In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni

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i n g i r u m i m u s n o c t e e t c o n s u m i m u r i g n i


in the park, with different typologies of

the kennels park). in few words: a house

(the music town, the botanic garden,

system, could be located the requested activiteis

environment for our new world. with the same

as they are, in order to become the perfect

area aren't restored or demolished, simply kept

bubble-city can freely grow. the buildings in the

then upon necessities, desires, events, the

(antenna + water & electricity box).

directly). the riverpark gets the network support

the different parts, without modifying them

an indirect way (the bubble network overlap on

throughout the space. the waste is managed in

river park, using our inflatable network

in our proposal we define a new concept of

life, excitement, desire, all year around ...

brief ), the masterplan and all the rest. to give

forgetting the dogs (as required from the

people coming from all over europe? not

bubbles, temporary use, sustainability, young


goes asleep?

happens during the long winter, when the city


perfectly fits our vision. an italian city on the

we chose pescara as case-study because it

push ourselves more and more.

taking the constraints as a main trigger to

deadline, to force ouselves to face reality,

competition in order to give our dreams a

reality, to make people dream. to use the

medium to articulate time and space, to model

of emotions, architecture is in fact the simplest

we believe in the value of an architecture made


P E S C A R A , I TA L Y


2 MM000

the conditions for a passionate life already existed, but we went through destruction to be able to recover them



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