Do you know yourself ?

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Do you Know Yourself ?

BOOK FOR STUDENTS „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“

№ 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675

PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION 2016-2018 Romania, Costești-2017

Do you know yourself?

LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC COSTEȘTI ERASMUS+ AK2 PROJECT Strategic Partnership for Schools Only 2016-2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or any means, without permission in writing from the authors.

,, The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. The content reflects the views only of the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”



Teacher: Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania


TeacherS: Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Mandzhukova Evlogiya, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”Vidin, Bulgaria

Collaborators Teachers: Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Nicolae Gherghina, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Telescu Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Stoian Preda Tatiana, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mr. Adrian Diaconescu, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Motrun Corina, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Caterina De Maria, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy Mr. Onder Tarakci, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Guner Kaya Bozkurt, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria Mrs. Albena Iordanova Mihaylova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria 2

Do you know yourself?


STUDENTS: Serena Mancuso, Ligotti Frederica, Ligotti Martina, Sbirziola Maria, Burcu Ay, Yigit Selda, Avcu Aișe, Ivanova Karolina Ludmilova, Kirilov Stanislav, Ivaglava Ilieva Iva, Grigore Eugen Marius, Tudor Mădălin Alexandru, Căpraru Florinel Ionuț, Ionescu Lorenlai, Turcu Bogdan Nicolae, Radu Valentin, Țărcuș Dumitru, Rădoi Alina Georgiana, Priu Florin and Dobroiu Codruț Daniel.

Editor Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Corrector Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Romania Costești, 2017 3 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?



Temperament tests and identification of the stereotypes degree indicating the results.

1. Stereotyping test 1.................................................................................................. 5 2. Stereotyping test 2.................................................................................................. 7 3. Stereotyping test 3................................................................................................ 15


Proverbs and popular sayings.

1. 2. 3. 4.


The romanian proverbs and popular sayings...................................................... 17 The bulgarian proverbs and popular sayings ..................................................... 32 The turkish proverbs and popular sayings .......................................................... 34 Thesicilian proverbs and popular sayings .......................................................... 42


4 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

I. Temperament tests and identification of the stereotypes degree indicating the results.

Stereotyping test 1

1.I could say that my attitude is strongly traditionalist and conservative. True False 2. I find myself in a direct, social, educational and / or professional competition with people who are of another ethnicity. True False 3. I have always had difficulty in understanding the holidays of other peoples, some are incomprehensible. True False

4. I think some people are better at football than other states, they are born with football in the blood. True False 5. I am in favor of severe punishments and generally of harsh disciplinary methods for offenders, especially if they are among the minorities or illegal immigrants. True False

5. I tend to be more suspicious than my friends about inter-ethnic friendships. True False 7. I know everything about people from other ethnic environments, although I have not traveled a lot and I have not come into direct contact with them. True False 5 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

8. My parents are better, stricter, give me an education that I choose to share with parents I see from minorities or people with lower living standards. True False 9. If I encounter a person of another religion I try to sustain my point of view True False

10. Do you feel superior to the minorities in your state? to give B) No.


1.The majority of responses are "a" or true tells you that you stereotype some ethnicities without knowing all the details. Try to know the people very well before embedding them in the existing pattern in your memory. Every person has positive and negative aspects and traits, they can be observed for a long time, you are not labeled patiently, give them the chance to prove you, do not demoralize them directly. A demoralized person can not assert himself in the fullness of his forces, you probably lose a force that might support you. "Give them a chance to support you!"

2. The majority of "b" or "false" highlights the fact that you are a person who thinks using his own mind, using the superior process of analysis without making unclear, incorrect syntheses.

Your thinking will help you see reality as it is, have good friends, regardless of influences from different backgrounds and ethnic groups.

6 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Stereotyping test 2

1. What is your position about immigrants arriving in Italy? A. I am in favour of letting them stay B. I would send them back to their home country immediately C. I would let them stay here if they worked and had a home 2. Do you frequent people coming from abroad? A. Always B. Often C. Never

3. Do you think that non-EU citizens can slow down learning in schools? A. Yes B. A little bit C. No 4. Are you in favour of marriages between Italian citizens and citizens of other races? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know

5. How do you feel in presence of a Muslim? A. I feel indifferent B. I feel embarrassed C. I avoid him/her

7 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 6. Which do you think is the most common discrimination among these? A. Social Discrimination B. Racial Discrimination C. Religious Discrimination

7. How many times have you witnessed an act of social discrimination at your school? A. Usually B. Sometimes C. Never

8. What do you think about discrimination on women in the workplace (without taking into account heavy work)? A. It’s unfair B. It's correct C. There is no such discrimination 9. Would your family be willing to accept a fiancé of a different religion from yours? A. They would accept him/her, but with some fears B. They would be indifferent C. They would absolutely avoid him/her 10. Is it fair for the woman to give up the family for a job career? A. It seems right to me B. It is a discrimination of working mothers C. It is an offense for women 11. Do you think women have the same rights as men? A. Yes B. No C. It depends 8 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 12. In your opinion, the woman is more suitable to… A. Stay at home and look after her own children B. Devote to her job career C. Both 13. How do you see gays? A. People to avoid B. Normal people C. Effeminati

14. Do you think it's right for a foreigner to assimilate our culture? A. Yes, if you come to Italy you have to adapt to our lifestyle and our culture. B. It is fair to assimilate our culture as well as preserving your own to avoid ghettoisation. C. It is not correct, in fact, they should not even enter our country. 15. Do you think it is fair to create separate classes for foreigners within schools? A. Absolutely yes, in this way they cannot feel foreigners among people of different ethnics. B. Yes, because they could follow special programs to be included in society. C. No, they could not have the possibility to integrate 16.In light of the knowledge we have on the Holocaust and its consequences, do you think this fact can be repeated in the future? A. No, there is strict control in the world. B. Unfortunately yes, because history teaches us that in certain conditions man is capable of horrible acts C. I don’t know

9 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 17. Which groups of foreigners are more discriminated? A. ROM B. Arabs C. Other… 18. Non-EU citizens are often noticed because they commit criminal acts. Do you think this is due to: A. the difficulty of finding a job; B. the nature of the human being, being good and evil at the same time; C. their nationality. 19. What is the role of the mass media in the rise and development of prejudices? A. Nothing B. Remarkable C. Very little 20. Do you have troubles with ROM that wash glasses at traffic lights? A. Yes B. No C. I feel compassionate 21. After the tragic episodes of ordinary violence against non-EU citizens in some cities, do you think these can be defined as racist? A. No B. Yes C. I don’t know 22. At school it may occur to hear a student telling a non-EU student: "You are Romanian, Arab, ...". Do you think that these expressions should be used? A. Never B Always C. I don’t know

10 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

23. What is racism? A. Violent demonstrations against people of different races, religions, cultures .. B. Refusal towards people of different races, cultures, religions ... C. Any distinction towards people of other races, religions, ideology, culture .. 24. How often do you meet people of ethnic minorities? A. Usually B. Sometimes C. Never 25. Can stereotyping be good or positive? A.Yes, because it permit us to identify people and situations B. Not, because they construct false ideologies C.I do not know..

26. The protests of ethnic minorities are: A. Fair B. Unjustified C. Exaggerated

27. Is racism justified in some cases? A. Under no circumstances B. Sometimes C. Always

28. What is the degree of responsibility of minorities in situation of discrimination?

A. They are not guilty B. The main cause is their attitude C. In some cases they foster these situations

11 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 29. How should society help minorities? Through ‌ A. Friendship B. Financial resources C. Education

30. Are the stereotypes that apply to minorities true? A. If they have this reputation it is because they deserve it B. They often prove to be true C. They are hardly ever true 31. Evaluate these groups according to the degree of discrimination they suffer in our country with 1 the most rejected and 7 the most accepted A. Gypsies B. Negri C. Moroccan D. Chinese E. Hebrews F. Turks G. Rumeni 32. What is the current trend of racism in your country? A. Increasing B. Unchanging C. Decreasing 33. What do you think of the flourishing of groups of young fascists in Europe? A. It is very worrying B. It depends on the historical circumstances C. Actually it does not exist

12 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 34. What are the real causes of acts of racism in the society? A. People reject what they do not know B. Ethnic minorities are the main reasons C. I don’t know 35. Do you think there is racism or classism? A. Racism, what is rejected is the color of the skin B. Classism, a member belonging to a minority is accepted when he is famous and rich C. Both

36. What is the role of the family in education? A. It is the factor that determines whether a person is racist or not B. You are racist at birth and even your family can’t change it C. The family exerts the greatest influence to avoid stereotypes 37. What is the role of school in education? A. By integrating students of different races, the school succeeds in having a great influence in the dejection of stereotypes B. The school has a greater influence than the family in the dejection of stereotypes C. I don’t know 38. Do you agree to grant the right to vote to non-EU citizens? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know

13 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? 39. Do you think it is right to forbid access to your nation to non-EU citizens? A. Yes, because the state should take care first of its citizens B. No, because it is right to help people in trouble C. Yes, because it costs too much to maintain all these immigrants arriving in Italy

40. Do you think that your Nation should forbid the use of veil and / or burka to Muslim women?

A. Yes, because it is correct that they must adapt to our style of dress B. No, everyone should be free to choose how to dress C. I don’t know


1.The majority of responses are "a" tells you that you stereotype some ethnicities without knowing all the details. Try to know the people very well before embedding them in the existing pattern in your memory. Every person has positive and negative aspects and traits, they can be observed for a long time, you are not labeled patiently, give them the chance to prove you, do not demoralize them directly. A demoralized person can not assert himself in the fullness of his forces, you probably lose a force that might support you. "Give them a chance to support you!" 2. . The majority of "b" has a tendency for stereotyping, needs to think more deeply and better analyze the surrounding world through his own eyes and his own experience. Do not support or destroy, but the world relies on each other, we are social beings.

3. The majority of "c" highlights the fact that you are a person who thinks using his own mind, using the superior process of analysis without making unclear, incorrect syntheses.

Your thinking will help you see reality as it is, have good friends, regardless of influences from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. 14 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Stereotyping test 3

1) What ıs the altenatıve? 2) Explaın the psycholog of otherıng? 3) What are the reasonfor alıeanatıng? 4) Why ıs the other? 5) What ıs the other name of altarnatıve? 6) What comes fırst to mınel as to the alıenatıon 7) Why are you otherers? 8) Otherıng ıs met among people ? 9) How ıs otherıng between relıgıons? 10) Descrıbe the smılarıty between human rıghts and otherıng ? 11) What are the coues of exclusion? 12) The are countrıes ın whıch most of the exclusıon? 13) Do you the defınıtıon of exclusıon? 14) The exclusıon of relıgıon ıs , why? 15) Exclusion within society creates problems among people? 16) How does discrimination affect the relationship between people? 17) What is the significance of discrimination in human life ? 18)Discrimination is the reason why? 19) Where is discrimination, why? 20) What is your point of view against discrimination? 21)What does the holy book say about discrimination?

22)Where are discrimination mostly made, are discrimination victims? 15 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

23) Why is discrimination, why is it experienced? 24) What is the relationship between prejudice and discrimination? 25)Which religions are more discriminating, why? 26) How is the relationship between differentiation, discrimination and exclusion? 27) What are the causes of the hissing? 28) Why is there a hissing? 29) Discrimination leaves the chaga? 30) What are your thoughts against discrimination? 31) Do you give us a few examples of discrimination? 32) What is the common feature of discrimination, exclusion, and othering all of them? 33) What problems do all these people cause among people?


There are 33 questions conceived by people who have always been in the face of discrimination, religious and ethnic. If you have answers to most questions then we can not talk about stereotyping. If you do not find answers then stereotyping or you are willing to stereotype yourself without knowing. Think by his own mind, think deeply!

16 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?




The vicious has no cure.

Năravul din fire n-are lecuire.

The vicious has no cure.

17 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Where do you hit and where it breaks.

Unde dai și unde crapă. Where do you hit and where it breaks. Do we have the bank?

Bankers we call!

For greedy is not enough, Oltu if he drinks.

Lacomului nu-i ajunge, Oltu-n gură de i-ar curge

For greedy is not enough, Oltul if he drinks.

Beat the iron while it's hot.

Bate fierul cât e cald.

Beat the iron while it's hot.

Everyone is a school. 18 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? Toată lumea este o şcoală.

Everyone is a school.

It's good and nice when man is healthy.

Tare-i bine şi frumos când e omul sănătos.

The one who trusts himself earns the trust of others.

Cel care are încredere în el câstigă încrederea celorlalţi.

The one who trusts himself earns the trust of others.

19 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

The House is the largest school of human virtues.

Casa este cea mai mare şcoală a virtuţilor umane.

The House is the largest school of human virtues. Humanity is the most important weapon of goodness!

Omenia este arma cea mai însemnată a bunătăţii!

Humanity is the most important weapon of goodness!

The true friend does not stretch your hand for a day, but forever! Prietenul adevărat nu-ţi întinde mâna pentru o zi, ci pentru totdeauna ! The true friend does not stretch your hand for a day, but forever!

20 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Man without a country is like a nightingale without a song.

Omul fără patrie este ca privighetoarea fără cântec. Man without a country is like a nightingale without a song.

For your land to be a warrior and fight, but not to submit to a foreign country.

Pentru țara ta să te jertfești și să te războiești, dar nu pentru a supune o țară străină.

For your land to be a warrior and fight, but not to submit to a foreign country. 21 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

The water, the wind and the mouth of the world cannot be stopped.

Apa, vântul şi gura lumii nu o poţi opri.

The water, the wind and the mouth of the world cannot be stopped.

The image of man is the mirror of the soul.

Chipul omului e oglinda sufletului.

Who knows the book has four eyes.

Cine ştie carte are patru ochi.

22 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

He who gives to the poor borrows God. Cine dă săracilor împrumută pe Dumnezeu.

He who gives to the poor borrows God.

If your friend is honey, you should not eat it all.

Dacă prietenul tău este miere, tu nu umbla să-l mănânci tot. If your friend is honey, you should not eat it all.

Bend as the reed and the wind will not break you. Îndoaie-te ca trestia şi vântul nu te va rupe.

23 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Better to feel sorry that you were silent than that you spoke. Mai bine să-ţi pară rău că ai tăcut decât că ai zis.

It's not good what is good, but it's good what I like.

Nu e bun ce e bun, ci e bun ce-mi place mie.

Everyone complains about lack of money, but nobody complains about lack of brains. Toţi se plâng de lipsă de bani, dar de lipsă de minte, nimeni.

Everyone complains about lack of money, but nobody complains about lack of brains. 24 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? know what they speak about.

Some speak what they know and some

Unii vorbesc ce ştiu şi unii ştiu ce vorbesc. Some speak what they know and some know what they speak about.

Where the school rises, the earth is blooming.

Unde şcoala se iveşte, pământul se-mbogăţeste

Where the school rises, the earth is blooming.

Time is the best teacher because he teaches us everything

Timpul e dascălul cel mai bun, fiindcă el ne-nvaţă toate.

Time is the best teacher because he teaches us everything.

25 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

He who encountered knows

Tot pățitu-i priceput.

He who encountered knows.

Man gathers as an ant when he dies does not take anything

Strânge omul ca furnica, când moare, nu ia nimica.

Man gathers like an ant when he dies he does not take anything.

26 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

All that's too much is not healthy Tot ce e prea mult nu e sănătos.

All that's too much is not healthy.

The young men facing the elders shall have eyes and no mouth

Tinerii înaintea bătrânilor să aibă ochi iară nu gură. The young men facing the elders shall have eyes and no mouth.

Much talk, man's poverty Vorbă multă, sărăcia omului.

Much talk, man's poverty

27 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

The lost time does not return Timpul pierdut nu se mai întoarce. The lost time does not return.

All birds defend their offspring

Toată pasărea îşi apără puii.

All birds defend their offspring.

Tell me who you gather with to tell you who you are

Spune-mi cu cine te însoţeşti, ca să-ţi spun cine eşti.

Tell me who you gather with to tell you who you are.

28 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Where eat two, eats also the third one Unde mănâncă doi, mănâncă şi al treilea.

Where eat two, eats also the third one.

Speaking of the olders, much money cherishes

Vorba bătrânească mulţi bani preţuieşte.

Speaking of the olders, much money cherishes.

Who does not have olders should buy them!

Cine nu are bătrâni, să-şi cumpere !

Who does not have olders should buy them!

29 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Money is a small wheel that makes the whole world spin. Banul e o mică roată, ce-nvârteşte lumea toată.

Myth is the breath of a people who does not want to disappear. -Gavriil Stiharul

Mitul este răsuflarea unui popor care nu vrea să dispară.

Myth is the breath of a people who does not want to disappear. "If you see a man, he is either your brother in religion, or your brother in humanity"

Dacă vezi un om, el este fie fratele tău întru religie, fie fratele tău întru umanitate.

If you see a man, he is either your brother in religion, or your brother in humanity. 30 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? The dog that barks does not bite. Not the coat makes a man.

Nu haina îl face pe om.

The dog that barks does not bite

Câinele care latră nu mușcă. The dog that barks does not bite.

31 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Bulgarian proverbs and popular sayings

A friend in need is a friend indeed

All that glitters

is not gold

what goes around comes around

A leopard cannot change its spots

A burnt child dreads the fire

Once bitten, twice shy

Don't count your chickens before they


32 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself? The forbidden fruit is sweeter

Every family has a black sheep

• Blood is thicker than water

Like father, like son

God helps those who help themselves

Let bygones be bygones

To make the cup overflow

The life is short. Eat, drink and have fun

Scabbydonkeysmells in kilometres

Opposites attract

33 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION


'What separates people from each other is the values of their thought. ‘’İnsanları birbirlerinden farklı kılan şey , taşıdıkları düşüncelerin değerleridir.’’ Heracliteus

Do you know yourself? The most angry person among the people is a stubborn opponent who is not in peace. The most angry person among the people is a stubborn opponent who is not in peace.

The most angry person among the people is a stubborn opponent who is not in peace.

The most angry person among the people is a stubborn opponent who is not in peace. O İnsanlar arasında Allah‘ın

en çok kızdığı kimse barışa yanaşmayan inatçı hasımdır . Buhari

Work for your nation, not for ourselves, but for the nation you are bound to work with, this is the highest of your work. «

Kendimiz için değil, bağlı olduğunuz ulus için el birliği ile çalışınız, çalışmaların en yükseği budur.”

Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

35 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Culture is to read, to understand, to see, to make sense as you can see, to take lessons, to think and to improve intelligence.


My country is in the world; My citizens are all people.

Benim ülkem dünyadır; benim vatandaşlarım tüm insanlardır.

William Lloyd Garrison

36 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Peace is happiness without digesting everything. Barış her şeyi hazmeden mutluluktur. Victor HUGO

Come ! Whoever you are, come again! Gel ! Kim olursan ol yine gel… Mevlana Celaleddin-i RUMİ

Why not hold hands? We can not have the obstacles ahead of us. Let's be together again. Let's not forget it all together. Neden el ele tutuşmayalım? Önümüzdeki engel farklılıklarımız olamaz.Hadi beraber olalım yine.Hep birlikteyiz bunu unutmayalım. Voltarie

37 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?

Work for your nation, not for ourselves, but for the nation you are bound to work with, this is the highest of your work. «

Kendimiz için değil, bağlı olduğunuz ulus için el birliği ile çalışınız, çalışmaların en yükseği budur.”

Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

"Getting together is the beginning, staying together is progressing, working together is a success." ”Bir araya gelmek başlangıçtır, bir arada durabilmek ilerlemedir, birlikte çalışmak başarıdır.”

Henry Ford

If there is a national power in our nation today, it is born from the heart and mind of the nation that has learned from the disasters. ”Bugün vatanımızda bir milli kudret varsa, o cereyan, felaketlerden ders alan ulusun kalp ve dimağından doğmuştur.” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

38 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Man means unity with others and with others. " İnsan, kendiyle birlik oldu mu başkalarıyla da olur demektir.”

Van Goethe

Let's be one, be big, be alive

Bir olalım, iri olalım, diri olalım


Peace, happiness without digesting everything

Barış, her şeyi hazmeden mutluluktur.

Victor Hugo

39 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Worst peace is better than the righteous war

En kötü barış, en haklı savaştan daha iyidir.


My country is in the world; My citizens are all people.

Benim ülkem dünyadır; benim vatandaşlarım tüm insanlardır.

William Lloyd Garrison

The first and fundamental principle of nature law is to seek and maintain peace.

Doğa kanununun birinci ve temel ilkesi barışı aramak ve sürdürmektir.

Thomas Hobbes

40 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Love peace, take one side and one side; Because this is the mother of all the worst.

Barışı sevin, kini ve kavgayı bir tarafa atın; çünkü bunIar bütün kötüIükIerin anasıdır.

A. Tscherming

Peace is happiness all of it.

. without

Barış, her şeyi hazmeden mutIuIuktur. Victor Hugo

Peace, no war, not a memory, it is a virtue, a soul, a goodness, a trust and a sense of love

Barış, savaşın yokIuğu anIamına geImez, o bir erdem, bir ruh haIi, bir iyiIik, itimat ve adaIet duygusudur

B. Spinoza

41 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting European Interculturality

Ama a cui t’ama, a cui nunt’ama, lassalu. Love who loves you, leave who doesn’t love you.

42 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Cu li fimmini mancu lu diavulu ci potti. Even the Devil couldn’t do anything with women.

La matinata fa la jurnata.

Starting working early in the morning is worth the whole day.

Amicu cu tutti e fedeli cu nuddu.

Be friend to everyone but faithful to nobody.

43 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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A buon intenditor, poche parole.

Few words to the wise listener

U megghiu beni è lu menu mali. The best thing is the least trouble.

A casa sua ognuno è re. Everyone in his house is the king. 44 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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A combatter con il fango, che si vinca o che si perda, sempre ci si infanga.

When you are fighting with the mud, either you win or lose, you always get dirty.

Chi nasce tondo non può morir quadrato. Who was born round cannot die square.

Chi lascia la via vecchia per quella nuova, sa quel che lascia ma non quel che trova. Who leaves the old path for a new one, knows what he has left but does not know what he will find.

45 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Chi disprezza, compra.

Who despises, buy.

Al cuor non si comanda. You can’t give orders to your heart.

Al villano se gli dai un dito si prende tutta la mano. If you give a finger to the farmer, he takes all your hand.

46 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Chi di speranza campa, disperato muore.

Those, who always live hoping something positive, die desperate.

Li megghiu parenti su li spaddi. Your best friends are your shoulders.

Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi. At Christmas with your relatives, at Easter with whoever you want. 47 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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A lupu vecchiu, nun si ‘nsigna la tana. You can’t teach its den to an old wolf.

A mali estremi, estremi rimedi. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

A pagare e a morire c'è sempre tempo.

There is always time to pay and to die.

48 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Chi ruba poco va in galera, chi ruba tanto fa carriera.

Those who steal little, go to the jail, those who steal a lot make career.

49 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Do you know yourself?


50 European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality â„– 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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