Tree-like column is centrepiece of Apple Central World - 蘋果中央世界(英譯中)

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Tree-like column is centrepiece of Apple Central World by Foster + Partners 福斯特建築事務所之作:猶如被大樹灌溉而 成的蘋果中央世界 Author: Lizzie Crook | 13 August 2020 Translator: Paul T. Wu | 1 January 2021 原著作(英): 利茲 柯魯克 | 13 August 2020 譯著作(中): 吳祖諺 | 1 January 2021 在地化(中): 吳祖諺 | 1 January 2021 文章來源: *Photography is by Bear and Terry unless stated *除非特別註明,否則所有圖片的版權皆屬於 Bear 與 Terry 所有

A timber-clad column and overhanging roof that resembles a tree canopy characterise Foster + Partners' latest Apple Store, which it has completed in Bangkok, Thailand.

It is wrapped in floor-to-ceiling curved glass facades that provide passersby uninterrupted views inside and frame the tree-like interiors, referred to by Apple as the Tree Canopy.

由木柱支撐的懸臂式屋頂,形成於大樹般 的樹冠外形,為福斯特建築事務所之近期 代表作。該巨作是在泰國曼谷剛落成的蘋 果旗艦店。

該建築包覆於圓弧的玻璃落地窗,透過落 地窗由外向內望去可感受巨樹般的壯觀, 為整體空間營造出寬廣的綜覽全局視野, 被蘋果稱之為「樹冠屋」。

Named Apple Central World, the store is designed by Foster + Partners with "a quiet sculptural presence" to juxtapose with the lively plaza of Central World – the capital city's largest shopping centre. 「蘋果中央世界」的設計由福斯特建築事 務所操刀設計,為該建築添加了一股寧靜 般的雕塑感,以與位於繁華首都的中央世 界廣場并列。 Photo is courtesy of Apple

"Located in one of the city’s iconic urban centres, the new store establishes a quiet sculptural presence at the heart of the bustling Central World Square on the intersection of Rama I and Ratchadamri roads," explained Foster + Partners.

completion of the tree-lined Apple Iconsiam store in 2018. 該旗艦店是福斯特建築事務所繼 2018 年 為蘋果在曼谷落成綠樹成蔭的「蘋果暹羅 天地」之後的第二家直營店。

「坐落於該城市的市中心代表性地標之一, 該旗艦店在繁華的中央世界廣場,位於拉 瑪一路與叻南里路的交叉口,添加了一種 寧靜的雕塑感。」— 福斯特建築事務所。 "It forms a new social focus for the city and an inviting backdrop for the city’s famous New Year celebrations and numerous other annual festivities." 「它為該城市的新年喜慶及各種一年一度 的嘉慶節日,形成了一股新的社交聚焦與 歡樂氛圍。」

Photo is courtesy of Apple Apple Central World's setting is described by Foster + Partners as a "dizzying urban spectacle", overlooked by multiple vehicular and pedestrian routes around the site. This presented the opportunity for multiple entrance points to the store. 蘋果中央世界的設置被福斯特建築事務所 喻為「撲朔迷離的都市景觀」,在城市周 圍的多條車輛與人行道可俯瞰該店。這替 該店提供了促進來店客流量的機會。

Photo is courtesy of Apple Apple Central World was designed by Foster + Partners' Bangkok office in collaboration with Apple and local studio Architects 49. 蘋果中央世界是由位在曼谷的福斯特建築 事務所,與蘋果和當地的設計機構 A49 聯手打造。 It is the second Apple Store by Foster + Partners in Bangkok, following the

Guests can enter from either the ground level or the first floor, which is directly connected to the shopping centre and Bangkok's Mass Transit System via a new bridge and walkway. 客人可從一樓或二樓入店。兩樓皆連接於 可直接通往中央商城和曼谷大眾運輸系統 的天橋與步道。 The store has a diameter of 24.4 metres, with the sculptural column clad in 1,461 slats of European white oak placed at its centre.

該店全直徑為 24.4 尺,環繞於一根賦有 雕塑感的木包立柱。該立柱是由 1416 片 歐式白橡木所包覆而成。

的一個特點。此特點可發現於其他諸多蘋 果商店,包括位於北京的蘋果三里屯旗艦 店。

Where the column meets the ceiling, it fans outward to merge with the roof of the store. It then extends beyond the store's perimeter to form a three-metre-long cantilever that shades the glazing.

In the case of Apple Central World, the glazing is intended to address the "public plaza and the famous Erawan shrine located across the road".

弧形的玻璃帷幕內,長出一棵宛如是森林 裡高聳入雲的巨樹,樹頂向外蔓延至屋頂 與之融合,最後延伸至商店外部,形成一 個三尺長的懸臂,作為提供隱蔽立面之 用。

就蘋果中央世界而言,該店的全玻璃設計 擁有穿透的視線,可近望店前開敞的購物 商圈,以及馬路對面的伊拉旺四面佛廟。

Photo is courtesy of Apple The store's sales areas are split over two levels, and there is also a basement level that contains a private boardroom for business customers. 商品販售區主要分成兩層,位於地下一層 則另有一個可供商務客使用的私人商務會 議室。

Photo is courtesy of Apple The floor-to-ceiling glazing that envelops the store was chosen by Foster + Partners to dematerialise the boundary with the outside – similarly to many of the studio's other Apple Stores including Apple Sanlitun in Beijing. 圍繞著該店的玻璃落地窗,是由福斯特建 築事務所用於消除內部與外部之間的界限

The floors are connected by a spiral staircase that cantilevers from the central column, with treads made from solid blocks of polished stainless steel chosen for a "reflective, sculptural quality". 店內的兩層連接於一座由中央圓柱懸挑而 出的旋轉樓梯。該樓梯之踏步板均由堅固 的不銹鋼材銑削而成,經過拋光,形成 「反光感與雕塑感」。

Foster and Partners was founded by Norman Foster in 1967. It has offices internationally but its headquarters remain in London, UK. The studio is behind the design of all the latest Apple Stores, including Apple Marunouchi in Tokyo and Apple Aventura in Miami.

Photo is courtesy of Apple Foster + Partners has also incorporated a cylindrical elevator that is clad in the same polished stainless steel, resembling a minimalist sculpture that spans the shop floors. 福斯特建築事務所也將圓筒狀電梯的概念 結合於整體空間,以不銹鋼包覆層的亮面 與電梯的形式做搭配,展現出一種簡約雕 塑風格,將極簡主義從電梯延伸至店內的 兩層。 Externally, Apple Central World is complete with benches and large Terminalia trees to offer a quiet place for the locals and visitors to rest. 以店外環境而言,蘋果中央世界與其周圍 的板凳、欖仁樹一同完工,帶給當地人和 訪客一個寧靜的空間。

Photo is courtesy of Apple

福斯特建築事務所是由諾曼·福斯特於 1967 年創立。總部位於英國倫敦,並在 國外設有分公司。該事務所的設計涵蓋了 所有蘋果在近期內開設的門店,包括位於 東京的丸之內和邁阿密的蘋果旗艦店。 Other recent projects by the studio include a proposal for an over-station skyscraper in central Sydney, the masterplan for One Beverly Hills and Dolunay Villa in Turkey. 其他近期項目包括了研提在雪梨市中心設 計打造一座高架辦公大樓,以及研擬針對 首席比佛利山和位於土耳其的度朗奈別墅 的計劃案。

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