Don’t let inflation cramp your style. Cash in on what’s hanging in your closet. And never overpay for the designers you love. Introducing sustainable luxury. The world’s best designers offered to you in a way that saves you money while saving the planet. Consign today and receive up to 80% commission on designer handbags. Short Hills - 800 Morris Turnpike, Suite 105 973-564-6464

TABLE of CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 VOL. 22 NO. 7 David J. Black FOUNDER & CEO Cathleen M. Black PRESIDENT & COO Michael J. Reidy ART DIRECTOR Vanice Gage Donegan BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Kimberly Blaker Cynthia Burns Sue ChristineBarryBaldiniFarberJanisHasheMaxwellJackieSchatellDeborahShapiro CONTRIBUTING WRITERS AmyDonnaSchwartzStanul REGIONAL SALES DIRECTORS Dan Epstein SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER Bart Gorin CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Mitchell Black Heidi RobertDommaschLeoMurray GUARDIAN ANGELS CIRCULATION 32,000 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE MAILED TO SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES IN: Berkeley Heights, The Chathams, Florham Park, Gillette, Harding, Millington, Madison, New Vernon, Millburn, New Providence, Short Hills, Stirling, Summit NEXT ISSUE: October 2022 Advertising Deadline: 09/15/22 In-Homes: 10/01/22 Calendar Callcalendar@VicinityMail.comsubmissions:Editorialsubmissions:editorial@VicinityMail.comforinfo:973-276-1688 Vicinity Magazine is published by Vicinity Media Group, 184 S. Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-303, Livingston, NJ 07039. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication can not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. Vicinity Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. 8 In the Vicinity 10 Local Heroes 10 Madison Mom Supports Babies with Hearing Loss 11 New Jersey Rescue Riders Supports Motorcycle Riders Injured on the Road 12 Summit’s Repair Cafe Event Fixes Your Things 13 Paper Mill AnnouncesPlayhouse2022-2023 Season 15 Focus on Education 15 Creating a ExperienceChallengingPositive,Education 16 Focus on Education Resource Listings 20 COVER STORY Kitchen a la Mode—From Ordinary to Extraordinary 24 Three-Generation Menorah Chapels Offers Dignified Jewish Funeral Services 25 100 Years of Serving the Community 26 Have Fun this Fall at the Jack O’Lantern Experience 27 Library Card Sign-Up Month 28 13th Annual Best of Essex Readers’ Choice Contest Categories 29 Mediterranean Delights 30 Art in the Vicinity Abstract Wood 32 Health and Wellness 33 Niyama Yoga Offers Integral Sound Therapy 34 Service, Quality and Style at B&Z Opticians 36 Wake Up Refreshed! 36 Restaurant Guide 38 Diamond Minds Back to the Beginning… Back to the BASICS On the Cover: Kitchen a la Mode Photo by Dan Epstein 26 6 Vicinity Magazine September 2022

908.280.1316 | 560 Central Avenue, New Providence NJ 07974 | Please call for an DESIGN•TEXTILES•HOMEWAREappointment. CWI DESIGN HAGERSTROMLAUREN

Brittany Curto of Berkeley Heights Creates Bridal Bouquet Keepsakes
Girl Scout Pavni Bhardwaj, a member of Berkeley Heights GS troop 40822 and a senior at UCVTS High School, is earning her prestigious Gold Award by creating both a children’s and sensory garden, which will be attached to the Berkeley Heights Community Garden. The Sensory Garden, which will offer a calming sensation, will incorporate pollinators, soft and fuzzy plants, herbs that smell good like rosemary, brightly colored flowers, and windchimes. It will be used by the special education department as an outdoor classroom and by other Girl Scout Troops. There will also be an ADA accessible picnic table at the garden and the Boy Scouts will be creating an ADA approved path to the garden. She is now fundraising to purchase a fence, irrigation components, soil, flowers and more. To donate go to: https:// Pavni says she is thrilled to be working on the project and knows it will provide a wonderful space for so many people.Pavni Bhardwaj If you or someone you know in Essex/Morris County is doing something interesting, send an email to
In The Vicinity
Michael Gray of New Providence is a five-tier magician that goes by “Magic By Michael” who has been performing for 30 years. When he is not doing magic at an event or party, he is running demonstrations and training people in the magic arts at Toys R’ Us at the American Dreams Mall. He says he loves what he does because he makes magic look magical to viewers. He shares that it doesn’t matter how old someone is, he enjoys suspending their disbelief. “My job is amazing, I get to fill people’s lives with a magical feeling,” he says. “If I make their lives a little more magical, they are happy, and I am happy.”
By Jackie Schatell
Girl Scout to Create Ambitious Project for Gold Award
8 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Michael Gray of New Providence Brings Magic to Life
Brittany Curto of Berkeley Heights, the owner of B Creative Flowers, has an unique passion—floral preservation. She preserves bridal bouquets and creates remembrance pieces using funeral flowers. She started the business after getting married in September of 2021, and not knowing what to do with her bouquet. Drawing from her own artistic background and online resources, she practiced with bridal bouquets from friends’ weddings before deciding to launch her business. “I love what I do and am so happy to create art from flowers that would ordinarily only be temporary pieces,” says Brittany. “I am happy to help prolong those memories for my clients.” Brittany offers many keepsake options that include resin display blocks, shadow box frames, candle holders, jewelry, coasters, and more, which can be seen on her website

Nirupama Mallavarupu, a Summit working mom says she found it hard to connect with other parents and stay on top of everything happening at school when her two boys were young. To solve this problem, Nirupama built a communication app for school parents called MobileArq. The app replaced the old paper directory that always went missing when she needed it the most. Over the years, the app has evolved to include an eCommerce platform that helps parent associations raise money online for schoolrelated activities. Schools across the country have adopted MobileArq, illustrating its value to parents and school-parent organizations. With increasing traction, Nirupama is realizing her goal of building better-connected and better-funded school communities. Nirupama also applies her technology expertise as a cybersecurity consultant for IBM and as a technology advisor for the City of Summit.
Summit Mom Creates App for Schools
Nirupama Mallavarupu
Katie Manning of Harding Teaches People with Special Needs to Swim
Next-Day Delivery from 70,000 sq ft Warehouse 2980 Rte 10 West, Morris Plains • HUGEPelicanShops.com973-267-0964IN-STOCKSELECTION!Wicker, Cast, Resin, Wood, More! • Replacement Cushions Umbrellas • Gas & Wood Fire Pits • Custom Outdoor Kitchens ALL MAJOR BRANDS DISCOUNTED We Deliver to the Jersey Shore! NEW JERSEY’S LARGEST DISPLAY CLEARANCE! NOW THRU SEPT. 11TH Come Early for Best Selection! 50% OFFSAVE UPTO Worth the Trip From Anywhere! Mon-Sat 10am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm NJ’S LARGEST OUTDOOR SELECTION! BUILD IT IN OR LEAVE IT OUT… OWN A POOL! FREE DELIVERY & ASSEMBLY ON WEBER GRILLS $499+ THE ULTIMATE BACKYARD GATHERING PLACE! COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION… BRING FRIENDS! Suburban Essex 2022 VOTE FOR US! FOR BEST SPORTS SHOP & BEST SPECIALTY STORE
Katie Manning of Harding, a swim instructor at Kim Swims in Denville, specializes in working with children and adults with developmental and emotional special needs. A mom of children with special needs herself, she has been coaching and teaching for over 10 years. “I tend to gravitate toward working with children struggling with being comfortable in the pool and those with special needs because of my own experiences with my children,” she says. “I am conscious of the needs of my students and can identify their potential.” She loves what she does and says that the magical moment when she can look into the eyes of her students and know that they trust her is what fills her cup. “It is brilliant to see a child go from crying to saying, ‘I can swim,’” she says. She can be reached kat.senese123@gmail.comat
September 2022 9

Babies enrolled in the Sound Start Babies Program receive home-based services provided by a tailored team of audiologists, teachers of the deaf, speech/language pathologists, and occupational and physical therapists. In addition, Sound Start Babies offers an award-winning nursery program, which provides a nurturing environment that fosters the skills to support life-long learning. The nursery program is for children ages 18 to 36 months, with and without hearing loss, who learn side by side in small groups. The Sound Start Babies Nursery is the only program of its kind in New Jersey.
Over $6 million has been raised since the inception of the Foundation that began 25 years ago.
Michael, Ian and Jessica Griffin
The Sound Start Babies Program has helped thousands of babies with hearing loss learn to listen, speak, communicate, and achieve their full potential. Sound Start Foundation supports up to 65% of the program’s budget every year.
“I believe that all children with hearing loss deserve the same quality of care and level of service that our family received.”
If you know someone that goes above and beyond, send an email to
Madison Mom Supports Babies with Hearing Loss
10 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Local Heroes
The CDC says that about two to three out of every 1,000 children in the US are born with a detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears. According to Sound Start Foundation, “If babies with hearing loss don’t receive intensive and personalized therapy during the most critical years of brain development – newborn to age three – irreversible delays in speech and learning can occur.”
By Jackie Schatell Madison resident Jessica Griffin is the president of Sound Start Foundation, a nonprofit which supports educational and therapeutic programs to help babies and toddlers with hearing loss, and their families, lead full and successful lives. Sound Start Foundation supports the Sound Start Babies Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, which provides life-changing early intervention, family support and nursery programs to children with hearing loss throughout New Jessica, of four, became involved with the organization after the birth of her second child, who was born deaf. Her son attended the Sound Start Babies Program beginning when he was a newborn. He is now nine years old, mainstreamed at a Madison elementary school and is learning on par with his hearing peers. Jessica first joined the Board of Trustees in 2014 and was elected president in 2016. “My son thrived after leaving Sound Start Babies because of the first-rate quality early intervention and therapies the program provided,” says Jessica.
Sound Start Foundation, which has a goal of raising at least $500K each year, held its 25th Anniversary Kick-off Cocktail Party in June, and will be hosting its 25th Anniversary Benefit on October 6th at The Mansion at Mountain Lakes. The event features a cocktail hour, silent and live auctions, a wine pull, and entertainment by Mandy Harvey, a deaf singer, songwriter, and motivational speaker who won an America’s Got Talent ‘Golden Buzzer.’ To attend the event, donate, or learn more, go to

By Jackie Schatell
NEW JERSEY RESCUE RIDERS Supports Motorcycle Riders Injured on the Road 1/8TH 1/8THSuburban Essex Gold Winner 2021BRO.COMBRO.COMMANCAVE FAIRFIELD - FREEHOLD - POINT PLEASANT THE GAME ROOM STORE—EST. 1974 Suburban Essex 2022 VOTEFORUS! $200 OFF ANY COMPLETE ROOF New clients only. Must be presented at signing of agreement. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 09/30/22. 973-324-9461 50 Year Guarantee on All Work with a System Plus Warranty CUSTOM ROOFINGCARPENTRYandSIDING Lic# CE17703 SidingRoofing Windows Doors 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Suburban Essex 2022 VOTEFORUS! September 2022 11
Motorcycle enthusiasts Russell Breninger and his wife, MaryAlice, have brought together a group of riders, called the New Jersey Rescue Riders (NJRR), who share their commitment at being prepared to respond to medical emergencies while touring the highways and backroads. NJRR offers free medical safety training and medical stand-by services to the motorcycle community and the general public. They are huge advocates of paying it forward by helping others on the road address an emergency until medical help arrives. NJRR is a 100% volunteer group drawing members from across the state and serving all of NJ. Members of the group are volunteers who have trained, at a minimum, in basic medical emergency response skills and accident scene management to support the rescue efforts until the arrival of an ambulance. Required classes include First Aid, CPR and AED training, Stop the Bleed, and more advanced training at the discretion of the volunteer. Russell says that while you do not have to be a medical professional to join, EMTs, nurses and paramedics are among the team members and are always welcome.
Local Heroes
Russell shares that knowing what to do is very empowering. “NJRR is my way of giving back to the community which has offered me so much,” says Russell.
Aside from helping at accidents, by invitation, NJRR participates in events like walks, runs, motorcycle charity events, and more as the medical standby team that travels along the designated route. To become a member of NJRR or to book them to attend an event, go to
If you know someone that goes above and beyond, send an email to
Russell started NJRR because he noticed that “most people do not know what to do in an emergency and especially in the case of a crisis on the road. Often, no one takes charge which slows the necessary response.” Through the training Russell received while on a Rescue Task Force in Morris County, he saw how to address the need and a way to offer some valuable tools enabling a bystander to “be the help until help arrives.” He says that he and the members of NJRR can jump right in and lead a rescue effort.

Your beloved but broken items can be repaired at Summit’s Repair Café Repair services available at this event will include small electronics, jewelry, sewing/textiles, lamps, computers, woodworking, knife sharpening and bicycles. Marty’s Reliable Cycle will be attending to provide bicycle repairs. This is a free event, and no appointment is necessary, though contributions help to fund future repair events. Replacement parts for lamps will be available for an at-cost fee. Please only bring items that you can carry into our event unaided. Repairs are limited to 2 total items per person.
OPEN TUE-SAT 343 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell • 973-228-1167 Stack Your Story! /SmithCoGifts @SmithCoGifts SmithCoGifts Suburban Essex 2022 VOTEFORUS! MulroeLandscaping.com973-865-5855 PLAN YOUR FALL LAWN MAINTENANCE NOW • SEEDING/OVERSEEDING • AERATION/DETHATCHING • TURNINGFERTILIZINGHOMES INTO DESTINATIONS Suburban Essex 2022 VOTEFORUS! 12 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Summit’s Repair Café events are co-sponsored by the Summit Area Green Faith Circle and Repair Café Garden State. Green Faith Circle’s goal is to inspire, educate, organize, and mobilize people of diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds globally for environmental action. Repair Café Garden State is a network of community organizers who host monthly repair events across the state. Saturday, September 17, 11am-3pm Christ Church, 561 Springfield Avenue, Summit |

“Investors Bank is proud to sponsor the Broadway-caliber shows produced by Paper Mill Playhouse during the 2022-2023 season,” said Domenick Cama, Citizens Market President, New York City and New Jersey. “We are greatly committed to the arts and the impact they have in enriching our communities and appreciate supporting the theater’s education programs that inspire thousands of students each year to explore their talent, develop their goals and pursue their dreams.” Investors Bank is now a division of Citizens Bank, N.A.
Paper Mill Playhouse’s 2022-2023 lineup features: On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan (Oct 7 – Nov 6, 2022) An inspiring true story about achieving the American Dream.
Paper Mill Playhouse recipient of the 2016 Regional Theatre Tony Award, is proud to announce its 2022-2023 season, including a gripping murder mystery, a Disney hero of mythic proportions, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s beloved final musical, the Tony-nominated story of two Latin music icons, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical that defined a generation.
The Sound of Music (Dec 2, 2022 – Jan 1, 2023) A triumphant story of family and love.
“Paper Mill Playhouse has so much to offer audiences next season, from true stories and classic musicals to mysteries and myths,” said Mark S. Hoebee. Producing Artistic Director. “We’ll kick things off with the irresistible rhythms of the Miami Sound Machine in On Your Feet!, then get swept up in the romance and nostalgia of The Sound of Music to ring in the holidays. In 2023 we’ll continue our longstanding relationship with Disney Theatrical Productions with the mythical musical adventure of Hercules, followed by the suspenseful Murder on the Orient Express. We’ll close out the season alongside the bohemian artists of Jonathan Larson’s celebrated musical sensation, Rent. I suspect audiences will find it hard not to sing along this season!”
Paper Mill Playhouse 22 Brookside Dr, Millburn | 973-376-4343 www. 13
Disney’s Hercules (Feb 16 – Mar 19, 2023) A mythical musical adventure.
Paper Mill Playhouse Announces 2022-2023 Season 2022
Michael Stotts, Managing Director, commented, “We’re proud to be able to give these beautiful and exciting shows the productions they deserve on our recently named Marilyn and Monroe Markovitz Stage, which will receive plenty of technological improvements prior to the 2022-2023 season. And there’s even more beyond the stage with Paper Mill’s audience enhancement programs, including cast Q&As, Paper Mill Prologues and The Director’s Viewpoint.”
Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express (Apr 12 – May 7, 2023) Eight suspects, one thrilling ride. Rent (May 31 – Jun 25, 2023) An iconic musical about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today.
Local Buzz

Sunday, September 11th & 18th, 2022 Train departures 1, 2, 3 & 4pm. Rain or shine. Train fare includes admission to museum. Whippany Railway Museum 1 Railroad Plaza in Whippany | www.WhippanyRailwayMuseum.net973-887-8177
Local Buzz Whippany Railway Museum Presents: ‘Morris & Essex Limited’
Treat your Grandparents to a leisurely ride on the non-profit Whippany Railway Museum’s ‘Morris & Essex Limited’ excursion train. Sit back and relax during the 45-minute, 10-mile round trip ride through Morris and Essex Counties. The kids will enjoy a ride in one of their restored historic cabooses, as they experience the way railroaders traveled and worked every day for over 130 years, when virtually every freight train in North America was trailed by a caboose. Ride in style when you upgrade to one of their premium passenger cars. Choose from two outstanding cars: the award-winning Lackawanna Railroad Subscription Club Car No. 2454, which radiated elegance on a train once known as ‘The Millionaire’s Express’ that operated between Hoboken Terminal and Gladstone, NJ. The Central Railroad of New Jersey club car ‘Jersey Coast’ is a beautifullyrestored conveyance that features all the amenities offered by the CNJ’s deluxe Blue Comet passenger train of the 1930s. The Blue Comet ran between Jersey City and Atlantic City, NJ, and the striking paint scheme of cream and blue reminds one of a comet streaking through space. Bring your camera—there is a large assortment of restored rail cars and locomotives at the Museum site in Whippany, along with historic railroad exhibits and operating model train layouts.

Established HandicapIndependently1975OwnedAccessible Not affiliated with any other funeral home 560 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ robinwoodkitchens.com908.665.5900 KITCHEN & BATH DESIGN • CABINET REFACING IN WOOD CABINETRY & COUNTERTOP SALES • PROJECT MANAGEMENT • INSTALLATION Focus on Education
Creating a Positive, EducationalChallengingExperience
Villa Walsh Academy is a college preparatory Catholic school that provides an exceptional educational experience for young women. Rooted in the mission of St. Lucy Filippini, the founder of the The Religious Teachers Filippini, VWA prides itself on empowering young women to develop a passion for lifelong learning and to share their knowledge through acts of service to local and global Withincommunities.expansive classrooms, auditoriums, fully equipped science labs, and a state-of-the-art athletic facility, you find a caring and supportive teaching staff dedicated to the success of each student. A well-rounded and extensive curriculum provides educational opportunities for young women to explore every facet of their individuality, unafraid to forge ahead and leave their marks on the world. Home to the first all-female Robotics Team in New Jersey, VWA embraces STEM curricula and encourages students to pursue fields of interest currently underrepresented by females.
Villa Walsh Academy students and alumnae are confident, competent, empathetic leaders who make a difference in the world. Visit an open house to see what makes Villa SHINE! Villa Walsh Academy 455 Western Avenue, Morristown www.villawalsh.org973-538-3680
September 2022 15
Villa Walsh Academy encourages students to develop a passion for lifelong learning

To schedule a school tour call 908-598-8088 • 249 Bebout Ave, Stirling, NJ 07980 •
Lower/Middle School 15 Tower Hill Road, Mountain Lakes High School 24 Changebridge Road, 973-334-1234Montville |
Delbarton School 230 Mendham Rd, (
Early Childhood Elementary Middle School
Mandarin & Spanish Immersion Day School - Learning Subjects in 2 Languages
To view a virtual tour, visit their website. The mission of The Craig School is it provide students a strategy-based, comprehensive, and challenging school experience that acknowledges their learning disabilities, builds on their aptitudes, and strengthens their self-awareness and selfesteem. They help parents assess their child’s true potential and understand the nature of learning disabilities and provide families an internal support network within the Craig community.
Delbarton is an independent Roman Catholic day school for young men guided by Benedictine monks. The School offers enriched programs in grades 7 & 8 and AP courses in all departments on its 200acre campus. Delbarton welcomes diverse young men and challenges them to pursue excellence, to build character, and to develop leadership through service, by education the whole person: mind, body and spirit.
Many globally minded parents want their children to be able to “navigate the world” through an understanding of various cultures and becoming biliterate in Spanish and English. Typical school programs do not provide an environment fostering biliteracy and students lose a critical window of language development between the ages of 0-13. Join us for an on-site tour to learn how our unique model and environment support biliteracy, cognitive skill development, cultural understanding and executive functioning skills to best prepare our children for the 21st century.
16 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Focus on ResourcesEducation&OpenHouses New Jersey parents are fortunate to have a wealth of options for their children’s education, tutoring and enrichment classes. Open houses provide insider information and help to answer questions for parents. Please contact each school or center directly for any questions.
The Craig School
HudsonWay Immersion School develops academically strong, biliterate students in NJ’s leading full immersion Spanish and Mandarin Preschool-Grade 8 Day School

New Jersey School of Ballet 7-9 Vreeland Rd, Florham Park Agewww.njschoolofballet.com973-597-9600Group:Ages4through
A ofSenseHealthyBalance
249 Bebout Avenue, Stirling www.hwis.org908-598-8088
Founded in 2005, HudsonWay Immersion School is a pioneering language immersion program offering Mandarin and Spanish immersion education. Our rigorous adherence to full immersion as well as our commitment to teaching and nurturing the whole child uniquely position HudsonWay (HWIS) to help children develop the skills to become self-directed learners capable of navigating the world. Their mission is to help build the knowledge, skills, and character of their students, so they can become meaningful global contributors and citizens of the world.
September 2022 17
Mount St. Dominic Academy 3 Ryerson Avenue, Caldwell 973-226-0660 / www.msdacademy. Ageorg Groups: 14-18 years old (girls only) Open House: October 5, 6:30pm and October 23, 12pm Truth and love. Inquiry and commitment. Knowledge and action. These words are at the heart of Mount St. Dominic Academy, dedicated to educating and empowering young women in the Dominican Tradition.
It’s been the heart of MBS for decades An exceptional education must include Scan to learn more or scheduletoa tour.
(continued on next page)
Morristown Beard School 70 Whippany Rd, Morristown | Age Group: Grades 6-12 Visit to schedule a tour or register for an Information Session. Contact the Admission Office at or 973-539-3032 x516 for more information regarding admission events. Within a culture of support and collaboration, Morristown Beard School students discover and develop their individual pathways to academic success and personal fulfillment while becoming enlightened, morally responsible citizens of the world.
Adult For more than 65 years, New Jersey School of Ballet has provided top quality instruction for thousands of students ages 4 through adult, from beginners through professionals. The School’s program is designed for those who aspire to a career in dance as well as for those who want to enjoy an excellent form of exercise

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) 14 South Park Street, Montclair 973-498-8943 (text) | 973-655-9819 (call) Agewww.smapa.orgGroups:Age 2-adult Open House: Saturday, September 17 SMAPA is a Black-owned, not-for-profit 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization whose mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults. Temple Sholom 760 Pompton Ave, Cedar Agewww.sholom.net973-239-1321GroveGroups:ESK-5 grade; MS 6-8 grade; HS 9-12 grade Temple Sholom of West Essex is a vital inclusive Reform congregation that embraces individuals and families in a warm, nurturing environment. All members enjoy tuition tree Religious School.
previous page)
Villa Walsh Academy 455 Western Avenue, Morristown 973-538-3680 | Age Groups: Grades 7-12 (young women)
Focus on Education Resources & Open Houses (continued from
Open House: Sunday, October 2 and Wednesday, October 5 Set on a picturesque campus in Morristown, Villa Walsh Academy sits on 120 acres of rolling hills. The magnificent 19th century Gillespie Estate is home to the Religious Teachers Fillipini as well as administrative offices. Academic buildings, a state-ofthe-art athletic center, St. Lucy Chapel, expansive classrooms, auditoriums, and fully equipped science labs round out the topnotch facilities Villa Walsh Academy offers its students. Villa Walsh Academy’s community seeks to inspire our young women to expand their intellectual breadth and depth, to enhance their sense of local and global concern, and to empower them to influence their world in a Christian manner.
Winston Preparatory School 901 Route 10 East, Whippany 973-500-6480 | Age Groups: Grades 2-12 Open House: Tuesday, October 18 Winston Prep is a highly individualized and responsive setting for students with specific learning differences, including language processing disorders such as dyslexia, nonverbal learning disabilities such as Asperger’s, and executive functioning difficulties such as ADHD. Through ongoing presentation of methodologies, students develop a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, using the continuous feedback model, they can build academic skills, enhance selfconfidence and independence, as well as improve self-advocacy skills.\
18 Vicinity Magazine September 2022

Newspapers, magazines, and niche periodicals are available for both in-library use and check out.
By Kimberly Blaker
If she can see it, she can be it. Attend our Open House and see for yourself what the Mount means to our students, faculty,
A wide array of programs, events, and activities are found at libraries throughout the year. These may include children’s storytimes, computer classes, enrichment programs, book discussion groups, used-book sales, author events, children’s and teen movies, craft activities, and more. Caldwell, NJ | 973.226.0660 and
Today’s libraries offer a great selection of mainstream movies and television series as well as educational, independent, and foreign films on DVD for kids and adults alike.
Public Library PublicLibrary 3 Ryerson Avenue,
Welcome Back We Lead With VILLA WALSH ACADEMY 55 years of Educational Excellence! TRUTH & KNOWLEDGE VILLA WALSH ACADEMY Academics | Community | Values College Preparatory Catholic Day School for Young Women | Grades 7 - 12 2022 OPEN HOUSES: Sunday, Oct. 2nd | 1:00pm - 4:00pm Wednesday, Oct. 5th | 6:30pm - 8:00pm | 973.538.3680 455 WESTERN AVENUE, MORRISTOWN, NJ 07960 Library Sign-UpCardMonth
families. Register Today! Empowering Young Women Since 1892 MSDA Open House | October 5 | October 23 September 2022 19
If you can’t find a book or item you’re looking for, most libraries have inter-library and reciprocal loan programs. Some library systems also have arrangements so you can use your library card at libraries in nearby communities.
The library has an array of children’s educational software and video games. You can also find teen and adult video games, instructional and reference software, and productivity software ranging from Microsoft programs to graphic design.
What’s the most essential school supply of all? “A library card,” says the American Library Association (ALA). September is Library Card Sign-up Month. The observation began in 1987 when U.S. Secretary of Education William J. Bennett urged a national campaign for all kids to obtain and use a library card. Today’s libraries offer a broad array of free materials, services, and activities for kids and adults alike. Here are just a few great reasons to make the library an integral part of your and your child’s life.
Nearly all libraries offer free computer access for Internet browsing and research. You’ll also likely have access to basic word processing programs, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
In addition to vast collections of print fiction, non-fiction, and reference books, libraries offer audiobooks on CD, including unabridged editions. Many libraries also provide ebooks in multiple formats.
MUSIC CDS Music is the universal language. You’ll find a large selection of pop, rock, and country music CDs at the library. You can even introduce your kids to classical, jazz, blues, international music, and more.

Initially established in 2008, Catherine Fisher and her husband, Andrew Kit, bought the business in 2018. “The store already had a large following, so we kept many of the original ideas,” Fisher stated. “Perhaps our biggest change was the layout of the merchandise. We streamlined the organization and flow of the merchandise to enhance the shopping experience,” she adds. As new owners, they added an e-commerce profile to the business. This online shopping service expanded the customer base, allowing for the ease of shopping at any time, from any location.
By Christine S. Maxwell, photos by Dan Epstein
continued on the next
Kitchen a la Mode in South Orange can equip the perfect kitchen.
From Ordinary to Extraordinary
page 20 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
kitchen a la mode
From gadgets to high-end cookware to unique finds—patrons will undoubtedly discover everything you need for the kitchen of your dreams.

Catherine Fisher

kitchen a la mode From Ordinary to Extraordinary continued from the previous page
Success often creates expansion. And for Kitchen a La Mode that can’t be truer in their new location opening in October at 61 South Orange Avenue (one block from current location), where increased services are introduced. The new site is approximately three times the size of the former store and brings new opportunities and increased service for Thereshoppers.isaunique
A small specialty shop such as Kitchen a la Mode provides services based on real-life experiences for its clients. “We are here to offer excellent products and great customer service,” explains Fisher.
selection of 12 types of olive oil and vinegar products from which to choose and refill your bottle service will be available. Some of the exciting features of the new location are a demo kitchen and special classes. Other plans include adding selections for bathroom décor and a tabletop collection.
22 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Kitchen a la Mode’s most popular services—their extensive stainless steel knife sharpening service—will also continue. “We are one of the few knife sharpening services in the area, and the only one I am aware of that provides inhouse, overnight sharpening,” states Fisher.
The new store’s offerings will also include sharpening of ceramic knives and repairing the blades of knives for a slight upcharge; the automatic refill and delivery of CO2 canisters for soda makers; and 48-hour delivery of all purchases within a specified area.
At this location many one-of-kind items abound. A local blacksmith makes an additional copy of her knife creations for the shop, and others prepare chocolates and spices. “We offer a vast assortment of products from the ordinary to the extraordinary,” says Fisher. “If a client wants a certain item, we will do our best to provide it.”
“We answer questions and help you find the right item.” That may also mean tips on maintaining products.

Kitchen a la Mode 19 South Orange Avenue, South Orange 973-821-5145,
“For example, we ensure that clients who purchase a non-stick pan learn how to maintain it. With this knowledge, clients prolong the use of their items and get better value for their selections,” says Fisher. “We are problem solvers and want to enhance the total cooking experience.”
An improved website will also offer a wealth of information to clients, including the store’s product selections, recipes, seasonally appropriate items, and foods. In addition to making online purchases, customers can also access special events and register for community classes.
September 2022 23

24 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Menorah Chapels can help you with an immediate need for funeral services or in pre-planning a funeral arrangement for yourself or someone you love. “I like to help the community by providing services in a caring and thoughtful manner,” said Karen. Menorah Chapels at Millburn 2950 Vauxhall Road, Union www.menorahchapelsatmillburn.com908-964-1500 Eric Kerstein and Karen R. Kerstein
WE PAY CASH FOR USED CAMERAS & LENSES STOP IN FOR An APPRAISAL shop, learn & save in-store or online at uniquephoto. com trade in and trade up camera & video superstore now 2 unique superstore locations: fairfield, NJ • Philadelphia, pa 123 US Hwy 46 (West) Fairfield, NJ 07004 (973) 377-2007 M-W: 10 AM - 5 PM | Th-F: 10 AM - 6 PM | Sat: 10 AM - 5 PM | Sun: 10 AM - 4 PM details.forstoresseeapplymayrestrictionsSomeC M Y CM MY CY CMY K Three-Generation Menorah Chapels Offers Dignified Jewish Funeral Services
Menorah Chapels has been serving the Jewish Community of Northern and Central New Jersey for over four decades. The threegeneration business was established by Herbert Ross (of blessed memory) in 1975. It is now run by Herb’s daughter, Karen R. Kerstein manager and president, and her son Eric Kerstein.
Menorah’s purpose is to serve the Jewish community by providing a dignified Jewish burial for every faction of the Jewish community. The staff is trained in all aspects of the Jewish funeral and offers guidance in selecting the funeral that meets your needs religiously, financially and with sensitivity.

“We’re in the Make-Sure business,” says Denny Klein. “Everything can change in a moment, and we’re here to hold your hand through the process when the unthinkable happens.” 25
Whether you’re a small mom and pop store or a multi-milliondollar company, RFK Insurance’s clients can expect the same level of one-on-one customer service.
100 Years of Serving Communitythe
The Klein family first got its start in the insurance industry in 1922 when Joseph A. Klein, a civil engineer at the time, spoke up about how he was unhappy with the quality of service from the person who handled the insurance at the local building and loan. The person who then handled the insurance told Joseph, “Well if you think you can do a better job than you can do it.” And that is exactly what he did.
“In a time where most insurance companies’ idea of customer service is a 1-800 number to a call center on the other side of the country, our team is proud to offer hands-on local customer service,” says Joey Klein. “Being a local Insurance professional isn’t about being there during normal business hours, it’s about being able to look a person in the eyes and tell them everything’s going to be OK when the unthinkable happens.”
RFK Insurance 165 Passaic Ave #308, Fairfield | 973-582-6200
(Left-Right) – Danna Hanley, David Lamarra, Denny Klein, Joey Klein, John Chiaia & Deborah Gangemi Joey and Denny Klein 2022
Through the leadership of Denny, RFK Insurance gives clients the benefit of his vast risk management knowledge. Denny spent nine years as the Risk Management Consultant for the New Jersey Highway and Turnpike Authority, where he also supervised all of the risk management for the building of the Driscoll Bridge. “Risk management is the science, insurance is the tool that we use to help our clients to preserve everything they’ve worked for,” says Denny.
Photos by Dan Epstein Rand, Feuer & Klein LLC (RFK Insurance), a fourthgeneration insurance agency specializing in Personal and Commercial Insurance and Risk Management services, celebrates 100 years of serving the community. RFK Insurance is owned and operated by Dennis F. Klein CPCU, ARM “Denny,” third generation business owner. Joseph C. Klein AINS “Joey”, his son and fourth generation serves as Assistant Vice President. “We are very proud to be serving our community for 100 years and four generations,” says Denny, a top expert in risk management and insurance. “Joey and I are carrying the torch to bring four generations of excellence and professionalism, and a broad intellectual capability in personal and business insurance, as well as risk management.”

By Sue Baldani
Skylands Stadium 94 Championship Place Augusta, NJ 07822
Offered by the State Fair Group of New Jersey, it’s a great way for kids and adults to get into the Halloween spirit.
Local Buzz
2022 Food and Music Festival, hosted by Home for Good Dog Rescue is a pet-friendly and family-friendly event. The two days will be chock full of live music from two of NJ’s most popular bands: B-Street Band on Saturday; and Brian Kirk & The Jerks on Sunday.
Two-Day Food and Music Festival
Jack O’ Lantern Experience tickets must be purchased in advance fallTickets
The spectacular Jack O’ Lantern Experience is back for its third year at Skylands Stadium in Sussex County from September 23rd to November 6th.
Endless entertainment will include food trucks, craft vendors, beer and wine, K-9 contests with prize raffles and dog adoptions. All HFG alum are invited to reunite with their siblings and former foster families—you don’t want to miss this annual bash!
Endless entertainment will include food trucks, craft vendors, beer and wine, K-9 contests with prize raffles and dog adoptions. All HFG alum are invited to reunite with their siblings and former foster families—you don’t want to miss this annual bash!
Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11 Gates pen: 11am; Activities commence: 12noon; Music: 12noon-4pm 336 Loantaka Way, Chatham 26 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
Start off with an approximately 45-minute walk through over 6000 hand-carved pumpkins in all their blazing glory. “We also have the world famous talking pumpkins,” says Justin Ferrarella, general manager at Skylands Stadium. “They tell jokes, sing, and talk amongst themselves, which is really Afterwards,awesome.”takepart in the fall festival and enjoy seasonal favorites such as hot apple cider and roasted nuts. Or, indulge in other treats like funnel cake and deep-fried Oreos. Adults can listen to live music in the beer garden while enjoying over 30 different craft beers, plus ciders, wine and seltzers. Skylands on-site restaurant, the Double S Smokehouse, will be offering delicious barbeque as well. Continue the fun on carnival rides like the Ferris wheel and carousel, then have the kids take part in the Under the Sea bubbles attraction and meet Disney princesses. “There will also be a Jurassicthemed attraction,” says Justin. “Honestly, there’s something for people of all ages.”
Local Buzz
Two-Day Food and Music Festival
2022 Food and Music Festival, hosted by Home for Good Dog Rescue is a pet-friendly and family-friendly event. The two days will be chock full of live music from two of NJ’s most popular bands: B-Street Band on Saturday; and Brian Kirk & The Jerks on Sunday.
Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11 Gates pen: 11am; Activities commence: 12noon; Music: 12noon-4pm 336 Loantaka Way, Chatham

This year will mark the 47th Anniversary of this signature Madison event. Bottle Hill Day was created over forty years ago to promote the business district. The name originated from Madison’s original establishment in 1715 of the village called “Bottle Hill”. This rain or shine street festival spans six blocks and includes sidewalk sales, four stages with live entertainment all day, amusement rides, delicious food, a Beer Garden, more than 200 vendors including non-profits, crafters, retail businesses—the range of participants is amazing! Also, as in years past, the Madison Chamber of Commerce and Madison P.B.A. #92 will be hosting their popular annual Madison Car Show in conjunction with Bottle Hill Day. Bottle Hill Day Saturday, October 1, 10am-5pm Streets of
September 2022 27
Local Buzz

&RESTAURANTSDINING Asian Cuisine Bagel CandyBurgerBreakfast/BrunchBarbequeBanquetBoutiqueBakeryStoreBakeryFacility&Chocolate Store CoffeeCatererand Tea Houses IceDinerDeli(Independent)Cream&Frozen Yogurt Italian Restaurant New RestaurantPizzaOutdoorOtherMediterraneanMexicanRestaurantEthnicRestaurantDining(BYOB) Restaurant (Full Service) WineSteakSeafood&Spirit Store RETAIL STORES Art and Framing Gallery SpecialtyJewelryGiftFloristShopStoreFood Markets Specialty Women’sToy/HobbyStoreStoreFashions ENTERTAINMENTENRICHMENT/ Adult Girls(Language,Instruction/Classesart,dance,music,etc.)NightOut FAMILY & CHILDREN’S SERVICES Children’s Party Places Children’s Instruction/ LearningClasses PrivatePrivatePreschool/ChildcareCenter/TutoringPreschoolSchool FITNESS, BEAUTY & HEALTH Dentist—GroupChiropractorAcupuncture PodiatristPilatesPhysicalPharmacyOpticianLash/BrowHearingHairGymEyecareDentist—OrthodontistDentist—PediatricDentist—IndividualPracticeSalonCareTherapistStudio Specialized Fitness Studio Specialty Beauty Services Spa (Day) Spa YogaWellnessMassage (Medical)ProvidersStudio OUTDOOR SPACES Garage Door Install/Repair Landscape Designer Landscape Lighting Tree Services PERSONAL SERVICES Car MemorialWash SeniorPhotographerServicesLiving PETS Pet Boarding Pet VeterinarianServices SERVICESPROFESSIONAL RealtorsFamilyElderLawAccountantsFirmsLawLaw(Individual Offices) HOME SERVICES Heating/CoolingElectricianCleanArchitectsOuts (HVAC) Home Decor Home Roofing/Siding/WindowsPlumberPestPainterLandscapingKitchen/BathInteriorHomeContractorRenovations/ServicesDesignRemodelingControl Best of Essex 2022 Categories *Businesses must be independently owned or independently owned franchises or advertisers in Suburban Essex Magazine or to participate. Only one nomination per business, per category, per valid email please. Entries in red are new categories for 2022 Call Vicinity Media Group for more information: 973-276-1688 Voting Ends October 17th Suburban Essex 2022 13 th ANNUAL Best of Essex 2022 READERS’ CHOICE CONTEST The 13th Annual Reader’s Choice Awards are back and better than ever. We again ask you to share your favorites. It’s your chance to support the local businesses you care about and also three local charities. For every vote cast, Suburban Essex Magazine will make a donation to Toni’s Kitchen, CASA for Children or Rosemarie’s Rescue Ranch. Let us know what you think. Vote for the best restaurants, stores, services and wellness providers in more than 90+ categories. New categories are in red. To vote, sign into Vote in as many categories as you want. Remember, it’s one vote per category, per valid email. If you think we forgot someone or if you’re a business that wants to take part in the contest, email us at Every vote counts so let the voting begin. and let your voice be heard! 28 Vicinity Magazine September 2022

Tasty Bites Mediterranean Delights Here you find a fusion of Old World tradition and New World Innovation to delight your palate. The offerings are contemporary takes on traditional dishes, and the choices don’t disappoint! Several dishes worth highlighting include: a Classic Hummus, chickpeas, olive oil & fresh lemon juice served, of course with pita,the best falafel we’ve ever had here or in the Middle East that is served over tzatziki & tomato relish, Crab Cakes served with avocado, clementine, red onion & chipotle radish, and the the dish we feature here, Chicken Shish Kebab, marinated chicken, bell peppers, onions and served with bulgur wheat and tahini dressing. Mezza Livingston 277 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston | 973-992-9300 Stand Out From The Crowd On Social Media! BUSINESS PORTRAITS FOR THE WORKING PROFESSIONAL Rose Squared Art AndersonShow Park forrosesquared.commoreinformationSEPTEMBER 17-18 274 Bellevue Ave, Upper Montclair 10am-5pm • Rain or Shine Free & Open to the Public September 2022 29

in the Vicinity Abstract
When you walk into the studio of New Providence resident Betty McGeehan it appears to be some kind of industrial shop. Numerous power tools, hand tools, and lumber, almost make you forget you’re in an artist’s studio. This firecracker has the excitement and projects the energy of a woman half her age, and it shows in her work. She calls herself an abstract expressionist, “like Jackson Pollack only with wood,” she says. She starts each project without a plan, sketches, a preconceived idea, but rather she just lets the process shape the work. McGeehan is entirely self-taught, and has been the recipient of numerous awards including a NJ State Council on the Arts Fellowship and three Dodge Foundation Fellowships. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in the United States and Europe and likewise her work can be found in the collection of many museums and universities as well as private and corporate collections such as Sprint, Coca-Cola, AT&T, and many more. The beauty of her work is in the materials and the contrasts. The simple beauty of the wood itself, which she then fashioned into juxtapositions of natural and man-made shapes and textures. Each sculpture seems to draw you into it, as you explore not only the beauty of the materials themselves, but the contrasts of the materials. The shapes she creates define different threedimensional spaces. Each piece seems to take you on a journey during which you are temporarily lost in her vision as you walk around the sculpture viewing it from different angles.
Art Expressionism… Story portrait by Dan Epstein
The AcademicRepose 30 Vicinity Magazine September 2022

Unexpected Rainbow 2022
in Wood
Betty McGeehan
Finally, in Unexpected Rainbow, a 21x21x5 work in walnut, Indonesian boat-wood, and acrylic paint we are again sent in different directions while being pulled into the intricacies of the areas within her construction.
Here, we’re sharing three of her works .
First is Repose, a 40x12x12 wood and metal piece. Don’t miss the contrast of the person in repose, seemingly tiny resting against something huge. With both the finely finished surface and the rough, natural edge of the wood, you’ll have to decide for yourself what it is. Again, contrasts abound in The Academic The beautifully finished surfaces of the layers of different naturally-finished wood, the sphere, and the painted bent wood in this 26x14x4 wood and acrylic paint sculpture send you in different directions while at the same time holding your attention and directing it into various places within the piece. 31
Betty McGeehan
McGeehan’s work, because of its beauty and intricacy, can be found in many many places. If you’d like to see more, go to her website where many pieces are available. Of course, if you are lucky enough to happen onto one in your travels, make a point of walking all the way around it. Each different angle is like seeing one more wonderful sculpture.

“The goal is that we want to do the right thing for the patient – ALWAYS.”
TheAboutSilverstrom Group
While the high-tech office of the family-run Silverstrom Group may speak for itself, the full-service practice takes the utmost pride in being what Dr. Gary Silverstrom describes as a “high-touch” team of well-trained, wellappointed specialists, started by his father, David, 45 years ago. “It’s not just one person’s opinion, it’s an entire team’s opinion—it’s 10 people coming together to develop the best possible plan for every single patient who walks through the door,” he says. “It’s unique because we can accomplish things faster, with the finest material, and it’s all done in-house, so we can control the final product.”
It’s a fine-tuned formula that Dr. Silverstrom also contends makes it much easier on the patient, overall, regardless of their smile objectives. “The goal is that we want to do the right thing for the patient - always. It’s a relationship, and we would much rather have a long-term relationship with a patient than just fix a tooth quickly.” NJ •
General Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.OralEndodonticsPeriodonticsCosmeticDentistryDentistrySurgeryDavidSilverstromGarySilverstromAmyTranAmritaPatel THE SOUND OF SERENITY September 2022 33
Studio 161
info@DiscoveryWellnessCenterNJ.com862-242-3500 info@DiscoveryPsychCenter.com973-796-3760 New Address: 7 East Frederick Place, Suite 700, Cedar Knolls Our Goal is to Help You Discover What You Need to Make Your Life More Enjoyable. Convenient day, evening and Saturday hours. Please call or visit the website for more information. Dr. Christopher Barker, Director of PsychotherapyDiscoveryCenter Dr. Keith Morgen, Director of WellnessDiscoveryCenter Meticulous Office CDC Covid Practices and Precautions Telemedicine Appointments Available Our Centers Offer: • Services for Children Coping with the Pandemic • Individual/Family/Couples/Children and Teen Therapy • Variety of Clinical Therapy Expertise • Most Insurances Accepted Health and Wellness Niyama Yoga Offers Integral Sound Therapy
By Janis Hashe
From 2007, when Nicole Zornitzer established her first Niyama Yoga & Wellness Center in Roseland, she has established a reputation for providing quality yoga classes, as well as healing modalities complementary to yoga.
One of these is Integral Sound Therapy. A variety of sacred instruments are played during a session, which can be private or group, designed to create vibrations in the body. “Our bodies are primarily water,” said Zornitzer, “and water is a great conductor of vibrations.” These vibrations can trigger the relaxation response, help reduce blood pressure, symptoms of chronic stress and insomnia, as well as release and re-harmonize mind, body and spirit, she said. Results are often impressive. “Dissonance in the body causes ‘disease,’” Zornitzer noted. She will sometimes combine sound therapy with another energy modality, such as Reiki. “All ages can benefit from these therapies, which can help anyone to find serenity, to focus, and to avoid ‘dis-ease,’” she added. Yoga & Wellness Eagle Rock Ave., Roseland | 973-500-2939

Service, Quality and
In 2019, B&Z purchased the former Investors’ Savings Bank building, across the street from the old location, and renovated it extensively to reflect Steinberg’s sleek yet welcoming aesthetic. An optometric practice has been added to expand their services for the clientele.
By Christine S. Maxwell, photos by Dan Epstein
B&Z meets the needs of all their clients with more than 1,500 frames, a well-seasoned staff, and thorough knowledge of the ever-growing lens technology. They take great pride in their ability to meet the needs of customers with the most complicated prescriptions. Fittings begin with a thorough discussion of the prescription, the customer’s needs, and any unique applications such as computer use, sports, hobbies, and profession. All aspects of lens design and recommendations are discussed. Working with that information, frame selection begins with great care to assure it’s well-fitting and suitable for the prescription. Eyewear makes quite a statement about a client’s personality. Whether subtle, bold, or somewhere in between, the final product has to meet all these criteria while maintaining state-of-the-art optics. Unlike large optical chains, B&Z creates a warm, friendly atmosphere. They develop relationships with their clients, as demonstrated by the multiple generations of families they are proud to serve. They look forward to “seeing” you soon! B&Z East Northfield Road, Livingston | 973-736-7647
Opticians 371
Ofer Steinberg The staff at B&Z Opticians 34 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
For more than 70 years, Block and Zuckerman Opticians (also known as B&Z Opticians) has provided the highest quality eyewear to the residents of Livingston, West Orange, Short Hills, South Orange, and surrounding communities. In 2014, Ofer Steinberg purchased the well-known business and has continued this tradition. While Steinberg has maintained the standards of excellence, he also added his own signature style. He has expanded the frame selection, which arrive almost weekly, to include many unique new lines with an emphasis on artistic frame design. However, Steinberg has also focused on having a balanced inventory that can meet every budget and taste. This includes Anne & Valentin, l.a. Eyeworks, Sabine Be, Gucci, Tom Ford, iGreen, Ray-Ban and many more. Style at B&Z OPTICIANS

MEDITATE. A practice that has been around for thousands of years may still be one of the best stress busters for hurried mornings. To start, find a place in your home that is free of noise and distraction. Practice sitting still, with eyes closed, and focus only on your breathing. Using deep, controlled breaths, try to steer your thoughts away from negative and stress-inducing thoughts.
Must present this coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer expires 09/30/22. Up Refreshed!
Health and Wellness Wake
STRETCH. While the most health-conscious person may opt for a morning sweat-a-thon, working in some stretches can also be beneficial. When you awake, think about oft-used muscles and extend each one for 15-30 seconds.
248 Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 973-377-0224 Whether it is a fear of pain or needles, a cosmetic challenge, mystery toothaches, or a complex dental problem, Dr. Chiu is here to help. All services are provided on premise, including gum care, placing surgical implants and mini implants. Let Us Give You a Reason to SMILE! Helen P. Chiu, DMD, PA Experienced, Comprehensive Gentle Care
Complementary Comprehensive Exam & Full Mouth X-Rays
Ready, set, go. Just as you would set off at the starting line of a race, this hectic pace is how mornings begin for many men and women. Instead of waking with dread to face another hectic morning, consider these tips for a healthier way to ease into your daily rituals. While these activities may require you to allow extra time, you may be pleased with the productive results.
ACTIVATE. Give your brain some fuel in the morning while also doing something nice for your mind. For example, journaling is a gentle way to ease into your morning and get your brain firing. If you can’t think of a topic, simply write down a few affirmations for the day, revisit a pleasant memory from your past or scribble down a goal for the week. Journaling can be an uplifting way to engage the mind and express gratitude for the day Findahead.moretips for starting your day at Family Features, photo courtesy of Getty Images Source: 2022

CEDAR KNOLLS H2ocean Restaurant & Raw Bar 41 Ridgedale Avenue. Cedar Knolls 973-984-9594/ www., Relaxed restaurant & bar serving locally sourced seafood in a sophisticated, contemporary space. FLORHAM PARK China Chalet 184 Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park 973-996-2828 |
A modern Italian restaurant that combines favored classics with a contemporary touch. Offerings consist of New York style pizza, fresh salads, delicious small bites, & wonderful pasta. Pastosa Ravioli 186 Columbia Tpk, Florham Park 973-377-4800 |
It is recommend that you call in advance as reservations may be
Northern Italian entrees and pastas. Casa Maya 615 Meyersville Road, Gillette 908-580-0799 Family-friendly BYOB serving Sonoran-stule Mexican cuisine. Chimney Rock Inn Gillette 342 Valley Rd, Gillette | www.chimneyrockinn.com908-580-1100
A northern Italian menu that is sure to please everyone’s pallets. D’Oro offers a vast menu selection of delicious dishes including pasta, fish, poultry, pork, steaks, and more. Gregorio’s Mediterranean Restaurant 255A Main Street, Chatham | 973-635-2777
BasilicoMILLBURN 324 Millburn Ave, Millburn 973-379-7020 | Enjoy the delicious flavors of their dishes, homemade pastas and desserts, cooked to perfection at one of the finest Millburn Italian restaurants. Common Lot 27 Main Street, Millburn | 973-467-0494 A BYOB destination offering New American dishes. La Pergola 120 Essex Street, Millburn | 973-376-6838
Trap Rock Restaurant & Brewery 279 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights 908-665-1755 |
Proud Thai Cookery 645 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights 908-665-0055 |
Specializing in tea inspired crepe cakes and an assortment of fresh fruit waffle desserts and cheesecakes. Featuring hot and cold teas brewed with special care as well as a variety of unique boba and slush drinks made with fresh fruit. Osteria Trevi 2 Park Avenue, Madison | 973-845-9800 Presenting inventive recipes using the simplest ingredients that will bring you dishes inspired by the oldest along with the newest traditions of fine Italian cuisine
A microbrewery that offers guests seasonal craft brews in addition to a delicate menu that accentuates a southern flare
Traditional American cuisine. D’Oro Ristorante 219 Main Street, Chatham | 973-701-6990
A Taste of Asia 245 Main Street, Chatham | 973-701-8821
Traditional Sichuan cuisine in an elegant environment. Lucco Cucina + Bar 207 Ridgedale Avenue, Florham Park 973-822-0066 |
Restaurant Guide 36 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
A Taste of Asia, New Jersey’s first Malaysian restaurant, brings the eclectic cuisines of Malay, China, India, Thailand and Eurasia to the area.
538 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights 908-898-1188 |
Featuring traditional Japanese specialties and cuisine, including sushi, rolls, cooked fare & lunchtime bento boxes.
Modern Italian Farm to Table Bistro featuring seasonal organic menu with Mediterranean influenced-specials.
Restaurant 8-10 S Passaic Ave, Chatham | 973-635-6772
A family owned Japanese restaurant striving to provide the best food and experience to customers. Featuring a wide selection of sushi, rolls, and other Japanese favorites.
A third generation, family-owned and operated Italian specialty food company widely recognized as the source of New York’s finest ravioli, fresh pasta and Italian specialties. AnconaGILLETTEBistro 645 Valley Road, Gillette | 908-647-5755
BottleMADISONHillTavern 13 Waverly Place,, Madison | 973-949-6060 Tavern Fare—Comfort Flare Grillera Mediterranean Cuisine 91 Park Ave, Madison | 973-301-2080 Distinguished Mediterranean Cuisine Il Goccino Ristorante 33 Main Street, Madison | www.ilgoccinoristorante.com973-377-3800
Providing diners with quintessential Northern Italian cuisine. MoonShine Summer Club 55 Main Street, Millburn | www.moonshinesupperclub.com973-218-6042
Artful dining, as conceived by award-winning Chef James Laird. A showcase of the finest hand-selected seasonal and regional ingredients in simple, refined presentations by Chef Laird.
A Thai Restaurant that brings you delicious street food! They offer the authentic Thai cuisine Strega Bistro 430 Springfield Ave, Berkeley Heights 908-665-5905 |
Northern Italian Cuisine Krust Kitchen 7 Cross St, Madison | 908-525-7878 Pizza Noon Tea Creperie 57 Main Street, Madison | 973-520-8049
Restaurant Serenade 6 Roosevelt Ave, Chatham | 973-701-0303
Casual New American tavern with pub-grub standards, thin-crust pizzas & TVs for sports viewing.
Contemporary American cooking executed with style, finesse, and an updated comfort-food sensibility.
Italian Mediterranean cuisine bursting with flavor Scalini Fedeli 63 Main Street, Chatham | 973-701-9200 French-influenced Italian fixed-price menus in an elegant, vaulted interior with Tuscan touches. Mitsuba Japanese Cuisine 237 Main St, Chatham | www.MitsubaChatham.com973-635-3888
An authentic Argentinian/Italian tapas restaurant for all the family to enjoy. Fiorino Ristorante 38 Maple St, Summit | 908-277-1900
Enjoy a selection of house made specialties including breads, pastries, pies and cakes. Daily specials. This family owned and operated bakery is serving up their delicious twist on bakery classics for over 80 years. Roots Steakhouse 401 Springfield Ave, Summit |
Call277WWW.MEZZALIVINGSTON.COMEISENHOWERPARKWAY,LIVINGSTONforReservations:973.992.9300 OPEN SEVEN DAYS • WE ARE A BYOB ESTABLISHMENT LUNCH Daily 11:30am–3pm • DINNER Sun-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-10pm Outdoor Dining Available. Call for Reservations. Order Curbside Pickup & Delivery Online at: Suburban Essex 2022 VOTEFORUS! In WeWeKrustTrustTrust Home of the 36and20/24/28/30AreaMetropolitanPizzasLargestinthetheinchpizza 908-525-7878 7 Cross St, Madison We are NOT JUST PIZZA! See our full menu at: September 2022 37
TrattoriaSTIRLINGBiagio 239 Main Avenue, Stirling | 908-350-8064
Authentic Italian cuisine Twelve Islands Greek Taverna 1255 Valley Rd, Stirling | www.12islandsgreektaverna.com908-647-2193
Traditional Greek fare, including seafood & classic homestyle dishes. 12 Island has a full bar and the menu is assembled with a wide variety of recipes from the Dodecanese and other islands.
Located inside the Best Western Plus & Murray Hill Hotel and Suites, offering a full and varied menu with a Mediterranean flare. Full bar and live entertainment. Coppola Ristorante & Pizzeria 590 Central Ave, New Providence 908-665-0266 Offering housemate pizzas & formal Italian dishes
SHORT HILLS Boxcar Bar & Grill 25 Chatham Rd, Short Hills | 973-912-0002
The expertly prepared food at Fiorino is based on classic dishes of Tuscany region in Northern Italy.
Huntley Taverne 3 Morris Avenue, Summit | 908-273-3166 Offers classic seasonal cuisine, a 250 bottle wine list, two stone fireplaces, outdoor porch dining, and private events.
DueSUMMIT36 50 Maple St, Summit | 908-608-0222
Natale’s Summit Bakery 185 Broad St, Summit | www.natalesbakery.bakesmart.com908-277-2074
Located in Summit, La Pastaria has become an icon of home style Italian dining and a hidden gem of the community.
Old-fashioned New York style Steakhouse— xpect delicious USDA aged prime beef sourced from the highest quality ranches in the mid-west.
La Pastaria 327 Springfield Ave, Summit | 908-522-9088
The neighborhood hangout Short Hills has longed for. From juicy burgers to crispy, thin crust pizza to ceviche and fresh salads, friends and families will enjoy their food! Par 440 Restaurant & Lounge 440 Parsonage Hill Road, Short Hills 973-467-8882 | A full service restaurant, bar & lounge located on the East Orange Golf Course in Short Hills. Offering bar bites, burgers and tasty entrees.
Serra Restaurant 10 Bank Street, Summit | 908-273-1713 A family owned and run, authentic Portuguese BBQ restaurant. Their savory dishes feature ingredients such as olive oil, tomatoes, onion, garlic and wine.
NEW PROVIDENCE Moe’s Bistro and Bar 535 Central Ave, New Providence 908-840-4540 |

• Third we become “Consciously Competent.” We are now aware and making the correction.
Diamond Minds Barry Farber is a best-selling author, an award winning radio and television host as well as an agent and marketing consultant for corporations, professional athletes, and entertainers. He’s also the creator and marketer of the FoldzFlat® Pens. His latest release is an inspirational children’s book “In search of the magic tree” available at Barry Farber By Barry Farber
I’d like to share some thoughts on proper posture and breathing techniques we could all use. During a family get together I was watching my niece’s sister-in-law patiently feeding and working with their kids who are both 2 years old. They were sitting on chairs without backs and their posture was perfect. Totally natural without any effort. It seems to all go downhill when they start school and end up sitting and slowly slouching in an unnatural position for most of the day. We underestimate how critical the right posture is for a lifetime of benefits. Proper breathing is also an important part of life we forget to do in the correct way. A true Martial Arts master, Taisen Deshimaru, born in Japan of an old samurai family was asked: What is the most important thing of all in the martial arts? His answer… “Breathing. And breathing does not come until posture is right.”
• First we are “Unconsciously Incompetent.” We are not aware of what to do and how we are doing it wrong.
Someone once told me to sit like a general on horseback to maintain the best posture. This will allow you to breathe naturally and get in a centered state.
Here’s a short tip on breathing and posture from Breathwork Training Expert, Patricia Coester: –Sit with a straight spine Inhale through the nose and exhale long through the mouth (Inhale 3 secconds, exhale 6 seconds) Exhale while you let go all your thoughts -as well as your worries. Do this and just concentrate on your breathing in and out and eventually there will be no thought. Breathing calms, you, brings oxygen to your blood and heart, improves mental observation and concentration and ultimately reduces stress. As Sensei Greg O’Connor said in a previous column; “breathe like a baby. If you watch a baby breathe its belly goes in and out naturally.” Starting to have better posture and breathing correctly takes time and effort since we have been doing it wrong for so long. The goal is to do it without thinking. Whenever we start a new skill or action, I like to use these four stages as an example of how we learn. So be patient. It takes a while to do this unconsciously.
So, the next time you feel stress, or you’re in an argument, or about to do something under a lot of pressure…try breathing. And when it comes to the right posture—take it from John Gallucci, Jr., ATC, PT, DPT, CEO and President of JAG-ONE Physical Therapy—good posture, or neutral spine helps decrease stresses to our muscles and joints which minimizes pain and the risks of Injury. So, sit up straight!!
Back to the Beginning… Back to the BASICS.
• Forth and most important is to become “Unconsciously Competent.” We now have the correct posture and we are breathing naturally without thought, but only after extensive time and effort does this happen. This method has been useful for so many skill areas ranging from learning a new instrument to mastering martial arts (which by the way will never happen since there’s always room for improvement).
38 Vicinity Magazine September 2022
• Second we become “Consciously Incompetent.” Maybe reading this column makes you aware of your posture and breathing and you are now conscious of what you’re doing wrong.

Early detection is key to beating prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in American men. Fortunately, detecting it early through regular exams may be beneficial. Age, heredity and ethnicity play a role, as African-Americans, men in their 60s, and men with close relatives who have had prostate cancer are more likely to develop the disease. We o er comprehensive prostate cancer screenings. If cancer is detected, our advanced treatment options include minimally invasive surgical techniques, clinical trials and CyberKnife, a non-invasive alternative to surgery, which treats prostate cancer in five treatments with little to no side e ects and minimal recovery time.
Let’s beat cancer together.
prostate cancer screening.
You have none of the usual symptoms. You may benefit from a
Schedule your appointment at

Fall Classes Registration 1 Day Classes | 6 Week Classes In-Studio Events | School Holiday Camps (1 Day/Weekly) Knitting and Sewing 973-908-3575 | 11B ROOSEVELT AVENUE, CHATHAM, NJ 07928