"ALBATROS Method” -Erasmus Open educational resource (RED)

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EUROPEAN STUDENTS RESPONSIBLE, MOTIVATED, INTELLIGENT EMOTIONALLY AND USEFULLY Made by Teacher: Ghițulescu Daniela, Project funded by the European COMMISSION Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403 ALBATROS Method Costeti Technological High School -ș ROMANIA


Getting to know and understand each other regardless nationality, language or culture!


It sometimes happens that you feel like you're talking to someone, but you don't get along. Or to see something and not understand the meaning of the gesture, or, on the contrary, to intrigue or offendyou.


activities can be carried out at school, during counseling classes, as well as during

In order to avoid all types of misunderstandings, various
The methods that can be usedare:  brainstorming,  roleplay,  debating problem situations,  thinking of solutions andinterpretations

Students are faced with hypothetical situations, pictures or movies and must discuss and debate what is happening in each of them. After establishing a common point of view, the real situation is presented to them and so they can see ifthey havededucedcorrectlyornot.

The gesture of offering a flower that is considered a gesture of great sensitivity and common sense to us. In the Emirates, the gesture of giving someone a flower pot symbolizeswishingthem death.


The color red is considered in Afghanistan to be of the devil. InChina,thecolorredisassociatedwithjoyandfestivity, in Japan, with struggle and anger, in Europe, with love, andinthecultureofredskins,withmasculinity.

The gesture of offering flowers can beveryrisky.
Norway, for
example, flowers
offered in even numbers, in pairs. Exceptions
funerals, where the flowers are offered in oddnumbers.
InArgentina,gifts consistingofknives orknifesetsarenot recommendedfor businesspartners,be theyhunting.This symbolizesthedesire tobreaka relationship.


Giving priority in the corridor, at the elevator or at the door, carrying the bag or file of a woman business partner can be a nice gesture in Romania, but it involves the risk of an indignant refusal or at least of arousing suspicion in the West. Opening the door to let a highranking woman pass before a round of negotiations or a board meeting can be considered an offensive gesture.


 In Thailand,
it is
considereddisrespectful to
cross one's legs or point the tip of one's foot at someone because this part of the body is seen as inferior and unworthy to draw attentiontoit.
 In France and Belgium, the sign for "OK" is interpreted differently by the US and the states in which American culture makesitspresencefelt.Forthem, this sign means nullity, worthlessness or it is the way I convey to you that a certain problem has not been solved. In Japan,thissignisinterpretedasa requesttoreceiveabribe.

In the Philippines it is considered extremely offensive and, in some cases, even punished with arrest, the gesture ofcalling someone by using the pointer (as in Western culture a familiar person is called) because it is believed that this gesture is intended only for dogs and to approach a person in this way means that he is seen as equivalenttoananimal.

If you visit China, do not be surprised if some gestures are tolerated, while in our country they are considered rude. Burping, for example, is used as a compliment to food, while spitting in public, which is not allowed in many cultures, is considered a gesture of personal hygiene in China, as is blowing the nose on the floor.

ALBATROS Method  Sources:  Google Images  https://respiro.ro/time/diferentele-culturalegesturi-care-pot-genera-conflicte  https://ro.warbletoncouncil.org/diferenciasculturales-6158  https://thestudent.ro/diferente-culturale/

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you! Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Tehnological High School Costesti

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