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Folsom’s Prison Blue Pages 22-25





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OVER THE STATE Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 1


For Bikers

THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 Orangevale, CA 95662 Office: 530.368.6579 or 530.305.7992 Fax: 530-831-4758 Email: Website:

Northern California State Editors / Owners

Stan & Terri Hill

On The Cover:

Bike provided by Steve Call. Photo by Stan Hill on location at Folsom State Prison RIDE PRIDE article on Pages 22-25 Layout and Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Magazine Contributors Wild Bill Hill Billie Wilson/Billie The Kid Photography Taleah Ebey / T3 Design Studios Rich “Foot” & Jennifer “Sunshine” Elkins Randy Wenslawski Rae Lynn Flippo Barry Mendenhall Dan & Nad Rogers Charles Gliebe Dan Griffin Gary & Mary Hoffman My Two Cents Al Cagle / Tech Tips Jake Shuman / Jake’s Custom Cycles LLC Thunder Road Biker Church Pastor Johnny/ 916-521-5706 Ride Destination Chuck & Cindy Loseth NorCal Sales Representatives/Magazine Contributors Russell “Raz” Holder (916) 425-2377 National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580 (for information regarding Thunder Roads Northern California, please use contact information at top of column

editor’s letter


ummer has begun and with it all of your favorite events and rides. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the heat this time of year. And since our bodies are not quite used to the heat yet - now is a good time to remind ourselves to hydrate, hydrate while we are out there. Every year we see somebody that does not pay attention to this detail getting hauled off on a stretcher due to this. Don’t be that guy/gal, this is totally preventable and water is the answer. I know, I know beer does taste a lot better but it just does not help keep your body ready to fight the heat, soda is not your friend either. You’re better off with good old fashioned water. This time of year, we are usually busy making plans for the annual trek to the Redwood Run. Unfortunately, the property owners of the Riverview Ranch location (where this event has been held for the last couple of decades) forced the Kiwanis of the Redwoods to find a new venue which also resulted in a change of date. The volunteer/organizers shared with us that the Redwood Run will return to the same flat and beautiful redwood grove as in 2011 at Cooks Valley Campground in Piercy during Labor Day Weekend. Now you have more time to plan. Terri and I recently took a cross country ride from our home in Folsom CA to see our kids in North Carolina. We had a spectacular adventure along the way so look forward to the start of an ongoing article about that trip in our July issue, or if you just can’t wait that long, you can go to to watch all of the videos about our adventure there. It had been over 3 years since we had seen our oldest son (an active duty Marine), his wife and our two granddaughters. The whole experience really brought home just how important quality family time is. It is easy to get so wrapped up in our work and daily struggles that we lose track of what is most important in life and for us - it is family. We hope we never have to go that long again before catching up. In the meantime, let’s get out and ride, ride, ride! RIDE FREE RIDE OFTEN Don’t Forget Dad on June 17th!


Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 2

contents RIDE PRIDE: Folsom’s Prison Blue


RIDE PRIDE: 1946 EL HD Knucklehead



letters to the editor Greetings Stan, Read your ‘Editor’s Letter’ in the April edition of Thunder Roads Nor Cal. Never have I been more pleased to be labeled a “Biker”. You nailed it: “…the decay of our moral compass as a people. Where are our values?” With up to 70% or more of Bikers either being active military or military veterans, we have morals. God (for most), family, country and (for Bikers) respect and loyalty are our maxim. Wish that ALL, could be Bikers! Keep the shiny side up -and- the rubber side down. Be Well, Jim C Hello Stan, I just wanted to compliment you on your well-reasoned editorial regarding gun control, school shootings, and the remarkable change in American society over the last several decades. I think you echo the beliefs of many of us motorcyclists out here who are more on the conservative side – patriotic folks who stand for the flag, our military, our history, our founding fathers, our Constitution, and certainly our faith (getting back to your question about where our values went). Love the magazine, and really do appreciate your spread on the Launch of Thunder Road Biker Church #2 in Roseville. Good photos! Blessings! Ron S



My Two Cents...................................................................... 6 Ride Destination.................................................................. 8 Run 4 Your Guns............................................................... 12 Rip City Riders Spring Bash.............................................. 15


Tech Tips........................................................................... 16 Spring Breakiin’ Out Poker Run......................................... 26 Family MC Humboldt Dinner............................................. 29 Center Calendar................................................................ 30 Thunder Road Church....................................................... 36 Humboldt County Fog Dogs Pool Tournament.................. 38 Paint On............................................................................ 39 Rocklin H-D Grand Opening.............................................. 40 2018 Spring Fling.............................................................. 42 Joker’s Wild....................................................................... 44 Open Road Toon............................................................... 46 Biker Band Revue: Halie O’Ryan...................................... 47 Biker Friendly Directory..................................................... 48 Marketplace....................................................................... 50

Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30 To: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662 Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992 NAME____________________________________________________________ STREET OR P.O. BOX_______________________________________________

Events............................................................................... 55


Thank You to Our Sponsors.............................................. 61


Make check payable to Thunder Roads Of Northern California

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 3


Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 4




id you know we just had Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month? That’s right. The month of May is dedicated to Motorcycle Safety Awareness. You seen all the signs on the freeway, you hear it on the radio and even see the commercials on TV. I really appreciate someone trying to look out for us, especially since there is some dangerous shit happening on the freeway these days, with texting and people talking on cell phones and just plain ole’ not paying attention.

and I’ll say it again, “this is a dangerous life style we live.”

Why is May the only Motorcycle Safety Awareness month? As many accidents that have happened at the hands of careless drivers you would think those signs would be lit up all the time. I know we have a responsibility to ride cautious like the cars are out to get us but shouldn’t the people driving the cars be held a lot more accountable for committing great bodily injury to people on motorcycles? In my humble opinion, I think if you Stan and Terri, the owners/editors of this magazine hit a biker while driving your car and texting or just came back from a coast to coast motorcycle talking on the phone you should have to face ride from North Carolina and they said traffic public punishment, like flogging or something like wasn’t an issue at all till they got back to California. that. That’ll make people think twice about texting What a great ride that must be, not having to be and driving or running a motorcycle off the road. super cautious of some texting driver. If it was up My article is short this month because I couldn’t to me I would have freeway signs that say “Share find the time to sit down and write. I’ve been the road. Look twice for motorcycles” lit up year working 12 hour days, six days a week, working round, every day and night! on wrecked motorcycles during Motorcycle Safety You wouldn’t know it was Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. How’s that for irony? Ride safe Awareness Month by looking at all the bikes in my and have fun. That’s my 2 cents! shop. All the bikes are here because they were Al Cagle hit by cars, some were rear ended and some are damaged because a car cut them off. None of them were self inflicted, and like the commercial Rack and Pull Motorcycle Frame Repair Motorcycle Collision Center Specializing in Harley-Davidson Frame Repair says, “It wasn’t my fault, they cut me off, or they 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite F. Rancho Cordova, Calif. 95742 were texting.” The fact is bikes were damaged 916-899-1188 Laser Measuring & Frame Repair Equipment and people got hurt because someone was NOT For the Professional Motorcycle Technician paying attention while driving. I’ve said it before

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 6

Grand Canyon

If You Could See What I See

– You Might Be On The Back Of A Harley

All The Way To Arizona Bike Week


ince 2004, every April, two great motorcycle events kick off in Arizona; Arizona Bike Week in Scottsdale and Phoenix BikeFest in Phoenix. Eighteen California friends, ten bikes and three vehicles towing, met early in the morning and left Sacramento together for a fun adventure and ride to Arizona Bike Week 2018. With a plan, designated stops and hotel reservations, we rode 432 miles the first day, arriving in Hesperia after 7pm. Excited to get to AZ, we were all up and on the road the next day before 7am. But first we had to backtrack and go to Victorville Harley to have one of the bike’s looked at. The rider had hit a large tarp that fell off a of a semi truck in front of him, the day before. Damage to his bike was a bent up oil cooler. He was able to keep travelling with us. On the second day, there was another mishap with the bikes. Going uphill on a turn out, one of the bikes died. The rider behind was already on the throttle, couldn’t stop in time, and ran into the back of the bike ahead. Curt and I ride sweep. He was right there to pull the bike over to the side of the road. My job is to alert traffic there is something going on ahead. Not a problem for the bikers in our group, the guys pushed and pulled, hammered and fixed both bikes so they were rideable. On we went again. Travelling all day and about 351 miles, we arrived to check in at our luxury resort in Fountain Hills, AZ. Some of the group went to other hotels and one family rented a house. We had laughs comparing their private pool with our resort pool and individual Jacuzzi tub in each room. Actually, there is no comparison; the private pool wins hands down. One thing their house didn’t have that our room did, was a private wall telephone in the bathroom, right next to the toilet. You can do your business while doing your business. I remember how swank feature this was, back in the 80’s.

Group Photo Morning we Left for AZ Bike Week

On the Road The next day, we woke up enjoying the serenity of the desert and watched the sun rise from our balcony. Refreshed and ready for fun, we headed out to West World of Scottsdale - home of Arizona Bike Week. You can feel the excitement in the air. We found the booths that were selling just about everything biker that you can imagine.

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West World

I was very excited to get the scary guy skeleton face mask. We all managed to spend our share of money with the willing vendors. I talked to the members of the Globe of Death Squad, and they invited me to join their show by standing in the middle of their globe as they rode around me. I told them NO Thanks, and watched as they plucked a Bathroom bystander out of the crowd who was eager to agree. Every night there was a concert, and some of our group went to listen. ZZ Top was the finale band at West World on the last night. It was a standing room only crowd, only the tall could see, but everyone could hear and enjoy. With plans to attend Bike Week rides, events and visits to family, some of our group went about their own way. A small group rode to the quaint little party town of Cave Creek. Crowded, bikes and bikers everywhere, a bike parade, custom bikes on display and lots of unusual sights. We enjoyed people watching at the Roadhouse. What an eclectic crowd, along with attractive staff members wearing scantily clad costumes. We ran into everyone’s friend, Good Time Charlie Brechtel. He is the co-writer and producer of the movie Rebel on the Highway. This movie is written by bikers, about bikers and for bikers, and much was filmed in our local riding area.

Goldfield Brothel

Most of our group is a member of Folsom H.O.G. One of our members is related to members in Anthem H.O.G. What a treat they planned for our group. A 311 mile ride in 40 mph winds, to the Yarnell Memorial (Granite Mountain Hotshots - Smoke Jumpers), rode through Prescott Valley, Sedona, Jerome and Oak Creek Valley Canyon. A quick stop to view the Anthem Harley Davidson dealership and off to a wonderful evening at an outdoor backyard BBQ. I am the Membership Officer for Folsom H.O.G. I presented their continued...

Cave Creek

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 9

Cave CreekRoad House

Bikes at Cave Creek

members with a trinket of appreciation from our H.O.G. Chapter. We gave them each a Folsom Harley poker chip, and a 2018 Spring Breakin’ Out Poker Run Pin. A new day, ready to ride and sightsee, our group gathered back together and took a ride to Apache Junction. We visited the historic town of Goldfield, founded in 1893. The ornate brothel building is still standing and so is the tiny subtle wooden church. It was pretty clear where the money earned from hunting gold was spent in this town. We rode following the beautiful Canyon Lake, along the Apache Trail. The Apache Trail was once a stagecoach trail that ran through the Superstition Mountains. The mountains got their name from the Pima Indians, and the farmers of the Salt River Valley. Rumor has it they heard strange sounds, told stories about people who disappeared and of mysterious deaths, and lived with an overall fear of the mountain. Next we rode into the old town of Tortilla Flats, an authentic remnant of an old west town, nestled in the midst of the Tonto National Forest in the Superstition Mountains. Tortilla Flat was originally a stagecoach stop in 1904. It has withstood fire and flood, and is still on the Apache Trail. Throughout the trip, we stopped at many unique little places, and tried to stop at every Harley dealership along the way. We had so much to do and so little time, that we found ourselves unable to get to Phoenix BikeFest. One of the unexpected and great highlights of our trip, was when we took an impromptu detour and made our way along Highway Route 66. Everyone had fun as we were Standing on a Corner in Winslow Arizona, just Taking it Easy … Moving along to keep up with our 300 mile per day schedule, we arrived in the town of Cameron. We stopped at the Navajo Nation Indian museum just outside of Navajo Point at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Late that afternoon we entered the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and rode, staring in awe. At one point, we had to slow down as we discovered beautiful large Elk alongside the road and walking into the roadway towards us. They didn’t seem to be bothered. Waking up early the next day we all went to the IMAX Theater and saw the movie about the History of the Grand Canyon. After the movie we were ready to cruise the Grand Canyon on our bikes. I had never seen the Grand Canyon before. Touring the South Rim of the Grand Canyon on the bike was the highlight of my trip. Seeing the majesty of God’s work simply amazes me. I was in awe just to know years ago, people survived living there, in the heat and wind, with water far away, and in 277 miles of desolated

Bikes Tortilla Flats

rock and forest on untouched land. It seems everywhere we go, we find someone we know. Leaving the Grand Canyon, travelling out of Tusayan a car caught up to us and began honking. Sure enough, it was friends from home, who flew out for AZ Bike Week and recognized our bike riding sweep. The group pulled over for a 15 minute visit. Time to head home, a two day ride. We had to change our route because of snow in Reno and Yosemite. We decided to go home through Bakersfield. We faced a long hard ride from Tusayan to Kingman. We went through a windstorm, with side gusts of 65+ mph winds. Some of the bikes were pushed just a little too close to the semi trucks. It was a scary ride. We simply rode throttle on, and pushed to power through. When we arrived at the Kingman our hotel clerk told us the winds were 75 mph, a motorhome had blown over, and the freeway was now closed. He said “Y’all just made it ahead of the storm.” We thought we were in the storm. Travelling at 65 mph on the freeway, the tour pack on one of the bikes came open. Just past the California border, riding sweep, Curt saw it open and the rider’s possessions fly out. We pulled over along the freeway, Curt walked about half a mile, crossed the lanes and collected items that belonged to our friend. Just as he got back on the bike, I looked down and there was a lucky penny, all scratched up and road worn. He picked it up for me and I brought it home with us. The last night we travelled to Visalia. There was talk amongst us about riding on home because it so Bullbut Valley Roadhouse close, everyone was tired and decided to stay and rest. The next morning some stayed in bed and some of us were up bright and early, on the road and anxious to get home. We love getting away but also know the old saying, there is no place like home. We headed out of our home town ready for the Arizona Bike Week adventure. There were a few minor mishaps, all part of the memories. No one was hurt and there was no drama. 2,751 miles in 9 days, average 305 miles per day. Thousands of bikes to be seen. We enjoyed Bike Week, but found so much more. The beauty of Arizona was awesome.

Scary mask

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Article and photos contributed by Cyndee Reed-Van Hooser






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1st Annual Run 4 Your Guns May 12 (West Sacramento) Photos contributed by Jayme “Snapshot” Ross-Ambra

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Anything else is just a car

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$10.00 ENTRY

13th Annual

Rip City Riders Spring Bash April 21 (Penngrove) Photos contributed by Randy Wenslawski

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 14


Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30 To: THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662 Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992 NAME____________________________________________________________ STREET OR P.O. BOX_______________________________________________ CITY_______________________________ST___________ZIP______________ EMAIL_______________________________________________________________

Make check payable to Thunder Roads Of Northern California

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 15


6321 Main Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 320-0763



ave you ever been out riding and making turns and it feels like your front end is super loose or it just wants to just dump the bike over? Or have you felt a clunking when you apply the brakes? If you answered yes to any of these, here is the TECH TIP of the month for you to check. A common problem that we frequently see missed with motorcycles is the fall away adjustment. This adjustment is crucial in having a safe riding motorcycle. There are several simple steps in performing this procedure on Dynas and Sportsters 1. Support your motorcycle in an upright position so that fork is off the ground and bike is level. 2. Remove all unnecessary weight from motorcycle on the front end (windshields, or anything that may influence the swing of the forks) 3. You are going to want to disconnect the clutch cable from the handlebars to insure that it is not in the way for the following steps. 4. Loosen but do not remove the upper headlight nacelle. This will allow upper nacelle to float freely.

5. Remove anchor for throttle cables 6. Place masking tape over the tip of fender. 7. Install a pointer so the base is stationary on the floor and the pointer indicates the center of the fender. The front fork should be straight ahead. However the balance point may be slightly off center. 8. Check steering and head bearing tension a. Tap the fender on one side until the front fork begins to fall-away by itself. Label this on the masking tape. b. Repeat the previous step in the other direction c. Measure the distance between marks. 9. The distance between the fall-away marks must be 34.5 inches (adjust if outside service limits) 10. Loosen fork nut 11. Loosen lower fork pinch bolts 12. Tighten or loosen star nut until the measurement is within limits a. If the distance is more than 4.5inches turn the adjuster nut counterclockwise to loosen. b. If the distance is less than 3 in. turn the adjuster nut clockwise to tighten. 13. Install stem nut and tighten to 70-80 ft pounds 14. Check fall-away. Tighten lower fork clamp pinch bolts to 30-35 ft. pounds 15. Repeat steps if still not within limits 16. Tighten the upper nacelle bolts 84-120 Inch pounds 17. Reinstall clutch cable and adjust. Once these steps are completed you are now ready to ride. Article contributed by Jake and Steve

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10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17 Lake of the Pines, CA 95949

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EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 19


EVERYTHING TO LIGHT UP YOUR RIDE! American made Premium lighting products for your motorcycle We recently met up with Kyle from Custom Dynamics and Sharon of Drag Specialties. As we learned more about the product line that Custom Dynamics has to offer in high quality lighting components lighting for your ride, we decided to go for it and upgrade the lighting on our Indian Roadmaster. And we are glad we did! The difference is quite noticeable. We headed up the hill to C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin to have them professionally installed. Keep in mind that if you are handy with tools, this is a project you could handle in your own garage. They offer great step-by-step instructional videos at for installation tips. The added brightness of these lights increase both illumination and clarity of the road while riding at night, but it also is quite a bit more visible in the bright sunlight. I have to believe that we are more likely to catch the attention of that car that is sharing the road with us. Shortly after installing these new Custom Dynamics lights, Terri and I road our Indian across the country (and back) and I have to say that the upgrade was indeed very noticeable. I really liked that the road ahead of me was lit up better by the TrueBEAM LED, the TrueBEAM LED Halo Passing lamps illuminated both sides of the road much further than the stock set up. This is crucial and gave me a better chance of seeing any suicidal critters contemplating to dart into the road in front of us. Also the addition of the Magic Strobe onto the rear brake light gave me a bit more confidence that the people behind us would see us stopping. The Magic Strobe has 10 different options to set it up for what you feel is right, we set the Magic Strobe up so that it would flash seven (7) times before the light would go solid when you hit your brakes. The idea is to give drivers behind me a better shot at recognizing that we were slowing or stopping. This was of particular comfort once we were out of California and no longer able to split

lanes which makes motorcyclists more susceptible to being hit from the rear. Plus, we love that Custom Dynamics products come with a lifetime warranty on the LED lights and are made right here in America! Below is a list and description of the Custom Dynamics products that were installed on our 2015 Indian Roadmaster by ‘EZ’ at C&E Auburn Indian and V-Twin (www.auburnvtwin. com) You can find Custom Dynamics products anywhere that Drag Specialties products are sold. ■■ TruBEAM® 4.5” Halo Passing Lamps: Integrate a superior beam pattern for both distance and coverage with the latest in LED technology. TruBEAM® LED Halo Passing Lamps use a 10-Watt Cree XML LED with an optimized MSR style reflector, making them approximately 5 times brighter than the OEM bulb! Install with ease – 100% plug and play with 881 connectors; comes complete with a Lifetime LED Warranty and Choice of Chrome or Black Chrome (Smoked) reflector. ■■ Magic Strobes™ Brake Light Flasher: With a growing demand, the Custom Dynamics® Magic Strobes™ Brake Light Flasher is now available for Indian® models! With a plug and play installation on all 2014-2018 Indian® Chief®, Springfield®, Chieftain® and Road-

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 20





master® Models (does not fit Scout®), riders can easily apply 10 Flash/Strobe Patterns to the center taillight by simply spinning the dial on the module! Patterns such as the BlasterX™ significantly increase visibility for riders, keeping them safe on the road! Includes Custom Dynamics® 5-year warranty. ■■ TruBEAM® LED Headlamps: TruBEAM® LED Head Lamps are now available for most 2014-2018 Indian® models and most Harley-Davidson® models (including 2015-2018 Road Glide®)! Using a combination of projector and reflector LED technology, the TruBEAM® provides superior low and high beam outputs with unmatched performance, especially in curves. Choice of Chrome or Black Chrome (Smoked) reflector with a plug and play connector (no additional trim ring needed). TruBEAM® LED Headlamps are backed by the Custom Dynamics® Lifetime LED Warranty and are DOT compliant! WAIT! We are not done yet….for all of you DYNA riders out there - you need to check back in for our upcoming July issue as we will be showcasing some of the awesome products that Custom Dynamics has made for Harley-Davidson’s DYNA line. Article and photos by Stan Hill Check out ‘Product Review’ video on at

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teve Call of Orangevale approached us back in 2014 about featuring his bike. We thought it was a cool looking bike so we agreed to feature it in the magazine. Once again, this RIDE PRIDE caught our attention during the 2018 Sacramento Easyriders Show and we knew right away it was time for a redo! Article and photos by Stan Hill

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BIKE: 2011 H-D Electro Glide BUILDER: Bagger Design GAUGES: Dakota Digital GAS TANK: Bad Dad with Bad Dad gas cap FAIRING: Raked Street Glide DASH: Bad Dad FRONT END: 40 Degree rake with hidden axle forks FRONT FENDER: Bad Dad SUSPENSION: Billet Air Shocks front and back. KICK STAND: SBD Center Stand SIDE COVERS: TOL SADLE BAGS: Stretched TOL WHEEL FRONT: 26” PM Arson WHEEL BACK: 18.5” PM Arson BRAKES: PM Arson rotors a nd PM Calipers PIPES: Freedom Exhaust AIR FILTER: Screamin Eagle heavy breather ECM: Power Commander 5 BARS: Yaffee Mini Apes SEAT: Seat Works PAINT: Mike Taylor Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 24

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11th Annual Spring Breakin’ Out Poker Run March 24 (Folsom/Rocklin) Old Man Winter was still making his presence known during the first few days of spring this year. The Folsom HOG Chapter’s annual Spring Breakin’ Out Poker Run started out at Folsom Harley and ended at the newly opened Rocklin Harley. Although the less than perfect riding conditions were a turnout factor for some; for those that were in attendance today - it was lucrative raffle day with all proceeds benefiting The Children’s Heart Foundation. Article and photos by Terri Hill. Additional photos contributed by Rae Lynn Filippo

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Dirty Dave’s favorite saying

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Family MC Humboldt

Family dinner being served

Having libations at the full bar before dinner

Jeff Emery photo bombs the Family Ladies

April 8 (Fortuna) The Family MC Humboldt held their 2nd Annual Family Dinner at Double D Steakhouse. After enjoying a few libations in the full bar, everyone headed into the dining room for a 7 course meal. I know I had enough leftovers for the next day! The ticket included the meal, event tshirt and a raffle, which had top prizes of a gun safe and flat screen tv. Kudos to Debbie and her staff at Double D. And a BIG good job to Family MC for putting on an event that satisfied in more ways than one. See ya all next year! Article and photos contributed by Tina DeKruse – Awesome Photography

Rocky and Virginia with Robert Family MC ,Corrina and Jeff

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Will and JoJo Family Brothers

Bike provided by Dave Passaro. Photo by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios / Model: Bianca

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KNUCKLEHEAD This beautifully maintained stock 1946 Harley-Davidson is just one of the many motorcycles that are in David Passaro’s garage. Sometimes less is defiantly more - as in this case with this stock Knucklehead. Dave has kept it just the way it was and we think this is one gorgeous bike, thank you Dave for sharing it with all of us. Photo contributed by Taleah Ebey of T3 Design Studios / Model: Bianca

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love going to all kinds of racing events. Fast Friday’s Speedway in Auburn is a regular stop for me and my family. Watching motorcycles race with no brakes is crazy and super fun to watch. Dirt gets kicked up in the air, it gets dusty in the arena, and between the yelling of the crowd and the screaming pipes of motorcycles, you can’t help but feel it in your bones. One of my favorite kinds of racing is hitting the quarter mile tracks and watch drag racing. There is something about getting down near the track and savoring the smell of race fuel, ethanol and burnin’ rubber. The adrenalin rush of seeing a funny car do a quarter mile in under 5 seconds is just mind boggling. May 20, 2017, Matt Hagan had the fastest funny car pass on record for the NHRA. Hagan’s pass was a crazy 3.802 seconds at 338.85mph. Talk about a rush! Super charged race boats are hitting speeds in excess of 300mph and race planes like the P51 Mustang are reaching speeds in excess of 500mph. Why do these men and women do this? Why do they put their lives on the line to race? It goes back to the old saying, “If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand.” I’m sure they all have their reasons why they start racing in the first place. Could be for the poise, the prestige, the thrill, the adrenaline rush they get when hitting the throttle, or just because they like doing something not everyone does. Whatever their reasoning, I will lay odds that they all have one thing in common; they like to win! The thrill of victory has such a sweet taste. I don’t think any of them would get into a cockpit, a driver’s seat or behind a set of handle bars and go full throttle if the goal was not to get the checkered flag. Winning is everything! Sure, they have set backs, failures, blown up motors, flat tires, damage from others, and of course, things out of their control like mother nature. But no matter what the set back is, I know they have their eye on the prize - the checkered flag! There is nothing more satisfying than fighting

a good fight, racing a good race and crossing the finish line seeing the checkered flag. Standing on the podium with the largest trophy, knowing you overcame your challenges, hurdled all your set backs and won the race. Our lives are no different. We are in this race called life. The clock never stops ticking and what we do with our lives is up to us. Now we do not necessarily compete against each other, but we do prepare ourselves for the fight ahead. For the major battles are fought from within. In the same way a professional prepares for a race, we too must prepare ourselves for the race of life. We must look at the road ahead and check for divots and bumps. We may have to ask someone that has raced that very track before us for some pointers. We have to make sure our motor is clean, all cylinders are firing correctly and we have a good crew in our pit. Living a spiritual life is the best race you will ever race. Yeah, it’s not easy! There will be plenty of bumps, lots of obstacles and many folks trying to bump you and throw you off track. But if you get to know God on a personal level, you have entered the most prestigious race of all, with a crown of victory like no other crown known to mankind waiting for you at the end of the race. Come on over to one of the Thunder Road Churches and learn all about what God has in store for you. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. “Never Ride Alone”

Pastor Johnny Lujan – Thunder Road Church

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EVENT Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 37

Humboldt County Fog Dogs 12th Annual Pool Tournament May 12 (McKinleyville): Fog Dogs of Humboldt County held a pool tournament to benefit Hospice of Humboldt at E&O Bowl. Great food was provided, raffle prizes and even a cake. Thanks to a good turnout and participation, Fog Dogs donated a nice sum to the cause. Fog Dogs would like to thank Thunder Roads NorCall for sending their rep to cover this event.

Hospice of Humboldt reps with Fog Dogs Prez Jethro and VP Lee

Fog dogs love their issues of Thunder Roads.

Supporting the cause

Article and photos contributed by Tina DeKruse – Awesome Photography

Some nice cars too

Chaplain Ken with the pool tournament 1st place winner

Selling raffle tickets Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 38

BACA ladies in attendance

Family members played a great game

Pool tournament participants


his week I received a letter from 3M Automotive Division. It contained a news flyer on new grades of wetordry abrasive sheets. The grades are 800 and 3000 available in two sizes 9x11” and 5½x9”. Unless you do a lot of custom painting, you may not be too familiar with the finer abrasive grades and how they are used.

When getting lost is just what you need...

When we come to the final finish of our paint job, we prepare to cut and rub. That is, using the proper grades of sandpaper and compounds. Today’s complex clears require a system of finishing compounds to produce that glass like finish. Each manufacturer p r o d u c e s anywhere from one to four products to achieve this end. Such companies include 3M, Miracle Glaze, and McQuires, just to name a few.

18 Oceanfront Rooms Jacuzzi Suites In-room Fireplaces Sauna Rooms Available High Speed WiFi

For our example I chose the 3M system because they are the largest. Their system is referred to as “trizact”. These are finishing film discs beginning with P1500. My experience using P1500, has shown to be equal to 2000 wetordry. To remove those scratches use P3000, final scratch refinement P5000, you are now ready to rub. It is suggested to use a wool pad and perfect-it rubbing compound. Next use their machine polish with a black perfect-it foam polishing pad (also known as a waffle pad). To finally eliminate swirls use perfect-it ultrafine polish. Then use a blue pad for final rub. Two tips for those hard to reach places; one, you can use 3000 and 5000 pads by hand and hand polish. Two, make sure you tape gaps and corners to avoid burn through. Now, you should be show ready. Keep Kolouring! John Bartevian / Perfect Past Custom Motorcycles (510) 331-7766

888-570-9676 | 707-986-7521

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April 14 (Rocklin) Photos by Stan & Terri Hill

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pril 14 (Sacramento): It was a perfect evening in the valley as the Sacramento Red & White welcomed a huge crowed to their clubhouse for this annual must see event. This event is an unofficial kick off to the new riding season that lay ahead of us, plus it creates an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends. As always, the food was delicious and the drinks were flowing as the large crowd was treated to some great music by Jeff Watson and his band. White Knuckle Riot played a tribute for the recent loss of Jason Cliff who was tragically taken way too young in a motorcycle accident. The club shows their appreciation by giving plaques to people in the community who have gone over and above to support not only just the club but the riding community as a whole. It is a nice touch because we all know that it is usually a small number of people doing 90% of all the work. If you have never made it to one of Sacramento’s party, you are missing out! These guys know how to put together an event that is sure to be a low key relaxing good time. So make sure you don’t miss out on the next one you are guaranteed to have a great meal, good entertainment and a great time. Oh if you like to take a shot at winning raffle prizes, your chances are pretty good with tons of cool raffle prizes! We will see you all at the next one. Article and photos by Stan Hill

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A police officer radioed the station house saying, “I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped.” Said he’s been doing this for 54 years and she just snapped. Chief says, “Well, have you arrested the woman?”. Officer comes back quick, “Not yet! The floor’s still wet.” -------------------------------------------------------------Bubba is asking Earl’s advice. “Ya’ know we all stayed out really late at the new topless bar and when I got home there on the handle of the microwave was balanced two apples with a banana in the middle sticking out and my best skinning knife stuck in the banana. What in the hell do you think is up with that?” Earl thinks a bit, tilts his head at Bubba and says, “Do you think she’s wanting you to eat more fruit?”. -------------------------------------------------------------Two guys, both around 60 years old, pulled in the same slot at Sonic as all the spots were full. The one old guy, Bert, is on a scooter and places his order and nods to Jax, who’s on his beloved Night Train, to then place his order. They’re both eating their grub and talking bikes when Bert pumps up his chest and says, “I get 80 miles per gallon, what you get?” Jax is chewing away and looks Bert right in the eyes; “I get laid.” -------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever just stood there listening to someone and you literally have to fight the urge to just start singing as loud as you can that great ole classic from The Wizard of Oz......If You Only Had A Brain? js -------------------------------------------------------------So “Boozer” gets home at 5am after being out partying all night and first thing he does is reach for his bottle of Jack Daniels in the freezer to make him a nightcap. As the freezer door is shutting he sees a note from his fiancé on the door that reads: “This isn’t working. Goodbye.” Boozer opens it up again and thinks to himself, “what is wrong with that woman, the door works just fine.” js -------------------------------------------------------------Guys, when a woman is really super mad, just tell her she’s overreacting and she’ll look at you, realize your absolutely right and calm the puck down immediately. me from the hospital. We need to discuss your lack of basic intuition but also I have a 1972 shovel w/ only 50 miles on it for sale. Js ---------------------------------------------------------------A nun walks into the Mother Superior’s office and plunks down into a chair. She lets out a sigh, heavy with frustration.

“What troubles you, Sister?” asked Mother Superior. “I thought this was the day you spent with your family.” “It was,” sighed the Sister. “And I went to play golf with my brother. We try to play golf as often as we can. You know I was quite a talented golfer before I devoted my life to the Church.” “I seem to recall that,” Mother Superior agreed. “So I take it your day of recreation was not relaxing?” “Far from it,” snorted the Sister. “In fact, I used profane language today.” “Goodness, Sister!” gasped Mother Superior. “You must tell me all about it!” “Well, we were on the 5th tee — and this hole is a monster, Mother — 540 yard par 5, with a nasty dogleg right and a hidden green … and I hit the drive of my life. The sweetest swing I’ve ever made. And it’s flying straight and true, right along the line I wanted … and it hits a bird in mid-flight!” “Oh my.” commiserated Mother Superior. “How unfortunate. But surely that didn’t make you blaspheme, Sister.” “No, that wasn’t it,” admitted the Sister. “While I was still trying to fathom what had happened, this squirrel runs out of the woods, grabs my ball and runs off down the fairway.” “Oh, that would have made me blaspheme.” sympathized Mother Superior. “But I didn’t, Mother!” sobbed the Sister. “And I was so proud of myself! And while I was pondering whether this was a sign from above, this hawk swoops out of the sky and grabs the squirrel and flies off, with my ball still clutched in his paws.” “So that’s when you cursed,” said Mother Superior with an all-knowing smile. “Nope, that wasn’t it either,” cried the Sister, anguished, “because as the hawk started to fly out of sight, the squirrel started struggling, and the hawk dropped him right there on the green, and the ball popped out of his paws and rolled to about 18 inches from the cup.” Mother Superior sat back in her chair, folded her arms across her chest, fixed the Sister with a baleful stare and deadpanned… “You missed the f*#^ing putt, didn’t you?” --------------------------------------------------------------A bitter husband says to his wife; “On your gravestone, I’ll put the words: Cold As Ever.” The wife replies, “Fine by me. On yours’, I’ll just simply put: Stiff At Last.”

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 44

Vintage F Cabooses in a Private Park Setting on the Shore of Clear Lake Full Breakfast Daily Private Pier & Boat Launch In-Room Jacuzzi Tubs Check Out our Easy Rider Room! Bike-Friendly - Great For Groups! 2870 Lakeshore Blvd. Nice, CA 95464 (707) B-R-Guest (707) 274-8378

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Halie o’ryan


hrough hard work, determination and sheer guts, worldwide entertainer, Halie O’Ryan has become a very talented vocalist, guitarist, percussionist & songwriter. Halie is one of the most sought after solo artists in an eight state region centered on California with expanding dates across the United States throughout 2018-19. Halie was born in California, but her musical roots stem from Hawaii where her grandmother would play the ukulele for family gatherings and friends. Halie longed to combine the joy of the island spirit with her California Rock and Roll roots, and entertain like her grandmother and look stunning while doing it, but her only problem was she was petrified of the stage. She recalls breaking out in hives on her neck before each performance, but even that didn’t diminish her desire to entertain an audience. As a young adult, Halie lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains influenced by 4-H and various mountain and biker communities. She hitchhiked everywhere she went until one day she saw a moped for sale on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for $150. It was JB welded and duck taped to squeeze out more miles. But to Halie it was beautiful… “No more Hitchhiking!” Halie followed a lead to entertain on a cruise ship. That job led her to performing in Waikiki, dinner theaters in Vegas and touring the USA with a comedy team. She worked several years in radio and TV broadcasting famously known as Halie O On The Go. She also landed her a contract with the United Services Organizations (USO). What an amazing education she received, on just how incredible a soldier’s life is. She said it was a true honor to perform in front of thousands of them. Halie and her bands toured overseas independently and with the USO for many years, doing an impressive 615 armed forces shows all over the world. In a career filled with highlights, it’s hard to choose just one. But her first shining moment was at the Moondance Jam Festival, when drummer Keith Knudsen invited her to play percussion with the Doobie Brothers at the second encore. When it came time for the bow, once again Keith wouldn’t take no for an answer… in front of 78,000 people, Halie stood with the Doobie Brothers and their families for the bow. She ended her performance jamming once again with the Doobie Brothers as well as with their kids that were on stage. Her first musical influence was Tom Petty. She was 13 when she first saw him perform. He was talented, classy, funny, and welcoming. He sang for 4 hours until he was literally on the floor saying, “Thank you so much, I have nothing else to give tonight”.... He gave his all. Halie carries that same dedication and strength, “giving her all” to her audience at every performance. Halie was performing at Reno’s Street Vibrations when Tom Petty was rushed to the hospital. Also playing the Reno venue was her long time friend Harry Fryed of The Fryed Brothers Band. The Fryed bus was there and she was in it taking a break between sets. Sound asleep, Harry nudged her and said “Halie, get your guitar” coming out of a

deep sleep and trying to get both eyelids to blink at the same time, Harry said “let’s work out that song of yours we played last night. You on guitar, me on fiddle.” He said, “Halie, if you wake up and jam...then you’re jamming! …Tom Petty said that”. Later that day, Tom Petty passed away. Halie said “I cried for a man that I never got to thank”. Halie has written and recorded many singles, currently Everything About You, Break Free and Always Want To Be With You (with Harry Fryed on fiddle). It’s been a long time coming and she’s happy to share it. Expected release is summer of 2018. She writes about good friends, strengthening, energy, freedom and the wind. In 2018, Halie will be touring a lot of the US including California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida as well as returning for the 3rd time to Fleetwood’s in Maui, owned by Mick Fleetwood, of the legendary Fleetwood Mac. Halie has the heart and commitment of a biker and loves the biker community. She looks forward to performing at more biker events and rallies, bringing her unique sound and her beautiful Heritage Softail. Halie, you are an inspiration to us all… Ride Safe, and Sing Proud! Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey / T3 Design Studios

Booking Information Facebook: Halie O’Ryan Artist Management: (530) 613-0809

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 47



Mike’s Motorworks & Customization 301C Burns Drive #4 Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 822-9895

C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin 12015 Shale Ridge Auburn, CA 95602 530-885-5556

Rick’s Automotive Biker Owned & Operated 3725 Pine Street Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 632-8230

Bars/Restaurants Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub 4430 Pleasant Valley Road Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 644-4301 Brownsville Station Cafe brownsvillestationcafe@gmail. com 8570 La Porte Rd Brownsville, Ca 95919 (530) 675-2544 Double D Steak Seafood-Bar-Grill 320 Main Street Fortuna, CA 95540 (707) 725-3700 Elkhorn Saloon 18398 Old River Road W. Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-BARR (2277) Kenny’s Bar & Grill 721 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 662-3634 The Omelet House 3455 Cherokee Road Stockton, CA (209) 941-2750 Road Trip Bar & Grill 24989 State Hwy 16 Capay, CA 95607 530-796-3777 Valencia Club 2162 Taylor Road Penryn, CA 95663 (916) 663-0300

Folsom Harley-Davidson® 115 Woodmere Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 608-9922 Harley-Davidson of Rocklin 4401 Granite Drive Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 259-2453 Harley-Davidson® of Yuba City 720 W. Onstott Road Yuba City, CA 95991 (888) 693-4509 Indian Motorcycle of Hollister 411 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 630-5200 Iron Steed Harley-Davidson® 100 Auto Center Drive Vacaville, CA, USA 95687 707-455-7000 Redwood Harley-Davidson® 2500 Sixth Street Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 444-0111 Sonoma County Harley-Davidson® 7601 Redwood Drive Cotati, CA 94931 (707) 793-9180 VICTORY of Citrus Heights 7601 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 725-8158 Heating & Air Conditioning

A&M Heating and Air Conditioning 7625 Sunrise Blvd – Ste 208 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 747-5654

Insurance CycleInsure Agency 4201 Sunrise Blvd – Suite B Fair Oaks, CA 95628 800-800-0965 / 916-200-1000 Jim Wall Insurance Agency Kelly Weber – Owner/Agent 6045 Hazel Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 Email: (916) 989-1915 Nobel West Insurance Services (800) 391-1313 Leather Goods J&S Surplus Eagle Iron & Leather Hwy 1 & North Struve Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 831-724-0588 The Leatherworks, Inc. 188 Frank West Circle #C Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 983-9200 Tomson Leather WE HAVE MOVED! Call For Appointment (530) 622-2453 West Coast Leathers 10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17 Lake of the Pines, CA 95949 (916) 803-6854 Lodging & Resorts Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast Resort 2870 Lakeshore Blvd Nice, CA 95464 (707)274-8378 Inn of the Lost Coast 205 Wave Drive Shelter Cove, CA 95589 707-986-7521 Motorcycle Attorneys Jachimowicz Law Group 1530 The Alameda – Ste 115 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 246-5500 Kirbys Law California’s Motorcycle Lawyers 24/7 (800) 699-9097

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 48

Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers 1010 Hurley Way – Ste 410 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 565-0590 Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys (800) 800-4-BIKERS Motorcycle Detailing San Jose Hogwash Motorcycle Detailing P.O. Box 24273 San Jose, CA 95154 (408) 641-1940 Powder Coating Performance Powder Coating & Sandblasting 6326 Main Avenue #4 Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 987-1942 Sales / Service / Accessories Billy’s Motorcycle Shop 3233 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-3023 Clinton’s Custom Cycle 555 G Street Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-0954 Custom Design Studios 56 Hamilton Drive – Suite A Novato, CA 94949 (415) 382-6662 Dirtbag Cycles 155 Nardi Lane – Ste B Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 372-3818 HD Performance 217 Kenroy Lane – Ste 7 Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 715-9530 HK Cycles 196 Airway Blvd Livermore, CA 94551 (925) 443-1269

BFD Business Sponsorships: 3 months for only $60 (receive monthly magazines for your customers!) Horse Power by Gerolamy 4046 Wayside Lane – Ste J Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 638-9008 916) 485-8288

Miller Built Performance Cycles 3115 Alhambra Drive – Ste 200 Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 672-9141

Humboldt Performance Cycle 1341 Evergreen Road #1 Redway, CA 95560 (707) 923-7103

Nor Cal V-Twin 3340 Sunrise Blvd – Ste D1 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 706-2763

Jake’s CustomCycles, LLC 6321 Main Avenue Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 320-0763

Omega Motorcycle 660 Harbor Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-2206

John Jessup’s DREAM RIDES 2275 N. Wilson Way Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 467-4669

Penngrove Motorcycle Company 9585 Main Street Penngrove, CA 94951 (707) 793-7993

Mike’s MotorWorks & Customization 301C Burns Drive #4 Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 822-9895

Rack and Pull Industries (916) 899-1188

Road Dog Cycle 4600 Main Street Denair, CA 95316 (209) 669-7404 Ride-On-Motorcycles 1416 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 647-RIDE(7433) Seatworks Custom Motorcycle Seats (916) 729-1012 Xtreme Cycle Motorsports 5910 Auburn Blvd – Ste 11 Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 348-3366 Tattoos The Dogfather Tattoo Company 120 J Street Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 677-0844

Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 49

Wild Bill Tattoo 115 Lincoln Street Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-9090 Tires Cal Tire and Auto Works MOTORCYCLES – CARS – TRUCKS 2710 E. Fremont Street Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 465-2805


Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Northern California 51

YOUR BIKE DESERVES IT’S OWN GARAGE CALL ME TO LEARN MORE! Jennifer Slade Mortgage Loan Originator | NMLS 1484801

530.457.7356 SecurityNational Mortgage Company | 3005 Douglas Blvd #100 | Roseville, CA 95661 | Branch NMLS 1169890 | Branch Phone: 916-462-9125 This is not a commitment to make a loan. Loans are subject to borrower and property qualifications. Contact loan officer listed for an accurate, personalized quote. Interest rates and program guidelines are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. State License Number CA-DBO1239383. SecurityNational Mortgage Company complies with Section 8 of RESPA and does not offer any thing of value in exchange for referrals or the expectation of referrals. SecurityNational Mortgage Company is an Equal Housing Lender. Company NMLS# 3116

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Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events online at JUNE 2018

JUNE 1-3 Street Vibrations Spring Rally RENO, CARSON & VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA Presented by Roadshows, Inc. Vendors & participants go to For more information: (775) 329-7469 / JUNE 1-3 20th Annual Mountain Campout GRASS VALLEY Presented by Grand Fathers Motorcycle Club. Rollins Lake -15000 Greenhorn Access Road. Noon. $30 advance/$35 at Gate. Come Party Old School Biker Style with the Grand Fathers and The Fryed Brothers Band. Great atmosphere and cool vibes, plenty of food and fun. This is the one everyone is talking about! For more information: JUNE 2 25th Annual San Jose Red & White Poker Run SAN JOSE Presented by San Jose Red & White. Check in at 659 Drake St. 10am / $25 donation. See any San Jose member for tickets. JUNE 3 24th Annual Hot Rods & Harleys Show VACAVILLE Presented by Abate Local 17 of Ca. & Iron Steed Harley Davidson - 100 Auto Center Drive. 9am - 11am sign in of cars and bikes (13 Bike categories and 6 Car categories) Show starts at 11am. Entry fees on or before May 31st are $20 - after May 31st $25. Free admission to the Public. Bring the Family. The Black Water Nor - Cal Country will be playing during the show. Supports Sarah’s Scholarship, Vaca Fish and Yountville Veteran’s Wreaths. For more information: Glenn Phillips (707) 624-6310

JUNE 3 9th Annual Diablo Crew M/C Summer Party TRACY Presented by Diablo Crew M/C. Located at Mountain House Bar - 16784 Grant Line Road. Noon - 5pm $20 donation. Food-Fun-Prizes-Live Band. Door prize entry with presale ticket JUNE 6 12th Annual Bike Blessing & Run OAKHURST Presented by Bikers for Christ Central Sierra Chapter. Mountain Christian Center – 40299 Hwy 49. $20. Complimentary breakfast 9am-9:45am. Registration 9am10:30a. Blessing 10am. Kickstands up 10:30am. All are welcome, come out and fellowship with us. Beautiful Ride to Bass Lake Little Church in the Pines. Tri-Tip Lunch, Live music, Raffle prizes. For more information: Mark Smith (559) 641-2277 JUNE 9 Shrine Poker Run FOLSOM Presented by Ben Ali Shrine Motorcycle Club. Run starts at Folsom Harley Davidson – 115 Woodmere Road. 11am (pre-party 8 June 8th - time to be decided) Cost is $35 at pre-party $40 at the day of the run. Event will travel though the foothills and end at Slingshots in Placerville for dinner. Tickets include a Tshirt, Grand prize for the best poker hand. Come and ride your way through the foothills. For more information: Jack Campbell (916) 806-4459 / JUNE 9 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 6 pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / www.

707.793.9180 7601 REDWOOD DRIVE COTATI, CA 94931

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JUNE 9 Refuge Run ANGELS CAMP Presented by Refuge Church. Located at 642 Murphy’s Grade Rd. Totally FREE event. Starts at approx 9am with praise and worship and short prayer meeting. Biker blessing around 11am then ride to White Pines Lake for lunch and teaching. Return to Refuge around 3pm for live band entertainment raffle and supper. Come let us serve and love on you for the day while you enjoy a day of REFUGE. For more information: hangman89@ JUNE 10 Joker’s Wild Poker Run PLACERVILLE Presented by Sierra Riders. Register at American Legion Hall - 561 Greenstone Road. 9am-10:30am. $20 single / $30 double. Ride the beautiful Sierras with the Sierra Riders. High Low Poker Hands, Raffle. Proceeds benefit Adopt-a-Family. Music, T-Shirt, and a spaghetti lunch included. For more information: (530) 642 - 9326 See flyer on Pg 11 JUNE 10 3rd Annual Rockin the Delta Poker Run LODI Presented by Mercenaries MC. Check in Double D Customs - 335 Kettleman Ln. 9:30 am to 11:30 am. $20.00 Donation . Delta poker run ends at 5089 E Woodbridge Rd in Acampo with Live Music by Suicide Shift, Food, Raffle Prizes and Door Prize. For more information: (209) 369-2838 JUNE 16 Bikefest PLACERVILLE Presented by Boozefighters Hangtown. Located at PJ’s Roadhouse - 5641 Mother Lode Dr. 12pm-4pm. $15 single/$25 couple. Come party with the Original Wild Ones. Includes live music by Savannah Blue Band, Hangtown famous pulled pork and beans, ride-in bike show with trophies, vendors, 50/50, and raffle. Bring out your chopper, custom, or vintage motorcycle. Vendors wanted. For more information: Tramp at (650) 834-4412

JUNE 21 Harley-Davidson of Rocklin Bike Night II ROCKLIN Presented by Harley-Davidson of Rocklin – 4401 Granite Drive. 6pm-8pm. Show off your ride! Food –Fun - Free Prizes. For more information: (916) 259-2453 / See flyer on Pg 27 JUNE 23 Bet Your Ass Casino Run VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley-Davidson - 100 Auto Center Drive. 9am - 11am registration For more information: (707) 455-7000 / See flyer on Pg 18 JUNE 23 Fun In The Sun COTTONWOOD Presented by Hell’s Angels MC North. Located at American Legion Hall – 3297 Chestnut Street. 6pm Food, drinks and family environment. Come down and have a great time. For more information: Jose (530) 241-1421 JUNE 23 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 6 pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / www. JUNE 23 Iron Souls Bike Wash SACRAMENTO Presented by Iron Souls. Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2pm. Dirty Bike? Come get your bike washed during the Iron Souls bike wash! For more information: (916) 929-4680 / JUNE 24 Dog Days of Summer Adoption VACAVILLE Presented by Iron Steed Harley-Davidson and SPCA of Solano County - 100 Auto Center Drive. 10am – 3pm. For more information: (707) 455-7000 / See flyer on Pg 18



Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 56

Remember Remember to to check check for for MORE MORE events events submitted submittedAFTER AFTER print print deadline deadline at at JUNE 30 Fundraiser for Fire Victim Aunt Janet Hord ANTELOPE Presented by Ghost Krew Motorcycle Ministry. Located at the VFW Hall – 3300 U Street. 1pm - 7pm. Cost $10 includes spaghetti feed, car show, bike show, live music and bounce houses for the kids. There will be raffles, vendors and an additional food truck. This will be a family friendly event. Children under 10 years old are free. For more information: President Shawn H (916) 604-2620 / Vice President Ryan N. (916) 230-8102 JUNE 30 Gold Country 49er Poker Run AUBURN Presented by Gold Country Indian Motorcycle Riders Group. Sign in C&E - 12015 Shale Ridge Rd. 9am. Registration is $15 Solo Rider / $25 Couple. Pre-register online at to save time at check-in. Open to ALL motorcycle makes! Join us for a scenic ride through the foothills as we seek out the high poker hand. Raffles, 50/50, Food Truck. Proceeds this year benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) through the Hope Motorcycle Rally. Your dollars will help continue the effort to save lives with research funded by the PCF. This year, help us support a cure to save lives. For more information: See flyer on Pg 19 JUNE 30 Island Thunder MC 10th Anniversary Luau NEWARK Presented by Island Thunder MC. Located at Swiss Park 5911 Mowery Ave. 3pm-9pm. Presale $20 / $25 at the door gets you Hawaiian BBQ, Live Bands, Polynesian Dancers, 50/50/ & door Prizes. For more information: www. See flyer on Pg 51 JUNE 30 Santa Rosa Short Track Motorcycle Race SANTA ROSA Presented by Western Flat Track. Located at the legendary Chris Beck Area / Sonoma Fairgrounds – 1350 Bennett Valley Road. Gates open at 2pm. Prices TBD. Western Flat Track Championship National pros, Hooligans, MadDog 150’s (riders in costume) and local racers all competing for glory. Plenty of food, beverages, live band and off-track entertainment. For more information: info@westernflattrack. com / Randy Kremlacek (415) 531-6851

JUNE 30 Ride-On-Motorcycle’s Shop Ride To The Fights VALLEJO Presented by Ride-On-Motorcycles – 1416 Sonoma Blvd. Meet at shop to ride to Bay Area Combat’s North Bay Face Off II. For more information: Call (707) 647-RIDE (7433) to secure your tickets. See flyer on Pg 11 JUNE 30 2nd Anniversary Party YUBA CITY Presented by Harley-Davidson of Yuba City – 720 W. Onstott Road. 11am - 5pm FREE We’re celebrating our 2nd Anniversary with a PIG ROAST! We’re going to have a raffle, games, live music, and lots of good food! For more information: See flyer on Pg 37

JULY 2018

JULY 6-8 Wild One Saloon – Hollister Rally HOLLISTER Presented by Indian Motorcycle of Hollister. Located at Veteran’s Memorial Building – 649 San Benito Street. Full Bar – Live Music – Bikini Bartendars - $5 Beers. 2018 Model Line-Up Factory Demo Rides start at 10am at Hollister Powersports dealership 411 San Felipe Road. For more information: (831) 630-5706 See flyer on Inside Front Cover JULY 7 Top Hatters 71st Anniversary Run HOLLISTER Presented by Top Hatters of Hollister. Check in at Corbin’s - 2360 Technology Parkway. 9am to 12Noon. $20. Be a part of Hollister Tradition. Door Prizes, 50/50, Food, Run Pin, Live Music, High Hand, Low Hand. Benefits San Benito High School Scholarship Fund. For more information: (669) 253-0665 JULY 7 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 6 pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / www.

707.793.9180 7601 REDWOOD DRIVE COTATI, CA 94931

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JULY 7 Litas Bikini Bike Wash SACRAMENTO Presented by The Litas Ladies Motorcycle Club. HarleyDavidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am-3pm. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / JULY 13-15 Camp Komratto 2018 MIDDLETOWN Presented by The Komratto Foundation. Big Pines Campground - 12475 State Highway 175. 2 nights camping, biker games, Saturday BBQ, live music featuring Aqua Nett, The Fryed Brothers Band, Double Barrel Boys. Don’t miss it! Tickets On Sale Now! 21 and over. For more information: (707) 889-5379 / See flyer on Pg 51 JULY 14 9th Annual American Legion Riders Post 119 Poker Run PLACERVILLE Presented by American Legion Riders Chapter 119. Registration at American Legion Hall - 4561 Greenstone Rd. 8:30am to 11am $25(1/up) / $35(2/up). Come join us for an awesome summer ride in the Sierra Foothills. High/Low hand awards, Raffle and 50/50 Vendors and BBQ lunch. Chapter Challenge. Run pins to first 150. Benefits Veterans and the American Legion. For more information: Rich Bergin (530) 409-8794 JULY 14 Summer Poker Run PRUNEDALE Presented by American Legion Riders District 28. Sign in at American Legion Post 593 - 8300 Prunedale N. 9am to 10am. Donation single $20 / couple $30. High/Low Hand, Silent auction, Raffle, BBQ & Music. Silent auction benefits Operation Freedom Paws in memory of Wayne Cloukey. For more information: Linda or John (408) 448-4784 / Email

JULY 14 Humboldt Half Mile Motorcycle Race FERNDALE Presented by Western Flat Track. Located at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds – 1250 5th Street. Gates open at 2pm. Prices TBD. Western Flat Track Championship Pro/ Am Half Mile Race. National pros, Hooligans and local racers all competing at this annual event. Plenty of food, beverages and off-track entertainment. For more information: / Randy Kremlacek (415) 531-6851 JULY 14 When Heavy Metal Ruled The World WOODLAND Presented by Velocity Park - 155 N. East St. 8pm – Midnight. Biker friendly heavy metal concert! Rock out under the stars at Velocity Park’s awesome outdoor stage! Full bar & good eats! Long time local band Preshuz Metal playing songs by AC/DC, Scorpions, Montrose, Queensryche, Black Sabbath, Motley Crue, Riot, & more! Come party with us! Proceeds benefit PAWS animal rescue & adoption. JULY 14 Bikes, Boats & Bikini’s #7 STOCKTON Presented by Too Much Fun Club. Located at Windmill Cove – 7600 Windmill Cove Road. 12pm – 11pm One of the BIGGEST events on the Delta!!!!! 3 Bands, including the Spazmatic’s, Bikini Contest & VIP Areas. For more information: See flyer on Pg 51 JULY 21 Baggers and Brews SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 11am - 2pm. Free It’s back! Don’t miss out on the baddest bagger bike show! For more information: (916) 929-4680 / JULY 21 18th Annual Run to the Pines JAMESTOWN Presented by Jamestown CA HOG #8102. Registration at Jamestown H-D. 8:30am-3pm. $25. Poker run to Dardanelle Resort Hwy 108. Run pin, raffle prizes, 50/50. Tri-tip lunch and live band for dancing. Bike raffle: 2018 Low Rider 107. Tickets are $20 ea or 6 for $100. Need not be present to win



Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 58

Remember Remember to to check check for for MORE MORE events events submitted submittedAFTER AFTER print print deadline deadline at at JULY 21 Christmas in July #2 AUBURN Presented by COTAH. Begins at C&E Indian & V-Twin - 12015 Shale Ridge Ln. 10am / $20 per Bike. Low ball poker run, door prizes, 50/50, BBQ and Live Music Featuring The Buzztones at The Coloma Club in Coloma. Benefits the Underprivileged Children of the Foresthill Divide Christmas Bicycle Giveaway. We greatly appreciate all who attended last year and hope to see you again. For more information: JULY 21 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 2pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / www.


AUGUST 18 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 6 pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / www. AUGUST 18 30th Annual Summer Run COTATI Presented by Redwood Empire Chapter HOG. Registration at Sonoma County Harley Davidson - 7601 Redwood Dr. 8am -10am. $15 per person with food options available. Poker run, ride pins to the first 300, music, raffle prizes, chapter challenge, vendors, ride-in bike show, and all the fun you can handle. Benefits the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home. For more information: (707)7939180 Email: / summer-run/

AUGUST 4 Demo Days SACRAMENTO Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento - 1000 Arden Way. 9am - 6 pm. It’s time to find your freedom. Test ride a brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Softail! Weather permitting. For more information: (916) 929-4680 /

AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 2 Redwood Run 2018 PIERCY Presented by Kiwanis of the Redwoods. Located at Cooks Valley Campground – 83950 Rd 442E (new location) Join us Labor Day weekend for some old school biker camping with non-stop kick ass music!! For more information: TBA

AUGUST 5 NorCal Cycle Swap SACRAMENTO Located at West Wind Drive - In 9619 Oates Drive. Swap with 100 vendors, all makes and models of bike parts. 8am, $10. For more information: See flyer on Pg 13

2nd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH SUTTER CREEK American Legion Riders Meeting Presented by Post 108 Legion Riders – 11401 American Legion Drive – 6:30pm.

AUGUST 11 Patriots MC 23rd Annual Summer Run PRUNEDALE Presented by Patriots MC. Sign in at American Legion Post #593 -8300 North Prunedale Road. Sign in 10am to Noon. Donation $20. Donation includes 5 stop hand/ high and low, 4th stop Rider Reward Ticket, BBQ meal, live band. Also, the famous Keg Toss / men and women classes, door prizes, 50/50, and Rider Reward Prize. Vendors welcome, no fee. Benefits 30th annual Palo Alto Veterans Hospital Event. For more information:


2nd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH MANTECA Eagle’s Nest HOG Chapter Monthly Meeting Presented by Eagle’s Nest HOG Chapter - Mountain Mike’s Pizza - 1120 N Main St. 7pm – 8pm/ Meeting is free. Do you ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and are looking for a fun group to ride with? Come join the Eagle’s Nest HOG Chapter to learn about their upcoming rides.

707.793.9180 7601 REDWOOD DRIVE COTATI, CA 94931

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3rd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FOLSOM Folsom HOG Chapter 1787 General Meeting Presented by Folsom HOG – Round Table Pizza – 9500 Greenback Lane – Unit 1. 7pm-8:30pm For more information: / Secretary@ 1st WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH SACRAMENTO Sacramento HOG Monthly Social Presented by Sacramento Harley Owners Group – Elks Lodge #6 – 6446 Riverside Blvd. 6:30pm Do you ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle? Do you like to ride and have fun? If yes, please come and join us for our monthly chapter social. For more information: Savannah Westbrook EVERY THURSDAY RANCHO CORDOVA BIKER CHURCH NIGHT Presented by Thunder Road Biker Church - 3235 Sunrise Blvd #3 7pm-8pm 2nd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH VACAVILLE Vacaville HOG Chapter Monthly Meet & Greet Presented by Iron Steed H.O.G. Chapter Vacaville. Located at Hide-A-Way - 1080 Orange Dr. 7pm. Are you looking for a group of people just like you? Do you need people to ride with? Look no further! For more information or inquiries, contact our Chapter Director Dori at Chapter Asst. Director Charlynn at 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH WOODLAND BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE Meeting at VFW Hall – 345 W. Kentucky Avenue. 7pm Meetings are open to the public. (530) 848-2090 with any questions. 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FAIRFIELD OPEN HOUSE Presented by Dirty Whites Club House – 748 N. Texas St 8pm - ? Come have a blast! Contact Joe 707-694-5251

3rd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH VALLEJO OPEN HOUSE Presented by Hellbent MC 707 Crew – 100 Lincoln Rd. E - 8pm. Come one come all! Our house is open to start your weekend off right, join us for our Open House night. EVERY SATURDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Open House to the Biker Community – 3418 Auburn Blvd on Saturday nights – 6pm. / No Cover Charge. Come Join the MSMC and other motorcycle enthusiasts where we enjoy good entertainment, cold drinks, and good food. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Sarge (785) 410-1015. 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH AUBURN MONTHLY CHAPTER MEETING Presented by Gold Country Indian Motorcycle Riders Group. C&E Auburn Indian & V-Twin - 12015 Shale Ridge Rd. 9:30am. Gold Country IMRG is open to all motorcycle brands. All members and perspective members and friends are welcome. 2nd SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH ROSEVILLE BIKER CHURCH NIGHT Presented by Thunder Road Biker Church - 706 Atlantic Street 5:30pm-6:30pm


EVERY TUESDAY FOLSOM OPEN MIC NIGHT Presented by Mark’s Sports Bar & Grill – 303 Iron Point Rd. 6:30pm-11PM. Live Free Ride Free! Food and drink specials. For more information: Lmosangels@ EVERY THURSDAY SACRAMENTO Presented by Misplaced Souls MC. Thursday Night Fun Night – 3418 Auburn Blvd. 6pm / Join the MSMC for its Thursday Night get together. Free food, entertainment and great company. All like minded members of the community are welcome. The MSMC reserve the right to refuse access to who they choose. For more information: Spit Shine (916) 217-2508 / Sarge (785) 410-1015

707.793.9180 7601 REDWOOD DRIVE COTATI, CA 94931

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Remember Remember to to check check for for MORE MORE events events submitted submittedAFTER AFTER print print deadline deadline at at 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH ARCATA BIKE NIGHT Presented by M.O.B. of Humboldt Everett’s Club on the Plaza at 784 9th Street. The fun starts at 6pm. All motorcycles welcome. Free food, 50/50 raffle, pack ride. / 2nd FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH LODI BIKE NIGHT Presented by The Water Hole along with The Red Iron Riders. 246 N. Cluff Ave. 6:30pm Cost depending on the menu $10-$18. A great NO DRAMA social event to get to know others that share the passion of the bike. Outdoor private patio area, pool tables, Shuffleboard, Music, big screen TVs for game nights and more. All bikes welcome, and those without bikes welcome too. For more information: (209) 6047149 / (209) 327-8283

EVERY SATURDAY LATHROP FREE FOOD Presented by Eagle’s Nest HarleyDavidson – 13900 Harlan Rd. 11am-2pm. Free while supplies last. Call to find out what is on the menu. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit. For more information: (209) 941-0420 EVERY SATURDAY SACRAMENTO FREE FOOD Presented by Harley-Davidson of Sacramento – 1000 Arden Way. 11am-2pm. Free while supplies last. Call to find out what is on the menu. All donations will benefit a local nonprofit. For more information: (916) 929-4680 / 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH HISTORIC COLFAX PANCAKE BREAKFAST Presented Grand Fathers MC No Cal – Clubhouse 301 S. Railroad Street – 8:30am – 11am. Start your day out with the Grand Fathers MC!

Reference: BF (Biker Friendly Directory) / MP (Marketplace)

A&M Heating and Air....................................................................... 45 Bikers Inner Circle........................................................................... 52 Bikes Boats & Bikinis....................................................................... 51 Billy’s Motorcycle Shop.................................................................... 43 Bliss Electronics.............................................................................. 11 Bones Roadhouse Bar & Grub........................................................ 43 Brownsville Station Café................................................................. 15 Buffalo Chip................................................................. 53 / Backcover C&E Auburn Indian &V-Twin ................................................... 19 Cal Tire & Autoworks ...................................................................... 28 California Motorcycle Safety Program............................................... 7 Camp Komratto............................................................................... 51 Citrus Heights Victory...................................................................... 15 Clinton’s Custom Cycle................................................................... 17 Custom Design Studios................................................................... 41 CycleInsure Agency......................................................................... 19 Dirtbag Cycles................................................................................. 28 Double D Steak............................................................................... 29 Eagle Iron and Leather.................................................................... 45 Elkhorn Saloon................................................................................ 15 Fairing Plus..................................................................................... 28 Featherbed Railroad Bed & Breakfast............................................. 45 Folsom-Rocklin Harley-Davidson.................................... 27 Calendar Georgetown Hotel........................................................................... 41 HD Performance.............................................................................. 41 Harley-Davidson of Yuba City.......................................................... 37 HK Cycles........................................................................................ 19 Horse Power By Gerolamy.............................................................. 28 Humboldt Performance Cycle......................................................... 29 Indian Motorcycle of Hollister................................ Inside Front Cover Inn of the Lost Coast....................................................................... 39 Iron Steed H-D................................................................................ 18 Island Thunder MC.......................................................................... 51 Jake’s Custom Cycles..................................................................... 16 Jachimowicz Law Group................................................................... 5 Jim Wall Insurance Agency............................................................. 41

John Jessup’s Dream Rides............................................................ 13 Kenny’s Bar&Grill............................................................................ 11 Kirby Law........................................................................................... 1 Miller Built Performance Cycles...................................................... 15 Nickell’s Custom ............................................................................. 41 Noble West Insurance Services...................................................... 37 NorCal Cycle Swap Meet................................................................ 13 NorCal V-Twin................................................................................. 41 Omega Motorcycles........................................................................ 19 Omelet House................................................................................. 41 Penngrove Motorcycle Company.................................................... 45 Perfect Past Custom Motorcycles................................................... 39 Performance Powercoating............................................................. 17 Rack and Pull Industries.................................................................... 6 Redwood Harley-Davidson.............................................................. 17 Rick’s Automotive............................................................................ 52 Ride-On Motorcycles....................................................................... 11 Road Dog Cycle.............................................................................. 17 Road Trip Bar & Grill......................................................................... 3 Roadshows........................................................................................ 4 Rushford & Bonotto Trial Lawyers................................................... 52 Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys................................................... 54 San Jose Hogwash......................................................................... 41 SeatWorks....................................................................................... 13 Sonoma County HD..............................................................EVENTS T3 Design Studios........................................................................... 52 The Leatherworks............................................................................ 45 Thunder Road Biker Church............................................................ 36 Ultra Cool........................................................................................ 11 Valencia Club................................................................................... 18 West Coast Leathers....................................................................... 17 Wild Bill Tattoo................................................................................. 17 White Hot Limos.............................................................................. 13 WWW.............................................................................................. 52 Xtreme Motorsports ........................................................................ 43

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