Greenvalley 2012 11 november

Page 1



„w<£ "åºb

Volume : 03 | Issue : 11 | Month : NOV - 2012

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1. Z_ç\’iÜ«∞Öò 2. „H©ã¨∞Î Z=~°∞? – „H©ã¨∞Î#O^Œ∞ <Õ<≥=ix? (Ô~=. *Ï<£ Ñ‘@~ü) 3. CELEBRATIONS : Youth Retreat Celebrations 4. ÜÕ∞ã¨Ü«∞º‰õΩ ...... KåÖÏ W+¨ìO („|^Œ~ü.W=∂‡#∞ÜÕ∞Öò) 5. SUNDAY SCHOOL : Pray for Sunday School Children 6. z#fl Ѩ#∞Å∞ KÕã≤<å "Õ∞Å∞ (Ô~=.\˜.Z.„ѨÉèí∞H˜~°}ü) 7. YOUTH SECTION : My New Home..! Yours...? 8. x[ „ÔH·ã¨Î=Ù_»∞ (ÔÔ~=._®.ÔH.ɡO[q∞<£) 9. YOUTH SECTION : Honor your Father & Mother 10.g∞ H˘~°‰õΩ „áê~°÷# KÕÜ«∞|_»∞#∞ 11. BIRTHDAY Greetings : Bishop 12. MARRIAGE Greetings : K.Amith & Ramya 12. GREEN VALLEY CHURCH TIMINGS

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3 5 8 11 12 15 16 18 19 22 23 24 24

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ONLINE : Andhra Bank, G.V.M.W.A., A/c.No: 063310011020800

SBI Bank, P.B.Tukaram, A/c.No: 30707624843 =∂ P.B.TUKARAM, Pastor z~∞° <å=∂ Post Box.No:139, Shivajipalem, Visakhapatnam-530017, A.P., Cell: 9866 787 557.

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Z_ç\’iÜ«∞Öò É’~ü¤ (Editorial Board)

„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY


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COMPUTERS REQUIRED 2 COMPUTERS (Overall Cost = 35,000/-) are REQUIRED to this Magazine Ministry, which is a part of GREEN VALLEY MINISTRIES. U can Sponsor 1 Computer also (=17,000 /-)

God has broken the chains of financial crisis in so many families who have sponsored to this Magazine Ministry. Through their testimonies they have stated that GOD HAS LIFTED THEM HIGH. When this Magazine knocks the door of some houses, they have stated that, they have got freedom over financial crisis. And all these people have stated their testimonies through letter to our Ministry. Thank GOD for doing miracles in their lifes. So, Why don’t you need to be blessed now ? This is GOD’s ministry. GOD wants the doors of heaven to be opened and shower his blessings on you, your family & your descendants. So, Sponsor according to the GOD’s will and burden in your heart. "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for God is pleased with such sacrifices".Heb 13:16. According to the Scriptures GOD Bless you in abundance in all aspects of your life...

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Bro. EMMANUEL | Children Missionary.


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„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY



CHILDRENS „áêi÷Oz! ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞Ѩ_»O_ç!!



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K. Raju



D. Anil


















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Y. Vijay Kumar

R. Grace


May God Bless these Kids

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„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY MY NEW HOME...! Yours ...?



Some questions like this Is there a home in heaven? Where do the dead go? Have you ever wondered where you would live after you die? Do you have a new home waiting for you? In one of the most familiar passages in the Bible, Jesus Christ answers these questions. He says, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:1-3)." For the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, God has prepared for us a home in heaven. here is a home in heaven for the believer and a home in hell for the unbelievers which home is waiting for you is determined by your choice. John 3:18 says "He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten son of God." Could it be that the home for the Christians is in the North in the universe? Consider Psalms 48:1-2, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the North the city of the Great King." Here it is implied that the great city of God is in the North. This is the place Satan tried to ascend to when He tried to overthrow God. Isaiah 14:13 says, "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North." There is no doubt that the Scriptures teach that God has a city in heaven, a city which God has prepared for all the believers of all the ages to live. Hebrews 12:22 says, "But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem." This city is called the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, the city of the living God, the holy city, the holy Jerusalem, and many other names. When Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2),"

''Ü≥∞Ǩϟ"å Pj~åfi^Œ=Ú Sâ◊fi~°ºq∞K«∞Û#∞—— – ™ê"≥∞`«Å∞ 10 : 22.

„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY


He was referring to this heavenly city where God resides which Jesus called "my Father's house." The word "mansion" means dwelling place or a place to live or stay(house). So we learn that there are many mansions or dwelling places in this which are made up of gold and silver. Who are these mansions or dwelling places for? Jesus tells us clearly in John 14 that they are being prepared for the believers. We believers are one day going to live in the "city of the living God." Isn't that fantastic! Jesus said that if it were not so, He would have told us (John 14:2). That statement ought to settle it once and for all. The physical dimensions of the city are given in the book of Revelation 21:16. It is 1500 miles on a side and 1500 miles high, and is cube shaped. It therefore contains 3,375,000,000 cubic miles of space. Someone once computed that of all believers of all ages (billions upon billions of believers), that each believer would have around two cubic acres to himself. Read Revelation 21:9-27, and 22:1-7. Also, read how this city is going to be brought across the universe and land on the new earth according to Revelation 21:1,2,10. Can you imagine what lengths God is taking for the provision of His believers? If possible and want to know more about your new home in heaven please read below scriptures . See Revelation 20:2,10; Hebrews 12:22, Psalms 48:1-2.Leviticus 1:11; Psalms 26:7; 48:1-2; Isaiah 4:12-14; Psalms 75:5; Job 26:7. Then, and greatest of all, God Himself will live with us forever in this City! "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, 'Behold, the tabernacle (dwelling) of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away." I hope and pray that your new home is in heaven. Trust Christ today. So please be prepared and pray for the new home which God want to give you...


''hu=∞O`«∞Å∞ PtOK«∞#k "åiH˜ ^˘~°∞‰õΩ#∞—— – ™ê"≥∞`«Å∞ 10 : 24.



„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY

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„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY






HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. [Exodus 20:12]. "Daddy the Superhero" Brandon and Sean loved superheroes. They loved Superman and Batman and the Fantastic Four and dozens and dozens more. Their rooms were overflowing with action figures and comic books of all of the most amazing super heroes in the imaginary world and they knew their names and their stories to the tiniest little detail. “Tell me the favorite thing you like about a superhero.” Mommy asked them as they settled in for their evening devotionals. “Well,” Sean started. “They always defeat evil. Evil monsters and people who want to hurt innocent people are always wiped out by superheroes when they use their superhuman powers.” He said making punching thrusts into the air sitting on the couch with mommy in his footy pajamas. “What I like is that superheroes are never afraid and always know what to do.” Brandon added looking into space like he could see his favorite superhero right there in front of him. “Well I am going to tell you of a real superhero that you live with. We will call him SUPERDADDY.” Mommy said happily. The boys burst into laughter. They thought of their daddy as someone who sat at his computer working, a shy gentle man with his hair starting to go away. “Daddy isn’t a superhero!” They said together. “Well right after you boys were born, daddy and I received Jesus and now Jesus is in our hearts. You know that don’t you.” Mommy said and both boys nodded. “Well Satan didn’t want us to have wonderful boys like you who would be raised to serve God. One day, daddy got up and in his spiritual eyes, he saw the house was full of evil creatures lurking around trying to find ways to stop God from doing His will in our lives. Suddenly from far away, daddy heard the trumpet call coming from heaven that was going to have war with Satan and his demons to defeat them. Right away daddy put on his superhero armor. He used the sword of the word of God. And the breastplate of righteousness. Our living room was changed into a huge battleground between Satan and God’s servants. Your daddy led the attack charging forward shouting the battle cry. “IN THE NAME OF JESUS.” The enemy tried to attack. They swarmed around him. Oh, they were nasty and ugly little evil things. They were angels who fell with Satan and demons and evil spirits like Jesus cast out of people in the Bible.”

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„w<£ "åºb GREEN VALLEY

“Oh mommy, I would be so scared to see demons like that.” Sean said his voice quivering thinking of how brave SUPERDADDY must have been. “Well SUPERDADDY was filled with the Holy Spirit so he had the boldness of God in him.” Mommy continued. “He stabbed with the word of God’s word sending the demons howling from the battle. Once an army of evil things tried to attack our family and daddy used the super weapon of praise. Raising his mighty sword into the air, he sang the praises of Jesus and the evil spirits ran in fear from him. The fire of the Holy Spirit like we read about in Acts was shooting from daddy’s sword and the ends of his fingers because he was full of God’s power and anointing to fight evil. Finally, SUPERDADDY stood face to face with the prince of all that was evil himself. “The devil himself? How could daddy fight him?” Brandon said very frightened thinking of the daddy he loved facing the most evil thing in the universe. “Well that’s because your daddy is not only brave and strong and full of the superpowers of the Holy Spirit but he also knows who he serves. He knew he could count on his Lord to back him up. He pulled the sword of the word out and declared. “AT THE NAME OF JESUS, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW.” “Just then daddy stepped aside and knelt putting his head covered with his helmet to his sword. From behind him Jesus stepped up and cast Satan away. Jesus spoke the word of God and banished the evil one from the battle and from our home forever. Then he put a barrier of protection around us so we can live here in peace and worship God and so daddy and I can raise you little stinkers to become mighty men of God just like daddy.” Mommy finished the story tickling Brandon and Sean and making them giggle. “Oh now, you telling that old story of the battle with Satan again?” Daddy said walking through and smiling seeing his family playing together. “Daddy we want to be superheroes just like you!” Sean shouted jumping up to him for a hug. “You learn the Bible and how to pray and all the lessons you will learn at church and Sunday School and Jesus will use you boys to battle evil too. Just you wait and see.” Daddy said hugging them goodnight. The boys watched daddy the superhero walk away. To their eyes, he was just a regular dad, but even then, as he walked off, they thought they saw small flames shoot from his fingers. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. [Ephesians 6:10-18]

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4th DECEMBER 2012

THANKS GIVING PRAYER MEETING ''<åÜ«∞‰õΩÅ∞ ÖËx [#∞Å∞ K≥_çáÈ=Ù^Œ∞~°∞—— – ™ê"≥∞`«Å∞ 1 1 : 14.

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POSTAL REGN. NO. VSP/173/2011-13


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