ü The State has exclusive legislative competences on the general organisation of the education system (e.g. minimum standards of education, school staff, quality assurance, State financial resources).
Italian schools can be:
ü The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of University and Research are responsible for the general administration of education at national level. ü The Ministry of education has decentralised offices (Regional School Offices - USRs).
– public: State-funded
– private: funded through school fees, namely the sums of money paid by the students
The academic programs of both of these types of school follow the regulations from the MIUR (Ministry/Secretary of Education, University and Research)
Early childhood education and care
The attending of this school is non-compulsory, it includes:
– asilo nido (kindergarten): attended by 0-to-3 years old children
– scuola dell'Infanzia (preschool): to 6 years is available at preprimary schools (scuole dell'infanzia
Compulsory Primary School u At
6 years old children start their formal, compulsory education with the Scuola Primaria (Primary School). u it lasts 5 years (6- 10 Years).
u During
those years, boys and girls learn to write and read and they get the first notions of History, Geography, Mathematics, Italian, Grammar, Science, Music and P.E. and Computer Science while Religion classes are optional.
Education is compulsory from 6 to 16. The last two years of compulsory education can be attended either in an upper secondary school or within the regional vocational education and training system.
Lower Secondary School Low Secondary School / Middle School Lasts for 3 years Age of students: from 11 to 13 y. o. During this period, the students deepen the various subjects studied in Primary school, and at the end of it, they must take the esame di terza media (middle school exam) which includes: Italian written test written Maths test written languages (English and a second language) test ü oral Test which consists in the presentation of a work on a chosen topic covering all the subjects. ü ü ü
Upper Secondary School or High School
ü This step lasts for 5 years ü Students involved: 14 to 19 ü Compulsory untill 16 Years of age. ü 3 types of high schools.
Liceo: it offers a more theoretical education and more oriented to further education at the University and, depending on the subjects studied, they can be of different types: ü classico (grammar) (Latin, Greek and Italian) ü scientifico (scientific) (Mathematics, Physics and Science) ü linguistico (language) (English and foreign languages) ü artistico (artistic) (art), ü musicale (music).
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore “R. Piria” Rosarno
Technical High School: in this type of school in addition to common subjects, students can acquire practical-technical skills, suited to the entry into employment, in sectors like: ü economics ü tourism ü technology Professional/Trainming High Schools ü agricolture ü healthcare professions
ITF (Vocational education and training): in this type of school, students acquire practical and professional skills. The studies in these schools focus on jobs like: ü plumber ü electrician ü hairdresser and similar
At the end of high school student must take another exam, esame di maturità (graduation exam) which includes 2 written tests and 1 oral test, and if you pass it, you’ll receive a Certificate - passport to University.
Higher education Universities; High level arts, music and dance education institutes (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica - Afam); ü Higher schools for language mediators (Scuole superiori per mediatori linguistici - SSML); ü Higher technical institutes (Istituti tecnici superiosi - ITS). ü ü
University First cycle: also known as “laurea triennale” and, as its name suggest, it lasts 3 years. There’s a wide and diverse selection of Italian universities like: – scientific departments (Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, Chemistry…), – humanities faculty (Literatures, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Cultural Heritage…) – technical faculties (Architecture, Engineering, Economy…). Second cycle: also known as “laurea magistrale” or “specialistica” (second level degree) it usually lasts 2 years and ensures the students a higher level of expertise. However, there are some courses (Faculty of law, Faculty of Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture etc) that last 5 years (6 years as regards Med School) and take the name of “Corsi di Laurea a ciclo unico” (Single Cycle Degree Course).
– master: they’re usually short courses of study that offer the opportunity (to those who are interested) to deepen some specific aspects of the subjects studied during the first two cycles. – doctoral degrees: they’re theoretical courses, that are perfect for those who desire a career in the academic field or in the field of research.
Inclusion Education at all levels must be open to everyone: Italian citizens as well as foreigner minors from both EU and non-EU countries. Compulsory education is free. The principle of inclusion also applies: to pupils with disabilities to pupils with social and economic disadvantages to immigrant pupils. In such circumstances, measures focus on personalization and didactic flexibility and, in the case of immigrants with low levels of Italian, on linguistic support. The State also guarantees the right to education to pupils/students who are unable to attend school because hospitalised, detained or at home for a long illness.
Adult education
Adult education includes all activities aimed at the cultural enrichment, requalification and professional mobility of adults. Within the broader term ‘adult education’, the domain “school education for adults” refers to the educational activities aimed at the acquisition of a qualification as well as to literacy and Italian language courses. Adult education is provided by centres for school education for adults (Centri provinciali per l’istruzione degli adulti - CPIA) and by upper secondary schools. Home education during compulsory education is a possible options only upon certain conditions. Students attending a merely private school or a parental school must sit for specific exams to prove the acquisition of the expected competences.
Teachers in State schools have a contract, which can be either temporary or permanent. The national collective labour contracts regulate teachers’ conditions of service.
In a nutshell ct Do e at or
Nursery School
Master University
Infant School 3 years Primary School 5 years
Higher Education up 3 years High School 4/5 years
Middle School 3 years
Useful links https://www.miur.gov.it https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/content/teachersand-education-staff-38_en https://www.istitutopiriarosarno.edu.it/
Greetings from Italy
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore “R. Piria” Our wonderful Principal Mariarosaria Russo
The Project Manager Michele Oliva and the English teacher Eleonora Contartese