Use Locally - Issue 83 March 2020
Cheats’ C heats’ A Apple p pp ple S Strudel trudel
A classic classic strudel strudel with with home-made home-made pastry pastry can can take take a long long time time to to make, make, but but using using a convenient convenient pack pack of of readyready- rolled rolled pastry pastry means means you you can can have have a delicious delicious fruity fruity pudding pudding on on the the table table in in less less than than an an hour! hour!
Ready in 55 minutes | Serves 6
Ingredients ODUJH GHVVHUW DSSOHV ODUJH GHVVHUW DSSOHV SHHOHG FRUHG DQG FKRSSH SHHOHG FRUHG DQG FKRSSHG HG 50g raisins or sultanas WEVS FRUQ¿RXU 50g caster sugar 2 tsp ground mixed spice 320g pack ready-rolled pufff pastry shortcrust or puff %HDWHQ HJJ WR JOD]H ,FLQJ VXJDU WR GXVW ,FLQJ VXJDU WR GXVW
Preheat the oven n to 200C / 180C fan / gas mark 6. 6 sheet paper.. Line a baking sh eet with baking paper Place the appless and raisins or sultanas in a bow l. Mix bowl. WRJHWKHU WKH FRUQ Q¿RXU VXJDU DQG VSLFH DQG DGG WR R WKH WRJHWKHU WKH FRUQ¿RXU VXJDU DQG VSLFH DQG DGG WR WKH R FRDW DSSOHV WRVVLQJ WR FRDW DSSOHV WRVVLQJ W Unroll the pastryy but keep it on the paper paper.. Using a UROOLQJ SLQ JHQWO\ \ UROO WKH SDVWU\ D OLWWOH WKLQQHU :LWWK UROOLQJ SLQ JHQWO\ UROO WKH SDVWU\ D OLWWOH WKLQQHU :LWK RQH ORQJ VLGH IDFLQJ \RX VSRRQ WKH DSSOH PL[WXUH RQH ORQJ VLGH IDF FLQJ \RX VSRRQ WKH DSSOH PL[WXUH H DORQJ WKH OHQJWK OHDYLQJ D FP ERUGHU DW WKH HGJHV DORQJ WKH OHQJWK OHDYLQJ D FP ERUGHU DW WKH HGJHV *HQWO\ UROO XS WKH SDVWU\ WR HQFORVH WKH ¾OOLQJ DQG IROG *HQWO\ UROO XS WKH H SDVWU\ WR HQFORVH WKH ¾OOLQJ DQG IROG the the pastry in at th he ends (see Tip). Tip). Brush Place seam-side e down on the baking sheet. Brus h all until over with beaten n egg. Bake for 30-35 minutes unt til crisp the pastry is cris p and golden. Leave to stand for 10 with minutes. Dust wi ith icing sugar and serve sliced with w ZKLSSHG FUHDP FXVWDUG DQG IUHVK EHUULHV ZKLSSHG FUHDP FXVWDUG DQG IUHVK EHUULHV
Take T ake ccare are w when hen rolling rolling up up the the p pastry astry and and seal seal tthe he edges edges b byy brushing brushing with w ith some some o off the the b beaten eaten egg. egg. Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC