MOTORCYCLE REPORT The twilight of summer is just about upon us, and with it comes long periods of calm, settled weather, just ideal for those after tea runs, or the quick blat around the (largest) block. PAST EVENTS
10 February 2021 – Motorcycle Noggin. A low key event, about a dozen turned up to add to the conversation.
14 February 2021 - Moped Run. Twelve competitors took to the road, travelling over Evans Pass to Sandy Bay to enjoy a morning tea of freshly baked scones and muffins. Lunch was at the Wheatsheaf, then over Gebbes Pass, River Road to Taitapu. The overall winner was Arthur Poll.
20 February 2021 - Motorcycle Annual Rally. A beautiful day greeted the 27 entries for this event. Run in conjunction with the Commercial Rally, the latter used the motorcycle route, timed section, and lunch stop. John Benn organised a great short and long tour, but in spite of meticulous planning an 8 or 10 km DETOUR was added in the middle of the timed section. It wasn’t there the Friday night, but was added overnight! The event was marred by the unfortunate accident that struck a competitor; as he went to execute a turn from Lineside Road into Revells Road, Flaxmere, a car towing a trailer attempted to pass him on the right, colliding with the right turning competitor. While his injuries are extensive they are not life threatening but he will be in hospital for a while. The lunch stop was the West Reserve just through Oxford, and the decision was made to abandon the rest of the run at that point. See elsewhere for the full prize list and trophies that were handed PAGE 24
CHRIS LEITH Motorcycle Section out at the dinner in The Barn Saturday night. Many thanks to the caterers, Annette Painter, brilliant salad meal and desert.
21 February 2021 – Annual Clip-on Rally. Alister reports that he had nine clip-on bikes which did a short run from Cutler Park to the Yaldhurst, around the airport and back. The Lady Rider was determined to pass the Velo Solex, this she did with much pedal assistance. One bike went on the back-up, but it regained a second breath to start after The Yaldie and make it back to the Island under its own steam. A lot of fun. FUTURE EVENTS
27th February 2021 – Fish & Chip Run. By the time you get this it will be a past event, so will be reported on next month.
5th – 7th March - Jim Toohey Rally. This will be an overnight event, a circuitous route has been organised to overnight in Methven. So far a very slim entry of six entries, so if you want to go please get in touch with the organiser, Kurt Ebrecht on 021 043 3707 he’ll gladly accept your entry up until 4 March. You might have to look out your own accommodation though…
10th March – Motorcycle Noggin. At Motorcycle Corner, from 7.30 pm.
12th – 18th March – National Motorcycle Rally, Masterton, hosted by the Wairarapa Branch. The main contingent from Canterbury Branch will have left Tuesday and Thursday to arrive Masterton Thursday and Friday. Some 28 people, five cars and vans, one trailer and 25 motorcycles will be on their way. The Rally proper ends Sunday evening 14th, and the Hub Tour begins Monday 15th to finish Thursday 18th with a final dinner.