Jack Hastie_Y4 | Unit 14 | Bartlett School of Architecture

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All work produced by Unit 14 Cover design by Charlie Harris www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture Copyright 2020 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.



jack.hastie.19@alumni.ucl.ac.uk @unit14_ucl

S O U T H K E N S I N G TO N S TAT I O N A NEW PROTOTYPE STATION FOR TFL South Kensington, United Kingdom


asonry is a fundamental form of construction, with bricks being a common invention in most early civilizations and often being developed individually. The project looks to rediscover clay as a viable substitute for its modern day material replacement. Materials like Concrete have been an optimistic building material, one that is thought to solve many problems. However its proliferation has put a strain on many systems. What I look to uncover is that its not about the process but the locality of sourcing the material and the impacts of extraction. The project proposes that Transport for London take advantage of the waste material they produce when improving and extending the current rail system. One benefit of excavating in London is that most of the excavated material is London Clay which is a great material for making bricks and tiles and in fact much of London is still built out of London clay. However the material is used generally to cap existing landfill. For example, the excavation of Crossrail could have produced around 3,295,671,539 clay bricks. Thats enough to build St Pauls Cathederal out of solid brick, with no voids, about 30 times. Transport for London has consistently looked to be on the cutting edge of design and construction. With its systems built to last a century, it has to endure whilst the world around it changes. Understanding what the future may require is there-for an important investment. The project focuses on South Kensington station which is in need of refurbishment, to demonstrate the capability and capacity of Transport for London being one of its landmark station.


Section 1 Initial Research



Concrete The project looks to rediscover clay as a viable substitute for concrete. But first we need to understand why Clay needs to be a substitute. Concrete is the mosttowidely usedclay man-made material in existence. It’s The project looks rediscover as a viable substitute for concrete. second water as the most-consumed resource onathe planet. From But firstonly we to need to understand why Clay needs to be substitute. the most widely usedan man-made in material, existence. one It’s itsConcrete invention,isconcrete has been optimisticmaterial building second only toto water asmany the most-consumed resourceitsonproliferation the planet. has that is thought solve problems. However, From its invention, has been an optimistic building material, one that put a strain on manyitsystems. is thought to solve many problems. However its proliferation has put a strain on largest many systems. Concretes polluting factor is that its consists of cement and cement is the source of about 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, Concretes largest polluting factor is thatIfitstheconsists cement were and a according to think tank Chatham House. cementofindustry cement is the source of about 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world - behind China (CO2) emissions, according to think tank Chatham House. If the and the US. It contributes more CO2 than aviation fuel (2.5%) and is not cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest emitter far behind the global agriculture business (12%). We produce enough in the world - behind China and the US. It contributes more CO2 concrete to build New Yorkand Cityis8not times, completely out of concrete, than aviation fuel (2.5%) far behind the global agricultureeach year. business (12%). We produce enough concrete to build New York City


Sandstone Sandstone

Clay Clay

Material Mixed Material Mixed

8 times, completely out of concrete, each year.

Rotational Kiln Rotational Kiln

Mix Fired Mix Fired



Gypsum added Gypsum added andand material material ground ground

The amount of concrete produced each year is enough to build 8 New York Cities

This material can and is used in every element of the construction This material can and is used in every element of the construction industry and although western societies are still producing a lot of industry and although western societies are still producing a lot concrete, current trends see eastern and developing continents of concrete, current trends see eastern and developing continents dominating ofproduction production rate. concrete is being dominating in in terms terms of rate. ThisThis concrete is being produced producedtotobuild buildand andextend extendnew newcities, cities,allallofofwhich whichis ismade madeout outofofthis gravity defying substance. this gravity defying substance.

Cement Cement

Water, Sand Water, Sand Gravel andand Gravel added added


Concrete Concrete production process

Intensity of concrete production across the world

The two many constituents of concrete are sand and gravel, the former The two many constituents of concrete are sand and gravel, the former being know as the most important solid substance on earth for the being know as the most important solid substance on earth for the modern world. Sand is used for the manufacturing of many modern modern world. Sand is to used fortothe manufacturing of many modern materials from concret glass sillica chips for computers. This materials fromasconcrete to glass to silica chips computers. Thiswhich means means that a material it is becoming very for valuable and one that as a material it isonbecoming very and one Well whichnot is depleting. is depleting. How earth could wevaluable run out of sand? all How couldSand we run out of sand? Well notare all very sandround is the where same. sandonisearth the same. grains from the Sahara Sand the by Sahara very round it has beenoferoded it hasgrains beenfrom eroded wind,are whereas sand where from the bottom a rver by wind, whereas sand fromfrom the bottom of a river has more sharp from has more sharp edges water erosion and is therefor has edges a better water erosion and there-for better bonding strength. This leads bonding strength. This leadshas to athe ecology of river and lakes being to sandand excavation. As we depleteby thesand easyexcavation. to access As we thedestroyed ecology by of river lakes being destroyed sources, be the new oil and gas efforts deplete thesand easywill to access sources, sand willand be new the new oil will andbe gas and made to extract more difficult spots causing more harm to new efforts will besand madefrom to extract sand from more difficult spots causing the planet. more harm to the planet.

Sea sand excavation along beaches north of Dakar to supply Senegal’s construction industry.

Water Erosion

Water Erosion


Air Erosion

Air Erosion

2.9 Concrete Vs Clay

The Material Problem



Clay Currently both Concrete and Bricks require a kiln at some point in their manufacturing. This process requires high levels of energy consumption and a resulting release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The production of one brick requires some 2.0 kWh of energy and the release of approximately 0.4 kg of CO2. This project proposes that however much the process for both may improve and become more energy efficient in the future, there is something we can do now by sourcing the material responsibly.

Clay Extraction

Large Rocks Material Breakdown

Concrete is not the enemy and should not and could not be abolished because of its current environmental impact. Instead we should try to reclaim areas of design that have been taken over by concrete due to its ease of use. Effort should be invested in longer construction time, etc., to alleviate the pressure on concrete and the environment. Its not about the process but the locality of sourcing the material and the impacts of extraction. Clay and Shale deposits are considered an abundant resource, a resource which the UK is self sufficient in. Clays are a result of the break up of rock. Due to the locality of the brickworks to the clay deposits, traditional bricks vary all over the UK, with each brick taking different properties from the composition of minerals that make up the various clays.

Small Particles Material Breakdown

Elastic Clay Compress

OTHER 30.9%

“Green” Brick WIENERBERGER 19.7%






Brick production process B B




O Lo Lo


B = Boulder Clays G = Gault Clay K = Kimmeridge Clay L = Lias Clay Lo = London Clay O = Oxford Clay W = Weald Clay Map of Clays UK

Excavation of UK clay

Using Local Materials 6































Map showing major archaeological finds of the neolithic period

Rehk-mi-Re Tomb Images, Thebes

Jericho Tell

The Jericho tell was particularly important because, as work progressed, it became clear that it contained the remains of one of the oldest human settlements ever discovered. It was so old it pre-dated the invention of pottery or the discovery of metals. The excavation of the Jericho Tell found two types of bricks.

Mixed Mud, Straw and Water

Compressed into Mould with top excess scraped flat Method of vault construction of the grain stores in the Temple of Rameses II ate Thebes. Using sand as a releasing agent, the brick is removed

Pre-pottery A (c. 8300 - 7600 BC) • Varied in size but was approximately • 260 x 100 x 100mm. The shape was formed like loaves of bread, mud kneaded with water and then set out to dry in the Middle Eastern sun.

History of the Brick

Pre-pottery B (c. 7600 - 6600 BC) • These bricks were more consistently shaped, being longer and thinner. Their size was approximately • 400 x 150 x 100mm and had distinctive patterns made from thumb print on the top surface.

Repeatable brick baked in the Egyptian sunlight

Wood was in short supply so where possible the Egyptians tried to avoid its use. The Temple of Rameses II in Thebes had massive grain stores which consist of long vaulted chambers. To avoid using timber formwork to build the vaults, they were constructed with each course leaning backwards on the previous one. By this method it was possible to span 3.8m using 350 x 210 x 60mm bricks without any centering.





Class B Engineering Brick 75 MPa

Fletton 45 MPa

Class A Engineering Brick 125 MPa

Pre-pottery B


Pre-pottery A

London Stock 15 MPa

Anaconda Smoke Stack • Built in 1918 as part of the Washoe smelter in Anaconda, Montana.

Other 50 MPa

• Closed in 1981. • 2,464,652 bricks.

In order to crumble a fired brick of the lowest range of crushing strength, it would require no less than 8,000 bricks subject to vertical pressure from the bricks above. For ordinary small houses, any modern building brick is much stronger than necessary for its job.

• Constructed in 142 days, with 12 bricklayers per shift.

Clay composition involves more Lime

Clay composition involves more Iron

Stretcher Bond

Header Bond

Structural Capacity of the Brick 8

Brick was fired at a higher temperature

Flemish Bond

English Bond

Dutch Bond

Queen Closer





A Kiln Heat Map A



Vitrified Brick Brittle

Standard Brick Hard

Green Brick Soft

Clamp Kiln (Updraught Kiln) Clamp kiln were an early form of kiln in which the green bricks were layed on top of fuel, usually wood, and encased in prefired bricks.

Green Bricks

The bricks had very little consistency but was a good option as it was a flexible and portable option.

Fuel Prefired Bricks

Kiln Complications • Splitting of bricks due to incomplete removal of moister before firing.

Down Draught Kiln (Down Draft Kiln) The Down Draught Kiln was designed so that heat would not be released from the dome but would be drawn back down through the kiln load into the floor to the central flue which went underground and up the chimney stack. A large damper was used in the base of the chimney stack to control the draft.

• Low strength due to insufficiently hard firing. • Disintegration due to the inadequate control of the firing temperature. • Bricks fused together melted on one face, or distorted by the load imposed by other bricks on top, caused by high temperatures.

This allowed for a consistent flow of air providing a more consistent burn.

• Fine cracking from rapid temperature change.

Hoffman Kiln (Horizontal/Cross Draft Kiln) A Hoffmann kiln consists of a main fire passage surrounded on each side by several small rooms. Each room contains a pallet of bricks. Each room is connected to the next room by a passageway carrying hot gases from the fire. In this way, the hottest gases are directed into the room that is currently being fired. Then the gases pass into the adjacent room that is scheduled to be fired next. There the gases preheat the brick. As the gases pass through the kiln circuit, they gradually cool as they transfer heat to the brick as it is preheated and dried. This is essentially a counter-current heat exchanger, which makes for a very efficient use of heat and fuel.

Development of Process































Heat strategy of Hoffman kiln.



Extent of the Transport for London Underground Train Lines

Crossrail Tunnel Depth

Transport for London s Circular Economy As previously stated, the projects looks to find ways of alleviating pressure from the use of concrete in construction, in order to create a more balanced system which leads to helping the impact on the environment. To do this it is proposed that Transport for London take advantage of the waste material they produce when improving and extending the current rail system. One benefit of excavating in London is that most of the excavated material is London Clay which is a great material for making bricks and tiles and in fact much of London is still built out of London clay. For example, the Crossrail project produced a total of 7 million tonnes of excavated material, whereby 99% of it was re-used for multiple purposes such as: • clean fill • contaminated land remediation • capping material for existing land fill sites • nature reserves This excavated material came predominantly from the 42 km of tunnels dug underneath London with an average diameter of 6.2m. This means that in total the project could have produced around 3,295,671,539 clay bricks. Thats enough to build St Pauls Cathederal out of solid brick, with no voids, about 30 times!


London Clay

Lambeth Group Thanet Sand


London Geology

The Crossrail project excavated enough London Clay to Build a solid St. Pauls 30 times

If TfL were to partner with one or multiple of the current leaders of brick manufacturing in the UK, then some of this excavated material could be redirected from filling landfills to being used to produce London bricks for TfL projects such as station and infrastructure upgrades, which have historically been made from bricks for hundreds of years. Yes this would lead to longer lead times than is expected in todays construction industry, but in a world in which we are trying to become environmentally friendly, this could be considered as worth the time.

Transport for Londons Circular Economy 10


B R I NG B AC K B R I C K % of this working in the industry, by age

The UK Brick Industry

16 to 24 years

The current UK Brick Industry is fighting to meet the ever-growing demands of the UK housing market. To do this the industry has to constantly expands on its own infrastructure and workforce.

25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 years and above 0

The Brick Industry




Each year, less and less of the younger generations look for labour intensive roles. The sector struggles to portray itself as an attractive career option, particularly for women. Other industry experts said the industry’s productivity problems stemmed in significant part from how it has been slow to invest in technology. In 2011, it was estimated that one in every five UK-born construction workers were aged over 55, meaning that by 2021, those people will nearly have reached retirement age. With an aging workforce, the industry needs to promote itself as an attractive career option. It needs to improve the way it engages with the younger generation to provoke interest. Tfl investment into brick would be an investment into the industry itself.




The UK Brick Industry The actions needed to achieve this Circular Economy is very straightforward. The material excavated from the Tunnel Boring machines would be taken to brick factories close to London. Transport for London would then need to make a partnership with one or multiple of the leading brick suppliers in the UK of which 3 dominate the current market Ibstock, Forterra and Wienerberger. This partnership is necessary so that TfL an build on top of the current infrastructure without reinventing the wheel. The clay would then be processed as if it was excavated by the factories themselves. There is no added transport as the excavated material has to go somewhere, so its a matter of just changing the destination, whether that is by boat, lorry or train. London clay has been used for centuries to make clay products due to its compacts, anaerobic properties. Consideration would still be needed to think about the supply and demand of these bricks, with the best process being to plan ongoing upgrades, renovations and new works with the excavating of material to create a balance that reduces the impact on the environment as much as possible.

The Partnership 12


With TfL looking to the future and their long history with clay, they are fit to invest in its future. The transport company is always expanding the railway, meaning that it has to manage a large amount of excavated material, especially clay. This is currently an untapped resource and is transported all across the UK to bolster nature reserves. The more refined elements of Brick and Tile also play an important role in the identity of the London transport system. Currently it has been transitioning to the likes of concrete, steel and glass, but a return to its golden age identity could also be more in line with the requirements of the environment.

Transport for London Transport for London has consistently looked to be on the cutting edge of design and construction. With its systems built to last a century, it has to endure whilst the world around it changes. Understanding what the future may require is therefor an important investment. London is still growing rapidly. It is estimated that by 2031 there will be an additional 1.8 million people living and working in the capital. Thats an extra Tube train of people every three days. As a result, demand for TfL rail services - Underground, Overground, DLR and trams - is growing too. London’s Underground will be ever more vital to the future of the city. The Tube will remain, in Frank Pick’s phrase, the ’framework of the town’. Westminster Underground station demonstrating the current material palette.

Rayners Lane Underground station demonstrating the 20th century material palette.

The Future of TfL



Charles Holden In a 1957 essay on architecture, Holden wrote “I don’t seek for a style, either ancient or modern, I want an architecture which is through and through good building. A building planned for a specific purpose, constructed in the method and use of materials, old or new, most appropriate to the purpose the building has to serve.” His station designs for London Underground became the corporation’s standard design influencing designs by all architects working for the organisation in the 1930s. Many of his buildings have been granted listed building status, protecting them from unapproved alteration. Although not without its critics, his architecture is widely appreciated. He was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA’s) Royal Gold Medal for architecture in 1936 and was appointed a Royal Designer for Industry in 1943. Period: 1870’s - 1920’s

Material Breakdown

Concrete Frame / Roof

Metal Frame / Plate Windows

Brick Walls / Decorative Tiles

Experience Breakdown


A New House Style 14

Low / Dark

High / Light

At the time of creation, Holden was looking to connect all levels of transport from Bus to train. On this line of passage was a similar formula consisting of one large open space providing all relevant amenities. Low / Dark

Low / Light



Acton Town Station: Picadilly Line The station is served by the District and Piccadilly lines and is in Travelcard Zone 3. Acton Town station was opened as Mill Hill Park on 1 July 1879 by the District Railway (DR, now the District line). The original brick-built station was built in 1879 and in February 1910 the station building was reconstructed. On 1 March 1910 the station was given its present name. In 1931 and 1932 the station was rebuilt again in preparation for transferring the Uxbridge branch service from the District line to the Piccadilly line. The new station was designed by Charles Holden in a modern European geometric style using brick, reinforced concrete and glass.

Boston Manor Station: Picadilly Line The original 1883 station building was built by the District Railway. The new station building occupies a narrow site due to the nearby depot, where it was built out over the tracks. It features a Modernist style design by Stanley Heaps, in consultation with Charles Holden. The main structure is of brown bricks and reinforced concrete, topped by a flat roof. Inspired by contemporary Dutch and German architecture, the distinctive tower functions as a landmark within the low-height suburban residential area. The tower is decorated with glazed ceramic tiles and pasted with an enamelled London Underground logo. The upper stages of the tower are fitted with a vertical strip of glass bricks which is part of a lighting feature.

Park Royal Station: Picadilly Line The current station was built for the extension of Piccadilly line services over the District line tracks to South Harrow. It opened on 6 July 1931 and replaced the earlier station which closed on the previous day. First opened as a temporary timber structure, the current station building was designed by Welch & Lander in an Art Deco/Streamline Moderne style influenced by the Underground’s principal architect Charles Holden. The station buildings are formed from a series of simple interconnecting geometric shapes. Plain red brick masses are accented with strong horizontal and vertical glazed elements. A large circular ticket hall with high level windows gives access to the platform stairs. The enclosures for these form cascades of glazed steps down to the platforms.

Typology Analysis



Rayners Lane Station: Picadilly & Metropolitan Line The station was rebuilt in the early 1930s to a design by Charles Holden and Reginald Uren which features the large cube-shaped brick and glass ticket hall capped with a flat reinforced concrete roof and geometrical forms typical of the new stations built in this period. To the west of the station, there is a reversing siding between the running tracks and, during the day, half of the Piccadilly line service reverses here. Two sidings were located south of the station but these were no longer used: with no connection with the running lines. In late 2017 these sidings were lifted.

Arnos Grove Station: Picadilly Line The station opened on 19 September 1932 as the most northerly station on the first section of the Piccadilly line extension from Finsbury Park to Cockfosters. When travelling from east of Barons Court and through Central London, Arnos Grove is the first surface station after the long tunnel section of the Piccadilly line. The station has four platforms which face three tracks. The station was designed by architect Charles Holden, and has been described as a significant work of modern architecture. On 19 February 1971, the station was Grade II listed. In 2005, the station was refurbished with the heritage features also maintained. In July 2011 Arnos Grove’s listed status was upgraded to Grade II*.

Sudbury Town Station: Picadilly Line The original station building was demolished in 1930 and 1931 and replaced by a new station in preparation for the handover of the branch from the District line to the Piccadilly line. The new station was designed by Charles Holden in a modern European style using brick, reinforced concrete and glass. Like the stations at Sudbury Hill to the north and Alperton to the south as well as others that Holden designed elsewhere for the east and west Piccadilly line extensions such as Acton Town and Oakwood, Sudbury Town station features a tall block-like ticket hall rising above a low horizontal structure that contains station facilities and shops. The brick walls of the ticket hall are punctuated with panels of clerestory windows and the structure is capped with a flat concrete slab roof.

Typology Analysis 16


Underground Station Central Platform

Flanking Platforms

Raised Station Single Level flanking platforms

Multi-Level central and flanking platforms

Ground Level Station Central and flanking platforms

Central and flanking platforms

Platform Station Commercial

Typology Analysis

Studies into the various conditions and typologies of stations in the UK. Stations which have access points along the platforms are more successful in distribution the flows of people.



Section 2 Site & Brief



London Underground stations represent the various areas in which they sit. South Kensington station acts as a hub for the various commerial and educational resources available in the local area. The area looks to innovate how we interact with the city, introducing the pedestrianisation of exhibition road, leading to Hyde Park and providing one of the most walkable areas within the city.

The South Kensington Hub



South Kensington Station South Kensington Underground Station sits at the junction of Thurloe Street and Pelham Street where they meet Cromwell Place. The station is Grade II. Throughout its history, the station has been subject to modifications as technology and passenger expectations changed. The railways were converted from steam to electricity and the station grew from wholly sub-surface operation to include deep level platforms. The physical fabric and layout of the station today reflects these various phases of operation, with each technological advance leaving an authentic record of the development of station and railway technology more generally. The station today is an amalgamation of purposefully designed changes and less comprehensive adaptations of the existing fabric and layout to suit the needs of different periods. The station also forms the southern terminus of the South Kensington Subway, which was built in 1885 to allow visitors arriving at the station to walk directly to the Natural History Museum and surrounding cultural attractions collectively called ‘Albertopolis’. This subway remains in frequent use, linking the transport network with the popular museums north of Cromwell Road.

Commercial Hub

Existing Ticket Hall

Existing Platforms

Existing Station Plan Existing Entrance

Heritage Facade

1. Residential

Existing Station 20

2. Commercial

3. Educational


Identifying local hubs at South Kensington

1969 1969 1968 1968

1969 1969

1968 1968

1968 1968




1968 1968

1968 1968


1968 1968



1968 1990 1968

1968 1990




1968 1990



Areal of site in local context

1968 1980 1968




1968 1968

Local Influence


Conservation Areas around the site with year of designation 1968

The project aims to maximise the use of the site. South Kensington is a hub for the local area, including access to the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science museum and access to Hyde park. The area is swathed with grade listed buildings and parks.

1969 1969 1969 1969 1981


1969 1969 1969


1969 1969

1969 1969 1969





1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969

1970 1969 1969

1969 1969 1969 1969 1969

At both ends of the site will be a gateway, creating cover, access and information services. The western gateway will be the dominant part of the program providing a landmark for the grandeur of the area.


This link will help with the growing number of pedestrians by linking the hubs specified in the diagram above. 1969

1969 1969

1969 1969

On the southern side of the site is Pelham street which is lined by a row of houses. On the station side is a large brick wall of varying ages. The project will look to active the part of the site and provide access.

The local context is also under the microscope as most is grade listed and within a heritage zone, this means that any proposal will have to align with the local character.

1969 1969


Listed Buildings around site with year of designation

Existing Area



Existing Program



Ticket Hall


Proposed Program


Gateway Ticket Hall

Gateway Platforms

Ticket Hall

Brief The project aims to rediscover the potential of clay and its various applications. Fired clay isn’t restricted to the form of a brick. However, the design does blend the use of traditional and non-traditional methods. One such method is the use of structural tiles. This was a technique lost in time with the rising popularity of concrete. However, recent research by John Ochsendorf, Associate professor at MIT, finds that in today’s current market, this method can actually work out to be much cheaper and faster, in specific conditions. The project looks to use the renewal of South Kensington Station, to reinvigorate and redefine the manifestation of a modern Tfl station. It will also look to connect and take full advantage of it locality. Learning from that of Charles Holden the program is divided into two main areas, the gateway and the platform. The gateway facilitates anything necessary upon arrival such as access to services. The gateway which will replace the current rotunda form will shift the commercial aspect to the unused periphery of the platform allowing the entrances to act as landmark structures. In addition to this a new entrance will be placed on the south and east sides of the site, providing greater access opportunities.

Historic Gateway

The platform facilitates anything required for waiting and boarding the train such as seating and toilets. This will look to the history of the station and reintroducing the roof that covers the entire site.

Historic Platform

Commercial Precedent

Brief 22

Gateway / Ticket Hall




By shifting the commercial spaces to the periphery of the platforms, a new spacial arrangement is required. Here I look to the great Victorian arcades of London such as Pall Mall, demonstrating tight spaces that maximises functionality.

Plan of Pall Mall Arcade


Existing Commercial Space

Commercial Aspect

Proposed Commercial Space

The existing commercial space consists of small chain food shops that provide a quick lunch and some cafés providing a lunchtime meal. It also consists of souvenirs shops and services such as a dry-cleaners. All of these space have been adapted to fit in very close quarters, a principle that can be carried through to the new arcade space which is long and thin. In the proposed arcade the column create a natural rhythm and divide between spaces to be used for commercial purposes. The southern arcade could provide space for up to 11 commercial space or fewer if one or two require more space. The northern arcade can provide space for up to 8 commercial spaces.

Commercial space Lift Access

Retaining Commerce



Section 3

Design Development







Manipulating Mortar

Manipulating Brick

Column Section

Brick is used to demonstrate its potential as a structural element. Research was invested into how a brick system arches, this was then taken into three dimensions to create a parabolic structural skin. The role of the brick has evolved since the industrial revolution, from being a structural element capable of being used for foundations and built 8 story buildings, is now used mostly for its weather resistant and aesthetic properties. This project looks to bring back an appreciation of its structural capacities.

Manipulating Brick



Arch Integration

Prefabricated Component

Arch Components

Initial Fragment 26


Structural Tile

Steel Tension Band

Structural Brick Skin

Large Clay Base

Iterated Fragment



Highest High Medium Low Lowest

Augmented Reality Assembly Construction of Column

brick wall is entirely n. Throughout history all have advanced with simplest to step the d over one half of its arches, two methods y just adjusting the ing later and being cks and keeping the

The parabolic nature of the form of the brick wall is entirely possible and can create a structural skin. Throughout history methods of creating an angled brick wall have advanced with various developing styles. At first it was simplest to step the bricks as long as the course didn’t extend over one half of its total width. Then in order to build brick arches, two methods were developed, the first being easier by just adjusting the thickness of mortar and the second coming later and being more labour intensive by cutting the bricks and keeping the mortar even.

use a technology ested which is AR space the position of the .

Structural analysis determined the bricks doing the most work were the bricks on the tight corners and the ones furthest away from the centre of gravity. One other comment is that compression helps this structure by increasing the forces between bricks creating a tighter bond.

The actual assembly of the bricks would use a technology that has already been developed and tested which is AR (Augmented Reality) to visualise in real space the position of the bricks determined within a virtual space.

Stress Analysis

s doing the most work the ones furthest her comment is that easing the forces 1/3

Fragment Analysis 28






Straight / Offset

Round / Offset

The Gateway



Design Strategy 01 Existing Entrance

New Entrance

The initial design strategy to was to link all accesible sides of the platform to alleviate pressure from the one existing entrace and to activate and make use of the surrounding streets. My initial thoughts were to extend the street level above the platforms but this inhibited the open and airy nature of the platforms themselves.

Design Strategy 02

To fix this I will keep the central platform and renovate the existing but disused flanking platforms to effieciently use the existing excavated area. This platform will link in some ways to the surronding street providing access on all fronts. The roof will also help in creating a pedestrian friendly street along its longest side.

Strategy Overview 30


Local Access With excavations taking place and the renewal of Pelham Street road, its closure would allow for construction to take place and provide some material storage and management. However pedestrian access would still take place to allow access to resident of Pelham Street.

Wider Access The site exists in a zone 1 area of London. The surrounding street can be narrow but are mixed with larger access road which have previously been approved lorry routes by TfL. This will allow regular delivery of materials and great access to site whilst acting within guideline set out to avoid disruption of the local area such as, only delivering between 08:00 - 17:00.


Lorry Access Routes

TfL Approved Route Map of London Density

Access to Site

Platform access diagram during construction Active Unused Unused




Active Construction Construction




Construction Finished Finished





Phase 01

Phase 02

Only central platform is active.

Only central platform is active. Excavation and construction of new platforms underway. This phase takes longest due to heavy masonry work.

Central platform closed whilst roof is installed. Trains do not stop. Track amendment made on bank holidays and overnight. This is shortest phase as it is made up of prefabricated units and less masonry.

Construction Sequencing



Platform Strategy: Investigation The platform strategy is a core piece of the design of the design of the station. One of the core problems being to deal with the large crowds of people that pass through the station daily. When you look at the demographic of the area, you’ll find that a large percentage of people will be going to see the museums, and they are groups generally consisting of young children whether that is a family outing or a school trip. I initially looked at existing strategies which include long narrow spaces with safety precautions depending on the age of the station. I explored initial concepts of breaking down the space and creating a series of stages to which I thought would help break up the crowds of people. However, I found that in fact it would just create pinch points which would only exacerbate the problem. The solution I found best was the simplest, to create a large open and level space for people to determine themselves how to manage the crowds. This also allows for greater manoeuvrability by allowing a person to traverse platforms by moving through trains in waiting.

Platform Strategy 32


Ferrocement A system of construction using reinforced mortar or plaster (lime or cement, sand and water) applied over an “armature” of metal mesh, woven expanded-metal or metal-fibres and closely spaced thin steel rods such as re-bar. The metal commonly used is iron or some type of steel.

Eladio Dieste : Brick & Tile Uruguayan engineer who made his reputation by building a range of structures from grain silos, factory sheds, markets and churches, most of them in Uruguay. Thin-shell structure for roofs in single-thickness brick, that derives its stiffness and strength from a double curvature catenary arch form that resists buckling failure

Material Properties My investigations into material started with an analysis of material which could form complex curves and build up a skin like structure. Before coming to bricks and structural tiles I came across ferro cement which provided exactly what I was looking for, except the heavy production of steel mesh and the sole use of cement, meant that the environmental impact was to heavy. I then cam across Eladio Dieste who demonstrated the possibilities of tile and brick. What I determined from his designs is that in some cases some steel reinforcement is necessary but actually a lot of the design sits on the structure of bricks.

Standard Size:

215 x 102.5 x 65mm

Compressive Strength: 25NM Dry Weight per Brick: 1.95 Kg Water Absorption: Durability:

< 29%


The brick, once fired, is a very hard and brittle substance. Its surface is relatively smooth meaning that is reflects both sound and moisture but can erode with enough energy. In the short term it can slow the transfer of heat as it has already been heat treated but overtime it slowly absorbs this heat.

Structural Skin



Structural Tile Sequencing

Structural Tile In Catalonia, tile vaulting had been in frequent use since the fifteenth century. Within a few centuries, it could be found in other regions of spain, as well as certain areas of Italy, France, Portugal and Algeria. The vault construction was noted for being very profitable, very lightweight, and very low cost work of plaster and brick. When compared to traditional stone vaulting, tile vaulting is revolutionary for its economy of materials and its speed of construction. Two key features distinguish tile vaulting from other types of masonry vaulting. First, thin tiles are laid flat to constitute the surface of the vault, joined along their thin edges, in contrast to the vertical orientation of masonry units in traditional construction. Secondly, the first layer of tiles is joined with plaster, which sets so quickly that tiles are held in place almost instantaneously, and there is no need for support from below during construction. These features make the tile vault advantageous over other traditional vaulting methods by reducing the thickness and the amount of thrust generated.

Phase 01

The bridge is used as an example for one method of tile vaulting with modern day techniques. The structure starts with two simple steel box beams bent in one direction. The box beams are then tilted inwards to help with the thrust forces that will come from the tiles. An arched surface is then built using the traditional tile construction technique with tile set on their ends to provide a flat platform. The balustrade is then built using the same technique making sure that the forces are resolved by the bridge itself and the steel box beams.

Phase 02

Phase 03

Mapungubwe National Park Interpretation Centre The Centre demonstrates the ease of construction for structural tiles. The series of roofs were built by the local village. As long as the edges are defined, the surface has some tolerance. Using simple timber guides we can see in the images the multiple layers they create the structural skin. It is also and example of how the tile pattern is staggered to increase bonding strength.

Structural Tile Bridge

The Structural Tile 34


South Kensington Station




Existing Pelham Street Facade

Heritage Analysis




Pelham Street Facade The station frontage onto Pelham Street is instantly recognisable as part of the London Underground. This brand recognition was the intention of the architect Leslie Green who designed such stations across the early Underground network, creating a strong corporate identity by using recognisable and consistent architectural features, proportions and materials. These survive on the upper face of the Pelham Street façade including the striking ‘ox blood’ red, faience (glazed terracotta) tiles, semi-circular first floor openings and a moulded cornice The building is a part of the original Piccadilly Line and part of the Underground’s early design branding. With a focus on clay elements, effort will be made in salvaging bricks and tiles. However this is a labour intensive process as it requires carefully disassembly to not damage the bricks and tiles. They then require cleaning by scraping off the mortar which can also be difficult depending on the type of mortar used Renewing Heritage originally.

Existing Pelham Street Facade

Recycle Existing Bricks

Recycle Existing Tiles

The one thing you can not design is heritage and due to this we have a duty to be sensitive and respectful to it. However we also have a responsibility to breathe new life into buildings and to make radical propositions. There is a global movement to invest in the buildings we have rather than new constructions and with this movement maybe we should reconsider how we interact with heritage architecture. The current system is in place to safeguard the historical character of the city we inhabit and to protect designs which define moments of our character. The general presumption with grade listed structures is that you do not touch them, but if you can demonstrate rigorous research and understanding into the initial intention, it becomes possible to align the design with the character of place. The site has always been a place of commerce, a satelite hub for South Kensington. The project aims to maintain this charcter whilst updating the sites modern needs. The new excavation would allow greater appretiation of the power of victorian brickwork by allowing the public to engage use the space that has fallen into disrepair. The integration of new brickwork extends the lifespan of these heritage structures. The initial station at South Kensington also had a steel framed roof spanning the width of the excavation. This roof then fell into disrepair and was subsequently removed. This project looks to reinstate this grand roof structure with some added gradeure demonstrating the possibility of its material. Maintaining the light and airy nature of the space.

Site Heritage Analysis



Victorian Cut and Cover Typology 36


Roof Strategy 01

Roof Strategy 02

The existing roof strategy lies on the central axis of the site, extending out to cover only the central platform.

With the renewal of the flanking platforms, a new roof will need to be constructed to cover these areas. South Kensington had a historical roof made from steel and glass which consisted of a long central arch and flanking flat roofs. This was very inspirational as it allowed for a large amount of light whilst still providing shelter to a large percentage of the site.

Roof Strategy 03

Roof Strategy

It is my proposal to span the entire width of the excavtion, using the strength of the existing heritage brickwork, combined with modern methods to create an expansive arched roof which activates the street level.



The timber centering is not necessary to support the tiles during construction as the plaster sets almost instantaneously. In this case it is used as a guide to get the first layer to the correct form and the roof strength comes from this form. The timber segments can then be reused for the rest of the roof.

Timber Formwork

Construction of Roof Much like the bridge, once the steel beam is installed, the clay tiles can then begin to be constructed. The first step is the delivery and installation of the prefabricated timber formwork. This formwork sits on the added steel flanges. This is needed to produce the first layer of tiles to the correct shape. Once the first layer of lime is dry, which usually takes only a day, the construction can then begin on the next layer and so on until there are 4 layers. The form of the tiles structures was developed to produce an arch in both axes. The lower layers have a more rounded arch making them stronger. The test layer was the initial test to see if a shallower crosssection was more beneficial but the weight of the upper roof then shifts forward and so it was abandoned.

Completed Fragment

Top Layer

Roof Analysis 38

Bottom Layer

Test Layer


Clay Tile Vaulting Integration The tile vaulting built up over multiple layers with the top layer giving to smooth wave of the elevation.

Steel Box Beam The steel beam is based from an arching box beam, with welded guides for the tile vaulting to grip onto. The steel pieces are arranged to be strong perpendicular to the forces from the tile vaulting.

Concrete Edge Beam Steel Window Beam Clay Tile Vaulting

Roof Structure



Large Clay Elements

On site Manoeuvrability Large Clay Elements

As the site is quite large, one crane would not be able to reach all areas. This means that multiple mobile cranes will be set up in different locations to assist with heavy components.

Timber Formwork

Manoeuvrability A lot of the elements for the construct will be made offsite and transported to be assembled on site. This requires that the elements be designed so that they can be transported to central London by Lorry. As it is a train station, there is the opportunity to move elements by rail, however it is not recommended due to the heavy restrictions of the tunnels.

Roof Segment

Constructive Manoeuverability 40

The site has a large footprint allowing for the storage of some materials, but its is more convenient and secure to supply the components when there is demand for them on site. This may be more efficient but it also has an impact on the environment and local traffic if a lorry is too early and is sent away to come back later.


Platform Structure The platform provides an integrated thermal labyrinth to capture the heat from the trains when they are breaking. This structure needs to be sturdy to resist a large amount of force incase of a derailment scenario. To do this there is a simple system of dividing structure pushing perpendicular to the train. The platform also sits on a perimeter of brick work to transfer the larger forces. With about 30 million passengers passing through this station each year, the structure has to be very robust. This all sits on a concrete raft foundation as its needed to help insulate the thermal labyrinth fro the soil below. The thermal labyrinth usually is not chosen because of its larger upfront cost however below the platform is usually hollow. On the central axis of the middle platform are large planters which also act as platform seating. This allows the soil from below the excavation to pertrude above the platform level, allowing for a greater soil depth and larger vegetation. The space provides a large open space with no structure near to the platform edge.

Platform Analysis



Retaining Wall With the redistribution of commercial space, two new arcades will be excavated next to the platforms therefore moving the current retaining walls. Research was invested into how retaining walls work and which is best suited to this project.

w - weight f - friction p - pressure

Diagram demonstrating how to design retaining walls which use the pressure from the soil it is holding back to increase strength.

Types of Retaining Walls

Gravity Wall

Piling Wall

Cantilever Wall

Anchored Wall

Standard wall type that holds earth mainly through its own weight. Can pivot and topple relatively easily, as the internal leverage of the earth pressure is very high.

Using long piles, this wall is fixed by soil on both sides of its lower length, if the piles themselves can resist the bending forces, this wall can take high loads.

The cantilever wall uses the same earth pressure trying to topple it to stabilise itself with a second lever arm.

This wall keeps itself fro toppling by having cables driven into the soil or rock and fixed by expanding anchors.

Top - Diagram demonstrating how existing brick retaining wall works by creating brick pillars to provide support to internal arches which are pushing against the soil. Bottom - Works to existing revetment will include removal of internal arches to provides access between columns. Existing Retaining Wall The brick revetments were designed by Sir John Fowler, engineer of the first underground railway. The arched brick niches, cornice details and upper tier of brick openings add distinctive visual character to South Kensington Station with a visually striking rhythm, massing and form. As such the revetments have both historic and architectural interest and are highly significant features. Both the northern and southern revetments were designed by John Fowler, three years apart. The northern revetment is the sole visible surviving element of the 1868 station, the southern survives from 1871. The attractive yellow colour of the brick reflects the fact that these were the passenger facing elements of the railway associated with the platforms and glazed train-sheds.

Location of revetments

Retaining Wall Analysis 42

Form of existing brick revetment


Excavation Zones Excavation ExcavationZones Zones Excavation Strategy Excavation ExcavationStrategy Strategy Due the fact that the project identified Due Duetoto tothe thefact factthat thatthe theproject projectidentified identified the retaining area which we the theretaining retainingasas asanan anarea areainin inwhich whichwe we can use brick rather than concrete, the can canuse usebrick brickrather ratherthan thanconcrete, concrete,the the excavation process had amended. excavation excavationprocess processhad hadtoto tobebe beamended. amended. Top -- The modern way excavation Top Top- The Themodern modernway wayofof ofexcavation excavationis isis composed drilling and casting large composed composedofof ofdrilling drillingand andcasting castinglarge large concrete piles create strong perimeter concrete concretepiles pilestoto tocreate createa aastrong strongperimeter perimeter wall within which can excavated with wall wallwithin withinwhich whichcan canbebe beexcavated excavatedwith with risk the earth collapsing The nono norisk riskofof ofthe theearth earthcollapsing collapsingin.in. in.The The existing retaining wall can then worked existing existingretaining retainingwall wallcan canthen thenbebe beworked worked now that not supporting the soil. onon onnow nowthat thatit itis it isisnot notsupporting supportingthe thesoil. soil.AA A reinforced concrete wall then constructed reinforced reinforcedconcrete concretewall wallis isisthen thenconstructed constructed the inside the concrete piles onon onthe theinside insideofof ofthe theconcrete concretepiles pilesforfor for reinforcement and better surface build reinforcement reinforcementand anda aabetter bettersurface surfacetoto tobuild build from. from. from.

Option -- Concrete Piles Option Option0101 01- Concrete ConcretePiles Piles

Bottom -- This method using sheet piles Bottom Bottom- This Thismethod methodofof ofusing usingsheet sheetpiles piles preferred not require using is isispreferred preferredasas asit itdoes it does doesnot notrequire requireusing using concrete, however the process slower concrete, concrete,however howeverthe theprocess processis isisslower slowerasas as you have excavate segements you segments asas you you youhave havetoto toexcavate excavateinin insegements segementsas asyou you build the brick retaining wall. The process build buildthethebrick brickretaining retainingwall. wall.The Theprocess process consists inserting steel sheet piles and consists consistsofof ofinserting insertingsteel steelsheet sheetpiles pilesand and securing perimeter. The soil can then securing securinga aaperimeter. perimeter.The Thesoil soilcan canthen thenbebe be excavated with reinforcement placed excavated excavatedwith withreinforcement reinforcementplaced placedif ifif needed. The concrete foundations can then needed. needed.The Theconcrete concretefoundations foundationscan canthen then poured with the brick revetment then bebe bepoured pouredwith withthe thebrick brickrevetment revetmentthen then built top. The final stage the that work built builtonon ontop. top.The Thefinal finalstage stageis isisthe thethat thatwork work can commence the historical brickwork can cancommence commenceonon onthe thehistorical historicalbrickwork brickwork once longer supporting the soil. once onceit itis it isisnono nolonger longersupporting supportingthe thesoil. soil. The lower diagrams describe how the The Thelower lowerdiagrams diagramsdescribe describehow howthe the surrounding soil and buildings are surrounding surroundingsoil soiland andbuildings buildingsare are monitored movement excavation monitored monitoredforfor formovement movementasas asexcavation excavation with close poximity. This proximity. This astandard standard is isiswith is isisaisaastandard withclose closepoximity. poximity.This This standard process conducted with process processconducted conductedbyby byTfLTfL TfLwith withallall all excavation projects. excavation excavationprojects. projects.

Option -- No concrete Option Option0202 02- No Noconcrete concrete

Monitoring soil settlement Monitoring Monitoringsoil soilsettlement settlement

Using laser measures and prism Using Usinglaser lasermeasures measuresand andprism prismtoto to monitor movement monitor monitormovement movement

Excavation Strategy

2.3 Excavation Strategy 2.3 2.3Excavation ExcavationStrategy Strategy

33 33 33 42


Southern Arcade

Structural Systems 44

Thermal Labyrinth

Platform Seating


Northern Arcade







Lighting Diagram

Light Strategy N 330

30 10






30 40 50 60 70 80


24.52 21.28









150 S

Sun-Path Diagram - Latitude: 51.5 Hourly Data: Dry Bulb Temperature (C) London Wea Ctr St James Park_ENG_GBR






E 100


110 120 130 140 150 160

330 320


190 S 170 Total Radiation(kWh/m2) London_Wea_Ctr_St_James_Park_ENG_GBR_1991 1 JAN 1:00 - 31 DEC 24:00

584.44 500.95 417.46 333.96 250.47


350 N 10


330 320




350 N 10





40 50


Much larger windows incorporated into the roof structure allow the sun to illuminate sufficiently throughout the day. 60














230 220 210








S 170


140 150

294.97 252.83 210.69 168.56 126.42
















230 220 210


160 190 S 170

140 150


294.97 252.83 210.69 168.56 126.42

The new arcade is illuminated by skylights with the northern excavation using mirrors which are incorporated into the existing structure to bounce light into hard to reach places. 84.28



Diffuse Radiation(kWh/m2) London_Wea_Ctr_St_James_Park_ENG_GBR_1991 1 JAN 1:00 - 31 DEC 24:00

Areas of Light Passage for Southern Arcade

Light Analysis










230 220 210 200






The general form of the building affects how much light it get due to its significantly lower roof level. However, the southern side of the elevation has been opened up to allow secondary light to pass through.





350 N





340 330 320 310




Direct Radiation(kWh/m2) London_Wea_Ctr_St_James_Park_ENG_GBR_1991 1 JAN 1:00 - 31 DEC 24:00


Areas of Light Passage Northern Arcade


Internal Noise

Sound Strategy The sound pollution of the proposed station should not increase from the existing station. The roof will help with protecting the street from the sound of breaking trains. However, the upgrades are proposed to accommodate a growing number of passengers which will increase local levels. The site is already an extremely busy area as its a small hub. The pedestrianisation of the road will reduce vehicle traffic such as passing buses for the properties on Pelham Street. The internal space is made predominantly from brick and tiles which are hard surfaces and there-for reflects sound. This also means that it is a good insulator of sound. As long as the space is large enough, the internal sound should dissipate. The wavelike form of the roof also helps to bounce sound away from its origin. The biggest issue would be the sound from the perimeter walls but they have a complex form which adds depth and does not provide enough surface to make a substantial difference

Revetment Sound

Roof Sound

External Noise

Sound Analysis



Section 4

Final Drawings



Appreciating Heritage



Platform Experience 50


Activated Street Experience 52


Surface vs Volume 54


A Light Touch 56


Section 5

General Arrangement




5.1 Roof Plan










11 9

8 12 5 7

1. Main Entrance 2. Rear Entrance 3. Side Entrance 4. Lift 5. Southern Arcade 6. Northern Arcade 7. W/C 8. Platform 01 9. Platform 02 10. Platform 03 11. Platform Seating 12. Access to Picadilly Line 13. Access to Museum Tunnel 14. Information Booth

5.2 Platform Plan













5.3 Long Elevation


5.4 Long Section



7. 1.

1. Southern Arcade 2. Northern Arcade 3. Platform 01 4. Platform 02 5. Platform 03 6. Platform Seating 7. Access to Picadilly Line 8. Access to Museum Tunnel

5.5 Short Section





8. 4.





Section 6 Appendices



Labour Intensity




Various parts of masonry construction were replaced by concrete because of the comparable strength and increased speed at which it could be layed. For example all foundations are now built using concrete because it is faster to pour concrete than it is to lay the equivalent amount of bricks. Modern day construction requires assembly to get quicker and quicker to reduce the amount of disruption and to match the pace of the current industry. However, we may need to accept longer lead times if it has environmental trade-offs.


This may also impact construction workers. The increase in the intensity would have to also be supported by an advancement in the process and in turn reducing the pressure on the workforce.



Pour Concrete

Brick Masonry

Concrete Dries



Figure 5. GHG emissions trajectory in a 1.5*C scenario

UK Carbon Net 0 Target


The UK’s 2050 net zero target — one of the most ambitious in the world — was recommended by the Committee on Climate Change, the UK’s independent climate advisory body.






-1000 2000











Net zero means any emissions would be balanced by schemes to offset an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, such as planting trees or using technology like carbon capture and storage. With the construction industry being one of the major contributors to the global climate crisis, we are in a position in which we have to make conscious changes to lessen the impact.

GHG emissions trajectory in a 1.5*C scenario Industry is a large contributor to global emissions and is required to invest in reducing annual levels.

Transport for London Carbon Footprint The Tube provides one of the most carbon efficient forms of transport. London’s Underground system is intensively used, enabling 3-4 million fast, efficient journeys around the capital every day. If all these journeys were made by car, the additional 2.5 million more cars on the roads everyday would increase congestion and add 1.3 million tonnes to London’s annual Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. The Mayor of London has set ambitious reduction targets to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2025 from 1990 levels. Increased use of public transport is a large part of the solution, and the LU’s upgrade programme increases peak capacity into central London by almost a third. While the average car journey within London is responsible for the release of 138g CO2e1, the average Tube journey results in the generation of just 48g CO2e, making the Tube one of the most carbon efficient forms of new transport capacity.

Footprint Component

CO2 emitted per annum


Scope 1 Emissions


Purchased gas Power Station gas Power Station oil Company leased vehicles

8,798 4,263 634 461

Scope 2 Emissions


Purchased electricity


Scope 1 Emissions

Scope 3 Emissions


Scope 2 Emissions

Water consumption Wastewater discharge Waste produced Employee commuting Business travel Rail replacement buses Infraco vehicles Purchased materials Infraco activities End use products

216 38 34,872 497 718 1,521 2,567 1,775 76,670 2,407



Scope 3 Emissions

Total 754,437 London Underground can also contribute by improving our own carbon efficiency. London Underground’s electricity consumption in 2007/2008 was 0.4 per cent of all the electricity used in the However, Transport fol London should be making conscious UK and 2.8 per cent of London’s total decision to find ways of reducing its impact on the usage, Foreword making LU the largest environment in such ways as sourcing local materials such consumer of electricity in the capital. as London Clay.



Thermal Massing The existing station was constructed using whats known as a ‘cut-and-cover’ approach. This method consisted of creating a covered trench housing the railway rather than a true tunnel. It avoided the cost and risk of property demolition by following roads. The basic ‘cut-and-cover’ approach appeared simple enough, employing existing technology to build the railway within an excavated cutting.




This means that 90% of the volume of the station is below ground level, allowing the design to take advantage of some thermal properties. Th UK has quite a varied climate but doesn’t have regular extreme climate conditions, especially within central London. However, no matter the climate the thermal properties below ground level remain consistent, warming the building in cold weather and cooling it in hot weather. The station is predominantly covered exterior space but flanking the platforms are the new arcade spaces with commercial spaces within them. These spaces are considered interior spaces as they are expected to be worked throughout the day and should be waterproof and insulated.

Building Life Cycle

Material Extraction

Material Production Utilisation End of Life Disposal


The station was designed and built in 1868 under the direction of Sir John Fowler, the designer of the world’s first underground railway, to form a link between the original ‘Underground’ line of the Metropolitan Railway and a new Inner Circle railway. Just three years later, the station underwent its first significant structural modifications. This began a pattern of demolishing and rebuilding different parts of the station that would continue over its history with the addition of extensions in 1871, 1907, 1966, 1970 and in the 1980s. The station was modified and extended to accommodate changing passenger numbers and technological advances. These changes variously affected the surface buildings, the sub-surface station tracks and structures, the deep-level Piccadilly Line and the buildings surrounding the station. As a consequence, the station today is formed of a complex series of structures that have been amended to various degrees at different points in history. This project will use a similar material palette to match the long lasting lifespan of this infrastructure project.



All work produced by Unit 14 Unit book design by Charlie Harris www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture Copyright 2020 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retreival system without permission in writing from the publisher.


UNIT @unit14_ucl





he focus of this year’s work is the awareness that architecture can affect at deepest systemic leveland the understanding that architectural proposition is in itself a system of interrelated constituentswhere the findings of interdisciplinary systems theory apply. This knowledge opens a way to a method-driven approach that can materialize in architecture of great performance and considered expression while driving architectural authorship and novelty. We will aspire to reinstate the designer’s engagement with all aspects of the system’s constituents aiming for impactful architecture delivered by the negotiation of the interacting entities that define the unified spatial whole. Societal, technological, cultural, economic as well as political developments will propel our investigations with a deep understanding of how they interlink. This will shape our strategies and heuristics, driving synthesis. The observation as well as re-examination of civilizatory developments will enable us to project near-future scenarios and position ourselves as avant-garde in the process of designing a comprehensive vision for the forthcoming. We will find out about how human endeavour, deep desire and visionary thought interrelate while they advance cultural as well as technological means, driving civilisation as highly developed organisation. Futurist speculation inspires and ultimately brings about significant change. Supported by competent research we will aim for systemic impact and amplify found nuclei into imaginative tales with architectural visions fuelled by speculation. Our methodology employs both bottom up and top down strategies in order to build up sophisticated architectural systems and will be tailored to the individual problem. Pivotal to this process and to fight charlatanism is the concept of practical experimentation – and intense exploration through both digital and physical models that aims to assess system performance and its direct application to architectural space. The emphasis on applied research fuels the process of design and allows us to develop highly considered architectural propositions with great momentum. Thanks to: Zaha Hadid Architects, DKFS Architects, Seth Stein Architects, Orms Designers and Architects, Cundall Engineers, Knippers Helbig, DaeWha Kang Design, AL_A, Innochain, Langstaff Day Architects

All work produced by Unit 14 Unit book design by Charlie Harris www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture Copyright 2020 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retreival system without permission in writing from the publisher.

UNIT 14 @unit14_ucl

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