Use Locally - Issue 83 March 2020 The website Playlist for Life ( uk) is run by the UK’s leading music and dementia charity, offering people with dementia, their carers and family members tips on how to create personal playlists. The site offers information on KRZ WR žQG WKH ULJKW PXVLF and shows you how to use and listen to a playlist, using the appropriate technology.
Surf’s Up! Over-50s sites that definitely aren’t a wipeout In the same way that surfers enjoy the freedom to ride ocean waves with consummate ease and skill, many older people have taken ownership of the internet, understanding that it can add richness to their lives and expand their horizons. Here we track down a treasure trove of websites – perfect for silver surfers – that you can bookmark and return to again and again.
Silver Travel “The voice of mature travellers�, is an award-winning travel reviews website. Sign up free of charge to get regular newsletters and travel offers, or simply read reviews by other travellers to help you decide on your next holiday destination.
Alternatively Mike Ballard’s busy website ¿RZHUSRWPDQ FRP carries a wealth of blogs on all aspects of gardening, including gardening tips for the elderly and disabled, covering everything from tending a garden with a bad back to gardening for wheelchair users.
Alternatively, join Tom and Kris, former newspaper and magazine publishers, on their travels around the world at The couple has visited over 70 countries and you can either read all about their travels in a series of entertaining blog posts or enjoy their informative travel tips and 26
Grey Gardening Whether you are a hands-on, all-year-round gardener or someone more likely to cultivate a window box, there are some great websites to tempt you outside. Expert gardener Christine Walkden has posted a number of useful videos, from lawn care to growing ‘show’ vegetables, on
Music for memories 6SRWLI\ LVQ¾W VSHFLžFDOO\ IRU ROGHU people, but it’s a great way to track down songs you loved when you were young. Use the free service (which broadcasts adverts after you’ve listened to several tracks) or subscribe for an ad-free experience. Go to and download their web player.
Beauty in maturity “Be seen. Be heard. Don’t be invisibleâ€? is the mantra of IDEDIWHUžIW\ FR XN, a website dedicated to helping ZRPHQ RYHU žIW\ PDNH WKH best of their looks and their lives. It’s all about changing perceptions, according to founder Ceri Wheedon who saw her friends “all living life to the full ‌ not prepared to become invisible just because they had reached a milestone birthday.â€? With a target audience of men over 40, the Grey Fox Blog ( claims it represents “an often-forgotten but large DQG DIÂżXHQW GHPRJUDSKLF Âł $V D žQDOLVW LQ WKH 2QOLQH ,QÂżXHQFH $ZDUGV founder David Evans is an authority on over-40s male fashion and grooming, with a special focus on the best of British-made clothing. Whether you choose to make it a one-off ride or you return to these sites as regularly as a keen surfer visits their favourite beach, you’re FHUWDLQ WR žQG VRPHWKLQJ RI interest, whether it’s a new recipe, a handy travel tip, or even a group where you can chat to like-minded people. +DSS\ VXUžQJ By Kate McLelland
Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC