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Focus a nalysis
Focus Analysis
The presence of commerces play a huge role in the 15 minutes city, as it provides citizens with goods (basic to rare), which is the core of the concept. In consideration of the importance of commerces in our study, we chosed to focus on this data, which comes with a broad range of type, it is thus necessary to sort the data gathered. To allow us to produce understandable maps and to show clear characteristics of the area, we worked on typologies, dimension and schedule (nightlife, 24h shop)
Commerces: Commerces: As we can observe we have made a categorization of the different types of commerces present in the study area, dividing them into Daily life needs, considering first need businesses such as: groceries, pharmacies, food services and clothing as well as entertainment, culture and identity and others. The map shows a high concentration of daily life needs businesses in the southwest area, in the Milano 2 -3 municipalities, continuing northwards towards Sesto San Giovanni. Regarding other typologies of stores of other needs we can observe a concentration in the same area south west towards the municipalities Milano 2 - 3 heading towards the center of the city. As far as we refer exclusively to Daily life needs commerces, we have categorized them as follows:
Groceries: Groceries: Open air markets, medium and large scale distribution, Grocery shops and shopping malls; Pharmacies and personal care shops. Food services such as cafes and restaurants. Clothing: the categorizations of each clothing store in the study area and its peripheries. From these analyses we can determine that there is a concentration of businesses in the central areas of each municipality, observing a similar concentration between groceries, pharmacies and between food services and clothing. When speaking of stores for other needs, the concentration remains similar to daily life needs, with the exception that the concentration of stores in the southwest zone of the study area (municipality Milan 2 -3 ) extends in a dispersed manner towards the rest of the municipalities. Here we can observe a pattern of concentration of cultural goods, historical shops, bars and hotels and in a dispersed manner and in smaller quantities towards the peripheries. In conclusion, we can state that the study area is supplied with daily life needs and other needs in a similar way. Maintaining a concentration that starts in the central areas and disperses towards the peripheries of the built-up area.
2.1 Commerce typologies
On the next page, Da ily Life Needs commerces a nd Other Needs commerces, own production
2.2 Commerce by dimension
The a nalysis of commerce by dimension is useful to keep track of the pa tterns tha t the localiza tion of small (or local) a nd big (or malls) shops crea te in the a rea. The map shows the most releva nt ca tegories of local reta il a nd shopping malls. This topic is pa rticula rly releva nt for a 15-minutes city, according to Pa ris’ project for La Ville du qua rt d’heure “the 15-minutes city requires a n adjustment of shops. This involves the strengthening of the network of local shops a nd local services”, in other words a successful 15-minutes city is cha racterized by the presence of ma ny, small-scale reta ils. Looking a t the map, a specific pa ttern ca n be observed: the density of local shops is higher in the centers of the Municipalities or, in the case of Mila n, the closer we get to the city center (like in Città Studi, Loreto a nd NOLO) a nd it decreases while we move to the peripheries. Moreover, the map shows tha t reta ils a re not spread evenly in the peripheral a reas, on the contra ry they generally have a linea r distribution orga nized aside the most importa nt connectors like viale Monza, via Padova a nd via Mila no (Cologno Monzese) a nd, on a smaller scale, via Roma (Segra te). On the other ha nd, most of the shopping malls loca ted in the a reas where of high accessibility a nd where there is lack of local shops: in peripheral a reas a nd within industrial settlements, even though some exceptions – like the presence of three malls very close to viale Monza - ca n be found too.
2.3 Nightlife and 24-hour services
This shows all the shops open a t night ca tegorized by type. According to the na ture of different services, they a re ma inly classified into food, pha rmacies, a nd nightlife shops. In the food ca tegory, we put fast food resta ura nts in this section. This kind of store belongs to the kind of food store tha t opens a t night since you ca n drive in. It ca n be observed from the drawings tha t the resta ura nts a re ma inly concentra ted in Sesto sa n Giova nni, Municipio 2, a nd Municipio 3 a reas, a nd the number of distribution in other a reas is rela tively small. In the pha rmacy section, you ca n see tha t the ma in concentra ted a reas a re still in Sesto sa n Giova nni, Municipio 2, a nd Municipio 3 a reas, a nd the pha rmacies in these a reas have a rela tively reasona ble service radius. Interesting things a re re-centralized. In the region, the ma in pha rmacy roads show a linea r distribution. Considering nightlife, we have included ba rs. On the map, we observe tha t the number of ba rs is not as la rge as fast food resta ura nts a nd pha rmacies, but they also have the sa me concentra tion a rea as fast food resta ura nts a nd pha rmacies. The distribution sta tus is irregula r, generally showing a point-like distribution In summa ry, the distribution of these three settings in the three a reas of Sesto Sa n Giova nni, Municipio 2, a nd Municipio 3 a reas is rela tively complete, a nd there a re cases of lack of numbers or unreasona ble service radius in other a reas. The overall linkage of these facilities in this resea rch a rea should be considered, a nd the needs of different groups of people should be combined to make them evenly distributed.