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Social Housing West Area
Strategic space 4: Social Housing West Area
Social Housings located in the west of the base. There are some problems such as imperfect matching information and lack of contact with the surrounding environment. We try to use the following strategies to solve the problem Establish a perfect matching mechanism through mobile phones and other platforms Aiming at the problem that the internal information of social housing can not be matched in time, we can solve it by establishing and implementing mobile phone matching system. First of all, the information matching system is established, and relevant information is input according to the needs of their hobbies, such as (can raise a dog, have a room with an independent toilet), and then matching is carried out. The matching system automatically matches the relevant information according to the needs of the residents. Realize the renewal of rental confidence.
Some incentive mechanisms are set up in the matching system. According to the data information platform, we can help each other in daily life, and share and learn different life skills. And provide some real-time feedback mechanism services, for some positive feedback can be given some rent discount and other incentive mechanisms, for some negative feedback can be implemented some additional rent mechanism, to ensure the maintenance of affordable housing living space.
Enhancing accessibility with the surrounding space Improve the unused green space in front of social housing, and add some paths, urban furniture and some infrastructure inside. With the integration of the park in the middle, a larger opening space is formed to serve the surrounding land. And provide some social, commercial and service points in the east of social housing to meet the radiation of a certain service radius of social housing. Demolish and update part of the building To make use of the unused garage space of social housing, some can be used as the connecting channel of front and rear housing, which improves the accessibility of the area. And to enrich the use of some space, we can develop some sports activities, commercial activities, cultural activities here, and further improve the function of affordable housing. In the interior of the building, the building is updated to a small extent outside the building, and some flexible plates are formulated.Through the addition of different flexible modules on the facade of the building, the connection between the building space is strengthened
Budget and timeline
The genera tion of a 15MC a nd the strengthening of the local community, requires some actions working towa rds the reduction of spa tial, economic a nd social inequalities. In the city of Vimodrone, the social housing neighborhood of via Fiume is a n “incuba tor” of social ma rginaliza tion a nd economic ha rdship. Solving all the social a nd economic problems of the a rea is a n overly a mbitious challenge for a 15MC project, however the project a ims a t overcoming some of the issues, working pa rticula rly to better the quality of the physical space, increasing the number of activities a nd opportunities for residents, bettering the connectivity with the city center a nd promoting shop vitality. Working in this direction is, in our opinion, a good sta rting point to cha nge the image of the city a nd make the residents of the a rea, tha t right now seem to be quite cut out from the life of the city, fell included a nd a releva nt resource for Vimodrone. In this a rea, the pilla rs of Services a nd Commerce a nd the one of Requalifica tion plays both a central role. The action foresees the involvement of ma ny different actors, public, priva te a nd third sector ones. The last ones will be pa rticula rly releva nt for the long-term ma nagement of the actions, in fact they will ca rryout activities a nd courses dedica ted to social-housing residents. Since the housing neighborhood is of public property, the role of the public actors, the Municipality, ALER a nd Region, is very importa nt: they will coordina te the action a nd fina nce it. However, it is necessa ry to involve the residents for two types of reasons: first of all to understa nd their actual needs a nd expecta tion from the project, a nd then to build together a bottom-up project tha t will not only be accepted, but also apprecia ted. This will also avoid the risk of conflicts or va ndalism.
Concerning the time, the actions tha t will take the most to be implemented a re: the institution of a service point, the crea tion of small shops in the ground floor of the building a nd the building of some passages in the building. However, these action will genera te very few nega tive externalities, with the exception of the last one
of them. Although the long times of implementa tion, the residents a nd users of the a rea will experience the benefits of the action also in the short a nd middle term, tha nks to the requalifica tion of the green public space surrounding the building, the extension of the time schedules of via Fiume school complex a nd the set up of the call-bus stop tha t will ease the access to the city center to whom do not own a ca r or do not wa nt to use it. In terms of costs, this action is quite expensive a nd do not genera te direct revenues nor in the short a nd in the long term. However, the implementa tion of the project for the Stra tegic Space will genera te ma ny benefits, in social terms. In fact, if a nalyzed under the lenses of the Public Value approach, the project crea tes a very high public value a nd contributes to reducing the risk of future social issues.