2 minute read
Conclusion Conclusion
The 15-min city is a concept in which da ily urba n necessities a re within a 15-minute reach on foot or by bike. The 15-min city also mea ns a kind of proximity, which calls for a return to a more local a nd somewha t slower way of life. It could provide a templa te for how to crea te stronger local communities a nd make residents happier. When the pa ndemic shuttered the city, it showed how importa nt social links a re. Through local identity enha ncement, we will rediscover our way of living.
In Vimodrone, 15-min city is almost there where almost“everything” (services, reta il, associa tions, good built environment, a nd ca nal) exists but does not work well together. Therefore, crea ting systems a nd synergies using pilla rs of commerce/services, mobility, a nd requalifica tion is the key issue towa rds the ta rget of 15-min city.
Commerce/service pilla r a ims a t gua ra nteeing equal access to va rious kinds of commercial a nd public facilities to everyone. The mobility pilla r focuses on improve walka bility, accessibility a nd encourage people to travel in healthier ways. The requalifica tion pilla r promotes continuous use of the spaces. The process of projects themselves, using funding from va rious strea ms, ca n make local people more engaged inha bita nts.
Apa rt from three-pilla r themes, the actions a nd interventions a re based on two opera tional dimensions: time a nd space. We defined 4 a reas (Commercial system, Ma rtesa na, intermodal sta tion a nd social housing west a rea) to be stra tegic spaces to trigger the cha nge in Vimodrone. It is shown the physical project for the a rea, as well as the actions needed, the involved actors a nd their role, a nd the times a nd costs of implementa tion. The resea rch of governa nce of the implementa tion a nd the ma nagement of the project, as well as the fina ncing, is a quite complex issue a nd makes the feasibility clea rer.
The sense of strengthened local community promoted by 15-minute cities may will rework the social fa bric a nd could make people all happier. Through gradual cha nges, Vimodrone will become a more walka ble, livea ble, a nd vibra nt neighborhood in the long run a nd fulfill dyna mic social functions: living, working, supplying, ca ring, lea rning a nd enjoying.