Vegas Wellness Magazine

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Muscle & Joint:

Slim Fast: Our

JULY 2024


Bill Shehan // 702 589 1282


Stephanie Shehan // // 702 622 8001


Jennifer Walker // // 775 375 0415


Angel Roselle

Chris Rodarte

Gia Kubick

Jaden Rae

Jennifer Walker

Jorrell Ellis

Josh Kasoff


Margaux Hansberry

Marnie Montroy

Rocky Hernandez

Sarah Schwefel

Shwa Laytart

Terry Bruesehoff


Vegas Cannabis is now Vegas Wellness!

For the last ten years, we have educated and informed you about the benefits of cannabis. We truly believe in the healing power of plants and are looking forward to expanding this publication to include all facets of wellness. In future issues, you can look forward to the same informative plant medicine content as well as an array of new wellness focused features. In addition, you will now be able to find Vegas Wellness inside all of our local Whole Foods locations and other wellness-focused businesses.

As always, we welcome your input. Please feel free to email story leads, potential drop locations, and general suggestions to

We look forward to this new endeavor and we sincerely appreciate the support of the community. And, we can't wait to see what the future holds.

Graphic Design // Victoria Hart, Pink Kitty Creative


Stephanie Shehan // // 702 622 8001

Jennifer Walker // // 775 375 0415


Effie Armstrong -

Vegas Wellness Magazine is a lifestyle publication featuring content about wellness, plant medicine, and general wellbeing. All content within our publications and on our website is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered personalized legal or medical advice. Both the printed publication and the website are intended for those over the age of 21. Vegas Wellness Magazine assumes no responsibility for the advertisements within this publication. We strive to ensure the accuracy of the information published. Vegas Wellness Magazine cannot be held responsible for any consequences which arise due to error or omissions. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Birthing a New Reality Temple Radiance Sitting Down with Gia Kubik

*All comments made here are anecdotal and not meant to be given as medical or spiritual advice, rather references from Gia’s own personal experiences and those she has been taught.

Perhaps the first question is, what is Temple Radiance? And while that certainly will have the floor in just a moment, the fun and magical question is, who is Gia Kubik? I say fun and magical because after our coffee date that would be the very best way to describe her. Some of you may know her for her larger than life personality and fun pop-ups for big cannabis companies like GTI and Curaleaf. After almost twenty-five years of corporate leadership roles in big medical companies like Pfizer, Merck, and Boston Scientific Gia decided to dedicate her life to the world of cannabis, or Santa Maria as she often refers to the plant. After not even so much as a puff of a joint her entire life one moment of realization changed the course of her life completely. That moment of realization was the amount of medical and agricultural value the cannabis plant has to offer humanity. Gia made an immediate career pivot, hunted down the leadership team at GTI and headed west from Chicago to start from the bottom, and ultimately built out the entire state for GTI-Nevada. If you happen to know Gia with the old Dog Walkers Hoody, you would know she was like a kid in a candy shop wearing sneakers and talking about “vapes and pre-rolls”, after twenty plus years of business suits and stilettos. Roaming through what she would refer to a cannabis grow as “rows and rows of bliss” is a far departure from being in medical clinics all day. Gia devoted herself to the market and into her knowledge of cannabis and it seemed the entire cannabis community knew her well.

Gia has worn many hats, gathered many experiences and explored many places. She has been a single mom since her son was 7 and as a full on, hard charging corporate b*tch as she would proudly say, it took a lot of discipline and dedication to raise this young man. Gia refers to “all things Jake”, as having not been an option. While still building her life, making a ton of mistakes and handling all the basketball pick up and drop offs, Gia maintained her own personal growth and led an inspiring path for her son by just doing the things that needed to get done. Gia proclaims she has the “secret sauce” for relationships, and winks as we talk. This will surely be a part of Temple Radiance, she says. “I also no longer need to “grind”. That’s old. The new plan is to allow; to sit back on my heels and let life come to me”.

Gia and I recently sat down over coffee. A year or so had passed since we’d seen each other. I had last known Gia for her role at Cann Beverage and as always, it was a pleasure to work with

her and to support her brands. This time was different though. There was more peace and relaxation. Glowing and radiant was an understatement; her energy felt bright.

The Beginning

Gia was actually born under the name Janet. While feeling fine about this name, it was upon her writing blogs and re-inventing herself that she took on a pen name Gia. At some point she said “I started to feel more connected to the essence of Gia over Janet so I decided to change it legally”. Gia told how she went to the courthouse in downtown Chicago and made her legal name change. She laughed at how awkward that first year was when she rolled up to the next corporate business review with the first slide saying “New Name Alert…Janet is now Gia”. Gia looks back at this with reverence and pride. “I was moving somewhat unconsciously and at times naive and immature back in those days, and at the same time, was beginning to birth a new reality for myself as “Gia”.

Next stop for Gia was Second City for IMPROV training. Gia took advantage of the “off nights” as a parent and studied improvisation and stand up comedy. During this time a colleague invited her to do an open mic stand up at a club on the south side of Chicago. “Of course I did it.” Gia remarks with a smile. She said there was a whole process for organizing a 3 minute set, outfit, heels, the whole production. “The club owner said the set was “ok” but that I had great stage presence and she invited me back”. Gia used her travel for work to explore open mics and expand into performing in different states. This hobby peaked when she was offered her own room at a small restaurant to run monthly sets. Gia says this was one of the most enjoyable things to have your own small crowd and just get intimate and do crowd work. “I used to drag Jake to as many open mics as he would be willing to go to by bribing him with wings and pizza”. She says, “If I could make him laugh then I knew I was doing ok and kept material PG sans the usual swears”. She said writing jokes was just not her thing, but in the end it all worked out. Gia had a decade playing around and even did a few small shows in Vegas. With her love of crowd work she also started the very first Cannabis Comedy Night at a local residence where people could enjoy some herb and listen to Stoner Rob perform. She also allotted spaces for industry novices to do some open mics as well at these monthly shows. “Comedy taught me to be fearless. Period. It also taught me the power of comedic timing and to look at life through the lens of ‘how is this funny?’. It really became a therapeutic way of looking at life.”

Gia deepened her healing/awakening in 2010 when she walked into a DOJO in Chicago which was run by one of her sons' trainers. “Professor” as he was called gave Gia an open invitation to “come by anytime”. That she did, and a year later, Gia earned her first belt in Aikido. “Sometimes it’s really good to look back a little. I’m realizing that I do hard things without realizing how hard they might actually be; I really like that about myself”, she smiles. As the journey continued, Gia expanded her knowledge of sacred earth medicines and the power to heal through these other modalities. “These modalities such as psychedelics, Kambo, and cannabis offer shifts in perception beyond any comprehension. They slow down the part of the brain that is the judge and the critic, and allows more blood flow to the juicy places that offer new realities, healing, visuals - ALL THE THINGS”. Gia was part of an article on psychedelics for Fox News about vetting practitioners or “shamans”. Gia also began her training as a Reiki Master in 2015 and has since offered this for several years. Simply put, Reiki is energy flowing through a practitioner to a person who has granted permission and is willing to receive. “Reiki healing is very intuitive. It goes where it is needed.”

A small mention along the way Gia started to make jewelry from stones and crystals and sold pieces to many local shops and now has a small shop on Etsy. You can peruse the “TempleRadianceJewels” shop for some of these stunning, intricately creative pieces inspired and made by Gia.


Here we are in the present day. Gia is sitting across from me, and I was really excited to see what she’d been up to.

Gia begins to tell the story of her mother passing away in November 2022. She described her relationship with her mother for context and what she lovingly refers to as “10 Days with Jane”. “Every turn I made during those 10 days was gut wrenching. I had to acknowledge eye to eye with my mother that she was dying. I then had to drive her to tell her husband in the nursing home. From the coroner’s office to the “let’s go through the bills” discussion Gia took a time out from everything else in life to walk her mother home. “I would have quit my job if needed. It was so apparent that this was the end of my mother’s life and the grief was almost unbearable but I didn’t let her see it, she knew it, and we toasted with champagne to her life. I remember saying to her “thank you for everything Mom.”. I mean can you even imagine having that discussion with your mother? The thought of it right now can bring me down to the floor in tears.” A new reality was born when a month later Gia’s big cannabis job eliminated her role

Photos By Rodney McKelvey Stylish 1 Photography

and left her with nothing to do but grieve. “I took time to grieve, my painting poured out of me and I literally began the process of down regulating my nervous system from all the corporate years”. Through this new reality Gia was invited to become part of The Lori Project which is a community of dedicated practitioners offering evidence-based integrative care to support those who are navigating end of life experiences.

Temple Radiance

“I hate to sound cliche by saying this, but it was after an aya ceremony I literally received the download of what now guides all of the work I do, and that is Temple Radiance”. I’m 54 and of course anti-aging crosses my path in all directions; top that off with stories about menopause, and all the things that are about to go wrong as I age. She says the message was clear: Temple Radiance. “Aging has the right to exist, don't try to stop it. Rather, focus on your own Temple, my body, and as you heal you will Radiate. So Temple Radiance is a cellular process. As a modality Temple Radiance is a bespoke experience that births a new reality for each individual by reconnecting to their original blueprint of perfection. I’ll make it simpler…I’m actually in the process of really defining this so that people who want to work with me understand it. Temple Radiance is the understanding of three things: Faith - that you truly believe you can heal yourself, Magic - that you believe in the magic of your own imagination, and Miracles - that you believe miracles happen and we can truly heal. Temple Radiance is a bespoke experience that all starts with a phone call. “It’s impossible to know just in a text exchange exactly what that person may respond best to so we set up a call to get a brief understanding of where they are in their evolution”.

From there, it may lead to medicine work including Kambo, an in-person or remote Temple Radiance Reiki session, or coaching; likely some combination. Each session is different and can include talk time, integration, processing, shadow work, inner child, triggers, or physical ailments. Gia truly feels that if she knew how each session would go her ego might just be a little too involved, so she just opens the conversation and allows. In essence whether it’s a coaching or reiki session it’s all individually guided and as Gia loves to say “bespoke”. “This is actually why I love using Santa Maria for sessions. For me, it brings me extreme presence which allows me to start from this moment vs. having a bunch of preconceived notions about how the session will go. That’s boring. It’s so magical to open up and flow”.

Simply put, “Temple Radiance is shedding all your old sh*t, reducing the grind in your life, slowing down all the voices and judgements, accepting and honoring all parts and versions of yourself, and eliminating our beloved problems that we are all so attached to”. Gia feels the techniques are unique and have been gathered from over a decade of her own medicine experiences, teachers/guides, life experiences, Kabbalah, Toltec, channeled wisdom, and almost twenty years of studying the world of awakening and spiritual/psychedelic science. Temple Radiance opens and reconnects you to your body so we can define “healing” here as not so much as someone putting their hands on you and Voila you’re healed. Rather, it’s opening up the communication within the body Temple to understand what the

body needs and then listening to the nudges that could include something as simple as “eat more avocados to get a coloring book and start coloring”. “The body knows…it will guide you in every way and in every thing of life” Gia remarks.

Gia said, “I’m betting on me now. All of my hobbies, including my art, are all part of this healing path. This path has no title; it's an evolving, expanding new version of myself with each moment”. Over a year ago Gia became a certified Kambo Practitioner. Gia explained that Kambo is a secretion taken from the Giant Amazonian Monkey Frog, Phyllomedusa Bicolor. These secretions are full of peptides which aid in elimination of toxins, and work with various systems in the body to improve a number of health conditions. She also mentioned that it is a non psychoactive medicine that works through a purgative effect and allows a cleanse and reset to the body. And that it has been shown to work to support the immune system, release emotional blockages, improve vitality, cognitive function, and it supports many other energetic and physical processes. Gia further explained that some of the ailments that Kambo has shown to be effective in reducing or eliminating symptoms range from autoimmune, pain, Lyme disease, hepatitis, fertility issues, Herpes/ STD’s and more. There are contraindications to Kambo as well and the level of training and competency of the practitioner is paramount. Gia became an NREMT this year also for the purpose of providing the safest container possible. Gia speaks of birthing new realities and it appears that this is a personal theme for her.

As Gia speaks of a retreat in Montana she just returned from, she remarks how powerful it was to not try to be anyone there. “I just got to be Gia, I wasn’t looking to be some healer or coach, just me being there for me. I did get some really great questions, like, ‘who is a perfect client for you Gia?’. It gave me the opportunity to explore and gauge the discussion to that person. People come to me who have good lives, they work hard to get where they are at, they often drive fancy cars and live in fancy houses, and they are tired of the grind. My clients are done struggling, figuring, trying, controlling. They know there is a better way and through Temple Radiance, I hold the space for them to realize that everything is within them, and that they can actually have it all. I guide them home, where everything exists. People come to me who repeatedly say ‘I don’t know…’ and we come back to the knowing that yes, you do know! I also attract people who have tried a lot of traditional ways to heal their bodies and as we work through the stories in the mind, they find their physical symptoms literally disappear. Temple Radiance is not about me telling anyone what to do or even my own personal recommendations, rather it’s a guided experience so that you can truly understand all that is within you. Then, often through coaching we weave the experiences together and integrate the new way of thinking. Temple Radiance is a new way of thinking. We work and process through the triggers and the moments of fear to realize that we truly are the cause not the effect of our lives.”

Gia invites people who have any interest in leveling up their lives, tired of the old grind, having health issues, or if anything said in this article seems of interest, to set up a 30 minute free

call. “If we don’t connect, people are just out there guessing and this isn’t work that we enroll anyone. The biggest gift we can give ourselves is to work on ourselves. One of my teachers says to me constantly, ‘Gia, just keep working on yourself’. We are infinite, why settle for anything less than the most bliss you can imagine for yourself? I literally live in the world of magic and with the lens and the knowledge that I am truly the creator of my life and I can see how it all has purpose. I absolutely still get triggered and angry and all the things. It’s the refractory time that becomes shorter as we evolve and learn to get back into our hearts.”

Gia works primarily from her home in Las Vegas and has local U.S., and international clients as, “this work is energy, we work in frequency. I don’t actually need to touch the person in sessions”. Kambo is served in her home as a 1:1 ceremony and can also be done in home for the client.

About Kambo

Kambo was discovered by a Shaman Paje Kampu, who drank ayahuasca and after having issues healing the people in his tribe was shown the frog and exactly how to use it. Since that time, Kambo has been used across the world for its many healing benefits. In its original use, Kambo was used for increasing stamina for warrior hunting, resilience of mind and spirit, treating ailments and clearing stuck energies called panema.

Kambo secretions are placed on a stick to dry and scraped off by the practitioner and applied to tiny burns on the skin (about the size of a tip of an incense stick). Usually 3-5 gates are opened on a client as the medicine is applied. Once applied, the client will begin to feel a rush of heat and the heart rate will increase.

This is when the peptides enter the lymphatic system. Clients often report feeling a vibrating sensation and the peptides begin to enter the cells. These peptides range from supporting the GI tract, immune system, pain, cellular energy, cognitive function, and cardiovascular and pulmonary health to name a few.

The Kambo ceremony itself begins when the person says yes to Kambo. They will do a brief intro call with Gia to ensure Kambo can be safely administered. An Intake call will follow to review health and review ceremony preparation.

The actual Kambo ceremony will begin with a cleanse, and intentions. Clients may participate in Hape the sacred tobacco snuff if this is in alignment. The actual Kambo medicine is on for twenty minutes or less. Once Kambo is applied the client will navigate the medicine and often will purge, without attachment to the purge. Receiving the peptides can be incredibly healing and if a purge happens and Panema is removed that is amazing as well.

“I’ve been serving Kambo for over a year and in relationship with it for several years, and I can honestly say it’s one of the most powerful modalites for healing. I’ve seen miracle after miracle, and after a few minutes of discomfort people can birth a new reality for themselves.”

Connect with Gia Kubik



Instagram: @gia.kubik

Farmers Market Farm to Table

Farm To Table Farmers Market In the city of Las Vegas, where the desert climate poses challenges to sustainable food production, as a remarkable initiative has emerged. Farm To Table Farmers Market is owned and operated by three passionate women who are deeply committed to the Las Vegas community and promoting health and wellness: Crystal Perras, Katie Meadows, and Brenda McNair. By providing a platform for local businesses, artisans, and farmers to thrive, the market encourages a more conscious and holistic approach to wellness that is easily accessible for everyone. They have joined forces with Garden Farms at Craig Regional Park to create a community-based market. This unique collaboration aims to provide a space where locals can connect with small businesses, indulge in fresh locally grown produce, enjoy freshly baked goods, explore handmade crafts, and a variety of family-friendly activities.

Opening on Friday, July 5th, 2024, from 4-10pm, this farmers market promises to be a great time for everyone! Recognizing the need for a community-driven farmers market in North Las Vegas, Katie, Brenda and Crystal decided to join forces with Garden Farms. The roots of Garden Farms can be traced back to 2010 when Garden Farms of Nevada was established. With a mission to empower

communities and individuals to grow their own food sustainably in the harsh southwest desert, Garden Farms has been transforming backyards, schools, and communities all over the city into edible landscapes. Through their dedication and expertise, they have instilled a sense of self-sufficiency and environmental stewardship among Las Vegas residents, fostering a deeper connection to nature and nourishment. You can reach them at www. (702) 551-4769

Brenda, Crystal and Katie's shared vision of supporting local small businesses, promoting sustainable agriculture, and nurturing a sense of community inspired them to open Farm To Table Farmers Market. By bringing together local artisans, farmers, and live music, the market serves as a platform for them to showcase their exceptional products and contribute to the local economy. Farm To Table Farmers Market is set to be a fun family gathering place where locals can immerse themselves in a unique range of offerings. From the incredible aroma of freshly baked goods to the vibrant colors of locally grown produce, and the sentimental feeling of handmade products, the market will captivate all the senses. Shoppers will have the opportunity to discover unique crafts

created by talented local artisans, allowing them to support the thriving arts and crafts community in Las Vegas. Your fur babies will be sure to have a great time also with local businesses selling everything from organic dog treats to pet care. At Farm To Table Farmers Market, there is something for everyone. Children can have fun at our face painting booth and other exciting activities, ensuring a memorable experience for the whole family. As visitors stroll through the market, they will enjoy live music, creating a whole vibe that adds to the overall sense of community.

Location and Timings: Farm To Table Farmers Market will be located at Craig Regional Park, conveniently situated at 628 W Craig Rd, North Las Vegas The market will open its doors Friday, starting from July 5th, 2024, from 4-10pm. Farm To Table Farmers Market is more than just a market; it is a testament to the power of collaboration, sustainability, and community-building. It is a place where individuals can not only nourish their bodies with fresh, locally sourced produce but also nourish their souls through connection and support for the local community. So mark your calendars and join us at Farm To Table Farmers Market, where a world of wellness and sustainable living awaits you.

Instagram @farmtotablefarmersmarket 702-785-7398

in wellness What's Good

Migrastil Migraine Stick

Oceanfoam Ripple Roller

Oceanfoam creates high quality, eco-conscious foam rollers & athletic gear using bio-based and recycled materials to create a healthier environment. Heal your body at the end of a long day or work-out while on-the-go with the travel sized Ripple Foam Roller designed to provide a gentle and effective massage for any part of your body. The wave texture helps to stimulate muscles, release tightness and improve mobility. Every Foam Roller is made up of 15% Bloom Algae Foam, which cleans water and helps to restore aquatic ecosystems and captures CO2 emissions.

The Migrastil Migraine Stick is an aromatherapy roll-on that provides cooling relief for migraines and headaches. It combines pure peppermint, spearmint, and lavender essential oils in a base of fractionated coconut oil and helps with nausea, stress, brain fog, and muscle tightness. Its compact design makes it easy to carry discreetly in a pocket or purse/bag and the metal roll-on applicator allows for easy, mess-free use - just apply it to the temples, forehead and back of the neck for soothing and effective relief.

Brain Spa

Are you looking for a convenient way to microdose and gain the benefits of mushrooms? Look no further than Brain Spa! Their Psilo+ Microdose Capsules are formulated to help with depression,motivation, presence, and pain and they absolutely deliver! These capsules improve pain, focus, and mood, offering a genuine microdose experience enhanced with lion’s mane, reishi, chaga, and cordycep mushrooms. With a multitude of potential benefits, these capsules can seamlessly integrate into your routine, offering cognitive support, pain relief, moments of relaxation and bliss, and so much more!

Maintaining Weight Loss >>> After Using GLP1 Medications

After using weight-loss medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro, it's important to adopt a sustainable approach to maintaining your weight loss. It’s crucial to approach nutrition, KETO, and intermittent fasting with specific guidance by Dr. Eric Berg DC. Here’s just a few strategies that can help:

Meal Planning and Mindful Eating:

Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid impulsive food choices. Pay attention to portion sizes and practice mindful eating by eating slowly, savoring each bite, and listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

Post-Weight Loss Nutrition:

• Focus on maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

• Consume a variety of whole foods, including animal proteins, vegetables, nuts, and healthy cheese.

• Avoid processed foods, sugary beverages, and any intake of refined carbohydrates.

• Consider incorporating the ketogenic diet.

KETO Diet:

• The ketogenic diet involves consuming high amounts of healthy fats, moderate protein, and

very low carbohydrates.

• Work with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs and is safe to follow alongside your medications.

• Prioritize healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish.

• Limit your carbohydrate intake to a specific threshold (usually around 20-50 grams per day). Non-starchy vegetables are unlimited.

Intermittent Fasting:

• Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating.

• Start with a gentle approach, such as the 8/16 method and gradually increase the fasting window based on your comfort level.

• Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues and ensure that your nutritional needs are being met within the eating window.

• Stay well-hydrated during fasting periods.

Consistent Lifestyle Habits:

Focus on developing healthy habits that you can maintain consistent exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep. Aim for a cycle of walking one day, then resistance exercise the other day making sure your diet consists of whole, nutrient-dense foods.

Regular Physical Activity:

Engage in regular physical activity to support weight maintenance. Find activities you enjoy and make them a part of your daily routine. This can include activities like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or any other form of exercise that keeps you active and motivated.

Monitor Your Progress:

Keep track of your weight, measurements, and other relevant metrics to stay aware of any fluctuations. Regularly check in with yourself to monitor changes and make adjustments as needed.

Manage Stress:

Find healthy ways to manage stress as it can lead to emotional eating or other unhealthy habits. Engage in stress-reducing activities such yoga, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation.

Remember, maintaining weight loss is a lifelong process, and it's normal to have ups and downs. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your achievements, and stay committed to your healthy lifestyle habits.

About Dr. Eric Berg

Author of Amazon Best Seller, The Healthy Keto Plan and known for The 7 Principles of Fat Burning. Berg is a longtime YouTube Influencer with over 28 million subscribers on all his channels getting 200 million views/month. For over 30 years, Dr. Eric Berg has a passion to teach and share health-related topics, including Healthy Keto® along with intermittent fasting as a basic long-term eating plan. He has personally worked with over 40,000 people including Hollywood top actors, senior U.S. government officials, MD’s, top CEO’s of prominent corporations, scientists, stay-at-home moms and high school students-- on how to use natural methods, nutrition, and the healthy version of the ketogenic diet (Healthy Keto®).

>>> Embracing Nature's Elixir

Exploring the Medicinal Legacy of Herbal Teas

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where the allure of quick fixes and pharmaceutical solutions often prevail, there persists an age-old pursuit of natural healing: herbal teas. From the verdant slopes of tea plantations to the fragrant gardens of medicinal herbs, humanity has found solace and wellness in the comforting brews of herbal infusions. Herbal teas are not just a delicious beverage but a reflection of the wisdom of traditional medicine healers across diverse cultures. With a plethora of herbs waiting to be steeped into therapeutic elixirs, let's delve into a few readily available teas and their benefits.

Hibiscus: The Floral Remedy

With its vibrant crimson hue and tart, tangy flavor, hibiscus tea has captivated palates and aided in healing across continents and cultures. Originating from the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant, this ruby-red infusion is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, earning it a revered place in traditional medicine practices around the world. Ancient Egyptians prized hibiscus tea for its ability to regulate blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health, while in Ayurvedic tradition, it was cherished as a cooling tonic for fever and inflammation.

In more recent times, hibiscus has shined in numerous research studies spotlighting its remarkable benefits. Abundant in antioxidants, it helps to prevent damage and disease caused by the buildup of free radicals, such as cancer and auto-immune disorders. Researchers have tested hibiscus anti-cancer properties by introducing hibiscus extract to cancer cell lines in test-tubes. They found the antioxidants and polyphenols found in hibiscus can impair cell growth in a range of cancers, including breast, prostate, and plasma cancer. Additionally, hibiscus emerges as a champion in cardiovascular health, wielding the power to lower bad cholesterol levels and stabilize blood pressure. Its multifaceted

benefits extend to enhancing liver and kidney function, reducing inflammation, and having potent antibacterial properties, rendering it a formidable herbal ally in combating a diverse array of ailments.

Green Tea: The Elixir of Vitality

Originating from the tea bushes of Camellia sinensis, green tea has been revered for centuries across cultures, celebrated not only for its nuanced taste but also for its remarkable health-promoting properties. In ancient China, it is used to aid in longevity and vitality, with practitioners of traditional medicine prescribing it to promote heart health, support weight management, and enhance cognitive function. It was also prescribed in ancient Chinese medicine practices to preserve oral health and prevent tooth decay.

Modern science has continued to unveil a vast number of benefits of green tea, solidifying why it has been used for centuries and is often called the tea of longevity. First and foremost, consumption of green tea may help us live longer. A study in Japan found those who drank 5 cups or more of green tea daily had a lower chance of death and disease than those that drank one cup or less. Another study found drinking 7 cups daily decreased the risk of premature death by 62%. Green tea is also rich in polyphenols and catechins, boasting potent antioxidant effects that combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and fortify the body's natural defenses against chronic diseases. Additionally, this powerhouse tea can lower the risk of heart disease, manage blood sugar, improve oral health, as well as improve cognitive function. In fact, research has shown green tea is linked with a 64% lower risk of cognitive impairment in middleaged and older adults. A few cups of green tea daily can go a long way for our health, helping us to live long and healthy lives.

Chamomile: The Soothing Serenade

Nestled amidst sun-drenched meadows and fragrant gardens, chamomile emerges as a gentle yet powerful healer. Derived from the flowers of the Matricaria chamomilla plant, chamomile tea has been cherished for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties since ancient times. In Greek and Roman civilizations, chamomile was revered as a sacred herb of the sun god, Apollo, and was often used to soothe digestion, alleviate anxiety, and promote restful sleep.

Beyond the above benefits, chamomile tea has been found to have the potential to help with a wide range of illnesses and support homeostasis within the body. Chamomile has apigenin, a powerful antioxidant. Apigenin has been shown to aid in sleep, helping to combat insomnia and has also been linked to lower incidence of certain types of cancers. One study that followed 537 people found consuming chamomile tea 2 to 6 times per week significantly reduced their risk of thyroid cancer. Furthermore, chamomile tea can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and boost immune health. A cup of chamomile tea before bed not only helps us get a good night’s sleep, but also helps our body function at an optimal level.

For centuries, humanity has treasured herbal blends for their healing abilities. Through the ages, our ancestors relied on these herbs, uncovering a trove of botanical treasures, each carrying a story of wisdom, restoration, and healing. There are hundreds of herbal teas around the world that offer a range of benefits to be explored. I encourage you to take a sip into the world of nature's elixir and explore the diverse array of teas that steep health benefits, each offering a flavorful remedy for the body and soul.

Tips for Healthier Living Creating a Toxin-Free Home

Creating a home free of toxic chemicals is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of you and your family. Many household products contain harmful substances that can affect indoor air quality and longterm health. Creating a home free of toxic chemicals requires awareness and a commitment to making healthier choices. By choosing natural cleaning products, improving indoor air quality, avoiding toxic furnishings, being mindful of personal care products, practicing safe pest control, reducing plastic use, and filtering your water, you can significantly reduce the presence of harmful chemicals in your home. These steps will contribute to a safer, healthier living environment for you and your family.

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

Opt for Eco-Friendly Cleaners: Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates. Instead, choose eco-friendly alternatives that use natural ingredients. Brands that are transparent about their ingredients and certifications from organizations like Green Seal or EcoLogo can be trusted.

DIY Cleaning Solutions: Make your own cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and essential oils. For example, a mixture of vinegar and water can be used for glass cleaning, while baking soda is excellent for scrubbing surfaces.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial for reducing indoor air pollution. Open windows regularly to allow fresh air to circulate, and use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove contaminants.

Air Purifiers: Invest in a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture dust, allergens, and airborne chemicals. Some air purifiers also include activated carbon filters that can remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

Houseplants: Certain houseplants, like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants, can help purify the air by absorbing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.

Avoid Toxic Furnishings and Decor

Furniture: Choose furniture made from solid wood rather than particleboard or plywood, which can emit formaldehyde. Look for items with low or no VOC finishes, and consider second-hand or antique furniture that has

already off-gassed.

Mattresses and Bedding: Many mattresses are treated with flame retardants and other chemicals. Opt for organic or natural mattresses made from materials like natural latex, cotton, or wool. Similarly, choose organic bedding to reduce exposure to pesticides and synthetic dyes.

Paints and Finishes: When painting your home, use low-VOC or zeroVOC paints. These products emit fewer harmful chemicals, improving indoor air quality. Additionally, look for non-toxic finishes and stains for wood surfaces.

Be Mindful of Personal Care Products

Natural Personal Care: Many personal care products, such as shampoos, lotions, and cosmetics, contain harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. Choose natural, organic, or fragrance-free products to minimize exposure.

DIY Beauty Products: Consider making your own personal care items using natural ingredients. For example, coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer, and a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch can serve as a deodorant.

Practice Safe Pest Control

Non-Toxic Pest Solutions: Traditional pest control methods often involve harmful chemicals. Instead, use natural repellents like diatomaceous earth, essential oils (such as peppermint or tea tree oil), or traps to manage pests.

Preventive Measures: Keep your home clean and dry to prevent infestations. Seal cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors, and store food in airtight containers.

Avoid Plastics

Reduce Plastic Use: Plastics, especially those containing BPA or phthalates, can leach harmful chemicals. Use glass, stainless steel, or silicone containers for food storage. Avoid microwaving food in plastic containers, as heat can cause chemicals to leach.

Safer Alternatives: Opt for wooden or metal utensils and cutting boards instead of plastic. Choose natural fiber rugs, curtains, and upholstery instead of synthetic materials.

Filter Your Water


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Water Filtration: Tap water can contain various contaminants, including chlorine, lead, and pesticides. Use a high-quality water filter to remove impurities. Options include activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis systems, and whole-house filtration systems.

The Science Behind its Connecting Power Your Brain on Music

If my life were a Venn Diagram, I’d stand at the intersection of medicine and music. The brain fascinates me, so much so that I studied it and dedicated a large part of my work to it. But so does music. I love it, I live it, and have found a way to work with it. What music does to the brain and its impact on humans is something that has intrigued us all at some moment in time. So, here’s some more to be intrigued by.

A simple, yet profound phenomenon that we are all familiar with:

it's an enchanting force that enhances relationships, kindles emotions, and forms bonds that resonate far beyond the melodies themselves.

But why does music hold such sway over us? The answer lies in its ability to induce altered states of consciousness—a phenomenon humans have been seeking through various means for centuries. From meditation to psychedelics, to extreme sports, the pursuit of ecstasis (a Greek word meaning "outside

the power of music to unite us. According to a study conducted by technology giants Apple and Sonos, the average person spends 4.5 hours each day immersed in music. But this isn't just about individual preferences; it's about the transformative impact music has on relationships, communities, and even society as a whole. The study focused on households where music became the thread that wove people closer together. When music played, distances between housemates diminished, giving rise to shared cooking experiences and heightened moments of laughter— increased by 15%. The magic didn't stop there; the presence of music led to an 85% surge in the frequency of inviting friends over, an 18% uptick in expressions of affection with "I love you," and an astounding 37% rise in intimacy.

The implications are clear: music isn't just an auditory pleasure;

itself"), or ecstasy, has been a central theme in human history. And, music technology has—and still is revolutionizing this pursuit, offering the promise of altered states without the risks.

Throughout history, evidence of music's transcendental impact can be found in the acoustic marvels of religious sites and ancient cave art. Archeologists have uncovered Neolithic paintings deep within caves, strategically placed at resonant points that amplify their spiritual significance. Churches in Greece were designed to create a "slap echo" effect, resembling the sound of angel wings, while Notre Dame's arches double as subwoofers for organ pipes, transforming sound into a divine experience.

Neurologist Oliver Sacks explains that across cultures, music's

core purpose is to unify and harmonize humanity. This rings true in the way music can induce trance-like states during dancing, chanting, and singing. These experiences, often more readily accessible in groups, lead to brain waves shifting from agitated beta to the low frequency alpha and dreamy theta waves associated with altered consciousness. The result? Reduced stress hormones, like cortisol, increased bonding and reward neurochemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, as well as an uncanny synchronization of our brain activity to not only the beat, but to fellow listeners. That’s right: you are vibrating on the same frequency.

Why are these states favored by our brains? The preference for relaxed states doesn't imply distraction, in fact, it's quite the contrary. Such states cultivate a heightened alertness that enables seamless transitions between ideas with minimized resistance. When the prefrontal cortex exhibits reduced activity, distractions are subdued, and rumination about oneself, the past, and future dissipate, creating space for novel viewpoints. The brain's release of endorphins during these states also promotes connection to our intuition. Any type of contemplative practice, and yes, that includes making/playing/listening to music, can also produce gamma waves, which are related to learning, attention, emotional regulation, creativity, and insight. For example, if you've ever experienced a breakthrough or an "aha" moment, there very likely may have been a burst of gamma wave activity, as various parts of the brain come together to form a new understanding or connection. Think of these gamma waves surging to illuminate the proverbial light bulb.

This explanation might be ringing a bell for you, as it is the language often used to describe the action of psychedelics, such as psilocybin, in the brain. Altered states of consciousness promoting connectivity, learning, and breakthroughs can be achieved through a variety of practices, whether it's meditation or a trance-inducing musical experience.

Enter Tony Andrews, the co-founder of Funktion-One, the audio technology that was integral in reshaping our auditory landscape. Andrews once referred to an "audio moment"—an elusive state where music engulfs us completely, transporting us to new realms of self-awareness. His first “audio moment” was hearing Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" at the age of 9, inspiring him to embark on a lifelong mission to recreate and share his first transformative encounter with sound with the masses. At 16, while tinkering with audio equipment, he pointed a loud speaker towards the back wall of a garage, creating a 3 wall surround sound, mimicking the bell of a trumpet. This led to what we call "horn-loaded bass", an important revolution in live concert experiences, bringing the

transformative power of music to vast audiences.

As sound engineers, avid music appreciators, and everyone in between come to the realization that music is capable of dissolving ego boundaries, the ripple effect of this audial revolution is profound. It signifies a profound connection that resonates with vast audiences, uniting them in a collective experience within a shared environment. This connection goes beyond the music; it encompasses the power and the potency of the sound itself, and its potential to reach everyone.

Whether experienced in the comfort of one's living room with surround sound and galaxy projectors, or amid a sea of hundreds of thousands at a festival, music can resonate deep within us, forging connections that defy ego-driven separateness. It's a sonic symphony that compels us to embrace the present moment—a harmonious meeting point of diverse lives and energies. It’s the weightless flow-state a musician will enter when composing, producing or performing. When one is so tapped in, the effort melts into…ecstasy.

Perhaps this will sound dreamy and idealistic, but ultimately, the pursuit of altered states through music, dance or whatever conduits you prefer, can serve as the catalyst for a more harmonious society; an interconnected web of individuals united by shared experiences and values. These experiences on the dance floor, of connectivity, both to and through music, offer a glimpse into a world of heightened self-awareness, enhanced creativity, and the fusion of diverse ideas. It is increased selflessness, self awareness, and clarity regarding one's life path, paired with the enhanced ability to course correct. It is the experience of timelessness that will shape behavior, granting more patience, compassion, and favoring experiences over material things. Presence in the current moment provides real and clear information, as the past is subject to distortion. Simply, it is a world where harmony, in all its meanings, becomes the guiding principle, weaving the threads of humanity into a tapestry of shared existence.

Stephanie Karzon Abrams, a neuropharmacologist with a Masters of Science in Clinical Pharmacology, is the founding advisor of Beyond The Bench consultancy. The firm provides science, research, operations, and strategy solutions to organizations and clinics in the natural product, plant medicine, and psychedelic sectors. A recognized leader in shaping the future of integrative and innovative healthcare, Stephanie Karzon Abrams champions the exploration of novel therapeutic approaches. Her interests extend beyond neurology, encompassing plant medicines, women's health, and the potential of music to enhance healing.

Local Business Spotlight

Haeli Witz


ig: @theglowplug

A little background

I was born and raised in a small desert town named Beatty, Nevada; 115 Miles North of Las Vegas with a population of 880. Having said that, you can only imagine the small range of activities we had growing up. Being a middle child of three with a single working mother, I learned a lot about working hard and having compassion at a young age. Although I wasn’t too focused on what I wanted to do career wise, I was more so focused on who I wanted to be and how I could make a difference in a positive way. I just knew I loved helping others feel better about themselves and that’s what I was passionate about since I can remember. I've had skin issues since puberty, and never knew the answers or how to care for it. Growing up, I lacked confidence and I never felt secure in my own skin and constantly found ways to cover it. After going through very life changing events, I finally found a career path that aligned with my passions and became a licensed esthetician in 2021.

Why an Esthetician

I became an esthetician to not only learn about my own skin and how to heal it, but to help others heal their skin and feel more secure and confident with themselves. I think beauty is more than who you are on the outside but also who you are on the inside. I love being an esthetician for the many ranges of services I can offer. Although I am very passionate about skincare, I also have a strong passion for enhancing natural beauty with services such as lash extensions, lash lifts, and more. I love to see the results, and the expression on my guests faces after their service. It’s such a rewarding feeling for me to know I can give others confidence.

Services Offered

At The Glow Plug, I offer relaxing services such as the signature 60 minute facial where I take the time to focus on relaxing your body and resetting your mind, Hydrating facials where your skin feels hydrated and looks glowing, Anti Aging facials where I focus on diminishing the look of fine lines, Foot rejuvenation for those on their feet that need some extra loving and care,

back facials where you will receive a relaxing back massage, deep cleanse and customized mask. You will find teen facials where I go in depth with skin care at home and how to prevent breakouts, you will find gentlemen facials where I focus on a deep cleanse and hydrating the skin. I offer full spa packages where you can spend a whole day just relaxing, resetting and refocusing your body through massage and skincare. Although my passion is with skincare and helping others relax you will also find my beauty enhancing services such as semipermanent lash extensions. What sets me apart from different lash artists is that I focus on maintaining the health of your natural lashes, I take the time to customize each set depending on your natural lash fullness and length, and by your eye shape. I offer four different full sets: Classic, Hybrid, Light volume and Volume, all customized. I also offer lash lifts which give your natural lashes that curl you want to see. This service is paired perfect with a lash tint giving you that natural enhancement . I offer facial waxing, brow shaping, and body waxing.

Favorite Service

My favorite service to perform is the “Reveal the Glow”. This service is a painless facial known as dermaplane. It is used to scrape off peach fuzz, and hydrate your skin. It differs from shaving your face like on TikTok because a trained professional uses a scalpel to remove not only the unwanted peach fuzz, but also the dead skin cells we can’t see. This exfoliates your skin, therefore helping with approving skin texture, brightening skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, diminishing acne scars, and revealing that beautiful skin glow we all want to achieve. Enjoy a hydrating mask and neck and shoulder massage with the Dermaplane facial.

Reader Specials

I am offering 20% off to all new clients who book services of $50 or more. Mention “Vegas Wellness” when booking with me to get the full spa package for only $150.00. Included in this package is a 30 minute facial, neck and shoulder massage, 30 minute back facial, arm and hand massage with warm towels, a leg and foot scrub with a massage and warm towels, and a brow shaping/clean up. That’s a steal of a deal!

Of Men & Mushrooms >>> Functional Mushrooms to Support

Men's Health

With so many mushroom benefits for men, it’s no wonder that mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular. No matter how you choose to take them, making functional mushrooms a part of your diet may help to support your overall health and well-being. Welcome to mushroom madness!

Benefits For Men

Mushrooms have long been used in traditional holistic practices as a powerful and natural ally to aid the body in different ways. There are several mushroom benefits for men, and these include:

Provide A Range Of Significant Nutrients

Mushrooms are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that may support your health. Consuming certain functional mushrooms on a regular basis may provide you with significant amounts of Vitamin D, copper, selenium, and other important nutrients.

Protective Effect On Your Body

Mushrooms are like your body’s knight in shining armor protecting you from bad guys. Studies have shown that consuming mushrooms may help support the body's antioxidant abilities.

Support Cognitive Function

Mushrooms possess cognitive supporting properties, which help your body to support brain health. Consuming mushrooms may help you to feel sharper throughout the day and remember all of the things on your to-do lists.

Support Your Energy Levels

Mushrooms are a rich source of B vitamins, which may help to support your energy levels. Studies have found that consuming mushrooms may

help the body support overall energy levels, and athletic performance.

Support Your Response To Occasional Stress

Mushrooms contain compounds that may help to regulate your body’s response to occasional stress. Boss on your back? Functional mushrooms may help you to find your zen again!

Support Your Sleep Quality

Functional mushrooms are packed with triterpene compounds, which support a healthy quality of sleep. Consuming mushrooms is like running a hot bath to soothe occasional stress and fatigue, while also potentially helping your body transition into a deeper sleep..

May Help You Relax

Mushroom supplements are believed to have a calming effect on the body, helping to support the body in managing occasional tension and reaching relaxation. Consuming mushrooms may help to promote overall relaxation, while also helping to support your mood and ability to handle occasional stress.

Support Your Physical Condition And Exercise Endurance

Functional mushrooms, such as mushroom powders, are believed to have a number of benefits for physical performance. Studies have found that incorporating mushrooms into your diet may help support athletic performance and support exercise endurance, creating a feeling of overall health.

Support The Immune System Of Your Body

Superfood mushrooms are believed to contain 1,3 1,6 beta glucan compounds that help the body’s natural immune

system function. Studies have found that consuming functional mushrooms may help to support the body in managing occasional inflammation postworkout or other similar activities.

Support Cardiovascular Health

Mushrooms help support cardiovascular health. Studies have found that adding mushrooms to your diet may help the body to manage cholesterol levels already at healthy levels, while also providing antioxidant support and supporting healthy blood flow

How You Can Take Functional Mushrooms

Superfood mushrooms for improving human health can be consumed in a variety of ways, and some of the most popular options include:

Capsules: Functional mushrooms can be taken in capsule form, which is an easy and convenient way to get your daily mushroom intake and enjoy those essential minerals and compounds.

Mushroom Powders: Mushroom powders are a great way to add mushrooms to your favorite dishes, smoothies, and beverages.

Tincture: Functional mushroom tinctures are made from mushroom extracts and can be taken in liquid form.

Gummies: Mushroom gummies are an easy and tasty way to get your daily mushroom intake.

Introducing The Marvelous Mushrooms


Maitake mushrooms are packed with free radical-reducing antioxidants like the polysaccharide beta-glucan, which effectively reduces oxidative stress. This sort of pressure on your cells is like an inflammation catch-22; oxidative stress leads to inflammation, inflammation generates more oxidative stress, and the whole thing leads to a friendlier environment for cancer cells. Not good. So while maitakes are a potent anti-cancer agent thanks to said glucans, there’s something else about the shroom that specifically relates to the heightened male risk of bladder cancer. Prior research aimed at reducing or outright eliminating bladder cancer cells revealed that maitake extract is specifically adept at doing so.

Lion’s Mane

It’s a tired, old stereotype that men constantly forget the important dates in their lives. And yet, male memory and focus still get a bad rap. If you want your brain capacity to be unimpeachable, lion’s mane supplements can help.

Recent studies of this shroom point towards significant neurotrophic effects, especially related to the cognitive issues that cause Alzheimer’s. Lion’s mane may be able to aid with our memory and cognitive performance, though more research is needed on human subjects. However, not only does lion’s mane have the potential to uplift our brain functions, but promising research suggests that non-fruiting body parts of the fungi (i.e., mycelium) may also exert powerful antidepressant properties

Oyster Mushrooms

You’ve probably been eating mushrooms from this family for a while now, but were you aware that it has powerful cardiovascular benefits? Prior studies into oyster mushrooms showed reduced blood glucose and cholesterol

levels in diabetic subjects. More recent research doubled down on these findings by acknowledging that oysters are effective at lowering LDL cholesterol triglycerides. Since men should take special care of their blood vessel health and cardiovascular system, oyster supplements are a great addition to the regimen.


Outside the world of medicinal mushrooms, shiitakes already have a lot going for them. Along with being a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, complete protein, this edible mushroom packs a punchy, umami-forward flavor that’s as good in soups as supplements. But the advantages of shiitakes go beyond your macros. They are stacked with nutrients. Zinc and niacin are abundant, as are vitamins D and B. Shiitakes can also introduce a reasonable amount of selenium into your diet. Regarding men, shiitake (along with button mushrooms) have a powerful antioxidant called ergothioneine, which may exhibit anti-prostate cancer actions in our cells.


Poria mushrooms are not as common of a functional fungus in the Western world, though they have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for generations. Some supplement blends include it, but you’re more likely to find singular poria extracts. What’s unique about this shroom concerning men’s health needs is that poria mushrooms have been observed as a potential natural therapeutic for kidney health, including an ability to reduce kidney stones.


Few medicinal mushrooms have gained as high of a profile as Chagas in recent years. It’s a rich source of vitamins, iron, potassium, and other key minerals men need for general wellness.

A unique benefit of Chaga (along with the dense polysaccharide content indicative of highly antioxidative benefits) is that it does wonders for bacteria in our guts. Healthy management of gut microbiota translates to improved immune function, better digestion, and even improved nerve function.


TCM practitioners have long been known to use cordyceps as a therapeutic natural medicine for fatigue, sickness, and sexual health (it’s called the Himalayan Viagra for a reason). The polysaccharide composition of cordyceps militaris has shown promising effects on biochemicals that are directly tied to tiring out. However, human subject-based research is needed; the potential for cordyceps to keep the body moving well seems vast. Similarly, animal studies showed cordyceps might reduce blood sugar levels and offer anti-aging effects paired with improved sex drive.


Reishi mushrooms are like the Jamie Foxx of the fungi world. That is to say; they are multi-talented. As a superior adaptogen, the antioxidants in reishi can fortify your immune system, serve as an adjunctive cancer therapy, and reduce stress.

Whether you are looking to sharpen your mental focus, improve your sexual health, strengthen your cardiovascular system or just avoid being fatigued at the gym, being a mushroom man can help you be a macho man!


POLLY Sex Culture Revolutionary A

From latex, to sex, to revolutionizing the world of intimacy and consent, Polly Whittaker has lived multiple artistic lives and created more than just sexy fashion and a place to showcase it. Her book, POLLY: Sex Culture Revolutionary, takes you along on a fantastical journey of art, community, love, sensuality, and self-discovery.

Whittaker grew up in London, raised by two eccentric parents alongside her three older siblings. Her father was a hot-air balloon pilot with a fervor for flirting and her mother was a trailblazing marriage guidance counselor who raised their kids to believe that sex is a natural part of being a grown-up. “My parents hosted fondue parties with all their swingin’ friends.” Being around her parents and their openness gave Whittaker a unique perspective on love. By the age of five, she developed a simple understanding of human relationships. At seventeen, she began working for a little latex boutique in Hammersmith. Here is where she found her love for “the sleek, shiny, modern clothes that were the uniform for the fetish scene.” As years passed, Whittaker found herself bored and depressed. When an opportunity to join a friend in the States, more precisely, San Francisco, Whittaker took it. The decision would change her life forever.

Literary Suggestions for Reading Freaks

Arriving in San Francisco, Whittaker transformed into Polly Pandemonium. A “hellion and rabble-rouser.” She started The Moral Minority, her business that not only designed fetish fashion but also promoted a lifestyle of fun, playful sexuality. A friend, and San Francisco legend, Flash, the founder of Rock Star Bartenders, a small group of bartenders that ran many of the bars in the underground party scenes in San Francisco, decided to swoop up Whittaker and spend a day together at some hot springs. Before they left the Bay, they stopped in the Mission District. Flash was helping a friend rent out a building. The minute they stepped inside, Whittaker began having visions. She wanted to have a space for “a global network of creative, sexy parties, helping restore health and balance to culture’s relationship with sexuality.” She dubbed the place Mission Control.

Whittaker’s fashion shows became such an enormous success that she had to bring on help. When a volunteer offers to assist, her life would take a new turn and rise to the next level. Artist, performer, and visionary, Scott would join Whittaker and contribute more to the lifestyle of Moral Minority

than anyone could have expected. Scott is a performance artist and the creator of Superstar Avatar- A Mythical Game with cultural transformation as its goal. A social, futuristic interactive art scene to change the world. As the two worked together to develop their ventures, they realized they were also falling in love.

By combining Scott’s interactive art gallery game and Polly’s sexy fashion and freedom community, they produced the now historic San Francisco play-party, Kinky Salon. “Money was one reason we threw the first Kinky Salon. We needed a regular income and sexy parties seemed like the obvious thing to do. We also wanted to generate a community that could be the Petri dish for our social experiments.”

Throughout the book, Whittaker escorts the reader through San Francisco, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Burning Man, family, friends, love, lust, polyamory, play-parties, and inner perspective.

These are just a few of the stories that are sprinkled throughout the book. From Polly Whittaker, to Polly Pandemonium, and now transcending into Polly Superstar. The author arrives at an enlightened, optimistic, and revolutionary time of her life. POLLY: Sex Culture Revolutionary, a memoir is a sexy and romantic tale of one woman’s journey of discovering herself while gifting those around her with the freedom of expression.

You don’t have to be into latex or be part of a polyamorous relationship to fall in love with this book. But if you are, I highly suggest you kick back with a copy of your own. This book is worth Reading LIT!

You can pick up a copy of POLLY: Sex Culture Revolutionary, a memoir by Polly Wittaker at Avantpop Bookstore in Las Vegas or at bookshop. org/shop/avantpop

Biovanta >>> Natural Remedies for Inflammation

Dr. Nazlie Latefi is a molecular biologist, respiratory disease researcher and co-founder of Biovanta. Biovanta is the maker of natural remedies that uniquely target inflammation, the cause and symptoms of sneezing, coughing and runny noses, naturally. Biovanta products feature a proprietary immune complex that is designed to balance inflammation. They were born of Latefi’s desire to bring new science and cleaner ingredients to fighting cold and flu, a category that has seen little innovation in the past several decades.

Biovanta is the first brand to offer all-natural frontline defense against respiratory illnesses, combat active cases, and provide multi-symptom relief. Using only all-natural bio-active ingredients, these products are clinically proven to modify inflammatory pathways underlying all major allergy and cold symptoms, strengthen barrier or mucosal immunity and provide immunestrengthening relief from cough, sore throat, runny nose and congestion. We were lucky enough to be able to connect with Dr. Latefi to find out more about her background and the inspiration behind Biovanta products.

Vegas Wellness Magazine: Tell our readers a bit about your background and what interests you about the immune system and general wellness...

Dr. Nazlie Latefi: I have been doing scientific research for over 20 years. I did my PhD in neuroscience but shifted my focus to the immune system about 10 years ago when I made a discovery

that would help prevent respiratory disease. The immune system is fascinating to me because it is so related to our general wellness and to inflammation.

VWM: Talk a bit about Biovanta and what it does.

NL: Biovanta strengthens your respiratory lining and balances inflammation. Inflammation is part of the immune response but too much inflammation causes severe symptoms and damages your respiratory lining. We created Biovanta because no other product on the market works this way.

VWM: Where can our readers find Biovanta products?

NL: The best place to find the latest Biovanta products is on our website but you can also find Biovanta on Amazon as well as CVS, Mother’s Market, Publix, and Walmart.

VWM: Please list any social media links, website info or general contact info for our readers.

NL: For more information about our products, please visit Biovanta. com. Readers can also follow us on Instagram @biovantaotc, on Facebook @Biovanta, and on LinkedIn @Applied Biological Laboratories.

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Organic Fillers for the Skin The Natural Approach to Rejuvenation

In recent years, the demand for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures has skyrocketed, with a significant shift towards organic and natural solutions. Among these advancements, organic fillers have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a more natural approach to facial rejuvenation.

Organic fillers are injectable substances derived from natural sources used to restore volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. Unlike synthetic fillers, which are made from lab-produced materials, organic fillers are formulated using naturally occurring compounds that are biocompatible and biodegradable. This natural origin is a key factor in their appeal, as it aligns with the increasing preference for eco-friendly and body-friendly cosmetic treatments.

Organic fillers offer natural, sustainable, and effective solutions for skin rejuvenation. Their ability to provide natural-looking results with minimal risk makes them a great option for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance while adhering to a natural and eco-friendly philosophy.

Benefits of Organic Fillers

Natural Look and Feel- One of the primary benefits of organic fillers is their ability to provide a natural look and feel. Since these fillers are derived from substances already present in the body, they integrate seamlessly with the skin's tissue, resulting in subtle and naturallooking enhancements.


Types of Organic Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers- Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps retain moisture and maintain plumpness. HA fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane, are made from stabilized forms of hyaluronic acid and are commonly used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, and to add volume to lips and cheeks.

Collagen Fillers- Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. Collagen fillers, derived from bovine or human sources, were among the first dermal fillers used in cosmetic procedures. They are effective in treating fine lines and scars but have largely been replaced by longer-lasting options.

Biodegradability- Organic fillers are naturally broken down and absorbed by the body over time, reducing the risk of long-term complications. This biodegradability also means that the results are temporary, giving patients the flexibility to adjust their treatments as their aesthetic needs change.

Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions- Being derived from natural sources, organic fillers typically have a lower risk of causing allergic reactions compared to synthetic options. This makes them suitable for a broader range of individuals, including those with sensitive skin.

Sustainable and Eco-friendly- The use of organic fillers aligns with the growing trend towards sustainability in the beauty industry. The production and use of these fillers often have a smaller environmental footprint compared to their synthetic

Fat Grafting- Also known as autologous fat transfer, this procedure involves harvesting fat from one part of the patient's body (such as the thighs or abdomen) and injecting it into areas needing volume enhancement, such as the face. Fat grafting provides a natural and long-lasting solution, utilizing the patient's own tissues.

Poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA)-

Although not purely organic, PLLA is a biodegradable synthetic material that stimulates the body's own collagen production. Over time, it helps restore facial volume and smooth out wrinkles, making it a popular choice for long-lasting results.

The Science Behind Organic Fillers

Organic fillers work by replenishing the natural substances that diminish with age. Hyaluronic acid fillers attract and retain water, providing immediate volume and hydration to the skin. Collagen fillers and fat grafting restore the skin's structural proteins, enhancing firmness and elasticity. PLLA works by stimulating fibroblasts, the cells responsible for collagen production, leading to gradual and sustained improvement.

The integration of these natural substances with the body's physiology not only ensures compatibility but also leverages the body's inherent mechanisms for maintaining youthful skin. This holistic approach contributes to the growing preference for organic fillers in cosmetic dermatology.

CBD for Anxiety Relief >>> Backed by Science or Mere Placebo?

Anxiety disorders impact over 40 million adults in the United States, with nearly half of those individuals also having depression. Chances are you or someone you know has experienced anxiety and for many it can be debilitating. The modern world's escalating stress levels have only exacerbated this issue, leading to an increasing number of individuals reporting depressive episodes and heightened anxiety each year. Unfortunately, anxiety has become a common struggle, forcing many to seek alternative options to pharmaceuticals, one of those being CBD.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has gained popularity over the years for an array of reasons, including many people stating that it helps reduce their anxiety and stress levels. Many swear by its efficacy, but the question remains: is this relief genuine or merely a placebo effect? Let’s delve deeper.

First discovered in 1940 by chemist Roger Adams, CBD has been studied extensively, including its potential to reduce anxiety and stress. Scientific studies have validated the claims of many patients, demonstrating that CBD has the potential to reduce anxiety for some individuals. In fact, CBD targets the same receptor, 5HT1-A, that pharmaceutical anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications also do. This serotonin receptor is integral in controlling mood, cognition, and memory, as well as modulating the body's response to stress. Scientists have found that through this interaction CBD has the potential to alleviate anxiety and reduce the amount of stress one feels.

When considering trying CBD for anxiety, it is important to choose the right form for your needs. Ingestible products, such as edibles or tinctures, provide sustained relief throughout the day, typically lasting 6 to 8 hours with the effects felt in 60-180 minutes after ingestion. For ingestible products start with a low dose and increase as needed for desired effects. For those requiring immediate relief, smoking CBD is a viable option, as the effects are felt within 5 to 10 minutes after inhalation. Keeping a journal to track your feelings and responses throughout the day can help you determine the most effective regimen and products for your unique situation.

Anxiety and depression stem from a complex set of risk factors, including brain chemistry, personality traits, life events, and genetics. These biological, psychological, and social sources of distress not only trigger anxiety and depression but can also induce long-term changes in brain function, altering the activity of neural circuits. Current medications designed to assist those with anxiety provide relief to only about 60% of patients and are often accompanied by a host of undesirable side effects. In contrast, research has discovered CBD offers a plant-based alternative that may help those with anxiety, without the side effects commonly associated with anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals.

Anxiety can be life altering and many individuals with anxiety are left untreated. Many have reported feeling relief from their anxiety when using CBD and research absolutely backs their claims. With so many people impacted by anxiety and depression, there is an immediate need for more clinical trials to explore the full potential of CBD as a medicinal treatment. The acceptance of CBD as a viable option for anxiety and depression could provide muchneeded relief for millions, marking a crucial step forward in mental health care. While CBD may not be able to help everyone, and there is a need for anti-anxiety pharmaceutical medications for some, the potential of CBD as a natural plant-derived option cannot be ignored.

>>> >>> Ask Sarah...

Do you have a question about holistic wellness? We have the answers. Email your questions to

Hi Sarah,

I’ve been seeing mushroom coffee all over social media lately. I was wondering, is this just the next “hyped up fad” for wellness that will just go away, or can it really bring benefits like the ads I see claim? I’m curious if you think it’s worth a try. Thanks so much!


Hi Samantha,

Hi Liz,

I am happy to share some natural approaches you can try that may help you get a better night’s sleep. To begin, incorporating melatonin-rich foods into your diet can help kickstart your sleep cycle. Consider snacking on cherries, grapes, almonds, and walnuts, which are all excellent natural sources of melatonin. Additionally, a mocktail made with tart cherry juice can serve as a tasty bedtime beverage. Sipping on herbal teas, such as chamomile, valerian root, and lavender, can also promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Another great natural option is magnesium, which helps relax the body and has been shown to enhance sleep. Furthermore, a diffuser with lavender, chamomile, or cedarwood would be great to try. Studies have found aromatherapy can significantly improve our sleep quality. I hope these options can help you get the sleep you need and deserve.

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your question. Recently I’ve learned about the medicinal benefits of mushrooms, and I was blown away! As of late they have been popping up all over social media, but people have used them in traditional medicine for centuries. Many mushroom coffees and products are made with a blend of functional mushrooms, often including lion’s mane, reishi, chaga, and cordyceps, among others. Research has found these mushrooms have powerful benefits for the body including enhancing focus, improving cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and promoting good gut health. Additionally, they are high in antioxidants that help fight against an array of chronic diseases. Mushroom coffee may be a hot topic right now, but it is definitely one worth talking about and trying for yourself. With many products available, be sure to choose products made with high quality organic mushrooms.

Dear Sarah, I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep most nights. I’ve tried cannabis and though it did help me get a little bit better sleep, I often wake up feeling groggy and I can’t have that. Is there anything else you might know of that could possibly help that’s natural? I don’t want to take meds, but I really need to get better sleep. Thank you in advance!


I’ve been thinking about trying a float tank to hopefully help relieve some pain. Have you ever tried them, or do you know about them by chance? I would appreciate any information you have. Thank you!


Hi Greg,

Thank you so much for writing in. I have not tried float tanks yet, but I am planning on trying it out soon, as I have heard wonderful things from fellow pain patients and the research supports it. Float tank therapies immerse one into a relaxed meditative state, while floating in water and Epsom salt. Float tank therapy can help detoxify the body, reduce inflammation and pain, as well as relieve muscle tension.

Furthermore, it can help with mental health, calming the mind and easing anxiety. The magnesium in Epsom salt and the deep level of relaxation has helped many patients find relief from pain, and I would definitely recommend trying it out if you can.

Sarah Schwefel is an advocate for patients and plant medicine. After moving halfway across the country for access to legal cannabis for her health in late 2018, she became engulfed in the cannabis and hemp industry determined to learn more to better help herself and other patients. In 2020, Sarah became certified in endocannabinoid medicine from the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine. She has spoken at various events teaching about plant medicine and advocating for patient’s needs, has written for publications and websites, and reviews products helping patients find the best on the market. On her Instagram @Rising_Zebra, Sarah shares her journey with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and is trying to live her best life with plant medicine, teaching as much as she can along the way.

TWISTED TREE NURSERY'S Eco-Friendly Psychedelic Soil Revolution

Disclaimer: We do not encourage illegal activity, nor the sale or trade of illegal substances. Check with and adhere to your local laws. We do not claim psychedelics or plant medicine to be a substitute for professional medical care. Always consult with your doctor. The goal of this article is to promote safety and education.

While most of us were baking bread, buying plants, and perfecting our binge-watching skills during the 2020 lockdown, Melissa and Justin of Twisted Tree Nursery had other plans. Instead of making sourdough starters, they were knee-deep in crafting artisanal soil blends and building a business that stands for more than just profit. Nestled in sunny Southern California, Twisted Tree Nursery is not your average plant supply company. Since its inception in 2020, this quirky yet earnest venture has been redefining the soil game with their artisanal, nutrient-rich substrate concoctions like DinoSoil, AlpacaSoil, and DonkeySoil.

And these substrates aren’t just for commercial mushroom growers. They cater to at-home enthusiasts as well, helping growers big and small foster a thriving fungi kingdom and a sense of purpose. We caught up with co-founders Melissa and Justin to talk about their eco-friendly enterprise, and their journey from backyard experiment to successful business.

From Crash to Creation

In early 2020, Justin suffered a motocross crash that left him with a laundry list of broken bones. “I was in bad shape,” Justin recalls. With a femur, tibia, and collarbone on the mend, he found that traditional pain management wasn’t cutting it for him, especially given his past struggles with addiction. But a serendipitous camping trip and an introduction to microdosing mushrooms sparked an idea that would change everything. “When I got back home, I was still on disability and desperate for an alternative to hospital meds, so I started researching mushroom cultivation,” he says. “I knew they wouldn’t necessarily help with pain, but what I needed was some uplifting motivation.”

It just so happened that the couple had recently established a tortoise rescue operation, which provided them with a rather unique resource: tortoise dung. Inspired by manure master Poo God, Justin and Melissa began experimenting and sending free samples of tortoise manure to their friends, who came back with rave reviews. “Our friends were like, ‘This stuff is amazing. You need to start selling this.’ So we started mixing manure in Melissa’s mom’s kitchen and eventually expanded to the backyard.” Justin and Melissa have since managed to scale their backyard brews into a fully-fledged operation in a building of their own.

Crafting Cultivation Concoctions

Twisted Tree’s products are as unique as their origin story. Their innovation may have begun with DinoSoil, their signature nutrient-rich tortoise manure, but it didn’t stop there. Melissa’s passion for animal welfare led to the creation of DonkeySoil and AlpacaSoil, each with its own heartwarming backstory.

“Our business partner at Sunset Hideaway rescues donkeys from abusive rodeo conditions,” Melissa explains. “Seeing their rehabilitation made us realize that we were passionate about working with causes that meant something, and it inspired us to produce DonkeySoil, with proceeds supporting donkey rescues nationwide.”

Their third endeavor, AlpacaSoil, spawned from a collaboration with Culture Shrooms, a Long Beach hub for all things mushroom-related. Though the alpacas aren’t rescues, their manure’s high nutrient content makes it the perfect powerhouse for any fungi garden. This partnership also resulted in the opening of a new location with Culture Shrooms in Humboldt, expanding Twisted Tree’s reach and production capabilities.

A Unique Blend of Sustainability and Soul

What sets Twisted Tree’s soils apart isn’t just their origins. “It’s the way we make each soil with our Twisted Tree family secret and the sustainability behind the brand,” Melissa reveals. Growers who use DinoSoil often talk about the specific “vibes” they get while consuming what they’ve cultivated, because of the substrate’s roots in rescue efforts. It’s a product line that speaks to those who care as much about the source as the soil’s performance.

Their loyal customers range from commercial cultivators to home gardeners, all drawn to Twisted Tree’s mission of creating a harmonious and sustainable future. With a blend of humor, heart, and horticultural expertise, Melissa and Justin have cultivated a community that believes in the power of purposeful products.

Where to Find Twisted Tree's Products

If you’re eager to add some sustainable magic to your garden, you can get your own Twisted Tree Nursery soil directly through their online store at

Also, don’t forget to follow Twisted Tree Nursery’s journey on Instagram at @twisted_tree_nursery.

Jaden Rae is a Las Vegas resident and best-selling author of the Microdosing Guide And Journal. She is dedicated to teaching people the beauty of living sensually, exploring simple pleasures, finding your authentic voice and manifesting flow in everyday life. Jaden has been featured on the Today Show, The Early Show, Martha Stewart Radio, Fox Business News and more. You can find her on Instagram at @heyjadenrae.



Enjoy expanding your horizons this month as the urge to explore and push boundaries is strong making it an ideal time to travel or try something completely different. Whether it be a spontaneous road trip or enrolling in a challenging course, you are able to embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm. Thanks to the fiery energy brought on by Mercury moving into Leo on the 2nd and Venus entering Leo on the 11th, you’ll make a memorable impression at every social gathering that you attend. Your self confidence and positive energy are magnetic. People will naturally look up to you and feel at ease in your presence. It’s the perfect time to forge closer bonds with those already in your circle or pursue someone new. Overall, you have an abundance of energy and this vitality not only enhances your well being, but is a source of inspiration for those around you.


A sense of harmony radiates from you helping you feel content and free of unnecessary worries. Especially with Uranus in Taurus all month long, everything feels like it’s falling into place. This inner peace creates a stable and pleasant atmosphere at work making it easy for you to approach your job with renewed enthusiasm and creativity. Your empathetic nature shines making you a pillar of support for your loved ones. You’ll be brimming with energy and will want to channel it into physical activities with friends to avoid becoming too restless. You’ll feel particularly motivated to improve your living environment. Whether it’s redecorating, gardening, or simply organizing your space, these activities will bring you a sense of satisfaction and tranquility that make your home feel like a sanctuary.


(MAY 20-JUNE 20)

Jupiter in Gemini’s influence will be particularly strong all month long, bringing a wave of good fortune and pivotal events. Keep an eye out for moments that feel destined, as they could lead to major shifts in your personal and professional life. However, be mindful of overcommitting or overestimating your abilities. You may be tempted to take on tasks that are beyond your reach. While confidence is key, it’s important to stay grounded and realistic about what you can achieve. Stay alert, as you might encounter the love of your life or an event that could transform your world and fulfill many of your dreams. Stay focused in the present moment to avoid overthinking and creating unnecessary scenarios which could cause problems in your relationships.


20-JULY 22)

July brings a surge of vitality and mental clarity, setting the stage for a dynamic and fulfilling month ahead. Your mind is especially sharp and receptive. You’ll find yourself effortlessly absorbing knowledge, particularly in areas like learning

foreign languages or offering empathetic advice to friends seeking your company. Your balanced demeanor and empathetic nature makes you a trusted confidant that people feel safe to open up to. Your physical strength is at its peak, making it an ideal time to engage in sports and outdoor activities. With ample energy at your disposal, you may feel a heightened sense of restlessness and a thirst for new experiences. However, be mindful of overcommitting or spreading yourself too thin in your eagerness to explore.


Expect to encounter exciting new prospects in both your personal and professional life thanks to Jupiter in Gemini. Embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and trust your instincts when making decisions. As we shift to Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in Leo this month, you will exude a magnetic charm that draws attention wherever you go, making you the center of affection in social settings. Your positive energy and self-assurance will inspire others, establishing you as a natural leader and influencer among your peers. While enjoying the spotlight, stay grounded and avoid letting success inflate your ego. You may feel a desire for recognition, but ensure that your ambition is balanced by humility and consideration for others. Your words and actions carry significant impact.


You are feeling yourself and enjoying a significant boost in self-confidence this month! You are feeling more assured in your abilities and decisions, ready to take on new projects and responsibilities. This newfound confidence can help you excel in various aspects of your life, but it's essential to remain humble and open to feedback from others. Be mindful of your tendency to be overly critical, dismissive, or judge others too quickly, potentially coming off as arrogant. Focus on keeping an open mind and giving others the benefit of the doubt. Strive to see the best in people and give them a chance to show their true selves. This approach will open the door to valuable connections and potential partnerships.


This month, you will be more introspective, seeking to understand your true desires and motivations. It's an excellent time to engage in activities that promote self-awareness, such as journaling, meditation, or taking up a new hobby that aligns with your passions. This inner journey will help you gain clarity and direction for your future endeavors. Your charm and diplomacy are at their peak, making you a magnet for social interactions. You will have the opportunity to strengthen existing relationships and form new connections. However, be mindful of overextending yourself. Ensure you dedicate quality time to those who matter most and avoid superficial engagements that may drain your energy.


You are feeling a strong urge to refresh your lifestyle with a mini glow up. This transformation will likely include adopting healthier habits, such as regular exercise and a better diet, leading to improved physical condition. Don’t be surprised by the desire to explore the unknown and experiment in various aspects of life. You might find yourself introduced to a new community that resonates with your updated self, fostering new friendships and connections. Your relationships take on greater significance this month whether that means locking things down with a crush or getting to know a new friend better. You'll feel more connected and empathetic towards others, which can lead to profound interactions.


This is an excellent time to set ambitious goals and take bold steps towards achieving them. At work, your enthusiasm and innovative ideas will catch the attention of your superiors and colleagues, potentially leading to new opportunities or advancements. Stay focused and don't hesitate to showcase your talents. In your personal life, you naturally attract people with your charisma and optimism, making it a perfect time to strengthen existing friendships and form new ones. You may find yourself more stubborn and inclined to impose your values on others. This could lead to conflicts with those who are close to you. They might perceive your actions as interference, causing tension. Approach such situations with understanding and openness to avoid misunderstandings.



Be cautious of unresolved family issues resurfacing from the past, requiring your attention and resolution. These conflicts may involve disagreements you thought were settled. Approach the situation as an opportunity to strengthen your family bonds. Strive to find a balance between being supportive and allowing your loved ones the space to grow. Effective communication and openness are crucial. However, be mindful not to come across as overly pushy in your eagerness to reconcile. Channeling your energy into exercise can be a great way to relieve stress and maintain a positive outlook. To distract yourself from the drama, engage in activities that expand your skills and knowledge. This focus on personal growth will bring you inner peace and a sense of accomplishment.


20-FEB 18)

Despite being in top physical shape and filled with an abundance of unstoppable energy, you are likely to face numerous challenges with others who can’t keep up. Your heightened vigor makes you more impulsive and prone to restlessness than usual. Be mindful of this

tendency, as it could lead to unnecessary confrontations with those who struggle to keep pace with your dynamic momentum. Your adventurous spirit may lead you to propose bold ideas and plans, but not everyone may be as keen to join in. Be prepared for some refusals or hesitations from others who may find your spontaneity overwhelming. Find inspiration and drive through sports and physical activities, which will not only uplift your mood but also help to tire yourself out.


You may find yourself reacting more impulsively than usual, influenced by the planetary positions this month. It's important to be cautious with your words and avoid situations that could lead to heated exchanges. Be mindful of your interactions with others. Your heightened sensitivity can easily lead to overreactions, so strive for calm and measured responses. Communicate openly but gently, ensuring you don’t let temporary emotions affect your relationships in the long run. You’ll notice even the slightest changes and take others' behaviors to heart. Minor issues might linger in your mind, causing undue stress. To regain your inner balance, focus on spending time alone in nature and engaging in creative activities to channel your energy positively.

Cooking with Chris

This month is a pretty cool one. A new name is upon us. Vegas Wellness Magazine! A rebranding and honestly, I feel, a transition into a new world. I feel this transition is also occurring within myself. This journey of writing for the magazine then continuing throughout the years, helped change my life. It was a struggle. Yet. I changed for what I consider the best me. There’s a saying that goes, “Do not be afraid of change, because the only thing constant in life is change.” This is so true. I have enjoyed and cherished sharing these recipes. So, here’s one to ‘Wellness’! Cheers and let’s get to it!

Summer Steak Medley


1 pkg milanesa steak meat

marinated Italian mozzarella balls (1in.)

2 zucchini

2 yellow squash

1 pack of heirloom tomatoes

1 pack of heirloom potatoes

1 pack of shiitake mushrooms

1 pack of fresh basil

1 pack of fresh thyme

1 pack of fresh oregano

Grillmates Montreal steak seasoning

Herbs De Provence seasoning porcini mushroom, garlic, oregano EVOO

Colavita balsamic vinegar truffle oil


Start by tempering your steak. Leave it out to reach room temperature but make sure to put a little truffle oil and Montreal steak seasoning on front and back. Leave it off to the side. Warm the oven to about 400 degrees. Next, take your two types of squash and after washing, use a mandolin to create thin slices from head to tail. Save for later. Next, get two small mixing bowls. In one, place your tomatoes, roughly chopped fresh basil, couple dashes of BV, truffle oil and just a dash of salt. Mix together and place to the side. Take your potatoes and cut them in half. In the other bowl, place your potatoes, a splash of water, some Herbs De Provence, Salt/ Pepper, and mix together. Then, place to the side. Grab those Shiitake mushrooms and slice. Add some of your fresh thyme, and oregano to them in a small bowl. Pour some porcini oil, mix, and that’s it. The oven should be preheated by now. Grab a small sheet pan and your potatoes. Give them one

final stir and place onto the pan. Close the oven. Now that we’re cooking, let’s grab that steak and place it onto a cutting board. Everything should be well marinated by now so let's place the 2 types of squash long ways down the steak. Begin to “Roll Up” making sure to keep them tight. The Milanesa steak is a bit wide so just cut it in half then keep the cut side down as shown in the picture. Depending on how fast you did the last step. It should be around ten or so minutes. Open the stove, and with a final mix, toss those tomatoes onto the sheet pan. Close for ten more minutes. Now that we are approaching the 20 minute mark, with a final stir, place your mushrooms and herbs as shown in the picture. After that, give a little love to your steak with its seasoning and oils. Then, place onto the sheet pan. Now cook for 15 minutes. There you have it. A one pan lunch or dinner. You can easily create pouches for every item and use on the pan OR even place upon the grill/blackstone. As you finish to plate, grab some of those mozzarella balls and mix with the oven roasted tomatoes.

Chef Chris Rodarte is a multi-talented Chef. Just ask ChatGPT or GoogleAI “Who is Chef Chris Rodarte?” Using and Infusing foods from Coast to Coast! Check out his website at or @ Cannabushi on IG/FB for more details. Not to mention utterly thankful and grateful for it all…Love you!!

Shoot For The Stars! Chase your Dreams! The Sky's Not the Limit Anymore!

-Reach out for booking information-

CANNA42 App Launches in Vegas

with the Ultimate Cannabis Adventure City-Wide Scavenger Hunt

Experience-based marketing platform CANNA42 is celebrating its Las Vegas app launch with the “Ultimate Cannabis Adventure” - a 42-day immersive and interactive scavenger hunt. CANNA42’s Ultimate Cannabis Adventure kicks off July 1st (Nevada Recreational Sales Day) and runs through August 12th.

The Ultimate Cannabis Adventure is about bringing the community together through culture, education, and curated experiences. During this time, the local cannabis community will be able to participate in daily real-life and digital adventures guided through the CANNA42 app.

The current lineup of participating businesses are: Nature’s Chemistry, DadiRRi, Summa Cannabis, Panna Extracts, Euphoria Dispensary, Health For Life Dispensary, Dom Demarco’s Pizzeria & Wine Bar, and more.

The Ultimate Cannabis Adventure is open to everyone 21+. To participate, adventurers can simply create a free account on the CANNA42 app, which is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Users are able to compete for daily and weekly prizes, while also joining in other fun and secret activities related to all things cannabis in the Las Vegas Valley.

About CANNA42: CANNA42, is a new type of social application aimed at ending the “enshittifcation” of internet. Often described as a Yelp, meets Instagram, meets Eventbrite, meets Pokemon Go, this ad-free platform connects businesses and consumers through localized and curated experiences, while using non-predictive algorithms. With CANNA42, users are able to find the best cannabis deals, get trusted reviews, earn points, and find real life things to do, all in the palm of their hand. CANNA42’s technology was engineered on its core values of community, culture, education, and experience.

For more info:

Dispensary Guide >>>


Jenny’s Dispensary

10420 S. Eastern Ave, #100


4300 E. Sunset Rd

The Dispensary

50 N. Gibson Rd, #170

The Source

9480 S. Eastern Ave, #185


Beyond Hello

7885 W. Sahara Ave, #111


631 S. Las Vegas Blvd.


2307 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

4240 W. Flamingo Rd. #100


3615 Spring Mountain Rd.


1736 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

2320 Western Ave.

Deep Roots Harvest

3725 Blue Diamond Rd.

5991 W. Cheyenne Ave.

Euphoria Wellness

7780 S. Jones Blvd.


4310 W. Flamingo Rd.


5765 W. Tropicana

7260 S. Rainbow, #104

6410 S. Durango, #115


4510 S. Hualapai Way

101 S. Rainbow Blvd, #1

Health for Life

200 E. Charleston

Inyo Fine Cannabis

2520 S. Maryland Pkwy, #2

Jade Cannabis Co.

1130 E. Desert Inn Rd.

6050 Sky Pointe

Jardin Premium Cannabis

2900 E. Desert Inn Rd, #102

Las Vegas Releaf

2244 Paradise Rd.


4850 W. Sunset Road

Nevada Made Marijuana

310 E. Warm Springs

7650 W. Charleston

1675 E. Cactus Ave.

Nevada Wellness Center

3200 S. Valley View Blvd.


430 E. Twain Ave.

1600 Las Vegas Blvd. South, #140

Nuwu Cannabis Marketplace

1235 Paiute Circle

11527 Nu Wav Kaiv Blvd.

Oasis Cannabis

1800 Industrial Road, #180

Planet 13

2548 W. Desert Inn Rd.

Reef Dispensaries

3400 Western Ave.

Sahara Wellness

420 E. Sahara Ave.


4380 Boulder Hwy.


4850 S. Fort Apache Rd, #100

Silver Sage Wellness

4626 W. Charleston

The Dispensary

5347 S. Decatur Blvd.

The Grove

4647 S. University Center Dr.

The Sanctuary

1324 S. 3rd Street

The Source

2550 S. Rainbow Blvd, Ste. 8


3500 W. Sahara Ave.

1112 S. Commerce St.

3698 W. Cactus Ave.

2975 S. Sammy Davis Jr. Dr.

Top Notch

5630 Stephanie St.

Tree of Life

1437 N. Jones Blvd.

Vegas Treehouse

4660 S. Decatur Blvd.


6540 Blue Diamond Rd.

Zen Leaf

9120 W. Post Road, #103

5940 W. Flamingo Rd.


Deep Roots Harvest

1306 W. Craig Rd.

Jennys Dispensary

5530 N. Decatur Blvd, #115

Reef Dispensaries

1370 W. Cheyenne Ave.

The Sanctuary

2113 Las Vegas Blvd. North

The Source

420 E. Deer Springs Way

Thrive Cannabis Marketplace

2755 W. Cheyenne Ave.

Tree of Life

150 E. Centennial Pkwy #114

Zen Leaf

444 W. Craig Rd




Cured Resin Sugar

This well-balanced sugar looks a little bit like a honeycomb under a magnifying lens. It has a soft and dry texture, and sort of flakes apart when you try to scoop it out. So heat up your dab tool just a little bit, and the sugar will adhere to the tool, making it easier to rock into the banger. Bio-Jesus tastes sweet and has a wonderful kick to the front lobe. Ease your nerves and get a good dab in.

THC- 85.734%

CBN- 0.108%

CBG- 0.013%

Caryophyllene- 11.44 mg/g

Myrcene- 5.9 mg/g

Limonene- 5.05 mg/g


Those who have been in the cannabis industry for any length of time are likely familiar with GG#4. This is an immaculate, sweet cheese smelling, powerful example of fine medicine. The relaxing benefits of its heavy myrcene content will help you sit back and chill, and the high caryophyllene content will ease your troubles and help calm your nerves. This glue should keep any gorilla stuck to the couch. Ooh-hoo-Ooh!

THC- 23.77%

Caryophyllene- 8.99 mg/g

Myrcene- 4.89 mg/g

Limonene- 4.64 mg/g


OG #18 is one of Remedy’s pillar cannabis strains. It has filled the lungs of thousands of Nevada cannabis connoisseurs over the past decade. Its fat, dark green nugs are packed with heavy trichomes, and when you spark it up, this flower burns pure and white. OG-18 used to contain more limonene than any other terpene, but over the past few years it has seen a spike in caryophyllene and myrcene, giving you that true indica feeling you are looking for at the end of a long, hot summer day.


THC- 23.19%

Limonene- 7.62 mg/g

Myrcene- 5.18 mg/g

Linalool- 4.99 mg/g

REMEDY Traffic Jam Cured Resin Sugar

This is a variety of strains mixed together prior to extraction. This is a wet sugar, but it is quite thick and stable, making it easy to scoop out a precise serving. It’s pretty strong and stony, and has a bit of a minty aftertaste. Traffic Jam is definitely a unique flavor, and offers an instant head change and a noticeable surge of energy. So you won’t feel like you were in a fender bender, just stuck in traffic for an hour or so.

THC- 82.859%

CBD- 0.113%

Caryophyllene- 10.59 mg/g

Limonene- 8.13 mg/g

Myrcene- 1.79 mg/g

Bill Shehan

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