Upscale August/September 2023

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Upscale Aug-Sept 2023 Cover.indd 1





7/17/23 9:56 PM


Charlotte. Love takes on a whole new meaning in the Queen City. Pulsing with pride thanks to the tastemakers, trendsetters and the all-around passionate people shaping it, discover undeniable soul that is waiting to make a lasting impression on you. Plan your trip at

ARTWORK BY EVELYN HENSON @ charlottesgotalot


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RED HOT TIA Sister, Sister and Family Reunion actress Tia Mowry’s Mowry’s latest passion project is changing the beauty narrative…one curl at a time. By Jocelyn Amador

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upscale compiled an intriguing roundup of diverse series that are designed to excite viewers. By Leslie E. Royal

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BARBADOS The places, events and tastes to savor and take away. By Hal Peat

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A SUMMER TO SAVOR Relish these warm weather delights from Atlanta eatery Four Fat Cows Ice Cream in Buckhead and Chef Erica Bennett. By Jonell Whitt

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COASTAL SOUL Chef Marvin Woods shares life in culinary arts. By Annita Stokes Thomas

70 / OUR STORIES, OUR VOICES, OUR TIME Our African-American History By Annita Stokes Thomas

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THE GETAWAY Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort Spa and Casino caters to the needs of each visitor. By Tash Van Doimen

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NEW FOR YOU Hair Essentials To Elevate Your Style By Jocelyn Amador

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STYLIN’ AND PROFILIN’ In celebration of hip-hop’s 50th anniversary we reflect on how the genre has impacted the past, present, and future of fashion. By Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds with E. Monique Johnson




C over p hot og r a p hy b y Di a na R a g l a nd ; Thi s p a g e p hot og r a p hy b y Ad a m R in dy

Flex the power of individuality with textural looks celebrating hair’s versatility. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s how it’s done. By Jocelyn Amador



UPDATE 08 / Opener Hollywood goes on strike. By Leslie E. Royal 10 / M edia Reviews The Practice of Sustaining Higher Performance in Business Merger & Acquistion, Our History Has Always Been Contraband, Holler, Child. By Leslie E. Royal

11 / Next Wardrobe stylist Ryan Christopher is blazing hot. By Jonell Whitt

12 / Pets Successful veterinarians and TV stars promote their new PetSmart opening. By Jonell Whitt

14 / A utos The 2023 Nissan Ariya is one sleek ride. By Ibiyi Jules Wilson

19 / P roducts 5 Beauty Products for summer by Utamu Belle; 10 Fashionable back to school looks. By Leslie Royal

COLUMNS 22 / S tyle Autumn looks you will jump on fast. By Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds

24 / Beauty The best care routine from head-to-toe. By Sherry Ann Dixon

26 / Q & A 10 Things I Like/ Chef Jenard Wells serves up his favorite things. By Michelle DeShields

28 / Politics The Supreme Court on diversity and inclusion and how you can affect change in the upcoming elections. By Dr. Adia Winfrey

29 / Education Higher Education requires focus on our own institutions. By E. Monique Johnson


30 / College Who’s got next! upscale partners with the HBCU Creative Cohort “The BLK Experience.” By Denise Powell

32 / Health & Wellness Taye Diggs opens up about sleep vs. without sleep. By Annita Stokes

37 / Health Follow our routine to keep your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health strong. By Tash Van Doimen

38 / Travel Escape to Hilton Head Resorts and its popular restaurants to experience a uniquely different excursion. By Leslie E. Royal

SPOTLIGHT 82 / Will Downing talks music, touring and his personal pain; Evelyn Braxton continues to be an inspiration



6 / Pub Letter From the desk of Bernard Bronner 87 / L ast Word Threads vs. Twitter update






Cou rte sy of Je ssica Ta ylor

upscale CEO Bernard Bronner catches up with the entrepreneur and reality show cast member who reveals some fascinating tidbits. She’s passionate about trap music, has an intriguing collection of perfumes, is dedicated to foster care, cares about higher education, and funds scholarships. The founder and CEO of Ezra Coffee Co. is featured on pg 55 BB: What are fun things you like to do to relax? JT: I enjoy engaging in various activities such as yoga and meditation to find inner peace and tranquility. One of my favorite ways to start the morning is by savoring a nice cup of Ezra coffee while immersing myself in reading.

Bernard Bronner Publisher Ceobernardbronner Bernardbronner Bernardbronner

BB: What advice would you give to individuals who want to follow their dreams? JT: My advice to individuals who want

to follow their dreams is to embrace them unapologetically. Regardless of whether fear is present or absent, take the leap and pursue your dreams with unwavering determination. BB: What is a unique fact about you that your followers don’t know? JT: I have a profound love for reality shows, and I’m actually a participant on the current season of Ready to Love Dallas on OWN, airing every Friday at 7 pm CT.

From the desk of Bernard Bronner


11. Actor Tia Mowry’s latest

22. In this issue, we take you

33. In Must See TV we’ve

4 4. Actor Taye Diggs weighs

passion project is changing the face of the beauty industry one curl at a time and she’s the latest face on our cover! upscale brings you the latest scoop on how she utilizes her authenticity to inspire others as well as to share a positive message about beauty standards and expectations.

along with us to “The land of the Flying Fish”- the serene and captivating beauty of Barbados, where we capture the essence of both town and country.

compiled a list of compelling series and shows that are certainly a “must watch” this season!

in on this Health and Wellness segment, as he shares how he manages to navigate life around his busy schedule while managing to stay healthy and dedicate adequate time for rest.



Bernard Bronner

Founder / Publisher

VP / Editorial Director Art Director Senior Editor Associate Editor Editors at Large Senior Writers Fashion Editor Writers Editorial Events Manager Senior Contributors Contributors Correspondents

P. Nigel Killikelly Michael A. Chester E. Monique Johnson Utamu Belle Michelle Elliott DeShields, Tash Van Doimen Jocelyn Amador, Sheryl Nance-Nash, Hal Peat Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds Kitty J. Pope, Pat Ramanou Dirk ìChiggaî Christiani Shindana Johnson, Leslie E. Royal, Annita Stokes Thomas Carolyn Walcott, Ibiyi J. Wilson Terry Allen, Nicole Baskins, Bentley Diolier, Errol McCollin, K. Nkosi Killikelly

VP / National Sales and Marketing Senior Account Manager National Sales and Promotions National Sales / Health and Wellness East Coast Sales and Promotions West Coast Sales and Promotions Media Consultant and Advisor Newsstand Sales Director Publicist Digital Manager Regional Promotions Manager Event Manager Podcast Manager Social Media Manager

Millie Y. Harrell Armenious Patterson Jr. Endura Govan Leris Bernard Jay Ellis William M. Johnson Bob McNeil John Blassingame Jonell Whitt Denise Powell Gail Foster/Midwest Marie Tichler Tara Merchant Amelia Jackson


Two and Naturi Lewis shows love for their upscale cover! Upscale magazine is the ultimate lifestyle magazine addressing the needs of stylish, informed and progressive African-Americans. You Can Also Stay Connected to Our Digital and Radio Network Platforms DIGITAL Like and Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ Upscale Magazine to stay informed on the latest in news, lifestyle, entertainment and education. Check out the links below: website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @upscalemagazine All editorial queries should be sent to

Subscription Service: 404-407-5750 upscale (ISSN 1047-2592) “The Ultimate Experience” is produced bi-monthly by Killikelly Media for the Publisher. VOLUME 34 ISSUE 4. Periodicals postage paid in Atlanta, Ga., and additional offices. Copyright © 2023 by UPSCALE Communications Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the Publisher is prohibited. UPSCALE assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine. ABC membership applied for. Subscriptions are $14.99 for six issues in the U.S.A. Postmaster: Send address changes to

RADIO streams celebrity talk, hair and beauty, travel and so much more around the clock. It hits all the points of interest that are found in Upscale magazine and allows for those stories to come to life on the radio network. is powered by HaiRadio and headed by longtime hair industry entrepreneur, Kerry Hines. Listen out for amazing new original content streaming across the airwaves at www.UpscaleMagazineRadio. com. Just a click away. Stay tuned.




Update iStock

A PEEK i n t o t h e F RES H and TR EN DIN G P E O P L E , P L A C E S and THIN G S

THE STRIKES SAG-AFTRA AND WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA ANNOUNCE STRIKES IN 2023. On July 14, 2023, the 2023 SAG-AFTRA Strike began. The labor dispute is between the Hollywood actors’ union, representing 160,000 individuals, and the Alliance for Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). It is the first time the group has gone on strike since 1980. They are asking for residuals from streaming services, guarantees on use of artificial intelligence, ratification of their labor contract, and greater regulation on selftape auditions. The union joined the Writers Guild of America (WGA), representing 11,500 screenwriters, which went on strike May 2, 2023. This is the first time both groups have been on strike concurrently since 1960. WGA did not agree with the new contract presented by AMPTP, and are seeking residuals from streaming services, more job security, increased funding, more spacious writers’ rooms, and limited artificial intelligence usage. For actors and writers facing hardship, individuals can apply to the Entertainment Community Fund. Visit this website: www. —Leslie E. Royal





OUR HISTORY HAS ALWAYS BEEN CONTRABAND A Book of Essays in Defense of Black Studies Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Instagram @kaepernick7 – @Keeangayamahtta

This much needed book was created because of the continued effort to remove content from AP African American Studies courses throughout the United States of America. Former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick, historian Robin D. G. Kelley, and culture critic KeeangaYamahtta Taylor wrote original essays for the volume in addition to serving as editors. They offer their own keen insights on African American history and its vital importance. The writings of Frederick Douglass, Zora Neale Hurston, W. E. B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, Angela Y. Davis, Robert Allen, Gibran Muhammad, and others are included. —L.E.R.


ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND PERFORMANCE The Practice of Sustaining Higher Performance in Business Merger & Acquisition Penned by Dr. Henrietta Okoro Instagram @DrEttaOkoro

There are several reasons Dr. Okoro decided to write this book. She provides vitally important recommendations for distressed organizational mergers and acquisitions. Researchers, students, professors, and organizational leaders have resources to assist in maintaining the organization’s performance during the premerger and post-merger phases. She provides information on how organizations can enhance employee retention and job satisfaction as well as improve the lives of others through commitment to diversification. Important takeaways include discovering in-depth research on failed mergers, data analysis, and recommendations. —Leslie E. Royal

“It is critical to understand the lives of others by integrating cultural traits into the work environment and offering solid and proven advice to manage and overcome obstacles which is a catalyst to higher performance in organizations.” – Dr. Henrietta Okoro 10



HOLLER, CHILD A Collection of Stories About the Bruises of Guilt, Love, and Circumstance Penned by LaToya Watkins Instagram @DrLWatkins

Dr. LaToya Watkins has written pieces that have been published in The Sun, Kenyon Review, and A Public Space among others. Her debut novel, Perish, was published in August 2022. She soon followed up with this volume featuring eleven riveting stories. In “Cutting Horse”, a former horse breeder has to face authorities after a horse appears in a man’s backyard. “Time After” takes the reader on a journey with a sister in search of her brother. “Holler, Child” shares the story of a worried mother whose son gets into trouble. Race, power, and inequality is woven throughout each of these stories featuring men and women alike. —L.E.R.

C our tesy of R yan C h ristoph er





Wa rd ro b e s tyl i s t R yan C h r ist opher let ’s his w or k speak for it sel f. BY JONELL WHITT

Wardrobe stylist Ryan Christopher evolved from humble beginnings, spearheading fashion shows and runways on the campus of HBCU Miles College in Fairfield, Ala. He took up residency in Atlanta six years ago but his career started more than 12 years ago when he was working as an intern for celebrity stylist Shun Melson, who worked with Nene Leakes, Kim Zolziak, and other reality TV stars. It wasn’t until Christopher was told his services were no longer needed at his 9-5 job that he finally felt free and knew he had no other choice but to leap forward in his most fashionable kicks and step into the wonderful opportunity of becoming a stylist in his own right. He went on to earn a reputation as the ‘silent assassin’, as clients would go on to ‘slay’ with his approach to wardrobe styling. While not able to pinpoint any one client as a favorite, the proud Southern stylist feels privileged to work with people he never dreamed his path would cross. Christopher reflected on a proud moment when he received the call to work with comedian and Oscar-winning actress Mo’Nique on her I am Monique Netflix comedy special.

“After we wrapped, I received a phone call from the network advising me that I was being submitted for an Emmy nomination for my work,” he recalls. “What an amazing feeling” It is a feeling that Christopher sparked by working with some of his favorite brands such as Alicean Doliva, Chiara Boni La Petite Robe, Alexander McQueen, Zara for Men & Women, LaPetit Robe, a new denim brand for men named Purple Brand. “I love for people to see a range of looks and styles they could pull off.” Christopher also confessed to being a shoe whore with a special love for Giuseppe Zanotti and Christian Louboutin. His affection for the latter led to his one special request which is for everyone to stop saying “red bottoms” and put some respect on Louboutin’s name. The luxury cobbler isn’t the only one to whom respect is due but Christopher is much too humble to make such demands. “My theory has always been about letting my work speak for itself and never toot your own horn,” he says. “When you are skilled in what you do the clients will toot that horn for you.” So to this budding style star we say “Ah, beep, beep and toot, toot”!





PET SUPERSTARS T h e s t a r s o f t he h i t Nat G eo W ild se r i e s , Cr i t te r Fi x e rs ; Co un t r y Vet , o p e n t he i r o wn p rac t i c e at an A t l a n t a a re a PetSm art wh ile p ro mo t i ng b e i ng ve ts i n t he c o m m un i ty. BY JONELL WHITT



IT WAS A SUNNY SUMMER DAY when two successful veterinarians, who started off as college roommates many moons ago at Tuskegee University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, celebrated the grand opening of a branch of their practice at PetSmart in an Atlanta suburb. While the celebrity vets were on site for the big day, it was another Tuskegee classmate and long time friend — Dr. Paul Norwood — who was introduced and will serve as the location’s primary practicing veterinarian. Hundreds of people flocked to the PetSmart in Smyrna, Ga. with their dogs on leashes, cats in their carriers and other pets in cages, to watch the ribbon cutting ceremony. Most of the patrons snapped pictures and held conversations with the reality stars, and the early birds took advantage of $10 gift certificates and free dental exam for their pets. Hip-hop radio host vet, television personality, and morning host of V103 Darian “Big Tigger” Morgan showed up with his pit-bull Maximus the Blue to celebrate. Drs. Ferguson and Hodges have never been strangers to giving back to the community and supporting families. They committed to this way of life long before the cameras started rolling. When they are not tended to their four-legged patients they are busy being fathers to their college-age children. The doctors are visiting different states on their ‘Vet for a Day’ world tour, which allows them to inspire future Black veterinarians and expose young kids that never imagined they could have a career providing medical care for their fur babies. One recent stop on the tour was at the Georgia Academy for the Blind. “The kids were absolutely amazing and loved animals,” says Dr. Ferguson. “Just seeing how these kids overcome things we take for granted; they don’t feel sorry for themselves and just have a thirst for knowledge.” To tune into season five of The Critter Fixers: Country Vet, check local listings for the time and date, or stream the show on Hulu or Disney+.



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ONE SLEEK RIDE The striking 2023 Nissan Ariya is an electric vehicle driver’s dream. BY IBIYI JULIUS WILSON

14 UPSCALE MAGAZINE / u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m


The 2023 Nissan Ariya is Nissan’s first all-electric crossover SUV and is an impressive follow up to the Nissan Leaf Hatchback. In addition to power and comfort, the distinctive Ariya embodies itself as a stylish, luxurious, and technologically advanced vehicle. With an all-electric EV platform, the Ariya defines Nissan intelligence, mobility, and vision. Buyers have the option of six configurations including 2WD and AWD. This meets the demand MSRP: of a wide range of Nissan’s customers. $43,190 With ProPILOT Assist 2.0, drivers can take their hands off the steering wheel in single lane highway traffic. Further, it can assist with passing, exiting, and lane changes on multi-lane highways. Additional advanced technology allows the vehicle to accelerate the brakes and change lanes if the driver’s eyes are on the road. This is made possible with a camera that monitors the driver’s eyes. The Ariya is also equipped with other safety features such as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, rear cross traffic alert, lane departure warning, blind spot warning, rear automatic braking, automatic parking assistance, and high beam assist. Wireless Apple Carplay and wired Android auto are standard features. The Ariya offers a 12.3-inch screen and a 12.3-inch center display screen. It’s projected head up display (HUD) means drivers can monitor their speed limit and road signs while still having their eyes fixed to the road. Driving the Nissan Ariya is fun and exciting thanks to the positioning of its battery under the center of the vehicle. This positioning helps provide a good center of gravity and weight distribution, giving drivers a smooth and quiet driving experience. The starting price range is $43,190. With an MPGe (miles per gallon equivalent) up to 111 for city driving and 95 on highway, the battery range is between 205 to 304 miles. That’s with charging speed of 181 miles in 38 min (80% charged).

u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 15


HELLO SUMMER! ‘Must- Have’ Beauty Products for the Season BY UTAMU BELLE


In this upscale summer haul, we’ve compiled a list of five products from quality brands

ESSENTIALS KIT Created by fashion model Madison Headrick, the Care.e.on En Route Essentials 5- piece kit is ideal for the summer vacation traveler on the go. Perform your self-care skin routine while you travel or anywhere else. This luxurious and sustainable skincare line is TSA- approved and includes refreshing hydrating face mask, rejuvenating facial spray, moisturizing pads and hand sanitizer. Get it at

BAKEUP BEAUTY PALM PALETTE Make it a bold and colorful summer with the latest BAKEUP Beauty Palm Palette, now available at The brand inspires you to live out loud, with its unique, bold color palettes and facial gems, backed by its refreshing skincare line.

FLOWER HOT CERAMIC STYLING BRUSH Wash day just got a little bit easier, with the FLOWER Hot Air Ceramic Styling Brush from This electronic, blow- drying styling brush is the truth, when it comes to detangling, de- frizzing and adding volume to your tresses. Also a great choice for 4a, 4b and 4c hair!

SKULL LIP BALM Nourish and protect your lips this summer with the Rebels Refinery 2 Pack- Natural Mint and Vanilla Skull Lip Balm, available at and These gentle, moisturizing lip balms are infused with the highest standard natural ingredients and essential antioxidants, including coconut, almond oil, beeswax, rosemary extract and Vitamin E. The uniquely packaged lip balms are paraben-free. They will not leave your lips extra shiny, but smooth, with a matte-like finish.

INSTYLER TURBO DRYER This super lightweight InStyler TURBO Iconic Dryer is perfect for drying and detangling hair without overdying and locking in moisture. It does not leave your hair brittle, but healthier looking and soft. With its unique design, it dries hair up to two times faster than regular hair dryers and is suitable for all hair types. Available at




CLASS & STYLE These 10 fashionable back to college accessories and ensembles will make for great gifts to give young adults going off to college and graduate level professionals residing at home. BY LESLIE E. ROYAL


K-Swiss Men’s Cross-Training Shoe, $89.99, Colors: Black, Red with White Gel, Steel Gray with Highrise Black Gel, and Red with Black and Silver Tape, $19.99, Colors: Black, Blaze Orange, Camo, Olive, and Red, cool built-in LED lamp for nighttime college walks and runs

Bluetooth Kit with Earbuds, Smart Watch and Speaker, $99.99, Colors: Gray, Green, Red, Earbuds have caller ID, Smartwatch has DaFit app to track steps and heart rate

Bailey Tunic & Pant Set, $89.99 - $99.99 (tunic), $79.99 - $89.99 (pant),Colors: Cappuccino, Scarlett and White, these elegant pieces are sold separately, sizes 6 – 26





Night Scope Rechargeable LED Beanie

Multi Pocket Upright Duffel by Travelers Club, $59.99, Colors: Black, Crimson, and Teal Green, great gym bag, source to carry books, carrier to travel home

Muk Luks® Arya Patchwork Boot

GUTTER CREDITS, $119.99, walk the campus in comfort and style with features including memory foam footbed and adjustable buckles

Men’s Daniel Sweater Jacket

Isabel Backpack, $149.99, Color: Ecru, available in sizes M – XXL, runs small, made of acrylic and wool with faux leather trim, machine washable, $145, Colors: Persimmon and Stone, this roomy bag is great to carry books, personal items, and clothing for an overnight stay with friends

Stacy Adams Men’s Halden Cap-Toe Shoe, $129.99, Colors: Cognac and White, can be worn with, shorts, casual slacks, or a suit, ladies can wear too

Darzzi All Season Scarf, $65.00, Colors: Red, Tan, Light Gray with Ivory Stripe, Gray with Black Stripe, and Black, wear as a scar or wrap, made of 100% combed cotton







Autumn Fashion Trends We Guarantee You're Gonna Wanna Jump on Fast. BY DR. COURTNEY HAMMONDS

IT MIGHT STILL BE AUGUST but summer is slowly starting to take its place in the rear-view mirror. That’s right, we’ve arrived at the point of the season where oppressive heat waves are causing our minds to wander toward more soothing thoughts such as the sound of crunching leaves beneath our shoes, the inviting smell of warm chai tea lattes, and best of all, the fall ensembles that will soon be filling our wardrobes. Perhaps you already own timeless staples like an unwavering leather jacket or a a sturdy pair of boots, but what about the new autumn trends that you might not necessarily have yet? Well, let us introduce them to you. And while these looks are sure to sweep the market this autumn; we’ve rounded up options for you to shop now.

Cuff It

A bold cuff is the perfect example of a way to make a subtle statement with just one piece. Cuff bracelets are proving themselves to be the easiest way to elevate any look. The silhouette is often just a thick, arched curve but the impact is big! For starters, cuffs are usually adjustable which means you can wear them in multiple ways. If you prefer a classic look, add a cuff (or two) around your wrist to shine under the sleeve of your shirt or sweater. To make the trend more interesting, slip the cuff up your forearm like the models wore at Missoni, or opt for a wrap-around cuff as seen on the models at Tory Burch. Our Pick: Style this Studio Anastasia McNeal cuff bracelet with a crisp button-down while at your desk, and swap in a low-slung tank) for drinks when the clock strikes five.

Neptune Cuff $395; Courtesy of Studio Anastasia McNeal




Fashion Rebel Style

The autumn/winter 2023 runways paid tribute to Vivienne Westwood. Perhaps her punk attitude influenced the buckled and lace-up footwear that clomped down the catwalks? These bring a welcome dose of toughness, as well as offering an additional level of practicality. Ankle-length combat boots from Dior, Fendi, or Akris give floral maxi dresses some edge. Our Pick: If you really want to make a statement in 2023, grab a pair of Jordan Adio of Modern Vice, for a real hit of rebellion. The fanciful styles can be paired with sundresses, pants, or shorts. It's an all-year style and we're v here for it. Jordan Adio of Modern Vice Rita Boot, $custom order; Courtesy of Crystal Loyola

Custom KAYIE Pieces , $325; Courtesy of Manny Urban of Urban504photography


Paint It All Pastel Tight Competition

Designers just didn’t feel like designing pants this season, and honestly, I’m OK with it. Following Bottega Veneta’s lead, Christian Siriano, Prabal Gurung, Dion Lee, and more opted out of bottoms and styled models in tops and tights, confirming the Risky Business look won’t be going away any time soon. No doubt, the world of fashion is being shaped by eclectic finds, making the tight/leggings trend a mustdo for style girls. Our Pick: You'll look and feel like you just walked off the runway in these Yvette Crocker signature leggings that feel like perfection whether your day is shopping or totally relaxed. A wide waistband and soft stretch fabric give these leggings a flattering finish, perfect with your best booties, heels or even sneakers.

Signature Leggings, $100; Courtesy of Yvette Crocker Eskandur Green Leather Apron,$7,540; Courtesy of Eskandur

Yes, you have been seeing pastels everywhere, especially on the most recent designer runways. This bold hue is predicted to overtake Pantone’s Color of the Year as 2023’s most coveted. We recommend dressing head-to-toe in this fiery shade, but just a pop of pink/red will do as well. Our Pick: At KAYIE curated by Vanshawn Kayie Branch, models are adorned in a wide range of punchy pastel pieces, from jackets and coordinating trousers to shorts and vests. Above, the designer gave this head-to-toe vibrant pastels and touches of pink outfit a sweet feel via innovative vibes.

Skin is In

If we follow leather fashion trends, leather has always been a staple in the fashion industry, and it’s no surprise that it continues to be a popular trend on both the runway and the streets. From classic leather jackets to trendy leather pants and aprons, there are countless ways to incorporate this versatile material into your wardrobe. Our Pick: Eskandur played with gender codes via suede, apron-like dresses in neutral and bold tones. Layered over trousers, shirt, and tie, it was a new take on a work uniform, merging the leather apron of a welder with a three-piece suit – perhaps a comment on class as much as on gender codes. Notably, these examples were made from materials traditionally associated with menswear and workwear, allowing for gender exploration while maintaining a degree of satorial futurism.




iS tock


BEAUTIFUL YOU Let's talk friends, movements, and innovations BY SHERRY ANN DIXON

The only constant in beauty is change and never more so than now. In our current climate of fleeting micro-trends, fast moving fashion, and ever-evolving styles, it can be very difficult not to get caught up in the here and now. Here is some insight for the best care routine from head-to-toe to ensure that your “black don’t crack”. Beauty must become our priority If you haven’t already, you’re going to be hearing a lot about skincare that targets epigenetic damage. Where skin is concerned, epigenetics refers to the science of ageing and the issues caused by external factors, specifically environmental and lifestyle sources of DNA damage. Basically, anything other than your inherited genetic traits. Research has shown that most signs of ageing, skin problems, and skin disorders are primarily epigenetic with some degree of inherited 24



genetic tendency. If we could avoid all external sources of DNA damage from birth onward, we could all have amazing skin in the long term. From recent research, Black skin is showing signs of burns from lack of protection from UV rays and non-use of proper use of sunscreens. So, your existing routine must be overly powerful. Protecting your skin against sun and pollution damage is a must as is not using harmful ingredients that are known to cause inflammation. Inflammation damages the skin on many levels including DNA methylation, which tells the body what genes should be turned on and off. Statement nails One of the most prolific beauty trends of our time that has been trailblazed by Black women is acrylic nails. Brought into the mainstream by ’70s disco icons, these intricate and

artistic fingertips grew rapidly in popularity through to the ’90s. Known for their magnificent manicures, Black hip-hop and R&B artists sported lavish designs and long tips in music videos and red-carpet appearances. Since then, creative nail art has become one of the most popular beauty trends of this generation. From ornate acrylics to slick polished designs, nail art is seen on runways, in high-fashion magazines, social media pages and of course, everyday life. For decades, Black women have used nail art to express their personality and unique style. Debuting a huge amount of the designs that we see popularised on TikTok and Instagram today, such as pierced nails, rhinestone details and airbrushed designs, they have been the leaders of the manicure movement. So don’t tame down your look. Ramp it up with vibrant color and make your own statement with high-end designs. Let’s go for holographic gems to prismatic pigments because glitter cosmetics have grown seriously fast. The eyes have it Color cosmetics have bounced back post-pandemic, and many are ready to tap into the latest trends and explore new product innovations. Indeed, there is an appetite to experiment whether it will be with multipurpose products, emerging brands, or completely new looks. Think highimpact products that require little skill but allow expression of emotions through impactful looks. Block colors, bejewelled designs, graphic liners, and the return of blue mascara to the popularization of graphic liner looks, all these styles have

people eager to experiment with their style than ever before and it looks like this trend is here to stay. Most popular are shimmery eyes which are seen everywhere from social media to high-fashion runways in all areas from nails to eyes, lips and cheeks. Expression Hair styling allows us to express ourselves and gives us a moment to let our creativity shine through. That’s why it’s important to style our tresses with attitude, color statements and vibrant expression. In 2023, the art of ‘laying your edges’ has become more popular and a creative way of styling flyaway baby hairs. While favorable amongst celebrities and influencers today, this hairstyle has a far richer history than you may realize. Did you know this style was popularized by entertainer and civil rights activist Josephine Baker in the flapper girl scene of the roaring ’20s, what began as a way of slicking down the hair to make it appear less kinky, transformed into the iconic finger wave? These iconic styles were modernized and re-invented from the ’90s onwards, with hip-hop icon Missy Elliott rocking the finger wave and updated bouffant updos with slicked edges becoming a popular choice for young teens. Over the years, many new ways for laying your edges have been developed, including using a toothbrush or a stiff bristled comb. What is blatantly clear is that this enduring style remains more popular as ever!




Courtesy of Chef Jernard Wells




1 Cooking gourmet meals: I enjoy the art of preparing and

cooking delicious and intricate dishes, experimenting with new cuisine: Trying out different recipes and exploring diverse flavors is always an exciting culinary adventure for me.

Producing my TV show Being involved in the production of “New Soul Kitchen” on CLEO TV, which celebrates culinary creativity and highlights diverse cuisines, brings me immense fulfillment.

Traveling to Honolulu: Traveling to Honolulu: Exploring the beautiful islands of Hawaii, immersing myself in the local culture, and enjoying the stunning landscapes is truly captivating.

Reading new books with my wife: Sharing the joy of reading and discussing captivating stories together is a wonderful way to connect and create meaningful conversations.

Trying out new restaurants: Exploring the culinary scene and sampling dishes from various eateries is a delightful way for me to discover new flavors and dining experiences.

Giving back to the community: Helping those in need and contributing to making a positive impact is a deeply rewarding endeavor.

Attending food festivals: Immersing myself in the vibrant atmosphere of food festivals, indulging in diverse cuisines, and witnessing culinary competitions is a thrilling experience.

Playing board games: Engaging in friendly competition and spending quality time with friends and family over board games creates laughter and lasting memories.

Spending time with loved ones: Whether it's cooking together, sharing a meal, or simply enjoying each other's company, quality time with family and friends is something I cherish deeply. 26



Exploring farmers markets: Roaming through vibrant farmers markets, discovering fresh local produce, and engaging with farmers and artisans is a delightful way to support local communities.

© Cinnamon Toast Crunch. For more information, visit




iS tock

The impact of the latest Supreme Court term on diversity and inclusion in America and how you can affect change in the upcoming election. BY DR. ADIA WINFREY

The 2022-2023 term of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) was marked by several landmark decisions from voting rights to affirmative action. The SCOTUS was established in 1789 with Article III of the United States Constitution. It is made up of one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. Since its inception, the SCOTUS has played a significant role in shaping American society. It ended racial segregation in public schools (Brown v. Board of Education, 1954), established the Miranda rights by law enforcement (Miranda v. Arizona, 1966), offered protections for abortions (Roe v. Wade, 1973) then later reversed them (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 2022), and established a constitutional right to same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015), to name a few. During the October 3, 2022-June 30, 2023 Supreme Court term, Justices were challenged to consider how race impacts aspects of our society in key landmark decisions. In the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College decision, the Court ruled that colleges and universities can no longer use race as a factor in admissions decisions. The 6-2 decision drew widespread criticism, with civil rights groups arguing that affirmative action is necessary to ensure that historically marginalized groups have access to higher education. One of the more surprising rulings during this SCOTUS term came with Allen v. Milligan. This case challenged the constitutionality of Alabama’s congressional map, suggesting it diluted the power of Black voters. In a 5-4 decision, Justices sided with the plaintiffs reaffirming the importance of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Writing for the majority,




Justice Stephen Breyer noted the VRA was enacted to "prohibit all voting practices that result in the denial of the right to vote on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group." The Supreme Court also upheld provisions in the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in a 7-2 decision. The ICWA was established in 1978 to counter decades of Indigenous children being removed from their homes, some forcibly, to be placed with white families. Although the question of racial preference was left unresolved, the Haaland v. Brackeen SCOTUS decision kept the ICWA intact. Unlike other governing bodies, Americans do not directly select who sits on the Supreme Court. When there is a vacancy, the President of the United States makes a nomination and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee with a simple majority. Six of the nine current Justices were appointed by Republican Presidents. Justices can remain in their positions for as long as they wish unless they are impeached. The Constitution does not have age, education, profession, or native-born citizenship requirements for justices. For over 230 years, the Supreme Court’s 17 Chief Justices and 104 Associate Justices have played a substantial role in the governing of our nation. This small group of individuals influences how we experience life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. From legalizing interracial marriage in 1967 to siding with George W. Bush when the 2000 Presidential Election results were in question. Their rulings have generational consequences. As we prepare to enter another long election season, and you consider the importance of your vote in 2024, remember the Supreme Court and the governance of our nation is at stake.



iS tock

TAKING EDUCATION HIGHER Learning in America has always been a challenge for Black people. Now, with the Supreme Court’s latest ruling sending ripples of a ‘separate but unequal’ past through the community, maybe we need to focus our resources on our own institutions.



SOMEONE ONCE SAID that it is exhausting to be Black in America. That is the literal feeling of the daily, 400-plus year struggle we have battled since we first forcibly set foot on American soil. With the Supreme Court’s recent ruling making it unlawful for colleges and universities to consider race as an independent admission’s factor the community was in an uproar over the setback to civil rights. There are, however, some things to consider before we give in to all hope being lost. Many have argued that the ruling, though a setback, will have no real bearing on the admissions’ process. Schools are still allowed to consider an applicant’s discussion of how race has affected their life as connected to their specific character or ability (i.e. a student could share how their heritage or culture motivated them to complete a task or achieve a goal). Despite admissions’ concern as it relates to primarily white institutions (PWIs) there are other options. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have long been a safe haven for students of color and were founded in response to Black students not being allowed to receive a higher education anywhere else. In addition to rich histories that span more than a century, these institutions have nurtured and been home to everyone from Martin Luther King, Jr., W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, Wilma Rudolph, Thurgood Marshall, and Althea Gibson to Toni Morrison, Samuel L. Jackson, Wanda Sykes, Vice President Kamala Harris, Toni Braxton, Oprah Winfrey, Spike Lee, Taraji P. Henson, Chadwick Boseman, and Erykah Badu. One may say that even having to upsell such distinguished institutions is an affront to their legacies and the

accomplishments of their alumni but that aside, here are the facts about HBCUs. The colleges and universities make up just 3 percent of the American educational landscape but produce nearly 20 percent of all Black graduates, and more than 25 percent of all Black STEM graduates. With recent turns in the spotlight as elite Black high school athletes expressed interest in HBCUs over traditional Division I schools and Deion Sanders’ tenure as Jackson State University’s football coach, HBCUs profiles continue to rise. There are still challenges ahead for the 99 HBCUs, identified by the Department of Education as institutions established prior to 1964 for the express purpose of educating Black students in higher education. While HBCUs reported a 14 percent increase in Black student enrollment, the number enrolled in other colleges and universities more than doubled during the same time period. To maintain the unique culture and communities one will find only at an HBCU students, student athletes, those who would be professors, and alumni all have to commit to promoting our colleges and universities and supporting them. That support is often in the form of merchandise and athletic events, but in addition, it must also include significant financial contributions and volunteer hours and mentorships. Read how upscale is supporting HBCUs in the “Who’s Got Next” story on page 30. The bright side is that our strength of spirit and resilience means that though we may grow weary, we will rest and be rejuvenated to make some good trouble well into the future and beyond.




Denise Powell



A progressive partnership breathes new life into upscale magazine’s college internship program and gives students real-world media experience. BY DENISE POWELL

upscale is excited to embark upon a new and exciting partnership with the HBCU Creative

Cohort “The BLK Experience.” This partnership revamps upscale’s internship program which helped to shape successful media entrepreneurs such as Claire Sulmers of Fashion Bomb Daily and influencer and author, Charreah Jackson. The current iteration provides exposure and on-the-job training opportunities to college students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and students serve as content creators for upscale Media Group’s print and online magazines. In return, upscale is able to expand its readership with fresh new content relevant to the 18-to 35-year-old readership. 30



Creativity, Freedom, and Art will change society faster than politics. The HBCU Creative Cohort is proud to be able to be a resource to motivate, inspire and activate great minds. “This has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. It really allows me to see where my writing can take me.”

—Shyanne Taylor, Clark Atlanta University

The HBCU Creative Cohort “The BLK Experience” is a yearlong scholarship and internship initiative fueled by generous donations and the scholarship support of career professionals, businesses, and corporations. Through this partnership, students access internship opportunities from the exposure fostered through the cohorts’ community partnership network.

“I came to an HBCU for an experience and the cohort has enhanced my HBCU experience for me.”

­—Jay Century, Clark Atlanta University According to Founder Willi Millions, “The Cohort is an exceptional scholarship and internship initiative, educating students in financial literacy, while influencing them to be creative change makers through content development and participation in the production of a national magazine and through live music experiences.” The Cohort kicked off its first podcast, Cool Conversations, this year. Continuing to expand on using creative media as a tool to connect a community, HBCU Creative Cohort students are gearing up to interview and document the success stories of influential entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, and community leaders to provide content that is published in upscale magazine.

“This experience has been one of a kind and has really brought me out of my shell.”

—Nathan Lumas, Morris Brown College

Other professional experiences HBCU Creative Cohort students are gaining exposure to include professional music production and performance, creating videos of various forms with a balance of education and entertainment, financial literacy, and more. Using both written and video documentaries as a storytelling medium, students create panel discussions, podcast seminars and a live video concert series hosted by LVRN, Cool Wrld, Who’s Driving Hip Hop and True Talent LLC.

“I’ve witnessed and learned [though the HBCU Creative Cohort] that team collaboration is key.”

—Christiann Holmes, Clark Atlanta University

Progress and interest are increasing rapidly as more students show up weekly to get involved.

“Creativity, Freedom, and Art will change society faster than politics. The HBCU Creative Cohort is proud to be able to be a resource to motivate, inspire and activate great minds.”

—Willi Millions

upscale magazine looks forward to its engagement with the HBCU Cohort interns and to the opportunity to sow into their success.




Cour tesy of Taye Diggs

Health and Wellness



Taye Diggs shares his personal story to inspire others BY ANNITA STOKES THOMAS

TAYE DIGGS KNOWS A LOT about health and wellness. His busy schedule as a successful film and TV actor has always kept him focused on a routine that includes healthy eating, exercise, and proper rest.




I can see how it helped my life. It was an eyeopening experience. Realizing the person I am with sleep vs. without sleep. We don’t put enough emphasis on sleep. It gets left out of the wellness conversation.

Taye credits his mom and dad for good genes and ease of keeping himself in shape. He states, “The older I’m getting, the more I realize the importance of what I eat, drinking lots of water and getting proper sleep; diet and water was easy because it is accessible. But, when it came to sleep that was always an issue.” Taye found that sleep didn’t come easy. Filming, producing TV shows, and always traveling, the need for rest after long hours and full work days was critical to being prepared for the next day and his health. After the birth of his son, he became more aware of staying up through the night. “When I had my child, I developed this crazy anxiety because I didn’t know if he would sleep through the night. Even after he outgrew it, I continued the anxiety and always struggled.” Taye stated. Quality time with his son is his priority, and the lack of sleep was getting in the way of having fun hanging out with him. “It was affecting my relationship with my son. I would show up at his ball games and fall asleep” Although sleep challenges can come with stigmas and less positive perceptions, checking with his doctor to help with a solution was an essential next step. “I went to my doctor, and he told me I suffered from insomnia, which I never thought was real.” Stated Taye. Once his diagnosis made it easy to look for options to help him sleep which meant more focus on his son and work. His doctor prescribed QUVIVIQ and immediately saw a difference in his sleep patterns. Feeling better and getting proper sleep was an improvement in his health. Taye stated, “I can see how it helped my life. It was an eye-opening experience. Realizing the person I am with sleep vs. without sleep. We don’t put enough emphasis on sleep. It gets left out of the wellness conversation.” As an actor Taye always prides himself on his professionalism and his memory, and finding a solution to his insomnia means he’s ready for his upcoming producing products. While he states, “Enough emphasis isn’t put on sleep when it comes to health and wellness.” he also knows the value of the healthy side of good relationships and connections with others. “Water and sleep - people always tell you need more of each. It’s more than I didn’t get enough sleep.” Those are great words to live by and stay healthy, energized, and ready for what comes next. For more information -






iS tock

CONNECT FOUR Balancing work and life responsibilities can be daunting anytime of year but the changing winds of autumn are perfect for breathing new life into your routine.



FALL IN NEW YORK CITY can be very hectic. Beach season is coming to an end and shorter days and longer nights are on the horizon. The hustle and bustle of returning to a strict routine can be a major inconvenience. For many, fall presents the best climate for outdoor activities, walks, sidewalk cafes, shopping, and so much more. So how can you balance your social networking for the healthiest outcome this season? We offer our top tips for making it work for the best you. Make Pro Moves Many of us work in isolated (stuck in a cubicle or office) and physically stagnant positions. And face it, we all probably need to move more than we do and even the most stalwart introvert needs to socialize to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make simple changes to your daily routine to incorporate time to connect with others and get your steps up. If possible, walk to and from work and take walks during lunch and breaks with colleagues. Opt to take the stairs over the elevator and consider a standing desk or alternative seating (i.e. ditch your office chair for a corecrunching stability ball). It will give you a boost in your mental and physical health, not to mention increase the quality of your work life. Check Your Calendar The fall may see your calendar over-populated with invitations and other professional and personal commitments. There are a myriad of events from apple picking, parades, pop-up fairs and festivals, fall-specific tours, students going back to school, and the impending on-set of the holiday rush. Penciling these events into your schedule could mitigate clashes, help you manage you and your families activities and events, and avoid doublebooking and cancellations. Break It Down Summer may be the prime season for family vacations but we still meed breaks in the fall, too. There will be rare moments when you get an unexpected respite. Maybe a meeting is canceled or postponed, or you complete your to-do list in record time. Take

those golden periods and savor them. Maximize those periods of peace to do something beneficial for your mental health. Get out and enjoy the scenes, shop, have a few cocktails at an outdoor bar, call some friends and share the moment. Just remember to take a break — even if you have to schedule it. Play It Again You would think this is a “given” in your list of work-life balance activities, but the fall is a great time to revisit a list of your favorite old movies or books. Give your brain a break and put together a list at the beginning of the season and try to complete it by the first of December. These classics can be a chance to get cozy with familiar rom-com or drama or maybe you want to discover something new in another lane. With the popularity of social networking groups, you can connect with other film and book lovers and get hundreds or recommendations based on whatever you like and the plus is you get to connect with others like-minded souls. Work It Out After summer, some of us go into hibernation mode. The summer body gets less firm, we let our hair grow out, and with them tucked in cute shoes and boots, pedicures become a thing of a season past. We have all been there. But exercise is important for more than just your physical appearance. Your mental well-being and physical health all rely on weekly workouts, particularly to help beat the winter blues. Try hiking trough a local nature preserve and observe the beautiful color change on the foliage or uncover the bike trails in your town and take roll with the family through unexplored space nearby. Falling into a rut of “all work and no play” is easy, specifically after your summer vacation and leading up to the holiday hustle, so make your work out pick a fun one! We all struggle with prioritizing. There is no joy like achieving a goal, however, don’t let life pass you by while you do it. Postpandemic, remember that the little things are important. Try and take the scenic route on your way to a better you!





LOWCOUNTRY LOVE Escape to These Stunning Hilton Head Island Resorts and Popular Restaurants



Hilton Head Island is a picturesque and magnificent lowcountry locale known for its natural beauty, white sand beaches, first class golf courses and tennis courts, chic restaurants, and upscale resorts. Having world class amenities and scenic views of the Atlantic Ocean, these remarkable properties will make for great options as you plan your next luxury getaway.

Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort Featuring beautiful beaches along the South Carolina coast, this lovely property has more than 323 luxury guestrooms and suites. Each room includes a mini kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, and many more amenities. Select the 1,000 square foot luxury oceanfront, one bedroom suite. You’ll find a king bed, sleeper sofa, dining room table with chairs, and 38



an expansive private balcony. Dine at HH Prime, Palmetto Market, XO Sports & Spirits, Breeze, and Buoy Bar. Retreat to the Ocean Tides Spa to enjoy an Illuminating Mermaid Facial, Island Hydrating Wrap, and Tide Salt Stone Massage among other offerings.

Leslie E. R oyal

Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island

Spanning more than 11 acres of beautiful beachfront property, spacious guestrooms with private balconies or patios overlook the Atlantic Ocean or resort. The 340 guestrooms are complete with plush robes, mini fridges, and numerous amenities. Select one of the stunning suites having a spacious living room, dining area, and mini kitchen with bar area. Onsite restaurants include Seacrest Restaurant and Terrace, Bayley’s Bar and Terrace, and Sweet Cane Bar and Grille. Relax in the zero entry, heated, lagoon-style adult pool and hot tub. Other amenities include a children’s pool, trolley and shuttle service, and Tech Lounge. Relax at Arum Spa with the Relieve Massage, Tropical Escape Sugar Rup, and Arum Signature Facial. www.

The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa 8 MUST VISIT HILTON HEAD ISLAND RESTAURANTS If you’re heading to the lowcountry, be sure to drop by these exceptional restaurants. 1. Sandies at the Gullah Jazz Café - SandiesAtTheGullahJazzCafe 2. Skull Creek Dockside - @SkullCreekDockside 3. Giuseppi's Pizza & Pasta House - @GiuseppisPizza 4. The Black Marlin Bayside Grill - @BlackMarlinHHI 5. Marley's Shrimp & Burger Shack - MarleysShrimpShackHHI 6. Holy Tequila Mexican Kitchen - @HolyTequila 7. Charbar Co. Burgers & Sushi - @CharbarCo 8. One Hot Mama's American Grill - @OneHotMamasSC

Nestled amongst palmetto trees on the northern end of the island, guests can prepare for a heavenly experience at this property. Select one of seven styles of suites including the Carolina King Suites, Atlantic Suites, Heritage Suites, Vice Presidential Suite, and Presidential Suite. You’ll enjoy lots of space, separate living room area, dining room area, wet bar, extensive private balconies, and other amenities. Make your way to restaurants such as The Carolina Room, View 32, Ingredients, Oceans, and Splash. Take a rest at Heavenly Spa and enjoy the Island to Spa Facial, Be Well Ritual, and Island Coconut Body Bliss Scrub. www.

EXPERIENCE THE AWARD-WINNING HILTON HEAD HEALTH WELLNESS AND WEIGHT LOSS RESORT Enjoy being at a beautiful beachside resort while getting healthy. This resort is designed to assist its guests in rejuvenating their mind, body, and spirit. There are two programs. The first is Wellness Retreats and includes LivingWell for one week, Renew Retreat for one week, and Healthy Getaway offering a nightly rate. The other is the Weight Loss Program. It includes JumpStart is for seven days, Lose Well for four weeks, Extended Stay which combines both. Visitors can reside at the Sweet Grass Inn or in a private villa. Delight in the Healthy Kitchen Cooking Demonstrations and True Dining Restaurant. Take part in beach yoga, meditation, and bike riding. After spending time getting in shape, escape to the Indigo Spa and experience the Naturally Slimming Ritual, Thai Yoga, and Reiki.




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With a red-hot career that spans over 20 years in Hollywood, Tia Mowry’s beautiful face is a familiar one. After all who didn’t watch her as a teen, starring opposite twin sister Tamara, in the iconic 90s comedy Sister, Sister or as grown-and-sexy med student “Melanie Barnett” on BET’s hit TV series The Game? And more recently with her part in the Netflix comedy series Family Reunion—as well as her growing role as a social media influencer (we’re talking 29 million followers across her digital platforms)— it’s safe to say Tia knows how to deal with the pressures of presenting beauty perfection so prevalent in show biz and social media. “My approach is to continue to be authentic,” shares the actress/producer about how she handles the demands for crafting an idealized image. “Hopefully, I am changing the narrative by choosing to show that I am not perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. And, hopefully, by choosing to share myself boldly, proudly and imperfectly—I will inspire others to do the same thing.” u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 41

It’s a plan the award-winning actress is implementing…and it has its roots with her hair. “By the time I was a young woman, toward the end of filming Sister, Sister, I had begun straightening my hair and wearing extensions to feel more confident and sexy—ultimately compromising my natural curls,” recalls the multiple NAACP Image Award winner. “Like many others, I’ve been on my own personal hair journey. It’s been a process of radical self-acceptance and truly embracing my natural hair. When Instagram launched in 2010, I found a community of people that had similar experiences trying to conform to society’s beauty standards, resulting in heat-damaged hair from relaxers and over-straightening. So, I began with a clean slate and did my first Big Chop—and never looked back.” Describing her Big Chop experience as “a very intentional cut,” Tia pinpoints that particular hair memory as the start of an exciting mane journey—one whose twists and turns re-introduced the actress on how to care for her spirals, coils and kinks. And as her curls flourished, the star began looking for products to maintain and nurture those spirals. But after doing her research on ingredients, asking family and friends for recommendations and talking with haircare experts, she still struggled to find products worthy of her curls. “I thought, ‘There’s gotta be a better way. How can we make this easier?’ Bottom line: I needed high-quality curl products, with truly clean ingredients that were safe, and really worked,” shared the Pepperdine University alumnus. “I also felt it was important that our community have access to high-performance, luxury curl care that isn’t overpriced and is accessible to everyone.” And just like that, the 4U by Tia line of hair care products came to be. “My passion for representation, and my own experiences growing up in the entertainment industry without seeing women with curly hair who looked like me described as beautiful, inspired me to create 4U,” she says about the hair care line developed in conjunction with Amyris, a leading synthetic biotech company, which operates 4U by Tia as part of its clean beauty portfolio of brands. And the resulting buzz surround the curl-loving products, available at Walmart, can be heard throughout the Black hair community, as it should be. Having gained success beyond acting as a YouTube “HOP EFU L LY, I AM CHANGING star (with the digital series “Tia Mowry’s Quick Fix”) THE NAR R AT I VE BY CHOOS ING TO and as a bestselling author (with two cookbooks and a maternity advice read), did Tia ever imagine S HOW TH AT I AM NOT P E R F E CT. P ERFE CTION DOE S N ’ T E XI S T. AND, herself as an entrepreneur, much less the Founder and owner of a company specializing in hair care HOP EFU L LY, BY CHOO S I NG TO products for textured curls? “I’ve always seen myself SHA RE MYS E L F B OL DLY, P R OUDLY in the entrepreneur space. From the moment I A N D IM P ER F E CT LY— I WI L L I NSPIR E learned what the word ‘entrepreneur’ stood for, I knew that I wanted to explore the entrepreneurial OTH ER S TO DO T H E S AM E T HING.” world,” she affirms. “What it stands for is everything that I am about—it’s about community, awareness and spreading a message. To be an entrepreneur, you have to be a leader and you have to be up for the challenge. I’ve always pushed myself and I honestly feel comfortable pushing myself to the next level.” As for what keeps this mother of two motivated to craft the curl care products Naturalistas adore, well, that begins with a deep appreciation of the intrinsic beauty of curls. “Everyone’s curls are so unique and that’s what makes them beautiful! Even in my own home, my curls are different from my children Cree and Cairo’s curls, and their curls are different from each other’s,” she observes.




Adam Rindy

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Adam Rindy

MOM TIME...Tia with her children, Cree and Cairo.

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Adam Rindy

Navigating the Natural hair product arena may be new territory for this savvy businesswoman but it’s one where she hopes to make an impact. “The legacy I want to leave is for the community of diverse women and curly hair to feel seen, heard, valued protected,” shares Tia. “WHAT IT STANDS FOR IS EVERYTHING andThis Hollywood veteran has come a long way since her Sister, Sister days when she felt the need THAT I AM ABOUT—IT’S ABOUT to alter the natural beauty of her curls in order to COMMUNITY, AWARENESS AND feel her worth. So when asked what advice she’d give to her younger self—or to other young Black SPREADING A MESSAGE. TO BE AN women—grappling with how to amplify their ENTREPRENEUR, YOU HAVE TO BE beauty the gorgeous star, who recently celebrated A LEADER AND YOU HAVE TO BE UP her 45th birthday, had these words of wisdom: advice would be to continue to embrace who FOR THE CHALLENGE. I’VE ALWAYS “My you are, and do not allow others’ opinions about beauty to deter you from shining your light! You PUSHED MYSELF AND I HONESTLY beautiful! Walk in your truth, and walk in FEEL COMFORTABLE PUSHING MYSELF are confidence knowing that you yourself define what beauty is to you.” TO THE NEXT LEVEL.”

TRESS Q&A WITH TIA Vegan, silicon-free, sulfate-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free….We wouldn’t expect anything less for textured curl care products from entertainer, Tia Mowry! “What I love about 4U is that the brand is very intentional, beginning with the ingredients. We brought together the best of science and the best of nature, including our patented Hemi15 (a superior, biodegradable alternative to silicone derived from sugarcane) to develop high-performance clean formulas that deliver,” she shares. The eight-product line includes everything a curly beauty needs: shampoos and conditioners as well as a curl cream, a defining gel, a curl refresher mist and hair oil. ($10.99-$11.99 | ). Here, the star shares the tips that keep her curls camera ready. Do you have a favorite product from your line? I would have to say my most used 4U product is the Leave-In Curl Cream. It’s so versatile and I love the formula—it’s the perfect consistency for coating your curls and leaves no white residue behind. I love the Moisturizing Shampoo, Clarifying Shampoo and Moisturizing Conditioner, too. I usually wash my hair twice a week because I change my style so much. I add the Clarifying Shampoo to my routine once a week to help remove build-up and cleanse my scalp. As a result, my curls are more defined and my style lasts longer. What’s the best way to care for your hair underneath a protective style? I wear my hair in a lot of protective styles and recommend a deep cleanse to reset your natural curls and remove impurities and product buildup. I like to use the 4U By Tia Clarifying Shampoo, made with apple cider vinegar to help purify the scalp, followed by the Moisturizing Conditioner to lock in hydration. The way you care for your hair while in a protective style is also so important. It starts there! I use products like our Curl Refresher Mist and the Multi-use Oil to keep my hair and scalp moisturized to prevent breakage and protect the integrity of my curls. Can you share your go-to conditioning tip for curls? I think it’s really important to deep condition your hair regularly. Curls need moisture to flourish and I am always looking for ways to keep my curls juicy and nourished without weighing them down. My pro tip is mixing your favorite conditioner with our Multiuse Hair Oil as a pre-poo treatment. I usually let that sit for about 15 minutes and incorporate a scalp massage, which helps with blood circulation of the scalp and just feels great after a protective style.

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Power Play





MAIN CHARACTER VIBES In life, and in style, you’re the star of the show. Play up the plush perfection of curls, awash in a golden glow, with this striking look. The triangular silhouette is the main character of the amazing style crafted by Ulta Beauty Pro Team member Michelle O’Connor. Use the inherent volume and texture of curls to serve as the “foundation” for an upswept profile, like this, by building upon mane’s texture to craft a strong, powerful silhouette. Play with geometric shapes to keep the look on-trend beautiful



LEADING LADY A modern take on Old Hollywood glamour was the goal for Ulta Beauty Design Team member Laura Gunter. Mission accomplished. Cascading waves throughout allow for a close up on mane’s scene-stealing gold and platinum color moves. Spirals can take on a similar style profile easily via heat styling—which allows for easy curl elongation and transformation into voluminous, billowing waves.




C.E.O. BAE Braids in the boardroom? Ground breaking, indeed. You knew you were destined for the C-suite…before anyone else. So it’s no surprise you’re redefining what it means to lead, and look the part. Beautifully braided at the crown, then splitting into a pair of plaits resting over the shoulders, this is a look guaranteed to command attention. And though time needs to be blocked out in your schedule to craft these braids, it’s an investment well worth the effort for the longevity of the look.



HAIL, QUEEN! A simple two-braid protective style, created by Ulta Beauty Design Team member Tekeyra Shipps, encircles the crown in regal fashion. The chainbraiding technique, with braiding hair extensions added to boost length on these plaits, results in a modern version of the classic upsweep that’s as easy to create as it is to wear. The final touch: Release a few strands along the nape for soft, feathery effect.




Enjoy one of the world’s biggest celebration of Caribbean culture on September 30 and from October 6-8, 2023 in Greater Miami. Steel drums, rhinestone-encrusted costumes and the aroma of Caribbean spices in the air are just some of the delights that await you at Miami Carnival Learn more at

Must See


Each fall, television enthusiasts look forward to brand new shows and those that are returning to the air. Upscale compiled an intriguing roundup of diverse series that are designed to excite viewers. This thrilling lineup will inspire you go to your DVR to record them for the entirety of the 2023-2024 season.


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The Wheel of Time

Amazon Prime Video GENRE: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Drama Viewers can allow their imagination to take flight as they view this series with Zoë Robins who portrays Nynaeve al’Meara and Marcus Rutherford as Perrin Aybara. The two Black actors round out a diverse starstudded cast. In The Wheel of Time, only women have access to magic. The second season premieres on September 1, 2023. Nynaeve, a healer and leader, is considered the “Wisdom” of a small town called Two Rivers. Perrin is one of the blacksmiths in Emond’s Field, one of the villages in the town.

Breaking The Ice WE tv

GENRE: Documentary

Internationally known ice skating champion Rory Flack is spotlighted in this 8-episode docuseries which chronicles her leading the first all diverse, competitive synchronized ice skating team. The first African American woman to win the US Open Professional Figure Skating Championships, Flack uses her wealth of experience to train 10 middle school and high school girls. The skaters take part in rigorous training as they head to the Nationals. u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 53

Harlan Coben’s Shelter Amazon Prime Video GENRE: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Jaden Michael stars as Mickey Bolitar in this series having its global premiere exclusively on Prime Video on August 18, 2023. Viewers can follow Mickey when he moves to Kasselton, New Jersey following the unexpected death of his father. In the intriguing, inaugural 8-episode series, he and his new friends unearth secrets, disappearances, deaths, and more. He is also beginning to get a glimpse into the complicated life and history of his own family members. Sage Linder as Rachel Caldwell, Narci Regina as Kitty, and Sequoia Shayvonne are a part of the cast as well.

Survival of the Thickest Netflix GENRE: Comedy

Actress and comedian Michelle Buteau of First Wives Club and Marry Me cocreated and stars in this 8-episode series that premiered on July 13, 2023. She portrays Mavis Beaumont, a newly single, plus-sized fashion stylist with a positive attitude towards her new life. An empowered, curvy Black woman, she takes grown and sexy to a new level. Other cast members include Tone Bell, Tasha Smith, Taylor Selé, Garcelle Beauvais, Anissa Felix, Princess Adenike, and Ambre Anderson.

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Ready to Love

OWN GENRE: Reality Series

This dating series assists men and women in their 30s and 40s in finding authentic relationships. Season 8 premiered on July 7, 2023, in Dallas, Texas. It commenced with Nephew Tommy, of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, hosting 18 single individuals at a mansion mixer. A former educator, Jessica Taylor, the founder and CEO of Ezra Coffee Co., is one of the cast members of season 8. This successful and innovative businesswoman is an exceptional entrepreneur who brings a lot to the table.

The Equalizer

CBS GENRE: Action, Crime, Drama

Robyn McCall, played by Queen Latifah, is a woman who leads two lives. By day, she is an awesome vigilante who uses her exceptional skills with secret government agencies to help individuals who can’t get justice from anywhere else. By night, she’s the typical single mom to her teenage daughter Delilah played by Laya DeLeon Hayes. Most evenings, they gather for games and a delicious homemade dinner prepared by her Aunt Vi or Viola Marsette played by Lorraine Toussant. Other cast members include Malika Yoba as Manny, Stephen Bishop as Delilah’s Dad Dr. Miles Fulton, and Tory Kittles as the ever-helpful Detective Marcus Dante.

Project Greenlight: A New Generation Max GENRE: Documentary, Reality TV

Issa Rae is the executive producer of this series featuring female filmmakers. They are mentored by Rae, Kumail Nanijiani, and Gina Prince-Bythewood. They are given an opportunity to direct a feature film while learning about the filmmaking process from beginning to end. Episodes include The Script Problem, The Casting Problem, The Audio Problem, and The Best Kind of Problem. Viewers can binge watch the 10 episodes as they were all released on July 13, 2023. u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 55

Movie Reels

There are countless movies that are released each year on the big screen, streaming channels, and network television. More and more, African American films with Black actors are being spotlighted. Upscale selected these three fascinating movies with compelling narratives that feature lead roles by men and women of color for your fall viewing pleasure. WORDS BY LESLIE E. ROYAL

Gray Matter

GENRE: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Prepare to sit on the edge of your seat. The multifaceted and versatile, award-winning actress and thespian Jessica Frances Dukes portraying Ayla is giving yet another riveting performance. Dukes brings her vast experience and range in productions such as Broadway’s Trouble Mind and television shows New Amsterdam, Marvel’s Jessica Jones, and Ozark to her role in this movie just released July 13, 2023, on Max. Both Ayla and her daughter Aurora, played by Mia Isaac of Don’t Make Me Go and Not Okay, have superhuman abilities that can prove dangerous. Mom attempts to train her daughter to manage her phenomenal capabilities. But a tragic incident causes things to spiral outside of Ayla’s control and forces her to confront her own past. Documented on season five of Project Greenlight: A New Generation, this movie was directed by Meko Winbush who was selected by executive producer Issa Rae in a nationwide search of filmmakers.


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Scheme Queens GENRE: Crime

A cool fusion of the movies Set it Off and Oceans 11, four gal pals who are shooting bad decide to rob a ruthless Rastafarian Jewel thief named Trip. He is portrayed by Black Lightning’s Jason Louder. Bril Renee of Black Girls Stuff as Sam, Ernestine Johnson of Queen Sugar fame as Audra, Jacky Oh of Wild N’ Out as Zoey, and B. Simone of Finding Happy and Wild N’ Out as Lauryn come up with a plan to scam Trip’s second in command in this BET Her movie.

The Sound of Christmas GENRE: Musical

Watching yuletide movies year-round is now a thing. Although Christmas comes but once a year, select channels place them in rotation monthly. The Sound of Christmas featuring Ne-Yo as Quentin, Serayah as Montana, and Draya Michelle as Chloe is a heartwarming holiday film worth watching. Serayah’s character is facing eviction just before Christmas and she takes on a job as a nanny for the handsome billionaire portrayed by Ne-Yo. Other characters are Michael Anthony as Rio, Blake James as Daniel, Alijah Kai as Deirdre, and Roxzane T. Mims as Estelle.

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TOWN & COUNTRY FINE TIMES THE PLACES, EVENTS AND TASTES TO SAVOR AND TAKE AWAY Past and present and even signs of the future all emerge at many points during your journey around Barbados today, Whether you arrive here with a focus on the active and outdoors on land or water, or the more leisurely moments to savor within its shoreline retreats, or the opportunities to indulge in both its world-class and local Bajan style dining, nightlife, music, or the distinct cultural legacies celebrated in its museums, squares and festivals, any of these encounters around Barbados becomes all you expected and even something unforgettable to take away with you again.

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RC Ragatta: Cour tesy of BTMI


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Within the wider frame of its major towns where you might spend time or visit, Barbados offers an unusual variety of identity and dimensions that might surprise you. While it measures only 21 miles in length and some 14 miles at its widest, the background and present-day make-up of towns found along each coastal section is quite different. So for instance, those areas with an early surviving history from colonial times nowadays also reflect that past in their port area, or their architecture and buildings and neighborhoods. Among the most interesting to consider time well spent: Holetown – this urban neighborhood on the island’s western Caribbean coastline stands out as a longtime favorite of many travelers for its array of mid-size and larger accommodation, and also for its high-end shopping and nightlife. The West Coast Mall and the nearby Limegrove Lifestyle Centre are home to various duty-free luxury retailers.

Aquatic and outdoors access – There are water sport operators and hotel inclusives for just about any interest. For sailing fans, consider Small Cats – which specializes in small, personalized cruises aboard its 30-foot catamaran out of the Colony Club beach. For scuba enthusiasts, look for PADI dive shops located on the beach at the Royal Pavilion, Crystal Cove, Glitter Bay hereabouts. Barbados is home to a huge number of green and hawksbill populations – the underwater experience along the west coast will never disappoint for this. Speightstown – the island’s second largest town and also its earliest commercial port, a history still visible in much of its period architecture and waterfront, nowadays Speightstown is also home to more recent fine dining and stylish accommodation. To get a deeper view into its early colonial background and development, stop off at the Arlington House Museum on the main street here.

Bridgetown – lying near the southernmost point of Barbados, the island’s capital today is an engaging mix of contemporary urban nightlife, emerging restaurants and cafes that offer up innovative fusions of Barbadian culinary and international classics. Explore the back streets of its older neighborhoods, home to small museums and cultural sites, and then also the central historic points of National Heroes Square. Some of the displays and monumental design hereabouts have been created with a powerful visual appeal you will long remember. 60 UPSCALE MAGAZINE / u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m

Hal Peat

Local annual and other seasonal events to check out in the area: the annual Holetown Festival ( htm) each February, commemorating the first settlement of the island in 1627. More to do and see at any time: always a very walkable town, so take a moment to pause and enjoy the small and graceful St. James Parish Church on the west side of Highway 1, an architectural reminder of the area’s 18th century history, Also just off the Highway and also worth a walk-through is the Chattel Village, a fine collection of small boutiqe shops selling everything from island handicrafts and art to gourmet foods.


The outdooor world of the Bajan countryside is a matter of minutes away from the life of the towns and capital. Here, you have a terrain that engages you with a canvas of fields, shore and hillside vistas and all the past and present human presence and legacies that are an essential side of the Barbados story. Some of these to possibly access for your own immersion here:

Ha l Pe at

ChukkaA dven tures

Parks, reserves and caves Greenery in abundance and variety are present at the various wildlife and natural parks you can walk and appreciate at various points within the island. Head for Harrison’s Cave Eco-Adventure Park (www. destinations/barbados/harrisonscave) – ride deep into the caves at this mid-island reserve , where an electric tram carries you through Barbados’ greatest wonder to an exhilarating challenge course. Other interior parks to consider around the interior include Barbados Wildlife Reserve (www. – adjacent to Farley Hill National Park.

Higher points to explore - While much of outdoor Barbados is a landscape with limestone and coral as its base, there are also some moderate elevations that were used in colonial times as military lookout points – one such to stop off at is Gun Hill Station, located centrally in St. George parish, and an elevation that gives you views across much of the island to the coast. A small museum displays the military memorabilia and artefacts of early colonial days (www. u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 61

THE DINING AND BEVERAGE EXPERIENCE – CONTEMPORARY AND ISLAND HISTORIC A Barbados sojourn is incomplete without a taste of Flying Fish, a national dish and island emblem, which can be sampled in almost any restaurant. Other Bajan delicacies include CouCou (a cornmeal and okra dish), Pepperpot (a spicy stew), and Jug-Jug (a mixture of guinea corn and green peas). The Platinum Coast also has an abundance of restaurants offering continental cuisine, and fresh seafood is always a favorite. Whether you are looking for a romantic five-star restaurant, beachfront cafe or Bajan buffet, you can find options to suit your dining taste somewhere around the hubs of Speightstown, Holetown and St. Lawrence Gap – each of which provide their own immersion into the Bajan talent for fusion of local ingredients and vegetable, seafood and produce something quite distinct.

Finally, when you have time to explore even deeper into Barbados’s past and present ties to sugar and the rums produced still from it, then do not miss the very insightful and enjoyable tour to be had at the surviving original distillery of all – West Indies Distillery ( )st of the production and history of rum past and present but also the tradition and heritage that this landmark distillery and its labels maintain so well to the present.

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Cour tesy BTMI and Barbados Jaz Excursion

Annual events to consider for your culinary travel here: the Barbados Food & Rum Festival ( kicks off this year in October 2023 – both a showcase for the island’s finest in Bajan culinary traditions and beverages. Pairing the outdoor action and leisure fine sounds all happens at the annual Barbados Jazz Excursion and Golf Weekend (www, , which happens just as the fall seon asapproaches and temperatures mellow on the fairways for intense sessions on the fairway.

EVERY RANGE OF STAY – WORLD-CLASS TO INTIMATE, ALL WITH A BAJAN ACCENT The range of distinctive stays is something Barbados excels at – be it villa style hideaways, ocean-vista suites, or boutique small hotels – this island has both the mix and much within each type to add its own authentic and memorable moment to your time on island. Some notable examples in different categories to consider for your base might be:

Cour tesy of Hal Peat and Nathaniel Gunby Photography

Hilton Barbados ( – Situated on the seventeenth-century ruins of Charles Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this large-scale south coast property in Needham’s Point and near the Bajan capital provides stylish rooms, direct access to two white-sand beaches, free watersports, tennis, outdoor pools, and a spa featuring a heated sand massage bed. Mango Bay Hotel (www. – For the traveler looking for an easily accessible stay on the Platinum Coast that combines the right amount of boutique property, Caribbean oceanfront stay and the essential amenities in spa, dining, this mid-sized legacy hotel has the old world style and… Sam Lord’s Castle – A Wyndham Grand Resort ( – It all comes together at this dramatic coastal point where some colonial backdrop and the latest and most extensive resort provide ambiance, activity and world-class luxuriance. Basing its identity on the surviving greathouse structure of Sam Lord’s Castle, this new presence from Wyndham, slated to open in the fall of 2023, promises to set the bar regionally for high-end accommodation. Barbados today - more resources BTMI ( – the authoritative guide and overall island online source of information, from Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. Ins and Outs of Barbados ( – your companion publication for every side of Barbados life; their separate island map also lays out the attractions, hotels, shopping and entertainment. Barbados National Trust ( – a starting point for their legacy properties and museums throughout Barbados. The Barbados National Trust – Wildey House, Wildey, St. Michael; Tel: (246) 426-2421; u p s c a l e m a g a z i n e . c o m / UPSCALE MAGAZINE 63



Recipe White Cheesecake Brownie Sundae Ingredients: Yuzu Ice Cream (Yellow) Cotton Candy Ice Cream Huckleberry Cobbler Ice Cream Cheesecake Brownie Waffle Cone Triangles Mini M&M’s Chocolate Sprinkles Whipped Cream




C our tes y of Four Fat C ows

30 Pharr Rd, Buckhead Georgia CEO Robyn Thompson

BROWN BUTTER CAKE Ingredients: - 1 1/2 cups unsalted butter - 2 cups all-purpose flour - 2 tsp baking powder - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar - 4 large eggs - 2 tsp vanilla extract - 1/2 cup milk

PRALINE SAUCE Ingredients: - 1/2 cup unsalted butter - 1/2 cup brown sugar - 1/2 cup heavy cream - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 1/2 cup chopped pecans



LOBSTER MAC AND CHEESE: Ingredients: - 8 oz Cappatavi Noodles - 3 tbsp butter - 3 tbsp flour - 1 1/2 cups milk - 1/4 tsp salt - 1/4 tsp black pepper - 1/4 tsp paprika - 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese - 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese - 1 1/2 cups cooked lobster meat, chopped




Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Cook macaroni according to package instructions, then drain. 2. I n a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add flour and whisk for 2-3 minutes until it turns slightly brown in color. 3. G radually add milk, whisking constantly until it becomes smooth. Add salt, black pepper, and paprika. Keep whisking until the sauce thickens. 4. A dd grated cheddar and fontina cheeses into the sauce and mix well until it melts. 5. A dd the cooked macaroni and chopped lobster meat into the saucepan. Mix well until the macaroni is coated evenly with the cheese sauce. 6. Transfer the mixture into a casserole dish. 7. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the top turn golden brown. 8. Serve hot and enjoy your delicious lobster mac and cheese!

C our tes y of C hef E r i c a B ar rett

Chef Erica Barrett SOKU PRIME STEAKHOUSE @iamericabarrett Instagram

PAN ROASTED RED SNAPPER: Ingredients: - 2 whole red snappers 6-8 oz each) - 2 lemons - Salt and pepper, to taste - 2 tbsp butter - 10 cloves garlic, whole - 4 oz white wine - 2 sprigs fresh rosemary



Coastal Soul Chef Marvin Woods Shares Life In Culinary Arts BY ANNITA STOKES THOMAS






How did your family influence your interest in cooking? “My mom saw my love for it and signed us up for The Betty Crocker recipes subscription set. Laminated recipe cards came in the mail every three weeks. I would cook all the recipes by the time the next batch arrived. After taking Home Economics my first two years of high school and being good at it, my teacher said I could pursue cooking for a living. It was called Culinary Arts. My dad asked about my plans after graduation. I said attending culinary school to be a chef. He didn’t bat an eye. He said well, people are always going to want to eat. Which means you will always have a job. In the 70’s and 80, many Black folks didn’t want their children going into this field. You had to be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, or architect. It was degrading to cook in their minds. My parents totally endorsed it. What is Geechee/Gullah cooking? Geechee/Gullah cooking is America’s true and original “farm-totable” cooking. You can only speak of American food if you know and speak of the food that came from the Low Country (that predates Louisiana by a hundred years) and dates back to the early days of this country. That area produced rice, and any food made in the South before slavery was abolished, was prepared by Black hands. The Low Country region - Gullah/Geechee territory was some of the most prosperous land because of the rice production. How have you stayed close to traditional cooking yet brought ol’ school recipes with a new twist? It really comes to me organically; it’s like when comedians speak about a third eye. I see food and recipes differently that way. Early in my career, I learned that Black and Brown people lead in every health disparity. I equate that to food; lack of education about it. How to buy it, prepare it and serve it. I started to challenge myself, to get this great end on the plate by going at it with a different process. Food should be a win-win. Good tasting and good for you. Who are some of the chefs that have inspired you? My brothers in arms. Joe Randall, Timothy Dean, Marcus Samuelsson, Kimber Brock Brown, Micheal Mina, Charlie Trotter, Norman Van Aiken, Dirk Zephyr, Jerome Grant, Jason Ellis, Danielle Saunders, Cynthia Long, Jennifer Booker, this list goes on and on that’s the thing about culinary and when you have done it for as long as I have. It keeps evolving. The list has people older than me, my age, and younger than me. How would you describe your cooking style? Coastal Soul is a phrase I coined rooted in Black culture/African diaspora, starting in Guinea-Bissau and the West Coast of Africa to influences worldwide. I use ingredients, techniques, and recipes from the West Coast of Africa that have transcended and influenced food/cuisine in the Southern U.S.A, the Caribbean, and South and Central America. I’m classically trained and have worked in Europe. Once I started traveling to other countries, I learned all people have great food, their own techniques, and indigenous ingredients.

What are your favorite ingredients and dishes to make? Coconut milk, nutmeg, seafood, chili peppers, tubulars, and vegetables indigenous to the areas I spoke of. Lamb, duck, Sancocho. I love making vegetarian dishes like mock crab cakes and turning people on to things they don’t eat/ know and blowing their minds when I tell them, “that’s vegetarian, that’s vegan.” That’s the best feeling for me. What advice would you give young people wanting to enter the culinary world? Go into it for the right reason; don’t’ go into it to be famous. That is short-lived. I know firsthand, and I’m glad my intent was always about the food. Go into it because you love to cook, create, serve/display hospitable feelings. Don’t worry about the money and being flashy on social media. Put the work in and learn the craft. If you do that, you don’t have to chase money. Money will chase you. If it doesn’t make you smile, you’re not excited to go to work, you are miserable, and it’s a grind. Get out of it. There are plenty of ways to make money and spend your time. Share your experience working with Oprah, the Obamas and other celebrities. Any time I have cooked for a notable is a surreal feeling for me. You are in this position because you are good at what you do and have garnered attention. We are artists. It’s called culinary arts for a reason. So you take the accolade (them dining with you) with a grain of salt. I have learned that just because you have money (this has nothing to do with color), people like what they like or will be adventurous. You feel like you know the celebrity because you see them all the time or know their work, but you don’t. Everyone is human, but these are exceptional humans. You teeter on being who you are and not getting caught up. At the end of the day, it’s about working your magic. It’s always exciting and a bit nerve-racking because you never know how someone will respond to your art. I was cooking for a very known RnB singer once, and I learned that chocolate mousse was her jam for dessert. The next day, preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for her, I made a triple-threat chocolate mousse cake. I presented it that evening super proud, and she took one bite and said it was “really good.” She was very gracious. But when you walk away from the table and grab a bag of Butterfingers from the pantry, you know, even though they said they liked it. They really didn’t. What projects are you working on now? A new Cookbook and tour All Good - Cook, Eat and Live Whole Coastal Soul Kitchen simmer sauces and marinades. A restaurant in Florida To order his new cookbook and keep up with the busy chef, visit his website -



Our Stories, Our Voices, Our Time




Our African American History Words by Annita Stokes Thomas

History tells the story of African American culture, traditions, origins, and how we have impacted the country we now call home. Gathering our history and sharing it with the world has become more accessible than in years gone by. History books did not include us as a valuable part of the American story.

Jim Sin k Photog raphy

Today descendants of the African diaspora can find exhibits, lectures, websites, and museums offering detailed historical information that tells the African American story spanning the years. Several museum openings in the U.S. highlight the importance of telling our story in our narratives and experiences. THE INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM Located in Charleston, South Carolina, The International African American Museum (IAAM) takes you on a journey through African Americans’ culture, history, and influence on our country. At IAAM you can read and hear the stories of achievement, life experiences, and the diverse paths individuals have walked to make a difference in this country. The museum is located on the sacred ground of Gadsden’s Wharf, built in the 1760s and 1770s by Christopher Gadsden. This location was the first destination for an estimated 100,000 enslaved Africans during the peak of the international slave trade. According to the Charleston Preservation Society, “During the African slave trade, South Carolina received more enslaved people than any other mainland colony. As many as 260,000 enslaved Africans entered South Carolina from 1670 to 1808. Most enslaved people disembarked at Gadsden’s Wharf.” As a historic site, it is essential to note that Gadsden’s Wharf was the largest single entry point for enslaved Africans in American history. Many African Americans most likely have an ancestor who entered through this port. In the museum’s location is the importance of place and space where you will find the museum’s African Ancestors Memorial Garden allowing you to reflect on and understand the full story of the sacred grounds where many footsteps crossed. The architecture of the International African American Museum is shaped by the guiding principle defined by its lead designer, the late Henry N. Cobb: “As the place where thousands of Africans from diverse cultures first set foot in North America, Gadsden’s Wharf is not just the right place to tell this story; it is hallowed ground. The museum’s unique design challenge was building on this site without occupying it.” The New York-based architectural firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, with executive architect Moody Nolan, the largest African-American-owned design firm in the United States, designed the 426-foot-long, 84-foot-wide single-story volume to hover thirteen




feet above the ground, supported by eighteen cylindrical pillars arranged in two rows. Inside the museum is where the storytelling takes place. Nine galleries share stories of Black Americans and our contribution to political, economic, and cultural development. The nine galleries are Transatlantic Experience Gallery, the Atlantic Worlds Gallery, the South Carolina Connections Gallery, the Gullah Geechee Gallery, the American Journeys Gallery, the Carolina Gold Gallery, the African Roots Gallery, The Theater, and the Special Exhibitions Gallery.

The recent opening of the museum offers a chance to explore the nine galleries and check out The Center for Family History, where historical documents are housed. The most extensive collection of United States Colored Troop (USCT) records is in the facility. Visitors can research and explore genealogical resources and educational tools to discover their own stories when visiting the website Visit the website - and @iaamuseum on social media.

Africatown Heritage House One hundred and sixty-three years ago, under cover of night, an illegal slave ship, Clotilda carrying 110 Africans, slowly sailed into Mobile Bay in 1860. The Clotilda is the last known U.S. slave ship to make an illegal voyage, fifty-two years after the international slave trade was outlawed. The Africans on board were enslaved for several years and later established a community as free Americans when slavery was abolished. The tight-knight community was a thriving home-place for many years.

The community desired to create a place to tell the story of Clotilda and the Africans who endured the journey. Curated, developed, and designed by the History Museum of Mobile along with the Africatown descendants, The Clotilda - The Exhibition at the Africatown Heritage House tells many stories through exhibits of African artifacts, films, text panels, and interpretive documents in a 2,500 square foot multi-sensory space. The compelling images and stories bring to life the experiences, culture, and legacy of Africatown. Several pieces of the sunken ship are exhibited in the museum. Six Rooms take you through a self-guided audio tour starting with: Room 1: West African Beginnings, where men, women, and children lived their everyday lives. You’ll learn about the various cultural traditions, languages, and ways of worship before they arrive in Alabama. Room 2: Mobile and the Slave Trades explains the origins of the schooner and the domestic and international slave trade. Room 3: The Last Voyage of the Last Slave Ship/Arrival in Mobile shares an emotional and evocative experience as you listen and observe the horrors of the slave trade. Room 4: The Establishment of Africatown shares the heart and soul of the community established and governed entirely by African-born Americans. Room 5: The shipwreck of the Clotilda - is where you’ll find remnants of the Clotilda recovered from the still-submerged wreck. Room 6: Africatown Today and Tomorrow shares the stories of growing up in Africatown. A highlight of a visit to Africatown Heritage House is a chance to hear and see the stories Zora Neale Hurston captured when interviewing and talking with Cudjo Lewis, who was born Oluale Kossola in West Africa, captured and brought over on the last slave ship into America. His story begins with being captured by the Dahomey and follows through with his life in Africatown. A valuable American story told in his voice and his narrative. To plan a visit to Africatown Heritage House, visit their website 72



Courtesy of IAAM

With stories of life in Africa passed down from those who endured the passage taken from their homeland and brought to Alabama, their descendants have held on to their traditions, pride in community and legacy. Tales of the night Clotilda slipped into Mobile have become part of the local narrative. Its final location after being burned to hide the evidence was unknown. Through the years, the search to find Clotilda was attempted by residents as well as professional expeditions. In 2019, one hundred and fifty years later, the shipwreck was located and verified as Clotilda.

As I paint for you, Live your life in full color

“Let's Talk About It 36 x 36 Acrylic





reaming of that much needed vacation, consider the beautiful Caribbean island of Aruba, with its picturesque scenes, countless white sand beaches and local charm. However, in planning your vacation, settling on the location is just the first step. Selecting the ideal hotel is another critical decision, as choosing the right accommodation has the potential to define the entire trip. Nonetheless, once you know what you are looking for, the decision becomes a simple one, although in Aruba this decision can be daunting, since there is no shortage of luxury hotels. But after ranking the highly desired features of luxury hotels, the Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort Spa and Casino shone bright. It is no wonder because this hotel has it all. There is something for everyone, whether you are thinking about a solo trip, a couple’s getaway or a family vacation, the Hyatt Regency Aruba will serve you well. Located in Aruba’s Palm Beach high rise hotel district, the Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort Spa and Casino has a total of 359 rooms, each with a modern design sporting all the must have amenities in a spacious and lavish setting. No matter the need, an upscale getaway, a relaxing pampered filled weekend, an outdoor adventure or a buzzing nightlife, Hyatt Regency Aruba, will fill it. You can choose to spend your days having Palm Beach outdoor adventures or enjoying one of two pools on property including the family area that consists of a three-level pool complex featuring a two-story waterslide, the tallest resort slide on the island, or the serene adults only pool Trankilo that includes private cabanas and Bose Sound system with individualized volume control, USB charging station, ice machine, fully stocked minibar, Evian facial mist, and flat screen TV; alternatively you can pamper yourself at the full-service ZoiA spa or partake in the exciting gaming world at the expansive on-site casino. Hyatt Regency Aruba also possesses a number of restaurants, including Ruinas del Mar, for those who enjoy a taste of the sea and a fusion of Mediterranean and Caribbean cuisine sampling a variety of cuisines as well as over fifteen curated experiences including aerial yoga, pilates fitness fusion, aloe scrub making class, casino clinics, community market, Cooking with Chef, Master Mixology, and tennis clinics. Whatever the case, don’t take my word for it, check them out at

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NEW FOR YOU Hair Essentials To Elevate Your Style

Get ready for the seasonal style shift by stocking up on the hair helpers guaranteed to level up your look. Here, check out the hair care products you didn’t know you needed…until now. WORDS BY JOCELYN AMADOR

MICHE BEAUTY Summer-styled hair is going to need a little pampering—and that means conditioning. From Miche Beauty, a premium handmade hair care brand, comes two nutrient-rich conditioners to help keep Natural curls beautiful. Miche Indulge Moisturizing Deep Conditioning Treatment enriches hair with intense moisturizers to enable tresses to retain length and growth. Miche Strengthen Protein + Moisture Balancing Deep Conditioning Treatment helps revitalize weak, damaged curls while strengthening hair strands and improving elasticity. $8 |




Photo cour tesy Patter n Beauty.

“With its sweet floral essence, this special offering features the same moisturizing formula in a new woody fragrance and a chic pink bottle. The Palo Santo scent was specifically chosen for its neutral and warm fragrance. We are excited for our community to continue exploring new possibilities with our new Leave-In Conditioner,” says entertainer and Pattern Beauty CEO/Founder Tracee Ellis Ross.

PATTERN Inspired by her beautiful Natural style, the Pattern brand of hair care products by star Tracee Ellis Ross (pictured) is a major hit. From coif cleansing and conditioning to hair tools and styling products, there’s something for all curly-coily beauties in the line. The newest addition to the family of Pattern products: Palo Santo Leave-In Conditioner ($25 | the first limited-edition scent for the brand’s award-winning Leave-In Conditioner. Perfect for curls, coils and tight textures, the Limited-Edition Palo Santo Leave-In Conditioner is packed with nutritious oils to help combat dryness while the earthy and bright aroma of Palo Santo enhances the perfect self-care routine. TIPS TO TRY Looking to give hair a treat after a summer of styling? Hair Stylist Ambassador for Pattern Beauty Mideyah Parker, who also regularly coifs Tracee Ellis Ross, shares these important tips for transitional season styling. SET A PLAN First, you must start integrating a hydration routine during the summer months to prepare your hair for the months to follow. To do so, you should use moisturizing shampoos, hydrating conditioners, deep conditioning and leave-in treatments to help keep your hair hydrated from all the sun exposure you will receive from the hot summer months. You should also be mindful of hot tool usage.

HAVE GO-TO PRODUCTS Pattern Beauty is the perfect stop when choosing hair products to help aid and abet your hair’s hydration after the summer months. You can choose to use Pattern Beauty’s Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner—medium, heavy, or intensive depending on your curl type. These will set a foundation of moisture from your hair follicles to the ends of the hair strand. You can then use Pattern Beauty’s award-winning leave-in conditioner, or the limited-edition Palo Santo scent, to seal your curls with lasting moisture packed with nutrients and oils to combat dryness while providing a soft curl, coil or wave. SHIFT YOUR STYLE Try more wash-and-go styles (braids, twist outs) to help keep the moisture that you’re intentionally putting into your hair care. The Pattern Beauty Limited-Edition Palo Santo Leave-In Conditioner will help give your hairstyle the rich, luxurious look you’re seeking. What’s great about it is you can use it on wet or dry hair, after a fresh shampoo or if you just want to rejuvenate your curls from the day before. You can layer it on your hair before you braid it, Bantu Knot with it, even layer it into your hair and then pick out your natural texture. That is why it is the holy grail of leave-in conditioners.



COLOR WOW Introducing a new stronger, fiercer frizz fighter: Color Wow Extra Strength Dream Coat. A must-have as we transition seasons, the waterproofing technology in the formula helps block humidity while locking in moisture. Grab it to prevent smooth styles from reverting. $32 |

CAROL’S DAUGHTER And the clock starts now…Carol’s Daughter 60-Second Moisture Treatment was developed to help give damaged hair a boost of moisture in just 60 seconds. Part of the new Born To Repair (& Made To Care) Collection, this treatment helps hydrate, detangle and seal hair’s cuticle for beautiful shine. $13.99 |


MATRIX The Matrix Food For Soft Hydrating Shampoo nurtures dry hair by moisturizing, cleansing and removing excess oil—all without stripping. As with the other products from the new Food For Soft collection, the concentrated formulas are packed with Avocado Oil and Hyaluronic Acid to help prevent moisture loss, hydrate and transform parched tresses. $9 |

Whether the goal is to define every single spiral or craft a curl cocktail, make this quick-drying gel a hair kit essential. The new Miss Jessie’s Señora Rizada can help achieve the soft, buttery but super-defined spirals you’ve always wanted. Work in a lot, or a little, of the gel for desired coverage then scrunch to encourage curls. $14 |

MIELLE From the Mielle Sea Moss Collection, formulated with anti-shedding properties that hydrate and help to fortify the hair, comes the new Sea Moss Anti-Shedding Scalp & Hair Oil. Meant to be used daily before styling, it feeds the scalp and hair with potent nourishment to help reduce excessive shedding due to breakage. The lightweight formula aids in improving the condition of the scalp as it imparts nutrient dense moisture for healthier looking hair. $11.99 | sea-moss-anti-shedding-scalp-hair-oil.




AFRICAN PRIDE African Pride’s signature collection, the Moisture Miracle line of products, is created for the specific needs of coily and curly textures. Each product in the collection features premium quality natural African ingredients like Shea Butter and Moroccan Clay combined with intensely hydrating ingredients like Coconut Oil, Aloe and Honey for soft, hydrated coils that shine. The newest addition to the collection is the African Moisture Miracle Aloe and Coconut Oil Deep Conditioner. This deep penetrating conditioning cream uses a nourishing blend of Aloe & Coconut Oil to help hydrate hair and provide an intense moisture replenishment to natural coils and curls. $5.99 |

Stylin and Profilin In celebration of hip-hop’s 50th anniversary we reflect on how the genre has impacted the past, present, and future of fashion BY DR. COURTNEY A. HAMMONDS WITH E. MONIQUE JOHNSON

In the age of Virgil Abloh’s Louis

Vuitton legacy and Gucci’s partnership with hip-hop luxury fashion pioneer,

Daniel “Dapper Dan” Day, it’s easy to forget how long it took for high fashion to embrace the cultural power of American hip-hop. Let’s be real, though Fendi were the only ones who actually sued Day for appropriating their logos for an audience the luxury brands never marketed to or cared about, none of them, including his recent collaborator Gucci, were pleased with his ’80s enterprising in which he customized outfits with their logos in his legendary Harlem boutique for drug dealers, hip-hop artists, and Black celebrities alike. As a matter of fact, Versace is one of the only luxury brands who seemingly embraced hip-hop’s interest through Gianni Versace’s connection with TuPac, who was then the ONLY rapper to walk in the fashion house’s Milan fashion show. From the birth of hip-hop 50 years ago, the visionaries who invented and reinvented the culture have always made it a point to represent themselves through their personal style. From Adidas, Cross Colours, Kangol, Karl Kani and FUBU to Off White, Phat Farm and Baby Phat, Supreme, Roc-a-Wear, Bathing Ape, Mecca, and Pelle Pelle, and Nike, hip-hop fashion has made an indelible mark that not only dictates industry trends but influences the kind of music one creates. It also reflects part of society, culture and all that has helped artists become who they are.



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The 1970s witnessed the rise of streetwear, from denim to tennis shoes to casual dresses, all in reaction to the Black Power Movement, which shunned the “respectability politics” woven into the previous generation’s style of dress. When hip-hop emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the already present emphasis on the style of Black urban life was refined into the iconic looks we know today: Adidas tracksuits, shell toes, bomber jackets, and Kangols, gold chains, and Jordans and Air Force Ones. Today, hip-hop is one of America’s greatest cultural exports and the luxury industry has embraced its power as a marketing vehicle: Pharrell Williams was named artistic director for Louis Vuitton and launched Pharell x LV during Paris Fashion Week in June; A$AP Rocky for Dior Homme; and Cardi B.’s Winter 2020 campaign as the face of Balenciaga; Travis Scott for both Saint Laurent and Helmut Lang; and it's now normal when Marc Jacobs’ latest collection is a fully-fledged ode to hip-hop culture. Artists name-check high-end brands and sport customized luxury timepieces from creators such as Patek Philippe, Richard Mille, Audemars Piguet, and who could forget hip-hop favorite, Rolex. How times have changed! Dapper Dan once said, “All I was doing was making a statement. You can go on forever about what the line is between appropriation and aesthetic creation.” But in the end, it is truly admirable to see how a movement that once struggled to gain social acceptance no longer sits on the fringes of American culture, but instead, hip-hop is basking in the spotlight.

Courtesy of Subjects

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WHEN IT COMES TO THE ART OF SOUL MUSIC, Will Downing is undoubtedly the gift that keeps on giving. As a musical veteran in the business for more than 36 years, he continues to live up to the title of Prince Of Sophisticated Soul. In a recent interview with upscale Magazine, Downing broke some news about his upcoming album, current tour and revealed some heartbreaking information surrounding his daughter’s passing. With 26 albums under his belt, Downing is also working hard in preparation for the upcoming release of album No. 27. “I’m about five songs in,” he shares. “There’s no theme to the project. Just good songs. Really good songs! Look for it at the end of this year.”

Courtesy of Will Downing

Downing also has a number of new song releases, including “Till We Meet Again”, which is a conversation in song with his daughter Aron Siobhan Downing, who unfortunately committed suicide back in January, after years of struggling with depression and a bipolar disorder diagnosis. “It’s a song of me asking questions as to why she did what she did but at the same time letting her know she is and was loved at all times,” Downing reveals. “My desire to see her again ‘Till We Meet Again’”. His 26th album, “Pieces” was released in February of this year and consists of seven songs. Downing has been staying busy and is on tour in the United States and the United Kingdom, where he continues to perform a mixture of some of his greatest hits and new releases. This tour is expected to wrap up in November. “My performances consist of the best of what I’ve done for many years: ‘Nothing Has Ever Felt,’ ‘Million Ways,’ ‘After Tonight,’ ‘I go Crazy,’ ‘Try’ ... with the inclusion of new songs as well ‘Warmth of You,’ ‘Till We Meet Again,’ ‘Say Yes’”. Looking back on his musical career, Downing has had many notable moments of achievements, to which he is extremely grateful. “There are so many peaks in my life and career,” he says. “Having a career this long has been a real blessing. Working with legends. Artists I grew up listening to that are now friends. Performing for royalty, traveling around the world… memories.” On the heels of his daughter’s tragic passing, Downing has made a commitment to help raise mental health awareness for those who are struggling with similar experiences. You can stay connected with Downing via his social media platforms @WillDowning on Instagram and Facebook. You can also visit DOWNING.COM for touring information and for merchandise.

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Wardell Malloy

THE COMFORTING AND BENEVOLENT heart of Evelyn Braxton is a quality the minister, life coach, and singer exudes from the first “Hello.” Long before the world was introduced to Ms. Braxton, or Ms. E., as she is affectionately known via the WE television series, Braxton Family Values; long before she became mother of Toni, Michael, Traci, Towanda, Trina, and Tamar, Ms. Braxton was daughter to loving parents who raised her in the quiet, country setting of South Carolina, where serving the Lord and mouth watering soul food abound. “My father was a preacher, and my mother was my role model,” she says. “If I was half the role model my mother was, I would consider myself a success.” Ms. Braxton’s foundation was built and fortified with them—galvanized in family values, faith, and a fervent love for God. Her life’s work has included a commitment to serving others and helping to heal the wounds of emotional hurt and trauma. Appreciation of her work recently earned Ms. Braxton an honorary doctoral degree in Humanitarianism from Global International Alliance University. Still humbled by the recognition she states, “I am so honored. You never know who is watching you and is moved by your life.” Her children, friends, and family were in attendance. “Even my best friend Barbara was there. I wanted to cry. So many came to share in the moment with me.” Ms. Braxton’s life coaching journey began early. “I worked at Sarah’s House for the Homeless and at various churches, counseling people. This confirmed my calling at a young age.” Consistent calls for her guidance led her to create God Can Heal the Heart, a selfdevelopment organization founded to edify, counsel, and help individuals find their true purpose in life.


collection of southern dishes like mustard fried chicken, sweet potato pie, and her unique porcupine meatballs and cabbage casserole. “I want to bring families back to the fun and love of cooking and eating together.” When asked what she is most proud of, Ms. Braxton pauses and smiles.

“I love doing this work,” she says. “I used to pray, ‘Lord, if you need somebody, send me.’ I have always wanted to be of service.”

“Me. I am proud of me, how about that?” she says. “We should all find something in ourselves we are proud of. I am proud of me. I am now Dr. Evelyn Jackson Braxton. Look at God!”

Cherished memories of her mother’s kitchen inspired Ms. Braxton to author her debut cookbook, Cooking with Ms. E: A Book of Recipes and Family Memoirs. The personal memoir of her life offers a culinary

Visit and look for the next print issue for Part II of our interview and an up close look at favorite recipes from her cookbook!


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Presently concluding a tour of selected American States and Caribbean Islands, Renwick has a burgeoning music career and a successful clothing line, which ran a pop-up store in Cherry Hill Mall, New Jersey from April through June 2023. However, this success came after much hardship, as Renwick’s adult life began with a stint of homelessness, a period he uses as inspiration to fuel his growth. Sharing his story with upscale Magazine, Renwick explained that finding his purpose and seeing them manifest into reality took a while. Diverting from the original plan to join the military, Renwick became homeless, nonchalantly he said, “I was bouncing from house to house and eventually I started sleeping in a church”. Given additional details the full story is a beautiful one as Renwick affirms that every aspect of his life contributed to his current success. With a wide smile, he described the experience as both the best and worst thing that ever happened to him, ‘Being stripped of everything taught me to focus on the ‘why’ of my goals’. “There is no execution without perseverance. I believe that perseverance, persistence, and consistency are the catalyst to accomplish the vision that is on the inside, I would encourage every young entrepreneur to pursue what is in your heart”. He emphasized that there will always be a ‘valley moment’ and without his, he would not have had the divine experience that helped him to develop a real relationship with God. Launched alongside his record label, Living on Purpose Record, the clothing line is meant to inspire others to do what they love, it falls under the umbrella of the very concept, “[it’s] a wardrobe for the movement, to have clothes that will always reflect what’s on your heart. A superhero outfit”, he laughed. While the opportunity to have pop-up outlets in the New Jersey Mall was a scary step, Renwick jumped at the chance to pitch the concept, and “they took a chance on us, they saw the presentation, they loved what the brand represented” and the rest is history. As his tour comes to a close, the ‘Another Level’ singer will commence work on a Living on Purpose podcast, and the composition of his first mini album. Follow Renwick Duesbury on Instagram or Facebook to see what comes next for the young artist. 86


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Courtesy of Renwick Duesbur y

RENWICK DUESBURY IS AN ENTERTAINER, an artist, and to many, an inspiration. In his young life, he has experienced many challenges and through perseverance, Renwick demonstrates how maintaining a positive attitude and work-life balance can lend to productivity and ultimately success.

iS tock





Meta launched its new app, Threads, through Instagram in July, taking the social media world by storm. With its record-breaking user sign-up amounting to millions in just a few hours, the app is now deemed a major Twitter competitor. Increasing popularity continued over the course of the next few days among iOS and Android users, with the new app surpassing 100 million users. This places it ahead of its other major competitors, which took months to reach this milestone. The excitement was somewhat short-lived, however, with Twitter threatening to sue Meta over the app, based on allegations that former Twitter employees, who jumped, or were pushed off, the platform’s ship during Elon Musk’s “hostile” takeover, and who had access to its proprietary information were hired by Meta. That possibility coupled with reports that former Twitter advertisers are excited about supporting Threads once paid promotions become a feature, means that there are challenges ahead. Will Threads sew up a top share in the social marketplace or unravel before it really begins?




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