Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering

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department of mechanical engineering

Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering


The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro creates high impact knowledge and research, producing articulate researchers and top engineers who are called to hold leadership in industry, society and academia.

Today, both the industry and high-tech companies need engineers with solid capabilities and

Professor Helena Nazaré

skills far from the usual obtained in graduate courses. The ability of autonomously conducting

President of the European University Association (EUA), Full-Professor and ex-Rector

research is an increasing need of the modern engineers. The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering was designed to provide the opportunity for study in a broad range of areas, many of which are in the edge of the technological engineering knowledge. Professors and researchers of this Doctoral Program have high known international reputation and provide the students the opportunity for research in areas such as Fluids and Thermal Engineering; Structural Mechanics; Mechanical Technology; Industrial Automation; Product Engineering; and Biomechanics.

J. Paulo Davim | Vítor Costa Doctoral program director | Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department

«The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering will make all the difference in the ability of problem solving and team leadership, as well as in the participation of qualification of other engineers, thus having a multiple capacity. This advanced training course of the University of Aveiro has widened the horizons of its students, with accesses to high performance activities and markets in the national and international engineering scene.»


Research and development (R&D) are increasingly the key to success in the business world, forming

Francisco Mata Cabrera

the basis for innovation, to increase the added

Director of Escuela de Ingeniería Minera e Industrial de Almadén, Universidad CastillaLa Mancha UCLM (Spain)

value of products and services and to gain competitive advantages.

«The DPME of the University of Aveiro The main objective of the Doctoral Program in

has allowed me to advance in my aca-

Mechanical Engineering (DPME) is to train highly

demic career. The integration, from day

qualified personnel to conduct R&D in the field of

one, in a research group of international

Mechanical Engineering.

relevance, drives the PhD students into international research networks in their

The DPEM is part of the activities of R&D

fields of specialization.»

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, and the research unit

Raquel Silva

Mechanical and Automation Technology Center

Arkentec, Volkswagen AG (Germany)

(TEMA) associated with it. The main areas are: ·

Fluids and Thermal Engineering;


Structural Mechanics;


Mechanical Technology;


Industrial Automation;


Product Engineering;



The R&D activities accomplished in the scope

«In the DPME I improved my know-how in fields such as optimization, solid mechanics, materials science and computational mechanics, among others. The possibility to apply this knowledge in real problems made my integration easier in the world leader car manufacturer Volkswagen, where I am currently doing Research and Development in the optimization field.»

of TEMA have been subject of national and international recognition, validated in the form of hundreds of papers published in scientific journals of the Science Citation Index (SCI), in


the high citation rate of these articles, in the

The Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program

registered patents and the close cooperation

is specifically designed for Engineers that wish

with national and international companies and

to pursue their engineering studies in a R&D


perspective and to gain the abilities to conduct autonomous research and to lead in the scientific





Main selection criteria


official registration

Applicants for enrolment will be selected by the

R/B-AD-1005/2007 Despacho n.º 26 970- AA/2007;

Scientific Council of the University of Aveiro in


Diário da República, 2.ª série — N.º 227 — 26 de

accordance with the proposal made by the Director of


Novembro de 2007

the Study Cycle, taking into account the following



accreditation status




Fluids and Thermal Engineering;


Industrial Automation;

date of publication of the decision


Mechanical Technology;

23 December 2014


Product Engineering;


Structural Mechanics;


a) Academic curriculum; b) Scientific curriculum; c) Professional curriculum. An interview and / or a written test may be required as complementary criteria.

deliberation of the accreditation agency


Application deadlines


The period for application ends in September, however,

J. Paulo Davim



The student of the Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Programme that ends the programme with success will have the degree of doctorate in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

applications after the regular period will be also considered. Admission process Applications should be made exclusively via Internet, at the following address:


YEAR 1 › SEMESTER 1 Option I

Option I and II list:

Computational Methods In Mechanical Engineeing


Energetic Analysis of Systems

Experimental Methods In Mechanical Engineering


Science and Technology of Surfaces

Thesis Project I


Development of Numerical Simulation Tools



Product Engineering


Biomechanical Systems and Processes



Intelligent and Bio-Inspired Product

Option II


Advanced Mechanics Project

Free option


Advanced Automation Systems

Thesis Project II


Advanced Production Technologies


Advanced Topics in Thermal-Fluid Sciences

YEAR 2 › ANNUAL Thesis YEAR 3-4 › ANNUAL Thesis

Eligibility 1. Master level degree, or legal equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or related topics. 2. Foreign higher education degree in the same topics referred to in 1, awarded on completion of a 2nd cycle study programme organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. 3. Foreign higher education degree in the same topics referred to in 1, recognised as meeting the objectives of the master degree by the scientifically and statutorily competent body. 4. The Scientific Council of the University of Aveiro can admit applicants who do not meet the conditions specified above but whose academic, scientific or professional curricula reveal an adequate preparation for frequenting the programme. 5. The recognition referred to in 2, 3 and 4 only affects the entry into the study cycle and do not confer equivalence

For more details about the Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Programme please contact: Carla Maio Mechanical Engineering Doctoral Program secretariat Tel.: +351 234 370 830 Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal


The University of Aveiro (UA) is among the most dynamic and innovative universities in the country, ranked in the top 100 world universities under 50 years old (Times Higher Education 100 Under 50). UA has around 14000 students and a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centers) and seeks to develop and maintain a supportive research environment, where researchers can count with a solid and experienced administrative, financial and legal structure. UA has a strong research profile contributing to the progression of science and technology, and a privileged partner to companies and other national and international organizations with which cooperate in numerous projects, providing important consultancy and services. UA is also an actor as a regional network for education and training by promoting strong links with the surrounding community. During 2013, 501 projects were active in UA, of which 71 were financed by international and European Programs. In FP7, UA is/was involved in 52 projects. These projects are developed by 18 research centers of several scientific areas (environmental and marine sciences; materials; nanoscience and nanotechnologies; telecommunications; electronics; telematics; mechanical technology; automation; geosciences; cellular biology; organic chemistry of natural products; mathematics; education; behavioral sciences; languages and cultures; technologies and communication sciences; governance, competitiveness and public policy; politics for higher education; music and design).

Collaborators from industry and recent recruiters include


universidade de aveiro department of mechanical engineering

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