Left by parents in the country, the children of romanian emigrants dilemmatically think the way to s

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Left by parents in the country, the children of Romanian emigrants dilemmatically think the way to success

By teacher Dragut Violeta

Despite the daunting reports about the children left in the country by their parents abroad, the situation is more complex and part of them succeed. Many children learn from their parents that life is tough without having studies, basically going to work downstairs, sometimes to humiliating work. Parents abroad send money to children, some get money so easily they do not get tired of learning anymore, and after studying, they live on their parents' money. Children who are more soulful and aware of the burden of parents learn to give a helping hand in the future, so parents will stay home. I have spoken to many people who have gone abroad to work and many are nostalgic for having lost years of hard years, the years of youth that they had to spend with their family. Other people who left the country were married abroad, obviously also with people of the same nationality, talking about the fact that they did not finish a high school, so when they return home they have money, they have a house, they have a car but there is no good work. The most inspirational buyers buy more apartments and when they return to the country, they live out of this money, not to be neglected. Others work for a few months abroad, return to Romania, rent cars, houses, relax with the most pious people and then realize they are out of money. Then go again and history repeats itself ...

Many go away, then come back and say they do not go away, but the departure syndrome always returns, so that at retirement they are surely returning home, at home. I mention the case of a single woman named Marioara who has two children she grows alone, both children are in high school, well-maintained, educated, but all on the mother's sacrifice. He works at a large hypermarket, where he receives 1000 RON, has to pay the rent, the bills, the madquakes, the food, all amounting to over 1200 RON. More the person who rented the room borrowed him when he had to operate a 7,000-pound disc herniation, money to be returned. Marioara is exhausted, has to work, does not have to say she can not and must be strong in front of her children. She hoped to go to strawberries in Spain, but she was denied she was 47 years old. Her luck was that she did not leave the service in Romania.

He hopes to leave for at least a year, to pay off debts, send money to children, finish high school, and benefit from the comforts of other children of the same age. Impressive to tears, is to see the two high school children as they go along other homes to have a signal on the internet. The two kids learn well, maybe better than some students who have all the comfort, are motivated to help their mother. Dad has abandoned them, helped them with nothing, since they've been 15 years old ... my mother is crying in the evening always, and the day is the hottest woman, an hour around her is a month of happiness. But happiness has found no place in her soul. For Marioara I would have liked to be lucky enough to find work abroad, even though I know the statutes and I am concerned about Romania's future demographics. Another difficult situation is that people with higher education leave the country, studies made from the Romanian budget, and then they do not work at all because they go to work abroad. More painful is that even the most illustrious researchers, doctors, engineers ... people we need. The most eminent students of medicine are looking forward to going through their 3 years of residency and then going to the West where they are better paid, this category is definitely settled across the border. Subjectively speaking, it is not that difficult, but when we analyze Romania's demographic statistics we will realize that we will no longer benefit from pensions because we will be three retirees per employee. We lose population at the expense of other states, and not every kind of population here speaks of the young population that is the base of the country. We were wondering what to do? Should we leave? Then what does this country have? We have everything in Romania, geographic position, mountains, hills, plateaus, sea, plains, temperate climate, agricultural land ... It is just to work, we are lacking the labor force, the hands left in the West. .. We wait in silence and go to see what will be of us .. how will we be retired ... what will be of our country ..... Hope, because the hope dies last!

Bibliography https://www.google.ro/search? q=emigranti+romani&rlz=1C1GGRV_enRO748RO748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ve d=0ahUKEwjHma-g0_LWAhVrD5oKHaMaCSQQ_AUICigB&biw=13

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