5 complete menus from turkey

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MENU FROM AEGEAN REGION OF TURKEY STARTER -Tarhana Soup -Boyoz MAIN COURSE -İzmir Meatball -Çaput Aşı DESERT -Höşmerim




Let's put 1 cup of water tarhana in a bowl and pour cold water over it and wait for half an hour. On the other hand; grate the tomato in a pot and add oil. Pour the tarhana and add hot water. Cook until it boils and stir continously. When it boils add chili pepper, salt and mint. Serve hot.

Crumbled tarhana 1 tomato 1 tablespoon oil Hot water Salt Chili pepper Dried mint

BOYOZ INGREDIENTS 500 gr flour 1 tablespoon of vinegar 1 sweet spoon of lemon juice Salt Water FILLING INGREDIENTS 100 gr melted butter ½ glass of oil 1 tea cup of tahin 2 tablespoons of oil ON THE TOP 1 egg yolk

PREPARATION Mix the ingredients for the dough in a deep bowl. Add water knead the dough until you have a soft dough. Cover the dough with a cloth and let it rest for 1 hour. Then, cut the lumps of the dough into orange size, roll the lump of the dough into a plate – shape and spread the mixture of oil and melted butter. Apply the same processes for the other pieces. Roll the first dough with a little rolling pin, then stretch it with your hand like a piece of paper. Apply a thin layer of tahini and oil mixture on it. Get a rectangular shape by joining all the edges in the middle and roll it. Rest per night. After resting the roll, cut small pieces from the roll and put on an oven tray. Spread egg yolk on the pieces and bake it in a pre-heated 180 degree baking oven. Serve it.



500 gr medium fat ground meat 2 -3 green peppers 1 small size grated onion Half a bunch of parsley Salt Cumin Black pepper 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs 1 egg 3 slices of stale bread 3 potatoes Sunflower oil for frying FOR SAUCE 3 tomatoes 1 dessert spoon of tomato paste 2 tablespoon of olive oil Salt Red pepper powder

For meatballs, put meat in a large mixing bowl and add grated onion, breadcrumbs, eggs, stale bread, finechopped parsley, salt and spring, and knead well. Take oval pieces bigger than a walnut from the mixture and get oveal shapes.Next fry the meatballs slightly in a frying pan. Then, peel the potatoes and chop them into potato wedges and sprinkle salt on them. The fry the potato wedges slightly. For the sauce, slice the tomatoes a cook with the tomato paste for 10 minutes without stirring, add salt and black pepper. Take the pan off the stove. Then, put the meatballs and potatoes in an oven tray, pour the sauce on it and slice the green peppers and add to the meal. Cook in a preheated 200 degree baking oven for 15 minutes. Serve hot.

ÇAPUT AŞI INGREDIENTS 3 cups of baldo rice 4 cups of beef broth stock 100 gr butter 150 ml of verjuice 300 gr lamb meat 30 fresh vine leaves Salt Black pepper Cumin

PREPARATION Put the rice in cold water and wait for 15 minutes. Then, wash the rice with cold water and rinse it. Melt the butter in a pot, add the rice and fry. Cook the lamb meat with salt black pepper and cumin in an another pot. Then, add verjuice, finechopped vine leaves and beef broth stock and boil. Next, add the rice and cook on low heat until it absorbs the water. Serve hot.



2 tablespoons of salt-free goat’s cheese

For syrup,boil sugar and water in a bowl. Leave it to cool.

200 gr flour

Mash the cheese with a wooden spoon in a pot and put the pot on the stove. Cook while stirrig continously. Add some flour unl you get the right consistency.

1 tablespoon of butter FOR SYRUP 3/4 glass of sugar 1 liter of water

After adding butter, take it off the stove. Pour the dough mixture into a tray. And bakeuntil it gets red. Then, take it off the oven, pour the syrup on it and serve it.

SOURCE Tarhana Soup:



Boyoz: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ege-yemekleri/boyoz-375015 İzmir Meatball:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ege-yemekleri/izmir-kofte250705

Çaput Aşı:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ege-yemekleri/caput-asi Höşmerim:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ege-yemekleri/hosmerim PREPARED BY; Merve Melek AVCI Tuhanna ERSOY İrem Nil Su TARLA


Starter Black cabbage Soup with beans Mıhlama Main Course Akcaabat meatballs Hamsili Pilav Dessert Laz pastry

Starter Black cabbage Soup with beans Ingredients         

1 bunch of black cabbage Half a glass of bulghur 1 cup of corn flour 10 cups of water 25-30 gr butter 1 large onion 1 teaspoon of salt Chilli pepper 1 glass of beans

Preparation Chop the cabbage, boil and rinse. Put 10 glasses of water in a large pot, add the cabbage, corn flour, bulghur, beans and salt and cook about 30 minutes. Then, melt the butter in a pan, add chopped onions and fry in it about 5 minutes, and add chilli pepper. Next, add the onions to the soup and cook for a while. Serve hot.

Mıhlama Ingredients    

4 tablespoons of butter 4 tablespoons of corn flour 2 glasses of water 300 gr of Trabzon cheese (there is also dil cheese or cheddar cheese)

Preparation: First of all, melt the butter in a shallow fying pan. ( Don't let it burn!). Add corn flour and stir. Fry it until it gets brown and stir continously. When corn flour is fried, add a glass of water and stir continously. After stirring well, add the water left. When it starts to boil, turn the cooker down. After crumbling the cheese, add into the pan. Cook Mıhlama on a low heat by stirring slowly. When it's ready, take the pan off the stove. Serve hot.

Source: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemektarifleri/turkiye-turu/karadeniz-bolgesiyemekleri/mihlama

Main Course Akcaabat meatballs Ingredients  1 kg minced meat (breast)  600 gr minced meat (neck)  400 gr stale bread  6 gloves of garlic  300 gr suet  2 tablespoons of salt

Preparation: First, mince the meat, bread, garlic and suet with a meat mincer. Then, knead the mixture on a surface well. After kneading, give it flat- round shapes. Grill the meatballs and serve. Enjoy it.

Source: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemektarifleri/turkiye-turu/karadeniz-bolgesiyemekleri/akcaabat-koftesi

Hamsili Pilav Materials  1 kg anchovy  400 gr rice  2 onions  1 tablespoon of currant  1 tablespoon of peanut  1 tea glass of oil  2 tablespoons of butter  1 glass of water  Half a bunch of parsley  salt, black pepper, chilli pepper

Preparation First of all, wash anchovies and rinse. Chop 7-8 anchovies into small pieces. Wash the rice and rines. Chop the onions and parsley and add to the rice. Then, add chopped anchovy, currant, peanuts, salt and pepper and mix them. After that, spread butter on a small baking pan and cover it with anchovy by lining one by one and pour the mixture on it. And cover it with anchovies left.Then, Spread oil and melted butter on it, add water, cover the baking pan with aliminium folyo. Cook the pilaf on low heat. Serve hot.

Source: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemektarifleri/pilav-ve-makarnatarifleri/pilav-tarifleri/hamsili-pilav361902

Laz pastry Ingredients:

      

For the dough 1 tea glass of yoghurt 1 tea glass of olive oil 1 teaspoon of water 1 pinch of salt 1 egg 250 g butter 5 glasses of flour

For cream     

15 tablespoons of sugar 4 tablespoons of corn starch 4 tablespoons of flour 8 glasses of milk 25 g butter

To roll the dough  1 glass of flour  1 glass of starch On the top  1 glass of powdered sugar

Preparation: Mix yoghurt, olive oil, water, salt, egg and melted butter in a large mixing bowl. Add the sifted flour gradually and knead until you get smooth dough. Cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for half an hour. Mix the milk, sugar, starch and flour in a pot for custard. Cook the custard on low heat until it gets the consistency of the pudding. Take it off the cooker and add the butter. Mix and let it cool. Spread the blender until the milky cream is smooth. Get small pieces from the dough in the size of a large walnut. Roll each piece on a surface with flour and starch on the size of bakinp pan. Rest each thin sheet of dough to dry. On the other han, melt butter and let it cool. Spread the butter on baking pan, put 20 thin sheets of dough and pour the cream and put the left 20 thin sheets of dough on he cream. Then slice the pastry and pour melted butter over it. Bake the dessert in a preheated 17 degrees oven about 45 minutes. When you take the dessert off the oven, sprinkle a glass of powdered sugar on it. Serve it cool. Source: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemektarifleri/hamurisi-tarifleri/tatli-hamur-isitarifleri/laz-boregi-2017040717

SOURCES Black cabbage Soup with beans: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/corbalar/corba-tarifleri/barbunya-fasulyelikaralahana-corbasi

MÄąhlama:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/karadeniz-bolgesi-yemekleri/mihlama Akcaabat meatballs:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/karadeniz-bolgesi-yemekleri/akcaabat-koftesi Hamsili Pilav:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/pilav-ve-makarna-tarifleri/pilav-tarifleri/hamsili-pilav-361902 Laz pastry:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/hamurisi-tarifleri/tatli-hamur-isi-tarifleri/laz-boregi-20170407173503

PREPARED BY; Merve Melek AVCI Tuhanna ERSOY Ä°rem Nil Su TARLA



50 gr dry gumbo 200 gr small chopped meat 3 cups of broth 1 onion oil 1 tablespoon of tomato paste 2 pieces of lemon- salt Salt

PREPARATION Rinse the dried gombo in your hands and clean them from their small hairs. Put the gumbo in boiling water and boil them until they get soft. Then, put oil in a pan and chop onions and add and fry the onions.Next, add tomato paste, meat and broth and some water. When it boils, add gumbo and salt,lemon-salt and cook about 10 minutes. Serve it hot.



   

1 egg 1 glass of warm water 3 glass of flour Salt

    

FILLING INGREDIENTS: 200 gr minced meat 1 small onion Black pepper Red pepper, chilli pepper Salt

Beat the egg, salt and water in a large bow, add flour and knead them. Add more four if necessary. After that, cover the dough and rest about 30 minutes. Grate onions and add to the minced meat, salt chilli pepper and black pepper. Roll the dough on a floured surface and cut into the square shapes. Then, fill the pieces with the mixture and close. Cook the pasty in boiling salty water about 15 minutes. Then, melt the butter and add tomate paste. Finally, put pasty in a service plate, add tomate sauce on it; then, pour yoghurt with garlic and sprinkle some mint an serve it.

ON THE TOP:    

Yoghurt with garlic 80 gr butter 2 tablespoons of tomato paste Mint


350 gr lamb chops 1 onion 2 medium tomatoes 2 green peppers 2 red peppers 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce oil 1 bowl of orzo Hot water Salt

PREPARATION Take meat cut in a pot and sauté with some oil. Add chop onions and continue ro saute them. Then chop the peppers and add into the meat; then, add copped tomatoes and saute all of them, add tomate sauce, salt and cook for a while. On the oher hand, put oil and orzo in a pan a fry. Then, pour hot water and cook until it absorbs the water. Put the orzo in a service plate and add meat o it and serve hot.

DESSERT PEKMEZLİ PELTE INGREDIENTS  2 glasses of grape molasses  2 glasses of water  4.5 tablespoons of wheat starch ON THE TOP:  crushed walnut

PREPARATION Firstly, mix the grape molasses, water and wheat starch in a pot and cook it on low heat until it gets the consistency of pudding. When it's cooked , pour the mixture in a large tray to cool. Finally serve it with crushed walnut.

Source: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemektarifleri/turkiye-turu/ic-anadoluyemekleri/pekmezli-pelte

SOURCE Gombo:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ic-anadolu-yemekleri/bamya-corbasi Pasty:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ic-anadolu-yemekleri/kayseri-mantisi Ankara Tava:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ic-anadolu-yemekleri/ankara-tava Pekmezli Pelte:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/ic-anadolu-yemekleri/pekmezli-pelte PREPARED BY; Merve Melek AVCI Tuhanna ERSOY Ä°rem Nil Su TARLA


MAIN COURSE Stuffed Lamb Ribs


NOODLES SOUP INGREDIENTS 1 cup of chickpeas 1 cup of green lentil 1 onion 1 carrot 1 potato 2 tomatoes 45 gr butter 1.5 liters of hot water 150 gr noodles Fresh or dried reyhan, thyme or mint For noodle dough: 1 glass of flour 1 cup of water 1 pinch of salt

PREPARATION Soak the chickpeas the night before. After soaking, rinse them and boil it in a pot with hot water and rinse again. Wash green lentils, boil and rinse. Peel the onion, tomatoes, potato and carrot and dice them. Melt the butter in a pot, add the onions and fry. Then, add the tomatoes and cook for a while. Next, add potato and carrot and salt. Cook them on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, add hot water, chickpeas and lentils and cook for 20 minutes. Put the flour in a large mixing bowl, add salt and mix them. Add water and have a dough in a hard consistency. Roll the dough on a wet surface with a rolling pin. Then, cut the dough in thin stripes and prepare the noodles. Add the noodles into the pot and cook for a while. Then, add reyhan and take the pot off the stove. Put the soup in bowls and sprinkle thyme or mint. Serve hot.

STUFFED SHEEP SAUSAGES INGREDIENTS: 3 team sheep casings 350 g low-fat minced meat 3 cups of rice 3-4 large onions 1 bunch of parsley 2 medium tomatoes 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 dessert spoon of salt Spool yarn To Clean The Sausages: lemon juice vinegar thick salt

PREPARATION First of all clean the casings carefully and then leave in a water with lemon and salt about 2 hours. Turn the casings in reverse with a spindle or a finger and clean them with freshly prepared lemon and salted water and leave them in this water for about 1-2 hours. Turn the oily surface of the casings outward again, make them ready to fill. While resting the casings in a water containing lemon and vinegar, prepare the filling mixture. Dice the onions, gratethe tomatoes, chop the parsley and mix with minced meat, rice, black pepper and salt to have stuffing. After that, fill the casings with the mixture and place the stuffed sausages in a pot add enough hot water to cover it. Cook for about 50-60 minutes. When the casings are cooked enough, you can take it into oven to roast. Enjoy it. ( You can sprinkle cumin if you want when serving.)

STUFFED LAMB RIBS INGREDIENTS 1.5 kg rib meat Half a tablespoon of pepper paste 1 tablespoon of butter 1 tea spoon of black pepper 3 cups of water FOR FILLING RICE 1 glass of rice 2 tablespoons of butter 1 teaspoon of grated almonds Half a bunch of parsley 1 glass of water 2 teaspoons of chilli pepper 1 tablespoon of reyhan (reyhan is a kind of basil ) Halff a teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of salt TO SERVE 1 zucchini 1 carrot 30 gr butter


Fry the rice and almond in melted butter. Then, take half of the fried ricealmond mixture aside. Boil the other half with water and salt. Then let it cool. Next, add chilli pepper, black pepper, finely chopped parsley, basil, and raw rice-almond mixture and mix them. Fill the mixture into the ribs and tighten; then, boil it about 120 minutes in a pot. Then, take them out off the pot, put in a baking tray. Spread butter and pepper paste and sprinkle black pepper.After that, roast it for 25-30 minutes in a preheated oven set at 170 degrees.When it’s cooked, cut the ropes. Heat the butter in a pan. Slice the zucchini and carrot and saute in the butter and serve with stuffed ribs.

HELVA INGREDIENTS 1 kg flour 250 gr butter 1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar Crumbled walnut

PREPARATION Firstly , boil the sugar and water in a pot. When the sherbet (syrup) is cooked, take the pot off the cooker. Then, melt the butter in another pan . When it starts to boil, add flour little by little and stir continuosly. Cook until the flour absorbs the water and gets brown adding the syrup. Let it cool and shape it with spoons. Put in a plate and sprinkle walnut. Enjoy it !

SOURCE Noodles Soup:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/turkiye-turu/dogu-anadolu-yemekleri/eriste-asi375350

Stuffed Sheep Sausages:https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/diger-tarifler/baklagil-ve-tahilliyemekler/mumbar

Stuffed Lamb Ribs: https://www.lezzet.com.tr/yemek-tarifleri/ramazan-yemekleri/bayram-yemegitarifleri/kaburga-dolmasi-564332


PREPARED BY; Merve Melek AVCI Tuhanna ERSOY Ä°rem Nil Su TARLA

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