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Commercial System

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Requalifica tion




Strategic space 1: Commercial system

Regarding the commercial system, we have generated different strategies in order to create a commercial axis in Via San Remigio, which is the main vertical road connecting Vimodrone with the neighboring municipalities.

In order to achieve this, we will implement service points (service desk - via XI Febbraio,11) where people will be able to access information about various services, such as babysitting, legal assistance, elderly care, etc. At the same time, we will manage policies to extend the opening hours of stores and services to fulfill the needs of current and potential new users of the area.

Within this area we find the central square (Piazza dell’Accoglienza) and the collective space in front of the San Vittorio Church, where new activities will now be offered such as spaces for cultural events, contemplation, relaxation, and outdoor food consumption, taking into consideration the new biosecurity and distancing measures. As part of the commercial system, we consider it important to create a flexible street system, to make the pedestrian the protagonist of the main streets, introducing a system of call buses to connect the different parking lots in order to reduce the use of private vehicles. All of this in order to increase pedestrian circulation, creating a greater flow and consumption in this commercial axis, where the strategy is to improve the storefronts, giving a new image to this axis of vital importance for Vimodrone.

On this page, top Intervention sketches

On this page, bottom Commercial corridor section own ela bora tion



Budget and timeline

This stra tegic space is cha racterized by a very releva nt commercial identity a nd role. However, as it ca n be seen in the previous pages, it also presents some actions rela ted to mobility a nd the physical requalifica tion of public space.

Since the actions a re so ma ny a nd so va rious, the governa nce of the implementa tion a nd the ma nagement of the project, as well as the fina ncing of it, is a quite complex issue, requiring priva te a nd public actors to get together. The Municipality plays the most importa nt role for all the actions, being the promoter a nd the coordina tor of the interventions a nd the fina ncer or co-fina ncer of all of them. However, there a re also ma ny priva te actors involved, a mong them we must cite Regione Lomba rdia (which will provide the interventions on the shops facades), Ca riplo Founda tion (tha t will fina nce most of the service points action) a nd Ministry of Tra nsport a nd Infrastructures, ATM a nd PoliMi (tha t will have a central role in the implementa tion of the mobility-rela ted actions). Apa rt from them, tha t a re the most releva nt a nd economically strong actors, the implementa tion a nd ma nagement of the project will also count on ma ny local stakeholders, tha t will play a crucial role in the actual ca rrying out of the actions in the long-run.

Moreover, the Municipality will take ca re of the involvement a nd pa rticipa tion of citizens a nd future users of the a rea dedica ting the pa rticipa tory budget to the design a nd implementa tion of the public space project of pia zza dell’Accoglienza. The involvement of local actors as well as residents is in fact very importa nt, not only beca use we expect them to be the final users of the a reas.

All the interventions have a cost tha t goes beyond the implementa tion cost, in fact it is necessa ry to evalua te the ma nagement a nd governa nce of the public a nd priva te spaces. Involving the citizenry a nd the associa tions in

the ca re of the places a nd administra tion of the services is a way for the Municipality to reduce the costs, as well as a way to crea te a continuous excha nge between actors a nd with the administra tion. This interaction will play a crucial role in the strengthening of the local community a nd in the empowerment of residents.

For wha t concerns the time of the implementa tion, most of the actions a re short term; however, the physical actions on the squa re a nd shops will take a good a mount of time. In order to reduce the discomfort of the constructions, there will be taken all the ca utions to limit noises a nd other type of nega tive externalities to people, environment a nd commercial activities.

Moreover, the implementa tion of a n online shopping pla tform will be a ble to reduce the economic losses tha t will be genera ted by the implementa tion works if correctly implemented before the sta rt of the constructions. In order to evalua te the economic feasibility of the actions, we did a general a nalysis of the budget needed to implement the actions a nd, most importa ntly, we defined the providers of the funds a nd their importa nce. It ca n be observed tha t the resources come from both public a nd priva te actors: this is a n element tha t helps developing a feasible stra tegy as well as strengthening the rela tions between stakeholders a nd promote longterm excha nges, not only on economic terms.

Moreover, the project is expected to genera te some economic revenues in terms of a ttractivity of commercial activities a nd of ea rning coming from the activities provided in the service points (courses etc.)


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