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Intermodal Sta tion

Strategic space 3: Intermodal Station

Mobility has a very relevant role in the strengthening of the local community, particularly when, like in Vimodrone, the commuting phenomenon is relevant. The final goal is to transform this area, that at the moment is a surface parking lot, characterized by a poor quality and lack of functionality in a place where it is possible to find a variety of transport modalities as well as services, coworking areas, shops and restaurants and the open-air market.


Since the creation of an underground parking is a quite expensive action, it will require the economic collaboration of different actors, both public and private, that can get in return a pay-back in terms of positive reputation (nowadays, the issue of sustainability and environmental protection is very popular), as well as in economic terms, thanks to the creation of new commercial areas. The creation of the Intermodal Station does not end with physical intervention of the square, but also comprises the relocation of the open-air market (that is currently in a very poor quality space) that can bring new users to the area, and the creation of information campaigns to involve citizens in the project and built a new, positive image for the area.

In the next pages, it will be shown the physical project for the area, as well as the actions needed to get to the results, the involved actors and their role and the times and costs of implementation.

On this page, top Intervention Sketches

On this page, bottom Intermodal sta tion section own ela bora tion

Budget and timeline

The third stra tegic space, Intermodal Sta tion, is obviously focused on the pilla r of mobility. However, since it is not only a mobility hub, it is also releva nt the role tha t services a nd commerce play as well as the a ttention given to the requalifica tion of the public space (the squa re) tha nks to the undergrounding of the pa rking lot. This stra tegic space is very importa nt for the mobility pilla r since it includes most of the pull actions defined by the project in order to reduce the use of ca r. Moreover, we believe tha t making the metro sta tion a sa fe, lively a nd a ttractive space for different people during different times of the day, is a good way to promote collective tra nsporta tion, as well as a measure to ease life for the high number of commuters tha t in the future will be a ble to ca rry out a wide ra nge of da ily-life activities right next to the sta tion, optimizing their time. Both the implementa tion a nd the ma nagement of the action will require the involvement of not much, but very economically releva nt actors. In fact, the interventions will require ma ny funding tha t will be provided ma inly by Ca riplo Founda tions, ATM, MIT a nd the Municipality of Vimodrone. The possibility to bring together so ma ny importa nt supralocal actors is also a good opportunity for Vimodrone to ga in recognition on the municipal a nd regional scale, promoting a n image of a dyna mic city, with a n overall good quality of life a nd services, a good environment a nd a lively community. “Rebra nding” the city tha nks to a n innova tive a nd experimental approach to mobility is a good way to a ttract new residents.

Looking a t the implementa tion time, most of the actions a re middle or long term. In fact, this space presents a high number of very importa nt infrastructural interventions tha t will require up to 10 yea rs to be implemented as the undergrounding of the metro pa rking a rea a nd the crea tion of the building of the intermodal sta tion. Nevertheless, the citizens of Vimodrone will experience the benefits of the action also in the short a nd middle term, tha nks to the implementa tion of non-physical actions or services, like the crea tion of a n unita ry ticket a nd ta riff system a nd the IT system for pa rking lots a nd mobility services, or the implementa tion of a call-bus a nd bike a nd scooter sha ring system. This action, although it might be the most expensive in the short term, is the one expecting to have the bigger payback, tha nks to the crea tion of new commercial a reas. Furthermore, the cost of the intervention on the pa rking lot could be pa rtially bala nced by the increased number of pa id pa rking fees tha t will be genera ted beca use of the increased a ttractivity of the a rea. Aga in, the a nalysis of the source of funding points out tha t economic actors involved will be both public a nd priva te, this is a n element tha t helps developing a feasible stra tegy as well as strengthening the rela tions between stakeholders a nd promote longterm excha nges, not only on economic terms.

Strategic space 4: Social Housing West Area

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