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Requalifica tion
This pa rt adopts two different levels of stra tegies, the whole pa rt a nd the deta il pa rt, to improve the environmental quality a nd accessibility of public space. On the whole, it is coordina ted with commercial service facilities a nd tra nsporta tion to form a systema tic development mode. According to the principle of economy a nd mixed development, the space quality environment is upda ted. Specific opera tions, such as adding some green space facilities inside the squa re, forming a complete green system with the surrounding green space environment, adding some urba n furniture a nd some basic service facilities of public space, adding rest a reas close to trees, shading a nd rest functions, ca n improve the quality of the surrounding environment.
In this way, we ca n improve the mixing of peripheral functions a nd give multiple functions to the sa me space, which ca n not only improve the utiliza tion ra te of public space, but also make it more vivid a nd dyna mic. In addition, we should reopen a nd use some green space with low utiliza tion ra te, a nd upda te some green space functions to make it used aga in. And consider the comfort of some surrounding facilities, so tha t the internal greening a nd street greening orga nic integra tion; We should build a green leisure belt with multiple functions, increase public facilities a nd accommoda te va rious activities; Pay a ttention to the deta ils, combined with the microclima te, build a ha rmonious a nd unified linea r public space of pla nting height, color a nd pla nt colloca tion, a nd build a comforta ble green space. In some places where there is a lack of sports facilities, different sports facilities should be added according to the needs of different groups of people, a nd some activities should be held regula rly in some public places to improve the internal activity.
In addition, va rious facilities should be placed intensively, a nd the width of motorway should be na rrowed appropria tely to release more walking space a nd increase public facilities. Around the river, make full use of the river a nd space environment resources to form the infiltra tion of the whole la ndscape. Make full use of the existing space base, build a more open a nd inclusive wa terfront slow greenway, form a circula r wa terfront space corridor, a nd tap the potential space resources, crea te wa terfront space nodes, a nd enrich the wa terfront slow travel experience.
In terms of social housing, it ca n be divided into two pa rts to improve a nd strengthen the construction system. Outside, to strengthen the a rchitectural space a nd external environment, we ca n add some pa th a nd la ndscape sketch to improve the connection with the overall space. And improve the utiliza tion ra te of green space a round a nd expa nd the service radius of some green space. Some business a nd cultural activities will be held regula rly in the surrounding a reas to increase community activity. Internally, the compa ny will upda te a nd utilize some idle space, increase some basic commercial service facilities, a nd meet the needs of business service radius. In the facade of the building, some flexible pla tes a re added to connect some building space to form a la rger open space.
Beca use of the complexity of public space a nd the dyna mic a nd flexibility of the renewal process, we should advoca te the process a nd gradual upda ting mode, not pursue one step in place, adopt a number of stra tegies a nd adjust them in time as the situa tion cha nges. The long-term goals a re divided into small goals tha t ca n be implemented in each stage a nd ca n achieve multi pa rticipa tion, a nd the implementa tion pla n is formula ted a nd space implementa tion is ca rried out in stages.