Local Chapter Annual Business Report

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Parsippany Hills High School New Jersey Future Business Leaders of America

Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015

Table of Contents Introduction

State of the Chapter Executive Board

Activities to Benefit Chapter and Its Members Recruitment Activities Leadership Development Career Exploration and Preparation Business Partnerships Chapter Fundraising Public Relations Activities and Chapter Publicity

Activities to Benefit Other Individuals and Organizations State and National Projects Other Community Service Projects

Conferences and Recognition

Participation in FBLA Conferences Other Chapter and Individual Recognitions Earned Competitive Event Winners and Participants

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


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State of the Chapter February 3, 2015 Dear Parsippany Hills High School Future Business Leaders of America: Since the start of the 2014 New Jersey FBLA State Leadership Conference, our local chapter has seen nothing but opportunity, determination, and success. Combining business education and community service, we have nurtured responsibility and selflessness, redefining what it means to lead. Individually and collectively, we have reached heights we did not think were possible. Now, we strive higher than ever, pushing our own limits and daring ourselves to break them. Our development can be quantified in our unprecedented growth. This year, we reached 76 registered members, maintaining our annual upward trend. Each of these active, dedicated members proudly represents our school of 1,137 students and the larger Parsippany, New Jersey community of 53,238. Our utmost gratitude goes to our longtime adviser, Mr. Ahmed Kandil, who has continued to guide us through his ten years of service. Thank you, PHHS FBLA, for allowing us to serve as your Co-Presidents. We are confident that together, you will continue Transforming Tomorrow as you continue to Step Up to the Challenge. Go Vikings! Sincerely, Alezander Wu and Ammer Soliman 2014-2015 PHHS FBLA Co-Presidents Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015



Executive Board

Alezander Wu, a senior, proudly served as PHHS FBLA’s 2014-2015 Co-President. A dedicated member since freshman year, Alex’s experiences include serving on three state committees and running for state office twice. Known as the Boy on Fire for his spirited exuberance, he has continued to Step Up to the Challenge, receiving honors which include placing fifth in the state for Partnership with Business Project in 2014. Junior Ammer Soliman has been honored to serve as CoPresident. FBLA has played an integral role in his high school career. FBLA is not only an organization, but a passion that helps him grow as a leader. FBLA has allowed him to explore his talents and further his business education. In addition to serving as the 2014-2015 State Secretary, Ammer placed 10th in Computer Game & Simulation Programming at the 2014 National Leadership Conference. Rohan Gupta, a senior, proudly served as the 2014-2015 Vice President. Since joining PHHS FBLA freshman year, he has consistently been active in his local chapter, eagerly involving others and participating in community service projects. He has received various awards for competitive events, placing 9th regionally in Business Math in 2012 and 3rd at states in Ebusiness in 2014, qualifying for nationals. Rohan recently reached states in JA Titan by finishing 2nd at regionals.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015



Executive Board

Senior Dhruv Patel was the 2014-2015 PHHS FBLA Treasurer. He organized fundraisers, such as the annual Virginia Diner sale, and maintained the chapter accounts through one of its most successful financial years. He attended the 2014 National Leadership Conference after placing 3rd at states in Banking & Financial Systems, and also reached states for JA Titan. Dhruv hopes that his FBLA experiences can continue through the 2015 NLC. Rachel George, a junior, moved to PHHS during her sophomore year and immediately became involved in the chapter FBLA as its Secretary. She has proved invaluable to the Executive Board, assuming an active role in its activities and decisions. Rachel, also the Recording Secretary for the Community Service Committee, has performed well in her competitive events, qualifying for nationals in Introduction to Business Communication in 2014. Sophomore Vanessa Ting has thoroughly enjoyed her experience as Publicist. Beyond writing morning announcements, she has continued to lead community service projects and other local and state activities. An enthusiastically involved underclassman, she has already served on two state committees and attended the State Leadership Conference as a freshman. In the future, she hopes to take a further role in the local and state offices.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Activities to Benefit Chapter and Its Members

Recruitment Activities Parsippany Hills High School is proud to be represented by its 76 talented FBLA members. An organization can only be as successful as its individuals, so PHHS FBLA recognizes the importance of recruiting, maintaining, and involving members throughout the year.

Club Day A school-wide event for incoming freshmen, Club Day took place on October 9. The enthusiastic Executive Board presented a membership recruitment promo video, a poster board, and candy. At the end of the event, FBLA had compiled a list of 33 interested freshmen.

Social Media PHHS FBLA’s Executive Board Gmail, Wordpress website, and Facebook group continued to serve as communication tools between members. The chapter’s Twitter and Instagram accounts, both utilized for the first time, each have over 20 followers.

Leadership Development Starbucks PHHS FBLA has developed a culture of continuity. Past President Roma Desai and the elected Executive Board met at Starbucks during the summer to discuss officer duties and prepare for the upcoming year. With her advice, the Executive Board gained valuable guidance.

State Officer Training Ammer Soliman, as the 2014-2015 State Secretary, attended the three-day officer training in August. There, he became familiar with his position and its responsibilities and his fellow state board members. He has since used his experience to provide accurate minutes.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Activities to Benefit Chapter and Its Members

Northern Region Summit Hosted by Northern Region Vice President Tiffany Mao on December 16 at Randolph High School, four Executive Board officers networked with other chapter officers through hands-on activities. In a Shark Tank simulation, groups prepared innovative products. The team led by PHHS members Rohan Gupta and Dhruv Patel presented the winning pitch with Taco Tape, an edible tape that keeps tacos from falling apart. The Summit allowed our FBLA members to develop their creative skills. They also gained tips and ideas to lead the local chapter.

State and National Committees PHHS FBLA is proud to have state and national representation through its committee members. Six members--Rachel George, Zohair Hasan, Patricia Kou, Jash Patel, Vanessa Ting, and Alezander Wu-serve on four state committees: Publicity, Community Service, State President’s Action Council, and Parliamentary Procedure Advocacy Council. Ammer Soliman also serves as an Eastern Region Assistant and Communications Director for the National Eastern Region Committee. These individuals have gained valuable experience about contributing beyond the local chapter.

Career Exploration and Preparation JA Titan

The regional round of JA Titan was held at Samsung. Beyond competing, FBLA members gained mentorship and advice from Samsung executives. Senior Vice President David Das and Recruitment Coordinator Susan Kim revealed the multitude of careers offered by Samsung and discussed what the company looked for in candidates, including college students seeking an internship. Through the opportunity to network with Samsung employees over lunch, five PHHS students gained insight into possible future careers. Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Activities to Benefit Chapter and Its Members

Business Partnerships Virginia Diner For the past 10 years, PHHS FBLA has maintained a business

partnership with Virginia Diner. In 2014, the company’s 85th anniversary, PHHS FBLA received 50 percent of all fundraising sales, up from 40 percent in previous years, resulting in $1,257 in profit for the chapter after $2,514 in sales. Each member was required to sell at least $20 of the gourmet nuts and chocolates. Five members sold over $100 of product: Rohan Gupta, with a record of $302; Neha Zahid; Adam Giovanelli; Vanessa Ting; and Ahmad Malik.

Chapter Fundraising T-Shirts After years of planning to create chapter t-shirts, the Executive Board

finalized a design that will soon be worn by every PHHS FBLA member. The Executive Board will be purchasing the t-shirts in bulk at a price of $6.22 per shirt via MyLocker, and selling the shirts to its members at the reasonable price of $10. This allows members to show off their PHHS FBLA pride at an affordable price and allows PHHS FBLA to make profit that will benefit its members in the future.

Public Relations Activities and Chapter Publicity Publicist Vanessa Ting is responsible for morning announcements, an essential tool which inform members about upcoming meetings and events. They are also used to note individual and chapter achievements, such as the Regional Leadership Conference results.

Flyers are often also employed to bring awareness to important dates or events. A flyer was designed for American Enterprise Day on November 15, and each Project Committee member created two PopA-Top Collection flyers to be posted in the PHHS cafeteria.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Activities to Benefit Other Individuals and Organizations

State and National Projects Parsippany Hills High School FBLA actively participated in several activities in order to Transform Tomorrow. Advisor Mr. Kandil, the Executive Board, and the chapter Project Committee collaborated in completing these projects.

Project Committee To emphasize involvement in the community, the inaugural

Project Committee was founded. Eleven dedicated members applied through Google Forms, and five were selected after careful deliberation to create a mix of committed upperclassmen and eager underclassmen: senior Marina Mitrakos, juniors Patricia Kou and Jash Patel, sophomore Eileen Wang, and freshman Arijit Pingle. Since then, the Project Committee has been steadfast in assisting the chapter in its projects.

Super Sweeps The first portion of FBLA’s Chapter Challenge, Super Sweeps, was a national program that ran from August 1 to October 20. Beyond providing chapter tasks to increase membership, it facilitated membership retention and involvement. Between four required activities and six additional tasks, PHHS FBLA established meeting agendas, an induction ceremony, a membership committee, and a March of Dimes fundraiser. PHHS prides itself in being the only chapter in New Jersey to complete this program, for which it was recognized at the 2014 NFLC.

Non-Stop November The second component of FBLA’s Chapter Challenge, Non-Stop November, ran from November 1 to December 10. It focused on membership involvement and required two tasks and three additional activities. Through the program, PHHS FBLA established a Project Committee, held a March of Dimes fundraiser, wore purple to support premature babies, hung up flyers for American Enterprise Day, and sent one representative to the National Fall Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Activities to Benefit Other Individuals and Organizations

Community Service Challenge Organized by New Jersey’s Community Service Vice President, Inna Kapoor, the Community Service Challenge emphasized the importance of philanthropy. Chapters were responsible for recording each member’s service hours, with the five chapters with the highest number of volunteer hours to be recognized at the State Leadership Conference. Through the March of Dimes fundraiser alone, four PHHS FBLA members contributed a total number of eight volunteer hours.

Pop-A-Top Collection The Pop-A-Top Collection, a statewide community service project, supports the Ronald McDonald House, a program committed to bringing families closer to their hospitalized children. Each local chapter was encouraged to design an innovative container relating to the 20142015 state theme, Transforming Tomorrow. To collect can tabs throughout the month of January, PHHS FBLA placed the containers in the cafeteria and faculty lounges. The Project Committee decorated and hung up posters, and participation was encouraged through morning announcements.

Other Community Service Projects Pick-A-Pumpkin Contest To support the March of Dimes, a program committed to improving the health of mothers and their babies, the Pick-A-Pumpkin Contest was organized prior to Halloween. Participants could guess the weight of a pumpkin for a minimum 50 cent donation, and the closest received the pumpkin and a basket of candy donated by PHHS FBLA members. With 43 participants taking guesses and many more donating generously, the Pick-A-Pumpkin Contest raised a successful total of $74.97. The closest estimate was made by PHHS FBLA member Hina Saeed, whose 12.12 pound guess was not far off from the 12.00 pound weight! Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Conferences and Recognition

Participation in FBLA Conferences 2014 State Leadership Conference A record 29 members attended the 2014

SLC, held at the Hilton East Brunswick Hotel & Meeting Center on March 27 and 28. Of those, 20 placed and 16 qualified for nationals. Ammer Soliman won the election for State Secretary; Alezander Wu also ran for State Historian.

2014 National Leadership Conference A record 15 members attended the

2014 NLC at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee from June 29 to July 2. Of the 15, 5 placed. While also enjoying gokarting and Opry Mills, PHHS students also attended the New Jersey state meeting.

2014 National Fall Leadership Conference As NJ FBLA’s State Secretary,

Ammer Soliman attended the 2014 NFLC held in Washington, D.C. on November 7 and 8.

2014 State Fall Leadership Conference All 6 local chapter officers attended

the State Fall Leadership Conference on October 17. They were engaged in talks by motivational youth speaker Kyle Scheele and networked with other local chapter officers, bringing new perspectives back to PHHS.

2015 State Leadership Conference PHHS FBLA will have 30 members and 3

chaperones attending the 2015 SLC, to be held at the Hilton East Brunswick Hotel & Meeting Center from February 26-27. Ammer Soliman plans to continue contributing to the state board by running for State President, while Vanessa Ting plans to run for State Historian. Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Conferences and Recognition

Other Chapter and Individual Recognitions Earned State Secretary Ammer Soliman, current PHHS FBLA Co-President, became the 20142015 NJ FBLA State Secretary at the 2014 State Leadership Conference. He is Parsippany Hills High School’s first State Secretary, succeeding previous State Secretary Shruti Kumar. He is grateful to his campaign manager, Jash Patel, and the rest of his campaign team, Dhruv Patel and Parthik Patel, for their help in securing his victory. As Secretary, Ammer prepares and reads minutes, assists the President, and increases unity between state and local levels. He is close to successfully completing his term.

JA Titan Junior Achievement Titan is a virtual business simulation competition. Two teams from Parsippany Hills High School, Go Vikings and Carl P, competed at the Regional Round at Samsung in Ridgefield Park on January 13. Rachel George, Lindsey Magbitang, and Vanessa Ting represented Carl P, which finished 1st in the Virtual Elimination Round, while Rohan Gupta and Dhruv Patel represented Go Vikings, which came in 2nd in the Virtual Elimination Round. Go Vikings finished in 2nd place at regionals to qualify for the Final Round, to be held at Ethicon in Somerville on February 5.

Business Achievement Awards Vanessa Ting completed the Future level of the Business Achievement Awards, a four-year program committed to accelerating students’ leadership abilities. The first tier of the BAA focuses primarily on basic business skills, community service, and FBLA involvement within the local chapter.

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Conferences and Recognition

Competitive Event Winners and Participants 2014 State Leadership Conference Computer Game and Simulation Programming


Matthew Bu, Nikhil Jog



Howard Chien, Rohan Gupta, Anthony Kfoury

Digital Design and Promotion


Bettina Chou, Vivian Li

Banking and Financial Systems


Brandon Chu, Pranav Nair, Dhruv Patel

Website Design


Neil Desai, Steven Fu, Eshan Saran

Impromptu Speaking


Roma Desai

Introduction to Business Communication


Rachel George

Sports and Entertainment Management


Calvin Hou, Roshan Kalawadia

Accounting II


Sahaj Parameswaran

Public Speaking I


Ammer Soliman

Partnership with Business Project


Alezander Wu

2014 National Leadership Conference Computer Game and Simulation 10 Nikhil Jog, Ammer Soliman Programming Website Design


Neil Desai, Steven Fu, Eshan Saran

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Conferences and Recognition

2015 Northern Region Accounting I


Jash Patel

Banking and Financial Systems


Matthew Eng, Mark Lalo, Bilal Malik

Business Communication


Rachel George

Business Communication


Rhea Sharma

Business Math


William Yang

Computer Applications


Anthony Kfoury

Computer Problem Solving


Thomas Shweh

Computer Problem Solving


Rahul Shah

Cyber Security


Rushabh Lagdiwala

Help Desk


Michael Tran

Insurance and Risk Management


Reema Shah

Insurance and Risk Management


Ashwin Balani

Introduction to Business Communication


Vanessa Ting

Introduction to Business Communication


Katherine Demottie

Introduction to Business Communication


Roshni Gajipara

Introduction to Information Technology


Eileen Wang

Introduction to Information Technology


Arijit Pingle

Parsippany Hills High School Local Chapter Annual Business Report 2014-2015


Rachel George Rohan Gupta Vanessa Ting

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