It may be the enthusiasm of finally being back in person, although I don’t think that’s enough, but all the autumn shows, both DaTE in Florence and Silmo in Paris, yielded good and comforting results.
In November, our magazine will be in Athens for CircumEye#4, which, from an event for a few and for the domestic market, tries to make the leap and present itself as a meeting place also internationally, or at least as a good springboard for the Greek market
Almost all specialised trade fairs have maintained their digital version, which was born under the pressure of the pandemicimposed blockade. I cannot quantify the results. Certainly we cannot overlook the fact that a study by Gartner estimates that by 2025, 80% of business-to-business relations between buyers and sellers will be completely digitalised. In Italy, according to some data from the Digital B2b Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, in 2021 B2b e-commerce reached +12% compared to 2020, equal to 21% of total Italian B2b transactions. In addition, transactions via Marketplace for B2b e-commerce will grow by 50% compared to 2020, a percentage that has been steadily increasing over the last 3 years. The data comes to me from PrestaShop (a partner in the digitalisation of commerce), which organised an event in Milan in October promoted to discover the new frontiers of digital commerce. This year’s edition focused on the theme ‘B2b e-commerce, a cultural change’. So, the year is already almost over and we are all getting ready for the 2023 debut in Munich in Germany for opti and immediately afterwards for Mido in Milan at the beginning of February.
For us at VEDERE it will be an exciting event because we will be celebrating 70 years of our publication, a special milestone achieved by few. Stay tuned! Happy end of 2022.
Isabella Morpurgo PublisherVEDERE International isabellamorpurgo@vedere.it
Everything is ready in Athens for the inauguration of the fourth edition of CircumEye#4, in its new location at the ‘Peace & Friendship Stadium’ in Athens
On 19 and 20 November, the eyewear fair CircumEye#4 will take place in Athens. Organised by the Greek company Well Done Ltd, it will be held at the ‘Peace and Friendship Stadium’ in Piraeus and will be one of the most important B2B events for the optical sector in the Mediterranean.
With 65 exhibiting companies representing 90% of the Greek market, the Italians Liò, Filab, TutorNet and Ultralimited, and other companies from the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Cyprus, CircumEye#4 is preparing for the debut of its fourth edition, confirming itself as ‘the most exciting platform for the
eyewear market in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean’.
Under the slogan Hello Athens, Hello Future! CircumEye is ready to welcome the world of Greek eyewear, which includes over 3000 optical shops, as well as importers and distributors of prescription glasses and sunglasses, ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses, software, instruments and accessories from the entire Mediterranean area. New content, new image and new communication style reflect the ambitious goals of Well Done and its General Manager, Vasillios Goulielmos:
B1: Uglybell B2: Marjo B3: William Morris B4: My Optician B5: Dutz Eyewear B6: Genesis B7: Mirar. Eyewear B8: Slastik B9: Iyoko Inyake B10: Kalopsia B11: Minima B12: Polaroid B17: Prive Revaux B18: W. O. Exclusive B19: Colored People B20: For Art’s Sake B21: Αccessories by Optostirixis B22: Μyth Optical Greece B23: l.a.Eyeworks B24: LIO Factory B25: Robert La Roche B26: DE-Sunglasses B27: Silhouette B28: Ochis
B29: Nike Vision B30: Mis Evi
B31: Brand Sicaras B33: Istituto Keplero
B34: Oliver Eyewear B35: Loda B36: Brand Sicaras B37: Mio B38: Izipizi B39: Enni Marco B40: Leica B41: Acuvue® B42: Νanovista B43: Bod Lenses B44: MFI (My Future Innovation) B45: Polar
“In its new concept, CircumEye#4 has a renewed exhibition layout, with three different areas: one dedicated to brands, one to companies, and one specifically for equipment and technology.
Our concept is to combine a traditional and local event, as CircumEye has been so far, i.e. the main Greek eyewear fair, with the new international direction.
Our aim,’ continues Vasillios Goulielmos, ‘is that CircumEye#4 will help inspire
new business, as the main meeting and updating point for entrepreneurs, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers from Greece and the Mediterranean region.”
The appointment is at the Peristyle of the Piraeus Peace and Friendship Stadium (SEF). It is necessary to pre-register online at: https://circumeye.gr/en/pre-registration/
19 November 2022, from midday to 9 p.m. and 20 November 2022, from 10 a.m. to 08 p.m.
“The Filab’s growth path continues and this time the intention is to make the Brand known abroad by participating in the “CircumEye # 4” NATIONAL fair in Athens” are the words of Stefano Cazzola Commercial Director of Filab Italia
Opticians and/or Optometrist, thanks to a dedicated web interface, obtains a code with the diagram of the dynamics of the gaze, unique for each patient and identified by a VMAP code. This tool allows professionals to detect the main characteristics of the map generated during the test and to offer a rigorous and precise evaluation of the gaze dynamics for each patient from which the ANIMA® progressive lenses are produced.
As always, the strengths of the Tuscan company will focus not only on the high quality of the product but also on the introduction in the market of innovative visual solutions, thus highlighting the history and culture of an Italian company that has built up a background of entrepreneurial excellence. Some of the novelties that will be presented at the Filab stand: ANIMA – At the last MIDO in Milan Filab introduced on the market an exclusive system
for the production of the most innovative custom made progressive lens. The winning mix of high technology and ease of learning reveals itself as a new opportunity for proposal and loyalty, creating the “Optical Center of the Future” a great alternative and
MAXIMUM FREQUENCY OF USE free fields where the eye usually moves
A VR (Virtual Reality) goggle will immerse the Customers in a metaverse with the purpose to analyze the head and gaze direction involved in the visual process and in 180 seconds, through the use of a sophisticated AI (Artificial Intelligence) interface, will study and will provide an interpretation of the dynamics of the gaze for a precise and reliable diagnosis. The result is a map that shows the quantitative representation of the unique and personal way
MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF USE fields where the eye does not usually move
MAXIMUM FREQUENCY OF USE free fields where the eye usually moves
Opticians and/or Optometrist, thanks to a dedicated web interface, obtains a code with the diagram of the dynamics of the gaze, unique for each patient and identified by a VMAP code. This tool allows professionals to detect the main characteristics of the map generated during the test and to offer a rigorous and precise evaluation of the gaze dynamics for each patient from which the ANIMA® progressive lenses are produced.
in which everyone looks at the surrounding world. Then, the map is transferred to the server with the aim to design and produce a fully custom made progressive lens.
Inside Filab’s booth it will be possible to test the system thanks a dedicated testing station.
MYOPYA - Thanks to the technical and scientific skills developed by FILAB over the years, its team of developers have been able to develop a lens capable of counteracting the development of myopia thanks to the use of perifocal design combined with an accommodative support of 0, 50 diopters. The uniqueness of Myopia is due to a patented system developed around a scientific study started in 2012 and concluded only 6 years later. Thanks to these studies, it has been
MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF USE fields where the eye does not usually move
possible to create a lens whose effect is predominant in the horizontal meridian, where visual signals are more dominant, compared to the vertical meridian.
SUNCHROME - the new photochromic lens that reinvent the market with unique and performing colors, guaranteeing protection, and originality and also adding a fashion note with exclusive colors developed by Filab. In addition, the Italian company will also present the new Sunchrome UV 420, which will be able to block the blue light that reaches our eyes.
This experience can give to the company further feedback on its mission to create value and also margins thanks to the seriousness and culture of those who work with Italian hands, mind and heart.
Liò Factory, a historic company from the Veneto region in the North East of Italy, founded in 1989 by Adriano Lio, is a team of young, dynamic people looking in the same direction, a company that is synonymous with creativity and passion. All interwoven threads of a story to be told. Creativity, and a touch of madness, led 19-year-old Adriano Lio, with the support of his brothers, to found the company in 1989, in a region, Veneto, where eyewear is tradition, as well as excellence and innovation. This is why there is a strong meaning behind the Made in Veneto Italy label on Liò products; it really speaks of a visceral bond with their homeland and values. Indeed, Liò draws its strength from its humble roots, from the influence of the eccentric style of Venice, but also from the majesty and strength of the Dolomites.
This magical mixture, combined with the inspiration given by the ‘poor’ materials offered by nature, results in unconventional eyewear collections, where the creation of an idea takes place thanks to the typical professionalism of an expert craftsman’s hand. This gave rise to the idea for the Fil di Ferro Antica Venezia, Juta, Buccia d’Arancia and Riciclo’ collections. One collection above all has left a strong mark, the Skeleton. This line, with a frame weighing only 60 g, has launched a real trend in the world of eyewear thanks to its hollow and bizarre line, undoubtedly one of the most copied designs of recent times.
Today, sustainability is an increasingly present situation in which companies are giving more and more positive signals and responses. Liò as a company has always espoused the philosophy of sustainability by using recycled leather cases or displays made entirely of recovered cardboard. Today, Liò also combines sustainability and recycling in its glasses with the birth of the new Riciclò line, handmade in Italy using production waste products. We are therefore talking about both a product with a
low environmental impact and a unique pair of glasses; in fact, it is quite difficult that by combining scraps of heterogeneous material you can obtain two absolutely identical glasses. The new collection is aimed at anyone who wants to get away from the mass-produced products that globalisation is in part imposing on us, and who wants to be exclusive. So you can only choose whether you want ‘plain’ or ‘patterned’ glasses and then the rest will be a surprise.
The patented device is the synthesis of fifteen years of work in the world of optics and solves the problem of measuring the mounting heights of progressive lenses brilliantly and definitively.
Surely it will have happened to you, more or less frequently, to encounter difficulties in the use by your customers of the progressive lenses just delivered.
In most cases the responsibility for the problem, or a large part of it, is attributable to the determination of the mounting heights.
Whatever the method you used to detect them, be it the most classic method with the felt-tip pen, or any model of electronic centering device (totem or tablet is indifferent), the position of the head in which the pupil position is detected is crucial in the correct measurement recording.
ZerO is a small high-tech device weighing less than 20 grams. Its use is of absolute simplicity: attach ZerO to the rod of glasses already worn by the customer, inviting the client, standing, to look distant, in front of him, for about 20 seconds. During this time the client will have no proximal points to look at and will stay in his absolutely natural and habitual posture. Meanwhile, ZerO performs a series of postural surveys. Once the acquisition is completed, ZerO immediately shows you, through visual signals, when you can proceed with the survey of the centers and heights using the method that is customary for you.
The customer will not have no difficulty with his new one progressive eyewear
NON-natural posture.
The heights you will detect will be Incorrect: The client will have difficulty with the progressive to view far
NON-natural posture.
The heights you will detect will be Incorrect: The client will have difficulty with the progressive in close vision
VISIONEasy is the new version of the TutorVISION video centering device created to allow the optician to detect the measures necessary to create perfect progressive glasses with a quick and easy solution, usable in compliance with anti-pandemic safety regulations.
The photo of the customer is taken using a smartphone or tablet, but processing is done using a normal PC, on which VISIONEasy is installed. Supplied with the ruler to wear and the QRTnet application for IOS or Android to take pictures to the customer, which can be installed on multiple Smartphones or tablets.
VISIONEasy can be combined with ZerO, to detect heights while respecting the natural posture of the customer.
Included in VISIONEasy are the EyeTUTOR marketing package and the TutorLENS lens simulation. All centerings are saved in an internal database, are printable and can be exported in XML format to connect to your management system.
Trade fairs: a unique business opportunity
Every year, in all latitudes of the world, trade fairs are organised to promote the most relevant innovations in each specific field of production. Trade fairs play a fundamental role from the point of view of brand awareness from a commercial perspective: it is at these events that a brand has the opportunity to make contact and broaden its commercial target; and it is at these events that exhibiting companies have the chance to effectively reach new potential customers.
The reasons for this are easy to say: trade fairs are fundamental occasions for highlighting a brand’s strengths, provided that the products presented are put in a good light by an excellent promotional capacity, an impeccable method of presentation and the ability of the exhibitors to engage the public with a good dialectic and spirit of initiative. From the above, it is therefore clear what the purpose of any promotional fair is, regardless of the field or sector represented: to allow brands
and companies to present innovative products and services, using customisable spaces such as stands, stages and pavilions of varying sizes. To understand how trade fairs benefit a brand’s commercial economy, one only has to look at the incredible variety of exhibitions that currently exist around the world: trade fairs dedicated to ecology, construction engineering, architecture, mechanics, but also pure entertainment, from cinema to music, social networks and comics.
There are basically two reasons, with the same purpose in common, that drive exhibitors to participate in trade fairs: to represent the company’s strengths and to highlight the quality of the products presented. It is in this context, of course, that trade fairs also come into play: it is at these trade fairs that a product can be presented at its best, where its strengths and weaknesses, its advantages and shortcomings can be perceived from the outset.
From a business point of view, there is another factor that can push companies to choose trade fairs as the main place for product launches. We are talking about the opinions of other exhibitorsthe competitors - with whom to compare market and product choices on display. This is a factor that is often overlooked by companies, but which in reality represents an opportunity to learn about the strengths of competitor companies. Similarly, competitors will also aim to highlight the most positive aspects of their own commercial identity, which means being able to analyse in detail the peculiarities of a specific brand. How are other exhibitors’ products displayed? Which strategies are applied, and which cues can be used according to the company’s marketing capabilities? How can
sales strategies be improved without copying from competitors? Observing the presentation methods of other companies is always an opportunity to take inspiration and compare yourself with other companies in your sector. The exhibitors at a trade fair are in any case colleagues and sometimes potential business partners, which means you can get to know people with whom you can expand your business pool by networking.
In short, even in the digital age, where augmented reality and big data play a fundamental role, it is important to participate in trade fairs as a means of corporate communication and promotion, connecting each individual’s online world with the offline world.
Clariscience, as an independent and highly specialized consultancy agency, offers a panel of integrated services designed to help its customers from the medical device and IVD sector, in achieving and maintaining regulatory and quality compliance and succeeding on the market through a clear and inspiring scientific communication.
The introduction of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 has fundamentally changed the regulatory landscape of the medical device world, creating a more structured, robust and transparent regulatory framework than that outlined by the Directive 93/42/EEC. Unlike the Directive, the Regulation is applicable immediately without having to be transposed into the national law of each member country and has come into effect since May 5, 2021. Its obligations also apply to operators in the eyewear sector (manufacturers, distributors, importers, authorized representatives), despite the fact that this industry usually deals with medical devices with a low risk profile.
Regulation (EU) 2017/745 introduces some changes, defining new roles within the company and imposing new obligations.
Precisely because they have never been defined before, these obligations cannot be ignored, even in the eyewear sector. The main ones are:
- the introduction of the Person Responsible for regulatory compliance; - the introduction, documentation and maintenance of a Quality Management System;
- the detailed definition of the post-market surveillance process; - the timely definition of technical documentation’s contents;
- the introduction of the UDI (Unique Device Identifier);
- the establishment of the EUDAMED database
For some time, therefore, economic operators in the medical device sector have been on an adjustment path to be able to comply with these new obligations; a path that is not always easy and potentially costly, both in terms of time and money. For this reason, it is important to take the right steps.
The first one may be a Gap Analysis activity, both at the business organization level and at documentary level. This activity consists in capturing the deviation (gap) between the current situation and the desired one, with respect to, for example, laws, requirements of a norm or international standards, examining them rigorously, exhaustively and in full awareness. The goal of the analysis is not only to identify the deviation, but also to define the activities and tools needed to fulfil the reference standard and an overall assessment of the impact of the action. The case of the manufacturers stands out for its complexity. The Gap Analysis, in fact, will have to consider both the technical documentation of the devices and the Quality Management System (QMS) organization. At documentary level, it will be appropriate to check the adequacy of the technical documentation of medical devices with reference to the requirements of Annexes
I, II and III of the Regulation, with particular attention to labelling - which has new and important requirements to comply with; to the design dossier - previously not required for most devices; to the documentation on postmarket surveillance. With regard to the QMS, it will be crucial to verify its adequacy to the requirements on postmarket surveillance, vigilance, registration of economic operators and devices; with respect to the requirements of Article 10, to the role of the Person Responsible for regulatory compliance, which must be appropriately assigned.
It is always recommended that commercial/ marketing/publicity material related to devices should also be checked for consistency with technical documentation on the one hand, and compliance with advertising standards and guidelines on the other.
Regarding the European database “EUDAMED”, that has the main purpose to enable the public to properly inform themselves about the devices that are on the market, enable their unique identification and facilitate their traceability, it is expected that both industry players and devices will be registered.
For now, as pointed out by our Ministry of Health, the use of EUDAMED is on a voluntary basis only for the modules that are gradually being made accessible, which to this day are the “Actor Registration” module and two other modules related to UDI/device registration, notified bodies and certificates. The registration requirement will finally apply six months after the publication of the notice in
the Official Journal of the European Union that decrees the full functionality and compliance of EUDAMED. However, many actors in the sector have already taken the initiative to register on a voluntary basis to avoid finding themselves, close to the deadline, with technical timescales too long to allow full compliance.
Compliance is therefore a step that needs to go above and beyond the mere respect of the obligations of the norm and it is also a process that, once initiated, must be managed. In this, it can be helpful to be supported by a team of experts in the medical device world who can guide you through this change, both from a regulatory affairs and quality management system perspective.
A team of professionals will be able to facilitate the transition process, advising you on which path best suits your specific case, so as to arrive at a more effective result in a time frame that is certainly shorter than if you had done it yourself.
The widest selection of services designed for manufacturers, importers and distributors of medical devices in a perfect combo!
We know the world of eyewear very well. Talk to us to place your device on the market in compliance with the latest regulatory changes and make sure your quality management system is in accordance with the law.
This year, AM Eyewear takes us on a journey through time to the golden age of luxury with the Miami High Collection, evoking the glamour and vibrancy of the 1970s in the Magic City. Paying homage to Miami’s glittering crystal beaches, pastel-coloured art-deco architecture and vibrant lives from sunrise to sunrise, AM Eyewear founder Simon (Kumar) Ponnusamy captured that magic from the air and channelled it into the new collection, which uses sustainably-produced, sunset-inspired tinted Zeiss lenses and Italian-made, bio-based acetate in Miami’s dreamy shades.
A series of glasses inspired by the use of pure colour, immediacy and references to Pop Art, with which the Capitoline artists revolutionised Rome in the 1960s. Mario Schifano, Tano Festa and Franco Angeli. Handsome, damned and talented. In their early twenties, they set up the Scuola di Piazza del Popolo even though school it was not: there were no masters or pupils.
Glasses with strong material effects: the three-dimensionality given by the carvings in the eyepieces and the asymmetrical bridge, rigorously created by hand, are inspired by the geometry and symbolism of Angeli’s art.
With temples enhanced by colourful embroidery evoking the laces of Lanvin sneakers, the new Mother&Child Curb sunglasses are the result of a combination of a premium acetate frame and vegetable resin temples. The metallic Mother&Child logo on the temples is a refined finishing touch. The sunglasses mod LNV638S with the feminine cat-eye front is available in Red or Dark Havana with plain lenses and Black with gradient lenses. The end pieces have holes where the Lanvin gold chain can be inserted.
A feminine cat-eye-shaped model in titanium and acetate that combines the retro appeal of the 1950s with a resolutely modern attitude. Featuring technically sophisticated design elements such as iconic Valentino 3D studs on the top and front of the bridge, progressive twist temples, extruded studded temple tips and custom hinges. This model is available in traditional Valentino colour combinations such as black, tan and crystal burgundy.
The new adidas Originals eyewear collection reflects the rebellious optimism of the brand, translating it into a precise contemporary design. Shapes, sizes, and colors reflect the versatility and courage of a brand that creates lines and accessories born from pure passion and designed for diehard fans of innovation.
This united community recognizes the unique history of adidas Originals and contributes every day to its evolution, supporting and spreading its values with empathy, conscience, and responsibility.
This 50s-inspired style updated with an intriguing, casual look can be worn any time of day.
‘It’s a long way to the top’... This 1975 rock anthem perfectly describes the mindset of Vinyl Factory Legend. It is an eyewear collection that has made excellence part of its DNA. Like the legendary artists it is inspired by, the brand has surrounded itself with the best of the best and used only the finest materials to deliver impeccable design.
Platinum and 22-carat gold are only a small part of the materials selected to make the customer experience unforgettable. In addition, all sunglasses are equipped with tempered mineral lenses.
A brand that tells its true soul in its very name: a tribute to nature and its territory of origin, the Cadore and the Dolomites, places full of history and charm, with postcard views. The immensity of these spaces is projected in the models of this collection. This sunglasses model, with its wide, polygonal shape, presents an unusual balance that seems to overturn the usual canons, the broken line on the front and a softer line at the base.
Emotions, sensations, ideas and visions, these are the stimuli that inspire the 2023 collection, marked with the No. 0, which opens a cycle of campaigns, whose aim is to project the vintage taste, the inspiration of the Beat Generation, peculiar to JPLUS, to contemporaneity, to the Millennials Generation, to the generation of awareness and responsibility, of women and men responsible for their own choices.
The DNA Collection proposes unexpected combinations with a strong reference to the 90s, with oversize models both bold and slim, and over temples to underline the emphasis on improbable and strongly identifiable combinations.
Quoise frames are designed and produced in Italy and made entirely of ECONYL®, a regenerated nylon from waste that would otherwise pollute our Earth. For every pair of glasses sold, the company donates 5 euros to organisations that defend, conserve and protect the seas and marine fauna. Bold and striking, the Manta sunglasses are a concentrate of extraordinary citations. They fuse soft and squared lines together, citing the fabulous 60s and mythical 80s and are developed in a strong and sophisticated colour palette composed of 4 variants: the Pantone of the year 2022 Very Peri, soft pink, deep red and pure black, which gives maximum emphasis to the design.
Part of the Iconic Monogram line, these sunglasses combine a glamorous butterfly front with dark solid lenses and stand out for their bold shades, which include the Electric Blue chosen for the advertising campaign, Pink, White and Black. The thick black metal temples are embellished with a 3D CK logo in the same colour as the front, creating a bright contrast.
“The look of love”, a vision of peace; this is the inspiration for the third eyewear capsule collection created by Colombian singer J Balvin in collaboration with GUESS and Marcolin
Two exclusive models each in one special colour, GU8261 with geometric lines and in shiny black and GU8262 in ivory. Both feature a lively and colourful J Balvin chain with small playful pendants and have the GUESS logo in a red heart shape on the side of the temples.
An oversized unisex shape that reinterprets what could be considered traditionally feminine garments with a contemporary, genderless cut. Alva is a sexy, enveloping model that combines absolute elegance with street coolness.
A “key” model of the season, destined to become an RSF icon, with its strong character, wide lenses and thick temples.
Oliver Peoples revives the golden age of travel in Nineteen Sixties, a campaign that evokes the glamour of air travel typical of that decade. The campaign marks the debut of the two new models in the retro-inspired Nineteen Sixties collection of the same name, Cassavet and Merceaux. Cassavet sports an oversized rounded shape with a key bridge. The acetate shows a deep beveled edge, while the filigree plate, hinge and core are inspired by the golden engravings typical of antique leather-bound books. Merceaux applies the same features to an original square silhouette.
SNOB Milano continues its path of research aimed at experimenting and choosing new solutions - materials, treatments, colours - that are increasingly compatible with the environment and at the same time meet the brand’s quality and aesthetic standards. The new BIO LUX line includes 3 new models made of plant-derived bio-plastic combined with beta-titanium temples - an extremely light, resistant, flexible material as well as being hypoallergenic, non-toxic and biocompatible. Radetzky, the iconic eyewear of the collection, launched in 2016 and immediately becoming a must-have for the Milanese brand, is now the symbol and trait d’union of this new transition: in the new BIO LUX version it reaches full awareness with opaque colouring and a bold, sophisticated look.
Sunglasses, besides quality lenses, must also have a strong aesthetic appeal, to meet the tastes of all sportsmen and women or those who like to live an outdoor life, amidst a thousand activities. KOO Eyewear, the Italian brand specialising in the development and production of sports eyewear, has combined these two aspects in the COSMO model available in seven colour variants. The rounded frame is made of Grilamid® and the rubber nose pad and temples remain snug even when wet. Zeiss polycarbonate lenses are also available in the polarised version.
The new semi-rimless sunglasses are inspired by the Razor Blades, the brand’s very first sunglasses inspired by surf culture. The campaign for Hydra, which features professional surfers and Team Oakley athletes Ethan Ewing and Griffin Colapinto on a surf trip to Indonesia, embodies the motto “Good Times Only.” Hydra has Oakley’s exclusive features, such as Prizm™ lens technology designed to enhance colour and contrast, and Unobtainium® non-slip lugs, also in a Low Bridge Fit version.
KOMONO introduces the second part of Come As You Are, the 2022 theme. For the campaign of this collection, the company got in contact with students from various art schools across Belgium, creating candid photographs to ensure that a sense of self and individuality is portrayed to its utmost extent. The collection is an emphasis on how personal growth and individuality can be shown through frames.
Inspired by the non-conformist spirit and charm typical of Parisian women, the model is characterised by a revisited rectangular front and chunky proportions. This plant-derived resin sunglasses model comes in a varied colour palette that includes the vibrant transparent Orange version, the star of the campaign, the two trendy Green and Rose variants, and the classic Black and Havana shades, all paired with solid colour lenses. The wide temples feature a medallion with the Longchamp horse in gold metal, an icon of the brand’s unmistakable identity.
PHILIPP PLEIN’s first phygital eyewear, the Crypto King$ Limited Edition, was officially unveiled as a world premiere at SILMO in Paris and with a special event at the brand’s boutique on Avenue George V. PHILIPP PLEIN’s entire FW22 eyewear collection has a strong Rock ‘N’ Roll inspired style content. The highlight of the collection is the exclusive phygital SPP008 limited edition model. The frame has thick acetate profiles on the front and the lens is decorated with a geometric hole and the PLEIN logo in 3D metal. The thin metal temples are customised with the iconic hexagonal PP logo and the acetate end pieces are embellished with a titanium insert. The model is available in two colour variants: matt black acetate, gold metal and rainbow mirrored lens; glossy black acetate, gunmetal metal and silver mirrored lens. Each pair of glasses is associated with a serial number and comes with a special box equipped with a monitor on which it is possible to preview the unique version of the NFT (non-fungible-token) created for that model by Antoni Tudisco, the internationally renowned 3D artist who founded the artistic duo “Crypto King$” together with Philipp Plein. To access one’ own NFT artwork, the customer will have to scan the QR code provided inside the special box.
Austrian eyewear manufacturer ANDY WOLF and German hand knitting specialist Lana Grossa launch a joint collection of 6 limited edition eyewear pieces and a DIY knitting kit, the net proceeds of which will be donated to the Styrian children’s hospice Sterntalerhof. The inspiration for the ANDY WOLF x LANA GROSSA eyewear and knitwear is stripes, stripes and more stripes. The 8-piece DIY wool set can produce a hip balaclava, hat scarf ensemble, glasses case, and for less experienced knitters, a glasses band. A knitting needle, crochet hook and knitting dolly are already included in the set.
An independent clinical study has confirmed that EssilorLuxottica’s ClickCheck - a portable, affordable and easy-to-use refractive device that has already won several awards - improves the effectiveness of early vision screening, especially in low- and middle-income countries where populations lack sustainable access to quality eye care. The study - conducted on a six-monthly basis in 2020 on a sample of 1,100 patients - showed that the instrument, designed for use in ‘Base of Pyramid’ (BoP) communities, demonstrates high reliability and accuracy in detecting spherical power. This translates into the ability to provide accurate prescriptions in a short time, an excellent starting point for subjective eye examinations.
The International Association of Contact Lens Educators (IACLE) welcomed a new Bronze Sponsor – Menicon Co., Ltd. – a pioneering contact lens manufacturer based in Japan.
Founded by Mr Kyoichi Tanaka in 1951, Menicon holds steadfast to safety values and strives to create comfortable and convenient contact lenses. The company is firmly progressing as a global enterprise, represented in over 80 countries while providing the joy of sight to the world.
The De Rigo Group and Roberto Cavalli have signed a licensing agreement for eyewear under the Roberto Cavalli and Just Cavalli brands.
Roberto Cavalli Eyewear is positioned in the premium offer with a proposal of bold and glamorous aesthetics, distinguished by qualitative excellence, innovation and experimentation.
The Just Cavalli collection offers contemporary models with a strong personality, characterised by innovative materials and sophisticated graphics.
My Vision Show, the platform that has provided thousands of eye care professionals a more accessible way to view and participate in live stream events has now taken their program to the next level.
My Vision Show creator, Charlene Nichols assembled a team to build a customized virtual world complete with interactive trade show booths and controllable avatars that eye care professionals can use to navigate this immersive experience.
The convention center features 3 event atriums and will host events for optical, optometry, nft, art, fintech, fashion and music industries. The first event - The Optical Metaverse event, occurred on Oct 7, 2022.
Visottica Group, world leader in the production of eyewear components, has announced the acquisition of 60% of the share capital of Ethos S.r.l., a company specialised in galvanic processing for the eyewear and fashion sectors based in San Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV).
The operation represents a further step in the industrial development path launched by the Veneto-based company.
Founded in 2009 by Daniele Bernardi and Michele Segafredo, Ethos transfers to the fashion sector the know-how gained over several years in the jewellery sector. It employs 18 people and specialises in galvanic processes on brass, zamak, iron, fashion accessories and leather goods. The projected turnover for 2022 is around EUR 3 million. In recent months, Visottica Group finalised the issuance of a €5 million bond to support the Group’s growth and investments. The company ended 2021 with a turnover of EUR 86 million, up 46% from EUR 58.8 million in 2020.
Nivan Javan, the Swiss brand created by the Persian-born designer bearing the same name, consolidates its position in the high-end segment by broadening its distribution channel in Europe.
With a strong presence in the DACH countries - Switzerland, Austria and Germany - which are confirmed as the main markets for its eyewear collections, Nirvan Javan has recently widened its distribution to new countries, both with direct sales agents and distribution agreements. Specifically, with the launch in Benelux, Nordics and Eastern Europe, the number of countries in which the Nirvan Javan collections are sold rises to 18. A new distribution strategy has also been planned for Italy by directly targeting an exclusive number of sales outlets.
From January 2023, Marchon - which had previously been responsible for the distribution of Paul Smith eyewear in the US - will direct the design, production and worldwide distribution of the brand’s eyewear collection.
On October 7, 2022, Bollé Brands Group, an A&M Capital Europe (“AMCE”) company, and D.MO/RACER signed an agreement to formally sell the Cébé brand. Founded in 1892 in Jura, Cébé is a pioneer in the production of sports eyewear and was part of the Bollé Brands group since 2009. D.MO, specialises in project management and industrialisation of products in the outdoor world. Its management team consists of Sébastien Delsaux and Maxime Bos, former employees of Cébé. RACER is a French entity created in 1927 and specialised in the production of gloves and protective equipment. D.MO and RACER have joined forces to acquire the brand, an acquisition that will be supported by RACER’s historical financial partners: Upperside Capital Partners and 123 IM.
Once again this year, Morel has committed itself to the fight against breast cancer on the occasion of Pink October. For each frame sold, the French brand will donate €5 to the Ruban Rose association, which deals with breast cancer and supports medical research. For the occasion, Morel has proposed pink-coloured models.
MYKITA and Eastman presented a short film showing molecular recycling - one of the most revolutionary technologies for a sustainable world - and thus the sustainable recycling of acetate materials.
Eastman’s recycled acetate is a mainly bio-based material made from certified sustainable wood pulp, using recycled plastics instead of fossil-based resources.
Shot at the MYKITA HAUS in Berlin and in the nearby natural surroundings, the joint production of this MYKITA and Eastman film was directed by Harun Gukyo and produced by Stink Rising
UKAS has just renewed Certdolomiti’s accreditation for the UKCA certification of personal protective equipment intended for the British market. In this way the Company, stemming from the expertise of both Certottica and Dolomiticert, and part of the Certottica Group, can continue offering its services to Italian and worldwide companies exporting to the UK.
This is a great confirmation of the hard work carried out by Certdolomiti, just two months before the expiry date of the grace period during which the CE marking will still be temporarily accepted in the UK. The deadline is set on December 31st; so, from 1st January 2023 all PPE marketed in GB shall necessarily bear the UKCA marking, with all the consequences of the case for those who have not yet complied with the updated guidelines. These are effects of the Brexit, to the point that many foreign companies have been forced to comply with the new British regulations since 2020, even if there is a transition period during which the CE marking is still tolerated in Britain.
From the new year, however, rules will definitely change: PPE with a valid EU certificate issued before 31st December 2022 can be marked UKCA without the intervention of an Approved Body and shall have a UKCA certificate only after the expiry date of the EU certificate or after five years (2027). For PPE placed on the British market from 1st January 2023, the intervention of an Approved Body will be required to issue the UKCA certificate. Until the end of 2025 the UKCA marking may be affixed to a sticky label or to an accompanying document, after that period the UKCA marking
must be indelibly and permanently affixed to the PPE.
Certdolomiti’s President of Luca Businaro says: «The renewal of Certdolomiti’s accreditation is not just an important sign of UKAS’s confidence, but also an invitation to work on offering increasingly targeted services tailored to the specific needs of all companies that come to us asking for solutions. To date, the issue of safety is crucial. Just think about how many accidents at work happen every day! Some products can really make the difference by saving lives or greatly limiting any damage. Made in Italy quality is unquestionable, but it must be certified according to current laws. For this reason, it is essential that a strategic market such as the British one, is not cut off due to regulatory changes that can be easily faced. Certdolomiti was set up in 2021 with the purpose of supporting Italian manufacturers to preserve exports to the UK, by ensuring the correct marking of articles according to the UK rules and performing a wide range of tests in our Italian laboratories».
Certdolomiti is a company of the Certottica Group, it was founded in February 2021 by combining Certottica and Dolomiticert’s expertise, its registered office is in London while its operational headquarters is in Bristol. It deals with the UKCA marking of a wide range of II and III category PPE, it is accredited by UKAS, and appointed by BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) as Approved Body for the certification of Personal Protective Equipment pursuant to “Regulation 2016/425 on personal protective equipment, as amended to apply in GB “.
UKAS has renewed the accreditation of the Approved Body for the UKCA certification of PPE
SILMO Paris 2022 was heralded as the edition of recovery. The available data exceeded all best expectations, with a significant increase in the number of international visitors and a rise in the participation of French opticians, confirming that SILMO Paris is back to pre-crisis levels.
During the four days of the fair, the 750 exhibitors welcomed almost 27,000 visitors, half of them French and half foreign. In detail, French visitors reached 13,462, an increase of 21% compared to 2021. Foreign visitors from 146 countries reached 13,444, an increase of 107% compared to 2021.
“These figures demonstrate the attractiveness of SILMO Paris, a leading trade fair that remains an international platform for business and a centre of interaction for all professionals in the optical and eyewear industry,” confirms Amélie Morel, president of SILMO Paris.
The prizes for this 29th edition were awarded by Amélie Morel, president of SILMO Paris, and Jun Gobron, president of the jury, a militant and open-minded designer, interior architect and imaginative pragmatist who attended SILMO d’Or with interest and enthusiasm.
CHILDREN’S Odette Lunettes with “Cadet” (BEL)
SPORT OUT OF with “Bot with IRID lenses” (ITA)
VISION SHAMIR with “Shamir Metaform” (ISR)
LOW-VISION VOXIWEB with “VoxiVision” (FRA)
SUNGLASSES “BRANDS & LABELS” ADCL with “CL5108 134” - Christian Lacroix (FRA)
OPTICAL FRAME “EYEWEAR DESIGNER” KIRK & KIRK with “Thor in Citrus from the Centiles Collection” (GBR)
Inaugurated this year, the first SILMO Optical Design Contest awarded Adi Abramov, a student at the Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art in Ramat Gan, Israel.
The members of the jury, presided by designer Emmanuel Gallina, unanimously chose his project “Unfoldable. X”, eyeglasses and sunglasses with a sharp, minimalist aesthetic, in recycled plastic, with no screws or hinges, featuring temples that may be detached in a simple step thanks to an ingenious high-tech X-shaped construction.
Adi Abramov’s objective was to create ecofriendly designer frames of which the industrial process rationalises production and limits the use of materials.
To review, the Optical Design Contest aims to stimulate creation and innovation, and to reveal the future talents set to design tomorrow’s eyewear. This international
competition is open to all students over the age of 18 who are currently enrolled in a design programme and who can demonstrate having already completed at least three years of higher education or the equivalent.
In a partnership with SILMO Paris, the IOA awarded the International Optician of the Year Award at the introduction to the SILMO d’Or awards ceremony. Among the four finalists – Wendy Buchanan (Canada), Grant Hannaford (Australia), April Petrusma (Australia) and Jean-François Porte (France) – the Australian Grant Hannaford won the award.
On Monday, September 26th, an Interschool Day was held for all the students in the optical and eyewear field, enabling them to discover the entire industry and its news, and to encounter its professionals.
During their tour of the trade fair, the secondyear students of a two-year vocational training course got the opportunity to participate in an Interschool challenge CFAI Saint-Etienne won the challenge. Its five best students will enjoy a trip to one of the 2023 SILMO Family events.
How can technology revolutionize the optical and eyewear sector by 180°, from bricks to clicks, from smart glasses to the Metaverse? This topical question formed the common theme of the SILMO Next forum, which featured discussions and reflections on the future of the industry through the first Digital Village dedicated to the optical and eyewear industry. The Digital Village presents connected products, solutions and/or systems relating to new technologies by welcoming corporations and start-ups – many hailing from other sectors – to experiment, invent, and transform the optical and eyewear industry.
Also revealed at SILMO Next, The Trends Forum presented a selection of 120 glasses selected among the exhibitors’ collections.
A foremost scientific symposium, SILMO Academy seizes upon societal questions to guide and train opticians in knowledge and progress being made in optical and ophthalmologic matters.
This 11th edition addressed two current issues: myopia and the importance of good vision in an ageing population.
Each year, the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France come to share their passion for craftsmanship, to support the national Meilleurs Ouvriers de France competition, and promote the awareness of Meilleurs Ouvriers de France glasses craftsmen.
By demonstrating their savoir-faire at a space set up like a workshop, they also promoted the École des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Lunetiers. This learning institution in Morez offers any optician or optical professional the opportunity to gain solid basic information in eyewear, reinforce their skills, and increase their autonomy in personalising and artisanally crafting frames by taking their choice of classes, which are exclusively taught by Meilleurs Ouvriers de France.
The next edition of Silmo Paris will be from 29 September to 2 October 2023. In the meantime, the industry can be found at two other Silmo Family events: SILMO Istanbul from 17 to 20 November 2022 and SILMO Singapore from 12 to 14 April 2023.
tenth edition confirmed last year’s 1,500 visitors
With almost 1,500 professionals and buyers visiting the Florence show, 100 companies and 170 brands, both national and international, DaTE confirmed itself as an important moment for the entire eyewear sector, which in Italy is worth over 4 billion in turnover and employs 18 thousand people.
“Before the start of the exhibition we had hoped to repeat last year’s good performance, and we have succeeded,’ said DaTE President Giovanni Vitaloni. We are satisfied with the result achieved and the quality of the professionals who participated, both among exhibitors and visitors. The presence of international buyers was also good, also thanks to the collaboration with ICE. Once again this year DaTE was able to offer the best of the independent market in our sector, remaining faithful to its vocation as a cutting-edge exhibition”.
The interest in the event was also confirmed on the social channels: more than 750,000 total users followed DaTE’s content, with a total of 2 million views and more than 60,000 interactions for the posts on Facebook and Instagram.
This year DaTE had a follow-up in Milan, on 17 October, with a special event at the ADI Design Museum, MEDD By DaTE, or Milano Eyewear Design Day, whose central themes were design, the future of research eyewear and the importance of creativity in production processes.
“We are satisfied with the success of this first Milan event marked DaTE, - commented President Giovanni Vitaloni. We bet on an event that would be completely different from the fair we organise every year in Florence. We needed to go back to the values that drove us to organise the avantgarde eyewear show in 2012: creativity, innovation, originality, research, energy, contamination, experimentation, audacity, vitality, and inspiration. We wanted to do this together with experts in other fields of application because design pervades so many areas of our lives and confronting each other helps us to come up with new ideas, projects and experiments that are at the basis of the creative process of any object and therefore also of such an important accessory as eyewear’.
The day opened with the inauguration of the exhibition Design, eyewear and vision: a marriage worth seeing! - realised thanks to the collaboration with the non-profit Foundation Museo dell’Occhiale onluswhich brought together over 90 iconic pieces that narrate the history of eyewear.
The Design and Eyewear Design workshop brought together not only industry professionals but also optical centres, buyers, students, journalists and enthusiasts and featured, among others, Alain Miklitarian Finally, prizes were awarded to the most innovative eyewear (selected by a jury of design and lifestyle experts) exhibited at the last edition of DaTE and the most visionary optical centre (judged by the exhibitors at DaTE 2022).
The first award went to the S1 Black Hero model by Aether Eyewear. Frank Lo of Rome and I Visionari of Florence were awarded in a tie as the most ‘visionary’ optical centres.
Vision Expo West 2022 concluded on Saturday, September 17. The four-day event, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, from Sept. 14–17 at The Venetian Convention Center & Expo, brought together thousands of members of the industry.
Vision Expo West 2022 featured more than 380 exhibiting companies across several distinct neighborhoods and offered cutting-edge continuing education as well as engaging programming. Additionally, The Suites offered attendees access to established luxury fashion houses and the latest exclusive upmarket boutiques in an intimate and unparalleled buying experience.
Vision Expo’s all-new education program offered more than 320 hours of education, ranging from the latest business strategies and optical technology to patient care and innovations. Returning to the Show, OptiCon®@ Vision Expo offered an unmatched education program and Exhibit Hall experience for opticians, contact lens professionals, allied ophthalmic professionals, optical assistants and office managers, frame buyers and lab technicians.
This year, the Innovation Stage served as a main stage destination and a hub for collaborative learning and the host venue for the EYE2EYE Series panels, an educational series of interactive panels featuring industry
experts in discussion on topics ranging from fashion trend forecasts to tactics for refining patient care. The Career ZoneStudent Lounge, a destination for students to connect with optical companies that are actively recruiting and explore career resources, also returned to Vision Expo West on Saturday, September 17.
In an effort to accommodate members of the community from around the globe, Vision Expo+, a free digital extension of the Vision Expo experience has been offered again from September 15 to September 23 and featured online showrooms from Vision Expo West’s exhibitors and recorded Vision Expo West content. Vision Expo+ is delivered through ShopVISION, Vision Expo’s global sourcing platform.
Vision Expo East 2023 will take place at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City from March 16–March 19, 2023. The Show’s educational program, together with OptiCon®@Vision Expo, will open Thursday, March 16 and the Exhibit Hall will open Friday, March 17.
Vision Expo West 2023 will take place September 27–30, 2023. The Show’s educational program, together with OptiCon®@Vision Expo, will open Wednesday, September 27 and the Exhibit Hall will open Thursday, September 28.
The second edition of the VisionPlus EXPO in Dubai ended on a positive note with participations from the industry biggies, a good display in eyewear, optic technology, accessories, contact lens and many other categories, knowledge sharing and so much more - a grand celebration of the achievements of the optical industry.
From chic designs to classy colours, the range was appreciated by the visitors. The exhibiting brands gained several buyers. Additionally, the event proved to be an excellent chance for them to connect to prospective buyers.
There were sessions planned by VP Academy - forum for eyecare professionals with study topics curated by some of the best in the region. Opticians, Optometrists and other members- of the optical trade gained extensively from these courses (also getting CME certifications approved by Dubai Health Authority).
As a celebration of the excellence in the optical trade, VisionPlus EXPO also hosted the VP Awards.
- Best New Spectacle Frame (Luxury): ZILLIZI60070 C01
- Best New Spectacle Frame (Designer): ROLF - Wooden Eyewear
- Best New Spectacle Frame (Niche): STEPPER - SI-60212
- Best New Spectacle Frame (Popular): CARRERA - CARRERA 292
- Best New Sunglass Model (Luxury): SILHOUETTE - NEW YORK SKY
- Best New Sunglass Model (Designer): RANGE ROVER - RRS 107 GUN
- Best New Sunglass Model (Niche): MOVITRA - ALDO
- Best New Sunglass Model (Popular): POLICE - SPLE17-302
- Best New Sports Eyewear: OAKLEYSUBZERO
- Best New Children’s Eyewear: LACOSTEL3647
- Most Popular Lens (Progressive): ZeissSmartlife Individual
- Most Popular Lens (Best Value): Zeiss –Clearview
- Most Popular Lens Coating / Value Add: Zeiss - Photofusion X
- Most Popular Coloured Contact Lens (Cosmetic): Acuvue - Define(R) Fresh Range
- Best Value Enhancer (Retail): Essilor Instruments - Visionstation 700
- Best Value Enhancer (Lab): SchneiderSPP Modulo
- Special Jury Award: Odette LunettesOdette X Miller
- Most Outstanding STALL DESIGN at VisionPlus EXPO 2022: Zeiss
- Most Outstanding BRAND at VisionPlus EXPO 2022: Zeiss
- Most Outstanding PRODUCT at VisionPlus EXPO 2022: Mei
To set the trends for the coming season, the eyewear design award 26th Japan Eyewear Award (JEA) 2023 was held and the winners and Grand-Prix winners of the design category and technology category were awarded.
The 10 winners:
- Maruman Optical Co., Ltd. with mod MF001 - TITANOS Factory900 coll. GRAND-PRIX WINNER
- Tonysame Japan Co., Ltd with mod Tonysame TS-106-021
RX Japan and Fukui Optical Association held the 35th edition of International Optical Fair Tokyo (iOFT) at Tokyo Big Sight, in Japan from October 18-20, 2022. Since October Japan has fully eased its border control, and many international visitors and exhibitors were back at this year’s IOFT with excitement. iOFT 2022 received national business-focused visitors during a period of 3 days of the exhibition. Also, overall, the show gathered 178 exhibitors, 7,206 visitors, 793 conference attendees, and 75 press members. With the goal of 35th anniversary, iOFT is more committed than ever to the development of the optical industry. Due to the fully easing of border control by the Japanese government, many international designers came back to iOFT and “tide” -The iOFT International Designers area expanded.
The show kicked off with an opening ceremony. 35 leaders from major retailers, wholesalers, association members, and buyers of the eyewear industry joined from all over the country and overseas to show their support for iOFT.
After a 3-year absence, iOFT invited 83 international buyers from USA, Canada, Italy, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, etc. as premium buyer guests to the show. iOFT offered on-site interpreters, business matching with exhibitors, VIP lounge, hotel accommodation and visa support.
- Kanazawa Gankyo Co. with mod Haku12-S
- Yabushita Co., Ltd. with mod MX5027 Col.1 – Mixage collection
- Jean-François Rey with mod NINETTE-040 – BOZ collection
- Sunreeve Co., Ltd. with mod MF3D-101Masaki Matsushima D3 collection GRANDPRIX WINNER Sanko Kogaku Co., Ltd. with mod MO-034 GPM-1 – Monblue collection
- Sugimoto Design Studio with mod 3106Design88 collection Attract Ltd. with mod APC 1419 BKD –Attract collection
- Orient Optical Co., Ltd. with mod GR-25 –Jkids collection
Next iOFT 2023 will take place on October 10-12, 2023 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.
After a one-off special edition in May, opti – the international trade show for optics & design will take place on its usual mid-January date from 13 to 15 January 2023, at the Fairground Munich
“opti 2023 in mid-January will once again provide the platform for orders, trends and exchange of information that the optics industry has come to expect from us,” explains Exhibition Director Bettina Reiter. The industrial sector in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) appreciates the early date and international players are also expected to come to Munich in 2023, not only because of the proximity to the wintry Alps. A wide range of products and the high quality of the exhibitors and their products traditionally characterize opti. Four halls with a wide range of products and a lot of structure. Halls C1 and C2 will again contain the spectacle frames collections of the licensed brands and manufacturer brands, the YES independent design area and the opti BOXES with start-ups. Brands in the frames area will also be presenting themselves in Hall C3, and there will also be everything for stationary opticians, such as purchasing groups, trade products, shopfitting with furnishings and decoration, as well as workshop facilities and equipment. Hall C4 focuses on spectacle lenses, contact lenses and accessories, refraction and diagnostics, as well as IT and machines. “Myopia management” and “Sustainability in ophthalmic optics” are also the focus topics across all halls and product areas at opti in January.
Bettina Reiter said “At opti 2023, all signs point to successful business. We are looking forward to lots of innovation and enthusiasm.”
Speaking of this, after the successful first edition in 2022, the opti BOX AWARD for promising start-ups from the frames sector will also be relaunched in January. The prize – supported by eyebizz – will be awarded live on site on the Saturday of the trade fair by an international jury of experts to one of the newcomers of the opti BOXES in the YES independent design area.
“We are in conversation with incredibly
visionary young entrepreneurs. Their spirit also inspires us,” says Lidia Ricco from the trade show team with enthusiasm. Her colleagues Alica Mauritz and Katharina König agree with her: “Hearing how much innovative power our exhibitors are putting in against the current multiple crises gives us a great deal of motivation. We are really looking forward to January.” Amelie Fraunhofer feels the same way. She traditionally puts together the program on the opti CAMPUS and the projects for the opti CHARITY “Platforms like opti are more important than ever – in terms of content, thinking in terms of solutions, and also in terms of people,” Bettina Reiter classifies the old new importance of trade fairs in general and opti in particular.
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