The Docket - March 2022

Page 14

The Intersection of the Law, Vaccinations, and Covid-19



he family courts, as well as possibly every part of our society, have been hit hard by the global pandemic. The courts have been asked to decide if children should be allowed to spend time with a parent that may be employed in a setting where he or she is more likely to be exposed to COVID-19.

Judges are requested to make decisions regarding The medical community considers this to be a watershed whether a child should travel given potential exposure moment in the COVID-19 pandemic, as it represents an to COVID-19. Additionally, a court might be required to opportunity to protect as many as 28 million Americans opine about whether or not a child should be allowed to from an illness that has claimed the lives of over five miltravel at all if the child would be obligated to quarantine lion people worldwide. upon return and thus be temporarily unable to attend Healthcare providers advocate for getting children in-person school or extracurricular activities. The court vaccinated. The reasons may include: might be asked to rule on whether a child should travel 1. Although COVID-19 in children is usually less seor engage in certain activities if that vere, children can become seriously ill will expose other people in the home and die from the disease. For examLisa L. who are more susceptible to the virus. ple, there were more than 200,000 peDunn is a Furthermore, courts have been asked diatric cases in the month of October partner with the Law to determine if it is in the child’s best 2021 in the United States. Over 700 Offices of interest to enjoin out of state travel. children have died from the disease in Massucci, And, now, the courts are being asked the U.S. through November 2021. Blomquist, to decide if a child should receive the 2. Vaccinating children directly Anderson COVID-19 vaccine. affects vulnerable populations with & Dunn in Arlington As of early-February, 2022, whom they interact. This could inHeights. She the CDC has approved the Pfizer clude grandparents, parents, teachers represents COVID-19 vaccine for children aged and others who may be vaccinated, clients in family and matrimonial 12 and older and recently authorized but could be more susceptible to law matters. the vaccine for children 5-11 years old. serious illness.


The Docket

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