COMMERCIAL REPORT As the Commercial report didn’t make the last Hub due to technical issues, belated thanks to Don and Judy Bennetts for hosting the January Commercial Noggin, it was good to have a catch up after the Christmas break. Fortunately the latest Covid restrictions didn’t prevent the February Commercial Noggin, so thanks also to Graeme and Kay Shaskey for hosting at their place, it’s even interesting for me to have a look at the things hiding in corners of the garage that can’t usually be seen due to too many cars in the way. Details for the March Commercial noggin are still being worked out, date and time as usual on third Wednesday of the month 17th March from 7.30pm, hopefully should be confirmed before the Noggin but if you
NEIL SHASKEY Commercial Convenor won’t be there or haven’t seen me give me a call or email and I can let you know what has been sorted out.
Annual Commercial Rally The weather was great for the Annual Commercial Rally on Saturday 20 February, this was held in conjunction with the Annual Motorcycle Rally, many thanks to the Motorcycle Section for planning a couple of interesting rally routes and very pleasant stop for lunch, and thanks to those who made the effort to attend. As there were a few logistical issues along with an unexpected detour and other disruptions, working out a winner was impossible, so the trophies will have to stay in the cabinet until next year. Everyone who attended will get their rally badge, so we’ll have to leave it at a participation award for 2021.