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RIDE PRIDE Pages 28-31






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OVER THE STATE Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 1


For Bikers

THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 Orangevale, CA 95662 Office: 530.368.6579 or 530.305.7992 Fax: 530-831-4758 Email: Website:

Northern California State Editors / Owners

Stan & Terri Hill

On The Cover:

Bike provided by Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios in Novato. Photo by Billie The Kid Photography. See RIDE PRIDE feature on Pages 28-31

Layout and Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Magazine Contributors Wild Bill Hill Billie Wilson/Billie The Kid Photography Taleah Ebey / T3 Design Studios Rich “Foot” & Jennifer “Sunshine” Elkins Randy Wenslawski Rae Lynn Flippo Barry Mendenhall Dan & Nad Rogers Charles Gliebe Dan Griffin Gary & Mary Hoffman My Two Cents Al Cagle / Thunder Road Biker Church Pastor Johnny/ 916-521-5706 Ride Destination Chuck & Cindy Loseth NorCal Sales Representatives/Magazine Contributors Russell “Raz” Holder (916) 425-2377

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580 (for information regarding Thunder Roads Northern California, please use contact information at top of column

editor’s letter


EBRUARY 2018. Now that I am finally coming to grips with the fact that it really is 2018, I guess we can officially get this year rolling. Terri and I had a bit of a bumpy start to the year with first - my hard drive crashing on my computer. (A HUGE thank you to Bliss Electronics who quickly got us back up and working again). The moral to that story is make sure you back up, we were very fortunate that we had backed up enough to not lose any projects that we were currently working on. We highly recommend Bliss Electronics for not only your computer needs but also all of your sound system needs as well. We welcomed in the first of the year by getting the flu like so many of you have. Fortunately, we were both back on our feet by the Easyriders Show and we enjoyed catching up with those who came by the booth to pick up our 2018 calendar. Several Thunder Roads NorCal calendar models were on hand to autograph their photos and we are pleased to say the feedback from the ladies was that they had a blast meeting and taking pictures with all the bikers that stopped by our booth. Well now that we are in the middle of winter we are bound to get a lot of wet rainy and foggy days ahead of us. That makes this the perfect time of year to get your bike in to one of the many excellent shops that advertise here in TRM NorCal for those upgrades that you dream about. Do it now because before you know it the weather will once again be begging you to twist that throttle, not the time to have your bike tore all apart waiting for parts or paint. Another idea is to follow Taleah Ebey’s monthly column - BIKER BAND REVUE. You will be sure to find one of the bands that she has featured playing at a venue near you. There are some amazingly talented musicians in our area; so we suggest that if the weather is too crappy to ride, look for a band playing near you for a great way to have some fun inside. Final note for this month of February is to make sure that you remember your significant other for Valentine’s Day! THERE….you have been reminded. So don’t blame me, if you forget. RIDE FREE


Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 2


Stan & Terri Hill Editors/Owners

contents Easyriders 2018 Bike Show Tour


RIDE PRIDE: Ducati GT1000 Aluminum Racer


RIDE PRIDE: ‘Gerry Springer’ Softail



Thunder Road Biker Church.......................................4 Ride Destination.........................................................6 Tech Tips: Spongey Brakes........................................8 Easyriders 2017 Bike Show Tour..............................10 The Fryed Brothers Band New Years.......................14 Island Road Tripping’: Maui......................................16 Las Vegas Bike Fest 2017........................................18


Center Calendar.......................................................26 Paint On!..................................................................34 Last Sunday Ride/Dirty Dave Memorial...................36 8th Annual Save the Big Twins Run.........................40 My Two Cents...........................................................38 Open Road Toon......................................................42 Biker Band Revue: Night Moves .............................43 Biker Friendly Directory............................................44

Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30 To: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662 Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992 NAME____________________________________________________________

Joker’s Wild..............................................................46

STREET OR P.O. BOX_______________________________________________





Thank You to Our Sponsors.....................................53

Make check payable to Thunder Roads Of Northern California

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 3


have a very close friend of mine who lives almost 3 ½ hours away from where I live. We only get to see each other 2 or 3 times a year if we’re lucky. But when we do spend time together, it’s as if we have been hanging out every day. This friend of mine is very special to me as our history goes way back to 1974, when I first moved to the Sacramento area from East Los Angeles. Believe me when I say, we have been through ‘thick and thin’ together. We roamed the streets, ran from the cops, ‘wheeled and dealed’ our way out of some very sticky situations, and barely made it to adulthood alive. We have overcome the satanic grips of addiction and we are both walking down a much better road today. We are the same age and our birthdays are just 5 days apart, and yes, he is always in my prayers as I think of him daily. I can honestly say that I love this guy and there is nothing he could ever do that would sway me as he has become like family to me over these past 44 years. Ray Turnage you are my brother and I Love You Man! Yes, it’s a different kind of love than I have for my wife of course, but yet it is still deep, respectful, honorable, and truthful. Here is the question: Do you have someone in your life that you can actually love? I mean really love? We seem to throw the word around so often now, that the effect it has on an individual doesn’t seem to be as impactful as it should be. “I love you man”, “love and respect”, and “love ya bro” all seem to be the cliché responses when we see someone in our close niche, club, or surroundings. I notice my kids saying it to their friends and those who I would consider more as their acquaintances, mentioning it to each other over high fives and fist pumps. The sad part happens when you get hurt by that brother or other person you thought would never do anything

to jeopardize the friendship. We have to ask ourselves, was it truly love or just a good friendship? Sure, we do some stupid things, say some idiotic things, and sometimes, we even stumble on ourselves that may cause an argument or two, but the tell-tale sign that there is love between you is that there is mutual respect, forgiveness, humility, honesty, no envy, no dishonor, and that love endures. I know I could call on this brother anytime, day or night, and he would drop anything he was doing to be there for me or my family. I would trust him with my bank account, my possessions, and my family if the need ever was to arise. They say that when you die, if you have 6 close friends that are the pallbearers at your funeral, you are a very lucky man. These would be your brothers or sisters, that you love and that love you back. I mean really love you back. This February, the Valentine’s month, let’s understand what love really means and go out of our way to find those we care for and let them know they are really loved. Don’t go another day without knowing the true meaning of love, and then expressing it wholeheartedly. If you’re still looking, we will see you at Thunder Road, every Thursday evening at 7pm. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NLT) Love Never Fails! “Never Ride Alone” Pastor Johnny Lujan

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Hot Springs View




ON’T KNOW HOW it’s been out there for any of you, but it’s been a struggle for us to try and get away during the holiday season. Although it ruined a couple of opportunities, the weather wasn’t really an issue - actually, it’s been pretty mild for this time of year. But with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a growing family (three new grandchildren in the last five months), there are a lot of commitments. Throw in a few doctor’s appointments and every day things that need attention, there’s not a whole lot of free time. Fortunately, we did manage to carve out a couple of days early last month. It had to be a fairly short trip, so we decided to spend a day or two in Markleeville. Hadn’t been there in

a while and it seemed about the right time and distance. The forecast for Markleeville was highs in the low 50’s and lows in the mid 30’s, with a few scattered showers. Not too bad, we can handle that.

Creekside Lodge

Before leaving town, we ran by Renegade Classics in Sacramento. A snap on my vest wouldn’t snap anymore, so we dropped it off for repair. As usual, friendly people, and it happened to be an inexpensive and quick fix. We got out of town mid-morning and pulled into Placerville around lunchtime. BBQ sounded good, so we made our way to Hog Wild BBQ. Thought about KFC, but naaaw, BBQ. Good choice. From there it was up over Echo Summit and down into Meyers. There, of course, you’ll catch SR89, which will

Stonefly Hot Springs and Pool

Wolf Creek Bar Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 6

Markleeville Creek

take you right on out to Markleeville. Although we missed most of the fall colors, it was still a great scenic ride the entire way. Once in town, we checked into the Creekside Lodge. A nice cozy place to hang your hat. Todd, the manager, gave us a quick rundown of the area and even made us reservations at the Stonefly, across the street. He also informed us that the trout fishing is very good and he doubles as a guide for those who would like to hook a few. Markleeville Creek runs just outside the rear of the lodge and was really flowing this time of the year. Great to pull up a couple of chairs, relax and listen to the rushing waters. So, we settled in and later went to check out the Indian Creek Reservoir. There are several campsites in the area, but this one is kind of nice since it is located next to the lake. (closed in the winter though) When we got back to town, we hit the general store up for a bunch of munchies and kicked it in our room for the evening. By the way, no TV’s, no phones, no clocks, but they do have Wi-Fi. Markleeville is located in Alpine County, named so by Scandinavian miners who helped settle the area. It reminded them of their homeland. Alpine county is the least populated county in California, with only two people per square mile for a grand total of about 1,200. Jeez! I think that many people live in my neighborhood alone! It was John Fremont and Kit Carson (Carson Pass) that came through in 1844 and spread the word of another possible route over the Sierras. In 1848, after the Mexican

War was over, former members of the Mormon Battalion cleared the route and many a forty-niner made their way west. Markleeville itself was formed in the 1860’s during the silver mining boom that sprung up in this area of the country. The town bears the name of Jacob J. Marklee, the town’s first permanent resident. (History lesson over.) The next day, after it warmed up a little, we cruised over to Sorenson’s Resort for a late breakfast. A little more expensive, but a nice place to stay also. Cabins, camping, a store and an on-site restaurant. It’s also open year-round. After breakfast, we decided to check out Grover’s Hot Springs State Park. They are located about 4 miles out of town. On the way we passed Woodford’s Inn, which is another good place to stay if the others are booked. The springs themselves aren’t in a natural setting. More like a Roman Bath. The hot spring water comes down into the bath from the hill above, circulates through the bath, and then out again below near the meadow. Showers and dressing rooms are on site for your convenience. There is a reasonable fee of $10 to use the facilities. There is also a cooling off pool located right next to the springs. There are hiking trails galore in the park. We wanted to hike up to the falls, but it was raining off and on and didn’t want to get stuck in something a mile or two on some trail. So, back in town, we went to our room and took it easy for a bit before walking across the street to Stonefly for dinner. This restaurant is kind of a diamond in the rough. To find such a nice place as this in such a small-town kind of surprised us. A little bit of fine dining in Markleeville. Bon A’ Petit. After dinner, it was over to the Wolf Creek Bar for a nightcap before calling it a day. Two days went by like a snap of the fingers, and before we knew it, we were headed home. Since it was lunch time when we hit Camino, a stop at the Forester for Shepard’s pie was a must. Article and photos contributed by Chuck and Cindy Loseth

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 7


6321 Main Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 320-0763



HIS MONTH’S TIP of the month is to check your brake fluid and the condition. Be sure to use the correct brake fluid for your year and model. Have you ever went to pull in your front brake lever or push down on the rear brake pedal and it just feels spongey and not all there? There are several ways to approach this issue. A major factor that will prevent your brakes from getting to this point is adhering to the factory maintenance schedule and checking the general condition of the brake fluid. According to the factory schedule the level and condition is to be checked at 1k, 5k, 10k, etc. DOT 4 and 5 fluid should be flushed out of the brake system every year. Staying on top of checking your brake fluid will prevent these issues as well as catastrophic brake failure. From our experience, this is a common item that is overlooked when customers do not have their motorcycles properly serviced. Issues that arise from this are warped rotors, calipers seizing up, as well as master cylinders becoming destroyed. Jake and Steve

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Easyriders 2018 January 13 (Sacramento)


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Bike Show Tour Photos by Stan and Terri Hill Additional photos contributed by Taleah Ebey and Russell Holder


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Easyriders 2018 WINNERS

Antique Ken Campoy / Farmington 1912 Indian V- Twin

Radical Bagger Daryl Alejandro / Tracy 1999

Old School - Chopper Brian McCleary / Sacramento 1979 HD Chopper- Shovelhead

Radical Custom Mark Shell / ID 2017 Custom Samurai

Old School - Bobber James Talus / San Francisco 1942 HD Knucklehead

Custom Sportster Sheila G. / Sacramento 1971 HD Digger

Modified Stock Street Juan Cedillo / Sacramento 1982 HD FLHS

Best Display Kurt Spencer / Nevada 1944 HD U

Modified Stock Bagger Alex Fierros / Oakley 1999 HD Road King

Best Paint Jr Lozano / Woodland 2003 HD Heritage Softail

Specialty Class Russell Martin / Grass Valley 1942 Crosley Custom

Editor’s Choice Phil Cannon / Sacramento 2002 HD Softail

Specialty Class Russell Martin / Grass Valley 1942 Crosley Custom

People’s Choice Manuel Rivera / Modesto 2000 HD Softail

Street Custom Sergio Castillo / Mexico 2009 HD Cross Boxes

Paul Yaffe “Bagger Nation” Doug Ide / Sacramento 2009 HD Road King

Modern Chopper Sugar Bear / Springfield 1948 HD Panhead Gorjus

John Green Award Sean Mason / AZ 1945 HD Best of Show Dalton Walker / Hanford 1950 HD Panhead

Zach Ness

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Bike Show Tour Fryed Brothers Band

AJ Stuntz

Thunder Roads NorCal-endar Models Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 13

Barb and John

Cork and friends

The Fryed Brothers Band

2018 New Years Eve Party

December 31 (Sacramento): It was colder than a witches…well you know… but that didn’t stop the riders from lining up in front of the Country Club Lanes on Watt Ave for the Fryed Brothers Annual New Handsome Years Eve party! UpHarry Fryed stairs in the banquet room, the tables were gaily decorated with hats and horns. Free coffee and desserts were spread out for the cold bikers, friends and families to enjoy. Balloons (with prizes inside!) were secured by thin netting waiting for the clock to strike midnight. And if you didn’t get there early it was standing room only….in other words, the place was packed. This year,the Fryed Brothers Band decided to share the stage with the Jackson Stone Band from Santa Rosa and Gethen Jenkins from Long Beach. And if that wasn’t already enough, Randy Scoles of Rogue came by with his wife Stephanie. It wasn’t long before Randy jumped on stage to sing a few songs with Harry and band. Gerry ‘Mama’ Fryed was there - looking beautiful as ever. As was TRM NorCal’s very first ‘Lady in Leather’ honoree - Ruby Weber was there to toast to the new year with her husband of 40 years. At midnight, the balloons dropped as everyone sang Auld Lang Syne, kissed and toasted to 2018. And a great time was had by all…See ya next year!

Gethen Wilson

Randy belts one out with the Fryed Brothers Band

Crunch and Tiffani

Weber and Ruby

Jackson Stone Band

Dance floor

Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of couples T3 Design Studios Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 14

Stephanie and Randy Scoles

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 15



December 17 (Kaanapali, Maui): While many riders have their bikes stored for winter, I was fortunate to be able to go to Hawaii in December with family and ride for a day in a T-shirt with my son-in-law and fellow Cove Rat - Virgil!! The island of Maui, in my opinion, is one of the most rider friendly places in the world. Every road is a scenic wonder and there are riding challenges of all types to be experienced. I’ve ridden on Maui before, always with different bikes from different rental agencies. Many of these have moved or gone out of business, so this year I researched bike rentals and discovered Aloha Motorsports Eagle Rider was located in Kaanapali near where we were staying which made it a no brainer. We chose a day to reserve the bikes before we left and got lucky with beautiful weather. Mark of Aloha Motorsports, took good care of us - setting Virgil up with a Harley-

Willie K. Davidson Street Glide and me with an Indian Roadmaster. Quickly, we were off toward Napili and the West Maui Mountains and probably the most challenging ride on Maui. There are 5-10mph hairpin turns with stone cliffs on one side and sheer vertical drops to the ocean on the other side and it’s partly one lane. Extremely intimidating, but wildly beautiful and exciting! There had been a light rain in the early morning which made the roads slick. Since it was a Saturday, we were expecting locals on the road. After a few miles of slow climbing, we took a break at one of the many scenic lookouts along the road. We started up again and rode only about 5 miles when we encountered a group of about 50 scooter riders coming toward us in what appeared to be a club ride. Passing them, the air now took on the smell of two stroke oil from all the scooters. Then, on the narrowest part of the road, we met their support truck and trailer.

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We continued riding on, in aloha style, and arrived at Mulligan’s Pub in Wailea on the south west part of the island. We had a much welcomed lunch there. I had read about a local motorcycle Christmas Toy Run nearby today and was on the watch for them. First, we saw a group of about 20 riders from Sons of Hawaii and while at a stoplight I asked if they were on their way to the Toy Run. One rider told me ‘No” but pointed me back toward Kahului. We went that way and after a few minutes we ended up in Wailuku at the Kamehameha Golf Club to enjoy the incredible views from this 74,000 sq. ft. building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. This building, sitting 750 feet above the sea, offers extraordinary bi-coastal and mountain views in every direction. WOW! While there, we unexpectedly saw Willie K, one of Hawaii’s most famous musicians and a personal favorite. Willie K has performed for the benefit of KMUD Radio our local Northern California station where I host a motorcycle program called, “Riding on the Mud”. We parked our bikes behind a van which turned out to be Willie K’s van and went inside the building to see the view. Willie K had just finished his brunch music show and when I saw him I said “Hello” and introduced ourselves. We all went outside and when I got to the Indian I was riding, Willie K saw it and jokingly asked his wife if that was his Christmas present! I asked him if he would like for me to take his picture on it. His answer was “HELL YES!” Willie K, known around Maui as a motorcycle rider, sat on it and got his photo - smiling ear to ear! After saying “goodbye” we took off still in search of the elusive “Toy Run”. Just as we sat at a light looking at the map we saw about 35 riders pass us at the light. We turned

to follow them for about a mile where they turned into a public housing parking lot. We parked and told them we were looking for the Toy Run. A big fellow named Bula told me they were the Bad Island Crew M/C and this was their toy run. They checked us out and when I told them I was taking photos for Thunder Roads Magazine NorCal - they were happy to have photos taken. The Bad Island Crew was doing the toy run “their” way! They had three truckloads of gifts for the kids who were all lined up and ready to get their gifts. They gave the kids their gifts right there and then and many kids left with more than one toy and big smiles on their faces. We took some shots of their many custom bikes and said “goodbye” to the Crew. It was getting close to dark and we were looking forward to dinner at “Dukes Restaurant” in Kaanapali so we called it the end of a great riding day! The next morning I took a short ride before returning the Indian and then met Virgil and turned in our bikes. When Mark, the rep for Eagle Riders showed up he was amazed that the Indian had been ridden by me around the West Maui Mountains. I believe he thought that because of the size of that big Indian Roadmaster and my age that I would have had a problem, but happily we had no problem at all. Mahalo to Aloha Motorsports for a great and memorable Hawaii experience! I found Hawaiian bikers friendly and the riding superb! If you go to Maui and want a fun ride - check out Aloha Motorsports Eagle Rider for good service and great bikes. Article and photos contributed by Bobby “G” Godwin - Cove Rats M/C

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 17

Las Vegas BikeFest 2017 October 13 (Las Vegas, NV): Just about the entire town of Las Vegas – Fremont Street area showed their support for the 2017 Las Vegas BikeFest. The Golden Nugget was the headquarters for picking up your tickets, tee shirts and ride pens. They also sponsored a Slot Tournament for the bikers, while the other casinos were filled with bikers trying to beat the odds. The Las Vegas BikeFest itself was probably the largest biker event that I’ve been to. It’s a for sure that I will be rollin in again in 2018. Sin City Motor Girls hosted the first ever ladies bike show. Kelly Hedgepen took best in show with her 2017 H-D Road King. Azzkikr Customs won the Baddest Bagger burnouts contest. Artistry in Iron was displayed in a separate building, and eloquently set up. Max Hazan of Hazan Motorworks won the show, and was presented with $10,000 and a beautiful Steven Soffa designed bracelet. Then there was the Hot Bike Dyna/FXR show with NorCal’s very own Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios taking first prize. Bluebeards Original held a facial hair contest on one stage for our hairy bikers. Sexy ladies participated in a beauty contest for the 2017 Miss Las Vegas BikeFest award, and the bikini contest. The winner won $300 and Guest Ring Girl for Tuff-nuff fight (amateur MMA fights)

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 18

Then there were the poker runs Rick Harrison from TV’s Pawn Stars led the 4th Annual Pawn Stars Poker Run, The Poker walk (strolling around Fremont Street to get you cards), Run to Pioneer Poker Run, BikeFest Poker Run. Best Hand $4,000, second place $1,000. Bands played everywhere and continually. Uncle Kracker with his #1 smash hit “Follow Me” also performed live at the 3rd Street Stage. continued... Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 19

$500 shopping sprees, 3 HarleyDavidson give-away’s, Biker Bingo, Globe of Death, tattoo contest, wet tee shirt contest, and self-guided adventure rides was among the many things to do, enter or just watch. Oh yea, did I mention free beer? There sure was! The vendors…OMG was there a lot! Everybody, and I do mean every vendor from Indian Motorcycles with their fabulous display, to lots and lots of biker stuff and mechanics set up in a tent to install parts on your bike. It was probably the only bike show (and I’ve been to a lot) that had rows of on the spot installation, from motorcycle shop mechanics to backyard mechanics. By far the most impressive bike mechanics I saw was from Shotgun Shock, air suspension for softails. Jessica Kennedy, the boss lady for Shotgun Shock and her daughter Stacie Smith installing shocks on a customers bike…. Impressive ladies, very impressive! See Ya Next Year! Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios

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EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 21



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purchased my first Harley back in 2004 which was a Springer Softail. Over the years, I switched over to a Road Glide for comfort on long rides. I’ve been doing custom bike builds as a hobby for close friends and family until 2013 when I opened up my shop - Byrd Coop Customs in San Jose where I focus on one off bike builds. All of my designs and projects have been baggers, but in 2016 I decided to switch it up and shoot for a Springer build. My goal was to build the baddest Springer in the bay; little did I know I would get recognition for this bike world-wide. This bike took about 8 months to put together after some back and forth on the paint scheme. Like anyone, I had a hard time deciding on the paint scheme. Originally I wanted to shoot for a classic old school look but on a last minute decision chose to put together something a little more unique. For the paint I went with a solid black overlay and bright accents of red laser pinstripes which pop off the black giving it the clean and bold look I was shooting for. I went with all top of the line aftermarket parts. The parts used to accessorize run from the 10-Gauge Arlen Ness collection with a custom Corbin-Coop seat to flow with the paint scheme. I slapped some Bassani Road Rage 2 pipe on this and Headwinds lights. This bad boy can be spotted a mile away and is my pride and joy. Enjoy! Article contributed by Garriemor Navarro. Photos contributed by Greg Hurley continued...

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Bike: 2006 FLSTS Springer Classic Builder: Byrd Coop Customs “Bayzian” Owner: Bayzian Navarro Engine: 98” Twin Cam Air Cleaner: Arlen Ness Exhaust: Bassani Road Rage 2 Wheels: 21”&18” Arlen Ness “Beveled” Pulley: Arlen Ness Rotors: Arlen Ness Tires: Metzeler Brake Calipers: PM Bars: Wild 1 Chubby 12.5” Cables: Barnett Grips: Arlen Ness Mirrors: Arlen Ness Accessories/Covers: Arlen Ness Floor Boards: Arlen Ness Foot Controls: Arlen Ness Headlights: Headwinds Lightweight Light Bulbs: H-D L.E.D. Daymakers Tail Light: Custom Dynamics Blinkers: Headwinds Lighting Seat: Corbin Coop Speedo: Dakota Digital Painter: Vince Zavala Pin Striping: Erik Solorio Powder Coating: Leons Powdercoating Kick Stand: Image Motorcycle Products Fork Horn: Arlen Ness Horn Eagle Cover: Chrome Dome

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 25

Bike provided by Harley-Davidson of Folsom. Photo by Billie The Kid Photography / Model: Jenna


Ducati GT1000

Aluminum Racer

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 28


T SEEMS that every town in Northern California has at least one or more shop located within an industrial area as entrepreneurial motorcycle nuts strike out on their own to show the world what they are made of. They are ambitiously trying to make their mark on this industry that we all love so much. Some will succeed and some will fail. And some will stand the test of time. Some will overcome all the challenges (the good times and bad times) that most custom bike shop owners will encounter. One thing is for sure - in order to succeed in this business you will have to have a true love for motorcycles and a passion to express your artistic vision and imagination with a motorcycle to make it happen. This is what it is all about at Custom Design Studios in Novato. Owner, Kirk Taylor has stood the test of time and has been an integral part of the custom bike building community in Northern California for few decades. Taylor’s artistic talents as a builder and painter have brought his NorCal shop worldwide attention as he has consistently built bikes that have been marvels to look at and to ride. Kirk and Lisa Taylor have been sought after guests at a couple of the bigger European bike shows that take place in Italy. It makes sense that Kirk would put his artistic eye toward this Ducati. When I first laid eyes on this beautiful machine - I could not wait to share it with all of you. So here is the low down. Article by Stan Hill. Photos contributed by Billie Wilson of Billie The Kid Photography continued...

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 29

BIKE SPECS BIKE: Aluminum Racer

BUILDER: Kirk Taylor Custom Design Studios OWNER: Marcus Hayes ENGINE: Ducati Desmo BUILDER: Larry Pegram Racing IGNITION: Electronic DISPLACEMENT: 1000 CC E.F.I.: Magnetti Moarrelli AIR CLEANER: K & N PIPES: Titanium by Custom Design Studio MUFFLERS: Sawicki PRIMARY: Closed Wet TRANSMISION: Modified FRAME: 2007 Ducati GT 1000, Modified by Custom Design Studio FORKS: Honda CBR 600 from Durelle Racing BPR adjustable tree REAR SHOCKS: Penske Racing WHEELS: Kineo BRAKES: Front None Back twin Brimbo BARS: Vortex HAND CONTROLS: Magura GRIPS: Driven PEGS: Bates FOOT CONTROLS: Hand made by A&A Racing HEADLIGHT: Free Spirits by Custom Design Studios TAIL LIGHT: Koso BLINKERS: If you blink it’s gone! GAS TANK: Hand Made Aluminum SEAT: Diamond Stich Leather PAINTER: Kirk Taylor Custom Design Studios MOULDING: Custom Design Studios COLOR: Ducati Red Frame STRIPER: Cortney Schamach POWDERCOATING: RS Performance Coating (RIP) SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS: Enough to write a book Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 30

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EVENT 10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17 Lake of the Pines, CA 95949 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 32

EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 33

! Paint On


was recently asked, “why are there so many prices for the same sandpaper grit?” There are three parts to sandpaper; 1) grit 2) backing and 3) the bonding agent. Let’s focus on the grit. In custom painting, we mostly use silicon carbide. The size of the grit determines the grit number. Common range is from very coarse, 40, to very fine, 5000. As you may know, sandpaper can be divided into two groups, dry or wet. Dry ranges from 40 to 600 grit, and wet from 800 to 5000. The coarser groups are less expensive to manufacture as compared to finer grits. This is where it becomes interesting. Less expensive companies will use two different grits to create a third. For example, if they want to create 500 dry, 400 and 600 are combined to give an average of 500. As compared to a leading manufacture who will make sure each particle is 500. Here is a little tip, when using wet paper, add a little soap to your water. This will keep your abrasive free from clogging up. Another useful tip is to let the paper soak in your water. This makes the backing much more flexible, especially around the corners. I will cover this topic in more detail in an upcoming article. Keep Kolouring! John Bartevian / Perfect Past Custom Motorcycles Castro Valley (510) 331-7766 Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 34

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Motorcycles Sales • Service • Trades • Buy Bikes • Consignments Buyer-Assist • Appraisals • Parts • Accessories Financing • Insurance • Warranties 1416 Sonoma Blvd • Vallejo CA 94590 707.647.RIDE (7433) •

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 35

LAST SUNDAY RIDE OF 2017/ DIRTY DAVE MEMORIAL RIDE December 31 (Eureka) Presented by

Dirty Dave Davis

(who was killed by a drunk driver two weeks prior on December 14, 2017) Photos contributed by Tina DeKruse of Awesome Photography

Dirty Dave’s handprint

UBNC and Fog Dog

Tina Micki and Rocky

Carol and Veronica HOG group

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DON’T KNOW what it is, but lately I’ve had one or two close calls every day on my way home from work! I know my commute has been the topic of My2Cents lately, but holy shit! How many close calls can one biker take?! I’ve been cut off on purpose, had cars turn left in front on me and almost hit me head on then honk their horn like that’s going to make a difference, and my favorite, some dumb ass slinky that hugs the white line so I can’t split lanes.

What these people don’t realize is, if they cut off the wrong guy at the right time it’s gonna get real ugly, real fast. Or, if the courts get them before the biker does and they have to do time for purposely injuring a biker with their car, they’re gonna find themselves in a prison yard, with the other inmates looking at them like they’re the last piece of candy in the box!

Hopefully my commute becomes uneventful again. Commuting and splitting lanes really When someone turns left in front of me, I can makes me appreciate the long rides or the good only assume they’re not paying attention and not ol’ three or four hundred mile a day rides. Those trying to hit me on purpose. At this point, would are always good times and I can’t remember any it really matter? Then there’s the one that cut me close calls on those rides, besides the occasional off on purpose and tried to run me off the road, wild animal. But that’s all part of the adventure! like that big old piece of crap white utility truck That’s my 2 cents! Now go ride like hell and have that said “All Air” on the doors. It makes you some fun! wonder what shithole country they came from to want to hurt someone riding a motorcycle for no Al Cagle apparent reason. I’ve seen most of these people that have done this and I gotta tell you, most of them are scrawny, uptight little shits. They look like 40 year old second graders! Who knows what they’re thinking? I don’t know, maybe they were wondering why their family tree doesn’t have branches. And I’ll bet they ain’t so tough without their truck or Prius.

Rack and Pull Motorcycle Frame Repair

Motorcycle Collision Center Specializing in Harley-Davidson Frame Repair 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite F. Rancho Cordova, Calif. 95742 916-899-1188 Laser Measuring & Frame Repair Equipment For the Professional Motorcycle Technician

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ode Blue is a very up-beat and high-energy band. They cover tunes by ZZ Top, Tom Petty, Journey and Bon Jovi, as well as other great 70’s, 80’s and 90’s classic rock artists. Each band member sings lead vocals and harmonies, creating as many as five-part harmonies, which is very unique for today’s standards. Fred Glass (Guitar/Vocals) - Fred is one of the founding fathers started a country band in the early 90’s called Blue Prairie Band. They wanted to include rock in their band. During that time Konocti Harbor, a well known big stage venue had Blue Prairie the country band play on Friday and Code Blue the rock & Roll band played On Saturday. In 1997 both bands were nominated for the Sammy Awards. They took home an award in the Country Category. Fred’s father, whom as Fred quoted “A great role model” played the guitar and taught Fred how to play. He has played the guitar most of his life. Tom Long (Composer/Writer/Guitarist/Vocals) - Tom started playing when he was ten, performing when he was 15 and turned pro around the age of 18. Tom is a native of Austin, Texas and was able to play the bars where, for a time the legal age to drink was 18. Tom came to California in 1977 to do a single in Jack London Square in Oakland. Tom moved closer to the Sacramento area,and ultimately getting into a show band, touring Lake Tahoe, Reno, Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Sacramento. In late 1979 He went on a 12week tour with two members of the Associations. At the close of that tour, Tom joined up with another show band, a little different than most of the show bands in that day. Fun Company impersonated Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, and Tom Jones to name a few. John Chermesino (Bass/Vocals) - John grew up in the Italian section of Boston. His first instrument was the drums. But living in a tiny apartment in the city, his surrounding neighbors didn’t appreciated the noise, so he switched to bass and guitar, but it was the bass that spoke to him the loudest. In 1992 John moved to Sacramento and joined a band called On Air. Not getting enough gigs, he began playing with the biker band Gringo Loco, playing for many of the motorcycle clubs. John said that everyone in the band owned a Harley except for him. John was with them about 5 years before joining A Beatles covers band, the Cast Musical Band. John worked for Fender Guitars just before he joined Code Blue in 2014. Larry Audio (Keyboard/Guitar/Vocals) - Larry started his first band at the age of nineteen. He was too young to be in bars, but was able to play as long as he didn’t leave the stage area. During his college years, Larry’s band got two big gigs. Black Angus for two weeks and two weeks at the Holiday Inn in Redding. Unfortunately both gigs hit during finals. Larry commuted back and forth on a daily bases to accomplish both the gigs and finals. Larry came close to failing one of his courses because of his tight schedule, so he made a quality decision to stop playing professionally and went to work in the bay area. For the next eight years, Larry still played with his friends but never professionally. Back then portable keyboards were not accepted, making it hard to haul around a full size piano. Larry learned to play the guitar, because it was much easier to travel with, and he was able to play with his friends at their homes. But when they came to his house Larry would play the piano. It was during that time that Roland came out with a RV300 portable keyboard. Other piano companies began experimenting with a portable keyboard that was easy to transport. Larry liked the idea that he could transport a smaller version of the piano, so he

bought a Helpinstill. The Helpinstill was an acoustic piano, with a pull down keyboard and built into a road case. The problem was that it was a four-man lift, and each time it was moved it had to be re-tuned. Through the years the portable keyboards have made tremendous improvements. I asked Larry what was his favorite brand to use. Larry is not partial to any one brand but likes the keyboards that have good authentic sounds with just the basics, as he also likes that same quality for his guitar. Greg Burch (Drums/Vocals) - Greg has played with a lot of different bands, including the Sacramento Theater Company. Through the years Greg would play with Tom Long in other bands, before he joined Code Blue. Their paths kept crossing. On one occasion Tom and his band were loading in for a gig in Yuba City, when he got a call from his drummer. Hey Tom, I’m in rehab. Tom responded with “you’re also unemployed”. Tom called Greg, and in a moments notice Greg drove from Sacramento to Yuba City to play for them. On another occasion Greg was once again subbing for the regular drummer of Cast Musical Band. They were playing at the Slough House. John remembers that Greg was the first drummer that worked with him. They were playing off each other when Greg started singing as well. It was the first time Greg had played with Cast Musical yet he was able to sing harmonies… very impressive! Greg has played with the Rhythm Bandits a Santana Tribute band and a Chicago Tribute band. Greg is a very accomplished drummer. Code Blue has been around since the early 90’s and still going strong. Each member agrees that it is their love for music and their camaraderie that has kept the band going strong. Over the years they have earned the respect of the various venues they have played, simply because their word is their bond, and they have proved it time and time again. They stand behind the code ‘say what you mean and mean what you say.’ Booking Info and Schedule Booking Agent - Fred Glass Phone (916) 439-8279 Website: Facebook: YouTube: UCBZAqg2nFnfwqWq5yQR1Lhg Article contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 43

Automotive Mike’s Motorworks & Customization 301C Burns Drive #4 Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 822-9895 Rick’s Automotive Biker Owned & Operated 3725 Pine Street Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 632-8230 Bars/Restaurants Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub 4430 Pleasant Valley Road Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 644-4301 Double D Steak Seafood-Bar-Grill 320 Main Street Fortuna, CA 95540 (707) 725-3700 Elkhorn Saloon 18398 Old River Road W. Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-BARR (2277)

The Omelet House 3455 Cherokee Road Stockton, CA (209) 941-2750 Road Trip Bar & Grill 24989 State Hwy 16 Capay, CA 95607 530-796-3777 Wimpy’s Marina 14001 W. Walnut Grove Rd Walnut Grove, CA 95690 (916) 794-2774 Valencia Club 2162 Taylor Road Penryn, CA 95663 (916) 663-0300 Heating & Air Conditioning

A&M Heating and Air Conditioning 7625 Sunrise Blvd – Ste 208 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 747-5654 Insurance CycleInsure Agency 4201 Sunrise Blvd – Suite B Fair Oaks, CA 95628 800-800-0965 / 916-200-1000

Johnny’s Bar & Grill Breakfast, Lunch, Cocktails and Karaoke Harleymann Motorcycle 526 San Benito Street Insurance Agency Hollister, CA 95023 831-637-3683 9477 Greenback Lane – Ste 507 Folsom, CA 95630 Kenny’s Bar & Grill (916) 355-0500 721 East Street Jim Wall Insurance Agency Woodland, CA 95776 Kelly Weber – Owner/Agent (530) 662-3634 6045 Hazel Avenue The Omelet House 700 East Victor Road Lodi, CA (209) 365-7011

Orangevale, CA 95662 Email: (916) 989-1915 Nobel West Insurance Services (800) 391-1313

Leather Goods J&S Surplus Eagle Iron & Leather Hwy 1 & North Struve Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 831-724-0588 The Leatherworks, Inc. 188 Frank West Circle #C Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 983-9200 Tomson Leather WE HAVE MOVED! Call For Appointment (530) 622-2453 West Coast Leathers 10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17 Lake of the Pines, CA 95949 (916) 803-6854 Lodging & Resorts Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast Resort 2870 Lakeshore Blvd Nice, CA 95464 (707)274-8378 Inn of the Lost Coast 205 Wave Drive Shelter Cove, CA 95589 707-986-7521 Motorcycle Attorneys Jachimowicz Law Group 1530 The Alameda – Ste 115 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 246-5500 Kirbys Law California’s Motorcycle Lawyers 24/7 (800) 699-9097

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 44

Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers 1010 Hurley Way – Ste 410 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 565-0590 Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys (800) 800-4-BIKERS Motorcycle Detailing San Jose Hogwash Motorcycle Detailing P.O. Box 24273 San Jose, CA 95154 (408) 641-1940 Powder Coating Performance Powder Coating & Sandblasting 6326 Main Avenue #4 Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 987-1942 Real Estate Intero Real Estate Jamie Maberry DRE# 01981068 1360 E. Natoma Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 208-6260 Sales / Service / Accessories

Billy’s Motorcycle Shop 3233 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-3023 C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin 12015 Shale Ridge Auburn, CA 95602 530-885-5556 Clinton’s Custom Cycle 555 G Street Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-0954

BFD Business Sponsorships: 3 months for only $60

(receive monthly magazines for your customers!) Custom Design Studios 56 Hamilton Drive – Suite A Novato, CA 94949 (415) 382-6662

Humboldt Performance Cycle 1341 Evergreen Road #1 Redway, CA 95560 (707) 923-7103

Dirtbag Cycles 155 Nardi Lane – Ste B Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 372-3818

Iron Steed Harley-Davidson® 100 Auto Center Drive Vacaville, CA, USA 95687 707-455-7000

Folsom Harley-Davidson® 115 Woodmere Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 608-9922 Harley-Davidson of Rocklin 4401 Granite Drive Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 259-2453 Harley-Davidson® of Yuba City 720 W. Onstott Road Yuba City, CA 95991 (888) 693-4509 HD Performance 217 Kenroy Lane – Ste 7 Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 715-9530 HK Cycles 196 Airway Blvd Livermore, CA 94551 (925) 443-1269 Hollister Powersports

411 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 630-5200

Horse Power by Gerolamy 4046 Wayside Lane – Ste J Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 638-9008 / (916) 485-8288

James Dean’s Rebel Design 9556 Antelope Oaks Court Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 773=REBL(7325) John Jessup’s DREAM RIDES 2275 N. Wilson Way Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 467-4669 Mike’s MotorWorks & Customization 301C Burns Drive #4 Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 822-9895 Miller Built Performance Cycles 3115 Alhambra Drive – Ste 200 Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 672-9141 Omega Motorcycle 660 Harbor Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-2206 Penngrove Motorcycle Company 9585 Main Street Penngrove, CA 94951 (707) 793-7993

Rack and Pull Industries (916) 899-1188 Redwood Harley-Davidson® 2500 Sixth Street Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 444-0111 Road Dog Cycle 4600 Main Street Denair, CA 95316 (209) 669-7404 Ride-On-Motorcycles 1416 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 647-RIDE(7433) Seatworks Custom Motorcycle Seats (916) 729-1012 Sonoma County Harley-Davidson® 7601 Redwood Drive Cotati, CA 94931 (707) 793-9180 VICTORY of Citrus Heights

7601 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 725-8158 WindVest Motorcycle Products 16840 Joleen Way Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 377-7323 Xtreme Cycle Motorsports 5910 Auburn Blvd – Ste 11 Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 348-3366

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 45

Tattoos Tattoo Betty’s 125 Peek Street – Ste C Jackson, CA 95642 (209) 223-3534 The Dogfather Tattoo Company 120 J Street Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 677-0844 Wild Bill Tattoo 115 Lincoln Street Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-9090 Tires Cal Tire and Auto Works MOTORCYCLES – CARS – TRUCKS 2710 E. Fremont Street Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 465-2805

“Whipped” is in his back yard trying to fly a kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, it then comes crashing back down to the earth. “Whipped” tries this a few more times with no success. All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window and muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything. She opens the window and yells to her husband, “Whip, you need a piece of tail.” “Whipped” turns with a confused look on his face and says, “Make up your mind, woman! Last night you told me to go fly a kite.” -------------------------------------------------------------I was having drinks at a popular local hotel Pub with my friend Justin, when he spotted an attractive woman sitting at the bar. After an hour of gathering his courage, he approached her and asked, “Would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?” She responded by yelling at the top of her lungs, “No, I won’t come over to your place tonight!” With everyone in the restaurant staring, Justin crept back to our table, puzzled and humiliated. A few minutes later, the woman walked over to us and apologized. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” she said, “but I’m a graduate student in Psychology and I’m studying human reaction to embarrassing situations”. At the top of his lungs Justin responded, “What do you mean two hundred dollars an hour in your room upstairs?!!” -------------------------------------------------------------A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table, she had a neardeath experience. Seeing God, she asked, “Is my time up?” God said, “No, you have another 30 years, two months and eight days to live” Upon hearing the good news, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. She figured she might as well look her best since she was in it for the long haul. After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was struck by an ambulance and killed. Arriving in front of God, she demanded, “I thought you said I had another 30 years? Why didn’t you pull me out of the path of that ambulance?” God replied, “Girl, I didn’t recognize you!” -------------------------------------------------------------Top Ten Country & Western Songs Last Year: 10. I Hate Every Bone in Her Body But Mine 9. I Ain’t Never Gone To Bed with an Ugly Woman But I Woke Up With A Few 8. If The Phone Don’t Ring, You’ll Know It’s Me

7. I’ve missed You, But My Aim’s Improvin’ 6. Wouldn’t Take Her to A Dogfight ‘Cause I’m Scared She’d Win 5. I’m So Miserable without You It’s like You’re Still Here 4. My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend and I Miss Him 3. She Took My Ring and Gave Me the Finger 2. She’s Lookin’ Better with Every Beer And the Number One Country & Western song is .. It’s Hard To Kiss The Lips At Night That Chewed My Ass All Day. --------------------------------------------------------------If you’re being harassed by telemarketers and you see “Unknown Caller” on your Caller I.D., just pick up the phone and yell really loud; “HELLO....You’re On The Air”. --------------------------------------------------------------Wife texts hubby on a really cold winter morning: “Windows frozen, won’t open.” Hubby texts back: “Gently pour some lukewarm water over it and then gently tap edges with hammer”. Wife texts back 10 minutes later: “Computer totally screwed up now. Thanks for nothing.” -------------------------------------------------------------Once upon a time there was a frog who lived in a lake all by himself. He had been given special powers by a local witch. One day he finally ventured out of the lake to get his first glimpse of the world outside. The first thing he saw was a bear chasing a rabbit (this went on all day, every day) and so he called out to them and asked them to stop. Then he said to them: “I am a magical frog and since you are the first two animals I have ever seen, I am going to grant you both three wishes. You will each take turns using them and you have to use them now.” The bear (being greedy) went first. I would like for every bear in this forest to be female except for me.” A magical sound and it was done. Then the rabbit. “I would like a helmet.” This confused both the frog and the bear, but after a magical sound there was a helmet. It was the bear’s turn again. “I would like for every bear in the neighboring forest to be female.” A magical sound and it was done. The rabbit went again. “I would like a motorcycle.” Both the frog and the bear wondered why the rabbit didn’t just ask for a lot of money with which he could buy himself a motorcycle, but after a magical sound there was a motorcycle. The bear took his last wish. “I would like for all the bears in the world to be female except for me.” A magical sound and it was done. The rabbit then put on his helmet, started up the motorcycle, and said “I wish this bear was gay” and took off like a bat out of hell.

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marketplace Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 49


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GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events online at FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 3 5th Annual All You Can Eat Breakfast STOCKTON Presented by Iron Goddess MC / SOCMC San Joaquin Valley Darkside. Located at the Amblers Club – 2000 Amblers Lane. 8am11:30am. $15pre-sale / $20 at the door. Kids 7yrs and younger get in FREE. Kids 8-12: $10. Breakfast wagon pre-sale tickets $1 each – need not be present to win (Free delivery in Stockton area) For more information: Contact a member FEBRUARY 3 Harry Fryed’s Birthday Party RANCHO CORDOVA Presented by Fryed Brothers Band. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge - 3030 Mather Field Drive. 9pm. Cost: $10. Join the band as they celebrate bandleader, Harry Fryed’s birthday. Large dance floor, pool tables and plenty of motorcycle parking. For more information: FEBRUARY 10 Valentine’s Party COTTONWOOD Presented by Hell’s Angels MC North. Located at American Legion Hall – 3297 Chesnut Street. 6pm Food, drinks and family environment. Come down and have a great time. For more information: Jose (530) 241-1421 FEBRUARY 11 NorCal Cycle Swap SACRAMENTO Located at West Wind Drive - In 9619 Oates Drive. Swap with 100 vendors, all makes and models of bike parts. 8am, $10. For more information: See flyer on Pg 32 FEBRUARY 11 38th Annual Sweetheart Run AUBURN Presented by C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin – 12015 Shale Ridge Lane. Starts at 10am/KSU 12pm -$5 per person/$5 Ride Pins. Join us for a ride to the historic Georgetown Hotel and end at The Coloma Club. All proceeds benefit The Veteran’s Charity Run. All motorcycles welcome. For more information: (530) 885-5556 / See flyer on Pg 21

FEBRUARY 23-25 3 Day Demo Days VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley-Davidson - 100 Auto Center Dr. 9am4pm. Harley-Davidson Demo Truck will be onsite offering test rides of all the new 2018 models. Call and reserve your day and time to do a test ride on a new 2018 Harley-Davidson. For more information: (707) 455-7000 / See flyer on Pg 33 FEBRUARY 24 Chili Cook Off VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley-Davidson - 100 Auto Center Dr. Tasting 11am-2pm. Free To Enter A Chili, Pre Paid Sampling Fee $3 (Day Of $5) 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies and People’s Choice. Call or stop in to pre pay for tasting. Visit cook off for your entry form and rules. For more information: (707) 4557000 / FEBRUARY 24 Wild Bill’s Tattoo-A-Thon ROSEVILLE Presented by Wild Bill’s Tattoo – 115 Lincoln Street. 8am-midnight. The 16-hour tattoo marathon consist of approximately 30 volunteer tattoo artist from all over California who donate their entire days proceeds from tattoos, piercings, jewelry, shirts, and even their tips. All proceeds are donated to UC Davis Children’s Hospital (Sacramento) to benefit the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Appointments are preferred (to avoid a long wait) but not necessary. Please come with your tattoo ideas on paper (if possible) it’ll save a lot of time. For more information: www. FEBRUARY 24 Blue Balls Run ROCKLIN Presented by Resurrection MC. Sign in at Rocklin Harley - 4401 Granite Drive from 9am -11am. $10 single / $15 couple. Always a good time. For more information: FEBRUARY 25 Capay Valley Almond Festival ESPARTO Located at Esparto VFW - 16812 Orleans St. 8am. Esparto VFW Hall and bar is Open to Public during Almond Festival. Multiple sclerosis is having a BBQ and raffle starting at 11:30am along with Live music from Flat Busted! For more information: Sparkmanc@

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MARCH 2018

MARCH 3 30th Annual Freeze Your Ass Off Run VACAVILLE Presented by ABATE Local 17 of California. Sign in at Miss Darla’s - 110 Peabody Road. 9:00am. $20 Single / $30 Couple. Poker Run, Breakfast before the run. Raffles at the End. For more information: Glenn Phillips (707) 624-6310 / Mike Todd (707) 208-3174 MARCH 10 Skeleton Crew MC 17th Anniversary TRACY Presented by Skeleton Crew MC. Located at Mountain House Bar and Grill - 16784 Grantline Rd. Live band, bbq dinner, vendors, and door prizes. For more information: Cris (510) 427-5266 MARCH 11 Spring Party CLEMENTS Presented by Diablo Crew MC Foothills – Clubhouse 18776 East B Street. Behind Old Corner Saloon 11am till ??? $20 donation. Food, fun, prizes, entertainment. For more information: Dcmcfoothills@ MARCH 17 St. Patrick’s Party PLACERVILLE Presented by Boozefighters Hangtown. Located at PJ’s Roadhouse 5641 Motherlode Drive 12-4pm. $15 single/$25 couple. Come party with the original wild ones Hangtown style! Live music by Savannah Blue, Hangtown famous smoked corned beef and cabbage, raffle, 50/50. For more information: Rocket (916) 817-0537 MARCH 17 Bike Blessing ACAMPO Presented by Faith Riders. Located at Faith Community Church 18621 N Hwy 99 (267B). 8am-11am. Organized ride at 11am. For more information: Jeff Hillstrom (209) 368-9747 MARCH 17 Annual Patrick’s Day Bash OAKDALE Presented by Top Hatters Motorcycle Club Central Valley. Located at 1088 Zell Lane. 12pm. We invite you to join us for our annual St. Patrick’s Day bash. Kick-ass corned beef meal included with donation, DJ, raffle, and vendors. All riders welcomed. MARCH 24 Juggs Bunny Run 2018 SANTA CRUZ Presented by Hells Angels Santa Cruz. Sign in 9am-11am at Callahan’s Bar - 507 Waters Street. $20 donation and a wrapped Easter basket. Pack ride to Cycle Imagery at 2871 Soquel Ave. Free beer, bbq, live music, support swag, wet t-shirt contest, good times. See flyer on Pg 47

MARCH 24 Bike Blessing GRASS VALLEY Presented by Boozefighters MC Chapter 6 Northern Calif (Grass Valley). Located at Dew Drop Inn -19729 Cerrito Road. 9am. $10 Donation per person. First Blessing at 10am / Second Blessing at 1pm. 50/50 drawing and raffle prizes, Full Bar and food available Live Music. For more information: Gator (530) 391-9470 MARCH 24 9th Annual Rabbit Run MARYSVILLE Presented by Sisters of Scota Womens Motorcycle Club. Sign in at Gold Eagle Market#2 - 11269 Loma Rica Rd. 9-10am/$20 per person / $30 per couple. Pack ride with us from Loma Rica to Lake Francis Resort in Dobbins. Run Pin to the first 50 participants. Festivities include a bike blessing by Christian Motorcyclist Association, live music by the Swankmasters, ride-in bike show, raffles and a specially prepared holiday luncheon. This event is rain or shine. Proceeds benefit Environmental Alternatives Foster Family Agency a 501(c)(3) corporation. For more information: banshee_soswmc@hotmail. com MARCH 24 Spring Freedom Ride VACAVILLE Presented by Rough Riders M/C Gateway Chapter. Sign in at 100 Auto Center Drive. 10am / $20 per person. Food, raffle, music, high/ low hands. Ride benefits Yountville Veterans Home. All welcome. For more information: MARCH 25 25th Annual Bike Blessing HOLLISTER Presented by TOP HATTERS Hollister - Check in Hollister Power Sports - 411 San Felipe Road 10am to 1pm / $10 Bike Blessing Medal & Sticker - available to the first 750. Shirts available at church $20, Service at 1pm Sacred Heart Church - 680 College St. Blessing of bikes at 1:30pm. All bikes welcome. For more information: (831)801-6737 / www.tophatters-mc. com MARCH 31 Free Pictures with the Easter Bunny SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am - 2pm / Free. Bring your kids! The Easter Bunny will be at Harley-Davidson of Sacramento for free pictures! Please bring your camera! For more information:

APRIL 2018 APRIL 21 Patriots MC 23rd Spring Event PRUNEDALE Presented by Patriots MC. Sign in at American Legion Post #593 - 8300 Prunedale North. 10am-Noon. $20 per person. Donation includes 5 stop hand (hi and low), 4th stop Rider Reward Ticket, BBQ meal, Live band. Also Famous Keg Toss, Door prizes, 50/50, and Rider Reward Prize. Vendors welcome, no fee. For more information: Frank (831) 636-5956 /

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EVERY TUESDAY FOLSOM OPEN MIC NIGHT Presented by Mark’s Sports Bar & Grill – 303 Iron Point Rd. 6:30pm-11PM. Live Free Ride Free! Food and drink specials. For more information: 3rd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FOLSOM Folsom HOG Chapter 1787 General Meeting Presented by Folsom HOG – Round Table Pizza – 9500 Greenback Lane – Unit 1. 7pm-8:30pm For more information: / 1st WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO Sacramento HOG Monthly Social Presented by Sacramento Harley Owners Group – Elks Lodge #6 – 6446 Riverside Blvd. 6:30pm Do you ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle? Do you like to ride and have fun? If yes, please come and join us for our monthly chapter social. For more information: Savannah Westbrook EVERY THURSDAY RANCHO CORDOVA BIKER CHURCH NIGHT Presented by Thunder Road Biker Church - 3235 Sunrise Blvd #3 7pm-8pm EVERY THURSDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Thursday Night Fun Night – 3418 Auburn Blvd. 5pm / Join the MSMC for its Thursday Night get together. Free food, entertainment and great company. All

3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH ARCATA BIKE NIGHT Presented by M.O.B. of Humboldt - Everett’s Club on the Plaza at 784 9th Street. The fun starts at 6pm. All motorcycles welcome. Free food, 50/50 raffle, pack ride. / www. 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH WOODLAND BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE Meeting at VFW Hall – 345 W. Kentucky Avenue. 7pm Meetings are open to the public. (530) 848-2090 with any questions. 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FAIRFIELD OPEN HOUSE Presented by Dirty Whites Club House – 748 N. Texas St 8pm - ? Come have a blast! Contact Joe 707-694-5251 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH LODI BIKE NIGHT Presented by The Water Hole along with The Red Iron Riders. 246 N. Cluff Ave. 6:30pm Cost depending on the menu $10-$18. A great NO DRAMA social event to get to know others that share the passion of the bike. Outdoor private patio area, pool tables, Shuffleboard, Music, big screen TVs for game nights and more. All bikes welcome, and those without bikes welcome too. For more information: (209) 604-7149 / (209) 327-8283 EVERY SATURDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Open to the Biker Community – 3418 Auburn Blvd on Saturday nights – 6pm. / No Cover Charge. Come Join the MSMC and other motorcycle enthusiasts where we enjoy good entertainment, cold drinks, and good food. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Beast (209) 781-6111. 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH HISTORIC COLFAX PANCAKE BREAKFAST Presented Grand Fathers MC No Cal – Clubhouse 301 S. Railroad Street – 8:30am – 11am. Start your day out with the Grand Fathers MC! TRM NorCal is not responsible for errors or omissions and events are subject to change without notice

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Reference: BF (Biker Friendly Directory) / MP (Marketplace)

A&M Heating and Air....................................................41 Bikers Inner Circle........................................................47 Billy’s Motorcycle Shop.................................................40 Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub.....................................35 C&E Auburn Indian &V-Twin.........................................21 Cal Tire & Autoworks ...................................................35 Calistoga Half Mile....................INSIDE FRONT COVER Citrus Heights Victory...................................................33 Clinton’s Custom Cycle................................................35 Custom Design Studios................................................32 CycleInsure Agency........................................................9 Dirtbag Cycles..............................................................20 Double D Steak............................................................40 Eagle Iron and Leather.................................................41 Eastside Public House................................................ BF Elkhorn Saloon.............................................................38 Fairing Plus....................................................................9 Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast..........................41 Folsom Harley-Davidson............................. 15 Calendar HD Performance...........................................................35 Harley-Davidson of Yuba City.......................................39 Harleymann Insurance Agency....................................35 Hatt’s Motorcycles........................................................32

HK Cycles.....................................................................21 Hollister Powersports.....................................................9 Horse Power By Gerolamy...........................................35 Humboldt Performance Cycle......................................40 Inn of the Lost Coast....................................................41 Iron Steed H-D.............................................................33 Jake’s Custom Cycles....................................................8 Jachimowicz Law Group................................................5 James Dean Rebel Design.............................................8 Jim Wall Insurance Agency..........................................21 John Jessup’s Dream Rides.........................................32 Johnny’s Bar & Grill..................................................... BF Jugg’s Bunny Run........................................................47 Kenny’s Bar&Grill.........................................................34 Kirby Law........................................................................1 Maberry-Martin Real Estate.........................................40 Miller Built Performance Cycles...................................33 Nickell’s Custom ..........................................................40 Noble West Insurance Services................ BACKCOVER NorCal Cycle Swap Meet.............................................32 NorCal V-Twin..............................................................40 Omega Motorcycles.....................................................21 Omelet House..............................................................35

Penngrove Motorcycle Company.................................40 Perfect Past Custom Motorcycles................................34 Performance Powercoating..........................................34 Rack and Pull Industries...............................................38 Redwood Harley-Davidson...........................................37 Rick’s Automotive.........................................................47 Ride-On Motorcycles....................................................35 Road Dog Cycle...........................................................34 Road Trip Bar & Grill....................................................39 Rocklin Harley-Davidson............................. 15 Calendar Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys................................50 Sacramento Mile.......................INSIDE FRONT COVER San Jose Hogwash......................................................33 SeatWorks....................................................................32 Sonoma County HD.......................................... EVENTS T3 Design Studios........................................................47 Thunder Road Biker Church...........................................4 West Coast Leathers....................................................32 White Hot Limos.............................................................8 Wild Bill Tattoo..............................................................32 WWW...........................................................................47 Xtreme Motorsports .......................................................4

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 53

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2nd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH SUTTER CREEK American Legion Riders Meeting Presented by Post 108 Legion Riders – 11401 American Legion Drive – 6:30pm.

like minded members of the community are welcome. The MSMC reserve the right to refuse access to who they choose. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Beast (209) 781-6111


APRIL 28 Spring Fling 2018 CHICO Presented by Boozefighters MC Chapter 83 / Paradise. Sign in at Freeman Choppers – 235 Nord Ave. 9:30am. KSU AT 11am / $20 per person includes poker run, raffle, BBQ and live music. For more information: Sick Pig (530) 519-7105 /

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