Viawest july 2015

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July 2015

Via West

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IN THIS ISSUE... The Committee


Club Page


2015 Day of VW


2016 Bug-In


Club Merchandise


Club Event Calendar


President’s Spot


August Club Run


CMC Quiz Night


Annual General Meeting 13 June Cruise


Albany Classic W/end 18 Photography Night


Photo of the Month


Volkswagen News


Volkswagen Motorsport 37

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West


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Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Graham Tibbs 0412 002 738

Ray Willis 0407 347 340






Justin Bayley 0402 378 864


Ray Willis 0407 347 340

Dave Moore 0402 607 552

Harry Hay 0422 584 130

Graham Tibbs 0412 002 738


Paul Kuah 0431 621 561




Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Andy Macey (08) 9332 6919

Kim Muste 0408 914 400



SECRETARY (Assistant)

Photo to follow

Gary Bull

Bruce Cooper

Joanne Mill

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

Tina Moore ...celebrating

60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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Member Advertising: Please send your ‘for sale’ or ‘wanted’ adverts by mail or email to the Editor before the publication deadline. Fees: Members - 1/4 page adverts are free. Non-Members - 1/4 page adverts are $5.00 Commercial Advertising: Please contact the Editor to find out about placing adverts in the magazine, inserting flyers etc. for one of more issues. Publication Deadline: The deadline July 26 for articles for the next issue is. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Volkswagen Club of WA (Inc), its Committee or members.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at John Hughes Volkswagen in Victoria Park, starting at 6:30pm. Committee meetings are open to all members and invited guests.

Volkswagen Club of WA (Inc) Mail:

PO Box 175 Victoria Park Western Australia 6979


31 610 140 537


0408 183 396




Welcome to our new members... 

Chantel Arnold

Thomas Holmes

Shane Bradley

Jon Hornby

Lloyd Coleman

Valerie Shaw

Ida Holm

Bruce Welsh

We have 204 Members as at 30 June

Happy Birthday for July...          

Jenny Abetz Thor Anson Anthony Avice Du Buisson Jamie Barrett Robert Beaver Melinda Berinson Mark Dix Harry Faulkner Sue Finney Miles Green

          

Carl Guntrip Dean Jose Harty Angus Heiohway Shaun Lawrence Michael Levissianos Samantha Lewin Russell Lunn Jaqueline Martinson

       

Erin Muste Ainslie Neretlis Merrick Paget Thomas Reilly Wil Stieler Zach Vanoosten Doug Watts Jenny Williams

Andrew Mill Fiona Mill James William Moore

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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July 2015

Via West

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AVAILABLE AT CLUB EVENTS including ALFRED’S every month! You can also contact the Committee to arrange the purchase of the now extensive list of club merchandise! Can be posted for an extra charge.




 Car Badge - Club Logo (with tongue)

$25.00 ea

Blue and chrome 72mm

 Car Badge - Club Logo (no tongue)

$25.00 ea

Blue and chrome 72mm

 Pin Badge - Club Logo

$3.00 ea

Blue and chrome 22mm

 Key Ring - Bottle Opener Club Logo

$5.00 ea

Blue and chrome

 Hoodies - Club 3D logo on front with stripes

$40.00 ea

Black with white design

 T-shirt #2 - Club 3D logo on front with stripes

$25.00 ea

Red, White or Grey with black design

 V-neck Polo - Club Logo embroidered - ladies & girls

$30.00 ea

A name can be added for another $5.00

 Polo Shirt - Club Logo embroidered - men & boys

$30.00 ea

A pocket is an extra $5.00; A name can be added for another $5.00

 T-shirt #1 - large 3D logo - back & small 3D logo - front with stripes $25.00 ea Blue with white design

 VW Club stickers

$2.00 ea

Official club logo; 3D club logo; or “I’M A VW CLUB MEMBER”

 VW Club cloth badge

$5.00 ea

Traditional club logo

 Day of the Volkswagen - various cloth badge & annual stickers $2.00 ea Collectors items (limited numbers)

 VW Club peak Cap - Club Logo

$15.00 ea

Adjustable velcro band at the rear

 Car Badge 2011 Toodyay Bug-In (no tongue)

$20.00 ea

Black and Yellow - 42nd National Bug-In Metal car badge (limited number)

Merchandise on sale at most club runs...

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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This month...

July 2015 # indicates a club run

Wednesday 1st

See Page 33

ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford

Saturday 4th


Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Sunday 5th



Wednesday 8th

MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETING 6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park

Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Wednesday 22nd

EVENTS COORDINATION MEETING 6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park

Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Friday 31st


Contact: CMC 9249 9457

See page 12

August 2015 Wednesday 5th

ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford

See Page 33

Wednesday 12th

MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETING 6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park

Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Saturday 14th # Sunday 15th


Contact: Harry 0422 584 130 Contact: Jo 0400021481

Wednesday 26th


Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park

September 2015 Wednesday 2nd

ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford

See Page 33

Wednesday 9th

MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETING 6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park

Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

Sunday 20th


Contact: Ray Willis 0407347340

See page 13 Wednesday 23rd


Contact: Jamie Barrett 0408 183 396

6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Monday 28th


Contact: Paul Markham

See Page 30

47th National

2016 Bug-In Friday

25th to Monday 28th March

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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Hi Club Members and Readers…… I want to thank you all for being apart of our great club. People join up for different reasons, some to get this ViaWest magazine, some are seeking information or advice, for some it’s to know what’ is going on, basically we all have our reasons. The committee members all put in effort in their spare time (note, some don’t really have the time but still put in). It is just fantastic that we have what we do. We are seeing more and more people at our events, posting on our Forum and on our Facebook pages every week. We must be doing something right. Feel free to give us feedback when you see us at an event or consider posting on the forum, we get lots of people “look” on the forum but for some reason are a bit shy to post? We have some really interesting stuff happening on the forum at the moment……We have a record number of “Build threads” on the go. Some very rare models are up there for you to watch the progress and learn or just look. As I said before consider posting something even if it’s a “well done” or “I could never do that, but I am enjoying watching” The builders and restorers love the support and comments. A great opportunity for you to join in is coming soon in the form of our AGM, we will roll with last years format as it made a good day. A cruise to the meeting, followed by pizzas on the oval made a nice welcome change. You will notice that the magazine is now always filled with event posters and reports. So thank you all very much for your contributions this year and I do hope you all join up again this year and help promote us to other like minded people. We are still in the middle of our 60th Club Year, lets keep the momentum going for the next 60! On the event front the Day of the Volkswagen is in the final planning stages. The annual “Down South” trip plans for later this year are bouncing around and Bug-In prep for next Easter has got some really good support, the foundations are in place for a great event then. Thank you all again and I’ll see you out there, Club President Jamie Barrett

VW Club of WA - Annual Charity for 2014/15 DuchenneFoundation Australia Your Volkswagen Club of WA has embarked on supporting charities or appeals either directly from the club funds or by assisting the charity or appeal in their goal to publicise their fundraising.

living with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy and their families, through research, education and advocacy.

 Support DuchenneFoundation events

Visit their website for more information.

So if you see a club member rattling a tin or two in the next twelve months at any of our events please drop in your loose all goes to a very good cause.

In the past, the Club has supportHow you can help: ed the Kids Cancer Support  Organise a DuchenneFoundaGroup, from ward 3b at Princess Margaret Hospital and also the tion fundraiser Toodyay Bushfire Appeal. In  Make a donation 2012/13 it was Telethon.  Buy DuchenneFoundation The Club commenced supporting merchandise the DuchenneFoundation Australia in 2013/14 and will do so again in 2014/15.

 Contribute to the VW Club’s fundraising efforts

The Committee

Duchenne Foundation's MISSION Using National and international collaboration to improve the quality and quantity of life for those


Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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14th MARCH 2016

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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July 2015

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2015 Annual General Meeting Sunday 20th September... 2015 Annual General Meeting Agenda Outline 10:00am; Complete the attendance book

The Treasurer: Shall present a summary and report of the accounts for 2014/15, showing clearly the nett surplus or deficit and the financial position of the club. They will make copies of the Financial Statement available to attending members and a copy for the Secretary.

Financial Members can nominate for any committee position in the Club, and obviously we need nominations for any position that is currently vacant or becoming vacant. The Secretary is to be advised of any committee member/s not renominating and of any nominations for committee positions.

As per the attendance book.

They will present a ‘forecast’ budget for the 2015/16 financial year and make a submission to the meeting on the membership subscription fee for the financial year following the AGM (2015/16).


General Business:

Committee members are required to attend all Committee Meetings and undertake all their positions' duties for the club. If you have any query about a position's role in the club you can contact any committee member for information. There is also information in the Constitution.

Secretary to be advised and they are to be announced at the meeting.

The meeting shall pass by resolution; (a) the subscription fee for the year following the AGM (2015/16); and (b) the form of the Membership Card.

Where there are multiple nominations for the one committee position, a vote of attending financial members will decide who is successful.

Announcements will be made for any Member of the Year; any new Lifetime Membership/s and the Membership Early Renewal Payment Competition Winner.

Every financial member personally present at the AGM is entitled to vote for each position to be elected and voting is by secret ballot.

Meeting Open 10:30am: The meeting will be opened and chaired by the President. Present:

Welcome to Visitors: Visitors are welcome, Secretary to be advised. Minutes of previous AGM: Copies will be made available by the Secretary for acceptance by the meeting. Business arising from Minutes of previous AGM: Any business listed in the Minutes of the previous AGM to be tabled (action noted). Correspondence: Will be acknowledged by the Secretary with anything specific for the AGM to be highlighted. Motions on Notice: Secretary to be advised, to be placed before the AGM.

Members can submit nominations for the Member of the Year and/or any Lifetime Membership/s to the Secretary before the AGM (includes explanation of whys and wherefores) Other General Business Please advise the Secretary of any matters that wish to be discussed...if possible before the AGM...if not then at the start of the AGM.


Election of Management Committee:

Committee members will submit reports to the meeting, making copies available to the Secretary.

All committee positions become vacant at the AGM. The club's committee for the next year will be voted in.

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

The person receiving the most votes for a committee position shall be elected to that committee position. The elected committee member shall hold that position until the next Annual General Meeting or (if sooner) until their committee membership otherwise terminates. 12:30pm Scheduled close of AGM All details of the AGM, the Committee and the club rules can be found in the VW Club Constitution...a copy is available on the website at…


60 Years in 2015!

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COASTAL CRUISE SCARBOROUGH 2015 Meeting at the north Scarborough car park everyone gathered to chat and wait for all to arrive. Then with a collective dak dak and puffs of VW haze we all made the drive down Fremantle. Cruising through Cottesloe along the beach our cars always get a wave and smile from everyone we pass. The sun was shining so it was a lovely drive and a lot of fun was had by all. We did a meet up at Captain Munchies to wait for everyone to get through all the lights and then made our way through the Cafe Strip in the middle of Freo; we were definitely a sight to see. We all parked up in one of the boat harbour car parks and made our way to Ciccerellos for fish & chips, coffee & cake and the usual fun chit chat. It was great to meet new members and see the different Volkswagens old and new out for another cruise. Jo Mill

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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July 2015

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Thank you to member Bill Shanklin of ‌ for our visit on our way to Albany...great T3s. Also thankyou to Mel Jardine and staff of the Albany Gardens Holiday Resort for making our stay a very welcome one...a great Caravan Park‌ Ray Willis

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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y a d s Thur June 4th Photo Night It was a calm warm night on the South Perth foreshore. Unfortunately the street lights were working – They weren’t while I was scouting for a venue. We had 3 vehicles to shoot, two Beetles, and a Split screen Panel van. We tried to use the car park lights as a feature and help with illuminating the cars. The river was still and helped reflect the light from the city and this made for an awesome backdrop in some of the pictures. We were treated to a fishing display by three dolphins in the shallows of the Swan River right next to where we were eating our dinner. That was a nice end to the evening. You can be the judge of the quality of pictures. I hope you enjoy them. Jamie Barrett

Light exposure ISO 100 F/5 25sec exposure 17mm

City Patina ISO 100 F/4.5 12sec exposure 12mm

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


ISO 100 F/5.6 13sec exposure 20mm

Rear end

ISO 100 F/5 30sec exposure 13mm

JU Angle ISO 100 F/5 30sec exposure 15mm


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

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Paper patina ISO 100 F/5.6 30sec exposure 24mm

Just lit



ISO 200 F/5.6 13sec exposure 20mm

ISO 200 F/5.6 13sec exposure 24mm


ISO 100 F/5.6 25sec exposure 24mm

ISO 100 F/5 25sec exposure 17mm

Paperbark ISO 100 F/5.6 25sec exposure 24mm

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

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JU Angle ISO 100 F/5 30sec exposure 15mm

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


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Photographer Jamie Barrett

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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July 2015

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SOUTH AFRICAN VWS From parts to whole cars, even restoration can be done there! T2s, T25s and Syncros. Want to know more...

Contact : Alan Avice Du Buisson Mobile: 0419907697 Email:

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

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Volkswagen Australia announces sweeping model changes with MY16 updates  Rear-view camera as standard  App-Connect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ as standard

drivers with their mobile phones. Further adding to the long list of standard equipment on key mod Upgraded petrol engines for Golf els, customers will be able to enjoy the features of App-Connect on an and Golf Wagon models upgraded 6.5-inch Composition  Polo GTI now with Sport Select Media high resolution touch screen Suspension as standard display, also standard across the Volkswagen Australia is pleased to range. announce a wide range of upVolkswagen Group Australia Mangrades to its model line-up with the aging Director, John White, welarrival of MY16 vehicles in the comed the arrival of the new MY16 coming weeks. These significant range: “Volkswagen has always upgrades across all major models stood for quality, innovation and represents the biggest model year value, and never has this been update in the local company’s his- more true in the company’s history tory, and reaffirms Volkswagen’s in Australia than with the arrival of commitment to offering exceptional our new model year vehicles,” Mr quality and value to its customers. White said.

weeks, with models available to order immediately.

From MY16, Volkswagen’s key models, including Polo, Golf, Jetta and Tiguan will benefit from the standard inclusion of a rear-view camera on all models in the range, as well as, for the first time, AppConnect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™. This innovative feature offers far enhanced connectivity for

Polo 66TSI Trendline Additional features over and above the MY15 Polo 66TSI Trendline

“It’s great to be able to offer our customers the best of German engineering, and in the coming weeks and months, our customers will be able to get even more bang for their bucks,” Mr White continued.

Pricing for some models in the MY16 range has also changed: 

Polo pricing changes from $100 to +$500

Golf and Golf Wagon pricing changes from -$200 to +$700

Golf GTI price drop from -$2000 to -$1000

Beetle price rise of +$600

Jetta Trendline price rise +$200

A full list of MY16 upgrades and changes is available below: POLO

Composition Media 6.5” (replaces Composition Colour 5.0”) high resolution touch screen display

The MY16 model range will begin App-Connect USB interface for Apto arrive in Volkswagen dealerships (Continued on page 34) across the country in the coming

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

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60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

(Continued from page 32)

ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ Rear View Camera (RVC) Polo 81TSI Comfortline Additional features over and above the MY15 Polo 81TSI Comfortline Composition Media 6.5” (replaces Composition Colour 5.0”) high resolution touch screen display App-Connect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ Rear View Camera (RVC) Polo GTI Additional features over and above the MY15 Polo GTI Sport Select suspension (electronically adjustable dampers) Including sportier tuning of a range of parameters (such as steering, sound actuator and accelerator response) by pushing the Sport button App-Connect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ Rear View Camera (RVC) Options The optional driving comfort package (Comfortline) now includes Discover Media satellite navigation. The Rear View Camera (RVC) has been removed from the package as it is now standard equipment The Rear View Camera (RVC) has been removed from the optional driver assistance package (GTI) as it is now standard equipment GOLF AND GOLF WAGON Golf 92TSI Additional features over and above the MY15 Golf 90TSI 1.4 litre TSI engine with 92kW of power (+2kW) and 200Nm of torque Composition Media 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) high resolution touch screen display App-Connect USB interface for Ap-

Via West

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ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™

Additional features over and above the MY15 Golf 110TDI Highline

Rear View Camera (RVC)

Discover Media satellite navigation system with 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) high resolution touch screen display

Please note: The entry Golf Wagon has been discontinued Golf and Golf Wagon 92TSI Trendline NEW MODEL: Additional features over and above the MY16 Golf 92TSI 15” Lyon alloy wheels (4)

App-Connect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ Vienna leather appointed upholstery with heated front seats

Parking distance sensors, front and Keyless Access, keyless entry and starting system rear with Optical Parking System (OPS) Golf GTI Additional features over and above Rain sensing windscreen wipers the MY15 Golf GTI Automatic headlight function Discover Media satellite navigation Automatically dimming interior rear system with 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) -view mirror high resolution touch screen disGolf and Golf Wagon 92TSI Complay fortline App-Connect USB interface for ApAdditional features over and above ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and the MY15 Golf 90TSI Comfortline MirrorLink™ 1.4 litre TSI engine with 92kW of Bi-Xenon headlights with LED daypower (+2kW) and 200Nm of time driving lights torque Keyless Access, keyless entry and Discover Media satellite navigation starting system system with 6.5” high resolution Golf GTI Performance touch screen display Additional features over and above App-Connect USB interface for Apthe MY15 Golf GTI Performance ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and Discover Media satellite navigation MirrorLink™ system with 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) Please note: The Golf 90TSI Comhigh resolution touch screen disfortline manual has been discontinplay ued App-Connect USB interface for ApGolf and Golf Wagon 110TSI Highple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and line MirrorLink™ Additional features over and above Keyless Access, keyless entry and the MY15 Golf 103TSI Highline starting system 1.4 litre TSI engine with 110kW of Golf R power (+7kW) and 250Nm of Additional features over and above torque the MY15 Golf R Discover Media satellite navigation Discover Media satellite navigation system with 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) system with 6.5” (replaces 5.8”) high resolution touch screen dishigh resolution touch screen display play App-Connect USB interface for ApApp-Connect USB interface for Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ MirrorLink™ Vienna leather appointed upholVienna leather appointed upholstery with heated front seats stery with heated front seats Keyless Access, keyless entry and BEETLE starting system Golf and Golf Wagon 110TDI Highline

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

Beetle (Continued on page 35)


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line with new TCR regulations

Tiguan 118TSI, 132TSI and 130TDI Production-based touring car with Additional features over and above 330 hp, front-wheel drive and six(Continued from page 34) the respective MY15 Tiguan models speed DSG gearbox Composition Media 6.5” (replaces First competitive test this weekend Introduction of App-Connect USB RCD510) high resolution touch in Spielberg (A) interface integrating Apple screen display CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirApp-Connect USB interface for Ap- Wolfsburg - A new Golf for the rorLink™ as standard equipment racetrack: Volkswagen Motorsport ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and The Rear View Camera (RVC) with is developing its first racing car MirrorLink™ static guidance lines is now standbased on the seventh generation Tiguan 155TSI R-Line ard equipment Golf. The production-based, 330Additional features over and above hp concept car is assembled in acOptions the MY15 Tiguan 155TSI R-Line cordance with TCR regulations and Discover Media satellite navigation Introduction of new generation Dis- is intended to help Volkswagen is now available as an individual cover Media infotainment system evaluate a potential customer racoption to replace the RNS510 satellite ing programme from the 2016 seaThe Blue Silk Metallic paint has navigation system son onwards. In order to accelerate been introduced Introduction of App-Connect USB the development of the car, the SCIROCCO R interface integrating Apple new Golf will be tested under comScirocco R CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and Mir- petitive conditions between now and the end of the season: as coIntroduction of new generation Dis- rorLink™ as standard equipment operation partner, the Liqui Moly cover Media infotainment system Options Team Engstler will run two cars at to replace the RNS510 satellite Discover Media satellite navigation the eighth round of the Touringcar navigation system system is now available as an opRacer International Series (TCR) at Introduction of App-Connect USB tion for 132TSI and 130TDI models the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg (A). interface integrating Apple (replacing the RNS510 option) CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and Mir“The newly created TCR category rorLink™ as standard equipment provides a promising platform for customer racing – on a national JETTA and international level. With excitJetta 118TSI Trendline ing races, production-based techAdditional features over and above nology and reasonable costs, it ofthe MY15 Jetta 118TSI Trendline fers a new outlook for private racComposition Media 6.5” (replaces ing teams,” said Volkswagen MoRCD310) high resolution touch torsport Director Jost Capito. screen display “When developing the Golf-based App-Connect USB interface for Ap- Concept car for customer racing, in concept car, we are able to fall ple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™

Volkswagen develops new Golf for the racetrack

Rear View Camera (RVC) with static guidance lines Jetta Comfortline, Highline and Highline Sport models Additional features over and above the respective MY15 Jetta models Introduction of new generation Discover Media infotainment system to replace the RNS510 satellite navigation system Introduction of App-Connect USB interface integrating Apple CarPlay™, Android Auto™ and MirrorLink™ as standard equipment Options The new Ruby Red Metallic paint has been introduced

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

(Continued on page 36)


60 Years in 2015!

July 2015

Via West

consistently developed racing chassis – even under the bonnet, the new Golf has been meticulously (Continued from page 35) prepared for its outings at the racetrack. Volkswagen Motorsport back on the resources at is developing the car in cooperation Volkswagen. This reduces both de- with the sport department at SEAT, velopment time and costs. meaning it can call on SEAT’s experience with the Leon Cup Racer. We will also use the rest of the As with the Volkswagen Group’s season to test the car under comproduction vehicles, the MQB platpetitive conditions and evaluate a form also offers many synergies for possible customer racing project racing cars and reduces the cost of from 2016.” assembling and running the touring Dynamic appearance: new Golf car. The two-litre turbo engine with epitomises racing genes direct fuel injection comes from the top sporting model, the Golf R. The Visually, the racing genes are clear racing version of this engine generto see on the Golf developed by ates 330 hp (243 kW) and 410 Nm Volkswagen Motorsport: 18-inch of torque. racing rims, a chassis roughly 40 centimetres wider than that of the production Golf, and a striking rear wing give the Golf a “ready-torace” look and first-class handling. An aerodynamically designed front splitter and carbon rear wing are also among the modifications for the racetrack. Among the components designed to protect the driver are a racing seat with head protectors, a racing safety cell, and a Australia recognised safety tank in accordance with FIA in Berlin regulations.

VW Retail World Championship:

Under the bonnet: the inner values National finalists from Volkswagen dealerships represent Australia in of the new Golf for the racetrack the categories of parts, sales, serA powerful four-cylinder engine, vice and technical DSG gearbox with shift paddles Over 250 specialists from over 70 mounted on the steering wheel, a

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countries compete in Berlin Volkswagen has once again welcomed its parts advisors, sales consultants, service consultants and technicians from across the Volkswagen Passenger Vehicle Dealer Network for the sixth international final of the Retail Qualification World Championship (RQWC), held in Germany recently. As winners of the national final in 2014, Australia was represented by Justin Suster (Essendon Volkswagen), Simon Hutchinson (Kinghorn Volkswagen), Reece McIntosh (Gerald Slaven Volkswagen) and Fabio Turano (Bayford Volkswagen, Camberwell), who competed against over 250 Volkswagen employees from 70 countries in the categories of parts, sales, service and technical respectively. Over three days, the competitors demonstrated skills in a number of practical and theory-based assessments in four specialised disciplines and an additional team group task. The Championships were held at a range of venues including the Volkswagen Academy in Wolfsburg and a Driver Training Centre in Berlin. The Australian contingent achieved strong results throughout the championship. Reece McIntosh achieved 3rd place for the Sales Consultant category in Asia Pacific, while Justin Suster came 2nd place for the Technician category in Asia Pacific, achieving an overall worldwide ranking of 5th. The RQWC provides vital stimuli for the focused development of employee training for sales and service partners in all Volkswagen markets.

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955


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Volkswagen extend their World Championship lead Victory and a “big point” on Sardinia. Fourth win of the season for Sébastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia in Italy Sixth place for Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila earns Volkswagen valuable points Volkswagen one-two-three on the closing Power Stage

on Sardinia allowed Volkswagen to significantly extend its leads in the A big step forward in the race for Drivers’, Co-Drivers’ and Manufacthe World Championship: Sébasturers’ Championships. After altien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia (F/F) most half the season in the FIA and Volkswagen made a big point World Rally Championship (WRC), with victory at the Rally Italy. Ogier Ogier/Ingrassia are now 66 points and Ingrassia’s third win in a row

clear of their closest rivals, while Volkswagen holds a 65-point lead. The road to the Polo R WRC’s fifth win of the season at the sixth rally of the year was literally a rocky one: faced with extremely tough conditions, scorching heat and the longest day of rallying for over a decade, the World Rally Car from Wolfsburg proved to be the fastest and most reliable. 14 special stages went to Volkswagen in Italy. Despite set-backs, Jari-Matti Latvala/ Miikka Anttila (FIN/FIN) were able to fight their way back to finish sixth in Italy. Andreas Mikkelsen/ Ola Fløene, returning for the second time under Rally 2 regulations, finished third behind their two team-mates to claim a bonus point on the Power Stage. Top class: TurbOgier on the podium for the 25th time with Volkswagen (Continued on page 38)

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day and Saturday initially cost them about three minutes, while damage to the suspension following a collision with a rock on the racing line cost a further five. Despite this, Latvala/Anttila and a val(Continued from page 37) iant mechanic – coupled with a magnificent driving display – enSébastien Ogier and Julien Insured the damage was kept to an grassia are the weekend’s biggest absolute minimum. In total, the winners, and not only courtesy of Finnish duo won seven special their third victory in a row on Sar- stages – more than their teamdinia: they paced themselves intel- mates. The final result: an outligently at a rally that placed the standing sixth place, given the setcar under enormous strain, rampbacks. ing up the pressure at exactly the A courageous point on the Powright time to move into the lead, er Stage: strong finishing sprint and then defending that lead clevfrom Andreas Mikkelsen erly in the closing stages. All the top teams suffered set-backs at the Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Fløene (N/ Rally Italy, as the tough conditions N) also claimed a moral victory. The duo were forced to retire on took their toll – except Ogier and Friday after unfortunately hitting a Ingrassia. Ogier/Ingrassia took hole in the road, and also failed to their place on the podium for the complete the Saturday. However, 25th time with the Polo R WRC – 21 times as winners and four times rejoining the race under Rally 2 regulations for the second time, as runners-up. they took their chance on Sunday Sheer willpower rewarded with to ensure they did not leave Italy points: Jari-Matti Latvala and empty-handed: Mikkelsen/Fløene Miikka Anttila scored one World Championship In contrast, Jari-Matti Latvala/ point, courtesy of third place on Miikka Anttila (FIN/FIN) lost time the Power Stage, on which points on several occasions. However, are awarded to the fastest three they showed an exemplary attitude cars. They were only beaten by to score valuable World Championtheir team-mates Sébastien Ogier/ ship points for themselves and Julien Ingrassia and Jari-Matti LatVolkswagen. Two punctures on Fri-

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vala/Miikka Anttila. For Volkswagen, these marked the 53rd, 54th and 55th time that one of the duos had picked up bonus points in 31 Power Stages. Almost 30 degrees – Rally Italy a real scorcher and a bone-shaker The kind of high temperatures that have virtually become a tradition on Sardinia made the Rally Italy a real scorcher – with air temperatures of around 29 degrees and up to 43 degrees out on the road. Faced with an extremely rutty gravel route, including large rocks, the drivers and co-drivers had to remain fully focussed at all times. This was a particularly tough challenge on Saturday: at 212.83 kilometres, this was the longest day of rallying since the 2002 Safari Rally. The long days meant the team was also pushed to its limit. The mechanics were working until shortly before midnight – the alarm then woke them again at five in the morning. However, the team provided the perfect backing for Ogier, Latvala and Mikkelsen and guaranteed three perfectly-prepared Polo R WRCs every morning. Quotes after day three of the Rally Italy Sébastien Ogier, Volkswagen Polo R WRC #1 “The win here on Sardinia was very important in our fight for the world championship. We now have a big lead over our rivals. The decisive factor for the success in addition to a perfect car and a fantastic team was that Julien and I were in perfect harmony this weekend. This is nothing unusual, but there were so many new stages here and the days were so long, that we both needed to be fully focussed the whole time. On top of that is the heat in the cockpit and the demanding and harsh stages - at the end of the day you are absolutely shattered when you fall into bed. This has been the most physically demanding rally of the season so (Continued on page 39)

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July 2015

Via West

tion. It's good that we took something that counts away. But naturally I am disappointed that we had something of a difficult rally here and we will learn from this. I'm already looking ahead to the next (Continued from page 38) rally weekend in Poland. It suited me well last year and we staged a far. Which is why I am so delighted great duel with Sébastien Ogier for and proud of this success in Italy.” the win. I hope that we can build on that in two weeks.” Jari-Matti Latvala, Volkswagen Polo R WRC #2 “The Polo R WRC continued to perform well today, but after yesterday's events it wasn't really possible to make up any ground. That's why we focussed on the Power Stage. Successfully. All in all, I should be happy with sixth place and a total of ten points after the Power Stage considering the problems I had this weekend. Despite this, there are also some positives to take away. We were fast over the entire distance. We can build on that for Poland. I'm looking forward to it already!“ Andreas Mikkelsen, Volkswagen Polo R WRC #9 “It wasn't going to be possible to get anything other than points on the Power Stage today. I really went for it, and with success. I did well on the Power Stage, I didn't make any mistakes and did the best I could with the starting posi-

Ogier defeats Mikkelsen as Volkswagen claims onetwo in Poland

Twelfth one-two in the history of the Polo R WRC – 28 wins from 33 starts Volkswagen in thrilling battle for the podium at the Rally Poland Only 100 per cent is good enough: Ogier just ahead of Mikkelsen, Latvala fifth What happens when two men drive the perfect rally: round seven of the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) saw Volkswagen claim an outstanding result, courtesy of a

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one-two, as well as first and third places on the closing Power Stage. Sébastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia secured their fifth win of the season at the Rally Poland, the 29th of their careers. Volkswagen has now started 33 rallies, during which time the two-time world champions have contributed 22 of the 28 victories achieved with the Polo R WRC. As such, they have been victorious in two thirds of all rallies since January 2013. However, Ogier/Ingrassia were pushed all the way to the finish at the fastest rally of the WRC year so far, and had to produce a flawless performance to fend off the challenge of teammates Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Fløene (N/N) and eventually win by just 11.9 seconds. Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila (FIN/FIN) in the third Polo R WRC was embroiled in a thrilling battle with Ott Tanak/ Raigo Mölder (EST/EST, M-SportFord) for third place, before ending the Rally Poland in fifth place following a last-minute mistake. Thrilling duel: two-time world champion vs. youngster has Rally Poland on edge of its seat The battle between Sébastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia and Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Fløene at the Rally Poland will go down as one of the most exciting duels in the history of rallying. In extreme heat, with the temperature never dropping below the 30-degree mark, and with vast stretches of the route taken at full throttle, the two duos produced virtually flawless performances in similar conditions. The challenger, Mikkelsen, kept the pressure on defending champion Ogier right down to the finish – in the end, Ogier had his nose in front by just 11.9 seconds. One and a half hours flat-out through Poland – high-speed festival in Masuria When it comes to speed, Andreas Mikkelsen is your man. The Volkswagen youngster clocked the quickest time on both of the fastest stages of the season so far, (Continued on page 40)

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“Gorklo” and “Wieliczki” – at average speeds of 131.09 and 128.13 kilometres per hour. Sébastien Ogier secured a hard-fought victory at the Rally Poland with an average speed of 121.41 km/h. The twotime world champion spent 60.31 per cent of the Rally Poland at full throttle. That is 1:28.10.1 hours of the winning time of 2:26.11.5 hours. The Rally Poland is now twelfth in the list of the 15 fastest WRC rallies of all time, in which the Rally Finland makes eleven appearances. For comparison: the fastest round in the history of the World Rally Championship took place in Finland in 2012 – with an average speed of 122.90 kilometres per hour. Exciting final few kilometres for Jari-Matti Latvala on his way to fifth place Fifth place – the final few metres of the Rally Poland had a dramatic twist in store for Jari-Matti Latvala. The 2014 World Championship runner-up arrived in Poland having never finished on the podium in Masuria, and that place on the rostrum ultimately eluded him again in 2015. In trying to wrestle third place from Ott Tanak, the Finn skidded off the track on the very last special stage, hitting a tree with the front of his car. Making his 150th appearance in the WRC, Latvala had to postpone the celebrations for the 49th podium of his career. However, he was able to rescue fifth place despite a damaged radiator, thanks to an energetic effort from his mechanics. Going into the closing Power Stage, Latvala was just 1.1 seconds behind Ott Tanak/Raigo Mölder (EST/ EST, M-Sport Ford).

All 14 World Rally Cars reached the finish, with just one returning under Rally 2 regulations: the retirement rate at the 2015 Rally Poland was remarkably low. As in Monte Carlo and Sweden, Volkswagen enjoyed another round of the World Championship without any technical problems, with nothing more than routine work required during the six major services – and that at the fastest and hottest rally of the year so far. The only exception was the seventh and last service for Jari -Matti Latvala’s Polo R WRC, which was successfully repaired in time for the final 2.1-kilometre liaison stage after his crash on the Power Stage.

pionship leaders Sébastien Ogier/ Julien Ingrassia. Ogier/Ingrassia top the standings with a 78-point lead over Mikkelsen/Fløene and 95 points in front of Latvala/Anttila, who are currently fourth behind Mads Østberg/Jonas Andersson (N/ S, Citroën). Volkswagen also extended its lead in the Manufacturers’ Championship and now lies 89 points ahead of its closest rival Citroën. Quotes after day three of the Rally Poland Sébastien Ogier, Volkswagen Polo R WRC #1

“A fantastic Rally Poland! I am absolutely delighted and happy to have repeated last year’s win here. The success story continues: Julien and I really produced a perseventh rally of the season, fect performance. The many fans third one-two for Volkswagen and sensationally fast stages made Volkswagen completed its twelfth this rally a fantastic event. The Poone-two in the history of the Polo R lo worked perfectly. A big thank WRC in Poland. In total, the Polo R you to my team for that. Apart WRC now has 54 podiums to its from the high temperatures, I had name after 33 rallies. Of 610 speloads of fun in the cockpit. The win cial stages, 417 have been won by is also a huge step towards the the Wolfsburg-based manufacturer. World Championship title. We may One-two in the Drivers’ Champion- now have a comfortable lead after ship – lead extended in the Manu- the first half of the season, but facturers’ Championship there are still six rallies to come.”

The excellent all-round team result in Poland sees Andreas Mikkelsen Low retirement rate at Rally Poland and Ola Fløene climb into second – despite high speeds and heat place overall, behind World Cham-

Volkswagen Club of Western Australia (Inc) since 1955

Jari-Matti Latvala, Volkswagen Polo R WRC #2 (Continued on page 41)


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July 2015

Via West

proved emphatically that they are the best three in the World Rally Championship. Secondly, they were involved in exciting battles with each other and our opponents, and did a great job of promoting the (Continued from page 40) sport of rallying. The rally was also optimal from a technical point of “I pushed to the absolute maxiview, without even a minor probmum as I tried desperately to lem. Our technicians can be exmake it onto the podium. Unfortu- tremely proud of that – as that nately it was not to be. The crash cannot be taken for granted at the on the Power Stage meant I hottest and fastest rally of the dropped back into fifth place. Foryear. The team could not be closer, tunately the Polo is a sturdy car as far as team spirit and healthy and, in the end, we were grateful rivalry is concerned. Andreas Mikto our mechanics, whose energetic kelsen enjoyed a fantastic rally, display kept us in the race. Without and narrowly missed out on his their efforts, we would not have first win. However, he proved that made it to the finish. Compliments Jari-Matti Latvala is not the only to my team-mates Andreas and man the world champion – SébasSébastien. I was not able to match tien Ogier – must view as a serious their pace this weekend. Next up is threat.” the Rally Finland – my personal ___________________________ highlight of the year. I would obviFIA Rally World Championship ously like to get back on the podium at my home race. That is what (WRC), I will be working toward.” Rally Poland – Final Result - top 5 Andreas Mikkelsen, Volkswagen 1. Sébastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia Polo R WRC #9 (F/F), Volkswagen 2h 26m 11.5s “That was by far the best WRC rally 2. Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Fløene of my career. I like the characteris(N/N), Volkswagen + 11.9s tics and high-speed rallies like the one here in Poland. I came close to 3. Ott Tänak/Raigo Mõlder (EST/ + 23.0s bagging a first win, and it ultimate- EST), Ford ly just came down to a few minor 4. Hayden Paddon/John Kennard details. I am incredibly proud of (NZ/NZ), Hyundai + 1m 14.6s our performance here in Poland. Sure, we came close in Sweden too, but that was our home rally. To be battling for victory on a par with the world championship here is of a completely different, far higher significance. I am confident it is only a question of time before we get our first win. Second place in Poland is far from a poor result for us, and worth its weight in gold in the World Championship. We have regained second place in the Drivers’ and Co-Driver Championship.”

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5. Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila (FIN/FIN), Volkswagen + 1m 24.7s ___________________________ FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), Overall Standings Drivers' Championship Points 1.

Sébastien Ogier



Andreas Mikkelsen


Mads Østberg


Jari-Matti Latvala


Thierry Neuville


Kris Meeke


Elfyn Evans


Hayden Paddon


Ott Tänak



Dani Sordo



69 66 58

53 53 44

Manufacturers' Championship Points 1. Volkswagen Motorsport


2. Citroën Total Abu DhabiWRT 125 3. Hyundai Motorsport 4. M-Sport



5. Volkswagen Motorsport II 49 6. Hyundai Motorsport N 43 7. Jipocar Czech National Team 35

Jost Capito, Volkswagen Motorsport Director “The Rally Poland was a virtually perfect rally in every regard for Volkswagen. Firstly, our drivers

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