Dear Sorors,
Every time I enter the AGO House I am reminded of the history of our chapter and the legacy that was established in 1927. AGO is soaring into Spring 2023 and Alpha Gamma Omega Sorors have worked incredibly hard over the first quarter creating engaging initiative programs, hosting chapter events, and serving the community! I know our Founders would be proud!
Spring is a time to Bloom and “Bloom Where You Are Planted” can mean various things depending on its usage
1. To be fruitful, blossom, become all you were created to be.
2. Make the best of what you have when life throws lemons at you.
3. Do what’s right, even when it’s hard.
4. Do your best to leave fertile soil so that growth continues when you are gone.
1 Be Fruitful - The work you do for AGO has great purpose –prepare to share your knowledge and support future generations of leaders – so that your chapters are equipped to bloom
2. Make the Best of Life - Sometimes things don’t always go according to plan. Even in less than wonderful situations, we have control over how we respond. Blooming where we are planted is to make the choice to respond in a positive manner.
4 Do your best to leave fertile soil - There are times to bloom where we are planted, and times for us to be transplanted so we can bloom even better elsewhere. As we prepare to transition let us sprinkle seeds of knowledge and experience to assist those coming after us to bloom.
We have many exciting and impactful activities planned for the second quarter of 2023 We are looking forward to traveling to Bellevue for the 94th Far Western Regional Conference. Thank you for your commitment to BLOOM in Service and for your Commitment to Strengthening Our Bonds.
Cheryl Lynn Mason Soror Cheryl Lynn Mason, BasileusBasileus
Cheryl Lynn Mason
First Anti-Basileus
Lynette K. Brooks
Second Anti-Basileus
Felicia Price
Keisha M. Scott
Alvina Heard
Carmecia Carson-Glover
Pecunious Grammateus
Cynthia T. Dukes
Natasha Gilmore
Regina Owens-Dillard
Arlene Spears-Smith
Nominating Committee
Ruthe Morgan-Grigsby
Lisi Cash
Cambreisha Montgomery
Tajarah Nicholson
Eldora Prentiss
Amazyng Royále
Djuanique Slaughter
Danielle King
Melissia Buckhalter Honoré
Walta Smith
Kiri Arrington-White
Barbara Spears
Director of Public Relations
LaTricia Guyton Morgan
Bridgette Eagle Spirit
Kimberly Green-Russell
Gloria Wilkerson
Graduate Advisor - Iota Beta
Martha Pruden Hamiter
Graduate Advisor - Tau Kappa
Medica Denton Dave
The Ivy Heritage Foundation, Inc.
Saundra T. Bishop
Ivy Vine Editor
Sharice Bryant
Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter Chartered 1927
Meeting Place
2615 Ellendale Place
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Lynette K. Brooks | April 2
Jennifer Richards | April 3
Virginia P. Bland | April 4
Leslee Deanes-Bryant | April 7
Tamera L. Sistrunk | April 7
Tracey l. Booker | April 16
Gail M. Williams | April 17
Dilara Kadriye Usküp | April 21
Dorothy Barton | April 26
Marguerite L. Phillips | April 30
Olga Sanders | April 30
The March Chapter Meeting Hostesses for serving a tasty meal and for assisting with our International Women’s Month celebration toast.
To the Technology Committee for the beautiful Women’s History Presentation at Chapter Meeting. For keeping us present on social media with the engaging post, AGO branded flyers and assisting our AGO sorors with technology.
Hostesses were Chairman,
Soror Amber Wilborn King, Sorors Tisa Hill, Danita Tabron, Ericka Price, Hope Crawford, Hazel Price, Dilara Uskup
Sorors Sharice Bryant & Danielle King for the Women’s History Month presentation slideshow.
Soror Tracey Booker for soliciting the items and for coordinating our Silent Auction at the Fundraiser Gala.
Soror Cambreisha Montgomery and Soror Dilara Uskup for donating a speaker and mic to the chapter.
The Leadership Development Committee under the leadership of Sorors Laureen Bryant Kenneybrew, Chairman and Caprice Grigbsy Smith, Co-Chairman for presenting an informative AGO Chapter Leadership Development Workshop.
Soror Susan Hall Comrie for presenting Rituals at our March Chapter.
Thank you to the Soror Margaret McCauley and the sorors who keep our chapter lifted in prayer on our weekly Thursday prayer calls.
Member at Large, Sorors Gloria Wilkerson for reading our announcements March Chapter Meeting.
Soror Danielle King, Philacter, for her heightened assistance at guarding the doors and monitoring our visitors at the March Chapter Meeting.
Members of the Technology Committee for assisting with the sound system and presentations during the Chapter Meetings.
Soror Tracey Booker and the Empower our Families initiative committee for the discussion on the importance of mammograms and colonoscopies.
Soror Laureen Bryant Kenneybrew for coordinating the AGO March Birthday Squad gathering.
To Soror Jeri Johnson for coordinating our first bookclub meeting of 2023 and providing an engaging discussion.
Soror Margaret McCauley for organizing and assisting in keeping our AGO Sorors in Prayer on Thursdays at 12:00 PM.
Enhance our Environment Committee, Soror Angela Griffin and Soror VP Bland for your leadership with Enhancing our Environment by sorting and distributing food at the open air market.
To ALL SORORS who attended HBCU Night at the LA Clippers Game.
To the Membership Committee led by Soror Kimberly Green Russell and Soror Stephanie Wright for hosting the meet and greet with the Basileus at the AGO House. Thank you to all sorors who make presentations to help our sorors get acclimated in AGO!
To the Empower Our Families and Technology Committees for hosting an educational Tech Saavy Workshop.
To the Enhance Our Environment program initiative committee for the Beautify our Environment Garden party which encouraged our community to plant, paint garden stones, and hosted a recycling and composting demonstration.
Thank you AGO for showing up and showing out as we SOAR in service in our communities.
Thank you Soror Tisa Hill for leading our first AGO Brunch Squad activity for 2023.
Thank you to the Finance Committee chaired by Soror Regina OwensDillard for your work on the budget.
Thank you to the Strengthen Our Sisterhood Committee and all of the Soror Squads who are actively working to keep our chapter engaged.
Soror Ashley Joseph
on the loss of her Uncle Theorie Harry Pleasant, Jr.
Soror Tisa Hill
on the loss of her father Reginald Atchison.
Soror Taylor A. Williams
on the loss of her grandfather Mr. John W. Wallace, Jr.
Soror Caprice Grigsby Smith
on the loss of her mother-in law, Mrs. Earline Cowan.
Soror Angela Marcano
on the loss of her Father, Dr. Angel DeMola.
Soror Erma Grigsby
on the loss of her brother, Mr Herman Gilmore, and prayers to Soror Caprice Grigsby Smith, niece.
Soror Carol Truscott
on the loss of her mother, Ms. Doris McNealy.
Soror Cynthia Dukes
on the loss of Ms. Essie M. May.
Cardsarewelcome. Cardsarewelcome.
Soror Kim Foley who is recovering from surgery.
Soror Angela Gordon who has been sick.
Soror Doris Fork who is having health challenges.
Soror Claire Chisholm who is recovering at home.
Soror Marguerite Phillips who is having health challenges.
Soror Jermaine Mitchell who is recovering from ACL surgery.
Soror Janice Hutto Johnson who is having health challenges.
Meeting Attire:
The attire for our monthly Chapter meetings is Business Sorors, please do not wear casual clothing.
Please do not park on the grass or park in the back lot if you are not staying for the duration of the meeting.
Frequently check your email for AKA and AGO correspondence.
Chapter Directory: Please do not share our chapter directory or chapter contact information with anyone outside of the sorority.
Newsletter Submission:
The deadline to submit items for The Ivy Vine newsletter is the 15th of each month with the exception of January.
The January submission deadline is the 23rd.
Send submissions to Soror Cheryl Lynn Mason, Basileus at
E-blast Requests:
To request an E-blast, please send a prepared message/flyer to Copy
Soror Carmecia Carson-Glover, Epistoleus at
Title your email: E-blast Request
Meeting Calendar: Committee Chairmen should contact Member-at-Large
Soror Gloria Wilkerson, to provide her with your planned meeting dates. Contact Soror Gloria at or (323) 829-7615.
Clear dates prior to sending meeting notices to committee members. Copy the Basileus and First Anti-Basileus on all meeting notices.
Meeting Attendance and Sign-In: Remember to sign-in at each monthly chapter meeting. You can do this by scanning the QR Code at the meeting and/or contacting the Anti-Grammateus, Soror Alvina Heard at Your attendance is very important.
Committee Chairmen:
Committee Chairmen should contact Soror Martha Pruden Hamiter regarding the availability of the AGO house for committee meetings and activities. | (323) 376-8815
Upon confirmation of your meeting/activity date, contact Soror Grace Cain to obtain keys to the house. | (323) 730-8108
Private Rental:
When requesting use of the AGO house for private rentals/events, contact Soror Martha Pruden Hamiter, AGO House Rental Agent, for a rental contract, available dates and applicable fees. | (323) 376-8815
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to control sleep-wake cycles. People with narcolepsy may feel rested after waking, but then feel very sleepy throughout much of the day. Many individuals with narcolepsy also experience uneven and interrupted sleep that can involve waking up frequently during the night.
Narcolepsy can greatly affect daily activities. People may unwillingly fall asleep even if they are in the middle of an activity like driving, eating, or talking. Other symptoms may include sudden muscle weakness while awake that makes a person go limp or unable to move (cataplexy), vivid dream-like images or hallucinations, and total paralysis just before falling asleep or just after waking up (sleep paralysis).
In a normal sleep cycle, a person enters rapid eye movement (REM) sleep after about 60 to 90 minutes. Dreams occur during REM sleep, and the brain keeps muscles limp during this sleep stage, which prevents people from acting out their dreams. People with narcolepsy frequently enter REM sleep rapidly, within 15 minutes of falling asleep. Also, the muscle weakness or dream activity of REM sleep can occur during wakefulness or be absent during sleep. This helps explain some symptoms of narcolepsy.
If left undiagnosed or untreated, narcolepsy can interfere with psychological, social, and cognitive function and development and can inhibit academic, work, and social activities.
Narcolepsy is a lifelong problem, but it does not usually worsen as the person ages. Symptoms can partially improve over time, but they will never disappear completely.
Please support the Cardelia West Memorial Scholarship in honor of our Ivy Beyond the Wall Soror Cardelia.
Donations should be sent to the: The Ivy Heritage Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 452658 Los Angeles, California 90045
Please make your check payable to: The Ivy Heritage Foundation, Inc., and please note on the memo line the donation is for the Cardelia West Memorial Scholarship.
During Engineers Week, Soror Regina was featured in L.A. Sentinel's February 2023 issue, "Black Engineers Celebrate Black History Month" during Engineers Week".
AGO is proud to see you SOAR!
Hello Sorors, the EAF Fundraising continues for Hello Sorors, the EAF Fundraising continues for TIHF and for the Carodine TIHF and for the Carodine Endowment Scholarship. Endowment Scholarship.
Because we have a goal of $20K and a time
Because we have a goal of $20K and a time line to achieve it, please line to achieve it, please consider donating to consider donating to tthe he Soror Carodine Endowment fund Soror Carodine Endowment fund very very soon. Those who have given already, I thank soon. Those who have given already, I thank you. you.
Sorors, if 200 of us donate $50 Sorors, if 200 of us donate $50 each, we achieve a $10K total each, we achieve a $10K total and complete the capitalization of the Soror and complete the capitalization of the Soror Carodine Endowment Scholarship. Carodine Endowment Scholarship.
Soror Regional Director Carodine Soror Regional Director Carodine was a dynamic, dedicated was a dynamic, dedicated AGO member and more than worthy of this honor. AGO member and more than worthy of this honor.
The following directions are to assist you in registering The following directions are to assist you in registering for the for the Ralph's Community Awards Program Ralph's Community Awards Program which will assist which will assist in fundraising for EAF - Education Advancement Foundation in fundraising for EAF - Education Advancement Foundation for AKA/AGO. for AKA/AGO.
Step 1: Step 1: Visit Visit
Step 2: Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Kroger Community page and click "Kroger Community Rewards. Rewards.
Step 3: Step 3: Choose either. . . (1.) Create a digital Choose either. . . (1.) Create a digital account. (2.) Link your card. account. (2.) Link your card. Enter Enter the name of the organization the name of the organization to support: NOTE enter, Ivy Heritage to support: NOTE enter, Ivy Heritage Foundation Foundation
Step 4: Step 4: Follow on-screen directions. Follow on-screen directions.
APRIL 6 | Kimberly Green-Russell
APRIL 13 | Kiri Arrington-White
APRIL 20 | Hattie McFrazier
APRIL 30 | Lesa Smith.