC or any other group or single rider and the riders that attended the Clinton’s Custom Cycles 5th Annual Ride To Walk Poker Run was no exception. The Ride to Walk Ranch mission statement is to enhance the lives of children and young adults with neurological disabilities by providing innovative therapeutic horseback activities that are recreational in nature and adaptive to the individual needs and abilities. Ride to Walk (www.ridetowalk.org) strives to provide a positive support system for individuals with disabilities, their parents/caregivers and the community. Clinton’s Custom Cycle opened their doors early to accommodate the incoming bikers for this event. The Christian Motorcyclist Association helped the 113 bikers and their passengers from all over Northern California to sign up for the 5 hour run. Kenny Grunert rode all the way from Hayward to make this once a year event. Registered bikers ate a hearty breakfast of biscuits and gravy along with a bottomless coffee cup provided by Kim’s Country Kitchen, located right next door to Clinton’s. As the bikers hung out waiting for the
ride to begin, DJ Professor Rockola provided entertainment, while JP (Justice Brothers) held a continuous demonstration of their motorcycle and automotive products. Raffle tickets and ride tee shirts were also available to the riders. Kickstands went up at 10am and the bikers were off. First stop was in Marysville at the Silver Dollar Saloon. Iron Order was set up inside the saloon to pass out the first of 5 poker cards. After refreshments and a little conversation, the bikers were off to their next stop in Penn Valley at the Tack Room. The weather was beginning to warm up a bit, but was still in great riding range. George Stebra, Don McCulloch and Gary Schleigh - great customers at Clinton’s and strong supporters of the Ride To Walk Ranch were at the Tack Room with the 2nd
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poker draw. Third stop was at The Dew Drop in Grass Valley, then on to the last stop before going to the Ride To Walk Ranch was the Valencia Club in Penryn where the Local LoCo’s MC handed out the 4th card. The estimated length of the run was 100 miles and by 1pm the riders began pulling in to the Ride To Walk Ranch. Ranch team members and volunteers were there to greet the bikers. A dartboard was set up for the last card of the poker hand. If you were good at darts, you had a chance to get the one card you needed. If not, well it was all done to help the ranch continue on for another year. Thunder Roads Photographer/ Contributor got the lowest hand ever dealt, but Joan Elliott of Newcastle won high hand and was presented with a trophy by the ranch staff. Music was provided by the Band at Hand from Fair Oaks with tribute songs by Pink Floyd. A hot lunch of BBQ chicken, salad, beans and a roll cooked up by George Carrears was included in the cost of registration. Chicken was donated from Sacramento and Placer County Food bank per Pastor Mike and Mark Swaim. Beer was donated by Markstein Beverage Co of Sacramento. Sodas & water were also available. A dunk tank was available for anyone who wanted to dunk a member of the Clinton crew, if you were good enough to hit the bull’s eye. Danette Clinton was first to take a dive into the tank. The Children preformed a demonstration of their achievements since coming into the program, along with ranch volunteers. Executive Director Dr. Kristine Corn and Event Coordinator Sandra Acevedo narrated the event as the children on horseback proudly showed what they had learned. A big shout out to all who donated raffle prizes with lots of motorcycle stuff, 3 helmets, gloves, tenders, oil changes, baskets with goodies, Visa gift certificates, tattoo certificates…lot’s of cool stuff was raffled off. The winner of the $400 Visa Certificate generously donated it back to the Ranch. The best raffle prize of all was a “foot” painted canvas by Emma Dae. Rick Guidera of West Sacramento received the painting as well as a personal thank you from Emma Dae. A big shout out to Mike Clinton and his crew Robert Clinton, Danette Clinton and George Veteran as well as all the sponsors, volunteers, bikers and friends that made the 5th Annual Ride To Walk Poker Run another huge success with over $7600 for the Ride To Walk Ranch. See ya next year! Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 51
Saturday Afternoon - Race Pre-Party Saturday Evening - Short Track Pros, Hooligans & Experts Sunday Afternoon - The Majestic Santa Rosa Mile Sunday Evening - AMA Pro Awards Banquet
Tickets & Info: www.santarosamile.com info@santarosamile.com 844-722-6453 Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA
Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 52
Family Humboldt MC Bike Show (Fortuna) July 24, 2016 Photos by Tina DeKruse
Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 53
Tuesday - Thursday 8
Friday - Saturday
12 Noon
916-371-BARR (916-371-2277)
Custom Paint
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Custom Paint
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Come See Rey To Design Your Own Custom Painted Bike Today!
411 San Felipe Rd., Hollister, CA | www.hollisterpowersports.com Indian and Indian Motorcycle are registered trademarks of Indian Motorcycle International LLC. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Offers expire August 31st, 2016. Vehicles subject to prior sale.
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 54
WE’RE DIFFERENT IN THE SOUTH……and we like it that way and aint about to change. Aint is an actual word and essentially means “no way in hell”. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road. There are 5,000 types of snakes and spiders and 4,998 of them live in the South. If it grows, it’ll stick ya. If it crawls, it’ll bite cha. Onced and Twiced are words. For is pronounced fer. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy! Jawl-P? Means, Did you all go to the bathroom? People actually grow, eat and like okra. Fixinto is one word. It means I’m going to do that. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there’s supper. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you’re two. When a Southern woman says “well, bless your heart, sugar”, she either really means it or she’s literally telling you that you’re a dumb-ass twit. “There’s a story there” means someone has a really juicy past. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, ‘Did you eat?’ You don’t have to wear a watch, because it doesn’t matter what time it is, you work until you’re done or it’s too dark to see. We fly the American flag alongside the Southern flag with equal pride. You don’t Push buttons, you Mash em’. Ya’ll is singular. All ya’ll is plural. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal. You only own seven spices: salt, pepper, garlic powder, mustard, hot sauce and ketchup. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, the motor sports, and gossip. You believe that the first day of deer season is a national holiday. You know what a hissyfit is and if the young-uns throw one in a store, they’ll know the meaning of “wear the hide off your tail”. Fried catfish is the other white meat. We don’t need no dang Driver’s Ed. If our Mama says we can drive, we can drive! There’s unique names to designate town areas; “Screeching Cat’s Holler”, “Squirrel Tail Ridge”, “Dogs Humpin’ Ciff”, “Shotgun Waterin’ Hole” or “Bucksnort Hill”. Even if you aint from the South, when you visit us, you dang sure will be talkin’ like us by the time you git on down the road back yonder to home. Bye Bye now; y’all come back real soon, ya’ hear?
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep, He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~ My dog is a damn Congressman! _____________________________________________________________ A circus owner runs an ad for a lion tamer and two people show up. One is a biker in his mid-forties, and the other is a gorgeous blond in her mid-twenties. The circus owner tells them, “I’m not going to sugar coat it. This is one ferocious lion. He ate my last tamer so you two had better be good or you’re history.” “Here’s your equipment --chair, whip and a gun.” “Who wants to try out first?” The girl says, “I’ll go first.” She walks past the chair, the whip and the gun and steps right into the lion’s cage. The lion starts to snarl and pant and begins to charge her. About halfway there, she throws open her coat revealing her beautiful naked body. The lion stops dead in his tracks, sheepishly crawls up to her and starts licking her feet and ankles. He continues to lick her entire body for several minutes and then rests his head at her feet. The circus owner’s jaw is on the floor. “I’ve never seen a display like that in my life.” - He turns to the biker and asks, “Can you top that?” The biker says, “Hell yeah; just get that lion outta’ there.” _____________________________________________________________ Yesterday afternoon I went to our local gun shop to get a small handgun for personal protection. When I was ready to pay for the pistol and ammo, the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.” After the hysterical shrieking stopped, I realized that she was telling me how to place my credit card in the card reader. Simple case of miscommunication. Geez!
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SINCE 1985
Management reserves all rights. Problem Gambling? 1-800-GAMBLER
Family Owned & Operated
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 56
sn’t it frustrating when you have to deal with the same problem over and over again? You think you have taken care of it and wham, it’s right back with you. Maybe it’s a problem at work. Maybe it’s a problem in your marriage, with one of your children or even in a relationship with a friend. Most of the time, we face these problems not realizing we have faced them once before. It’s kind of a learning process we have to come to grips with. Many years ago, a good friend who was trying to help me overcome a huge issue in my life shared an article with me. It literally changed my perspective when facing difficulties in my life. It made such an impact on me that I printed it and still read it today. I’m not sure where the article came from or who wrote it, but I would like to pass it on to you in hopes that it will help someone get through some of their struggles and move on to a better life with peace, hope and contentment. Here it is: “No struggle we have is really new. It’s another shade of the struggle that plagued us last week or perhaps last year. And we’ll stumble again and again until we learn to quit struggling. The trying situations at work, or the personality type that irritates us, will always exist. But when we have come to accept as good and growth-
enhancing all situations and all persons, we’ll sense the subtle absence of struggle. We’ll realize the person we couldn’t tolerate has become our friend. The situation we couldn’t handle is resolved, forever.” The lessons we need to learn keep presenting themselves, until we’ve finished the homework. If we sense a struggle today, we can look at it as an assignment, one that is meant for our growth. We can remember that our struggles represent our opportunity to grow. Fortunately, the scriptures have given us a tutor. We have a willing teacher to help us understand. We need to move up and move on. When we finish the assignment over our struggle, and truly let go and let God, NO problem will be too much for us to handle.” It’s pretty radical concept I know, but one that brought many years of peace and contentment to my life. I hope it does the same for you. We’d love to see you at Thunder Road Church soon. Come join us as we learn to overcome our struggles together. Mark 11:27 - Jesus said “Everything is possible with God.” “Never Ride Alone” Pastor Johnny Lujan
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 57
• Certified H-D Tech on Staff • Certified Metric Tech on Staff • Performance Motor Work • Insurance Work • Extended Warranty
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Motorcycles Sales • Service • Trades • Buy Bikes • Consignments Buyer-Assist • Appraisals • Parts • Accessories Financing • Insurance • Warranties 1416 Sonoma Blvd • Vallejo CA 94590 707.647.RIDE (7433) • info@Ride-On-Motorcycles.com
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 58
MY TWO CENTS: It’s called “Lane Sharing”
Greetings, I would like to make a observation on the op-ed piece in the August issue of your magazine titled “My two cents” regarding lane splitting. First off, it is called “Lane sharing” and whether or not you are allowed to share the lane is at the drivers discretion not yours. Doing immature and wreckless things like breaking mirrors and stabbing tires only damages motorists impression of other riders out there. And who will pay the price? The next rider that they encounter. Just my two cents, thank you for your time. From Garret G. Here’s my Response! First of all, Garret G, I gotta ask…do you even ride a motorcycle? The next thing I gotta know is, do you drive a diesel pickup with a lift kit and big wheels that puffs out black smoke at bikers, and laughs hysterically? Was that you? Please let me know! Next, this is important, so pay attention. It is NOT at the driver’s discretion to let motorcycles split lanes or as you so elegantly put it, “lane sharing.” Holy shit! It even sounds like you typed it with a lisp! California is the only State in these beautiful United States of America where it is 100% legal for motorcycles (Bikers) to split lanes or lane share! This is a California Bikers right that neither you, nor anybody else will take from us! It sounds to me like you’re another non-riding person who doesn’t know shit about lane splitting and wants to spew his opinion about what he thinks is the law. Before you open your mouth to let anymore lame ass bullshit dribble out try looking up AB 51, Vehicles:
motorcycles: lane splitting. An act to add Section 21658.1 to the Vehicle Code, relating to vehicles. It’s never been illegal in California to split lanes. It has never been at the drivers’ discretion. As far as immature and wreckless goes, well….. OK, you got me, I can’t argue that, that’s me to a T. But I don’t think I know anyone that’s not wreckless or at least doesn’t get wreckless once in a while. Riding a motorcycle is dangerous as it is. Add in texting and inattentive drivers, drivers that don’t like us and people that think they know the law and take what they think is the law in their own hands by trying to stop us from splitting lanes, and riding a motorcycle just got more dangerous! It’s that danger and excitement that separates us from the other people, and we have a saying, “If you’re scared - stay on the porch.” And that doesn’t mean we want to hear your opinion from the porch either! By the way, I have removed a couple of mirrors in my time and pulled over to wait for the not-so-bikerfriendly drivers and all they wanted to do was exchange insurance information. Their insurance claims were all denied because they failed to yield the right of way to me, a biker, in our lane, cause we were lane sharing! That’s my two cents! Feel free to chime in! Not you Garret! Al Cagle www.rackandpull.com
Rack and Pull Industries
Motorcycle Collision Center Specializing in Harley-Davidson Frame Repair 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite F. Rancho Cordova, Calif. 95742 al@rackandpull.com 916-899-1188 www.rackandpull.com Laser Measuring & Frame Repair Equipment For the Professional Motorcycle Technician Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 59
Automotive Rick’s Automotive Biker Owned & Operated 3725 Pine Street Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 632-8230 Bars/Restaurants Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub www.bonesroadhousehangtown.com 4430 Pleasant Valley Road Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 644-4301 EASTSIDE Public House 1760 E. Main Street Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-9805 Elkhorn Saloon www.elkhornsaloon.com 18398 Old River Road W. Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-BARR (2277) The Florence Bar & Grill 37249 Niles Blvd Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 792-5522 Granzella’s Inc. www.Granzellas.com 451 6th Street Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-5583 Johnny’s Bar & Grill Breakfast, Lunch, Cocktails and Karaoke 526 San Benito Street Hollister, CA 95023 831-637-3683 Kenny’s Bar & Grill www.kennysbarandgrill.com 721 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 662-3634 Mom & Pop’s Saloon “Where fun people go, to have more fun!” 205 3rd Street San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (831) 623-2393
The Omelet House 700 East Victor Road Lodi, CA (209) 365-7011 The Omelet House 3455 Cherokee Road Stockton, CA (209) 941-2750 Road Trip Bar & Grill www.roadtripbg.com 24989 State Hwy 16 Capay, CA 95607 530-796-3777 Scooters Café 11975 Highway 70 Jarbo Gap, CA 95965 (530) 534-HOGG (4644) Spancky’s Bar www.spanckysbar.com 8201 Old Redwood Hwy Cotati, CA, USA 94931 707-664-0169 Casinos Jackson Rancheria Casino & Resort www.JacksonCasino.com 12222 New York Ranch Road Jackson, CA 95642 (800) 822-WINN Heating & Air Conditioning
A&M Heating and Air Conditioning www. AMHeatingandAirConditioning. com 7625 Sunrise Blvd – Ste 208 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 747-5654 Insurance CycleInsure Agency www.cycleinsure.com 4201 Sunrise Blvd – Suite B Fair Oaks, CA 95628 800-800-0965 / 916-200-1000
Harleymann Motorcycle Insurance Agency www.harleymann.com 9477 Greenback Lane – Ste 507 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 355-0500 Jim Wall Insurance Agency Kelly Weber – Owner/Agent 6045 Hazel Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 Email: jimwallins@yahoo.com (916) 989-1915 Lodging & Resorts
Powder Coating Performance Powder Coating & Sandblasting 6326 Main Avenue #4 Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 987-1942 Notary Sharon Holder Sharon Holder Notary Public (916) 425-2377 Sales / Service / Accessories
Inn of the Lost Coast www.innofthelostcoast.com 205 Wave Drive Shelter Cove, CA 95589 707-986-7521
Bagger Design www.baggerdesign.com 2112 Drive In Way Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 852-1554
Motorcycle Attorneys
Billy’s Motorcycle Shop 3233 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-3023
Kirbys Law www.KirbysLaw.com California’s Motorcycle Lawyers 24/7 (800) 699-9097 Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers www.rushfordbonotto.com 1010 Hurley Way – Ste 410 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 565-0590 Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys www.RussBrown.com (800) 800-4-BIKERS Schapiro & Leventhal The Motorcycle Attorneys Call us 24/7 for a FREE Consulation (877) 835-7800 Motorcycle Detailing San Jose Hogwash Motorcycle Detailing www.sanjosehogwash.com P.O. Box 24273 San Jose, CA 95154 (408) 641-1940
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 60
Bliss Electronics 4224 Fowler Lane – Ste 101 Diamond Springs, CA 95619 (530) 642-9326 California Custom Trailers www.calcustomtrailers.com 10381 E. Stockton Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-2310 C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin 12015 Shale Ridge Auburn, CA 95602 530-885-5556 Clinton’s Custom Cycle 555 G Street Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-0954 Custom Design Studios www.customdesignstudios.com 56 Hamilton Drive – Suite A Novato, CA 94949 (415) 382-6662 Dudley Perkins Co www.dpchd.com 333 Corey Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 650-737-5467
Executive Choppers www.ExecutiveChoppers.com 2115 March Road Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 780-6508 Freedom Rides Trikes www.FreedomRides.Biz 643 Lincoln Blvd Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 434-2980 Folsom Harley-Davidson www.folsomhd.com 115 Woodmere Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 608-9922 Hatt’s Motorcycles www.HattsMotorcycles.com P.O. Box 608 Forest Knolls, CA 94933 (415) 488-1441 HK Cycles www.hkcycles.com 196 Airway Blvd Livermore, CA 94551 (925) 443-1269 Hollister Powersports
411 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 630-5200
Horse Power by Gerolamy 4046 Wayside Lane – Ste J Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 638-9008 / (916) 485-8288 Humboldt Performance Cycle 1341 Evergreen Road #1 Redway, CA 95560 (707) 923-7103 Iron Steed Harley-Davidson www.ironsteedhd.com 100 Auto Center Drive Vacaville, CA, USA 95687 707-455-7000 James Dean’s Rebel Design www.RebelDesignPaint.net 9556 Antelope Oaks Court Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 773=REBL(7325)
John Jessup’s DREAM RIDES www.dreamridesusa.com 2275 N. Wilson Way Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 467-4669 J&S Surplus Eagle Iron & Leather www.Surplusinc.com Hwy 1 & North Struve Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 831-724-0588 The Leatherworks, Inc. www.LeatherworksInc.com 188 Frank West Circle #C Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 983-9200 Mary Terry Leathers www.maryterryleathers.com 3311 Julliard Drive – Ste B Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 747-0902 Mid Cal Cycles 2510 Evergreen Avenue – Ste E W. Sacramento, CA 95691 916-373-1745 Nickell’s Customs www.nickellscustoms.com 2429 S. Stockton Street – Ste 4 Lodi, CA 95240 (209) 323-0090
Motorcycle Seats www.SeatWorksCMS.com (916) 729-1012 Sindicate Cycles 1010 N. Idaho Street San Mateo, CA 94401 (650) 863-3911 Sinister Wheel www.sinisterwheel.com (209) 664-0207 Sonoma County Harley-Davidson www.SonomaCountyHD.com 7601 Redwood Drive Cotati, CA 94931 (707) 793-9180 Tomson Leather 6225 Pleasant Valley Road El Dorado, CA 95623 (530) 622-1505 Two Gunners Custom Iron www.twogunnerscustomiron.com 21183 State Hwy 20 Penn Valley, CA 95946 530-263-8071 V Dawg Cycles 5630 Roseville Rd – Suite C Sacramento, CA 95842 (916) 338-3710
Omega Motorcycle www.OmegaCycle.com 660 Harbor Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-2206 Penngrove Motorcycle Company www.penngrovemotorcycleco.com 9585 Main Street Penngrove, CA 94951 (707) 793-7993 Rack and Pull Industries www.rackandpull.com (916) 899-1188 Ride-On-Motorcycles www.Ride-On-Motorcycles.com 1416 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 647-RIDE(7433) Seatworks Custom Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 61
VICTORY of Citrus Heights
7601 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 725-8158 WindVest Motorcycle Products www.WindVest.com 16840 Joleen Way Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 377-7323 Tattoos The Dogfather Tattoo Company 120 J Street Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 677-0844 Tattoo Betty’s www.tattoobettys.com 125 Peek Street – Ste C Jackson, CA 95642 (209) 223-3534 Wild Bill Tattoo www.wild-bills.com 115 Lincoln Street Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-9090
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MARKETPLACE Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 63
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SATURDAY, SEPT. 17TH • OROVILLE All proceeds to benefit the Veteran’s Memorial Fund
KCBS Championship BBQ Cook-Off Over 50 Teams!!
Register Today! $25 Singles $15 Passenger
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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events online at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com SEPTEMBER
SEPTEMBER 2-3 Central California Rock & Road Show STOCKTON Presented by Under One Roof Events. Located at San Joaquin County Fairgrounds -1658 S. Airport Way. Labor Day Weekend. 9/2: 6pm-12am. 9/3: 10am-12am. Tickets $7.50 Advance ($10 at the Door) / Weekend Pass $12.50 Advance ($15 at the Door) The ultimate early 70’s to present day Classic/Hard Rock & Roll Experience in the California Central Valley. 6 Stages / 50 Bands Car Show Bike Show Booze Experience - Free Tastings And Much Much more! We have over 250 acres and we’re partying on every square inch of it! Don’t Miss California’s Biggest Party! Overnight camping for tents and Rv’s. For more information: (209) 452-2268 / rocknroadshow@gmail.com / www. rocknroadshow.com / www.underoneroofevents.com SEPTEMBER 3 Central Valley Top Hatters Poker Run OAKDALE Presented by Top Hatters MC Central Valley. Sign in at 1088 Zell Lane. 9am-11am. $20 entry fee includes BBQ lunch. This run consists of 5 stops; starting and ending at our clubhouse. Live DJs and Raffles. All riders welcome! For more information: Marty (209) 597-0312 SEPTEMBER 3 Dynaholics END of Summer BASH SAN MIGUEL Presented by Dynaholics – Located at 1285 Mission St. 2pm. $5 entry fee. This is going to be our biggest event yet! We’ll have some of the largest vendors in the industry along with great food. We’ll also have contests such as a wet t-shirt contest, slow bike, races and a mobile dyno where we’ll be hosting our first ever dyno shootout! For more information: Austin kicker5203@yahoo.com SEPTEMBER 4 Diablo Crew M/C Foothills Poker Run FARMINGTON Presented by Diablo Crew M/C Foothills. Check in at Lagorios Grill & Bar – 25550 State Hwy 4. 10am -12pm. $20 Donation. Run pin to first 50. Run shirts available. Food – Fun – Games – Music - Prizes. For more information: DCMCfoothills@gmail.com SEPTEMBER 5 2017 Preview Open House SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Presented by Dudley Perkins Co. Harley-Davidson. 10am. 2017 model preview, demo rides, food and stunt show by Out Here Crew. For more information: dpchd@dpchd.com
SEPTEMBER 9-11 Fryed Brothers Band Annual Bash in the Redwoods LEGGETT Presented by Fryed Brothers Band. 9am $60 Advance / $70 Gate. Join the Fryed’s, Rogue, Savannah Blue, Beatnik, Kent Stephenson Band, Chubbs Bros Band and the Backyard Blues Band for a great weekend of music, dancing, bike games, raffle prizes, vendors, general store, swimming, and so much more! For more information: Barb (707) 824-4861 / www. fryedbrothersband.com. Call Resort for RV space (707) 9256249. No cabins available. Price includes tent camping space. SEPTEMBER 10 11th Annual Kacie’s Ride for Hope PLACERVILLE Presented by Kacie’s Ride for Hope to End Domestic Violence. Located on Main Street. 8am-4pm. $30/rider $50/couple. In July 2006, Pat Barron’s sister Kacie was shot and killed by an ex-boyfriend. Pat decided to honor his sister and created Kacie’s Ride - a motorcycle ride through Hope Valley with the goal of educating the biker community about domestic violence and raising funds for The Center for Violence-Free Relationships. The Center is the domestic violence center that supported Kacie and continues to serve victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in El Dorado County. The ride features a Chapter Challenge and Bike Show, BBQ, ride pin, live music and more! For more information: www.Kaciesrideforhope.com / (530) 626-1450 SEPTEMBER 10 American Kickers MC Dog Run LOWER LAKE Presented by American Kickers MC. Sign up at Maynard’s Sports Bar – 16203 Main Street. 9am $25 Live dog adoptions on site, Live music, 50/50, Raffle. Proceeds to benefit Orphan Dogs Dog Rescue. For more information: americankickersmc111@gmail.com SEPTEMBER 10 Blessing of Motorcycles & Riders Saturday RIO VISTA Presented by Father Richard Boyle. Located at St Joseph’s Parish -130 South 4th St. 11am to 1pm Free Lunch while supplies last. Father Richard Boyle, Pastor of St. Joseph’s (his ride: Harley - Dyna Low-rider), will bless bikes and riders in honor of Saint Columbanus, the traditional patron saint of Motorcyclists and their bikes. Fr. Richard is a fairly recent addition to the Fraternity of Bikers, but he’s an avid rider! Come on, how many priests do you know who ride a Harley (an all black one, of course!!!)? So, come join in the blessing, and the sharing and showing of our bikes at St. Joseph’s and be sure to invite your fellow riders and friends…everyone is welcome! For more information: riofam@ citlink.net
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 69
Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
SEPTEMBER 10 11th Annual Renegade Rendezvous Bike Show & Tattoo Expo DIXON Presented by Renegade Events. Located at Dixon Fairgrounds – 655 South 1st Street. 10am-5pm. $20. Voted #1 Bike Show in California! Ride in Bike Show, Tattoo Contest, Stunt Show by Unknown Industries, Meet Ink Masters Season 7 winner Anthony Michaels. Bikini Contest, Biker Games, Vendors, Live Music all day! Be sure to get your upgraded VIP tickets. For more information: (916) 454-3700 / www.renegadeevents.com See Flyer On Page 5 SEPTEMBER 10 Summer Splash VALLEJO Presented by HellBent MC 707 Crew. Located at Gentleman Jim’s - 1324 Lincoln Rd - E. $15 presale/ $20 at the door. 6pm??? Come join us for a Splashing Good time with Food, Music, Raffle, Water Gun Auction, Wet T-Shirt Contest with a $500 1st Prize (based on a minimum of 10 Contestants). For more information: Johnny B at 916-666-1163 SEPTEMBER 11 Annual Patriot Day Bike, Car & Truck Show MADERA Presented by American Legion Riders Chapter 11. Located at 17408 Road 26. 8am-11am Registration $15 9am Breakfast/ BlackJack Ride $10 Donation. 8:46 AM Moment of silence is observed. 9am 25 mile breakfast ride up to Hills Pride Inn. 11am return to Post, Winners of card game announced. 12 Noon Bike & Car Show. BBQ, Bands, DJ, Vendor Booths, Full bar, 21+.3pm People’s Choice Judging, 4pm Awards for Bikes, Cars & Trucks, All Social Bike Groups Welcome. No Pets, No Gang Colors, No Problems. For more information: Ed (831) 269-2468 / djchac_1@yahoo.com SEPTEMBER 11 Smoke and Iron’s 9/11 Ride to Never Forget Poker Run AUBURN Presented by Smoke and Iron Firefighter MC. Registration at C and E Auburn Indian and V twin at Corner of Shale Ridge Rd and Hwy 49. 8:30am. Ride starts at 10am with 125 mile 5 stops and ending at the Valencia Club. $20 per rider /or $30 rider and passenger. This is a 9/11 Memorial poker ride to raise money for the Sacramento local Firefighters widows and orphans fund. Come out and support your local firefighters and party with us. For more information: Harleyhunter76@gmail.com See Flyer On Page 31 SEPTEMBER 16 Cheech & Chong (w/special guest Shelby Chong) JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 7pm / $40 See the return of iconic comedy duo - Cheech & Chong along with special guest Shelby Chong to the Grand Oak Ballroom stage! Must be 21 and older to attend. Tickets are on sale starting at $35 for Dreamcatcher’s Club® members, available only at the Casino Cashier’s Cage and starting at $40 for non-Dreamcatcher’s Club® members, available at the Casino Cashier’s Cage. For more information: (800) 822WINN / www.JacksonCasino.com
SEPTEMBER 17 9th Annual M.I.A. P.O.W. Weekend Motorcycle Rally OROVILLE Presented by Oroville Veterans Memorial Motorcycle Rally Committee. Registration at Feather Falls Casino and Lodge - 3 Alverda Drive. 7am to 11:30am free Coffee and Donuts, 8:30am. $25 single show and shine /$15 passengers or extra hands. $600high /$400low hand, 50/50 Raffle, Run pin, T-shirt, Rag Cap and BB-Q Ribs and much more while supplies last. All Proceeds go to Butte County Veteran’s Wall $2,500. Cash Prizes For Motorcycle Rally $35,000. Cash Prizes KCBS Championship Sanctioned BB-Q Ribs Cook Off. For more information: Preregistration: Payable to Oroville Veterans Memorial Park Committee c/o Bill Connelly PO Box 30 Oroville, CA 95965 / James : pjtownsend@att.net / (530)589-5748. For lodging info at Feather Falls Lodge (530)533-3885 use code MR16 KOA ON sight (800)562-5079 SEPTEMBER 17 7th Annual Welcome Home Vets Bike Run & BBQ AUBURN Presented by Welcome Home Vets. Registration at C&E Auburn Indian and V-TWIN at 8:30am. $20pp before 9/12 ($25pp after 9/12) $10 BBQ Only. Kids 12 and under eat FREE. Kickstands up 10am. Opening Ceremony 12pm BBQ Served 12:30pm to 2:30pm Run, BBQ. Helping Vets and Their Families Welcome Home Vets is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation founded to help veterans, active duty military, and their families cope with problems resulting from military-related psychological trauma. We provide services to veterans and family members of all service eras at no out-of-pocket cost to them—they have already paid the price. Ends at Western Gateway Park. For more information: Pre-register online or day-of at C&E / www.WelcomeHomeVets. org / (530) 272-3300 See Flyer On Page 31 SEPTEMBER 17 Rumble Run VACAVILLE Presented by Dirty Whites MC. Sign up at Iron Steed HarleyDavidson. 10am-12pm / $20. Food, live band, games, vendors, raffles. For more information: Fukindave69@yahoo.com SEPTEMBER 17 POW/MIA Poker Run and Ceremony PRUNEDALE Presented by American Legion Riders District 28. Located at American Legion Post 593, 8300 Prunedale N. Rd. Sign-in 9am to 10am. Donation $20 single rider / $35 couples. POW/MIA ceremony starts at 1 pm. Supports the Monterey County Vietnam Vets Memorial Park and benefits Veterans. Includes Poker hand and tri tip BBQ. Prizes for High & Low hand. 50/50 and raffle. All riders and public welcome. For more information: John or Linda (408) 4484784 / jolinsheba@sbcglobal.net. See Flyer On Page 65 SEPTEMBER 17 Free Hotdog & Drink FOLSOM Presented by Gold Country CMA – Located at Folsom Harley Davidson - 115 Woodmere Rd. 11am – 2pm. Cost: Donation. Enjoy a free hotdog and drink while supplies last. All donations will benefit Run for the Son - a CMA fundraiser to help the spreading of the gospel throughout the world. For more information: Don Carlson (530) 306-9107
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Remember Remember to to check check for for MORE MORE events events submitted submittedAFTER AFTER print print deadline deadline at at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com www.thunderroadsnorcal.com SEPTEMBER 17 Brethryn MC Open House FREMONT Presented by Brethryn MC. Located at 37404 Joseph Street. 12pm – 6pm / Free Admission Food - $10.00/Plate. Roast Pig, Rice, Salad, Roll. Live Music - 50/50 Raffle - Assort. Beverages - NEW Support wear. This is a family friendly event. Come for fun, meet new friends, and enjoy our hospitable clubhouse. Bring your guests for a fun filled afternoon. Hope to see you there! For more information: brethrynmc@gmail.com SEPTEMBER 17 1st Annual Cruisin’ for Tumblers Poker Run LATHROP Presented by Funtastic Gymnastics. 8:30am The run will start and end at Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson with food and drinks (while supplies last), raffles, silent auction, and music! Prizes for best and worst hand. For more information: funtasticboosters@yahoo.com.
SEPTEMBER 23 Bike Night SALINAS Presented by One Brotherhood MC. 825 West Market Street. Starts at 7pm $15. Filipino food, raffle prizes, music. All motorcycles welcome. Proceeds go to ADOPT A FAMILY FUND. For more information: Chiefa (831) 731-0179 SEPTEMBER 24 Adopt A Dog SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento – 1000 Arden Way. 11am - 2pm. Come out you may meet your new best friend. The Sacramento SPCA will be at the dealership with a mobile dog adoption trailer! For more information: sav@hdsac.com
SEPTEMBER 21-25 Street Vibrations Fall Rally RENO, TAHOE, CARSON & VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA Presented by Roadshows, Inc. Vendors & participants go to www. roadshowsreno.com. For more information: (775) 329-7469 / admin@roadshowsreno.com
SEPTEMBER 24 Luau and Pig Roast LIVERMORE Presented by Lane Splitter Harley-Davidson – 1551 Parkmoor Ave. 2017 New Model Reveal Open House 12pm-3pm. Pig roast starts at 11:30am until gone! Luau games, giveaways, drinks and more! Win prizes! For more information: (408) 998-1464 / www. lanesplitterhd.com See Flyer On Page 35
SEPTEMBER 21-25 Street Vibrations Rally Sponsor CARSON CITY, NEVADA Presented by Battle Born Harley-Davidson – 2900 Research Way. Free concerts Friday and Saturday: Cash Only Band, Liam Kyle Cahill, Smoken Rabbit and many more! Moto X Freestyle by Liv*Fast and Out Here Crew Stunt Show. Burnouts, Poker run, food vendors, bike wash, bike detail. SAVE THE DATE: 2017 New Model OPEN HOUSE! For more information: www. battlebornharleydavidson.com See Flyer On Page 12-13
SEPTEMBER 24 2017 New Model Open House LATHROP Presented by Eagles Nest Harley-Davidson. 9am – 6pm / FREE. Save the date! Tell your boss it’s a family reunion and ride on down to Eagle’s Nest H-D® as we host our 2017 New Model Open House. Free food (while supplies last), giveaways, and prizes. For more information: Denise (209) 955-8503 / denise@ eaglesnesthd.com.
SEPTEMBER 21-25 Fall Motorcycle Rally RENO, NEVADA Sponsored by Road Rider of Reno, Street Rider of Reno, and Throttle Girl - 2187 Market Street. Wed-Sat: 9am-6pm / Sun: 9am-4pm. Supporting America’s Heroes. Live music, special sales, vendor product booths, food, bike wash & more! For more information: (775) 337-2011 / www.roadriderofreno.com / (775) 337-2055 / info@throttlegirl.net See Flyer On Back Cover See Flyer On Page 22
SEPTEMBER 23-24 CFTA/AMA Points Round#7/CFTA PreParty & Races SANTA ROSA Presented by California Flat Track Association. Located at Chris Beck Arena - 1350 Bennett Valley Rd. 5pm Grandstands Adults $15 /Seniors/Kids 6-12 $10 *Friday Sept 23rd CFTA/AMA Points round #7 / *Saturday Sept 24th CFTA Night before the Santa Rosa Mile, Pre-Party and Races including: Hooligan Street Bikes and Pro GNC Riders Banging Bars! For more information: www.californiaflattrack.com/ Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/CaliforniaFlatTrackAssociation
SEPTEMBER 22-24 Denver’s Choppers Vintage Bike Show RENO, NEVADA Mondo Porras of Denvers Choppers & Les Covington of Covington MC Shoppe are looking for some honest old school choppers, bobbers, diggers, & customs for a real deal vintage bike show during Street Vibrations Rally. We prefer motorcycles originally built prior to 1970 with either an original frame or engine, but we also want other cool vintage choppers regardless. We’ve got great Awards, Chopper parts, & Cash for class winners. All participants will recieve cool plaques and swag. For more information: DENVERSCHOPPERS. COM click the “EVENTS” tab for Denver’s Bike Show, enter your information, and upload pictures of your bike. les@ covingtonsmotorcycleshoppe.com
SEPTEMBER 24-25 Santa Rosa Mile SANTA ROSA Presented by Ramspur Winery. Located at Sonoma County Fairgrounds – 1350 Bennett Valley Rd. Saturday afternoon: Race Pre-Party, Saturday evening: Short track pros, Hooligans, Experts. Sunday afternoon: The Majestic Santa Rosa Mile. Sunday evening: AMA Pro Awards Banquet. For more information: www.santarosamile.com / info@santarosamile.com / (844) 722-6453 See Flyer On Page 52
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SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 2 16th Annual Las Vegas Bikefest LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Presented by ConvExx. Located in Downtown Las Vegas – Fremont Street East. The feel of old Vegas surrounds the rally grounds where the passion for riding and enthusiasm for the motorcycle industry thrives. Overwhelm yourself with our numerous Custom Bike Shows, the most prestigious Artistry in Iron Master Builders Championship, and the availability of your favorite motorcycle accessories, parts and swag all in one convenient location. NEW THIS YEAR- daily motorcycle giveaways, a $1000 shopping spree giveaway, two stages for constant entertainment, and BIG parties every night. For more information: www.LasVegasBikeFest.com USE PROMO CODE LVBF49 to save $5.00 See Flyer On Page 34 SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 1 1st Annual Las Vegas Motorcycle Hall of Fame LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Presented by Las Vegas Bikefest. Downtown Las Vegas – Fremont Street East. 8:30pm 2016 Inductees by Robbie Knievel, Lorenzo Lamas, Keith Ball and Evel Knievel (posthumous) Performances by Branscome Richmond and his Roadies & Renegades Rock Tour. See Flyer On Page 63
OCTOBER 1-2 Grand Opening Party GEORGETOWN Presented by Georgetown Hotel & Saloon – 6260 Main Street. UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Live Music, BBQ, Drink Specials, Party on the Patio, Corn Hole Tournament. For more information: (530) 333-4428 See Flyer On Page 56 OCTOBER 1 C&E AUBURN INDIAN and V-TWIN Customer Appreciation Day!! AUBURN Presented by C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin – 12015 Shale Ridge Lane. 12-4pm Live Music Featuring THE FRYED BROTHERS BAND!! ~Vendors ~BBQ Available ~Raffles Join us as we celebrate our appreciation for ALL of our customers!! For more information: www. auburnvtwin.com See Flyer On Page 31 OCTOBER 1 Biketoberfest 2016 SACRAMENTO Presented by Hells Angels Sacramento. Located at Our Clubhouse – 3405 9th Avenue. 7pm - ? $20/Advance - $30/At The Door. Music by The Fryed Brothers. See any Sacramento Hells Angel for tickets. See Flyer On Page 63
OCTOBER 1 11th Annual Chilly Billy Fun Run COTATI Presented by Rip City Riders MC. Sign in at Sonoma County Harley-Davidson - 7601 Redwood Dr. 8-10:30am $25 Donation Ride ends at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds and Event Center in Petaluma. Live music, BBQ lunch between 11:30-3:30 pm, vendors, raffle prizes including a 2016 Harley-Davidson Street Bob. For more information: info@ripcityriders.org OCTOBER 1 20th Annual Black Widows Poker Run SACRAMENTO Presented by Black Widows Inc. VFW Post 67 2784 Stockton Blvd. Registration 8am to 10:30am/ Run Ends 7pm. $30 mail or online pre registration by 921/16 $40 day of. Ride Donation to include Dinner, Tshirt, Poker Hand and entry for Grand prize! Ride, Drive, Float, Walk, Run, Crawl. Everyone and all Bikes welcome. Final Stop Peters Steak House to include Prime Rib or Chicken Dinner and Grand Prize, High Low Hand, 50/50,Raffle Prizes and Live music by the Buzz Tones! To benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children of Northern California. For more information: Jamey Ray (916) 649-2240 / Blackwidowsinc@ aol.com / www.Blackwidowspokerrun.org (mail Reg can be printed @ website signup page) OCTOBER 1 Gold Country Run GRASS VALLEY Presented by American Legion Riders Chapter 130 / Sons of the American Legion Post 130 Located at Veterans Hall - 255 South Auburn Street. Registration 8:30am - 10:30 am, Single $20 - $30. $3 breakfast donation. 12 noon to 2:30pm Tri Tip dinner included. 3pm 50/50 drawing hand carved biker bear winner announced. Lots of drawing prizes and High hand wins $100. Live Auction at 3pm donated 1978 Sportster, winner takes it. All proceeds are for our Veterans. For more information: ALRChapter130@yahoo.com / Rick Arens (530) 277-4271 OCTOBER 1 CTA featuring former Chicago bandmates Danny Seraphine & Bill Champlin JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 7pm / $25. Danny Seraphine co-founded the supergroup Chicago in 1967 and was their drummer and songwriter until 1990. Grammy winner Bill Champlin was the lead vocalist and keyboardist for the group from 1981 until 2009. In April 2016, Danny and the band Chicago were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Will Call opens at 5pm, Doors open at 6pm and the show begins at 7pm. Beer, food, and wine will be available for purchase. For more information: (800) 822-9466 / www.JacksonCasino.com OCTOBER 1 Swap Meet / Recycled Iron LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. If you’re interested in selling your stuff, reserve your spot today! $10 nonrefundable fee. Setup starts at 7:30am – 8:30am. Gate opens at 9am. Free breakfast and lunch (while supplies last). For more information: Denise at 209-955-8503 / denise@eaglesnesthd.com.
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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com OCTOBER 8 Mendocino County HOG Poker Run UKIAH Presented by MC HOG Chapter and Gunninks Harley-Davidson 2600 North State St. 9am-4pm. $25 Starts and ends at Gunninks Harley Davidson. Save money and pre register by Sept. 1st for only $20 and guarantee your size tee shirt! There will be fun entertainment, music, games, and lots of Raffles! Don’t miss out! Join us for the fun and beautiful ride through Mendocino County! Proceeds will benefit Mendocino County Cancer Resource Center. For more information: activities@mendocinohog.com OCTOBER 8 Fryed Brothers Band at Swabbies On The River SACRAMENTO Presented by Fryed Brothers Band. 3pm to 7pm Cost: $10.00. Join the Fryed Brothers for an afternoon of great music, food & drinks with plenty of shade, seating and motorcycle parking! For more information: barbfryed@yahoo.com OCTOBER 8 Annual Nonperishable Food Drive AUBURN Presented by Sons of California MC Gold Country. Located at Pistol Pete’s Brew & Cue - 140 Harrison Avenue. 11am to 5pm Donation $15 per person / $20 per couple or $10 Per person with a donation of nonperishable food items. Live music by Savannah Blue. Raffle prizes 50-50 raffle and more ! Special raffle 50 inch flat screen HD TV! A ride biker party rain or shine! All are welcome! Accepting donations of food and clothing. For more information: Sparky (530)651-3994 OCTOBER 8 Fallen Brothers Poker Run MARTINEZ Presented by Saints MC Martinez - Locates at 605 Marina Vista. 10am $20 Entry Donation. In remembrance of our fallen brothers and sisters CO CO County back roads ride, 50/50, Raffle, BBQ Tri Tip Lunch, Remington 870 Shot gun Grand Prize, Live music. Come enjoy the day and support the kids of our Vicentes-Briones High School Scholarship Fund! For more information: joe@tbirdhq.com OCTOBER 8 6th Annual Gold Country Benefit Ride & BBQ PENRYN Presented by Gold Country Harley Riders. Registration at Valencia Club - 2162 Taylor Rd. Registration 9am-10am. Kickstands up at 10am. BBQ lunch at 1pm. $20 Single / $35 Two Up includes BBQ and Pin for 1st 100 riders. Open to All Bikes! Activities include Cowboy Fast Draw ($5 a round) sponsored by Cowboy Fast Draw Assoc., Chapter Challenge, Raffles, 50/50, $150/High & $75/Low Hands, Live Music. Proceeds go to Local Toy Runs and charities. Vendors wanted. For more information: Roy Sunahara (916) 390-0205 / waterskier1@ surewest.net / www.goldcountryharleyriders.com.
OCTOBER 8 Fall Bingo Run VACAVILLE Presented by A.B.A.T.E. Local 17 of California. Starts at Str8 Shooter Bar and Grill – 1072 E. Monte Vista Avenue. 9am $5 donation per playing card. First game at 10:00. Pay out at each stop. If you join on the day of the run you will receive 1 card at each stop. For more information: Glenn (707) 624-6310 OCTOBER 8 4th Annual West Sacramento Christmas Basket Toy Run SACRAMENTO Presented by Tommy King and Friends. Meet at Sacramento Harley Davidson at 9am. Enjoy free coffee and pastries. Depart at 10am. Bring an unwrapped Toy and or Clothing, Jackets, shoes and socks, canned food etc. for all ages... Cash donations accepted. Live music, breakfast and lunch Specials at Swabbies. Photos with Santa, 50/50, Raffle, free tickets to the FRYED BROTHERS show immediately following and much more! For more information: FaceBook at West Sacramento Christmas Basket Toy Run. Non-Profit Charity Tax ID #68-0273220 PO Box 1236 W. Sac. Ca. 95605-1236. Tell em Tommy sent Cha! OCTOBER 14-16 Big Bike Weekend REDDING Presented by Big Bike Weekend. Located at Win River Resort & Casino - 2100 Redding Rancheria Road. Fri Noon-8, Sat 10a-8p, Sun 10a-2p/$15-60. Start time: Noon Friday, 9a on Saturday & Sunday Friday’s Night features police escorted Remembrance Ride, followed by an optional dinner & dance Saturday’s Ride for a Cause Poker Run is a chance to win $10,000 Sunday’s featured event is a Bike Show Competition Prices vary from $15-$60. Vendors, webcasting during event, entertainment, RV parking/hook-ups and a great resort. Raffle prizes and door prizes including the Amazon Alexa. Supports: One SAFE Place. For more information: www.BigBikeWeekend.com / bigbikeweekend@hotmail.com (530) 276-5802 OCTOBER 15 Jeff Keith’s Ride For Reason FOLSOM Presented by Higher Purpose Events – Starts at Folsom HarleyDavidson – 115 Woodmere Rd. Pre-Register $25 online. Tickets include: Ride with Jeff Keith of Tesla. Live Music, Raffle Prizes, Vendors, Food and Drink. All proceeds benefit local foster kids. For more information: Vendors (530) 368-6579 / jkr4rvendor@ gmail.com / (916) 827-1743 www.higherpurposeevents.com See Flyer On Inside Front Cover OCTOBER 15 ABATE Cheeseburger Run GRASS VALLEY Presented by ABATE Local 52. Located at 19729 Cerrito Rd. 12pm / $5 Come join us for a cheeseburger and support ABATE. We are your state level motorcycle rights organization! Burgers, beans, and chips. Your favorite refreshments at the bar. Prize drawings too! For more information: craig@ twogunnerscustomiron.com
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OCTOBER 15 Pink Party / Garage Party LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Free Pink Label seminars For more information: megan@eaglesnesthd.com OCTOBER 15 7th Annual Save the Big Twins VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley Davidson. 9am- 10am $30 Registration Fee includes a run pin and meal ticket (pre-register by September 18th your donation will also include a commemorative event shirt!) We will have games, raffles, awards and delicious food provided by Road Trip Bar & Grill! Get excited, wear your pink and come out to support The Big Twins and have a great day! Benefiting the Solano Midnight Sun Foundation. For more information: events@ironsteedhd.com See Flyer On Page 17 OCTOBER 15 4th Annual Lords of Iron High Roller Run SANTA ROSA Presented by Lords of Iron MC. Start at Final Edition Bar – 412 Larkfield Ctr. 9am-11:30am $25 Donation. BBQ ribs & chicken with all the trimmings, 50/50, raffle, tons of prizes. RAIN OR SHINE Proceeds to Greenacre Homes and Schools (Sebastopol) See Flyer On Page 62 OCTOBER 15 4th Annual Sierra Foothill Harvest Brew-fest JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 2pm to 5pm / $25 in advance / $30 at the door. Craft Beer lovers and aficionados are invited to the Grand Oak Ballroom to enjoy beer tasting, artisan food pairings and live entertainment are all included! Tickets also include a complimentary commemorative beer tasting glass and $10 Free Slot Play or Match Play. Must be 21 to attend. Proceeds from this event will benefit Second Generation, a non-profit organization that believes it is the responsibility of our generation to support, reward and aide the hard work of our Agricultural communities’ children. For more information: www.JacksonCasino.com. VIP and Elite Players can purchase their discounted tickets at the Casino Cashier’s Cage for only $10. Designated Driver tickets are only $10 and include music and food. See Flyer On Page 56 OCTOBER 21 Ladies Garage VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley Davidson. 5:30pm-8:30pm FREE. Ladies Night is a Harley Davidson event geared towards women! We want to introduce you to the amazing life of Harley! We will have our a Jump Start set up so you can try out riding for yourself! We will be here to answer any questions you have about our bikes, motor clothes and services we provide. There will be food, drinks, games and give aways. Come shop, learn about bikes and have a great time! For more information: events@ironsteedhd.com
OCTOBER 22 Annual Halloween Ride FRESNO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Fresno - 4345 W Shaw Ave. 6pm- 9:30pm. For more information: www.hdfresno.com OCTOBER 29 Jimmie Vaughan Concert JACKSON Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort – 12222 New York Ranch Rd. 7pm / $35 Welcomes blues & ballads artist Jimmie Vaughan to the Grand Oak Ballroom stage. In 1974, Vaughan met and started the Fabulous Thunderbirds with vocalist and harmonica player Kim Wilson. The T-Birds stayed with the group through their 1986 release of Tuff Enough until he joined his kid brother, Stevie Ray, on the Family Style album, which was a huge hit after its release in 1990. Will Call opens at 5pm, Doors open at 6pm and the show begins at 7pm. Beer, food, and wine will be available for purchase. For more information: (800) 8229466 / www.JacksonCasino.com OCTOBER 29 Harley-Ween LATHROP Presented by Eagle’s Nest H-D. 9am – 6pm. Break out that ol’ Halloween costume of yours, pile the kids in the car and celebrate Harley-Ween! Special cartoon appearances for the kids!!! We will be offering Trick or Treating and will have a costume contest. Free lunch from 11:00am – 2:00pm, while supplies last!
NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 5 San Francisco Fire Department 10th Annual Johnny “V” Memorial Toy Run SAN FRANCISCO Presented by Barbary Coast Chapter- Wind and Fire MC. Registration at 2225 Jerrold Street. 10am-11:30am. $25.00 Donation, passenger $5.00 more and an unwrapped toy. A ride along the beautiful San Francisco waterfront through fisherman’s wharf and past AT&T Park. We then arrive at the Bay View Boat Club for a delicious BBQ lunch, live music, water show by the San Francisco Fireboat, Raffle, Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle. For more information: post4803@yahoo.com NOVEMBER 12 20th Annual Can Food Drive STOCKTON Presented by Sons of California MC San Joaquin Valley Chapter. Located at Amblers Club - 2000 N Amblers Lane. 12pm-4pm. Please bring non perishable food items for entry. All motorcycles and cars welcome, fun for families, bounce house for the kids. Music & food. Rain or Shine. Benefitting Saint Marys Interfaith Community Services. For more information: moosedrool23@ yahoo.com
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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com NOVEMBER 13 12th Annual Laytonville Toy Run LAYTONVILLE Presented by Boomer’s Saloon – 45020 N. Hwy 101. 1-5pm. Bring unwrapped toy. RAIN OR SHINE! Live music, cold drinks, $6 Tri tip Buffet, 2016 Toy Run Pin and much more. Proceeds from this event benefit the North Pole Toy Express. For more information: (707) 984-6534 / kayekuykendall@yahoo.com See Flyer On Page 56 NOVEMBER 27 24th Annual Willits Toy Run WILLITS Presented by Willits Wild Bunch & Willits Rotary. Evergreen Shopping Center -1700 S. Main St. One Unwrapped Toy. Meet & Greet 11:00am - Pack ride leaves at 12 noon escorted through town by the Little Lake Valley FD. Party starts at 12:30 - Little Lake Grange - 291 School St. Live Music by II Big, many raffle items, live auction and fantastic free lunch. For more information: Pops (707) 489-3313. NOVEMBER 27 17th Annual Hatt’s San Quentin Toy Run SAN RAFAEL Presented by Hatt’s Motorcycles. Pier 15 Restaurant – 15 Harbor Avenue. RAIN OR SHINE 9am-11am $20 / Bring Unwrapped Toy or Gift Card. Food, drinks, live music and raffle. All bikes and cars are welcome – please come join the fun! Run benefits children of inmates of San Quentin. Sponsors needed! For more information: Bret Hatt (415) 488-1441
EVERY TUESDAY FOLSOM United We Stand BIKE NIGHT Presented by Mark’s Sports Bar & Grill – 303 Iron Point Rd. 7:30pm-12:00am. Live Free Ride Free! Bike Nights! Drink specials, Food specials, DJ, Possible raffles as we progress, along with special guests. For more information: Lmosangels@gmail.com EVERY WEDNESDAY LIVERMORE BRATS & BIKES Presented by HK Cycles – 196 Airway Blvd. 5pm-8pm Food available – public welcome. For more information: (925) 4431269 / hkcycles.com 2nd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH (May-October) OROVILLE WANDERERS BIKE & CAR NIGHT Presented by Wanderers M/C. Located at Feather Falls Casino – 3 Alverda Drive. 5pm to 8pm. Music, prizes and trophies. Contact Mike B (530) 534-5125 / (530) 990-5125
1st THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH (May-October) AUBURN BIKE NIGHT 2016 Presented by C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin. 5pm-8pm. Join us for some great Music, showing off your bike, raffle prizes and more! BBQ available! All Motorcycles are welcome! www.auburnvtwin.com 1st THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH LIVERMORE BIKE NIGHT Presented by Livermore Harley-Davidson – 7576 Southfront Rd. 5pm-8pm Free event where riders of all makes and models as well as non-riders gather to show off their bikes, meet friends, make new friends, enjoy some food, and have some fun. ALL RIDERS ARE WELCOME! And all models, such as cruisers, sportbikes, nakeds, sport tourers, streetfighters, dual sports, vintage – you name it, it’s welcome! No motorcycle? No problem. Even if you don’t ride, bike nights are fun to attend. All you need is an interest in motorcycles. 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH VALLEY SPRINGS BIKE NIGHT Located at El Torero Mexican Restaurant – 2869 Hwy 12. 7pm9pm. FREE – Everyone welcome! Door prizes. Family friendly For more information: Mike (209) 786-2217 / Gordo (209) 772-8995 EVERY THURSDAY RANCHO CORDOVA BIKER CHURCH NIGHT Presented by Thunder Road Biker Church - 11257 Coloma Road #B8 7pm-8pm 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH ARCATA BIKE NIGHT Presented by M.O.B. of Humboldt - Everett’s Club on the Plaza at 784 9th Street. The fun starts at 6pm. All motorcycles welcome. Free food, 50/50 raffle, pack ride. / www.mobofhumboldt.com 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH GRASS VALLEY THROWBACKS THURSDAY Located at Pacos Tacos – 550 Mill Street. 5pm-8pm. A monthly ride-in for vintage choppers and show-and-go customs. This family friendly event features killer grub and live music by the Rockabilly Love Cats! Better yet: No fees, no attitudes, just plain old low-brow fun on two wheels. Tell your friends, and we’ll see your ugly mug on Thursday night! For more information: Troop (530) 451-6646 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH WOODLAND BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE Meeting at VFW Hall – 345 W. Kentucky Avenue. 7pm Meetings are open to the public. (530) 848-2090 with any questions.
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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FAIRFIELD OPEN HOUSE Presented by Dirty Whites Club House – 748 N. Texas St 8pm - ? Come have a blast! Contact Joe 707-694-5251 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH RANCHO CORDOVA OPEN HOUSE Presented by Illuminati MC Clubhouse - 11476 Sunrise Gold Circle. 6pm until?? Let your week and the stress go and relax with us. Good music, good friends, etc! 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH LODI BIKE NIGHT Presented by The Water Hole along with The Red Iron Riders. 246 N. Cluff Ave. 6:30pm Cost depending on the menu $10-$18. A great NO DRAMA social event to get to know others that share the passion of the bike. Outdoor private patio area, pool tables, Shuffleboard, Music, big screen TVs for game nights and more. All bikes welcome, and those without bikes welcome too. For more information: (209) 604-7149 / (209) 327-8283 4th FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH (April-August) OROVILLE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BIKE NIGHT Presented by Hellbent M/C 823 Crew. Scooters Cafe’ - 11975 State Highway 70. 5pm-8pm FREE. Family friendly fun. Excellent food. Free show what ‘cha rode bike show with trophy give aways. For more information: (530) 534-4644 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH HISTORIC COLFAX PANCAKE BREAKFAST Presented Grand Fathers MC No Cal – Clubhouse 301 S. Railroad Street – 8:30am – 11am. Start your day out with the Grand Fathers MC! 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE CHILI DOGS Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2pm. Ride on over to Harley-Davidson of Sacramento and enjoy free chili dogs while supplies last. All donations will benefit Alpha K-9. 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE PANCAKES & SAUSAGE Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Out riding? Hungry? Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson and enjoy free pancakes & sausage while supplies last. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit.
2nd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE HOG DOGS & ROOTBEER FLOATS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am2 pm. Ride on over to Harley-Davidson of Sacramento to enjoy root beer floats and hot dogs while supplies last. Are you looking to ride and have fun? Ask us how you may join Sacramento HOG. 2nd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE HAMBURGERS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson and enjoy free hamburgers while supplies last! All donations will benefit a local nonprofit 3rd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE NACHOS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am2 pm. Ride on over to enjoy free nachos while supplies last. All donations will benefit the Gold Country Riders. 3rd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE HOT DOGS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Out riding? Hungry? Enjoy free hot dogs while supplies last at Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit. 4th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE HAMBURGERS Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am2 pm Did you know military and first responders may learn to ride free with Sacramento Harley-Davidson’s riding academy? Come and enjoy free hamburgers & $1 beer and ask us how you can learn free. Enjoy free hamburgers while supplies last. Please drink responsibly. The hamburgers are free, however all donations will benefit the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 500 (not in December) 4th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE NACHOS Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. Ride on over to Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson to enjoy free nachos while supplies last! (not in December) 5th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO FREE LUNCH Located at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2 pm. All proceeds benefit a local nonprofit (not in December) 5th SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH LATHROP FREE LUNCH Presented by Eagle’s Nest Harley-Davidson - 13900 Harlan Road. 11am-2 pm. All proceeds benefit a local non profit TRM NorCal is not responsible for errors or omissions and events are subject to change without notice
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 76
A&M Heating and Air Conditioning.....................................................58 Alameda Wooden Trailers..................................................................46 Al The Wops.......................................................................................19 American Legion Ambulance..............................................................28 Auburn Extreme Powersports............................................................15 Bagger Design....................................................................................23 Battle Born Harley-Davidson............................................... Back Cover Bikers Inner Circle............................................................................ MP Billy’s Motorcycle Shop.......................................................................29 Bliss Electronics.................................................................................63 Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub...........................................................28 Boomer’s Saloon................................................................................37 Brigance Roadhouse..........................................................................29 C&E Auburn Indian &V-Twin...............................................................31 California Custom Trailer & Motorsports............................................17 Citrus Heights Victory.........................................................................11 Clinton’s Custom Cycle......................................................................51 Custom Design Studios......................................................................23 CycleInsure Agency............................................................................27 Damian’s Paintworks..........................................................................15 Double D Steak..................................................................................15 Dudley Perkins Co..............................................................................25 Eagle Iron and Leather.........................................................................4 Eastside Public House...................................................................... BF Elkhorn Saloon...................................................................................54 Executive Choppers...........................................................................58 E-Z Brake......................................................................................... MP Fairing Plus..........................................................................................3 Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast................................................46 First Kick Choppers............................................................................54 Folsom Harley-Davidson.................................. Inside Front Cover/CAL Freedom Rides Trike Conversion.......................................................15 Freeport Bar & Grill............................................................................18 Georgetown Hotel & Saloon...............................................................56 Giusti’s Place......................................................................................18 Granzella’s..........................................................................................28 Harleymann Insurance Agency..........................................................11 Hatt’s Motorcycles..............................................................................58 HK Cycles...........................................................................................11 Heidi’s Outrigger Marina & Saloon.....................................................19 Hollister Powersports.........................................................................54 Hood Supply Co.................................................................................19 Horse Power By Gerolamy.................................................................58 Humboldt Performance Cycle............................................................33 Husick’s BBQ Proper & Taphouse......................................................19 Inn of the Lost Coast..........................................................................46 Iron Steed H-D...................................................................................17 Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort.....................................................56 James Dean Rebel Design.................................................................57 Jim Wall Insurance Agency................................................................58
John Jessup’s Dream Rides...............................................................34 Johnny’s Bar & Grill........................................................................... BF Kenny’s Bar&Grill...............................................................................23 Kirby Law..............................................................................................1 Lane Splitter Harley-Davidson............................................................35 Las Vegas Bikefest.............................................................................34 Loose Cannon Cycle Werks...............................................................23 Maney Motorsports.............................................................................37 Mid Cal Cycles.....................................................................................4 Miller Built Performance Cycles.........................................................29 Mom & Pop’s Saloon......................................................................... BF MotorcycleRow...................................................................................29 Nickell’s Customs...............................................................................11 NorCal Cycle Swap Meet...................................................................54 Omega Motorcycles...........................................................................23 Omlete House......................................................................................4 Penngrove Motorcycle Company.......................................................11 Performance Powercoating..................................................................4 Peter’s Steakhouse............................................................................19 Rack and Pull Industries.....................................................................59 Ramspur Santa Rosa Mile.................................................................52 Renegade Rendezvous........................................................................5 Rick’s Automotive...............................................................................62 Ride-On Motorcycles..........................................................................58 Road Rider and Street Rider of Reno................................................22 Roadshows................................................................................ 12 & 13 Road Trip Bar & Grill..........................................................................17 Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers.................................................... MP Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys......................................................68 Rusty Porthole Bar & Grill..................................................................19 San Jose Hogwash............................................................................28 Schapiro & Leventhal...........................................................................4 SeatWorks..........................................................................................57 Sindicate Cycles.................................................................................37 Sinister Wheel....................................................................................44 Sonoma County HD................................................................ EVENTS Spancky’s Bar.................................................................................... BF T3 Design Studios............................................................................ MP Tattoo Betty’s......................................................................................29 The Florence Bar & Grill.....................................................................23 The Jackson Stone Band...................................................................62 The Junction Bar & Grill.....................................................................33 The Leatherworks...............................................................................51 Throttle Girl.........................................................................................22 Thunder Road Biker Church...............................................................57 Two Gunner Custom Iron...................................................................10 V Dawg Cycles...................................................................................11 Wild Bill Tattoo....................................................................................29 WindVest............................................................................................58 Wimpy’s Marina..................................................................................19
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 77
Reference: BF (Biker Friendly Directory) / MP (Marketplace)
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