Vida Toronto Magazine • July 2015 • Volume 1 Issue 6

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Co n t e n t s pa ge 6









6 | Fruits with 0 Calories

22| Dextox Water

8 | Watermelon-Me a Vodka

24| Imigration & Criminal Convictions

10 | Score The Perfect Core

26| The Perks Of Summer Flings

12 | Hicking - Relax & Exercise

28| Cartagenas de India, Colombia

14 | Protecting Your Skin

31 | Craving BBQ Time

16 | Orlando Valencia

32| The Gentleman’s Club

18 | Antonio Banderas

33| Kiss Me For-Ever

20| The Price of Fame

34| The Size Does’nt Matter

Frutas Con Cero Calorias Summer Drinks

Health & Fitness Excursionismo

Summer Skin Care

Pachanga Latin Dance Band Actor, Director, Producer El Precio de la Fama

Flush Out Your Liver Legal Advice

Sex & Relationships


Summer Flavors

Men In Prints

Make-Up Hacks

Purses Vs. Totes

VIDA TORONTO® MAGAZINE Jhael Martínez/ Executive Editor

EDITORIAL ENGLISH One of our driving tenets when it comes to selecting material for publications is to find articles that make it enjoyable to picking up our magazine to sit down and read. Even though we don’t talk about formal or academic subjects, our goal is to give you a quiet little space to enjoy yourself and forget about the world we live in, at least for a while.

ESPAÑOL Uno de nuestros principios para conducir la seleccion del material a la hora de crear las ediciones, es encontrar artículos que hagan agradable tomar nuestra revista y sentarse a leer. A pesar que nuestro contenido no habla de temas formales o académicos, nuestro objetivo es brindarle un pequeño espacio de tranquilidad para disfrutar y olvidarse del mundo en el que vivimos, por lo menos por un rato.

Therefore, all the articles we have for you this month and the incoming, all address similar subjects in different ways. I am not going to talk about any in concrete but I want you to realize that while you’re reading them. In Vida Toronto, our articles aim to explore everything that supports your well being. Behind every word, we have a defined purpose: move you out from your comfort zone to improve your living.

Por lo tanto, todos los artículos que tenemos para usted este mes y los proximos, todos abordan temas similares en diferentes maneras. No voy a hablar de ninguno en concreto, pero quiero que usted se de cuenta de ello, mientras los está leyendo. En Vida.Toronto, nuestros artículos tienen como objetivo explorar todo lo que ayuda su bienestar. Detrás de cada palabra tenemos un propósito definido: moverlo afuera de su zona de confort para que mejore su manera de vivir.

As a magazine, we have had many improvements since our first issue, many things have changed, in fact, we don’t stop creating, and are still innovating the existing ones such the website and layout. Hopefully, not so many editions from now, we’ll have new sections different from those you already know and will be worth to read and above all, will benefit your days in some way or another.

Como revista, hemos tenido muchas mejoras desde nuestra primera edición, muchas cosas han cambiado, de hecho, no dejamos de crear, y seguimos innovando lo que ya tenemos como el sitio web y el diseño. Con suerte, en pocas ediciones a partir de ahora, vamos a tener nuevas secciones que al igual que las que usted ya conoce, valdrá la pena leer y sobre todo, beneficiará sus días de una manera u otra.

This is what we do, we do it for you and we enjoy it. That’s the reason why your feedback is vital for the development of our magazine, always, feel free to send us your comments.

Esto es lo que nosotros hacemos, lo hacemos por usted y lo disfrutamos. Es la razón por la que su opinión es vital para el desarrollo de nuestra revista, no dude en enviarnos sus comentarios.

Enjoy this issue and the Summer as well.

Que disfrute esta edicion y el verano también..

Happy July everyone,

Feliz Julio a todos,

Jhael Martinez.

Jhael Martínez.

Emiliano Alfaro

Executive Director

Jhael Martínez Executive Editor

Myriam Pazmiño Associate Editor

Luz Sthella Peña Sales Director

Jessica Dela Fuente Accounts Director

Juan Rodriguez

Online Development

Gabriela Madrid Beauty Director

Laura Hincapie Fashion Director

Gladys Villegas Health & Fitness

Natali Flores

Food & Drinks Director Veronica Granja Sex & Relationships Director

Luz Sthella Peña

Entertainment Reporter

Creative Directors Emiliano Alfaro Jhael Martínez Thania Karime H

Graphic Designers Alberth Moreno Thania Karime H

Cover Photograph James White


Anna V. Martínez

Social Media /vidatoronto /vidatoronto @vidatoronto vidatoronto Vida Toronto® 416.220.5920 Vida Toronto® Magazine is a registered Trademark. The products and services advertised in this magazine are property of the owners and any opinons expressed in the articles written are not neccesarly those of the publication but of the writers. No person, organization or party can copy or re-produce the content in this magazine or any part of this publication without a written consent from the editors’ panel and or the author of the content.

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ctor, director and producer, Antonio Banderas has recently been honoured for The Premios Platino del Cine Iberoamericano, or Premios de la Industria. The award ceremony will be held on July 21th, being this, the second edition of these awards that have started last year in Panama, in which actors and films from Latin America and Spain are recognized. The Spanish actor will be given an honorary award due to his trajectory as an actor, and his recognition in the Anglo-market. He began his acting career with a series of films by director Pedro Almodóvar and then appeared in high-profile Hollywood movies. In the 1990s, he starred big screen projects such as Evita, Interview with the Vampire, Philadelphia, Desperado, The Mask of Zorro and Spy Kids. Banderas also portrayed the voice of “Puss in Boots” in the Shrek sequels as well as the bee in the US Nasonex commercials but his renamed and successful film in the U.S. was “The Mambo Kings” next to Armand Assante. One of the main objectives of this event is to become a platform for films produced by this industry, and to generate a star system among them, then Latino producers, directors and actors can have a bigger projection around the world which is not limited to Hollywood. An activists, Banderas is well know for raising pacific awareness through his movies. On a TB hint, we remember his acting back in 80’s in Law Of Desire (1987); One of Pedro Almodovar early favourites films about a gay film director (Eusebio Poncela) and a crazed obsessed fan interpreted by Banderas. Almodovar’s exquisite mix 18 | vida toronto magazine | www.VIDA.To

of farce and melodrama is unparalleled and the end is unforgettable. There’s also a transgender twist that is the best which according to the actor, will not only let mouths open but also souls washed since LGTB community was already there in we needed to face it; just remember, this was back in the 80’s. Banderas, who plays an evil pirate captain in The Spongebob Movie has stated in his latest interviews for prestigious magazines that being honoured with this award, will allow him to open new doors and conquer new lands for Spanish Talent. The actor emphasized on the fact that Hispanics are no strangers to Hollywood anymore, “It stopped being a trend, and is now a reality, you don’t need a Hispanic actor to represent his/her town by making it big anymore.” He mentioned “Gravity” as an example of how Hollywood is embracing Hispanics more and more nowadays. He proudly, also mentioned the work of new hispanic faces who has been representing us in the big screen such Angelica Ferrara, Mario Lopez, William Levy, Gael Garcia and more, referring to them as the seeds of a new legacy, also stating that, having this success and letting this gate open for the new hispanic generations did not come easy. — “it’s something that we’ve been fighting for over the years. The fruits of our work are meant to be harvest for all Spanish descendants, be it European or Latino American, we are all the same. The hard work has been paying off, “we have conquered Hollywood”, but now is time to open bigger gates for them” - Jose Antonio Dominguez Banderas

Es p añ ol l a c t or, di re c t or y productor, A ntonio Banderas ha s ido recientemente ga l a r d o n a d o por l os Pre m i o s P latino del Cine Iberoamericano o P remios de la Ind u st r i a . L a e nt re ga de premios s e celebrará el 21 de julio, s iendo es ta, la s egun d a e d i c i ó n de e st os pre m i os que dieron inicio en P anamá, en la cual, s e da reconoc i m i e n t o a pe l í c ul a s y a c t ore s de A mérica Latina y Es paña.


Un ga l a rdón honorífico le s era entregado al artis ta para honrar s u trayect o r i a c o m o a c t or y su re c onoc imiento en el mercado anglo. S u carrera comenzó con u n a se r i e de pe l í c ul a s de l di rector P edro A lmodóvar y luego apareció en películas de p e r f i l d e hol l ywoode nse . E n l a dé c a da de 1990, protagonizó proyectos de la pantalla grande co m o E v i t a , E nt re vi st a c on e l Vampiro, P hiladelphia, D es perado, La más cara del Zor r o y Sp y Ki ds. Ba nde ra s t a mbién interpretó la voz de “El gato con botas ” en las se c u e l a s d e Shre k y l a a be j a del comercial americano de N as onex. S in embargo, s u p e l í c u l a d e é xi t o y re nom bre e n U .S fue “The M ambo K ings ” junto a A rmand A s s ante . Uno de l os pri nc i p ales objetivos de es te evento es convertirs e en una p l a t a f o r m a pa ra l a s pe l í c ul a s producidas por es ta indus tria, y generar un s is tema est e l a r e n t r e e l l os. De e st a m a n era, los productores , directores y actores latinos , po d r á n t e n e r proye c c i ón m undi a l s in limitars e a H ollyw ood . Com o a c t i vi st a , Ba n deras es conocido por crear conciencia s ocial de forma p a c í f i c a a t ra vé s de sus pe l í culas . D evolviéndonos en el tiempo, a los años 80, reco r d a m o s su pa pe l e n “ L a l e y de l des eo” (1987); U na de las primera películas de P edro A l m o d ó v a r sobre un di re c t or d e cine gay (Eus ebio P oncela) y un obs es o y enloqu e c i d o f a n i nt e rpre t a do por Banderas . Es ta exquis ita mezcla de A lmodóvar de la f a r sa y e l m e l odra m a e s i nc omparable y s u final es inolvidable. También, en la trama e x i st e u n gi ro t ra nsgé ne ro que s egún el actor, no s ólo le dejaría bocas abiertas , s in o t a m b i é n l a s a l m a s l a va da s y a que la comunidad LG TB ya es taba allí y teníamos q u e h a c e r l e fre nt e e l l o; sól o re cuerde que es to pas o en la década de los 80. Banderas , quien interpreta a un malvado capitán p i r a t a e n la película de Bob Es ponja, ha declarado en s u s ú l t i m a s entrevis tas que s er honrado con es te premio, le p e r m i t i r á abrir nuevas puertas y conquis tar nuevas tierra s p a r a e l talento his pano. El actor hizo res alto el hecho d e q u e l o s his panos ya no s on extraños en H ollyw ood “De j ó d e se r una tendencia, y ahora es una realidad, ya no es n e c e sa r i o para un actor his pano repres entar a s u ciudad por l o q u e e s grande ya.” M encionó “G ravity”, como un ejemplo actual d e c ó m o gradualmente H ollyw ood es tá adoptando los his p a n o s. C o n orgullo, también mencionó el trabajo de los nuev o s r o st r o s his panos que nos ha repres entado en la panta l l a g r a n d e como A ngelica F errara, M ario López, William L e v y, Ga e l G arcía y más , refiriéndos e a ellos como las se m i l l a s d e un nuevo legado. También hizo hincapié en que l l e g a r a tener es te éxito y dejar es ta puerta abierta para l a s n u e v a s generaciones his panas no fue fácil. - “Es algo por lo cual hemos es tado luchando du r a n t e l o s últimos años . Los frutos de nues tro trabajo es tán d e st i n a d o s a s er recogidos por todos los des cendientes de e sp a ñ o l e s, ya s ean europeos o de A mérica latina, todos s om o s i g u a l e s. El trabajo arduo ha dado frutos , “hemos co n q u i st a d o H ollyw ood”, pero ahora es el momento de abr i r p u e r t a s más grandes para ellos “ - J os é A ntonio D omínguez Banderas vida toronto magazine | www.VIDA.To | 19

HĂŠctor Lavoe

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Jairo Varela

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Drinking Review

Summer Wines & BBQ’S English When most people think of barbecues, they automatically think of beer to enjoy with it. You may be surprised to know that there are number of wines that pair well with barbecues. Consider adding a wine to serve your guests at your next outdoor gathering and see if they are pleasantly surprised with how great it goes with your grilled foods. There is definitely a wide array of wine choices when it comes to pairing one with barbecue, so go ahead and try out a few to find out what you prefer.Take a look at the descriptions below to find the perfect pairing to your meat choice.

Español Cuando la mayoría de la gente piensa en barbacoa , piensan automáticamente de cerveza para disfrutar con ella. Es posible que se sorprenda al saber que hay una serie de vinos que combinan bien con platos de barbacoa. Considere agregar un vino para servir a sus invitados en su próxima reunión al aire libre y ver si están gratamente sorprendidos con lo bien que va con su parrilla. Definitivamente hay una amplia gama de opciones de vino cuando se trata de la vinculación que tiene la tarifa de barbacoa , así que adelante y probar algunas de averiguar lo que prefiere. Heche un vistazo a la descripciónes de estos vinos para encontrar la combinación perfecta para su elección de carne .

Altos Las Hormigas Malbec 2012 Breasts Chicken Pairing Made in: Mendoza, Argentina By: Delphinus Trading Kft Alcohol/Vol: 14.5% Sweetness Descriptor: XD-Extra Dry Style: Full-bodied & Smooth Price: $19.95

Caliterra Cabernet Sauvignon Beef Ribs Pairing Made in: Chile By: Caliterra Winery Alcohol/Vol: 13.5% Sweetness Descriptor: D-Dry Style: Medium-bodied & Fruity Price: $9.95

Mazzolada Pinot Grigio 2012 Grilled Fish Pairing Made in: Veneto, Italy By: La Cantina del Falco Alcohol/Vol: 12.5% Sweetness Descriptor: XD-Extra Dry Style: Light & Crisp Price: $13.75

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Santa Carolina Merlot Pork Cutlets Barbecue Made in: Chile By: Vinta Santa Carolina Alcohol/Vol: 12.5% Sweetness Descriptor: D-Dry Style: Medium-bodied & Fruity Price: $8.95

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