3 minute read
Mobility a nd walka bility
Pedestrian area
Mobility and walkability
Undoubtedly, mobility a nd walka bility a re some of the ma in indica tors when studying the typology of 15M neighborhoods. In the Vimodrone a rea, we have identified a low level of walka bility despite having a small scale a nd all services rela tively close to the built-up a rea. This is due to the low quality of the pedestria n a reas present, these a reas do not genera te sa fety to pedestria ns, directly influencing the vitality a nd appropria tion of space by pedestria ns - inha bita nts.
Rega rding the pedestria n a rea, we have several typologies such as na rrow a nd wide spaces or sidewalks, a nd in other cases we do not even have sidewalks but pa inted lines on the ground. Most of the pedestria n a reas a re na rrow, followed by la rger a reas a nd spaces without sidewalks, mostly in the north a nd south zones, in the central zone we find ma inly a reas without sidewalks, only with pa inted lines tha t indica te the spaces dedica ted to pedestria ns, here is where we ca n apprecia te more preference to the a utomobile. In conclusion, the walka bility of the a rea is compromised by the lack of quality a nd sa fety with respect to the roadway of the ca rs in the pedestria n a reas a nd the lack of sidewalks.
Sidewalk width
To know more a bout the effective level of walka bility within the study a rea, it has been conducted a n a nalysis a bout the presence and the presence a nd the dimension of the sidewalks dimension of the sidewalks. The sidewalks, were present, have been ca tegorized according to 5 ranges 5 ra nges of width tha t take into considera tion both the limited defined by the Italia n law a nd the dimension needed to allow social dista ncing during the covid period: 1. the sidewalks which width is less tha n 0,9 meters – the sta nda rd minimum dimension to allow a wheelcha ir or a stroller to pass – have been considered as very unsafe very unsa fe, 2. the sidewalks which width ra nges from 0,9 to 1,5 meters – the minimum dimension defined by the Italia n law – have been considered as unsafe unsa fe, 3. the sidewalks which width ra nges from 1,5 to 2,4 meters – the minimum dimension to allow two people to walk on the sa me pavement respecting the social dista ncing (1m) – have been considered acceptable accepta ble, 4. the sidewalks which width ra nges from 2,4 to 3,3 meters – the minimum dimension to allow three people to walk on the sa me pavement respecting the social dista ncing (1m) – have been considered safe sa fe, 5. the sidewalks which width is more tha n 3,3 meters a re considered very safe very sa fe. In the study a rea most of the sidewalk most of the sidewalk (56,7%) do not respect the standard defined by law not respect the sta nda rd defined by law, hence, they do not provide a n adequa te level of sa fety for pedestria ns a nd, in ma ny cases, they limit the accessibility to some pa rts of the cities to la rge sections of popula tion (people on wheelcha ir, pa rents with strollers, people with walking difficulties). Moreover, it must be sa id tha t some streets (as via Sa nt’Anna-via Fiume) do not have a do not have a sidewalk at all sidewalk a t all. It is thus necessa ry to work on the issue of sidewalks to implement a 15-minutes city project, to promote pedestria n mobility a nd gua ra ntee sa fety for all the street users.