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1 2022 International USR Experience Camp ENGLISH CAMP 國際USR體驗營 中原大學設院USR團隊 國際暨兩岸教育處 聯合主辦 石母娘娘管委會 綠捷農地守護聯盟 竹霄社區發展協會 江湖開放工作室 楊梅和平農場 協辦單位 12.03 SAT SUN 12.04 BADE XIAOLI YANGMEI LUZHU TAOYUAN 八德霄裡 楊梅區 蘆竹區 桃園區 DATE LOCATION


DAY 01 DAY 02

0845-0900 0900-0930 0930-0945 0945-1015 1015-1030 1030-1035 1035-1100 1100-1130 1130-1140 1140-1200 1200-1220 1220-1235 1235-1335 1335-1400 1400-1630 1630-1700 1700-1710 1710 0830-0845 0845-0920 0920-0930 0930-1030 1030-1130 1130-1230 1230-1340 1340-1350 1350-1420 1420-1430 1430-1630 1630-1700 1700-1730 1730

Sign in To Taoyuan Canal Visiting Pond 2-5 Alley Explore Visiting Pond 2-6 Group Photo Canal Explore To Huaideju Group Photo Old House Tour Pond 1-16 To Restaurant Lunch Roaming around Worldwide Open Studio Experience - build an architecture with natural materials Packing Gather, Group Photo Return

Sign in To Heping Wetland Farm Instruction Harvesting Chrysanthemum Make Chrysanthemum Jelly Lunch Break A-Fishing, B-Fishing crayfish (10min switch) Group Photo To Stone Mother Temple Group Photo Harvested Rice Mochi Packing, Group Photo Return



陳其澎 教授

Professor Chie-Peng Chen


Chung Yuan Christian University USR Project Team


Office of International and Cross-Strait Education

協辦單位 Co-organizer


Farmland Guardian Alliance of GreenLine (Taoyuan Metro), FGA 江湖開放工作室

About Worldwide Open Studio (W.O.S.)

場域介紹 Field Introduction


Taoyuan pond, Human landscape

蘆竹綠捷- 自然建築

Luzhu MRT Green Line, Natural Architecture


Taoyuan Yangmei, Heping Wetland Ecological Farm

八德霄裡 農活體驗

Bade Xiaoli, Farming Experience

活動回饋 Activity Feedback


Offical Website


Learning Journey

05 06 08 10 11 12 14 20 22 24 25
國際 USR 體驗營
01 02 03 04
4 國際 USR 體驗營 01



中原大學 USR 計畫主持人

Professor, Dr. Chie-Peng Chen

Principal Investigator of USR Project Team, School of Design, CYCU Professor, School of Design, CYCU

曾�中原大學設計學院院長�桃��景���問,對 於桃���厚��,���研�團隊在田野��� �中,踏訪桃�每一�土�的人文故事��景產�, ��給予關懷眼光的規劃設計� 陳其澎�授表�,長期�來,設計一直被視為��的 行�,所服�的對����社會中的頂層��為主︒ 設計學院師生�����中不⻝人間��的一群, �自�作出只屬於個人的作品,曲高和寡,卻自�自 ��生不����成功者��受益於��的吹捧,未 必真�裨益人群的功效� �而,因�代的�步,環境正義�社會關懷�永續生 ��議題,陳�授期勉設計學院 USR 團隊,應秉� �設計即是�義的信��同�更期勉 USR 團隊�伴 秉�「實作」�「參�」�「生活」三個層面去完成� �學的工作目���上所言絕不只是口�,而是陳� 授���中原設計學院 USR 團隊劍�履�,使命必 �的�求�成果�

Professor Chie-Peng Chen used to be the General Landscape Consultant of Taoyuan Government. With strong emotional concerns for Taoyuan, Professor Chen has led the research teams to proceed the field investigation for many years. During these periods, he's always paid a visit of every piece of familiar land to explore not only the story of locals and culture, planning of landscape, but also to provide vision of his caring eyes.

Design is often regarded as an elite career for decaded. In other words, designers mainly severe upper class in the society. however, teachers and stuents of design professions never understand what life is like of ordinary people, and just create their personal works in their limited views and complaining about their career. Fot those who suceed just paying attention to the media instead of concerning the ordinary people.

However, with the trends of environmental justice, social care, sustainable ecology and other issues, Professor Chen is continue to encourage the teachers and students of the School of Design to enhance the belief that design is justice. At the same time, the teachers and students of the School are expected to achieve the three principles of “practical”, “participation” and “life” to accomplish the goals of teaching and learning. Thedeclaration of Professor Chen is not just a slogan, it is a requirement. To fulfill the mission, Professor Chen has succesfully led the teachers and students to0 perform the task with full vision and passion.

國際 USR 體驗營

improve the cooperation between the colleges and area connection, and practice the University society responsibility, to train the University students that can create the value of local development. MOE has started “University social Responsibility project” since 2017.

Guiding the teachers and students to constitute the subject and execute team. It plays an important local role in regional development, find the local requirements and deal with the problems It assists the regional integration and motivates the innovation and development of SME and institutional culture by the local advantage collaboration.

為強化大專院校與區域連接合作,實踐大學社會責任,培育對在 地發展能創造價值的大學生,教育部自 106 年啟動「大學社會責 任實踐計畫」。引導夥伴學校師生組成計畫與執行團隊,在區域 發展上扮演關鍵的地方智庫角色,主動發掘在地需求、解決問題, 透過在地優勢分工合作,協助區域整合,帶動中小企業及社區文 化的創新發展;
中原大學設計學院 USR 團隊 主辦單位介紹 6
Project Team, Chung Yuan Christian University

By the learning process, can also make university students have the feeling of needed by the community, agglomerate the identification to regional integration. This plan will need cooperation with central government, regional government, industrial clusters,association, community groups and colleges. To create the value that conform the local urban and rural,industry and cultural development. CYCU USR is themed with the departments of architecture, interior design, commercial design, landscape and social community course,and integrate the other academy of CYCU to cooperate and implement together

CYCU School of Design USR team continues the last project “Activate Cultural Green Corridors of Xiaoli”, and connect what they learn in the departments of Architecture, Interior Design, Commercial Design, Landscape, Environmental Engineering and Applied Chinese & Graduate institute, and also cross school to cooperate with Chien Hsin University of science and technology, Nanya Institute of Technology, Vanung University and so on. It furthers out of Taiwan this year, to toward international, they also connect with the college of Architecture of Malaysia UCSI University, to conduct a series of cooperation communicate course, and improve the job “The Sustainable Development (Management) Plan of Green Corridor of Culture for the Linkage between Taoyuan River Basin and Xiaoli Region”.

藉由學習的過程,也讓大學生感受到「被社區需要」,凝聚對區域 發展的認同。本計畫未來需中央部會、地方政府、產業聚落及協會、 社區團體、大專院校共同合作,創造符合在地城鄉、產業及文化發 展的創新價值。中原大學 USR 團隊以設計學院建築、室設、商設、 景觀等系所,及社會設計學程為主體,並結合其他學院之合作共 同實施。 中原大學設計學院 USR 團隊延續上一期「啟動霄裡文化綠廊」計 畫,結合建築系、室設系、商設系、�景 系、環工系、以及應華系等 實作課程所學,跨校與健行科大、南亞技術學院、萬能科大等學 校合作。今年進一步走出台灣、邁向國際,再聯合馬來西亞 UCSI 大學建築學院,進行一系列的合作交流課程,推展「從霄裡鏈接 桃園兩圳文化綠廊之永續經營計畫」工作。
國際 USR 體驗營 7

繼去年首次成功合辦的 USR 國際營隊,為了讓境外生更加認識 在台灣生活學習的這塊土地上以及大學社會責任的精神,今年中 原設院 USR 團隊協同國際處舉辦第 三 屆的國際營隊,期許號召 更多國內外同學們參與大學責任實踐行動,點亮彼此對台灣土地 的熱情,用行動展現最實在的國民外交。

Following the USR International Camp that was successfully co-organized for the first time last year, to let overseas students better understand the land where they live and study in Taiwan and the spirit of university social responsibility, this year the USR project team of Chung Yuan Christian University organized the third international summer camp in collaboration with the International Office. The team hopes to call on more domestic and foreign students to participate in the university's responsibility practice action, to lighten each other's enthusiasm for Taiwan's land, and to show the most real national diplomacy with actions.

“Bring the world to Chung Yuan; take Chung Yuan to the world,” is the motto of the Office of International and Cross-Strait Education.

Moreover, to provide incentives for international students to study at CYCU, we offer helps and financial stipends to qualified overseas Taiwanese students, Chinese students, and other international students to study-abroad at CYCU and to quickly adapt to the local environment in Taiwan.

為有效提升本校國際化、創造國際學習氛圍,本中心於 97 年 8 月 1 日起正式升格為一級單位,以期能更強化本校對學術、研究、文 化、交流與合作等國際事務項目之推動與服務,其能提升本校於 國際間的高等教育之聲譽並達成程萬里校長「帶世界到中原、領 中原到世界」之願景。 Office of International and Cross-Strait Education 中原大學國際暨兩岸教育處 主辦單位介紹 8
臉書鏈結 官方網站




我們認為教育不僅是探索知識與技能的途徑,也是塑造人格、追 尋自我生命意義的過程。我們確信「愛」是教育的主導力量,願以



我們相信踐履篤實的教育方式是尋求真知的途徑。我們深信以虔 敬上主、摯愛國家、敬業樂群、崇尚簡樸的傳統校風為榮。的確, 中原大學是一所與眾不同的大學,因為我們相信每一位進入中原

我們很喜歡下面這一句名言:「你是世界獨特的一個人,今天的你 是上帝給你的禮物,明天的你是你給上帝的禮物。」中原大學就是 稟懷著這一份與眾不同的心情,看待在中原大學每一位與眾不同 的人,並且因此建立了這所與眾不同的中原大學。 國際 USR 體驗營 9 廣告 國際 USR 暑期體驗營 創意生活文化地景 Cultural Landscape And Creative Design International USR Summer Experience Camp 2021 從影像觀察閱讀桃園人文地景 中原大學設院 USR 團隊、國際暨兩岸教育處 桃園鄰舍關懷發展協會、綠捷農地守護聯盟、桃園藝文陣線 江湖開發工作室、台灣濕地復育協會、竹霄社區發展協會 Reading Taoyuan’s Culture, Humanity and Landscape through the Obser vation and Presentation of images. 聯合主辦 協辦單位 課程內容查詢 ZHONGLI PINGZHEN BADE XIAOLI LUZHU YANGMEI TAOYUAN ENGLISH CAMP DATE. LOCATION. 教育理念 CYCU'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY
大學的人都是與眾不同的、都是獨特的、都是為上帝所深深鍾愛 的。

和農地徵收,將流失農村豐富且多元的自然面貌,更對生態環 境造成嚴重影響。對於不尊重在地紋理和人權的開發方式與 浮濫徵收令我們感到擔憂。

家是根,地是本。我們期盼從自己生活的周遭開始,深掘在地 人文生態底蘊,進一步守護且轉譯在地生態環境、人文傳統 與技藝,落實生活、生產、生態的永續發展。讓城市與鄉村得 以彼此共存共榮。 未來希望能連結更多志同道合的夥伴,一起翻轉台灣城鄉, 打造里山倡議的新生活樣貌。

FGA is composed mainly by a group of local residents, land owners, returned youths, farming enthusiasts and also citizens who love ecology, attach importance to issues associated with land justice, natural farming and land sustainability.

With the process of industrial development and the increasing disparity in the distribution of population between urban and rural areas, expansion of city scale deviates from its care for people. Under the distorted urbanization idea, the land is bulldozed and farmland expropriated at the cost of losing rich and diversified rural natural appearance and further damaging the ecological environment. We are concerned about not only the excessive land expropriation but also the land developments that do not respect the local context and human rights.

This land is our home and foundation. Initiated from our surroundings, we would dive deep into the heritage of our local humanist ecology so as to protect and translate our local ecological environment, cultural tradition and art for sustainable development in life, production and environment. Let the urban and the rural live and prosperous together.

We hope in the future we will connect with more like-minded partners to transform the urban and rural position and create a new look of life as Satoyama Initiative in Taiwan.

綠捷農地守護聯盟是由一群熱愛生態、重視土地正義、自然 農法與永續經營的在地居民、土地所有權人、返鄉青年、從事
農作及關注相關議題的公民所組成。 隨著產業發展的演進,加上城鄉人口分佈的差異逐漸擴大, 都市正以一種不盡友善的方式擴張。扭曲的鏟平式土地開發
FGA 協辦單位介紹 02 10 綠捷農地守護聯盟 Farmland Guardian Alliance of GreenLine (Taoyuan Metro), FGA 江湖開放工作室 About Worldwide Open Studio (W.O.S.)
Farmland Guardian Alliance of Green Line (Taoyuan Metro) ,

“在食物森林裡的開放工作室,創意悠然而生” 江湖的誕生⸺是為了讓獨立創作者們能夠悠遊在食物森林

江湖的誕生⸺也是因為我們逐漸失去了土地,農田不再種 植,反而成為炒作地皮的工具。遠方原住民友人的話語不斷 回響著“東部留給我們好好守護 , 西部你們就好好復育吧 ! ”

於是,江湖藉著實踐樸門永續設計和半農半 X 的生活方式在 此落地生根,落實照顧地球,照顧人,公平分享的樸門精神,

並期許連結眾人的創意與力量,為台灣的農業敲出豐美而生 意盎然的變奏曲 ~ 隨食物森林的成長,江湖不定期舉辦讀書會、工作坊、食農共 學、在地走讀、環境學習和在地創意生態市集等活動,為在地 創作與生態環境提供具韌性的交流平台,讓更多夢想飛翔。

“An open studio in our food forest where spontaneous creativities are born.” Worldwide Open Studio was born to welcome like-minded independent creators to wander around in the food forest, to be self-sustainable and to create without boundaries.

W.O.S. values our land. We are gradually losing our land and idling farmlands fall victim to a rise in land speculation. A distance echoing from our aboriginal friends says " leave the east coast for us to guard and you folks go back and restore the west coast!” thus the W.O.S. was born. W.O.S. takes root here through the practices of Permaculture and Half Farming Half X lifestyle. To fulfil the ethics of earth care, people care and faire share. We hope to connect creativity and strength from all walks of life, to create a synergy that brings about variety and abundance in Taiwan’s agriculture.

With the growth of our food forest, W.O.S. irregularly host reading clubs, workshops, farm-to-table co-learning, and local creative eco-markets. These activities will provide a solid and resilient platform to support local creations and ecological sustainability, and allow more dreams to soar high!

裡 , 得以自給自足且無後顧之憂地進行創作。

Taoyuan pond, Human landscape

There are various big ponds in Taiwan, the area of these ponds are more and more big from hills to seacoast, and it formed a special human landscape. The Hakka call these big ponds was "Pi Tang" Hoklo call them "Pi Zai" . And the countless pond in Taoyuan plateau is the geographic landscape you will see when you enter the area of Taiwan and before landing in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Because of that, it also is a landscape that symbols our country portal imagery.

From the culture point of view, the development of ponds in Taoyuan plateau, is reflecting the historical traces about opening up the native soil between the communities of Fujian, Hakka, and Taiwanese Plains Indigenous People. So, it is reasonable to announce the landscape irrigation system in Taoyuan plateau is precious cultural heritage.

12 場域介紹 台灣地區有密密麻麻的大水塘,從丘陵到海岸,面積越來越大,形成特殊的人 文景觀。這些大水塘也就是客家人所稱「埤塘」或福佬人所稱的「埤仔」。而桃 園台地上無數的埤塘景觀是進入國門,降落中正機場之前,必會看到的地理景 觀,也代表著一個國家門戶意象的景觀。 文化面來看,桃園台地的埤圳開發,正反映閩、客、平埔各族群開拓鄉土的歷史 痕跡。因此宣稱桃園台地上的埤圳系統為珍貴的文化資產也不為過。
桃園埤圳 人文地景
03 場域介紹 Field Introduction

Taoyuan Canal

Taoyuan Canal was one of the important water conservancy projects in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation. It was designed by the Governor’s office engineers Hatta Yuichi and Kano Saburo. There is a main line and 12 branch lines to connect the pond. In 1913 (Taisho 2), Taoyuan suffered a severe drought, the construction was completed in Taisho 13 and the water supply ceremony was held on May 22 of the following year. In 1928 (Showa 3), the construction of some reservoirs and water supply lines was officially completed to irrigate all areas of Taoyuan city.

Shimen Canal

In 1953 (R.O.C. 42nd year), Taoyuan was dry, the water level of Datongkan Creek (now Dahan Creek) was insufficient, so Taoyuan Canal had insufficient of water, which promote the construction of Shimen Reservior. Shimen Canal was constructed at the same time after the completion of the reservoir. The construction started in July 1956 and completed in June 1964. The irrigation area covers Longtan District, Zhongli District, Yangmei District, Pingzhen District, Bade District, and Hukou Township in Hsinchu County. In addition, the Shimen Canal and Reservoir Project completed in the 1960s, the entire water conservancy system also merged the old canal roads, including the “Hedaxing Canal” built by Qilong-Xue and Qiu, Huang, and Liao in 1741 (the 6th year of Qianlong). The total irrigation area has 17 districts and 16 branch lines.

國際 USR 體驗營 15 桃園大圳與石門大圳系統 System diagram of Taoyuan Canal and Shimen Canal 台灣日治時期重要水利工程之一,由總督府工程師八田與一與狩野三 郎等設計,興建幹線及 12 條支線串連埤塘。1913 年(大正 2 年),桃園 發生嚴重旱災,正 13 年竣工,翌年 5 月 22 日擧行通水式,1928 年(昭 和 3 年)各蓄水池與給水幹線的工程正式完工,灌溉桃園市各區域。 1953 年(民國 42 年)桃園乾旱,大嵙崁溪(今大漢溪)水位不足,桃園 大圳出現用水不足,促使石門水庫興建,水庫完工後同時建構了石門 大圳,1956 年 7 月開工,1964 年 6 月完工,灌溉區域涵蓋桃園市龍潭區、 中壢區、楊梅區、平鎭區、八德區、新竹縣湖口鄉。主要設施,除 1960 年代完工的石門大圳和水庫工程外,整個水利系統也將過去的古圳道 併入,包括 1741 年(乾隆 6 年)由薛啓隆和邱、黃、廖三姓合建的「合 大興圳」。總灌溉區有 17 區,16 條支線。 桃園大圳 石門大圳
場域介紹 在車水馬龍繁華的中正藝文特區旁,緊鄰著是一大片的開闊農地,捷運綠線的規劃伴隨周邊開發,這片綠 地將畫成方格被水泥建築覆蓋。有一群人為了守護城市中的農地努力,我們總是認為開發與自然彷若總是 站在對立面,現今大多的開發規劃方案多不顧慮在地價值,農地不僅是作物的產出,更與在地的生活緊密 融合,開闊的田野、潺潺的水圳與田間的土地公廟,這都代表著一種生活模式。 蘆竹綠捷 自�建�
Luzhu MRT Green Line, Natural Architecture

Next to the bustling Zhongzheng Arts and Cultural Zone, there is a large area of open farmland. The planning of the MRT Green Line is accompanied by the surrounding development, this green area will be coated by cement buildings. There is a group of people working hard to protect the agricultural land in the city. We always believe that development and nature are always on the opposite side. Most of today’s development planning schemes do not concern about the value of the land. Farmland is not only the output of crops, but also closely integrated with the life on the ground. The open fields, the babbling water canals and the earth temples in the fields are all representing a kind of life style.

國際 USR 體驗營

The pond area is open and all sides are flat. There is a loess road around the pond. The west side is a raised embankment and farmland separated, and there are mostly farmland and farmhouses nearby. On the road to the pond, there is a Sunflower Flower Field, and there is a Firefly Alley along the water canal near the pond. Fireflies live in clean water sources, no light pollution, and lush vegetation environment. It can be seen that this pond has a good ecological environment.

Because of the nearby main road (Zhongzheng north road), the interface of the west side adjacent to the road is relatively rigid, there is some fishing and feeding equipment inside, but not many man-made facilities, almost maintain in a complete and natural state. The current situation looks like low maintenance fishing feed use because of the basic water conservancy facilities, two fishing lodges, and multiple fishing feed machine for feeding. The 2-2-3 pond next to G13a station will be the best observation point in the future.

It was called Niujiaobei, which was formed during the Qing Dynasty and completed during the Japanese occupation. During the period of the R.O.C, the left and right sides of the pond were nearly half filled and used as farming land. In the early days, most of the people in Minnan were rice farmers, and they were converted to lotus flowers with higher economic value. The pond is kept in a primitive status, and there are also a large number of red bladder ducks inhabiting, which shows the ecological richness of the pond.

The nearby lower terrain was once an old river channel with a stream, and it was named because of the forests that used to raise cattle here. Besides of the irrigation function, it has also provide industrial water for Formosa Plastics South Asia. The water quality is kept clean; some people will come here for fishing.

It was called Siniupi, it was planned as the Second Generation Demonstration Pond in 2006. It is guided by ecological engineering, no using of cement, mainly uses natural building materials. It was rebuilt and completed in 2019 and was renamed as Luxing Pond Ecological Park. The total length of the trail around the pond is about 1.2km. The surrounding area of the pond is well-equipped. The viewing platforms are covered with thriving trees and shaded by green trees. It is now a good place for nearby residents to take a walk and rest.

It was called Yindianpi The place was called “iron shops” during the Japanese occupation. Because the highway passes by, the pond is divided into north and south sides. There are currently almost none leisure activities, but there is a wedding banquet hall on the southwest side of the pool.The neighboring residential areas are mostly apartment buildings with densely populated, and because this section is an important circumferential alternative road, it is mostly used by vehicles and less pedestrians walk.

17 國際 USR 體驗營 2-2-4 2-2-1 1-16 2-2-3 1-17 1-15 埤塘面積開闊且四周平坦,有一條環埤黃土道路,西側為高起之土堤與農田 分隔,附近多為農田與農舍。在通往埤塘的路上有一處向日葵花田,而埤塘 附近沿著水圳有一條螢火蟲巷。螢火蟲是居住在乾淨水源、無光汙染及草木 繁茂之地的環境指示生物,由此可知此埤塘坐擁良好的生態環境。 此舊名為「牛角陂」,於清領時期形成、日治完工。民國年間陂塘左右邊被 填平將近一半,做為農地使用,早期多為種稻為主的閩南人,後多轉作經濟 價值較高的蓮花。埤塘整體保有較為原始之狀態,亦有大批赤膀鴨棲息,可 見其生態豐富之程度。 舊名為「死牛陂」,約在清領時期形成。於民國95年被規劃為「第二代示 範陂塘」,以生態工程為導向,不使用水泥,以自然建材為主。於民國108 年重修完工,更名為「蘆興景觀埤塘生態公園」。環埤步道總長約1.2公里, 埤塘周遭設施完善,綠林成蔭,現為附近居民散步休憩的好去處。 現因鄰近主要道路(中正北路),西側邊緣鄰近道路介面較為生硬,內有局 部漁飼用具,但沒有太多人造設施,近乎保持相對完整自然的狀態。基礎水 利設施、兩處漁寮及多處漁飼料機供餵養,現況看似低維護漁飼 使用緊鄰 G13a車站的2-2-3埤塘,未來將擁有最佳高度的觀測點。 其附近地勢較低處,曾為溪流舊河道,且因樹林林立,過去常在此放養牛隻 而得名,因此當時稱為「樹林陂」。目前除了灌溉功能外,另提供過台塑南 亞公司工業用水。水質狀況保持的相當乾淨,常有民眾會到此處釣魚休閒。 舊名「銀店陂」,因為這個地方在日治時期稱為「銀店」。現因都市道路經 過將埤塘分割成南北兩側,四周仍維持較少人工開發之狀態,惟西南側池畔 有一婚宴會館。鄰近住宅區多為公寓大廈,又因該路段為重要外環替代道路, 故多是交通工具通行,較少行人步行。

De Xin Tang was built by the Lin family as a Minnan(Taiwanese)-style triple court residence. The initial architecture form should be a three-section compound architecture (with a body, left and right guarding dragons), but now only the body and right guarding dragon are left. The house has been left unused. Now that the old house collapsed, the open space in front of the house was converted into a vegetable garden, but it still retains the original appearance of the old house.

De Xin Tang was built by the great-grandfather of the current manager. His great-grandfather and grandfather were carpenters, his father was a patriarch and he was a painter. He itself is a slab mold worker, so he built the house behind it himself. The floor in front of Dexintang used to be paved with pebbles, and the bigger the stone goes down, now it’s a layer of cement directly on it. When the ditch system neat the house was not perfect, the elementary school and the surrounding area were often flooded, but the drainage system of the ditch and pond has now been improved.

德馨堂由林氏家族所興建,為一閩南式三合院住宅,最初的建築形態應屬典型的三合院建築形式 ( 有正身、 左右護龍 ),但現僅剩正身與右側護龍。宅第現已閒置無作使用,如今房屋老舊崩塌後,屋前空地被林改建 成菜園,但依舊保留了老屋的原始面貌。 德馨堂由現管理者的曾祖父建造,其曾祖父及祖父是木匠,父親為入贅,職業是油漆匠。 而其本身是做板 模,因此自己將後面的房子蓋起來。曾經德馨堂前的地板是鋪鵝卵石,越往下石頭越大,現在是直接上面鋪 一層水泥。祖厝以前附近的水溝系統尚未完善時,國小以及周遭常常淹水,但水溝以及埤塘的排水系統做
場域介紹 德馨堂 De Xin Tang

The Lu Family has a family history of 600 years, and the Huideju Residence was built in 1924 by the grandfather of the Lu Family. It was a Minnan-style triple court residence. The original architectural form was a typical triple-court house (only body, left and right guarding dragons), there is a wall on the door. Later, due to the lack of living space for the family, the original fence was demolished and expanded into a courtyard farm house with two entrances in front and rear and double guarding dragon on the left and right.

In the early days, the Japanese army often shot at houses and woods. However, there are many acacia trees planted around the “Huaideju” earlier. The Japanese army mistakenly believed that people and things related to the rebellion were hidden among the trees. Therefore, there was a wall built in front of the “Huaideju” at that time, so there are only a few bullet holes on the outer wall of main hall (now filled with cement). In the early days, in order to avoid war air raids and Japanese armed attacks, the fathers used to build air-raid shelters on the current Jiadongxi River to escape.

There used to be some several independent traditional soil houses behind the building, but now only one exists with large pebbles as base and clay-mixed straw sections, similar to the concept of the waterproof layer, to prevent the house from being rained and damp. It is mainly for storage, most of the agricultural tools are placed on the side. There are two groundwater sinking wells and storage tanks, and the household water channel built by the Lu family. In the early days, children would follow adults to fetch water from the wells, also wash and play in the water storage space, or go directly to the Jiadongxi River in front of the house to play and catch fish.

建築後面過去曾有數棟獨立的傳統土埆屋(目前僅存一棟),以大型卵石為基底,加上黏 土混稻草段,類似防水層的概念,以避免房屋淋雨潮濕,主要是儲放農業用具居多,一旁 有兩口地下水鑿井、儲水池,以及呂氏家族自建的家用水道,早期的小孩會跟著大人在水 井取水,並且在儲水空間洗衣、戲水,或是直接到屋前的「茄苳溪」戲水、抓魚。 呂氏家族有 600 年的家族史,而懷德居是 1924 年由呂氏家族祖父輩所建,為一閩南式三合院住宅,最初 建築形態屬於典型的三合院建築形式(僅有正身、左右護龍),且門口建有圍牆。後因家族人增加居住空間 不足,故拆除原先圍牆並擴建成前後兩進、左右雙護龍的四合院農宅。 國際 USR 體驗營 懷德居 Huai De Ju
早期日軍常看到民宅、樹林就開槍掃射,而「懷德居」早前周圍種了很多相思樹,日軍誤以 為其把反叛相關人事物藏於樹叢間,因此在當時「懷德居」前還有築圍牆,所以正廳外牆 上僅有少數當時槍彈掃射的彈孔痕跡(現已用水泥補齊)。早期為躲戰爭空襲、日本武裝 攻擊,父輩曾在現今的茄苳溪河道上建立防空洞來躲避。
小故事 Short Story
20 場域介紹 和平農場地處楊梅區上田里,位於和平路與高鐵站南路七段相交地點,緊鄰新屋區及中壢區,占地約 1 公頃。 農場有許多水池,除復育台灣原生水生植物外,也配合現地規劃每一池的水位差及渠道,運用各植物淨化 水質能力,淨化生活汙水及農業灌溉汙水。下游區以附近耕作之農民運用此區的排水栽培蔬菜,水質明顯 感到改善,栽種的植物也特別健美。除此之外,此濕地也與台灣原生魚類保育協會合作,復育台灣原生魚, 現場也陳列許多原本消失在台灣溪流的台灣原生魚,復育成果非常豐沛。 桃園楊梅 和平農場 Taoyuan Yangmei, Heping Wetland Ecological Farm

Heping Wetland Ecological Farm locates in Shangtianli, Yangmei District, at the intersection of Heping Road and Section 7, Gaotie South Road. It is close to Xinwu District and Zhongli District, covering an area of about 1 hectare. There are lots of ponds on the farm. They are planned with on-site water level measurement and channels, uses plants to purify water quality, purifying domestic and agricultural irrigation sewage, in addition to restoring Taiwan native aquatic plants. Farmers nearby the downstream area use the drainage of this area for cultivation. They can feel the water quality has improved significantly, as the plants are particularly healthy. In addition, this wetland has also cooperated with the Taiwan Conversation Association of Native Fishes to restore native Taiwan fishes. Many native Taiwan fishes that had disappeared in Taiwan's streams display on the farm. The restoration results are significant.

21 國際 USR 體驗營


Xiaoli, Farming


Xiaoli is a geographical environment with both cultural landscape and water. The beauty of Xiaoli's rural landscape is the rich agricultural and rural resources, such as rural buildings, settlements, plazas, streets, fields, streams, ponds, farming, etc. It not only provides urbanites or tourists to relax physically and mentally and enjoy the green field scenery in their spare time but also achieves special educational significance through unique cultural characteristics and ecological resources.

Xiaoli is located southwest of Bade District, Taoyuan City, on the edge of the expanded urban planning area of Bade District. Bade District is an area where quite a lot of traditional buildings are preserved, plus the rural landscape, spring water, and ponds, from Yuyuan Temple and the Temple Plaza to Xiaoli Pond, it is really an excellent leisure landscape route.

22 場域介紹 一個兼具人文景觀及蘊含水與綠的地理環境。在錯落的優雅建築中,處處充滿了特色與驚奇。霄裡農村景觀的優美性 「農村建築、聚落、廣場、街道、田野溪流、埤塘、農耕景象等」等各項農業與農村的豐富資源,不僅提供都市人或旅 遊者閒暇時調劑身心,享受綠意盎然的田野風光,更能藉由獨特的人文特色及豐富的生態資源,達到特別的教育意義。 霄裡位於桃園市八德區市西南方,八德區擴大都市計畫區邊緣地帶。為八德區保存有相當多傳統建築的地區,加上農 村景觀、泉水、水圳、埤塘,從玉元宮及廟前廣場至霄裡池,實為一絕佳之休閒景觀路線。 �德�裡 �活�驗

竹�社� Zhuxiao Community

Besides the culture of ponds and canals, after years of investigation and research by the USR team, Xiaoli contains many levels of culture because of its long history, including masonry, Bay-in Music, clothes washing, old houses, and industries. You can see the strong cultural context of the Xiaoli community from industry, life, and humanities to architecture.

壘石文� Masonry Culture

Pebbles have been selected, stacked, and used, to become part of facilities and buildings, but also integrated into the lives of residents. They use different sizes and shapes of stone bases to make mountainside ridges, building foundations, block stone step-wise, and clothes washing boards, etc., these have also contributed to the local environment's appearance.

�音文� Hakka Classical Music Culture

In the past, the Hakka Classical Music performance occasions were mainly for weddings, gods' birthdays, welcoming the gods, entering a new house, funerals, and drama accompaniment. Traditional music has gradually faded away, so it is important to realize the cultural inheritance of rural education.

浣衣文� Clothes Washing Culture

In Xiaoli, we found many small pools around the community. Because of the spring water, the water quality is very clear and clean, forming a unique culture of washing clothes, it has also become a place for residents to interact with water culture. With the joint operation of our team and the local area, this place has also become a place for environmental education

老屋文� Old House Culture

Xiaoli Hakka Village retains many old buildings. The Hakka people value ethics, the main hall for worship and sacrifice must be the tallest, and most of them have a half-moon-shaped pond in front of the gate. The ancient house, which has bred the wisdom of predecessors, has also become a place for us to promote education. The ingenuity of ancestors can also become the inspiration for our design.

在�產� Local Industry

Bade District is located in the northeast of Taoyuan Plateau, linking Taoyuan Plateau and Taipei Basin. During the Qing Dynasty, Plains indigenous peoples named this place "Xiaoli", they dug Xiaoli Pond in the southern part of Bade District, converging streams and springs to become Xiaoli Canal, which is an abundant water source.

國際 USR 體驗營 23
24 霄裡鏈接兩圳文化 中原設院 USR 團隊官方臉書 和平濕地生態農場 江湖開放工作室 2022 International USR Experience Camp LEARNING JOURNEY 學習歷程
25 國際 USR 體驗營
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