COLIN HEY Veteran Convenor Ph 359-8737 021 883 807
Ross Hayes 1909 Renault in foreground at the Grand Country Garden Party.
February got off to a very good start with the Garden Party on 7 February. Six veterans turned out for that event, including two Renaults belonging to Ross Hayes and John and Sylvia Bartlett – the latter I haven’t seen for two or three years, so it was good to see it out again. This was a great event on a perfect day – well done Lyndsay and Myra Saunders and the many helpers on the day. Veterans On Tour Jenny and I have just returned from the Art Deco veteran event in Napier, and we had a great time! We took our 1912 Wolseley up there and successfully completed six days of motoring, including two longish runs and lots of running in and around Napier City. Because of the latest Auckland Covid-19 breakout, unfortunately the Art Deco Trust was forced to cancel all of their official public events, but being at Level 2, the Hawke’s Bay VCC committee PAGE 20
decided to box on and run all of their own planned activities, with a contingency of slightly altering the way they were run if necessary to ensure gathering numbers and social distancing requirements were met. Fortunately, with a return to Level 1 at midnight on Wednesday 17th no added restrictions were needed. For some planning to attend from Auckland and further north, it meant that travelling down for only two or three events was not viable, so some of the registered 57 veteran cars and bikes failed to appear. For us however, all of the VCC events we planned to attend did actually happen, with the added bonus that tickets to the VCC formal dinner event (which we registered too late to secure tickets to) became available due to cancellations. We took our time travelling up to Napier, stopping off in Upper Hutt to attend the