May 2014 Newsletter

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Parsippany Hills High School’s

KEY NOTES Volume I Issue III | May 2014

Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page I

$1.80 can buy. . . One Large Soda One Godiva Truffle One iTunes Song One Notebook

Three tetanus vaccines to immunize one mother and her future children

One Chocolate Bar Party Supplies Inside This Issue: The Value of $1.80 Did you know. . . A Preventable Tragedy Eliminate Week Relay for Life Final Remarks

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Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page II

Did you know that. . . One baby dies every nine minutes from neonatal tetanus.

$1.80 protects a mother and her future children, through 3 tetanus vaccines.

This means that 160 babies die each day

While the Eliminate Project has saved or protected millions of mothers,

. . . and approximately 60,000 babies die each year.

129 million more mothers must be immunized to eliminate MNT.

While 34 countries have eliminated neonatal tetanus since 2000,

We can change the world.

20 countries still remain susceptible to MNT. Tetanus bacteria lives in soil, which comes in contact with hands + objects. A baby is delivered unhygienically, and the bacteria attaches to the baby. Without treatment, the baby dies within days. Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page III

The Preventable Tragedy Bridget Apum, a 45 years old grandmother, is sadly sitting by her late granddaughter’s small grave behind her kitchen. Late Eyah passed away just 15 days after delivery. She explained: “Eyah was born at home. My daughter started labour at night, there was no vehicle to take her to the hospital. I called a matron who used to assist delivery women in the village. She came and everything went well. The newborn and the mother were doing fine for the first 6 days, and then the child started developing continuous spasm and neck stick. He was rushed to Tiben district hospital.”In the hospital, tetanus was diagnosed on the newborn, and he died 9 days after.

Bridget Apum and her family have always lived in Ofen village, a hilly area where the most common means of transportation is motor bicycle. Her daughter had never heard of tetanus vaccine and has never taken it either prior to the death of her son. However, she has now learned the importance of tetanus vaccinations and since then has been vaccinated to protect her future children. Bridget’s daughter is currently healthy and hopes to have more children in the future.

Bridget in the room where Eyah was born and died. When her 17 year old daughter Irene went into labour it was the middle of the night and as they had no transport to get to the nearest hospital 5 kms away, they had to call the local midwife . “She used a razor blade to cut the cord and tied it with hair braiding string . She then bandaged the cord.” Article taken from

Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page IV

May 5-9 marked 2014’s Eliminate Week, a The first day asked Key Clubbers to week employed to raise funds and celebrate Mother’s Day early, by doing awareness for such a deadly disease. It something special for their moms. The began six years ago. It was the idea that a next day involved wearing blue to student would be able to do something support the Eliminate Project, and great, even if it meant starting out with a Wednesday had students skipping their little red wagon. This high school senior, daily coffee or snack to donate to the while only starting out with $10 worth of fundraiser. Thursday suggested chapters snacks and drinks, ultimately ended up to sell flowers for Mother’s Day and raising $1,100 for a local hospital at the donate the profits to the Eliminate end of the week. Likewise, Eliminate Project, and Friday concluded the week Week is an opportunity for all Key with posting selfies with #Elimin8. Clubbers to achieve the same excellence. Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page V

Pictured above are Key Clubbers Steph Datri, Eva Cavanaugh and Alex Wu.

In honoring those who have fallen to cancer, Relay For Life is there to dedicate its funds and time to remembering and working to end cancer in the world. At this event, people from local school and club chapters raise a sum of money to donate to the American Cancer Society. Every little bit counts, and collectively adding up the totals from several groups at Relay For Life come up to be thousands of dollars. Our contribution, combined the hundreds of other Relay For Life events held around the nation all work to serve a common goal to end the fight against cancer. The whole afternoon is packed with fun events and games played around the field with performances from select groups. Everyone has a great time at Relay For Life, especially in the close company of friends and family.

One very special booth at this event is the dedicating and the lighting of luminarias. Once these lit and decorated bags are placed around the park, the whole pathway is beautifully glowing in the evening, reminding us of our loved ones lost to cancer. Everyone takes a wake around the trail, both in memory and reflection. Overall, Relay For Life is always a success that brings the community together to take a stance against cancer.

Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III - Page VI

Feel Free to Contact our Executive Board:

Important Reminders: Touch-A-Truck will be held on June 14 from 11-2 at 1719 Route 10 East. Have a great summer!

Check Facebook, Twitter, and your PTHSD email for updates

President: Stephanie Datri Contact at: Vice President: Lindsey Magbitang Contact at: Treasurer: Rebecca Ho Contact at: Corres. Secretary: Ryan Stensgaard Contact at: Recording Secretary: Patricia Kou Contact at: Editor: Vanessa Ting Contact at: Editor: Arpan Bhavsar Contact at: Historian: Catherine Mow Contact at: Historian: Kim Aldana Contact at:

Key Notes - May 2014 - Volume I Issue III- Page VII

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