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Commuting phenomena

Commuting phenomena is a releva nt aspect to take into considera tion to understa nd the ha bits a nd lifestyles of citizens. Citizens tha t commute will spend ma ny time outside the Municipality during the day a nd they proba bly also ca rry out va rious activities nea r their work-place.

However, the pa ndemic situa tion – a nd the rela ted evolutions of the working modalities tha nks to the increase of sma rt working – opens a window of opportunity to address people tha t work from home in Vimodrone instead of reaching their work-places elsewhere a nd their needs. Commuting zone inside a nd outside of Vimodrone is determined by the a nalysis of work or study trips. In general terms, it ca n be observed tha t the number of people traveling out of Vimodrone to neighboring cities is grea ter tha n the number of people traveling into Vimodrone from the sa me neighboring a reas. Simila rly, travel for work purposes is grea ter tha n travel for study purposes. Thus, work is the ma in ca use of commuting. About 73% of total “vimodronese” workers, opera te outside the Municipality borders. Furthermore, 18% of the trips a re for study reason. In fact, the equipment of educa tional services in Vimodrone goes from nurseries to only middle school, high schoolers a nd university students must, thus, commute to other Municipalities in order to reach the needed educa tional facilities.


In conclusion, Vimodrone is very a ffected by the commuting phenomenon, proba bly beca use of its high accessibility a nd closeness to Mila n a nd beca use of a general lack of buildings a nd services dedica ted to tertia ry sector. However, this phenomenon might be cha nged a nd almost reverted by the current remote-working a nd remote-lea rning situa tion. In fact, ma ny people a re proba bly working from their home in Vimodrone, this makes even more importa nt to work on a 15-minutes city pla n, providing all city users services, commerce, leisure time possibilities next to their homes.

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