ΚΩΔ : 4840
ΙΝTERNATIONAL Μεσογείων 419, Αγ.Παρασκευή, 153 43, Αθήνα Τηλ.:210-6000419, Fax:210-6007100 Site:www.worldofglass.gr, e-mail:info@worldofglass.gr
ΙΝTERNATIONAL 419 Mesogion Av, Agia Paraskevi, P.C.153 43, ATHENS-HELLAS Τel.:+30-210-6000419, Fax:+30-210-6007100 Site:www.worldofglass.gr, e-mail:info@worldofglass.gr
for you who wish to advertise your company now you can through our pages
VITRUM 2011 Ηalll 22 Boothh H19
Exclusive e representative e for GREECE/CYPRUS// ALBANIA// FYROM GARIFALLOU GROUPP Industrial area of Thessaloniki Entrance C, P.C.57400, SINDOS, HELLAS Τel.:+30-2310-77 77 77 Fax:+30-2310-77 77 78 e-mail:info@garifallou.gr
Grow w with h the e customer
Bestt performance
3 4
• Totall modularity • Plugg & playy cuttingg & Low-- e deletionn carriages • Beltss ADD-ON N system Ourr technologyy meetss yourr presentt and d future e needs
• Gantryy axis • Aluminium m cuttingg bridge Meanss top p performances maxx speed d 200m/min • Softwaree inn windowss environment • On-Board d optimizer Userr friendlyy forr promptt use
Bestt safety • Mechanicall safetyy edge • “CE”” Safetyy barrierss withh photo o cellular Yourr safetyy and d protection n we e care e about!
Fulll range A complete e range e in n one e machine Tilting Low-e deletion Line
Νow w with h EVO POWER PACK
BOTTERO S.p.a.-121000 Cuneo-Italy-- viaa Genovaa 82 Τel:+399 01711 310611,, Fax:: +399 01711 401611,flatglass.sales@bottero..com
Completee rangee off machines forr thee cuttingg off laminated d glass forr everyy need
...now w withh low-ee deletionn 535 AVL/37/46/60 535 AVM/37/46/60
520/LAM 520/37 LAM 520/46 LAM
545 VSX/37/46/60 545 VMX/37/46/60 560 VLS/XY 535 VLS/XYZ
511/37 LAM 511/46 LAM
We invest in modern construction trends of Insulating Glass with greatest variety of materials, the best prices and best quality responding fully to your demands
The company operates under supervision and control of ISO 9001:2000. The products the company offers comply to EN 1279 so that producers of Insulating Glass Units can be CE certified
33 years of experience use without condensation problems
112.000.000m2 of double glazing in Greek climate conditions
the hot melt EVOSTIK HIFLO is the key to your success!!
ONLY advantages. • Perfect adhesion in Low-E and reflective double glazing units • With the lowest moisture penetration • Excellent results in tests for the CE certification • Reduction in materials because of the low density (Lower density=more meters per kg) • Conforms to EN 1279-2-3-4-6
Vitrum m 2011 Halll 13 Stand d E19
Exlusivee representativee forr Greece:: Stefanoss Themelis 141D D Sof.. Venizelouu Str.,, 1522 31,, ΑΤΗΕΝS,, GREECE,, Τel:: +30-213-0693067,, Fax:: +30-210-677 244 157,, Mobb.:+30-69488030000 e-mail:sthem@acci.gr
Viaa dell’Economia-611000 Pesaro o (PU)) Italy, Tel.+39.0721.483100,, Fax+39.0721.482148 www.intermac.com m - intermac.sales@intermac.com
GPD China and GPD SAME 2012 are Calling for Papers Abstractt Submission n iss now w open n forr GPD D China Dear Sir/Madam, n forr Glasss Performancee Days We are happy to announce that the Abstractt Submission Chinaa 20122 iss now w open. h Performancee Glasss in This is the 10th edition of GPD China that will focus on High Sustainablee Energyy Systems and it shall take place during the 31st of March and 1st of April, in Shangai. If you wish to submit your abstract for GPD China 2011, please click the Abstract Submission button: NOTE!! Thee abstractt submission n dead-linee iss 15th h off Decemberr 2011
GPD D SAME E 20122 - Abstractt Submission n forr Glasss Performancee Days We are glad to inform you that the Abstractt Submission South h Americaa (SAME)) 2012 is also open. This is the 2nd edition of GPD SAME. Some of the topics to be reviewed during the conference's sessions are: Energy Efficiency How to improve glass companies profitability Architectural design The Latest Glass Technology Solar and Glass Industry The conference will take place during the 17th and 18th of May in Sao Paulo. If you wish to submit your abstract for GPD SAME 2012, please click the Abstract Submission button: NOTE!! Thee abstractt submission n dead-linee iss thee 20th h off Januaryy 2011
The World of Glass Î&#x;ctober 2011
Contents 14
ANNUAL SPECIALL EDITION The World of Glass Magazine in Hellenic version is published every two months. It is the only one HELLENIC GLASS MAGAZINE. The special edition in English language «The World of Glass International» is published once a year.
GPD CHINA A 2012: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is now open for GPD china
Editoriall and d Advertisingg Offices: 4199 Mesogionn Av.,, P.C.. 1533 43 Agiaa Paraskevi,, Athens.. HELLAS Tel.:: +30-210-6000419 Fax:: +30-210-6007100 Mobile:: +30-6944-290584 URL:htttp://www.worldofglass.gr e-mail:: info@worldofglass.gr
Artworkk & Graphicc Design Evii Bourounii - Natsinna Printed d by ILIANTHOS Τel.:+30-210-2388556
All rights reserved. Reproduction even partially in any form is strictly prohibited unless written permission has first been obtained from the publisher. The editor’s office does not accept responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles.
40-45 GPD 2011: International Glass Conferences
The World of Glass Οctober 2011
Contents 46-49
Noteworthy anniversary in the world of glass: the Fenzi Group celebrates 70 years of business.
64-85 No o timee forr thee timid Byy Russelll J.Ebeid.. Presidentt Glasss Group p Guardian n Industriess Corp.
Smart Grid & Desertec Turning the Vision into Reality By Ralf Christian CEO Power Distribution Division,Siemens AG, Energy Sector
The World of Glass Î&#x;ctober 2011
DYNAMIKI L.T.D. was founded in 1985 by Mr. Athanasios Tzebelikos and Mrs Constantina Tzebelikou. From m the very beggining the company started ti co-operate with the most famous and well known companies in Hellas on the sand blasting and powder coating market. Above companies continue to trust our manuufacturing program, quality of our products as well as our after sales behaviour. We managed to creatte a company based on healthy co-operation, be able to have the best trained personnel, give the bestt service tou our customers, and proceed with manufacturing of the most high quality, safety and heallthy hazard machines.
Today, DYNAMIKI, has taken over a great part of the Hellenic and the World markeet, on sandblasting machines and powder coating systems. Above systems are manufactured in a self ow wned building of about 4.500m2 in Aspropirgos, Attica, with about 20 qualified technicians and engineers. A qualified personnel of our company is always at your disposal to serve you and meet the requirements of our customers. Î?ewndblasting
a tal S izon chines Hor Ma
Sandblasters for flat glass
ast ndbl hout to sa ings wit e l b Α aw l al dr g foi etric maskin m o g ge usin
DYNAMIKI is the company that has the ability to meet your requirements and provide you with the apprropriate sandblasting machines for flat glass • Sand Blasting Machines (Manual and Automatic) for glasss designs and surface finishing with programmable reciprocators (PLC and Inverter) and blast glass panels of 1200mm up to 3250mm height and 50mm thickness. • Dust Collectors with special, self-cleaned cartridge filters.
• Control Board, made of high standard electrical parts • Pressure feed open circuitt blast cleaners • We always keep in our stock spare parts, and supplies (aluminum oxide and glass beeeds)
For any additional technical information, please do not hesitate to contact our technical department..
DYNAMIKI LTD Office Adress: 23, Pierias Str., 104 41, Athens, HELLAS Τel.: +30-210-52 23 955, +30-210-52 25 320 Fax: +30-210-52 39 909
Works adress: Thesi Ag. I. Nist., 193 00, Aspropirgos Attikis, HELLAS Τel.: +30-210-55 70 181, Fax: +30-210-55 72 201
URL: http://www.dynamiki.com
E-mail: dynamiki@dynamiki.com
Crystallaa Vasiliou u Ltd companyy now w ownss a latestt technologyy tempering g furnace e forr flatt glass byy KEERAGLASS and d hass now w the e possibilityy to o offerr an n additionall testt on n tempered d glasss paness with h the e Unique in Greece Verticall Heatt Soakk Testt furnace KERAGLASS HST.. Thiss testt iss based d onn thee artificiall agingg off glass,, simulatingg 3000 yearss off aging.. Duringg thiss processs alll chemicall inclusionss whichh mayy bee presentt inn thee masss off glasss willl lead d thee glasss to o breakk ensuringg thatt inn thee futuree no o spontaneouss breakagee mayy occure.. Suchh a testt iss absolutelyy necessaryy inn anyy occasionn thatt thee glasss iss involved d withh protectionn off propertyy orr personel. Thee co ompanyy allocatess thee mostt modernn machiness forr glasss treatmentt suchh as:: edging,, grinding,, drilling,, and d sandblastingg machines and d threee automaticc cuttingg liness alongg withh a doublee edgingg drilling machine forr flatt edgess (Billaterale)) Itt allocatess simplee glasss panelss (floatt glass)) 3 mm m to199 mm m thatt iss used d inn facadess off buildingss and d windows,, tinted d glass,, coated d orr reflectivee glass,, deco orativee crystall and d mirrors, firee protectionn glasss panels,, triplexx glasss panelss and d bulletrprooff laaminated d glasss panelss
Crystallaa Vasiliouu Ltd d appliess System m off Managementt off Qualityy ISO O 9001:2008,, certified d from m TÜV V Rheinland d Hellas.
SAFETY GLASS INDUSTRY 28is Οktovriou Str., Vasiliko Halkidas,Εvia, Greece Tel.: +30-22210-52607,Fax: +30-22210- 54278, e-mail:info@vasglass.gr, web site: www.vasglass.gr
SAFETY GLASS INDUSTRY Crystallaa Vasiliou u Ltd d companyy iss movingg a step p ahead d Α)) Fully automated and flexible line production for laminate glass, its last generation and the only model laminate furnace in Europe from Benteler Maschinenbau GmbH with these specifications for JUMBO size glass 3210 x 6000 mm. The only one laminate furnace in Greece that produces laminate glass until max. 10 cm. Line requirements: • glass width max. 3210mm • glass length max. 6000mm • raw glass thickness 2 - 19mm • laminated glass thickness max. 100mm • PVB dispenser 28 rolls
Somee welll known n customerss off Benteler:: Pilkington,, Saint Gobain,, Guardian,, Trakyaa Cam.
AND Β)) Automatic Furnace, a leading technology in the world, for the production of laminate glass (HOT AIR AUTOCLAVE PLANT) of Scholz Maschinebau.Maschinebau.
Vitrum 2011 HALL 13 Stand E19
Intermac at Vitrum 2011 Intermac’s stand at Vitrum 2011 will cover a surface of approx 900 sqm and will be organized in different technological areas with state of the art software technology and advanced mechanical solutions working a common thread. Cutting: The main product new that will be presented on the stand will be the new table for laminated glass cutting Genius LM-A 4600. This table offers a maximum cutting length of 4600 mm, a dimension that places this table on the mid/high segment of the market. A segment where Genius LM-A 4600 finds immediately a leading position thanks to the high automation and the working cycle time. The machine on display will be also equipped with the vertical buffer, an optional deviced, patent pending, that allows the reduction by 20% of necessary productive floorspace. More notably on the machine will be carried a special working, to this date new to the market of laminated glass, that to this date is still kept in secrecy by Intermac personnel. Just by the side of Genius LM-A 4600 there will be a line Comby R-A37 for the alternate cutting of
monolithic and laminated glass. It is a solution which is thought for workshops who need to acquire two automatic cutting lines one for monolithic and one for laminated glass, but who also suffer productive floor space restraints. With Comby it becomes possible to maintain the same productivity level of the machines that compose the line, but considerably reducing the usage of floor space and increasing the productivity and the process automation level with a limited increase of the investment in respect to the purchase of the same machines in stand-alone configuration. Genius 37-LM for laminated glass and Genius 37 CT RS for monolithic glass represent the Intermac entry level offers for the respective markets.They are machines with a mechanical concept and reliability level analogous to those of superior category solutions, and they have already been successfully tested in hundreds of workshops all over the world
The World of Glass October 2011
Primus 322 Waterjet: for those interested in waterjet cutting systems, in the stand the first prototype of the new range of Intermac waterjet, the Primus 322, a machine with a 3210x2200 mm work area and equipped with 2 operating heads, respectively with 3 and 5 axes. This feature allows the execution of inclined cuts and arrising. Moreover, when in need of maximize the productivity, it will also be possible to execute two identical pieces at the same time.Primus is a solution that offers undisputed advantages for those dealing in specific products as glasses for domestic appliances, furniture, technical glasses, laminated and multistrata glasses, small objects. In fact the advance speed can be set to achieve a quality that will allow the piece to be sent directly to the tempering furnace, without the necessity to carry on further operations on them.Finally Primus utilizes the ICam 2D and 3D that are widespread in worldwide glass workshops for they are used on Master work centres and that allow a real integrated process between waterjet and work centre. Work centres: in the stand will be included two Master work centres. This range of products counts hundreds of successful installations all over the world and represents the state of the art in terms of reliability, precision and finishing quality. The machines in the stand will be equipped respectively with a 3 axes and with a 5 axes operating head, in order to represent at best all the possibilities offered by the Master product system. Double edging. Busetti, leader brand in the world of double edgers, will be showing a F Series, a double edger for flat edge integrated with a bridge charger. The new F Series family which was presented for the first time at last year’s Glasstec in Dusseldorf, has been welcome with enthusiasm by the market. In one year time this solution has already been inserted in the productive facilities of important customers all over the world. The machine has been totally redesigned and offers a level of automation that is well above the previous models and introduces for the first time in this segment a PC based numerical control, with all the advantages that this implies in terms of computing power and ease of use. extremely interesting is the possibility to equip the machine with the automatic preset of the diamond wheels, an operation that traditionally absorbs a consistent amount of time and that this machine can execute automatically. Besides in the stand will be also presented a 3 pieces P Series line for pencil edges. It is a solution thought for the serial production of glasses for domestic appliances, frames and similar applications that require maximum reliability and the highest level of productivity.
The World of Glass October 2011
Drilling. V Series is the vertical solution developed by Busetti that allows to execute in a single unit the operations of drilling, milling and diamond polishing. V Series is available in different sizes in order to offer a tailor made answer to each customer’s production need, be it furniture, structural facades or double glazing. Tools. for the first time Diamut, the brand of the Biesse Group that since more than 20 years is specialized in the production of tools, will be present inside the stand of Intermac, and will present this year a great number of innovations. The most important is the new range of hi speed diamond tools for glass. It is a strongly innovative product that will allow the drastic increase of the execution speed of diamond grinding on a work centre. These tools have been developed with the cooperation of the Intermac Tech Centre and have been thoroughly tested in order to grant to the customers a product that is reliable and verified. Hi speed tools will also be available with 100 mm diameter.Another important new product for the segment of work centres will be the launch of the new set of tools for the recess drain on glass kitchen tops. In a market that is increasingly driven by fashion and design more than a kitchen top fabricator will be interested in the possibility to offer to his customers a product made in a material with unique characteristics as glass is. Finally, the new range of trapezoid tools for straight line machines that offers high performance in terms of productivity and finishing quality.
Exclusive Representative for Greece
Stefanos Themelis 141D Sof. Venizelou Str., Halandri, P.C. 152 31, ATHENS , GREECE Τel: +30-213-0693067, Fax: +30-210-67 24 157 Mob.:+30-6948803000 e-mail:sthem@acci.gr
The World of Glass October 2011
Genius 46 LM-A
Nafpliotis Bros Co
d l r o w l a t s y r c a o t e m o c Wel 32
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
Glasss iss a ratherr speciall material.. Constructio onss based d onn glasss do o nott follow w currentt ruless orr usual specifications.. Therefore,, wee need d to o managee itt withh respect,, knowledgee and d imagination.. Forr almostt 500 years,, ourr companyy specializess inn glasss creations.. Threee generationss off traditionn thatt still existss inn thee 21stt century.. Ourr involvementt withh thee glasss duringg thesee pastt decadess hass beenn a d imagination.. Ourr recipee iss based d onn methodology,, knowledgee and combinationn off researchh and experiencee alongg withh enthusiasm m and d imagination.. Ourr secrett off successs iss simple:: wee aree inn lovee with glass!Itt iss a difficultt materiall to o process,, rigid d and d reaallyy mysteriouss indeed.. However,, itt iss also o a fascinatingg and d transparentt materiall thatt hass thee abillityy to o takee countlesss formss o discoverr itss secretss onee afterr thee otther.. and d shapes.. Glasss provokess youu to And d finallyy itt rewardss youu whenn youu find d itt inn anotherr charmingg form m orr anotherr originall appliication. Thousand d impressivee and d innovativee applicationss havee beenn alwayss found d inn thee crossroad d off sciencee and d art.Nafpliotii Bross Companyy iss a trulyy creativee business. n thatt in n action.. Wee alwayss devisee originall and d uniquee alternativee Ourr customerss havee seen wayss forr solvingg theirr problems.
Nafpliotii Bross Company was established in 1962 from Nikolaos Nafpliotis. For almost 50 years now it creates and leads in glass products.Our company provides a very wide range of products and services. The factory is based in Moschato in privately owned buildings of 2.500 m2 and it was recently expanded in new privately owned buildings of over 5.000 m2. Our company has also additional warehouse buildings with stock products resulting fast deliveries. Finally, in the two exhibition centres of Nafplioti Bross Company you can enjoy our crystal decoration products, mirrors, gifts and crystal furniture. The continuous rise during past decades, the ability to adapt in market demands and staying updated on modern technology and innovation has made our company a leader in glass creations. Enthusiasm, hard work, scientific approach and above all creative spirit of our company members have made and still make Nafpliotii Bross Companyy a pioneer in art glass creations. It is a widely known secret in our market that in Greece a lot of the most difficult crystal constructions are undertaken by our company.
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
NAFPLIOTISS BROSS CO. 108 Kapodistriou Str., Moshato, P.C.183 45, ATHENS, GREECE Τel.:+30-210-9406778-9, Fax:+30-210-9406775 www.nafpliotis.gr e-mail:nafpliotisglass@gmail.com
GPD D Openingg Session n Named d Alll Timee High Workshop participation breaks attendance records The 12th Glass Performance Days Conference June 17-20, 2011 turned out to be remarkable in many senses. Established in 1992 this world-leading glass expert summit has branched out to a semi-annual parent conference in its native Finland with close to 1,000 participants and sister conferences in China, India and South America with several hundred specially invited attendees.
The conference concept is backed up by a web portal www.glassfiles.com featuring conference proceedings as well as other state-ofthe-art information on the global glass business. - We were especially pleased to see so many attendants even in these times of extremely challenging business prospects, says Conference Chairman, Jorma Vitkala. It was highly gratifying that our conference sessions were so highly appreciated, we scored particular success in our Architect Forum, in the Structural Engineering case study session, in Solar Materials and Technology and in the New Products and Applications session.
The World of Glass October 2011
Mr Arto Metsanen, CEO Glaston Corporation
Mr Jorma Vitkala, Chairman of the Organizing Committee GPD
Mr Russell J.Ebeid President Guardian Glass Group
Mr Bruce J. Oreck Ambassador of USA to Finland
Mr Ralf Christian CEO Power Distribution Division Siemens AG, Energy Sector
The World of Glass October 2011
Professor Hannu Tikka, Tampere University of Technology
Some called our Opening Session the best ever in the Conference history, which is not bad considering that our history dates back to 1992. We take this also as a sign that we have managed to revitalize the conference to match the requirements of changing times over the years since its inception. In statistical terms the 12th GPD recorded 830 participants and 220 addresses at conference sessions and workshops. Total workshop participation reached an all-timehigh of 327. The top three of a total of 18 were “The Future of the Architectural Glass Industry (47 participants)”, “Solar Power-Opportunities for the Glass Industry (43 participants)” and “Fundaments of Glass Strength, Stress Analysis and Design methods for Glass Selection and Use in Buildings (38 participants)”. As usual conference attendees represented the highest level of policy and decision makers.
The World of Glass October 2011
Considering that the workshops are specially planned to deal with a given subject in depth to enable participants to walk away with some concrete new insights we seem to have hit the bull_s eye with our latest selection, Jorma Vitkala comments. We were also especially pleased to see that not only the seasoned participants from previous GPDs attended the workshops but that a remarkable number of young professionals “found” them as well.
were labeled No Time for the Timid. It rendered him a standing ovation from the audience. Russ Ebeid first attended the GPD in 1999 and he was pleased to see that many of his visions and improvement suggestions from the past had been successfully implemented. - The GPD is always a highlight on the glass calendar - the best chance every two years to get together as an industry and look at the technologies and issues of the day, Russ Ebeid said. The 2011 GPD was no exception to this rule - timely and relevant topics were on the agenda for the best and the brightest “A A highlightt on n thee glasss calendar” people in the industry to address. I especially enjoyed sharing the stage with other thoughtThe GPD is an event where earlier particiful visionaries such as Ambassador Bruce pants return and new decision makers join Oreck. The true test of GPD_s usefulness is over the years. At the 12th GPD Mr. Russell J. Ebeid, President of Guardian Industries of its longevity and the fact that for most attendees it is not the first GPD they have attendthe US, made a special impact with his ed. When you do something that brings busy record of 40 years in the glass industry and people back again and again, it means there several GPD conferences behind him. His closing remarks at the GPD Opening Session is an event of value going on.
“Att thee forefrontt off change” Russ Ebeid attaches special significance to the role of visionaries and bold management in challenging times. - If we do it correctly, our time together at a conference like this allows us to challenge each other to be at the forefront of change. Here in Tampere, we can ignite inspiration and innovation and touch projects in Beijing, Berlin, Boston or Brazil, Russ Ebeid said. In my conservation with attendees it became clear that the industry seemed ready to carry its banner forward. The old story about the horse and carriage and automobile, a transportation industry not limited to horses, is the same for us today - are we energy companies, solar companies, advanced building materials companies and so on? Glass is our core competency, of course, but where are we taking it?
“A A greatt audience” The quality of the GPD largely rests with the quality of its participants. Interaction and networking are important side functions of the formal agenda. - I have enjoyed the chance to address the international glass industry three different times at the GPD, Russ Ebeid concludes. Even more meaningful has been the conversations with young technologists with new ideas; entrepreneurs starting up new companies and the interaction with smart people from around the world. The people who attend this conference are responsible for change and that makes for a great audience.
The World of Glass October 2011
GPD D Attendancee Statistics Attendance at the 12th Glass Performance Days Conference held steady at above 800 despite the economically challenging times. The Conference has proven its value over the years and the international glass community has accepted it as the leading forum for presenting visions and technology as well as sharing experiences. The attendance statistics speak for themselves and hold the clear message of professionals and decision makers. A marked feature of the 12th GPD was also the emergence of a new generation of participants. Seasoned conference goers now mingled with the newcomers who made inroads into the inner circle of the industry.
Companyy activities The versatility of the attendees was once again impressive and notably the 5 % attendance of the media spoke of public recognition for the news worthiness of the event.
The World of Glass October 2011
Levell off seniority Top management held a dominating position among GPD participants with a share of 37 % with company owners in third position among the top three attendee categories. That is anything speaks for the significance of the information value of the event.
Main n businesss area Architects topped the category list but the fastest growing attendance category, solar specialists, now came in second.
Overalll attendance GPDs development from an exclusive seminar to the world_s dominating event of its kind is well illustrated by the attendance numbers. The last seven conferences in the time period 1999-2011 have had a steady participation in the 800 plus region with a record of over 1,000 participants in 2007. Business cycles come and go but the GPD holds on steady.
COMPANIES VITRUM 2011 Halll 24,Stand d L09
Glaston Tamglass RC200ΤΜ entry-level tempering furnace Fast track into glass tempering or expanding business Glaston’s newly launched RC200ΤΜ tempering line has been specially designed to give businesses a quick way to enter into the glass tempering business or to expand their business from where it is now into more attractive product categories. With the same look and feel as every other Glaston furnace, the RC200ΤΜ specifically offers affordable reliability, spotless quality and ease of use for all glass processors. Performance to date has proven the ease of use, ease of installation and ease of operating.
RC200ΤΜ offers low operating costs in continuous production, ease of use with automated furnace functions and high-quality results thanks to minimized iridescence. The furnace comes complete with the new Tamglass VortexΤΜ convection system, which provides the best control of glass heat in its class. RC200ΤΜ also ensures an easy and safe operating environment with the top-of-theline iControl DynamicsΤΜ automation system.
iLooKΤΜ “Glaston-Tamglass RC200ΤΜ is designed for a wide range of capabilities and ease of use. That’s what makes it perfect for companies entering the tempering business. They are immediately able to sell a wide selection of tempered glass types without having had long experience with the tempering process,” says Miika Äppelqvist, Product Manager at Glaston.
As a result, building glass standards have risen in response and tempered glass must match specific visual and performance qualities so designers and architects can create their building dreams. In 2010, Glaston launched its first online measuring system for tempered glass that automatically measures distortions and dimensions. The goal is to make better quality building glass with good business sense.
Glaston n iLooKΤΜonlinee qualityy measurementt system A good d look k att distortion n online
Onlinee measurementt givess immediatee results
Designers and architects have been raising the bar higher when it comes to better glass surface quality and aesthetics, as glass is rapidly become a more visible part of our architectural environment in all parts of the world.
The World of Glass October 2011
The Glaston iLooKΤΜ online quality measurement system, introduced at Glastec 2010, is a unique concept based on proven Glaston technology. The measurement itself occurs with multiple cameras that measure laser reflections using mathematical calculations.
For each glass sheet, iLooKΤΜ makes distortion measurements with its machine vision system. It measures roller wave, otherwise known as optical waviness, and edge kink online - according to predefined quality standards. The distortion measurement gives readings in millidiopters or millimeters, depending on the factory’s preferred system. The online scanner measures the glass dimensions supported by special lighting conditions inside the machinery. Outside light has no effect on the measurements. Glass dimensions can be reported directly on top of the glass sheet shown on the screen. The online system now eliminates all guesswork. It provides repeatable online glass measurements without human error and requires no additional personnel. Even better, it is able to measure all glass produced without requiring any extra time.
And the key steps throughout the process are traceable, which is becoming considerably more important for quality control. “Online quality monitoring offers processors a huge benefit because they get immediate feedback on the glass quality produced,” says Maaret Manninen, Product Manager of Glaston.
Sparee partss online Glaston offers the widest customer service network for the glass processing industry. Glaston Services include service agreements, spare parts, service work, machinery re-location services, training and consultation services, machinery and software upgrades during the entire machinery lifetime. In Vitrum 2011 Glaston Services introduces the spare parts web shop for the Tamglass and Uniglass original spare parts.
Glaston Bavelloni tradition: continuous innovation During its 65th anniversary, Glaston Bavelloni will present Vitrum visitors a totally new range of straight line edging and double edging machines with cup and peripheral wheels. Innovation leading to better quality of the final product, reliability, a decrease in processing costs, modern technology, attention to ecofriendly values and energy savings are the
The World of Glass October 2011
common features of these new machine series. Ever since 1946, Glaston Bavelloni has provided unique tradition and experience in the field as one of the world’s leading companies that created the basic technologies for flat glass processing. This has been witnessed by thousands of machines sold and installed all over the world.
With clear and continuous investment in research and development, Bavelloni has decided to challenge those who only look to the past. By presenting new technologies and solutions, registering new patents and reaching higher performance and quality, Glaston aims to satisfy both its traditionally loyal customers as well as all future ones. The new Bavelloni series Hiyon, Xtraedge and Helios consist of more than 10 models available in many configurations that can be customized according to customer needs. Each machine is fully designed and produced at the Glaston Italy Spa factory in Bregnano (Co), Italy.
Ι.. CHARIZANOS & CO Glastonn Bavelloni
ELIAS DIKEOS Glastonn (Tamglass-Uniglass)
12 Αristotelous Str., P.C. 173 43, Agios Dimitrios, Athens, Greece. Τel.: +30-210-9953132/3, Fax: +30-210-9911218, email: charizanos@freemail.gr
11C Megaloupoleos Str, P.C. 152 36 Penteli, Athens, Greece, Tel.: +30-210-8035751-2, Fax: +30-210-8035753, e-mail:eliasdikaios@dgtech.gr
The World of Glass October 2011
COMPANIES Noteworthy anniversary in the world of glass: the Fenzi Group celebrates 70 years of business.
“Certainly, the best way to celebrate this event is to look to the future with the samedetermination that has led us over the years to create innovative, highquality products”according to Alessandro Fenzi, CEO of the Group, as he emphasizes the company’s strategy: choosing only raw materials that meet the highest quality standards, investments in research for technological improvements, maximum safety throughout all phases of the production process, and on-going support for customers around the world. From the very beginning, the Group decided to work in a highly specialized industry, one that supplies chemical products for secondary processing of flat glass, and the field in which it is now an acclaimed global leader. By focusing on such a specific area, the company was able to develop the essential know-how, skills, and technological capabilities to become an authoritative reference for professionals throughout the industry. Thanks to this storehouse of knowledge built up over 70 years of specialization in the areas of mirror coatings, IG sealants, and decorative paint, today the Group is able to forecast market needs. Furthermore, working closely with clients has always been one of the company’s strengths, and part of the Group’s keen innovative drive stems from this ability: to understand the future needs of their customers and turn them into state-ofthe-art, functional products.
The World of Glass October 2011
Alessandro Fenzi, CEO of the Group High quality raw materials, manufacturing processes that are well thought-out – down to the smallest detail – and a special emphasis on customer support have contributed to the Group’s position as a leading partner in the international glass industry. In fact, these traits are what make Fenzi a reliable ally, capable of earning the unconditional trust of the glass world.
The Group relies on an extensive international network assembled over the years on five continents: “For anyone like us, who chooses to work in a highly specialized sector, coverage of global markets is an absolute necessity”, stated Alessandro Fenzi. The Group’s strategy for the future is focused on further strengthening its foreign footprint, especially in markets that display strong growth potential. China and Russia immediately come to mind. Last year the Group celebrated its 30th year in Asia and inaugurated a new manufacturing plant in Russia; in both these locations, further expansion of production is on the drawing boards. The company’s foresight in recognizing the potential of these markets was, and continues to be, rewarded in terms of sales and production. During the 1980s, at the same time it was expanding in North and South America and in Australia, the company began exporting Duralux mirror coatings to Asia and especially to China, focusing at first on the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai and then, with the rapid development of industrialized processes, also on outlying areas. This led to an increase in distribution coverage and a strengthening of networks. In 2006 Fenzi China Paints and Sealants Company Limited was established. “A considerable management commitment and shrewd networking strategies helped us overcome the inevitable barriers that separate Western industry
The World of Glass October 2011
and traditions from those in Asia, by blending our know-how with the employment of local staff and workers – continues Alessandro Fenzi. Every country has its way of doing things and it would not be right, or strategically wise, to think you can drop an Italian business model into another culture from day one -- in order to understand and cope with the needs, the differences, and the specific requirements of the customers, in China, as in the rest of the world, you need to be prepared to put a flexible plan into play”. Performance of Duralux mirror coatings continues to be excellent, thanks in part to the consistent growth of the domestic home furnishings market, that goes hand-in-hand with historically strong exports. The same positive trend holds true for Tempver enamels, recently added to the production program of the China plant. But the real challenge for the current year is to produce high performance sealants on site. Launched in October of 2010, production in China of Butylver,the polyisobutylene-based sealant, used in the first barrier sealing of insulating glass, is, in fact, growing. China is becoming increasingly sensitive toward curbing carbon dioxide emissions and consequently, setting new standards in terms of energy savings, thermal and acoustic insulation, a trend that points the way to a future rife with potential for the Group.
Quality insulating glass will become an essential element in reducing energy consumption and now, more than ever, the quality of Fenzi’s production is beginning to be recognized and, even better, in great demand. Another example toward understanding the strategic capabilities of the Group is that of the OOO Fenzi and OOO AluPro plants in Lipetsk, approximately 500 km from Moscow. These are the only Italian firms in the sector to have an on-site manufacturing plant, already running at top speed, just slightly more than two years after the beginning of operations. In fact, with a visceral sense of its growth potential, in 1998 Fenzi began exporting IG products to the Russian Federation. Step by step the Group has gained a leadership position in the polysulphide sealant and aluminum profile market. Out of this grew the need for an on-site manufacturing investment in order to maintain market share over time. “Finding the right location and bringing the project to conclusion was not a simple task. But we did learn from our experiences, and we succeeded in getting our state-of-theart plants up and running. In some ways, our Russian plants are the Group’s most innovative” explains Alessandro Fenzi. Alu-Pro has been running at nearly full capacity since September 2010 and is already planning to expand. Fenzi launched in February 2010 and expects to be operating at full volume by summer. The thing that has brought the Group the greatest satisfaction was, however, immediately achieving superior-quality production in Russia. “From the very first day we managed to deliver to our Russian customers products of the same trusted quality we had supplied from our plants in Western Europe” confirms Alessandro Fenzi. The firm’s vigorous international market presence is also fortified, as is well-known, by the Glass Alliance network. Fenzi, Alu-Pro and Rolltech, the three core companies in the organization, manage to meet their clients’ needs at all times, anywhere in the world. The Glass Alliance network relies on more than 500 employees, working in 9 plants, manufacturing centers, and sales officesfor the three firms on all seven continents. Coverage is nearly complete, and this explains why most of the manufacturers of insulating glass regularly use among their components at least one of the products distributed by Glass Alliance.
The World of Glass October 2011
Products The Group has three main business units:
Mirrorr coatings The range of Duralux mirror coatings, the first product launched on the market in 1941, is now manufactured and distributed around the world. The array of Duralux products meets most needs, from the more traditional to the sophisticated “copper free” and zero lead technologies; which is precisely why most of the world’s mirrors are made using Duralux anti-corrosion coatings. Research for development of this product was also directed toward other fields of application, aiming quite successfully at the world of the green economy. Fenzi developed Duralux Solar Coatings, a new line of solar mirror coatings designed to meet the standards for higher levels of durability and resistance to wear for applications in cutting edge solar thermal systems.
Insulatingg glasss products In terms of volume, the most important division in the Group is that of sealants for warm edge and very low heat transfer IG units. One example is the range of Thiover two-part polysulphide sealants which contain no solvents or other hazardous ingredients, have excellent mechanical properties and minimal permeability of water and gas, perfect adhesion, and resistance to wear. These excellent properties have made it one of the top selling sealant lines in the world. Also ideal for insulating glass are the latest generation Chromatech profiles crafted by Rolltech, a partner of Alu-Pro and Fenzi in the Glass Alliance network. Both the Chromatech Ultra and Chromatech Plus lines offer optimum performance in terms of stability, durability and very low heat transfer properties.
Decorativee paintss forr glass Fenzi manufactures Tempver glass enamels, ideal for screen-printing, enameling, and satinfinishing of glass. The various ranges of Tempver enamels are a significant, reliable tool – the place where versatility in construction and strong visual impact meet. In addition to its eco-compatible, specialized decorative glass processing products, Fenzi also offers innovative solutions for office and home décor, for bath and kitchen. Aquaglass paints –water based one-part paints from the Decover range – make it possible to combine the extreme versatility that characterizes the entire range of Decover paints with the eco-compatibility of awater-based product.
FENZI SpA Zona Ind. - Via Trieste, 13/15 - 20067 Tribiano (Mi) Web site: www.fenzigroup.com
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
Î?o time for the timid Byy Russelll J.. Ebeid President Glass Group Guardian Industries Corp.
Thee abovee articlee wass firstt presented d inn thee Internationall Conferencee Glasss Performancee Days, Tamp pere,, Finland,17-200 Junee 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the future. A future that will be completely different from the past. Rapid change in work practices, the way we communicate, and the tools we use. The global relevance of advancement takes place even in remote parts of the planet. Change comes fast and furious in a world of information, choices, challenges, and demands.
This will be filtered through why today is different than previous eras of upheaval.
I had the pleasure to address this prestigious forum in 1999 and again in 2007. Since this is my last opportunity to If we do it correctly, our time speak as President of the will allow us to challenge each Guardian Glass Group to this other to be at the forefront of assembly of experts, I would change. Here in Tampere, like to build on the themes of we can ignite inspiration and my previous speeches. Let us innovation and touch projexamine how these predicects and people in Beijing, tions have held up under the Berlin, Boston or Brasilia. ravages of time and rapid change. What does change mean to this industry? These occaThe types of adjustments preWe are not immune from sions make us smarter and dicted back in 1999 and change in the glass industry more integral to the markets revisited in 2007 seem to be and that is what we will diswe serve if we are visionary self-evident today. The percuss today. We’ll look at instead of reactionary. ceived wisdom of hindsight is changes in the major players, We should drive change that that everyone saw what was the structure of our industry, impacts our business rather coming. The smart money in and the impact of globalizathan just let it happen to us. 1999 was the “dot.coms”; tion. We will look at indusWe must provide leadership Internet companies that didtry leadership and its evoluand clarity in meeting the n’t manufacture anything but tion throughout the world. needs of a changing world. had high stock values. There will be an opportunity The people gathered here are to ask the question that responsible for change in always arises with major your companies. So I chalchange - what business are we lenged you to adopt the title really in? Who is king, the to my speech, this is no time industry or the consumer? for the timid. This is a time Finally, as we began with this for the bold. video, we will talk about the new tools used to communiSince I have been involved in cate and conduct business in this industry for 41 years this the future. is not a passing fancy of mine. It is not even my first visit to Finland. I have learned previously that the saunas are warm and the lakes are cold. Nor is this my first GPD.
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In those days, industry producers were dominant and customers took the products they could get. The industry was dominated by a handful of large companies centered in traditional markets. A calendar rather than a stopwatch measured the pace of change. Technology was stogy and coatings a novelty. Entire regions of the world imported their glass. At the 1999 GPD, I took the liberty of making forecasts on the realities of the day and suggested we were in for big changes and trends in entirely new directions. While it seems quaint today, almost like another century, instead it was just over a decade ago. At the GPD in 2007, I asked the attendees to grade my forecasts, confident that a glassmaker would fare better than economists. By then we had seen the industry’s shift from producer to user with enhanced products that every company needed to stay in the game. We saw that a company’s size did not predict profitability or market value. It was clear then that the group of global glass players would consist of Japanese, French, American and soon, Chinese companies. The clockspeed of our industry accelerated and
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technology and innovation was found throughout the world. Coatings kept opening new frontiers of applications and we had reason to be optimistic about serving new markets. Indeed we were starting to think of ourselves as an energy conglomerate rather than a traditional glass company. By the Düsseldorf Show of 2008, the economic forecasts had turned cloudy and ill winds blew into most parts of the world, stalling growth and chilling projects around the globe with economic stormy weather. While some regions stayed sunny, most endured turbulence and are just now seeing signs of growth. The rapid change of the past two years has carried gloom as well as promise
depending on your point of view. As always, more lessons are learned in hard times rather than good times. In challenging times and rapid change, companies must be smart, nimble, and wise focusing on their customer’s needs. It is not the time to be hesitant or timid it is an opportunity to prune for future growth. It is time to have the best people. It is time to be the best at what you do and make sure your customers know it. Paradoxically, during such challenges it is judicious to identify new opportunities that build upon your core strengths and use new technologies and tools. Whatever your chosen road map for moving ahead, there remains the core reality of the glass industry today.
Do you continue to follow a commodity strategy of vanilla products and compete on price - or do you pursue the model of adding value for your products and services at an enhanced price? These latter attributes allow you to survive and flourish. The global nature of the glass industry continues to reveal itself. The representatives here are from all over the world and the GPD now has conferences in India and China. Recently we participated in GPD technical sessions in Shanghai because
the growing uses of coatings are being embraced and enhanced in the Asian region. Infrastructure investments proliferate in these new economies and the emerging middle class clamor for the beauty and elegance of glass that range from interior home furnishings to consumer electronics. Also capital market maturity allows smoother adjustments to the demands of international economic activities as the glass industry in China continues to evolve at a rapid pace with consolidation paving the way for national champions and the emergence of a global player. In India, the industry continues to emerge. The subcontinent has both global as well as local players. Similar to China, the infrastructure investments continue to increase in major cities throughout the country. Recently India has expressed a desire to commence a solar industry suggesting new opportunities for industry players. A trend discussed in 2007 was the emergence of processors in developing countries.
The World of Glass October 2011
Traditionally, distributors served many of these markets. While they provided a service, they added little to its value. Increasingly, processors have emerged, flourished, and helped create a domestic glass industry - a force that increases value and demanded better processes, systems, and products. We witness this phenomenon in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In the same speech we forecasted that in Europe, these trends would be to the East and to the South. There are many increasingly sophisticated fabricators in Russia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the region. They bring a broader base of new products as well as being closer to the end consumer. In North America, these changes were driven by acquisition and consolidation strategies that were exposed by the Great Recession of 2009.
Companies that had taken on debt in pursuit of bigger purchasing power were ill equipped to survive the financial storm. Many prominent names are now memories and buried beneath the banner of history. It is not just the names of companies that are changing; the leadership of this business is undergoing transition depending on the culture of the firm, the depth of their personnel, and the nature of succession planning. In 2007, I was joined on the dais by the presidents of three other firms. None of these gentlemen were with their companies a year later. While there are a variety of leadership styles and management theories, there is no substitute for ambitious, selfmotivated people who aren’t afraid to take risks and learn from their mistakes. Remember iPads are not a panacea. Facebook won’t fix a faulty strategic plan and Twitter can’t tweak a furnace in need of repair. Only people can assess a situation, evaluate the data, and act in a timely and decisive manner. The primary role of leadership is to promote change and to anticipate the opportunities, resources, technologies, and timeliness required. During the Great Recession, the best companies focused on finding new products and services to differentiate their
The World of Glass October 2011
offerings. Others focused on debt and survival. Glass is becoming more elegant and sophisticated rather than merely a “see-through” product. Consider your smartphones or iPads in the latest electronic devices. Visit the new landmarks of the world like the Burj Khalifa or the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Ride in an automobile that has a panoramic sunroof with intelligent photovoltaics that look stylish.
crossroad is similar for us today as we contemplate the mantra of who we are and how we work.
We know that industry alone cannot ensure that energy efficient products become the product of choice. It takes knowledgeable consumers who make responsible decisions and governments who make it a matter of national public priority. We have seen this before in the case of safety glass, insulated glass, or low-E glass. Government Over the next few days in drives product acceptance. your technical sessions, inno- The price of fossil fuels vation should be a key topic. demand government impleThe consumer is willing to ment higher requirements for pay an attractive price for energy policies. The world items they consider prestihas changed and the stakes gious. In the past, this are high. Industry is industry has done itself a dis- responding by using nantinct disservice as it has kept otechnology and other the focus on commodity pric- advancements to provide ing and purchasing agents. It superior performance. We is time for us to reinvent our- encourage government to selves. This may seem disin- adopt them and industry to genuous since glassmaking deliver them. has been around for a thousand years but during transi- But government directives tional times even history are not enough. They must needs to meet challenges. be enforced with code regulaYou have heard the veritable tion and inspection. In the story about the transition U.S., low emissivity glass from the horse and carriage began as a high cost feature to the automobile. with less than a five percent Companies didn’t make it acceptance rate. Today, because they remained in the because of concern about horse and buggy industry. energy independence, all winOthers flourished because dows are mandated by a they realized they were in the tougher code. That grew the transportation industry. The business for all.
The World of Glass October 2011
We could talk about solar and other technologies that are being explored, developed, and applied. There are solar technical conferences just about every other week. I am sure the technical details will be discussed in workshops here at GPD so we will leave that topic for you to unpack over the next couple of days. This is an area that gives strength to the assertion that we are in the green energy business and need to think larger than unprocessed glass.
The World of Glass October 2011
Today’s video and the devices that tether you to your office while you are in Finland make the point even more strongly. The tools have changed; the communication is constant and interactive, and increasingly similar to high tech. We now operate in an era where companies use new tools to address the reputation of their brands, products, and services. We can access the wisdom of consumers and their interest in our value proposition.
Customers and prospects have an instantaneous platform for their ideas, experiences, and knowledge about us. The nature of decision-making has evolved rapidly and with impressive strength, connecting professionals to each other, and changing the dynamics of customer, management, marketing, and communications relationships. Today’s global environment is a vast network of seamlessly connected devices with nearly one billion people connected to the Internet and four billion mobile phones. More than four hundred million people are sharing billions of pieces of content and experiences each week via online exchanges. This means the consumer increasingly is king and will demand preferred brands in the most basic of products.
The World of Glass October 2011
It happened long ago with gasoline and more recently with coffee. Now that we have moved along the continuum from commodity thinking to value added glass, the next era will be one of brands marked by performance and customer service. The companies that comprehend that aspect will be the winners of the future. I trust that you will ponder the comments of today and take advantage of opportunities to make a difference. HEARST CORPORATION NEW YORK,, USA
Client:Organization for the Construction of the New Acropolis Museum Architect :Bernard Tschumi Architects, New York/Paris Associate Architect: Michael Photiadis, ARSY,Associate Architect, Athens
The World of Glass October 2011
The new Acropolis Museum LOCATION The Acropolis Museum is located in the historical area of Makriyianni, southeast of the Rock of the Acropolis, on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, Athens. It is only 300 meters from the Acropolis and approximately 2 kilometers from Syntagma, Athens main city square. The Museum entrance is located at the beginning of the pedestrian walkway of Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, which constitutes the central route for the unified network of the city’s archaeological sites. The Acropolis station of the Metro is on the east side of the Museum site.
The World of Glass October 2011
The monuments of the Acropolis have withstood the ravages of past centuries, both of ancient times and those of the Middle Ages. Until the 17th century, foreign travellers visiting the monuments depicted the classical buildings as being intact. This remained the case until the middle of the same century, when the Propylaia was blown up while being used as a gunpowder store. Thirty years later, the Ottoman occupiers dismantled the neighbouring Temple of Athena Nike to use its materials to strengthen the fortification of the Acropolis. The most fatal year, however, for the Acropolis, was 1687, when many of the building’s architectural members were blown into the air and fell in heaps around the Hill of the Acropolis, caused by a bomb from the Venetian forces. Foreign visitors to the Acropolis would search through the rubble and take fragments of the fallen sculptures as their souvenirs. It was in the 19th century that Lord Elgin removed intact architectural sculptures from the frieze, the metopes and the pediments of the building.
The World of Glass October 2011
In 1833, the Turkish garrison withdrew from the Acropolis. Immediately after the founding of the Greek State, discussions about the construction of an Acropolis Museum on the Hill of the Acropolis began. In 1863, it was decided that the Museum be constructed on a site to the southeast of the Parthenon and foundations were laid on 30 December 1865. The building program for the Museum had provided that its height not surpasses the height of the stylobate of the Parthenon. With only 800 square meters of floor space, the building was rapidly shown to be inadequate to accommodate the findings from the large excavations on the Acropolis that began in 1886. A second museum was announced in 1888, the so-called Little Museum. Final changes occurred in 1946-1947 with the second Museum being demolished and the original being sizably extended. By the 1970s, the Museum could not cope satisfactorily with the large numbers of visitors passing through its doors. The inadequacy of the space frequently caused problems and downgraded the sense that the exhibition of the masterpieces from the Rock sought to achieve. The Acropolis Museum was firstly conceived by Constantinos Karamanlis in September 1976. He also selected the site, upon which the Museum was finally built, decades later. With his penetrating vision, C. Karamanlis defined the need and established the means for a new Museum equipped with all technical facilities for the conservation of the invaluable Greek artifacts, where eventually the Parthenon sculptures will be reunited. For these reasons, architectural competitions were conducted in 1976 and 1979, but without success. In 1989, Melina Mercouri, who as Minister of Culture inextricably identified her policies with the claim for the return of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum, initiated an international architectural competition. The results of this competition were annulled following the discovery of a large urban settlement on the Makriyianni site dating from Archaic to Early Christian Athens. This discovery now needed to be integrated into the New Museum that was to be built on this site. In the year 2000, the Organization for the Construction of the New Acropolis Museum announced an invitation to a new tender, which was realized in accord with the Directives of the European Union. It is this Tender that has come to fruition with the awarding of the design tender to Bernard Tschumi with Michael Photiadis and their associates and the completion of construction in 2007. Today, the new Acropolis Museum has a total area of 25,000 square meters, with exhibition space of over 14,000 square meters, ten times more than that of the old museum on the Hill of the Acropolis. The new Museum offers all the amenities expected in an international museum of the 21st century.
The World of Glass October 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
around the specific needs of each part of the building. The base of the museum floats over the existing archaeological excavations on pilotis to protect and consecrate the site with a network of columns placed in careful negotiation with experts so as not to disturb sensitive archaeological work. The orientation gently rotates as it rises so that the main galleries in the middle form a double-height trapezoidal plate that accommodates the galleries from the Archaic period to the Roman Empire, and is shaped to respond to the contemporary street grid. The top, which is made up of the rectangular Parthenon Gallery arranged around an indoor court, rotates gently again to orient the Marbles exactly as they were placed at the Parthenon centuries ago. The glass enclosure provides ideal light for sculpture in direct view to and from the Acropolis while protecting the gallery against excessive heat and light, thanks to the most contemporary glass technology. The three major materials of the Museum are glass for the facades and some of the floors, concrete for the core and the columns, and marble for some floors. The east and west facades and the Parthenon Gallery columns are made of steel.
Architectural Desciption
Three concepts turn the constraints and circumstances of the site into an architectural opportunity, offering a simple and precise museum with the mathematical and conceptual clarity of ancient Greece. First, the conditions animating the New Acropolis Museum revolve around natural light more than in any other type of museum. Light for the exhibition of sculpture differs from the light involved in displaying paintings or drawings. The new exhibition spaces could be described as an museum of ambient natural light, concerned with the presentation of sculptural objects within it, whose display changes throughout the course of the day.Second, the visitor’s route through the museum forms a clear three-dimensional loop, affording an architectural promenade with a rich spatial experience that extends from the archeological excavations to the Parthenon Marbles and back through the Roman period. Movement in and through time is an important aspect of architecture, and of this museum in particular. With over 10,000 visitors daily, the sequence of movement through the museum artifacts is designed to be of the utmost clarity. Third and finally, the building is divided into a base, middle, and top, which are designed
The World of Glass October 2011
Construction fact sheet
Statistics Numberr off Floors:: Three main levels and two intermediate levels Fulll Sitee Area: 23,000 square meters (250,000 square feet) Floorr Area: 21,000 square meters (226,000 square feet) Exhibition n Space: 14,000 square meters (150,000 square feet) Numberr off Columnss in n Excavaations: 43
Numberr off Columnss in n Archaicc Gallery: 28 Dimensionss off Parthenon n Gallery: 39 x 84 meters Dimensionss off thee Frieze: 21 x 58 meters n Parthenon n Numberr off Glasss Panelss in Gallery: 348 Total Area of Glass Panels: 1302 meters2
MATERIALS Structure:: Reinforced concrete and steel Glasss Facade:: Purified ‘low iron’ glass with an invisible selective UV coating and printed frit Innerr Core: Precast and cast-in-place concrete with acoustical dampening perforations Skylights: Frosted glass panels Railings: Glass panels with steel handrails Floors: Beige marble for galleries; dark marble for circulation; heat strengthened, laminated safety glass with textured dots to prevent slippage Displays: Marble pedestals, glass vitrines, and steel niches Consstruction n Budget:130 million euro (approximately $175 million US) Competition n Announced:Spring 2001 Architectt Announcement:September 2001 Design n Completed:August 2002 Groundbreakingg: September 2003 Buildingg Completion: September 2007 Transferr off Artifacts: September through December 2007 Limited d Publicc Viewingg off Installation:Winter 2008 Publicc opeening: June 20, 2009
The World of Glass October 2011
the mind of the visitor, with the viewing of the Hekatompedon pediment sculptures at close range, where a scene of a lion entwined in battle with a bull is presented. The visitor then moves to the south side of the Gallery where the richness and range of architectural sculptures, principally free standing votives stand. Depictions of young women (the Korai), the horse riders (the Ippeis) and many others provide a striking picture of the Acropolis in the Archaic Period. In the same Gallery, close to the exhibition of the Korai, the visitor is presented with the commanding sculptures of the pediment of the Ancient Temple of Athena Polias. For the first time visitors to the Archaic Gallery are afforded the opportunity to view exhibits from all sides as three-dimensional exhibits. With the benefit of the changing natural light, visitors can discern and discover the delicate surface variations of the sculptures and select the vantage point from which to observe the exhibits. The visitor progresses to the close of the Archaic collection, with the display and narrative about the Persian disaster on the Acropolis, and is prepared for the next collection - that of the so-called Severe Style. Turning back to look at the Gallery the visitor is likely to be impressed with the beautiful view of the sculptures amongst the tall columns of the Archaic Gallery.
A tour of the Acropolis Museum
After crossing the ground floor lobby towards the turn styles of the Museum, the first collection lies before the visitor. An ascending, wide glass-floored gallery presents finds from the slopes of the Acropolis. On the left hand side, finds from some of the key sanctuaries of the slopes are exhibited. On the right hand side, finds from the smaller sanctuaries and the settlements that developed on the slopes of the Hill are displayed. Unique vases from the Sanctuary of Nymphe, the relief of Telemachos, theatrical masks and the treasure of Aphrodite amongst many other exhibits, provide a fascinating introduction to the larger sanctuaries and the ceremonies associated with them in antiquity. The visitor is drawn up towards the monumental glass staircase at the end of the glass floored ramp by the large architectural sculptures of the pediment of the Hekatompedon, the first large temple of the Goddess Athena on the Acropolis. The visitor begins the tour of the first floor galleries at the northeast corner, where archaeological finds and a scale model make clear the significance of the Acropolis in the Mycanaean Period both as a residential area and as the seat of the local ruler. The shift in the status of the Acropolis to an important religious center is signaled by the finds from the Geometric period and in particular by the bronze decorative disc from a temple roof. This development is consolidated in
Visitors can then take the stairs, escalator or elevator to reach the second floor where the Museum restaurant operates but where they can also have panoramic views of the Archaic Gallery and the Gallery of the Slopes below from the public viewing balconies.Another level up using the staircase, escalator or elevator and the visitor finds themselves in the atrium of the Parthenon Gallery. Here the visitor can observe a video presentation about the Parthenon, before or after their visit to the Parthenon Gallery, and access other information about the sculptural decoration of the monument. The ancient marble inscriptions recording details of the construction of the statue of Athena Parthenos provide information on how democratic bodies in the 5th century BC functioned. The installation of the frieze of the Parthenon on the rectangular cement core that has exactly the same dimensions as the cella of the Parthenon enables a comprehensive viewing of the details of the frieze as one takes the perimetric walk of the Gallery. The narrative of the story of the Panathenaic Procession is pieced together with a combination of the original blocks of the frieze and cast copies of the pieces in London. The metopes of the Parthenon are mounted in their correct order between the perimetric columns of the Gallery and the pediment sculptures, east and west, are displayed in their respective places. The descent of the visitor back to the first floor to the last gallery of the Museum, affords views of unique works that became prototypes for subsequent periods from antiquity to today. For the first time ever, it is possible to view to see the coffered
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ceiling of the Propylaia and the sculptures from the parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike, and finally the Caryatids - or Kores of the Erectheion at close proximity on the balcony overlooking the Slopes Gallery. The exhibition concludes in this first floor gallery. Reliefs of Athenian decrees, impressive portraits, Roman copies of classical masterpieces and depictions of philosophers and historical figures are the exhibits covering a period from 5th century BC to 5th century AD. The visitor then descends the monumental staircase, crossing the Gallery of the Slopes once again towards the Museum exit. In the coming months visitors will be able to commence their tour of the Museum from the on-site archaeological excavation that lies within the Museum. When conservation of the remains within the excavation is completed and metal ramps above the excavation installed, visitors will be able to walk among - or rather above the remains of the ancient neighborhood. Assisted by key information points at selected vantage spots, visitors will be able to gain an understanding of life in the ancient neighborhood. The excavation provides the opportunity to visitors to appreciate both the masterpieces of the Acropolis in the upper levels of the Museum against the remains of the day to day lives of the people that lived in the shadow of the Acropolis over various periods. Museum visitors have access to a range of visitor services including the ground floor cafĂŠ and second floor restaurant-cafĂŠ with its panoramic views of the Acropolis. A temporary exhibition gallery, auditorium, a virtual reality theatre and two Museum shops assure a high standard of visitor experience in the Museum.
The Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis 74
After crossing the ground floor lobby towards the turn styles of the Museum, the first collection lies before the visitor. An ascending, wide glass-floored gallery houses finds from the slopes of the Acropolis. The occasionally transparent floor provides a view of the archaeological excavation, while its upward slope alludes to the ascent to the Acropolis. The Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis houses finds from the sanctuaries that were founded on the slopes of the Acropolis, as well as objects that Athenians used in everyday life from all historic periods. On the left hand side, finds from some of the key sanctuaries of the slopes are exhibited. On the right hand side, finds from the smaller sanctuaries and settlements that developed on the slopes of the Hill are displayed. In antiquity, the slopes of the Sacred Rock constituted the transition zone between the city and its most famous sanctuary. This was the area where official and popular cults, as well as large and small sanctuaries existed alongside private houses.
The World of Glass October 2011
From the Theatre of Dionysus. Relief plaque depicting a female dancer. Pentelic Marble. 1st c. BC
Red-figure lecanis lid. Dionysiac Scene. Dionysus and Mainads. 4th c. BC
Black-figure loutrophorosamphora. Wedding procession with the gods Apollo and Hermes. ca. 525 BC
Terracotta votive plaque from the sanctuary of the Nymphe. 6th c. BC
Clay Nike, possibly decorative element from the roof of a building (acroterion). 1st-3rd c. AD The World of Glass October 2011
The Archaic Gallery
Archaic is the period throughout the 7th century BC, until the end of the Persian Wars (480/79 BC). This period is characterized by the development of the city-state and the transition from aristocracy to tyranny and, eventually, democracy. It is also characterized by great achievements in the economy, art and intellectual life. In the Archaic Gallery, for the first time, visitors have the opportunity to view exhibits from all sides as three-dimensional exhibits. With the benefit of the changing natural light, visitors can discern and discover the delicate surface variations of sculptures and select the vantage point from which to observe the exhibits. In the south side of the Gallery, depictions of young women (the Korai), the horse riders (the Hippeis) and many other provide a striking picture of the Acropolis in the Archaic Period.
The World of Glass October 2011
The pediment of the Gigantomachy from the Archaic temple of the Athena Polias (Archaios Naos). 525-500 BC
The Hekatompedon (the earliest Parthenon). Two lionesses tear up Taurus. The Triton and the Triple-Bodied Monster are depicted on the left and right corners of the pediment respectively. 570 B From left to right: Lion bronze vessel adornment. 6th c. BC, Bronze boar figurine. 500-480 BC, Bronze dog figurine. 6th c. BC, Bronze bird figurine. Late 6th c. BC
The “Kore with the eyes of a sphinx”. Parian marble. 500 BC
Double metal sheet bearing the image of Athena. 530 BC
The “Antenor Kore”. Monumental Kore statue by the sculptor Antenor. Pentelic marble. 525-510 BC
The World of Glass October 2011
The Parthenon Gallery
In the centre of the Parthenon Gallery on the 3rd floor, the visitor can observe a video presentation about the Parthenon and the sculptural decoration of the monument. In the same area are presented ancient marble inscriptions recording detailed cost records of the construction of the Parthenon and the statue of Athena Parthenos. As a result, visitors are informed on how democratic bodies functioned in the 5th century BC. The installation of the frieze of the Parthenon on the rectangular cement core that has exactly the same dimensions as the cella of the Parthenon enables a comprehensive viewing of the details of the frieze, as one takes the perimetric walk of the Gallery. The narrative of the story of the Panathenaic Procession is pieced together with a combination of the original blocks of the frieze and cast copies of the pieces in museums abroad, such as the British Museum and the Louvre.
The World of Glass October 2011
View of the south side of the metopes depicting the Centauromachy.
View of the west and south frieze of the Parthenon.
View of the east pediment of the Parthenon.
View of the west pediment of the Parthenon.
Propylaia, Athena Nike, Erechtheion
The descent of the visitor from the third floor back to the first floor, to the last gallery of the Museum, affords views of unique works that became prototypes for subsequent periods from antiquity to today. For the first time ever, it is possible to view the coffered ceiling of the Propylaia and the sculptures from the parapet of the temple of Athena Nike, and finally, the Caryatids – or Korai of the Erechtheion at close proximity on the balcony overlooking the Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis. The main monuments that constitute the Classical Acropolis are the Propylaia, the temple of Athena Nike and the Erechtheion. The Propylaia, the monumental entrance to the Acropolis, were built in 437-432 BC, following designs by the architect Mnesikles, in order to replace the earlier gateway (the Archaic Propylon). In 427-423 BC, the temple of Athena Nike was built, perhaps by the architect Kallikrates, on the bastion southwest of the Propylaia, to replace an earlier small temple on the same site. The Erechtheion is the last of the Periclean buildings. Construction began during the Peace of Nicias (421-415 BC) and ended after 410 BC.
The World of Glass October 2011
Head of Hermes. Pentelic marble. 2nd c. AD
Balustrade slab from the Temple of Athena Nike. A winged Victory stops to tie up or unfasten her sandal. The type is known as the ‘Sandalbinder’. 420-410 BC
The World of Glass October 2011
The frieze from the cella of the Erechtheion.
From the 5th c. BC to the 5th c. AD
The exhibition concludes at the north side of the first floor gallery. Reliefs of Athenian decrees, impressive portraits, Roman copies of classical masterpieces and depictions of philosophers and historical figures are the exhibits covering the period from the 5th century BC to the 5th century AD. These collections of the Museum include the Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia, the votives of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods and the votives of the Roman Period. Numerous statues were placed on the Acropolis, which represented gods, heroes, mythological themes and portraits of famous men. They were often works of well-known sculptors, dedicated by cities, rulers or even citizens. Few have survived and usually in poor condition. Moreover, from the mid-5th century BC stelai were also erected on the Acropolis. These were inscribed with decrees of the Parliament and the Public Assembly of the Athenians. The inscriptions on the stone were the publication of the original records which were written on papyrus or wooden tablets. The decrees are divided into two categories, depending on their content: a) Athenian treaties or alliances with other cities and b) honorary decrees for individuals who had offered services or benefactions to the city
The World of Glass October 2011
Head of youthful statue of Alexander the Great, carved by the sculptor Leochares or by Lysippos. Found in 1886 near the Erechtheion. 336 BC Head of Artemis Brauronia by the sculptor Praxiteles. 330 BC
The statue of Prokne and Itys, work by sculptor Alkamenes. 430-420 BC
Portrait of Rhoemetalces or Sauromates II, kings of the Bosporus Kingdom. 150-125 BC
The World of Glass October 2011
The exhibition program of the acropolis museum
The Acropolis Museum is an archaeological sitespecific museum,housing the most famous works ofclassical antiquity. These works are artistic expressions of a deep political change that transformed the ancient city of Athens during the 5th century BC, subsequently marking entire eras from antiquity to modernity. The exhibition program aims to provide visitors with all the key information gleaned from the archaeological finds from the Acropolis. Exhibits are presented not solely as works of art, but also as evidence of the historical and social context of the period from which they developed. The exhibition is organized with topographic, chronological and thematic clustering of the collections. The sculptural adornments and various votives enable visitors to become familiar with the sanctuaries and monuments of the Athenian Acropolis, and assisted by the Museum narrative they have the opportunity to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the entire history of the Acropolis in antiquity. The Museum presents works with distinctive characteristics from the Archaic Period and its collection from this period includes significant works by famous artists. These works ceased to be visible after the Persian invasion of 480 BC, which destroyed the Acropolis.
After the Persian destruction, the Athenians buriedmany of the surviving votive statues in pits on the Sacred Rock. These works represent the Athens of Solon, Peisistratos, and Kleisthenes-the Athens of the 6th century BC with the economic developments and social realignments that led to the birth of democracy. Many of the nineteenth century archaeological finds from these pits are presented in the Archaic Gallery on the first floor. The exhibition program also includes archaeological evidence from the first human settlements on the slopes of the Acropolis and from the Sanctuaries which developed on the slopes of the Hill. Finally, the exhibition program includes the original remains of an ancient Athenian neighborhood located in the lower levels of the Museum. Extensive archaeological excavations conducted during preparations for the Museum’s construction revealed private houses, bathhouses, shops, workshops, and roads. When the archaeological excavation opens to the public, portable finds will be exhibited on the same level as the excavation in a specially designed exhibition area. Visitors will also be able to walk at close proximity to the excavation, over a network of metal ramps.
The World of Glass October 2011
Desertec, Smart Grids and Smart Buildings Vision or Reality? By: Ralf Christian, Siemens Energy, CEO Power Distribution Division
Keywords Desertec, Supergrid, Smart Grid, CSP, Efficiency, Smart Buildings, HVDC
Abstract In the coming years, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar will play an increasingly important role in the energy mix. Transporting thisenergy, which is typically generated far from population centers, to where it is needed requires lowloss electricity highways up to 2,000 km in length. This is a prerequisite for implementing the vision of “electricity from the desert�that is at the core of the Desertec project. An additional step toward this new energy age includes optimizing the energy system through smart grids,which efficiently coordinate energy supply and demand. To ensure the best energy supply possible, power grids cannot end at national boundaries. This article describes how all these aspects from Desertec to smart grids and smart buildings - are interrelated and who can profi t from them.
Desertec:: electricityy from thee desert By 2050, electricity generated by solarthermal power plants and wind farms in Africa and the Middle East is expected to cover approximately 15 percent [1] of Europe’s power demand [Figuree 1]. That is the
The World of Glass October 2011
Figuree 1. In six hours the desert regions of the world receive more energy than all of mankind consumes in a year
goal of the Desertec Industrial Initiative in which Siemens is a founding member and technology partner. Plans call for an installed power plant capacity of 100 GW and a generated energy supply of 700 TWh per year. The space needed for the power plants would amount to 2,500 km2.
From m vision n too reality Continuing population growth and increasing industrialization
lead to a rapid rise in worldwide energy demand. At the same time, climate change continues unabated. The Desertec concept could offer solutions in two perspectives: First, the required electricity could be produced in the desert in large amounts. Second, power would be generated in an environmentally friendly manner, which would have a positive effect on CO2 emissions.
The generated power would then be transported to the regions where it is needed with minimal losses by means of high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) technology.But before this vision can become reality, a variety of basic conditions have to be established for the project.For example, international electricity trade has to be promoted and suitable incentives for investments have to be created. Another criterion that must not be overlooked is the political situation in Africa and the Middle East. The political situation must be stable to make it possible to
attract the investments in power plants and transmission technology which, according to the Deutsches Zentrum fĂźr Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), amount to approximately 400 billion [2].The glass industry would benefit from these investments as well. As a supplier of solutions ranging from components for solarthermal power generation to turnkey solar-thermal power plants, Siemens estimates a demand of 190 tons of glass per megawatt of solar-thermal capacity. A 500 MW solarthermal power plant would therefore require approximately 95,000 tons of
glass. The technological implementation of a project such as Desertec is not just a vision for the future: The technology needed for solar thermal power plants, such as steam turbine generators, receivers, and power plant instrumentation and controls, is already part of Siemens’ portfolio [Figure 2].. In addition, as a leading technology company, Siemens offers solutions for power generation by wind farms and large-scale photovoltaic facilities as well as low-loss solutions for high-voltage direct current transmission for Desertec.
Desertecc and d thee superr grid
Figuree 2. Siemens offers solutions for solar-thermal power generation -from single components to turnkey power plants and is founding member of the Desertec industrial Initiative.
Transporting electricity produced in an environmentally friendly manner to where it is needed requires transmission across long distances. This can be achieved with minimal loss with HVDC technology [Figure 3]. However, today’s power grid is insuffi cient to support visions such as Desertec, especially since the supply of power from the desert does not stop at national boundaries. This is where the idea of a super grid comes into play: It could connect the European power grids, as yet not completely networked, from the north to the south, thereby facilitatingthe transmission of power between countries, and even beyond Europe.A super grid completely networks the existing structures and integrates new connections. This does not mean creating additional point-topoint transmission lines between two countries. Instead, the goal is to creat an entire network.
Figuree 3.. One pole of the world-record 800-kV HVDC system in China, which Siemens put into operation for China Southern Power Grid. The transmission capacity amounts to 5,000 megawatts.
How w smartt doo gridss off the futuree havee too be? The more complex a grid becomes and the more producers feed into it, the higher the requirements the grid must meet in order to ensure a reliable supply of energy. To achieve this, the grids of the future have to become more intelligent - they have to become “smart grids” [Figuree 4]. Smart grids will support an intelligently controlled balance between energy consumption and generation.For this to become reality, today’s static grids must become a dynamic infrastructure, allowing flexible,transparent, and rapid interaction between all parties involved in the energy market. This encompasses the entire energy conversion chain - from energy producers to consumers. Basic requirements for a smart grid include integrated communications technology to capture state information at grid nodes and to automate the grid using protection and control technology. This would allow for remote control
The World of Glass October 2011
Figuree 4.. The power transmission and distribution networks will have to facenew challenges in the future. Static grids as operated up to now must become dynamic infrastructures – what are known as “smart grids.”
and monitoring of equipment as well as measuring grid state variables such as voltage, current, and line frequency. Open communication standards and a new grid intelligence are essential to achieve full interoperability of the automation components used.
Smartt gridss forr energyintensivee industries In the past, power generation was determined by the load. But this will no longer work with an increasing amount of power fed into the grid from renewable sources. Renewable energy sources fl uctuate and make planning difficult because they feed a highly variable amount of electricity into the grid. This can result in more electricity being demanded than generated - and vice versa. That is why we need to start controlling consumption in such a way that the load curves adapt to the amount being produced. This can be achieved through fi nancial incentives offered by energy suppliers. Aurubis, Europe’s largest copper producer, shows
how energy-intensive industries can benefi t from this aspect. With enormous energy consumption during production, Aurubis temporarily shuts down its consumption-intensive electrolysis operation (a load of 10-20 MW) when it can achieve attractive prices because of high demand. When there is a peak in demand, Aurubis can either sell power on favorable terms to the European Energy Exchange in Leipzig, or if the grid operator has to balance load peaks in the grid and would like to save the expensive operating reserve required to stabilize the grid, it pays Aurubis for temporarily disconnecting its load. Flexible load management thus offers opportunities to optimize power supply costs for both consumers and producers. In the future, it will be possible to automate coordination between producers and consumers via load management; this demand response will connect or disconnect electrical consumers as needed.
Masdar City: the ecologically optimized city Surplus energy can be used in other ways as well. Buildings will play a major role in smart grids because 40 percent of all energy worldwide is consumed by buildings for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and household appliances. In the future, intelligent building controls shall reduce the burden on the power and heating grid and feed electricity generated by buildings into the grid. After completion in 2016, Masdar City will show how an ecologically optimized city could work [Figuree 5]. This city for up to 50,000 people is currently under construction in the desert of the United Arab Emirates, near Abu Dhabi. Masdar City will meet its energy needs with maximum effi ciency from renewable energy sources within the city as well as from conventional energy sources farther away. Within Masdar City, power is generated primarily by solarthermal power plants and photovoltaic facilities. Masdar City is designed to be carbon neutral. While at night electricity from outside will be fed into the grid, mainly to power air conditioning and lighting systems, during the day enough CO2 -free power is produced that overall, more energy is generated than consumed. This surplus will be fed into the
The World of Glass October 2011
Figuree 5.. Proposed master plan of Masdar City. Source: www.masdar.ae.
surrounding grid during the day.Conventional producers located farther away will be throttled back accordingly to reduce their CO2 emissions. A crucial aspect for all of Masdar City is maximum effi ciency. In order to cut back on air conditioning and hence save energy, the
buildings in Masdar City stand close together so they can shade each other while still allowing enoughdaylight to enter their interior. In addition, they are built on concrete stilts to allow for air circulation, which in turn lowers temperatures to bearable levels.
Desertec, Smart Grids and Smart Buildings Buildingss ass prosumers Realistically, a master-planned project like Masdar City cannot be compared to traditional cities that have evolved over time. However, intelligent building technologies are in demand everywhere [Figuree 6]. More and more buildings are turning into smart buildings, especially in industrialized countries. Equipped with intelligent energy management technology, these buildings are able to go from straight energy consumers to active participants in the power market who supply electricity they generate themselves - and henc become “prosumers.” More and more buildings have photovoltaic systems on the roof or on the facade. In addition, small combined heat and power (CHP) plants are installed more frequently. Smart meters are required to optimize the integration of these power producers into the power grid. In the future, these devices will not only measur electricity consumption but will also be able to communicate with devices and appliances in buildings and with electric utility companies. When power demand in the external grid is high, the CHP plant feeds surplus electricity not needed to supply the building into the grid and simultaneously stores the additional waste heat. The heat is either transferred to a local thermal energy storage unit or absorbed by the building’s thermal capacity. For later required heating purposes, it
The World of Glass October 2011
can be released back into the building. Hot water heaters with properly insulated tanks can be used for this purpose. Another alternative are storage units based on phase change materials. The surplus heat is used to melt salt, for example. When the demand for heat increases, the stored energy is released and the salt solidifies again. The combinations of small CHP plants with storage options currently in use are able to reach an overall effi ciency of approximately 90 percent. There is another aspect to smart grids and smart buildings beyond the storage options already mentioned: the use of electric vehicles as variable storage units for electric power. Considering that industrial companies typically have company parking lots or
Vision n orr reality?
parking garages, electric vehicles offer an enormous potential for energy storage. While parked, these vehicles could be “fueled” with surplus electricity from renewable sources and, when demand in the grid is high, return some of it to the grid. This process could be controlled using an intelligent building management system, which would open up potentially lucrative business models. The amount of energy saved through intelligent networking of producers and consumers still depends on each individual case - in general, experts expect savings of 20 to 25 percent. For example, the potential energy savings in shopping centers is as high as 50 percent while in office buildings it is between 20 and 30 percent.
portfolio that makes up about a third of total revenue, Siemens can play a By 2050, the world crucial role - from population will grow to more than nine billion -two renewable energy billion more than today. As to electromobility. Using advanced technology from the population grows so do Siemens, customers were cities and their able to reduce their CO2 infrastructures, and hence the demand for energy. The emissions by 270 million tons over the course of only most important question in this context is how to ensure one year. Finally, all stakeholders involved need a safe,efficient, and to work together to environmentally friendly continuously improve the supply of energy for the prerequisites and future. The good news is framework for the use of that the technologies intelligent, innovative whether for smart technologies - in order buildings, smart grids, or tocreate sustainable Desertec -already exist. solutions for the future. With its environmental
-Vision or Reality?
Figuree 6. Buildings are responsible for 40 percent of energy consumption worldwide and 21 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. In most buildings, intelligent technological solutions can bring energy savings of up to 30 percent – which pays off fi nancially.
Sources/references [1]http://www.dii-eumena.com/dii-answers/technologies-and-costs.html [2].http://www.dii-eumena.com/fileadmin/Daten/QAs/Dii_Q_A_2011_EN.pdf
Thee abovee article e wass firstt presented d inn thee Internationall Conferencee Glasss Performancee Days,Tampe ere,, Finland,17-200 Junee 2011
The World of Glass October 2011
Smart Grid & Desertec Turning the Vision into Reality Glass Performance Days 2011 Tampere, Finland June 17, 2011
Ralf Christian CEO Power Distribution Division, Siemens AG, Energy Sector 93
Š Siemens AG 2011 The World of Glass October 2011
On the way to a sustainable energy system
19th century
20th century
Electrification of society
Large-scale generation of electrical energy
“Age of coal”
“Age of fossil fuels”
Start of 21st century Transition to New Electricity Age. Challenges require rethinking: 1.) Demographic change 2.) Scarce resources 3.) Climate change
Energy system not sustainable Generation and load closely coordinated Power supply limited to individual regions or urban areas
End of 21st century New Electricity Age Electricity will be the energy source Integrated energy system with a power grid as backbone
Sustainable energy system Energy system shifting
Load follows generation
Interconnected network grids, centralized power generation by “estimated” consumption
Increasingly decentralized, fluctuating power generation through renewable energies
Intelligent grids enable high percentage of renewable energies, e.g. with eCars and heat pumps
Fossil fuels, hydro power, nuclear power
Fossil fuels, hydro power, nuclear power, biomass, wind, solar
Generation follows load
Fossil fuels, hydro power No environmental concerns
Renewable energies, (solar, wind, hydro power, biomass),
“clean” coal, gas, nuclear power
No environmental concerns
Energy challenges –The Energy System overbalances Rising importance of Renewable Energies
Imbalance between generation and consumption Generation
Power generation Market (GW/a)
Other 8%
Other 8%
Solar 44% Solar 25%
Wind 48%
New technologies add complexity to the grid
67% Wind
Load shift
164 58
Urgentt necessityy : An n intelligentt grid d and d storagee forr renewablee energies
The World of Glass October 2011
* Bright Green Scenario assumptions: cost-cuts in renewables, energy storage available, expansion of transmission grids, gas to compensate for intermittency of renewables
To ensure a balanced, sustainable Energy System, we have to put more intelligence to "dumb"power grids
Centralized and large scale bulk power generation Generation follows load Unidirectional power flow Decades-old networking technology
Consumption follows generation (without loss of service quality)
High transparency through smart sensors “Smart Grid” technology to control and balance distributed generation
New technologies enable different scales of Smart Grids –e.g. for long-distance transmission
OVERLAY GRID / HVDC MICROGRID Distributed generation
Long-distance components
Smart Grid isan intelligent management of loads and generation through IT supported bi-directional communication and control
New European transmission overlay grid – balancing regional renewable generation / consumption zones
Connecting renewable & expanding to offshore grids
Including cross-borders power highways
Wind power > 20 ... 40 GW Hydro power > 10 ... 30 GW
Solar power > 10 ... 20 GW
Innovations are already available for visions like DESERTEC A vision becomes reality‌ Photovoltaics
HVDC transmission
Submarine cable
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Solar field
The World of Glass October 2011
Power block
Steam turbine
DESERTEC –also an opportunity for the glass industry Import of wind and solar power from North Africa would trigger large scale production. For each megawatt of concentrated solar power (CSP) capacity approximately 190 tons of glass products are needed. A 500 MW CSP plant will therefore need ~95,000 t of glass. Siemens offers CSP solutions from single components to turnkey powerplants and is foundation member of DESERTEC Industrial Initiative
Raising distributed generation calls for Smart Grids to balance generation an load
Distributed generation
power information
Long-distance components
Smart Grid is an intelligent management of loads and generation through IT supported bi-directional communication and control
Smart Grid Applications are enablers helping to meet the energy challenges
Smart Grid Applications SmartGeneration, Transmission & Distribution
Demand Response
Hardware & Software for intelligent automation of grids & generation
Microgrids Smart Metering
e.g.Substation Automation
Smart Charging Generation
Smart Consumption Hardware & Software forintelligent automationof consumption e.g.Building Energy Management, eCars
‌to help consumers and businessesto balance intelligently between generation and consumption! Load Management: Opportunity to earn extra money for the industry business Load management creates chances to earn extra money -for switching off electrical load -or by trading electricity
Examples: Aurubis(largest European copper producer) switches off electrolysis (10-20 MW load) when rewarding prices can be achieved EWE(German utility, IT and Telco company) uses thermal storages to balance power demand and production: heating of public swimming pools and cooling of industrial cold storage houses
Siemens offers wide range of Smart Grid Solutions
The World of Glass October 2011
Source: EEX
Also Smart Buildings interact with the grid and earn money High energy tariffs
Low energy tariffs Building Management System
Fill storage / Load E-car
Energy storage
Load thermal elements(boiler, ice)
Use reserves E-car Empty thermal storage (boiler, ice)
Energy consumer
Turn-off CHP
All consumers normal operation and build reserves within comfort band
All consumers to minimum level in comfort band Energy storage
Building is energy consumer to power grid
Building may even deliver energy to grid
Combined Heat and Power
The solutions is centered around an intelligent building energy management system that controls consumers, storage and on-site generation. Goal is to shift loads for energy cost reductions
Buildings consume 40% of worldwide energy and produce 21% of green house gas emissions
Energy consumption
Mix of CO2 emissions Industry (indirect)
Building (indirect) Building (direct)
Industry Buildings
Industry (direct) Transport
Transport Agriculture and Waste
Source: "Sustainable Urban infrastructure, London Edition –a view to 2025"
The World of Glass October 2011
Buildings can actively contribute to shifting energy load taking a role as a flexible energy storage Buildings provide enormous potential for energy savings
Smart buildings optimize their internal energy flow ...
Passive consumers become active prosumers even in residential areas
... and communication with the smart grid will allow for automated energy trading
Siemens Urban Sustainability Centre in London – Integrating Smart Buildings into the Smart Grid The challenge:
The solution:
Develop a live use case for Smart Building & Smart Grid integration Coordinate with municipal authorities and utilities
Complex building architechture with: Mixed mode intelligent façade –natural ventilation or comfort cooled
Integrate smart technologies into architectural and civil engineering requirements
Extended daylighting usage
Design for public access (safety and security standards)
Passive chilled beam cooling systems ) (15/18ΓC Intelligent Building Mgmt. System, zonal control, smart metering Grid Integration via Smart Node
It’ss pioneeringg becausee ... It is a ‘Living Laboratory’ with regards to energy and sustainability It integrates Energy Efficient Building Architecture, Building Technology & Smart Grid Integration It opens access to public, media and customers for permanent theme park technology exhibition and temporary special events
The World of Glass October 2011
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