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Mobility plays a central role in the definition and implementation of a 15MC. In particular, mobility has a crucial function in Vimodrone, since it deals with the sensitive relationship between living local and working outside the city that many resident and worker of Vimodrone experience everyday.


The overall goal of this strategy is supporting and promoting sustainable mobility through intermodailty. Working in this direction, allows the city to get to multiple objectives that ultimately can bring to the strengthening and conservation of the local community.

Firstly, we deeply believe that working towards sustainable mobility is mandatory in order to enhance and preserve environmental quality, both on a global and on a local scale. Promoting new ways of moving and thus reducing the car-dependency of the city, will free a good share of surfaces that can be transformed into new uses and contribute to a general better urban environmental quality and a better safety for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as creating new spaces for people to meet and gather.

Secondly, the project aims at guaranteeing equal access to the main services and functions to everybody (nowadays, residents which live in peripherical areas and do not have a private vehicle might find it difficult to reach the city center, where most shops and public services are located), reducing inequalities. Thus, creating new transport services is not only a way to connect places, but most importantly to connect people and increase their opportunities and quality of life.

Lastly, promoting intermodailty is a good way to promote optimization both of spaces and times. Reducing the number of vehicles circulating in the city and in the metropolitan area (working on the modal distribution of trips and moving some people from car to public transport) can definitely reduce the traffic, simultaneously reducing the travel time of commuters. On the other hand, collective transport is able to move more people at the same time, thus reducing the space needed, for example, for parking. This can help transforming a lot of surfaces that now are used as parking lots into some new functions, at least in some part of the day or week.

In order to promote sustainable mobility, the project proposes some push actions, aimed at disincentivizing car mobility, together with some pull ones, to promote new forms of moving, like walking, cycling and collective transport. The main push action is the definition of a “ flexible street system” that will give more space to pedestrians, this way increasing the travel time of cars in the city. As push actions, we can name many of them: first, the “ flexible street system” will give more space and safety for people to move by feet of bike, then the new mobility systems (call-busses, bike and scooter sharing) can provide more opportunities for everybody and, lastly, the creation of a new intermodal station and an unique ticket system will make public transport more comfortable and attractive for many.

The specificities of the forms of governance, the economic support and the forms and ways of implementation of this and the other strategies will be tackled later only for some specific strategic spaces that will be better explained later.

Vimocard: to provide access the new mobility system in the area.

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