7 minute read
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Strategic space 2: The Martesana
Naviglio Martesana is seen as an asset and resource of Vimodrone with excellent capacity to enhance local identity and , but now it is far from realizing its full potential since places along the canal are lack of connection, let alone interaction between people and the environment.
We hope to activate the riverbank area with subtle interventions and form an inviting urban surface through different actions. For example, add a new footbridge, inviting city residents to watch the sunset and spend quality time together; add service points; add resting furniture; set up a number of temporary installations and etc. The prefabricated ‘ kit of parts’ construction methodology can be adapted to ensure cost and maximise onsite construction efficiencies. In addition, the actions alongside Martesana identifies opportunities for preserving the Canal’s character and ideas for continued collaborations with communities, partner organizations, and governmental agencies. The inclusive process can lead to a shared vision. In the long run, Martesana would be beloved as a peaceful retreat in Vimodrone—a place to enjoy public life both day and night.
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action. Will issue permits (5 years duration) for trade on public space. The selection of retailers will give priority to whose sell quality and local food StreetFood Association
Will help finding interested food truck owners and organizing promotional events Eatinero Association
Will help finding interested food truck owners and organizing promotional events Youth Center Vimodrone
Organization of recreational activities and festivals (especially in the summertime) particularly for young people Association Gruppo Amici per Vimodrone
Participate in the organization of events and festivals
Pro Loco Vimodrone
Participate in the organization of promotional events
(kiosks with wifi, water, phone chargers et.) Municipality of Vimodrone
Will finance and build the kiosks and take care of the management Parco Martesana
Will cover part of the cost of the kiosks and collaborate in the management Advertisor
Will pay for advertising space on the kiosk. (the gain will help bearing service expences) (in the sorrounding areas) Municipality of Vimodrone Promote and organize and partially finance (together with associations) promotional night events like white nights Open the debate with retailers about the possibility of extending the opening time of shops in the city center (the action needed will depend on the risult of the discussion) Unione Commercianti (Confcommercio)
Mediate in the discussion between retailers and the Municipality about the possibility of extending the opening time of shops in the city center Participate in the organization of promotional events
(Municipal kidergarten Petrarca)
Kindergarten Director Organize the action and autorize the presence of garden and the access for users in unusual hours Will decide, together with the Municipality, who to give the space to (for 2 years)
Municipality of Vimodrone
Owner of the kindergarten Will decide, together with the Director, who to give the space to (for 2 years) Will elaborate the call for tenders for the use of the space for two years and will take care of the administrative organization TerraTerra Farm
Will provide for equipment and courses for people (paid by the Municipality)
Entrusted people
Will take care of the management of the school garden
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action Will design the path and will manage the project implementation Will take care of long-term management Regione Lombardia
Will insert the project into Regional Cycling Mobility Plan Will finance the project A.S.D. VimoBici
Will be involved into the design of the project
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action Will finance part of the action Will design the path and will manage the project implementation Will take care of long-term management
Regione Lombardia
Will finance part of the project
Parco Martesana
Will cover part of the cost of the project and will collaborate in the management
Promoter and coordinator of the action Will organize a call for ideas among citizens for the design of the activity area and will dedicate part of the city budget to the action
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action Will implement the action and finance the management Parco Martesana
Will finance the implementation
Vivai Cazzaniga
The garden center, located in Vimodrone, will sponsor the action providingsome plants for free G.I.S.A. consortium
The consortium, located in Vimodrone, will take care of the extraordinary manteinance of the green areas (e.g. pruning) Association Amici della Martesana
Will take care of the ordinary manteinance of the green areas (getting an expense account by the Municipality)
(Naviglio Martesana) Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action Will purchase the furniture and finance the implementation of the intervention Will secure the unused green areas and allow their use
Budget and timeline
The second strategic space, Naviglio Martesana, is particularly focused on actions regarding the regeneration of the spatial and environmental quality of the area. However, in order to recover the identity of the area and transform the Naviglio in a central place for the local community, requalifying the public space is not enough, it is necessary to make it more attractive for different users throughout the day and week.
Differently from the previous strategic space, in this case the involved actors are generally all locally-based and with less supralocal importance and budget. In fact, since the main objective of the action is to transform the Martesana into a lively place where people can do a variety of actions and enjoy their time on the open air, it is important to give life to a project involving the higher number of different actors, each of them contributing with their point of view and their economic, human and knowledge resource. Again, the Municipality will be the coordinator of all the actions and it will finance most of the physical actions on the area (purchase of furniture, creation of kiosks etc.). The other involved actors vary in their importance and sphere of interest, there are recreational local associations (like MoVi or Proloco), supralocal environmental bodies (like Parco Martesana), sport associations (like A.S.D VimoBici) and also local commercial activities (Vivai Cazzaniga and G.I.S.A. Consortium). Thus, the implementation of the actions will not only bring direct positive effects, but also indirect ones due to the creation or strengthening of relations of different realities that, for very different reasons, whether social, economic or environmental, are interested in investing and participating to the city life of Vimodrone.
Moreover, the action will not be limited only to the banks of the river, on the contrary the project will be the chance to work on some public areas that at the moment are working under their potential, as the parking areas (that can have different functions according to the actual need of the city) or the kindergarten Petrarca (which spaces can be also used for other purposes after the school closing time). The implementation time of the action will be short and medium-term. However, the definition of the intervention priorities will ensure that the area will be more attractive and livable way before the implementation of all the actions. Moreover, the incremental implementation of the project will also give the opportunity to the Municipality (which plays the role of coordinator) to evaluate the effective effects of the project and to change or correct it if needed. In order to evaluate the economic feasibility of the actions, we did a general analysis of the budget needed to implement the actions and, most importantly, we defined the providers of the funds and their importance. The funding will come from different actors, both private and public. In particular this action will count on the economic revenues guaranteed by the advertising spaces that will be created in the kiosks and that, thanks to the new image of the area, can become very attractive for advertisers.