Guess what- Book for students

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„European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675


Guess what...

LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC COSTEȘTI ERASMUS+ AK2 PROJECT Strategic Partnership for Schools Only 2016-2018

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ISBN 978-973-0-25815-8 CENTRUL NAŢIONAL ISSN BIBLIOTECA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI Bucureşti - ROMANIA 2 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...


Teacher: Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

COORDINATORS ON CHAPTERS Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Mandzhukova Evlogiya, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria

Collaborators Teachers: Mrs. Telescu Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Stoian Preda Tatiana, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mr. Adrian Diaconescu, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania Mrs. Caterina De Maria, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy Mr. Onder Tarakci, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Guner Kaya Bozkurt, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey Mrs. Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria Mrs.Albena Iordanova Mihaylova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”Vidin, Bulgaria

3 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...


STUDENTS: Grigore Eugen Marius, Tudor Mădălin Alexandru, Căpraru Florinel Ionuț, Ionescu Lorenlai, Turcu Bogdan Nicolae, Radu Valentin, Țărcuș Dumitru, Rădoi Alina Georgiana, Priu Florin, Dobroiu Codruț Daniel, Serena Mancuso, Ligotti Frederica, Ligotti Martina, Sbirziola Maria, Burcu Ay, Yigit Selda, Avcu Aișe, Ivanova Karolina Ludmilova, Kirilov Stanislav, Ivaglava Ilieva Iva.

Editor Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Corrector Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Romania Costești, 2017 4 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...



Images and riddles to identify about the nationalities 1. 2. 3. 4.

Romanian riddles...................................................................................................6 Bulgarian riddles....................................................................................................7 Italian riddles........................................................................................................10 Romanian riddles..................................................................................................24


Crossword puzzle...............................................................................................................30


Did you know that...... Cultural values of the nationalities from the project 1. The Italian cultural-historical and etno-folkloric heritage of great value.............36 2. The Romanian cultural-historical and etno-folkloric heritage of great value.......51 3. The Bulgarian cultural-historical and etno-folkloric heritage of great value........69 4. The Turkish cultural-historical and etno-folkloric heritage of great value............85



5 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

I. Guess what! Images and riddles to identify about the nationalities


1. It is a striped scarf thrown over the sea. (The rainbow) 2. When you throw it in the air, it is white, when it falls down, it is yellow. (The egg) 3. In front of whom do all people take out their hats? (The hairdresser) 4. Who has a measure for everything? (The tailor) 5. It is nice and small and leaves you almost deaf. (The whistle) 6. The field is white, the sheep are black and they are only known by the one who feeds them. (The characters) 7. I have two stars and I use them to gaze at the world. (The eyes) 8. There are two girls that wear necklaces. One is white and the other is black.

(The day and the night)

They chase each other over and over again But they never catch each other 9. There are twelve brothers running all year long. They keep running through the world, but they never catch each other. (The months of the year)

10. A blind man spots a rabbit, A crippled man chases it, And a mute man shouts at a deaf man to catch it. (The lie)

6 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

11. There is a beautiful garden, full of stories, jokes and poems, but you cannot visit it unless you learn how to read, my child. (cartea) The book

12. Sometimes it is white, other times it is grey and pours over the ground and we say: „Look, it is raining!” (The cloud) 13. There are lots of fire flies on the sky. They appear at night, when there is no sun, and they disappear at dawn. (The stars) 14. It is round, it walks like a princess among the stars, but it has no legs. Raspuns: Luna Answer: The moon

15. It looks pale under the clouds in winter, but it is bright and hot in summer. Guess what it is! (The sun)


16. What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? (A river.) 17. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it? (Darkness) 18. What English word has three consecutive double letters? (Bookkeeper) 7 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

19. Ripped from my mother’s womb, Beaten and burned, I become a blood thirsty killer. What am I?

(Iron ore)

20. If you break me I do not stop working, If you touch me I may be snared, If you lose me Nothing will matter.

(Your heart)

21. I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I? (Sand)

22. Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I? (The letter ) 23. It cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it? (A hole) 24. A box without hinges, lock or key, yet golden treasure lies within. What is it?( an egg) 25. Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die. What am I? (fire) 26. As beautiful as the setting sun, As delicate as the morning dew; An angel’s dusting from the stars that can turn the Earth into A frosted moon. What am I?


27. I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand, a long neck but no head; I ease the maid’s life. What am I? ( a broom) 8 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

28. This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. (Time) 29. I have four legs but no tail. Usually I heard only at night. What am I? ( a frog) 30. It is said among my people that some things are improved by death. Tell me, what stinks while living, but in death, smells good? ( pig) 31. Tall I am young, short I am old, while with life I glow, wind is my foe. What am I? ( a candle) 32. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? ( The wind) 33. You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, but the future can never taint ne. What am I? ( History) 34. What is big and yellow and comes in the morning, to brighten mom day? ( School bus) 35. I am full of holes but I can still hold water. What I am? ( A sponge) 36. You kill it, but it sings you songs. What is it? ( Violin) 37. It flies, but it hasn’t got wings. What is it? ( Time) 38. Colorful stick runs through the field. What is it? ( Snake) 39. It has got four legs, but can’t walk. What is it? ( Chair) 40. When everybody cries he begins to sing a song. What is it? ( Monk) 41. What has hands, but cannot write? ( A clock) 42. It is taller than a man, but it is shorter than a hen. What is it? ( A hat) 43. It has got a head, but it cannot think. ( A nail) 44. It has got teeth, but it cannot bite. ( A comb) 45. They have got tongues, but cannot speak. ( Shoes) 46. It has got a bed, but it cannot sleep in it. ( River) 47. It has got a mouth, but it cannot eat.( A jar) 48. I has got a face, but it cannot smile. ( A clock) 9 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

49. It has got legs, but it cannot walk. (A table) 50. It has got a heart but it cannot love. ( A jungle) 51. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? ( A atamp) 52. What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees. Up, up, up it goes, And yet never grows?


53. What kind of room has no doors or windows? (A mushroom). 54. Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I? (Forward I am ton, backwards I am not). 55. A box without hinges, key, or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid. (Eggses).


There is a being walking at sunrise with four legs, at noon with two and at sunset with three. When the number of legs is greater, its strength makes less.

Who is it?


A men.

10 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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There are three brothers. Sometimes they are ugly, sometimes they are good-looking. The first is not because he is leaving, the second is not because he is coming, then there is the third who is the smallest of the three, but when he misses the other two also misses.

Past, present and future

Who are they?


The encyclopedia

What are three dogs doing?


There is a barrel which weighs less if you fill it more.

It’s full of holes

What is it filled of?

59 11 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

A settlement What do two chairs do in a big room?


A comb He has a lot of teeth and he never eats.

Who is it?


The piano

He has a tail and he doesn’t move it.

Who is it?

62. 12 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

If you see it, it is enough ugly. If you touch it, it is a bit hairy. If you smell it, it is a bit stinky. If you eat it, it’s savory.

A pig

What is it?


He is a king but he has not got a crown. He is not a clock but he rings the hours.

A cock

Who is it?


you can’t use it unless it’s broken,

An egg

What is it?

65. 13 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

It begins with an «E» but it has got only a letter.

An envelope

What is it?


It is an insect which can always come first.

A louse

because it is always at the front.



If you brought a bundle like mine, you’d have a broken back. I’m not rich, but I leave silver.

A snail

What am I?


14 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

A dice It has six faces, but it hasn’t got any masks. It has got 21 eyes but it can’t see.

What is it?


A printer He repeats all the time and he is never wrong.

Who is it?


Martin Pescador What’s the name of the bird who flies but he dives into the sea?

71. 15 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

It is worth on the right, he is not worth on the left.

What is it?


A card deck You put it on the table, but you can’t eat it.

What is it?


Give me time and I’ll pierce you.

What does the mouse say to the nut?

74. 16 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

If you make it, you sell it. If you buy it, you don’t use it. If you use it, you don’t see it.

A coffin

What is it?


Dino Saur What’s the name of the most famous Prehistoric scholar?


It gets shorter in front of you and it gets longer behind you.

The street

What is it?

77. 17 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

The pocket I touch it when I walk.

What is it?


A banknote Many people touch it and it is very worth. If you throw it, it doesn’t break. It lasts for a little time.

What is it?


When it comes in, it’s hard. When it comes out, it’s soft and dripping.


What is it?


18 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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If you touch me, you string yourself. When I get undressed, you eat me.

Prickly Pears

What am I?


Rounded, spherical and bottomless. It’s not a glass.

A ring

What is it?


It hasn’t got a mouth, but it speaks. It hasn’t got feet but it walks.

A letter

What is it?


19 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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You take me everywhere, but you don’t want me in bed.


What am I?


You pull it and it gets shorter.

A cigarette

What is it?


It has a wooden bust, a leather stomach and it sings in the streets.

The drum

What is it?


20 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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In the sun, it bends. In water, it gets rough.

A rope

What is it?


A mirror Who paints perfect portraits withouth arts and colours?


A comb When it moves, you have to take your hat off.

What is it?


21 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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It’s not soft, it’s not hard but it penetrates through walls.

The voice

What is it?


You cut its head and its tail and you see a beautiful woman.

A prickly pear

What is it?


I lick it so many times and I put it through the hole.

A thread through a needle’s eye

What is it?


22 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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It’s long and outstretched and it is put near dead people.

A candle

What is it?


He works for a full day withouth wool and needles.

A spider

Who is he?


The vicious man A leopard can't change its spots.


23 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...


 Vultur falnic pe un scut

(stema) the emblem

 E simbol pe steag demult.  Great eagle on a shield  Was the symbol on the flag.

96. 96.

 Pe un steag sunt asezate,  intr-un cerc sunt adunate,  12 stele aurite,  stau acolo linistite.

(steagul Uniunii Europene) European Union Flag

 On a flag they are set,  Gathered in a circle,  12 golden stars,  Stay still. 97.

Nu e cal, dar are coamă Și-i puternic fără seamă, Îl ghicești ușor, cînd vrei, Că e scris pe banii mei! It’s not horse, but it has mane And it has great power, You guess it easily, if you want, As is written on my money.

Leul the lion

98. 24 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

Ce are 2 ochi şi 150 de dinţi? Un crocodil a crocodile

 What has got 2 eyes and 150 teeth? 99.

Iarna fuge,

Vara zace.

Sania the sledge

In winter it runs,

In summer it sleeps. 100.

Pe geam făureşte flori, Iar în obrăjori, bujori.

gerul frost

 On the window it makes flowers,  And on the face, roses.

101. 25 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

 Iarna-n frig,vara la soare

 Neschimbat e la culoare!..

BRADUL the firtree

 In winter and in sunny summer

 It has the same colour!


 O mie de fratiori,

O mie de dintisori Stau infipti cate si-o mie Într-un fund de farfurie.


 A thousand of brothers,  A thousand of teeths  Stay stuck  A plate


 Poti sa fugi de ea

Prea bine, Ca tot vine Dupa tine.

UMBRA the shadow

 You can run away of it  That it always follows you.


26 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

 Vestă mândră ţărănească


 Bărbăteasc-ori femeiască.

 Countryside beautiful vest

 For men or women.


 Ciupercă uscată


 Pe cap aşezată.  Dry mushroom  On the head 106.

 Ce trece pe dinaintea ochilor

TIMPUL the time

 Si nu-l poti vedea?...  What passes by and you cannot see it?


27 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

 In gradina lui Pandele  e un pom plin cu margele  la culoarte-s rosii toate  cu codite-n perechiate  ghici ce e?

    

CIRESUL the cherry tree

In Pandele’s garden Is a tree full of beads They are all red In couples What is it?


 Fara carbuni Ma-ncalzesc, Panza alba Netezesc.


 Without coals  I got hot  White coat

 I smooth


 Ce copac stufos si-nalt Infloreste-n luna mai Si da floare pentru ceai? Cine este l-ati aflat ?

TEIUL linden

 What kind of tall and big tree  Blossom in May  And is used for tea

 What is it?

110. 28 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...


Catre soare se avanta Dimineata-n zori si canta.

Towards the sun it rushes in the morning And sings.


Made by  Students:  Capraru Florinel

 Tudor Madalin Alexandru  Radoi Alina

 Coordinator  Prof. Dragut Violeta  Translated

 Prof. Ghitulescu Daniela

29 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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III. Crossword puzzle FROM TURKEY




3 1 5

7 9 8 10

1- The form of government in which all citizens are equal regardless of the social and economic situation in which political control is directly held by the public or by representatives freely chosen by the public at regular interval 2- Adult men anti-female 3- Economic, cultural, technical etc. taken to attract tourists to a country or region. Measures, all the work done. 4- Rich and wealthy. 30 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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5- The time that has not arrived yet, the unknown time in the future, will be experienced in the future 6- Act of alienating. 7- A country and its nation, its legal entity, legislative, executive, judicial, and so on. All of the authorities. 8- Dille, word of mouth, the most advanced living creature with two legs, two legs wandering on two legs, intelligent and thoughtful. 9- Adult man anti-female 10- The condition of being bound or constrained by any condition, or thinking or acting without regard to the constraint.

31 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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3 5

1 10

9 4 8 6 7

1- The agreement people make through words or signs to convey their feelings, thoughts, and the environment in which they communicate with others. 2- Day of national or religious importance, holy and nationally celebrated 3- To share any social opinion, to make decisions, to share opinions on the ideas discussed. The situation of not being able to agree on the same idea. 4- The agreement people make through words or signs to convey their feelings, thoughts, and the environment in which they communicate with others. 5- Usually try to beat each other by winning an award. 6-An organ which is located in the upper part of the skull and is covered with brains and consists of two half-round nerve masses, which controls the functions of the organism, the center of sensation and consciousness 7- Distinguishing between male and female, special creation 8- Time has lagged behind. 9- The condition of being bound or constrained by any condition, or thinking or acting without regard to the constraint. 10- nation 32 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

5 4 1 6 9 3

7 10

2 8

1- A thing that gives a fact, a fact, a testimony that gives a clear faith to the right of an argument. 2- A confusion, a difficult situation caused by impairment of an effective and continuous mental and physical fatigue 3- Because of the economic and political disagreements between the states, by interrupting political relations, by armed actions 4- Definite judgment given in the context of an enterprise or problem 5- Place and reputation of a person in a community 6- The state of state control in society due to weakness in political and administrative institutions, disorder of order in society, incompatibility with administration and law, situation caused by provocation and confusion 7- Undivided, complete, whole. 8- The principle that directs human behavior 9- The line separating the territories of neighboring states. 10- Stage, grade, rank. 33 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what...

2 1 4

3 7

5 6




1- Be together 2- Don’t fight 3- A cloth which is used as a symbol of a certain community or organization and which has a specially designed color and shape, mostly rectangular, and which is usually drawn to a sender, symbolizing the unity of a nation. 4- The attitude and behavior of the discriminator, the path the discriminator holds. 5- A separation or feature that separates similar things from one another, but not to be confused with another. 6- The whole of land, sea and air that is under the domination of a state 7- To help each other.

34 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

Guess what... 8- The surface part of the earth's crust, the natural state of the dust as it has come, the surface of the decayed organic matter and the living environment. 9- A community should be mutually connected with each other by the emotions, thoughts and interests of the individuals who form a society and support each other in all. 10- Only or primarily for self-interest

35 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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iii. Did you know that...... Cultural values of the nationalities from the project The Italian cultural-historical and ethno-folkloric heritage of great value

Coins The euro coin series comprises eight different denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent, €1 and €2. The euro coins have a common side and a national side. The national side indicates the issuing country. The common side shows images of the European Union or of Europe and symbolises the unity of the EU. The 5, 2 and 1 cent coins show Europe in relation to Africa and Asia on a globe. You can use any euro coin anywhere in the euro area.

Depicted on this coin is a portrait drawn by Raphaël of Dante Alighieri, housed in the Pope Julius II Wing of the Vatican City Palace.


36 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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This coin shows The Vitruvian Man the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, displayed in the gallery of the Academy in Venice, illustrating the ideal proportions of the human body.


The statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius on horseback is the main feature on this coin. 50 CENT

Portrayed on this coin is "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space” a bronze sculpture by Umberto Boccioni, leader of the Italian futurist school. It is seen as an expression of movement and fluidity. 20 CENT

37 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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This coin commemorates one of the greatest triumphs in Italian art. It shows one of the most famous works in the world, the "Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli. The painting is in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

This design features the Colosseum or Coliseum, also known as the Flavius amphitheatre, which Emperor Vespasian began building around 75 AD and Emperor Titus inaugurated in 80 AD in Rome.

This coin shows the Mole Antonelliana, the major landmark building in Turin, a tower designed in 1863 by Alessandro Antonelli. A mole in Italian is a building of monumental proportions.




38 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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This coin shows the Castel del Monte. It is a 13 th-century citadel and castle situated on a hill in Andria in the Apulia region of southeast Italy. It was built during the 1240 s by the Emperor Frederick II.


Tourist attractions Italy is very often called “the beautiful country ” due to having a great number of magnificent arts and monuments in its great cities like Florence, Venice and Rome. Not surprisingly, Italy has the highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the entire world. The Leaning Tower of Pisa or simply the Tower of Pisa is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa, known worldwide for its unintended tilt. The height of the tower is 55.86 metres from the ground on the low side and 56.67 metres.

The Royal Palace of Caserta is a former royal residence in Caserta, southern Italy, constructed for the Bourbon kings of Naples. It is one of the largest palaces erected in Europe during the 18th century. The palace has 5 floors, 1,200 rooms, including two dozen state apartments, a large library, and a theatre modelled after the Teatro San Carlo of Naples.

39 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Venice is a city of islands and the canals have long been, in many ways, the city's streets. Lining the canals are the old buildings which have remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of years, adding to the romantic charm. The Grand Canal is the most famous of these waterways and one of the most photographed sites in Venice.

Below the rumbling volcano of Mt Vesuvius stand the ruins of Pompeii, an ancient Roman city preserved in time by the eruption in A.D. 79. Excavations have revealed the remains of houses, markets, baths, temples, theaters, streets scarred by the tracks of chariots, and human remains. Visitors can tour the site, walk along the old streets, and see the engineering used by Romans over 2000 years ago.

40 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Vatican is home to some of the world's most priceless art and art collections. Beyond the obvious sites of St Peter's Basilica and St Peter's square, the Vatican is home to countless attractions. The famous Sistine Chapel displays wall and ceiling paintings by Michelangelo and many of other of Italy's most famous artists.

Regarded as one of the finest cathedrals in the world, the Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore, dominates the Florence skyline. The cathedral was built between the 13th and 15th centuries, with the most famous piece being the extraordinary dome, completed by Filippo Brunelleschi in 1434. The Belfry, standing 82 meters, can be climbed. A total of 414 steps lead up to a viewing platform with fantastic views of the city.

41 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Milan Cathedral Is the cathedral church of Milan- Italy. Dedicated to St Mary of the Nativity The Gothic cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete. It is the largest church in Italy and the fifth largest in the world.

Besides historical monuments and art centers, Italy boasts of beautiful natural landscapes.

Mount Etna Is an active volcano on the east coast of Sicily near the Metropolitan City of Catania. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe, currently 3,329 m, though this varies with summit eruptions.

The Aeolian Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily, named after the demigod of the winds Aeolus. The largest island is Lipari. The other islands include Vulcano, Salina, Stromboli, Filicudi, Alicudi, Panarea and Basiluzzo.

42 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Valley of the Temples Is an archaeological site in Agrigento, Sicily, southern Italy. It is one of the most outstanding examples of Greater Greece art and architecture, and is one of the main attractions of Sicily as well as a national monument of Italy. The area was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1997.

Courmayeur Is a town and comune in northern Italy, in the autonomous region of Aosta Valley. At an elevation of 1,224 m above sea level, it is located at the foot of Mont Blanc, at 4,810 m the highest point in the Alps and western Europe and is crossed by the Dora Baltea river.

Italy is equally famous for trendy fashion industry, delicious cuisine, diverse regional dialects and cultures, and luxury motorcycles and sports cars.

Ferrari is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello. The company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it is the most successful racing team, holding the most constructors championships. Ferrari road cars are generally seen as a symbol of speed, luxury and wealth.

43 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Vespa is an Italian brand of scooter manufactured by Piaggio. The name means wasp in Italian. The Vespa has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio - Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italy to a full line of scooters and one of seven companies today owned by Piaggio. Vespa scooters have been known for their painted, pressed steel unibody which combines a complete cowling for the engine, a flat floorboard, and a prominent front fairing into a structural unit.

Fiat Automobiles S.p.A. -Turin is the largest automobile manufacturer in Italy, a subsidiary of FCA Italy S.p.A., which is part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Fiat Automobiles traces its history back to 1899 when the first Fiat automobile was produced.

The moka pot, also known as a macchinetta del caffè, is a stove-top or electric coffee maker that produces coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. It was patented for the first time in Italy for Alfonso Bialetti in 1933. Bialetti Industry continues to produce the same model under the name “Moka Express”. 44 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Frecce Tricolori, literally "Tricolour Arrows", Gruppo Addestramento Acrobatico, is the aerobatic demonstration team of the Italian Aeronautica Militare, based in the northeastern Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The team flies the Aermacchi MB-339-A/PAN, a twoseat fighter-trainer craft capable of 898 km/h at sea level. The team's official name is: 313° Gruppo Addestramento Acrobatico, Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale (PAN) Frecce Tricolori.

The word Trinacria means triquetra and refers to the shape of the island of Sicily known by the Romans as Trinacrium, meaning “star with three points”. The Trinacria symbol is the head of Medusa, surrounded by three bent running legs, and three stalks of wheat. Due to the island's distinct triangular shape, the symbol has also been adopted by the Sicilian government and is located on the center of Sicily's flag.

Pinocchio is a fictional character and the Protagonist of the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) by Italian writer Carlo Collodi. Pinocchio is a cultural icon. Carved by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a village near Florence, he was created as a wooden puppet but dreamed of becoming a real boy.

45 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Mona Lisa or La Gioconda is a half-length portrait of Lisa Gherardini by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The painting is in oil on a white Lombardy poplar panel, it was acquired by King Francis I of France and is now the property of the French Republic, at the Louvre Museum in Paris since 1797.

The Riace bronzes The Riace Warriors, are two full-size Greek bronzes of naked bearded warriors, cast about 460–450 BC that were found in the sea near Riace in 1972. The bronzes are currently located at the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia in the southern Italian city of Reggio Calabria, Italy. The bronzes demonstrate the superb technical craftsmanship and exquisite artistic features that were achieved at this time.

46 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio His paintings, which combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, had a formative influence on Baroque painting.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti was a Florentine sculptor, painter, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. One of his best-known works is the Pietà; it is a subject in Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus, most often found in sculpture. It is located in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City.

Cannoli are Italian pastries of the Sicily region. The singular is cannolo meaning "little tube". Cannoli consist of tube-shaped shells of fried pastry dough, filled with a sweet, creamy filling usually containing ricotta. They range in size from "cannulicchi", no bigger than a finger, to the fist-sized proportions typically found south of Palermo, Sicily, in Piana degli Albanesi.

47 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The risotto alla Milanese, also known as saffron rice or yellow risotto is the most typical and well-known dish of Milan. It is a risotto whose main ingredient, in addition to those needed to prepare a white risotto, is the saffron, from which it derives its characteristic yellow color.

Tortellini, also known as cappelletti, are ringshaped pasta, sometimes also described as "navel shaped", hence their alternative name of "belly button" . They are typically stuffed with a mix of meat or cheese. Originally from the Italian region of Emilia, they are usually served in broth, either of beef, chicken, or both.

Parmigiano-Reggiano or Parmesan cheese, is a hard, granular cheese. It is named after the producing areas, which comprise the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Modena , and Mantua, Italy. It has been called the "King of Cheeses".

48 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Cassata or Cassata siciliana is a traditional sweet from all areas of Sicily, Italy, born in Palermo. Cassata consists of round sponge cake moistened with fruit juices or liqueur and layered with ricotta cheese and chocolate chips. It is covered with a shell of marzipan, pink and green pastel colored icing, and decorative designs.

Pizza is a yeasted flatbread popularly topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. The modern pizza was invented in Naples, Italy, and the dish and its variants have since become popular and common in many areas of the world.

Polenta is a dish of boiled cornmeal that was historically made from other grains. It may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled. The dish is associated with Central and Northern Italy.

49 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Arancini are stuffed rice balls which are coated with bread crumbs and then deep fried. They are usually filled with ragù, mozzarella, and peas.

Spaghetti al pomodoro is an Italian food typically prepared with pasta, olive oil, fresh tomatoes, basil, and various other fresh ingredients.

Panettone is a type of sweet bread loaf originally from Milan usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year in Western and Southern Europe. It has a cupola shape, which extends from a cylindrical base and is usually about 12– 15 cm high for a panettone weighing 1 kg.

50 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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THE ROMANIAN cultural-historical and ethnofolkloric heritage of great value

Romania has a cultural-historical and ethno-folkloric heritage of great value and tourist attractiveness. There are over 680 cultural heritage values of national and international interest, including: churches and monasteries, monuments and architectural and art assemblies, urban architectural ensembles, historical centers and archaeological sites, some of which have been established as values of the Universal Patrimony under the aegis of UNESCO (fortified churches, churches with exterior frescoes, Dacian fortresses, Sighisoara citadel, etc.).

Voroneţ Monastery is called "Sistine Chapel of the East". The painting is performed at a high artistic level, green and blue colors predominate. The place of worship was included on the List of Historical Monuments in 2015 is included in the UNESCO World Heritage.

Voroneţ Monastery

51 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Peles Castle was the summer residence of the kings of Romania and then it was declared a museum. It is located in Sinaia and it is a historic edifice of outstanding architectural beauty.

The production of the Romanian folk costume started from raw materials produced in the peasant households, proving the mastery of those who make it by the quality of the embroidery and the model. The popular port has the same structure throughout the country, but it differs from one region to another through details such as cut, shape and color.

Romanian folk costume

52 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The sculptural ensemble Constantin Brâncuşi from Târgu Jiu is a tribute to the heroes fallen during the First World War, designed and built by the most famous Romanian sculptor - Constantin Brâncuşi. The four sculptural components are Mass of Silence, Seat Alley, Kiss Gate and Endless Column.

The sculptural ensemble Constantin Brâncuşi – Tg. Jiu

Căluşarii represent the participants in the dance of Căluş, traditional Romanian dance, present in old times both in Moldavia, Oltenia and Transylvania.


53 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Danube is the second largest length of Europe's rivers. It springs from the Black Forest Mountains in the form of two rivers called Brigach and Breg that spring from the Kandel peak (1241m) and unite in the town of Donaueschingen (678m altitude) about 1 km east of Fürstenberg Castle. The German name of the river is Donau.

The Danube

A document issued by King Ludovic I of Hungary (1342-1382) on 17 November 1377 in Zvolen confirms to the Sasi of Braşov the right to raise, according to the promise, at their expense and with their craftsmen, a new fortress of stone at Bran. On this occasion, the King promises to the Brasov people that if Wallachia will get "in our hands" then the customs will be moved from Rucar to Bran.

Bran Castle

54 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Black Sea is the stretch of water from the geomorphological basin called Pontic, one of the basins of the Tethysian tectonic complex, itself a part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenesis, which includes the mountains that border it in the north (in the Crimea) to the northeast (Caucasus ) and south (pontic chains). It is located between Europe and Asia, having riparian states Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. The Cherch Strait is linked to the Sea of Azov, through the Bosphorus of the Marmara Sea, and across the Dardanelles to the Aegean Sea and thus to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Black Sea

Ia is a blouse, a part of the traditional Romanian costume, worn by women. It is made of white cotton cloth, in or borangic. It is adorned with embroidery in Romanian folk motifs, especially in sleeves, chest and neck. Some are also adorned with beads or sequins.

Ia Ia

55 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The traditional house in Oltenia. Built of wood and clay covered with shingle. Provides bunk for supplies, floor and exterior staircase

The traditional house in Oltenia

It is part of the border between Serbia and Romania. It is 134 km from the Danube, in the narrower sense the hydroelectric dam near the Romanian town of Orşova.

Hydroelectric dam Danube

Bordeiul, the oldest type of dwelling dating from the Neolithic, was spread throughout the Middle Ages in all Europe.Bordeiul is a semi-buried dwelling type, made of oak wood, with four rooms or three rooms

Bordeiul 56 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Palace of Culture in Iasi is an emblematic building, built between 1906 and 1925, within the former medieval Moldavian Court, on the site of the former Princely Palace. The 8 bells of the palace tower reproduce at every exact hour the "Union Hill", now reminding not only of the "Little Union" of 1859, but also of the "Great Union" of 1918 Shopping center - Palas Mall covers an area of 54,200 sqm. Here is a retail area where you can find representative offices of several companies. Park - is set on an area of 50,000 square meters, on the site of the former gardens of the Princely Court in Iasi. Office Buildings - United Business Center (28,000 sqm); • Underground parking - with a capacity of 2500 seats; • Building with dwellings; • Summer Theater.

The Palace of Culture - Iaşi

57 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Centru comercial - Palas Mall

The wooden church of Vălari, Hunedoara, "the last temple of Dacians" in archaic technique on pillars, unique in Romania, pre-dated 1733.

The wooden church of Vălari

The Constanta casino is a historic building in Constanta. It is one of the most representative symbols of the city, being built in 1909 and inaugurated in August 1910. It is on the cliff in Constanta.

The Constanta casino 58 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Parliament Palace in Bucharest (known before the Revolution as the House of the Republic or the House of the People) measures 270 m at 240 m, 86 m high, and 92 m underground. It has 9 levels on the surface and another 9 underground. According to the World Records Academy, the Parliament Palace is the second largest administrative building for civilian use as surface in the world, and the most expensive administrative building in the world and the toughest building in the world.

The Parliament Palace

The church was erected in 1724, during the reign of Nicolae Mavrocordat by the archimandrite Ioanichie Stratonikeas, from Epirus. In the yard of his inn, built in 1704, Ioanichie built the church and a monastery, economically supported by the inn's income.

Stavropoleos Church 59 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Stefan Luchian was named the plastic poet of flowers, he got painted in his armchair and his wrist strap, and his artistic experience could be compared to that of Van Gogh.His most famous painting is called Anemone.

Stefan Luchian was named the plastic poet of flowers

Donariul from Biertan is a Christian votive object dating back to the 4th century Constantinian period, discovered near Biertan in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania. At present, the votive object is part of the collections of the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu.

Donariul from Biertan 60 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The treasure of Pietroasele (also known as the Treasure of Pietroasa) is an archaeological treasure consisting of 22 pieces, discovered in 1837 in Pietroasele, Buzău. Two of the component parts disappeared during their detention in Russia. At present, the ten pieces returned in 1956 are exhibited at the National History Museum. From the original compound treasure from 22 pieces, only 12, with a total weight of almost 19 kg, could be recovered.

The treasure of Pietroasele

Located in the city center, Pitesti, in the City Hall Square, the fountain was inaugurated in 2008, impressing hundreds of admirers with the sound and colorful show.The well has the shape of a circular sector and it is equipped with 400 jets, through which the water is thrown at a height of maximum 8 m. The devices operate independently, ensuring a variable position of the ribbons, their movement in the plane of the water gloss, and a variable intensity of the water jet (its height), which leads to the realization of an infinite number of graphic combinations of the well.

Musical fountain

61 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Black Church is the church of the Lutheran Evangelical Community in Brasov, located in the center of Brasov. The Gothic building was affected by a fire in 1689, when its walls collapsed and received its current name.

The Black Church

Hunedoara Castle, also called the Corvinus or Hunyadi Castle, is the medieval fortress of Hunedoara, one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture in Romania.

Hunedoara Castle

It is in the "top 10 European fairytale destinations". Hunedoara Castle is the largest medieval construction with double functionality (civil and military) in Romania being in good condition.

62 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The Bridge of Lies is among the most famous of Sibiu's objectives. The pedestrian walkway metal bridge was built in 1859 to link the Lower Town to the Upper Town, or between the Little Market and Huet Square. It was the second European bridge made of cast iron and the first in the Romanian space.

The Bridge of Lies - Sibiu

THE POENARI CITY .Located at an altitude of over 800 m, the fortress is located on the cliffs to guard the borders. It has 1480 steps to get up. Under unknown circumstances (after some researchers, perhaps an earthquake), the fortress became ruined until 1456 when Vlad tepes climbed the throne and ordered its restoration.

Poenari citadel

63 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Curtea de Arges Monastery is an Orthodox monastery, located in the town of Curtea de Arges, built between 1515-1517 by Neagoe Basarab. The ensemble comprises the episcopal cathedral, one of the most famous architectural monuments in Wallachia. Here is known The legend of Mesterul Manole, who built his wife Ana for the church to be no longer running.

Curtea de Arges Monastery

ROMANIAN ATHENAEUM. The building, built in a combination of neoclassical style with eclectic style, was built between 1886 and 1888, following the plans of the French architect Albert Galleron. Some of the funds were raised by public subscription, Give a leu for the Ateneu. In 2005, he hosted the XVIIth edition of the George Enescu International Festival.

Romanian Athenaeum

The railway link between Feteşti and Cernavoda has a length of 21 km. And includes the bridges over the Borcea Arm and across the Danube. The start of the execution works took place on 26 November 1890 in the presence of King Carol I. The design and execution team was led by Anghel Saligny. The bridge over the Danube has a central opening of 190 meters and another four 140 64 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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meters opening, alongside a viaduct with 15 openings of 60 meters. The bridge is 30 m above the Danube's high water level to allow the ships to pass through with the largest masts. With the access ramps, the 4087.95 meters of bridges formed at that time the longest bridge complex built in Romania and the third largest in the world. The central opening of 190 m was the largest in mainland Europe.

The railway link between Feteşti and Cernavodă

Namaiesti Monastery or the Monastery dug in the rock. The church of the monastery is found in a cave, which also houses an icon of the Mother of God doing miracles. According to some historians, this place would have been a Christian catacomb during the Romans, after others a temple dedicated to the Zamolxes God. The church suffered great damage after the first World War bombings.

65 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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The first documentary mention about the Râşnov Peasant Fortress dates back to 1335 when, on the occasion of a new invasion of the Tatars in Barsa Country, the Râşnov Fortress is the fortified ensemble located on the limestone hill at the southern part of Rasnov County in Braşov county, one of the best preserved fortified ensembles From Transylvania.

Râşnov Peasant Fortress

The Mraconia Monastery is located in the village of Dubova in Mehedinţi County, 15 kilometers west of the town of Orşova. More specifically, it is on the left bank of the Danube, which forms the most beautiful gorge in its entirety, a gorge stretched between Orşova and Moldova Noua.

Mraconia Monastery

66 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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SUCEVIȚA MONASTERY. The monument is a common building of the families of Movileşti (great noblemen, scholars and even rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia, XVI-XVII century). The enclosure is a quadrilateral (100x104 m) of high walls (6 m) and thick (3 m ). Provided with counterforts, ramparts, guard road, four corner towers and one with a chapel over the entrance gang. There are still rooms of the old royal houses and cellars.

Suceviţa Monastery

The Dacian fortresses of the Orăştie Mountains entered UNESCO's patrimony in 1999. The six Sarmizegetusa Regia, Costeşti Cetăţuia, Costeşti Blidaru, Luncani-Piatra Roşie, Bănita and Căpâlna - were built by the Dacians and represented the fortified center of Dacia.

The Dacian fortresses of the Orăştie Mountains

67 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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HENRI COANDA A inventat primul avion cu propulsie reactivă de fapt un avion cu reacție, fără elice, numit convențional Coandă-1910, pe care l-a prezentat la al doilea Salon internațional aeronautic de la Paris 1910. He invented the first reactive propulsion aircraft actually a non-propelled jetpowered, conventionally named Coanda1910, which he presented at the second International Aviation Salon in Paris 1910.


68 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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THE BULGARIAN cultural-historical and ethnofolkloric heritage of great value

69 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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70 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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71 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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72 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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73 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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74 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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75 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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76 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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77 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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78 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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79 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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80 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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81 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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82 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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83 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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84 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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THE TURKISH cultural-historical and ethnofolkloric heritage of great value

Ebru, su üzerine tezyini kâğıt ile resim yapma sanatıdır. Ebru is the art of drawing painting with water on paper.

topraktan yapılan dayanıklı tencere. Durable pot made from mud.

vücut zeytinyağıyla yapılan bir tür serbest güreş. Body is a type of free wrestling made with olive oil

küçük küpler ya da dikdörtgenler biçiminde kesilen, bir tür şekerleme. A kind of candy, cut in the form of small cubes or rectangles.

85 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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İğneyle ile yapılan dantel.

Lace made with a needle.

Mızrapla çalınan, uzun saplı halk çalgısıdır. Long handled folk song played with plectrum.

86 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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kısık ateşte, şekerli ya da sade olarak, kahve fincanıyla içilen köpüklü kahve. Spicy coffee with a cup of coffee, sweetened or simply, with a coffee cup

hav iplikleri, çözgü ipliklerinin üzerine elle düğümlenmiş olan halı tipidir. Pile yarns are the type of carpet knotted manually on the warp threads 87 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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içyağı ve yöresel baharatlarla iyice terbiyelenmiş ve dövülmüş et Well-prepared and battered meat with domestic oil and local spices

Aspendos Antalya ili Serik ilçesinde bulunan Belkıs köyünde yer alan antik tiyatrosuyla meşhur bir antik kenttir Aspendos is an ancient city famous for its ancient theater located in the village of Belkis in the city of Serik in the province of Antalya

88 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

At ürerinde yapılan atletik spor Athletic sports made on horse

Batı Anadolu’ya özgü bir halk oyunu ve bu oyunun müziği. It is a folk game unique to Western Anatolia and the music of this game

Truva atı, Odysseus'un Truva surlarını aşmak ve şehre gizlice girmek için yaptırdığı tahtadan at maketidir The Trojan horse is a horse-drawn horse model that Odysseus has built to overcome the Trojan ramparts and enter the city secretly


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Mevlana Anadolu yaşamış bir önemli bir şahsiyettir. Mevlana is an important figure who lived in Anatolia.

efsanevi bir halk filozofudur, A legendary folk philosopher,

90 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

antepfıstığı, çeviz konularak yapılan dökülen bir hamur tatlısı Pistachios, spilled dough made by putting on

, gevrekçe pişirilmiş hamur işlerinin

genel adı. The generic name for pastry baked.

Askere giden gençlerin gitmeden önce yaptığı eğlence Fun for young people going to the army


konuklara sunulan şeker ya da çikolata. Candy or chocolate served to guests.

Vurularak çalınan bir musiki aletidir. It is a musical instrument stolen and shot.


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taklide ve karşılıklı konuşmaya dayanan gölge oyunu, Shadow game based on trickery and mutual talk,

The history of bird houses built for birds such as sparrows, chakra, swallow Serçe, saka, kırlangıç gibi kuşlar için inşa edilmiş kuş evlerinin geçmişi çok daha eskilere uzanıyor

93 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

bahçe içerisinde inşa edilmiş yapılara ise köşk denir. .The constructions built in the garden are called pavilions.

Güney Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi'nde, Adıyaman ili sınırları içindedir.Doğal oluşumlu tarihi yapı It is located in the South East Anatolia Region and the Adıyaman Province. Natural historical structure


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Atatürk’ün gömülü bulunduğu görkemli yapı, Atatürk’ün mezarı. The magnificent structure where Atatürk buried was the grave of Atatürk.

mehterlerden kurulu mızıka takımı. Militant team established from

Eski bir Türk geleneği olan diş buğayı bebeğin ilk dişi çıktığında yapılan törendir. An ancient Turkish tradition, toothpick is a ceremony made on the first tooth of a baby.

95 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Tuğra, hat sanatının bir kolu halinde yüzyıllar boyunca usta hattatlar eliyle yazılmıştır. Türkçe'de kelime olarak padişahın ismini ihtiva eden özel bir işaret, padişahın imzası gibi anlamlar ifade eder. Aslı Oğuz lehçesinde tuğrağ olup, hükümdarın basılmış imzası demektir. Tugra has been written by master calligraphers for centuries in the form of a line of calligraphy. In Turkish, a special sign containing the name of the sultan in words implies the signature of the sultan. It is the signature of the ruler, printed in the name of the original Oghuz.

İzmir Saat Kulesi, İzmir'de Osmanlı padişahı II. Abdülhamid'in tahta çıkışının 25. yıldönümünü kutlamak için 1901'de inşa edilmiş tarihi saat kulesi. İzmir Clock Tower, Ottoman sultan in İzmir II. The historical clock tower built in 1901 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Abdulhamid's ascension to the throne

96 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

halkın kültürel bir üretimi olan, kendine özgü devinimlerle ve genellikle müzik eşliğinde oynanan oyun, dans. A dance, a cultural production of the people, played with their own unique movements and generally accompanied by music.

Peribacası, vadi yamaçlarından inen sel sularının ve rüzgarın, tüflerden oluşan yapıyı aşındırmasıyla ortaya çıkan oluşumdur. Peribacaları konik gövdeli olup, tepe kısımlarında bir kaya bloku bulunmaktadır. Peribacasi is the formation of the flood waters descending from the slope of the valley and the eruption of wind and tuffs. Peribacalas have a conical body, and there is a rock wall at the top.

ok ve yay kullanarak, ok atarak yapılan spor. Using arrow and bow, arrow throwing sport.


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Çaldağı’nın güney eteklerinden gelen kalsiyum oksit içeren suların oluşturduğu görkemli beyaz travertenler ve geç Helenistik ve erken Hıristiyanlık dönemlerine ait kalıntılar içeren Hierapolis arkeolojik kenti, antik çağlardan bugüne kadar ulaşan en çarpıcı merkezlerden biridir The archaeological site of Hierapolis, which contains magnificent white travertines from the waters containing calcium oxide from the southern skirts of Çaldagi and remains from the late Hellenistic and early Christian periods, is one of the most striking centers of ancient times to date

Selimiye Camii Edirne'de bulunan, Osmanlı padişahı II. Selim'in Mimar Sinan'a yaptırdığı camidir. Sinan'ın 90 (bazı kitaplarda 80 olarak geçer) yaşında yaptığı ve "en iyi eserim" dediği Selimiye Camii gerek Mimar Sinan'ın gerek Osmanlı mimarisinin en önemli yapıtlarından biridir. Selimiye Mosque Located in Edirne, the Ottoman sultan II. Selim is the window built by Mimar Sinan. Selimiye Mosque, which Sinan has made at the age of 90 (passed in some books as 80) and is called "my best „European schools without promoting theworks European inter culturality“ work", is onestereotypes of the most important of Mimar 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 Sinan and № of Ottoman architecture PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION


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Çifte Minareli Medrese (Hatuniye Medresesi), Türkiye'de Erzurum İlinde bulunmaktadır. Selçuklular dönemine aittir. Bu tarihi eser günümüze kadar varlığını koruyabilmiş ve bulunduğu Erzurum ilinin sembolü haline gelmiştir. Çifte Minareli Madrasa (Hatuniye Madrasa) is located in Erzurum province in Turkey. It belongs to the Seljuk period. This historical work preserved its existence as much as the day-to-day life and became the symbol of Erzurum province.

Yunanistan'ın ikinci büyük kenti ve Yunanistan Makedonyasının yönetim merkezidir. Ayrıca Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün doğduğu şehirdi It is the second largest city in Greece and the administrative center of Greece Macedonia. Also Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was born in the city

99 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Aydın'ın Karacasu ilçesi yakınlarında bir antik kenttir. Tanrıça Afrodit adına kurulmuştur. Tunç çağından Bizans dönemine değin (M.Ö. 2800 M.S. 220) büyük bir yerleşim merkeziydi It is an ancient city near the Karacasu district of Aydın. The goddess was founded in the name of Aphrodite. It was a large settlement center from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine period (2800 BC - 220 BC)

eski evlerin kapılarında bulunan ve kapıyı çalmaya yarayan metal ya da ağaç tokmak. Metal or wooden knocker on the doors of old houses and used to knock the door.

100 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Fethiye - Kaş karayolunun 65. kilometresinde Kumluova Köyü yakınında bulunmaktadır . Kentte en eski yerleşim izleri MÖ 7. yüzyıla kadar gider. Kalıntılar ve ele geçen kitabeler buranın dinsel ve politik bir alan olduğunu göstermektedir. Ören yeri merkezinde yan yana üç tapınak bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan en kuzeydeki Leto, ortadaki Artemis, güneyindeki Apollon'a adanmıştır It is located at the 65th kilometer of Fethiye - Kas highway near Kumluova Village. The oldest settlement traces in the city go up to the 7th century BC. The remains and inscriptions reveal that this is a religious and political area. There are three temples side by side in the center of the ruins. Leto, the northernmost of these, is dedicated to Apollo in the south, Artemis in the South

Antik kent, 1988 yılından beri Dünya Miras Listesinde, 1996 yılından beri de Milli Park statüsündedir. Antik kent, Çanakkale merkez ilçesini bağlı Tevfikiye köyünün batısında, "Hisarlık Tepesi" nde bulunur The ancient city has been in the World Heritage List since 1988 and since 1996 it is in the status of National Park. The ancient city is located in the west of the village of Tevfikiye with the central district of Çanakkale, "Hisarlik Hill"

101 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Batı Anadolu efelerine verilen ad, efe. Batı Anadolu’ya özgü bir halk oyunu ve bu oyunun müziği. The name given to the western Anatolian heritage, efe. It is a folk game unique to Western Anatolia and the music of this game

Manisa'nın Salihli İlçesindedir. Lidya devletine başkentlik yapmış bir antik kenttir. XIX. yüzyıldan itibaren yapılan arkeolojik kazılarda Artemis Tapınağı, gymnasion, stadion Roma ve Bizans hamamları gibi önemli yapıları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Resimde gymnasiondan bir bölüm görülmektedir. It is in Salihli District of Manisa. It is an ancient city that has been the capital of the Lydian state. XIX. Important structures such as the Temple of Artemis, gymnasium, stadion Roman and Byzantine baths have been unearthed in the archaeological excavations since the 19th century. There is a section of gymnasion in the picture.

102 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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Osmanlı tarihinden günümüze kalan en özel ve nadide miraslardan biri olan çini sanatı, hala gündemini korumaktadır. Cami ve türbelerin duvarlarında karşılaştığımız bu sanat dalı, köşk ve sarayların dış ve iç cephelerini de süslemektedir. Seramik sanatı olarak da adlandırılmaktadır. The art of tile, one of the most special and rare heritage of Ottoman history, is still keeping its agenda. This art which we have encountered on the walls of the mosque and the castle also adorns the exterior and interior facades of the palace, palace and pavilion. It is also called ceramic art

Türkiye'nin en büyük doğal mağaralarından biridir. Denizden yüksekliği 430-450 metredir. Antalya'nın 30 km kuzeybatısında eski AntalyaBurdur karayoluna 5–6 km uzaklıkta bulunan Yağca mahallesi sınırları içinde bulunur. It is one of the biggest natural caves of Turkey. The height from the sea is 430-450 meters. It is located within the boundaries of Yağca neighborhood, which is 5-6 km from the old Antalya-Burdur highway, 30 km northwest of Antalya.

103 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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İzmir Selçuk'ta Efes Antik Kenti'nin en önemli kalıntılarından biridir. Roma döneminde 115-117 yılları arasında yapılmıştır. 260 yılında bir yangın geçirmiştir. İki katlı cephesinin görkemli mimarisiyle ün yapmıştır. Kitaplığın içindeki duvarlarda yazı rulolarının konduğu, üst üste üç sıra halinde nişler bulunmaktadır. İzmir is one of the most important remains of the ancient city of Ephesus in Selçuk. It was made in the Roman period between 115-117. In 260, he had a fire. The two-storey ceiling has a reputation for splendid architecture. Inside the walls of the library there are niches in three rows above the writing rollers.

Nevşehir'in Derinkuyu ilçesindedir. Hristiyanlığın yayılma döneminde savunma ve saklanma amacıyla yer altındaki yumuşak kayalar oyularak yapılmıştır. VI-X. yüzyıllar arasında yapıldığı tahmin edilmektedir. Dar geçitlerin sağında ve solunda oyulmuş odalardan, havalandırma bacalarından, şapel ve bir kuyudan oluşmaktadır. It is located in Derinkuyu district of Nevşehir. During the propagation period of Christianity, soft rocks were carved underground for defense and hiding. VI-X. It is estimated to have been made in centuries. It consists of chambers carved to the right and left of the narrow passages, ventilation chimneys, a chapel and a well.

104 „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION

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