Playground April 2014

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april 2014

music festival etiquette | star wars or star trek? | spotted on campus a foreigner’s take on sydney & much much more!!

is now on instagram!

Make sure you follow us @activateuts for all the cool photos Use #ActivateUTS when you’re at our events!

contents 4 What’s On

welcome Hey guys, welcome to the latest edition of Playground – our second for 2014! We hope you had fun at O-Fest and are well and truly settling into the semester. We’re already coming up to Easter and mid-sem breaks (we know you’re super egg-cited about that...haha). As always, make sure you check out our ‘What’s On’ page for all upcoming events there’s a stack of cool things coming up. Have you been “Spotted” around campus? Turn to the middle of the mag to find out if we’ve snapped you around the joint, you might just win a prize if you let us know we’ve caught you! Trying to be green? Why not check out Playground on our website and download to read during your train or bus trips.

6 ActivateUTS News 8 Science Friction:

Star Wars Vs. Star Trek 10 His and Her's Guide to

Music Festivals 18 Spotted 20 A Foreigner's Take

on Sydney

Remember if you want to have your say, send us an email at

23 Vox Pops

Until the next edition – enjoy!

24 Fashion

PS for the best deals on and around campus, make sure you pick the Semester 1 edition of the Steals & Deals Guide (or download online) - who doesn’t love a good deal / saving right?!

26 Arnie's World 29 Club of the Month 31 Puzzled 32 Previews 34 Eat.Drink

what's on grand opening

29 april
















24 may


keep an eye out for... thursday night live quay markets uts art expo competition 5

news New merchandise coming soon! The new range of UTS merchandise apparel is coming soon! There’s heaps of funky designs so head to the following shops to make sure you don’t miss out: Towers Marketplace (Tower Building, Level 3 ActivateMarketplace) News+Art on Harris (Street Level, Harris St, Building 6) The Hub Haymarket (Building 5)

The All new You might have noticed by now that level 3 of the tower building (where the old food court was) has been sealed off from the public. That’s because we’ve been giving it a bit of a facelift and it’s nearly ready for the grand reveal. We don’t want to say too much about what’s happening down there, but check out to stay in touch. Better still, check it out for yourself by going to the ActivateMarketplace Grand Opening from 4pm on Tuesday 29 April. There’ll be heaps to do, freebies and food & drink to try! In the meantime, all we’re going to tell you is that it’s going to be called the ActivateMarketplace, and yes – that awesome kebab shop will be back.

UTS Haberfield Club re-opened! At long last, the UTS Haberfield Club will re-open its doors in mid-April! Unlike The Loft at UTS and The Underground, it’ll be open on weekends and there’ll also be student incentives. Plus, societies that use the club for functions will receive a rebate. There’ll also be buses from the City to the club every day, so be sure to check out for the times and more info.

photo competition As part of Green Week, UTS:Green are hosting their annual photo competition. The theme for the competition is:

‘Growth is inevitable and desirable but destruction of community character is not. The question is not whether your part of the world is going to change; the question is how’. Entries open in May, with the best entries showcased in an exhibition at the ABC during Green Week in June, so get snapping!

Join Team UTS in the City2Surf! The 2014 City2Surf is on Sunday, August 10! Registrations are already open at earlybird rates so get in quick to take advantage! Join the sea of teal as we march towards Bondi Beach. Go to for more info and to sign up today!

Buy and sell all things art, craft and vintage (Quay Markets) We all know students don’t have a lot of money. If you’ve got a creative talent, put it to use and sell your creations. It could be arts, crafts, baking, upcycling vintage clothes or straight up selling the stuff under your bed. Quay Markets is on the last Wednesday of every month in semester and is your chance to sell your creations. To host a stall only costs $20 if you’re a UTS student. Of course, if you’re one of the lucky students who does have some spare change, why not head over to the markets on Quay Street and see what’s on sale! The next market is being held on Wednesday, April 30 – to apply to have a stall or for any more info, check out

Designers onto a winner... Do you have skills in painting/drawing, graphic design or object design? Well that’s very handy, because the UTS Art Expo Competition is underway! There’s going to be an exhibition of work and prizes to win, so check out to read the program and find out how to take part. Oh, and don’t worry – you’ve got plenty of time...the deadline for entries isn’t until Friday, 15 August so there’s ages to perfect your submission.


In a galaxy far far away… “Luke, I am your father..”… well those are the words we all know, but which universe really is the best, and what is the difference between the two? Will the two ever meet in another galaxy far far away. Throughout the years the battle between Star Trek and Star Wars has been argued long and hard, usually only by the hardest of hardcore adherents… us nerds. Here we ask one of our friends from the UTS Club, EGG, “Smeghead” to weigh in on this debate … Who introduced the world of sci-fi to you? A New Hope or the Wrath of Khan? My dad introduced Star Wars to me when I was little kid. Ooo another hard one. A New Hope is what really brought Really, what can you show a little kid that’s action and age- sci-fi to the mainstream audience. Before that, each franchise appropriate (without blood, guts and Arnie)? had their own cult followings. After Star Wars came out in cinemas people talked about it non-stop. Who has the better weapons? Star Wars has a high focus of weapons with their lightsabers; Captain Kirk or Han Solo? whereas Star Trek can go for episodes on end where they do Both are sauve womanisers, the rebellious types. In terms of don’t pull out a weapon. Based on that you’d have to go with popularity, Han Solo… Star Wars. What is the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek? Who has the better vehicles/fighters? If you compare this to American history, Star Trek is the That’s a hard question! The designs are so iconic and American pioneers going off into the Wild West, meeting new synonymous. Like in Star Trek, you have the Enterprise, a high people, going off into the unknown land. Star Wars is about disc flying in the sky with two jets propelling it; and Star Wars the American Civil War, it’s about both sides fighting for what has the Millenium Falcon. they see as their ideal. It’s all about the people fighting in the war and how they build up emotional In terms of popular culture, you’d have to relationships and progress through. go with Star Wars. You see a Death Star (ie Darth Vader’s home planet) and you know Do you think Disney will ruin the next it’s a Death Star; or an X-Wing (ie a rebel Star Wars movie? Although George Lucas is a alliance fighter ship) and you know it’s an X When Disney acquired Marvel there was Wing. Whereas in Star Trek you only know household name even if you don’t a lot of scrutiny as to whether the series follow Star Wars you’d still know the Enterprise and that would be it. would be “dumbed down” to be more George Lucas directed Star Wars. What about starships? suitable for kids. But their ability to bring But who created Star Trek? Does in really good directors and cater for the No question, has to be Star Wars. the name Gene Roddenberry original audience has really endeared Weapons of mass destruction? ring any bells? them to at least holding a few chances for You have two comparisons: the “Death NASA have made a prototype Star Wars. Just please don’t get Zac Efron Star” (Star Wars) was built to destroy an shuttle named the “Enterprise” as Han Solo’s son… entire planet. The Borg Cube (Star Trek) can The only thing that Disney has done is to assimilate an entire species. So it’s hard to remove a lot of the expanded universe. compare between “mass destruction” or “mass assimilation”. Is the Star Wars universe better than the Star Trek universe? Best quote from Star Wars & Star Trek? “Beam me up Scotty” Both have such expansive universes, through movies, novels “Khaaaaaaaaan” and video games etc. Star Trek’s universe is much more explored and more fleshed out as they intermingle with all “May the force be with you” the species; whereas in Star Wars the other species are more “NO Luke I am your father” “extras” on a movie set. Best character from both? Would Star Trek’s USS Enterprise defeat the Millennium Bobba Fett (Star Wars), Spock (Star Trek) Falcon in a dogfight? Finally, if you had to pick a favourite who would it be and why? Yes. It could outrun it, but a full on dogfight would be suicide. Star Wars, but only the first three movies. These were the Who is more annoying Neelix or Jar Jar? first movies I saw, my first sci-fi. The way it was made - it was Jar Jar. He’s the reason why in the prequels people hate the ultimate action-thriller adventure. It was a movie where George Lucas. the story was simple: a bunch of rebels need to stop an evil empire from destroying them.

Fun facts

May the force live long and prosper!

His and Her’s

Guide to Music Festivals

It’s the season of music festivals. Soundwave and Future have been and gone. Some of us attended some of the latest festivals and were, well, a little gobsmacked about what we saw. So we here at Playground thought we’d provide you with what to expect at a festival, from both the perspective of the fellas and the ladies.



It’s not a great date venue!

Bit o’this bit’that

It’s all well and good taking your partner along to a festival. But if you’re going to stand up the front, holding them for dear life, while shielding them from a mosh and complaining that you’re getting pushed and shoved, get out of there immediately and stand up the back! If you go to a festival not expecting to get the odd push here and there, then you’re in for a rude awakening my friend.

When you're right in the middle of a moshpit, there's nothing more disgusting than a sweaty guy with bacne who has taken his shirt off, especially if you happen to be shorter than him. Nobody could possibly want that in their face, or to be lodged in another person's armpit what torture! I know it's hot in there, but please consider the pain you're inflicting on those around you and keep that shirt on!

Clothing Appeal

It’s a jingle jungle out there

Dress appropriately! It’s not just the temperature that's the deciding factor in what you wear. Whether you’re off to a rock festival or a rave, you need to make sure you wear the right attire. You don’t want to be that random guy who wears fluoro pink shorts in the middle of a metal mosh. And NOT wear thongs! Of course that’s unless you want your ankles to get trodden on and bruises all over your feet.

Don’t wear dangly jewellery - you may get stuck on some bacne...eew! With all the jumping and dancing, who knows what or who you may get stuck to. Besides, you're there for a good time, you don't want to hurt yourself or anyone else.

In no way or form is this heightist If you’re short, don’t tell people taller than you to move out of the way. We all paid the same amount of money – no discounts for short stuff (discrimination goes both ways)!

We paid money to see the bands perform, not you! People who face their backs to the stage and sing the lyrics loudly to the audience, instead of watching the band – really not cool! We all know the words, must we know that you do too?

Stay alert and agile! A moshpit is the perfect hunting ground for a groping predator. You don’t have to start a fight to avoid these predators, just be on your guard and quick to move! Sure, maybe you enjoy being felt up by a complete random in a small space, and perhaps the groper is actually a really nice person – but still...where did that hand come from?!

Groupie's Law Please let the diehard fans into a moshpit first... you don't deserve to be up front if you don't like the music! There's nothing more upsetting than seeing a good spot go to someone who isn't even enjoying themselves!


By Cadhla Roberts

The UTS Writers’ Society ( provides for an extracurricular writing community at UTS. We can help you to hone your craft and showcase your work.

I felt the nerves wrack my body as I sat next to Chris on the bus. He was holding my hand gently and I was leaning my head on his shoulder. I couldn’t help but speak quietly.

They both spun round their faces torn between interest and deep concern. I choked a little as I tried to force out the words. Dad noticed and spoke.

“I’m really nervous Chris.”

“It’s alright you can tell us.”

Chris chuckled and looked at me.

I drew the words up and went for it.

“You’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

He kissed me softly on the forehead. I loved Chris’ confidence and calmness; it helped me whenever I got panic attacks, which was often. I tucked myself in closer to him wishing that bus trip would go on for just a block further but as I felt the bus stop I knew I had to get off. I stood up and spoke.

Mum and Dad let out sighs as they relaxed. Dad’s face broke into a smile.

“See you tomorrow.”

Mum was between puzzled and happy when she spoke.

“Far out you had me worried for a second there.” “You’re not mad or anything?”

“No why would we be? We thought you were acting strange the last few months with the late nights and we honestly thought it drugs or something else.”

Chris smiled and winked at me. “Good luck.”

“He kissed me

I blushed and ran off the bus with my bag in my arms. The walk home wasn’t too long but my mind was racing the whole way. Every possibility played out in my head and with each moment I grew more and more nervous. My breathing quickened and I started glancing nervously side to side. I couldn’t help it, what if it all went wrong? What if I couldn’t even get the words out?

softly on the forehead ..”

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Chris’ name. I opened the text; ‘Ur probably sitting in a park somewhere freaking out. Deep breath and go home. Call me if you need to. ILY Chris.’ I smiled and took in a deep breath. I slowly released the stress and resumed walking. It wasn’t long till I walked through my front door. I put my bag down in my room and sat down to start on my homework. My concentration was scattered but I did my best. When I heard the front door open and close I looked at the page in front of me. I had only managed to write the date. I stood up and walked back into the kitchen to see Mum and Dad. Dad saw me and spoke. “Hey there, thought you had at late night school?”

Dad and Mum resumed unpacking the shopping as dad spoke. “So what’s his name?” “Chris.” “Christopher Bentley?” “Yeah.”

Mum threw me a cheeky grin. “Oooh he’s a handsome one.” Dad threw Mum a look. “There something you want to tell me?” “What’s the matter honey - jealous?” The pair chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. After they broke apart Mum spoke to me. “Well you should invite him over for dinner sometime soon. I won’t have any son of mine dating someone without my approval.” She grinned and I nodded in reply. “Sure thing Mum.”

Mum threw me a worried look.

I slowly backed away, turned and ran to my room. From my room I could hear Mum and Dad’s muffled talking and laughter. I picked up my phone and dialled for Chris. The phone buzzed for a few moments and then it clicked.

“Did you have any attacks today?”

“Hey Matt how did it go?”

“No. I just… Mum, Dad there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Chris, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?”

I shook my head. “No I decided to come home early.”


Event held on Friday, 2 May 2014 at 6pm, at The Loft UTS

2 1 FOR

PIZZAS Every Tuesday! *

From 5-9pm at uts Pizza Bar

*no further discounts apply


spotted on campus

Have you been SPOTTED at an event this month? If you’ve found yourself in an image, message us on Facebook ( to win a prize this month! Get in quick - the first five people win the prize!


An Englishman in New York

A Foreigner's

Take on Sydney - by stephen jones

People come from far and wide to go to University. You’ve probably noticed that UTS has a multicultural, cosmopolitan student population from the far-flung reaches of the world. I’m from one such distant place: Wales (UK). If you say Wales to an Australian, it conjures up images of the giant marine mammal that occasionally gets in the way of the surfing. But it’s also a small country in Western Europe that the Wallabies routinely beat at rugby union by scoring in the last few minutes. My impression of Australia before my arrival was largely influenced by watching reruns of Crocodile Dundee and Aussie soap Neighbours on British TV. I was therefore surprised on arrival in Sydney to find that not a single person I’ve met here has ever wrestled a crocodile or even heard of Paul Robinson.

If you’re an international student, you’re probably experiencing some of the cultural differences between Australia and your home. If you’re a born and bred Aussie, this is probably absolute nonsense to you, but here’s a rundown of just some of the things that have hit me about the island you call home.

Weather The first thing you notice, unless you’re arriving from somewhere tropical is that it’s hot here, and it can get crazy hot so it’s not a place you want to be too far away from your shorts and t-shirt. That’s not to say it doesn’t rain though. When it does, the rain is of biblical proportions and the sky generally seems to look like the apocalypse is approaching. It’s probably not, so don’t start calling the family to say goodbye. But certainly invest in deodorant and sunscreen. You’ll need to apply both far more often than you would want to.

Language I’ve never heard anyone call women ‘Sheilas’, never heard the phrase ‘flaming galah’ and never been told ‘fair dinkum’. I’m guessing that if there are people that speak like that, they don’t live in Sydney. Try not to confuse Kiwis with Australians. Neither of them like it. They sound similar to me, but the best way to tell the difference is to listen to how they pronounce their ‘i’ sounds. If ‘fish and chips’ sounds more like ‘fush and chups’, you’re probably talking to a Kiwi. Kiwis might find that offensive too, so I'd try it in my head first or ask them a question which is going to illicit that answer. If you learned British or American English, there are a few things which may not be what you’d think. When an Australian tells you they’re wearing thongs, they’re referring to footwear not underwear. Two articles of clothing you don’t want to confuse if you’re ever asked to wear thongs on a day trip with your girlfriend’s parents. Hotels might cause more confusion. For some reason here, a hotel is the name for both a place providing accommodation to tourists and a place that sells alcohol to late night revellers, so make sure you know which category hotel you’re in before you try and head upstairs to have a snooze or you may be confronted by an angry landlord rather than a suited concierge.

The Great Outdoors A lot of Aussies seem to spend most of their time outside. There’s probably a variety of reasons for this so pick any one you like from the below and you’re probably right: a. The geography of Australia is amazing. There’s so much to see and do. b. The weather is great more often than not. c. The TV here is absolutely awful. Australia is known the world over for having a fantastic sporting culture and that pedigree is in evidence all over Sydney. There’s amateur sport happening on a gigantic scale and if you want to watch professional sport you can easily find something going on most evenings. Get outside and get involved, it’s where everyone else is. There’s also opportunity to try out new sports. At UTS I’ve been able to play futsal, netball and burned half the skin off my hands steaming around the MPSH playing wheelchair basketball ...and that’s just at lunchtime social sports in the MPSH.

Food You probably knew it before you arrived, but Aussies don’t seem to be shy about having a BBQ. Most of the beaches tend to have free public BBQs too, so don’t forget to take some meat and some tongs when you head out to the coast. Where I come from, there’s a saying: ‘if it’s not bolted down some kids will steal it. If it is bolted down, they’ll probably set fire to it’. This is not true of the beachside barbies - they’re an awesome addition to the beach and are kept in great condition. There’s fine cuisine to be found in Sydney without a doubt. Food from around the world is available and there’s a great café and coffee culture about the place. It all seems to be good quality, but that might just be because I’m from the UK and we regard any food that doesn’t have cigarette ash on it as five star.

Public Transport The transport network here doesn’t seem too great. The ferries and trains seem to be pretty good, but don’t reach everywhere in the city so it’s more than likely you’ll find yourself on a bus. I hate the buses. If the bus is full before it reaches your stop, it will drive straight past you just slow enough for you to catch the smirk on the driver’s face. Face it, you’re going to be late to your destination. I understand that they can’t pick you up when the bus is full but if it happens literally every day, they could consider putting some more buses on. If you are lucky enough to get on one, it’s handy to have some experience of playing Tetris in order to bend yourself into position to find a place to stand or sit. I’ve never done Bikram yoga, but I imagine it’s very similar to travelling on a Sydney bus on a hot day when the air conditioning is broken. Get yourself a bike, skateboard, some running shoes...Literally anything but a bus ticket if you’re looking at travelling at a peak time and don’t want to be late. If you’re travelling further afield, the trains are pretty good. If you’re going to another state, get a flight. I’ve learned from experience that the 12 hour bus journeys aren’t much fun, don’t save you much money and are usually driven by maniacs.


Artist: Anita Gallagher Artwork: Who Said Growing Up Meant Becoming Mundane? Description: Many eyes were rubbed the day Henry and his companion strolled through the local park circuit; perhaps there was an unusually high pollen count?

This work is one of many featured in The Drawing Circle's very first Artbook! To find out more, please contact them on




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what's your mostused word or phrase?


Is chocolate

the new black? - by Kathryn Hanna

e’ve got Easter eggs on our minds and it seems all our favourite stores do too! Get on board with the ‘chocolate’ trend, and update your kit with our picks of the brown, tan and caramel trends! If you’ve typically shied away from wearing neutral hues, these basic tips will help you get through your styling woes; Team some lighter shades like tan, beige and caramel with white, off- white or cream Add a pop of colour. We like mixing cobalt blue with light brown, while pastels and light shades like peach or mint pair well with tan, and make a seamless transition from summer to autumn styling Make your look timeless by adding monochromatic elements, ie black and white. These classic block colours are flattering and will always be on trend If you aren’t comfortable going all out by wearing a main piece of clothing in any shade of brown, begin by adding a wallet, handbag or shoes in your chocolate colour of choice. You could also reverse the trend, and wear nude or beige shoes with a bright coloured outfit.

for the fellas! 'Bud' Sunglasses $139.99 from Proof Eyewear 'Adidas Army Tr Chukka' $140.00 from The Iconic 'Longlost Vapour Tee' in Black Cinamon Marle $39.99 from SurfStitch

for the ladies! New Look Dandy Formal Backpack $35.63 from ASOS Miss Emma TAUPE lipstick $12.95 from Shanghai Suzy 'Crème Brulee' Revlon Nail Enamel $13.95 from Priceline

* Prices valid at time of print. Please check stockists regularly for price changes.


"You can do it!"

Tips for working out in Winter Winter is almost upon us, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay inside and hibernate!

off doing some activities. You can go hiking, mountain biking or kayaking to name a few!

Trying to find ways to stay motivated and integrate exercise into your daily routine can be difficult, especially when it’s cold outside, Offspring is on the telly and all you want to do is couchsurf the night away with a warm cup of Lindt hot chocolate. Here are some ways to keep your summer motivation up as the temp cools down.

Training for an event might work hand in hand with your exercise habits. Why not sign up to the City2Surf (registrations now open for Team UTS), which is on towards the end of winter. Having a goal to work towards might help to keep you focused, and it’s not too hot to run! Make sure you wear breathable fabrics such as light thermals when you go out though so the sweat doesn’t cool you down too much.

We all know you need a break from your desk during the day, so pop down to the gym during your lunch break or even go for a quick half hour run or walk around the block. Why not take the stairs at work instead of the lift. Every little bit counts! Personal trainers could be the way to go to keep motivated during winter. If you’re watching your pennies, have a look at group classes, they can be cheaper, but also a fun way to train in a group and will keep your motivation high.

If these still seem to be too cool for you, how about some warmer alternatives to exercise! Have a look at Bikram Yoga, which is done in a hot heated room, a great way to work up a sweat but still stay indoors. Just make sure you keep your water intake up!

If you’re planning an escape to the warmer areas during winter, why not do some exercise while you’re away? Exercise isn’t limited to running – burn some calories while you’re



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Visit UTS Fitness Centre UTS Building 4, Level 1 02 9514 2444

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Club of the Month

What our club is all about UTS JAZZ aims to provide a space for all jazz enthusiasts to enjoy this wonderful genre, which for decades has influenced music, film, theatre, fashion, and culture. The universal and timeless appeal of jazz was a driving force behind the creation of the society this year, and the understanding that the appreciation of it was by both musicians and non-musicians alike.

Best thing about our club A great opportunity to get involved in the society at all levels, from developing music skills and knowledge, to attending social nights. The society caters to a wide variety of interests such as music, film, and many others.

contact us!

uts jazz

Highlights Jazz Band Monthly Jazz Outings Monthly Jazz Nights

Quirky Fact UTS JAZZ started as a personal passion project of the members’ of the executive, who were driven to ensure that UTS had an ongoing jazz and music culture. The creation of the society came to be when we realised just how much love there was for Jazz on campus.

Joining our Club Membership Cost: $5 – UTS students/staff $10 – Non-UTS students Entitles a member to free entry to all events throughout the year, including our jazz-themed End of Semester Party and Performance Night!



photo of the mon th!

Photo by: Leanne Tran | Location: News+Art on Harris | date: friday, 14 february

Taken an awesome photo that you'd like to share with us? Post them to the ActivateUTS Facebook page and we'll be sure to publish the best photo in our next editions. You might even win a prize for your photos - how easy is that?!

If you can...

message us on Facebook ( with your answers for your chance to win a prize this month. The first five people win, so get in quick!


Here at Playground, we love keeping an eye out for exciting previews! read on to Check out what's coming soon in the world of film, games and newly released comics.

Godzilla Directed by: Gareth Edwards Cast: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston Genre: Action | Adventure In theatres: 16 May An ancient colossal creature is accidentally awakened by mankind, and seemingly leaves nothing but destruction in its wake, as its presence becomes known to the world.



Directed by: Wally Pfister Cast: Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany Genre: Action In theatres: 24 April

Directed by: Robert Stromberg Cast: Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley Genre: Adventure In theatres: 29 May

Two leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organisation fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.

Taking it back

Chronicles the events that hardened the villainous Maleficent's heart and drove her to curse young Princess Aurora.

The Lion King Directed by: Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff Cast: Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones Genre: Animation | Drama Released: June 1994

This is arguably one of Disney’s most popular animated films. The story presents lion cub and future king, Simba’s, journey to search for his identity. His eagerness to please others and penchant for testing his boundaries sometimes gets him into trouble. After being driven into exile by his evil Uncle Scar, who murders his brother, King Mufasa, Simba befriends Timon and Pumbaa and learns of their problem free, philosophy – Hakuna Matata (it means no worries, for the rest of your daaaaays!). He then goes back to Pride Rock after being instructed by the spirit of his father and reclaims the rightful place to his throne. It’s now a hit musical and is currently here in Sydney so go check it out at the Capitol Theatre!

Dark Horse

DC Comics


Veil #1 is a confusing read, and has been designed that way intentionally. The reader is given precious little information to work with, and we’re simply left with the experience of a somewhat dazed, very naked girl wandering around a city like a lost lamb, whose rat-infested introduction is sure to send shivers down your spine. There aren’t any answers provided for her state in the issue; there are simply hints toward the nature of her condition. There’s dark magic afoot, and this girl is somehow at the centre of it.

If you need a Superman comic that makes you feel all the feels, look no further than Action Comics #29. This issue offers more of the great dynamic between Clark and Lana, more bonding between Clark and his new pet, Baka and more of Clark battling the superscience of Tower Command. All this, plus a conflict that is strongly reminiscent of Gremlins. There are many disparate elements at play in this issue, both deathly serious and whimsically silly, but Pak is able to weave it all into a cohesive whole.

Writer Al Ewing and artist Lee Garbett, take us deeper into the types of missions Loki is performing for the All-Mother, while giving us a glimpse into his endearing attempts at living a normal, civilian life on Midgard. The issue adopts an unconventional storytelling structure that makes for an intriguingly paced story. We begin with a first person perspective of a lacklustre night of speed-dating -- that is, until Loki shows up. Loki at speed-dating. We’re off to a good start. As Loki explains how he came to be there to a woman who can spot a lie from a mile away -- a fascinating potential foil for a trickster -- his tale unravels with the deftness of a master storyteller. The AllMother has sent him on a mission to retrieve Lorelei, an Asgardian turned Ocean’s Eleven style con-artist and thief. Juggling their demands with his own need to rebuild his life from scratch proves to be complex, and, in a strange way, extremely relatable.

The genius behind Veil lies in its linguistic construction. The book opens with several pages of every silence, brought to life by Fejzula’s eerie, atmospheric art and subdued yet colorful palette. Over the course of the issue, the girl’s grasp of language evolves from silence to nonsense to a nascent self-awareness. It’s difficult to balance whimsical wonderment with blood-tinged violence, but Rucka and Fejzula make it look disturbingly effortless. This is one mystery that is not to be missed.

More and more, Aaron Kuder emerges as just the right artist to bring that eclectic blending to life. His work is expressive and dynamic, focusing less on big muscles and pretty faces and more on unique creature designs, quirky facial expressions and awesome displays of Superman’s might. I can’t wait to see what these creators have in store for Superman as this run continues to unfold.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Mario Kart 8

Platform: Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One Release date: 22 May

Platform: Wii U Release date: 31 May

It’s 1946 in Europe – World War II is raging on and the Nazis have turned the tide behind the technologically advanced war machine of General Wilhelm Strasse – Deathshead. Wolfenstein: The New Order is your standard first-person shooter, with the player taking on enemies over the course of a level. The player also has access to a non-limited weapon inventory, dual wielding certain weapons, as well as the ability to lean around, over and under cover, and perform a combat slide. Certain weapons also have special abilities such as a laser cannon which transforms into a cutting tool, and some turrets can be pulled from their stationary position and carried around.

The gameplay maintains the traditional elements as most Mario Kart games. The newest feature for the series is anti-gravitional segments, that not only allow for more dynamic track design, but allow racers to drive across the side of a track and upside-down as well – how cool is that?! These tracks have been described as more narrow when compared to previous Mario Kart tracks so you’ll need to be ultra careful and not fall into the water!


April Recipe

Need a post-uni sugar hit but can’t afford a big plate of Max-B waffles? We’ve got a delicious solution for you before you over indulge on easter eggs!

What you'll need A packet of cookies Ice cream (choose any flavour!) Sprinkles

So, here’s how you do it. Slather loads of ice cream between 2 cookies, press the cookies together like a sandwich and roll the ice cream (poking out the sides) in sprinkles. It’s that easy! Get creative and mix in chocolate and lollies into your ice cream, or coat the ice cream once it’s a sandwich in chopped up chocolate bars (or Ice Magic – yum!), or even berries or bananas if you want a bit of a healthier twist. Eat immediately and enjoy!

Available at selected spots around campus

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do you design or create your own art, craft, food or other product? why not sell your creations at the quay markets? stalls cost just $20 for staff and students. apply for a stall at any questions? contact activatehq or email for more information.

quay st reet

in front of building 5 haymarket campus


ultimo road


quay street

23 Jul

quay street

harris street

25 Jun

haymarket campus

thomas street

tafe dway broa

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